package com.trikke;
import com.eclipsesource.json.JsonObject;
import com.eclipsesource.json.JsonValue;
import com.trikke.exception.ParserException;
import com.trikke.util.Util;
import com.trikke.writer.CRUDBatchClientWriter;
import com.trikke.writer.CRUDClientWriter;
import com.trikke.writer.ContentProviderWriter;
import com.trikke.writer.DatabaseWriter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class SqliteGenerator
private static final String VERSION = "2.0";
private static final String DESCRIBE_PATH_FLAG = "--in=";
private static final String CONFIG_PATH_FLAG = "--config=";
private static final String JAVA_OUT_FLAG = "--out=";
private String describePath;
private String configFile;
private Model mModel;
public static void main( String[] args ) throws Exception
String describePath = null;
String configPath = null;
String javaOut = null;
int index = 0;
while ( index < args.length )
if ( args[index].startsWith( DESCRIBE_PATH_FLAG ) )
describePath = args[index].substring( DESCRIBE_PATH_FLAG.length() );
} else if ( args[index].startsWith( JAVA_OUT_FLAG ) )
javaOut = args[index].substring( JAVA_OUT_FLAG.length() );
} else if ( args[index].startsWith( CONFIG_PATH_FLAG ) )
configPath = args[index].substring( CONFIG_PATH_FLAG.length() );
if ( describePath == null )
System.err.println( "Must specify " + DESCRIBE_PATH_FLAG + " flag" );
System.exit( 1 );
if ( configPath == null )
System.err.println( "Must specify " + CONFIG_PATH_FLAG + " flag" );
System.exit( 1 );
if ( javaOut == null )
System.err.println( "Must specify " + JAVA_OUT_FLAG + " flag" );
System.exit( 1 );
SqliteGenerator wireCompiler = new SqliteGenerator( describePath, configPath );
wireCompiler.compile( javaOut );
public SqliteGenerator( String describePath, String configPath )
this.mModel = new Model();
this.describePath = describePath;
this.configFile = configPath;
public void compile( String javaOut ) throws Exception
System.out.println( "-------------------------------" );
System.out.println( " Android Sqlite Generator v" + VERSION );
System.out.println( "-------------------------------" );
if ( !mModel.getTables().isEmpty() )
DatabaseWriter dbwriter = new DatabaseWriter( javaOut, mModel );
ContentProviderWriter cpwriter = new ContentProviderWriter( javaOut, mModel );
CRUDClientWriter crudClientWriter = new CRUDClientWriter( javaOut, mModel );
CRUDBatchClientWriter crudBatchClientWriter = new CRUDBatchClientWriter( javaOut, mModel );
System.out.println( "Don't forget to add the following to your AndroidManifest.xml under the <application> tag." );
System.out.println( "<provider android:name=\"" + mModel.getClassPackage() + "." + mModel.getContentProviderName()+ "\" android:authorities=\"" + mModel.getContentAuthority() + "\">" );
private void parseConfig()
System.out.println( "Using config : " + new File( configFile ).getName() );
JsonObject config = Util.getJsonFromFile( configFile );
mModel.setClassPackage( config.get( "package" ).asString() );
mModel.setContentAuthority( config.get( "authority" ).asString() );
mModel.setDbName( config.get( "databaseName" ).asString() );
mModel.setDbVersion( config.get( "databaseVersion" ).asInt() );
mModel.setContentProviderName( config.get( "contentproviderName" ).asString() );
} catch ( IOException ex )
System.err.println( "Couldn't parse the config json file." );
System.exit( 1 );
} catch ( com.eclipsesource.json.ParseException pex )
System.err.println( "Couldn't parse the config json file. Make sure it is valid json." );
System.exit( 1 );
} catch ( NullPointerException npex )
System.err.println( "A required value in the config file is missing." );
System.exit( 1 );
}catch ( Exception ex )
System.err.println( "Couldn't parse the config json file." );
System.exit( 1 );
private void parse()
parseObjectsForFolder( new File( describePath ) );
public void parseObjectsForFolder( final File folder )
for ( final File fileEntry : folder.listFiles() )
if ( fileEntry.isDirectory() )
parseObjectsForFolder( fileEntry );
} else
if ( !fileEntry.getPath().equals( configFile ) )
parseObjectFromFile( fileEntry );
private void parseObjectFromFile( final File file )
int pos = file.getName().lastIndexOf( "." );
String name = pos > 0 ? file.getName().substring( 0, pos ) : file.getName();
if (!file.getName().endsWith( ".json" ))
System.out.println("Trying to parse " + file.getName());
JsonObject json = Util.getJsonFromFile( file.getPath() );
boolean containsFields = json.names().contains( "fields" );
boolean containsSelects = json.names().contains( "selects" );
if ( containsFields )
parseTableFromFile( json, name );
} else if ( containsSelects )
parseViewFromFile( json, name );
} else
System.err.println( "The object " + name + " contains no valid data. I can not guess if this is a table or a view." );
