# Version 2, December 2004 #
# #
# Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar <sam@hocevar.net> #
# #
# Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified #
# copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long #
# as the name is changed. #
# #
# #
# #
* The Computer Programmer's Lament:
* Program complexity grows until it exceeds the capability of the programmer who must maintain it.
package morlok8k.MinecraftLandGenerator;
import java.awt.EventQueue;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URI;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import morlok8k.MinecraftLandGenerator.GUI.MLG_GUI;
* @author Corrodias, Morlok8k, pr0f1x
public class Main {
// REMINDER: Because I always forget/mix up languages: //
// "static" in java means "global" to this class //
// "final" means "constant" //
// public/private shows/hides between classes //
* @param args
* the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
var.startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
var.originalArgs = args; // we may potentially remove some args later, but we keep a record of the original for the log file.
// This is really just here for debugging...
// I plan on adding more asserts later, but for now, this will do.
// to enable this, run:
// java -enableassertions -jar MinecraftLandGenerator.jar
assert var.assertsEnabled = true; // Intentional side-effect!!! (This may cause a Warning, which is safe to ignore: "Possible accidental assignment in place of a comparison. A condition expression should not be reduced to an assignment")
if (var.assertsEnabled) {
Out.outD("assertsEnabled: " + var.assertsEnabled);
var.verbose = true;
Out.outD("Verbose mode forced!");
var.testing = true;
Out.outD("Debug mode forced!");
var.dontWait = true;
Out.outD("-nowait mode forced!");
boolean GUI = false; // GUI needs to be true to run in graphical mode
boolean NOGUI = false; // NOGUI is a flag that finds reasons to not use a graphical mode.
if (args.length != 0) { // if args are present, then we assume we want NOGUI
NOGUI = true; // if no args are present, we will attempt GUI
String[] argsNOGUI = new String[args.length];
argsNOGUI = args;
argsNOGUI = StringArrayParse.Parse(argsNOGUI, "nogui"); //parse out "nogui"
if (!(args.equals(argsNOGUI))) { //do the freshly parsed args match the original?
args = argsNOGUI; //use the freshly parsed args for everything else now...
NOGUI = true;
//MLG_GUI Choosing code...
if ((!NOGUI) && (!java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless())) {
GUI = true;
if (var.testing) {
Out.outD("MLG_GUI: This is a graphical enviroment.");
GUI = false; // forcing GUI to be false for now, because I don't have the MLG_GUI code ready yet!
} else {
GUI = false; // No GUI for us today...
if (var.testing) {
Out.outD("MLG_GUI: Command Line Only!");
if (GUI) { //GUI
// Launch MLG_GUI
EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
final MLG_GUI window = new MLG_GUI();
} catch (final Exception e) {
} else { //No GUI
// Finally, Lets Start MLG!
var.UsingGUI = false;
var.args = args;
* Start MinecraftLandGenerator (Command Line Interface)
* @author Corrodias, Morlok8k
* @param args
private static void runCLI() {
// Basic Program Initialization
boolean quit = false;
quit = Startup.programArguments();
if (quit) { return; }
quit = Startup.confFile();
if (quit) { return; }
final File backupLevel =
new File(var.worldPath + var.fileSeparator + "level_backup.dat");
if (backupLevel.exists()) {
//err("There is a level_backup.dat file left over from a previous attempt that failed. You should go determine whether to keep the current level.dat"
// + " or restore the backup.");
//err("You most likely will want to restore the backup!");
Out.err("There is a level_backup.dat file left over from a previous attempt that failed.");
//use resume data
final File serverLevel = new File(var.worldPath + var.fileSeparator + "level.dat");
try {
Misc.copyFile(backupLevel, serverLevel);
} catch (final IOException e) {
FileRead.readArrayListCoordLog(var.worldPath + var.fileSeparator + var.logFile); // we read the .log just for any resume data, if any.
System.gc(); //run the garbage collector - hopefully free up some memory!
var.xRange = var.resumeX;
var.zRange = var.resumeZ;
// =====================================================================
// =====================================================================
Out.out("Processing world \"" + var.worldPath + "\", in " + var.increment
+ " block increments, with: " + var.javaLine);
// out( MLG + "Processing \"" + worldName + "\"...");
// prepare our two ProcessBuilders
// minecraft = new ProcessBuilder(javaLine, "-Xms1024m", "-Xmx1024m", "-jar", jarFile, "nogui");
var.minecraft = new ProcessBuilder(var.javaLine.split("\\s")); // is this always going to work? i don't know. (most likely yes)
var.minecraft.directory(new File(var.serverPath));
try {
Out.out("Launching server once to make sure there is a world.");
final long generationStartTimeTracking = System.currentTimeMillis(); //Start of time remaining calculations.
final boolean serverLaunch = Server.runMinecraft();
if (!(serverLaunch)) {
System.exit(1); // we got a warning or severe error
if ((var.xRange == 0) & (var.zRange == 0)) { //If the server is launched with an X and a Z of zero, then we just shutdown MLG after the initial launch.
