package loop.runtime;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* @author (Dhanji R. Prasanna)
public class Collections {
public static Object obtain(Object collection, Integer from, Integer to) {
if (collection instanceof List) {
List list = (List) collection;
return list.subList(from, to + 1);
} else if (collection instanceof String) {
String string = (String) collection;
return string.substring(from, to + 1);
} else if (collection instanceof Object[]) {
Object[] array = (Object[]) collection;
return Arrays.copyOfRange(array, from, to + 1);
throw new RuntimeException("Collection type: "
+ (collection != null ? collection.getClass() : "null")
+ " not supported");
public static Object obtain(Object collection, Object exactly) {
if (collection instanceof List) {
List list = (List) collection;
return list.get((Integer) exactly);
} else if (collection instanceof String) {
String string = (String) collection;
if (exactly instanceof Integer)
return Character.toString(string.charAt((Integer) exactly));
else if (exactly instanceof String)
return string.indexOf(exactly.toString());
} else if (collection instanceof Map) {
Map map = (Map) collection;
return map.get(exactly);
} else if (collection instanceof Object[]) {
Object[] array = (Object[]) collection;
return array[(Integer) exactly];
throw new RuntimeException("Collection type: "
+ (collection != null ? collection.getClass() : "null")
+ " not supported");
public static Object store(Object collection, Object property, Object value) throws Throwable {
if (collection instanceof List) {
List list = (List) collection;
list.set((Integer) property, value);
} else if (collection instanceof Map) {
Map map = (Map) collection;
map.put(property, value);
} else if (collection instanceof Object[]) {
@SuppressWarnings("MismatchedReadAndWriteOfArray") // Incorrect inspection.
Object[] array = (Object[]) collection;
//noinspection RedundantCast
array[(Integer) property] = value;
} else {
// Set value.
String prop = property.toString();, "set" + Character.toUpperCase(prop.charAt(0)) + prop.substring(1),
return collection;
public static Object sliceFrom(Object collection, Object fromObj) {
int from = (Integer)fromObj;
if (collection instanceof List) {
List list = (List) collection;
return list.subList(from, list.size());
} else if (collection instanceof String) {
String string = (String) collection;
return string.substring(from, string.length());
} else if (collection instanceof Object[]) {
Object[] array = (Object[]) collection;
return Arrays.copyOfRange(array, from, array.length);
throw new RuntimeException("Collection type: "
+ (collection != null ? collection.getClass() : "null")
+ " not supported");
public static Object sliceTo(Object collection, Object toObj) {
int to = (Integer)toObj;
if (collection instanceof List) {
List list = (List) collection;
return list.subList(0, to + 1);
} else if (collection instanceof String) {
String string = (String) collection;
return string.substring(0, to + 1);
} else if (collection instanceof Object[]) {
Object[] array = (Object[]) collection;
return Arrays.copyOfRange(array, 0, to + 1);
throw new RuntimeException("Collection type: "
+ (collection != null ? collection.getClass() : "null")
+ " not supported");