System.exit( 1 );
} catch ( ParserException pex )
System.err.println( "The object " + name + " is not the parsable structure i expect it to be. Reason : " + pex.getMessage() );
System.exit( 1 );
} catch ( UnsupportedOperationException uoex )
System.err.println( "The object " + name + " is not the parsable structure i expect it to be. Reason : " + uoex.getMessage() );
System.exit( 1 );
} catch ( Exception ex )
System.err.println( "The object " + name + " is not the parsable structure i expect it to be, please make sure it's valid json, and see formatting guidelines." );
System.exit( 1 );
private void parseTableFromFile( final JsonObject jsontable, final String name ) throws ParserException
System.out.println( "found table > " + name );
boolean containsFields = jsontable.names().contains( "fields" );
if ( !containsFields )
System.err.println( "This table contains no fields." );
System.exit( 1 );
} else
Table table = new Table(); = name.toLowerCase();
for ( JsonValue jsoninfo : jsontable.get( "fields" ).asArray() )
JsonObject info = (JsonObject) jsoninfo;
String type = info.get( "type" ).asString().toLowerCase();
if ( type.equals( "autoincrement" ) )
table.setPrimaryKey( type, info.get( "name" ).asString() );
ArrayList<Constraint> constraints = new ArrayList<Constraint>();
if ( info.names().contains( "constraints" ) )
for ( JsonValue jsonconstaint : info.get( "constraints" ).asArray() )
JsonObject constraint = (JsonObject) jsonconstaint;
String definition = constraint.get( "definition" ).asString();
if ( definition.toLowerCase().contains( "primary key" ) )
// skip if primary key already set
if ( table.hasPrimaryKey() )
final Field field = table.getFieldByName( constraint.get( "name" ).asString() );
if ( field != null )
table.setPrimaryKey( field );
constraints.add( new Constraint( constraint.names().contains( "name" ) ? constraint.get( "name" ).asString() : null, definition ) );
table.addField( type, info.get( "name" ).asString(), constraints );
} catch ( NullPointerException e )
throw new ParserException( "Couldn't parse the fields in this table." );
if ( jsontable.names().contains( "constraints" ) )
for ( JsonValue jsoninfo : jsontable.get( "constraints" ).asArray() )
JsonObject info = (JsonObject) jsoninfo;
String definition = info.get( "definition" ).asString();
if ( definition.toLowerCase().contains( "primary key" ) )
// skip if primary key already set
if ( table.hasPrimaryKey() )
final Field field = table.getFieldByName( info.get( "name" ).asString() );
if ( field != null )
table.setPrimaryKey( field );
table.addConstraint( info.names().contains( "name" ) ? info.get( "name" ).asString() : null, definition );
} catch ( NullPointerException e )
throw new ParserException( "Couldn't parse the constraints in this table." );
mModel.addTable( table );
private void parseViewFromFile( final JsonObject jsonview, final String name ) throws ParserException
System.out.println( "found view > " + name );
boolean containsFields = jsonview.names().contains( "selects" );
if ( !containsFields )
System.err.println( "This view contains no selects." );
System.exit( 1 );
} else
View view = new View(); = name.toLowerCase();
for ( JsonValue jsoninfo : jsonview.get( "selects" ).asArray() )
JsonObject info = (JsonObject) jsoninfo;
view.addSelect( (info.names().contains( "as" )) ? info.get( "as" ).asString() : null, info.get( "select" ).asString() );
} catch ( NullPointerException e )
throw new ParserException( "Couldn't parse the selects in this view." );
for ( JsonValue jsoninfo : jsonview.get( "from" ).asArray() )
view.addFromTable( jsoninfo.asString() );
} catch ( NullPointerException e )
throw new ParserException( "Couldn't parse the from tables in this view." );
for ( JsonValue jsoninfo : jsonview.get( "on" ).asArray() )
view.addJoinOn( jsoninfo.asString() );
} catch ( NullPointerException e )
throw new ParserException( "Couldn't parse the fields on which to join in this view." );
if ( jsonview.names().contains( "order" ) )
for ( JsonValue jsoninfo : jsonview.get( "order" ).asArray() )
JsonObject info = (JsonObject) jsoninfo;
view.addOrder( info.get( "by" ).asString(), (info.names().contains( "sort" )) ? info.get( "sort" ).asString() : "ASC" );
} catch ( NullPointerException e )
throw new ParserException( "Couldn't parse the ordering in this view." );
if ( jsonview.names().contains( "group" ) )
for ( JsonValue jsoninfo : jsonview.get( "group" ).asArray() )
view.addGroup( jsoninfo.asString() );
} catch ( NullPointerException e )
throw new ParserException( "Couldn't parse the grouping in this view." );
if ( jsonview.names().contains( "join" ) )
view.jointype = jsonview.get( "join" ).asString();
mModel.addView( view );