FileWrite.AppendTxtFile(var.worldPath + var.fileSeparator + var.logFile,
"# " + var.PROG_NAME + " " + var.VERSION + " - " + SelfAware.JVMinfo()
+ var.newLine + "# " + var.MC_Server_Version + var.newLine
+ "# Started: " + var.dateFormat.format(generationStartTimeTracking)
+ var.newLine + "##Size: X" + var.xRange + "Z" + var.zRange
+ var.newLine);
final File serverLevel = new File(var.worldPath + var.fileSeparator + "level.dat");
final File backupLevel =
new File(var.worldPath + var.fileSeparator + "level_backup.dat");
Out.out("Backing up level.dat to level_backup.dat.");
Misc.copyFile(serverLevel, backupLevel);
final Coordinates spawn = SpawnPoint.getSpawn(serverLevel);
Out.out("Spawn point detected: [X,Y,Z] " + spawn);
FileWrite.AppendTxtFile(var.worldPath + var.fileSeparator + var.logFile, "# Seed: "
+ var.randomSeed + var.newLine + "# Spawn: " + spawn.toString() + var.newLine);
boolean overridden = false;
if (var.xOffset == null) {
var.xOffset = spawn.getX();
} else {
overridden = true;
if (var.zOffset == null) {
var.zOffset = spawn.getZ();
} else {
overridden = true;
if (var.useChunks) { // use Chunks or Regions
var.xRange = (int) (Math.ceil(((double) var.xRange) / ((double) 16))) * 16; //say xRange was entered as 1000. this changes it to be 1008, a multiple of 16. (the size of a chunk)
var.zRange = (int) (Math.ceil(((double) var.zRange) / ((double) 16))) * 16; //say zRange was entered as 2000. there is no change, as it already is a multiple of 16.
var.xOffset = (int) (Math.ceil(((double) var.xOffset) / ((double) 16))) * 16;
var.zOffset = (int) (Math.ceil(((double) var.zOffset) / ((double) 16))) * 16;
} else {
var.xRange = (int) (Math.ceil(((double) var.xRange) / ((double) 512))) * 512; //say xRange was entered as 1000. this changes it to be 1024, a multiple of 512. (the size of a region)
var.zRange = (int) (Math.ceil(((double) var.zRange) / ((double) 512))) * 512; //say zRange was entered as 2048. there is no change, as it already is a multiple of 512.
var.xOffset = (int) (Math.ceil(((double) var.xOffset) / ((double) 512))) * 512;
var.zOffset = (int) (Math.ceil(((double) var.zOffset) / ((double) 512))) * 512;
if (overridden) {
Out.out("Centering land generation on [" + var.xOffset + ", " + var.zOffset
+ "] due to switches.");
double xLoops, zLoops;
int curXloops = 0;
int curZloops = 0;
int xRangeAdj = 0;
int zRangeAdj = 0;
// have main loop make an arraylist of spawnpoints
// read from a file if MLG has run before on this world. save to arraylist
// remove existing points from new list.
// run mlg on remaining list of spawn points.
// X
xLoops = ((double) var.xRange / (double) var.increment); //How many loops do we need?
xLoops = Math.ceil(xLoops); //round up to find out!
xRangeAdj = (int) (xLoops * var.increment);
xLoops = xLoops + 1;
// Z
zLoops = ((double) var.zRange / (double) var.increment); //How many loops do we need?
zLoops = Math.ceil(zLoops); //round up to find out!
zRangeAdj = (int) (zLoops * var.increment);
zLoops = zLoops + 1;
Out.out("Calculating Spawn Points...");
// Perfect Squares Code:
int totalIterations = (int) (xLoops * zLoops);
int currentIteration = 0;
long differenceTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
Long timeTracking = 0L;
final ArrayList<Coordinates> launchList = new ArrayList<Coordinates>(totalIterations);
for (int currentX = 0; currentX <= (xRangeAdj / 2); currentX += var.increment) {
boolean eastEdgeReached = false;
if (curXloops == 1) {
currentX = (((0 - var.xRange) / 2) + (var.incrementFull / 2)); // West Edge of map
} else if (currentX >= ((xRangeAdj / 2) - (var.increment / 2))) {
currentX = ((var.xRange / 2) - (var.incrementFull / 2)); // East Edge of map
eastEdgeReached = true;
for (int currentZ = 0; currentZ <= (zRangeAdj / 2); currentZ += var.increment) {
boolean southEdgeReached = false;
if (curZloops == 1) {
currentZ = (((0 - var.zRange) / 2) + (var.incrementFull / 2)); // North Edge of map
} else if (currentZ >= ((zRangeAdj / 2) - (var.increment / 2))) {
currentZ = ((var.zRange / 2) - (var.incrementFull / 2)); // South Edge of map
southEdgeReached = true;
// add Coordinates to arraylist here
final Coordinates tempCoords =
new Coordinates(currentX + var.xOffset, 64, currentZ + var.zOffset);
if (var.testing) {
if (curZloops == 1) { // We are at the North edge. We have special code for the North edge, so we need to change currentZ to be normal again.
