package de.timroes.axmlrpc;
import de.timroes.axmlrpc.serializer.SerializerHandler;
import de.timroes.axmlrpc.xmlcreator.SimpleXMLCreator;
import de.timroes.axmlrpc.xmlcreator.XmlElement;
* A Call object represents a call of a remote methode.
* It contains the name of the method to be called and the parameters to use
* in this remote procedure call. To send it over the network the method getXML
* returns an xml representation according to the XML-RPC specification as a String.
* @author Tim Roes
public class Call {
private String method;
private Object[] params;
* Create a new method call with the given name and no parameters.
* @param method The method to be called.
public Call(String method) {
this(method, null);
* Create a new method call with the given name and parameters.
* @param method The method to be called.
* @param params An array of parameters for the method.
public Call(String method, Object[] params) {
this.method = method;
this.params = params;
* Return an xml representation of the method call as specified in
* If flags have been set in the XMLRPCClient
* the returning xml does not comply strict to the standard.
* @return The string of the xml representing this call.
* @throws XMLRPCException Will be thrown whenever the xml representation cannot
* be build without errors.
* @see XMLRPCClient
public String getXML() throws XMLRPCException {
SimpleXMLCreator creator = new SimpleXMLCreator();
XmlElement methodCall = new XmlElement(XMLRPCClient.METHOD_CALL);
XmlElement methodName = new XmlElement(XMLRPCClient.METHOD_NAME);
if(params != null && params.length > 0) {
XmlElement params = new XmlElement(XMLRPCClient.PARAMS);
for(Object o : this.params) {
return creator.toString();
* Generates the param xml tag for a specific parameter object.
* @param o The parameter object.
* @return The object serialized into an xml tag.
* @throws XMLRPCException Will be thrown if the serialization failed.
private XmlElement getXMLParam(Object o) throws XMLRPCException {
XmlElement param = new XmlElement(XMLRPCClient.PARAM);
XmlElement value = new XmlElement(XMLRPCClient.VALUE);
return param;