currentZ =
(int) ((Math.ceil((((0 - zRangeAdj) / 2) / var.increment))) * var.increment);
if (southEdgeReached) {
currentZ = zRangeAdj; // We reached the South edge, so we make sure that we exit the "for loop", bypassing the "1152 bug"
curZloops = 0;
if (curXloops == 1) { // We are at the West edge. We have special code for the West edge, so we need to change currentX to be normal again.
currentX =
(int) ((Math.ceil((((0 - xRangeAdj) / 2) / var.increment))) * var.increment);
if (eastEdgeReached) {
currentX = xRangeAdj; // We reached the East edge, so we make sure that we exit the "for loop", bypassing the "1152 bug"
//get existing list, and remove this list from launchList
final ArrayList<Coordinates> removeList =
FileRead.readArrayListCoordLog(var.worldPath + var.fileSeparator + var.logFile);
if (!(removeList.isEmpty())) {
Arraylist.arrayListRemove(launchList, removeList);
removeList.clear(); // we are done with this now.
System.gc(); //run the garbage collector - hopefully free up some memory!
currentIteration = 0;
totalIterations = launchList.size();
Coordinates xyz = null;
final Iterator<Coordinates> coordArrayIterator = launchList.iterator();
while (coordArrayIterator.hasNext()) {
xyz = coordArrayIterator.next();
//////// Start server launch code
String percentDone =
Double.toString((((double) currentIteration - 1) / totalIterations) * 100);
final int percentIndex =
((percentDone.indexOf(".") + 3) > percentDone.length()) ? percentDone
.length() : (percentDone.indexOf(".") + 3); //fix index on numbers like 12.3
percentDone =
(percentDone.indexOf(".") == -1 ? percentDone.length()
: percentIndex)); //Trim output, unless whole number
Out.out("Setting spawn to [X,Y,Z]: " + xyz + " (" + currentIteration + " of "
+ totalIterations + ") " + percentDone + "% Done"); // Time Remaining estimate
timeTracking = System.currentTimeMillis();
differenceTime =
(timeTracking - generationStartTimeTracking) / (currentIteration + 1); // Updated. we now count all runs, instead of the last 4.
differenceTime *= 1 + (totalIterations - currentIteration); // this should provide a more accurate result.
Out.out("Estimated time remaining: " + Time.displayTime(differenceTime)); // I've noticed it gets pretty accurate after about 8 launches!
// Set the spawn point
SpawnPoint.setSpawn(serverLevel, xyz);
// Launch the server
boolean serverSuccess = false;
serverSuccess = Server.runMinecraft();
//////// End server launch code
if (serverSuccess) {
// Write the current Coordinates to log file!
FileWrite.AppendTxtFile(var.worldPath + var.fileSeparator + var.logFile,
xyz.toString() + var.newLine);
} else {
System.exit(1); // we got a warning or severe error
if (currentIteration == 0) {
Out.out("Nothing to generate!");
} else {
Out.out("Finished generating chunks.");
Misc.copyFile(backupLevel, serverLevel);
Out.out("Restored original level.dat.");
Out.out("Generation complete in: "
+ Time.displayTime(var.startTime, System.currentTimeMillis()));
//TODO: add if's
if (var.webLaunch) { //if webLaunch is already false, don't check for these things
if (java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) {
var.webLaunch = false; //headless enviroment - cant bring up webpage!
final File web1 = new File("web");
final File web2 = new File("web.txt"); //user has put in the magical file to not launch the webpage
final File web3 = new File("web.txt.txt");
if (web2.exists() || (web1.exists() || web3.exists())) { //check for "web.txt", if not found, check for "web", and if still not found, check for "web.txt.txt"
var.webLaunch = false;
if (var.webLaunch && java.awt.Desktop.isDesktopSupported()) {
final URI splashPage = URI.create("http://adf.ly/520855/splashbanner");
try {
} catch (final IOException e) {
Out.err("Error displaying webpage... " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
} else {
Out.out("Please Visit: http://adf.ly/520855/mlg");
Out.out("Or: " + var.WEBSITE);
} catch (final IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(Main.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex);