package loop.ast.script;
import loop.LexprParser;
import loop.ast.Assignment;
import loop.ast.Node;
import loop.ast.PatternRule;
import loop.ast.TypeLiteral;
import loop.ast.Variable;
import loop.ast.WildcardPattern;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* A declaration of a function. May be free or a member of a class.
public class FunctionDecl extends Node {
public static FunctionDecl STATIC_INITIALIZER = new FunctionDecl("<clinit>", null);
public String moduleName;
private String name;
private final ArgDeclList arguments;
public boolean patternMatching;
public final boolean isPrivate;
public String cell;
public String exceptionHandler;
private final List<Node> whereBlock = new ArrayList<Node>();
// Memo fields.
public transient List<Variable> freeVariables;
private String scopedName;
public FunctionDecl(String name, ArgDeclList arguments) { = name;
this.isPrivate = name == null || name.startsWith("@");
this.arguments = arguments == null ? new ArgDeclList() : arguments;
* If this is an exception handler, returns a list of exception types
* that are handled. Corresponds 1:1 with pattern rules in the exception
* handler declaration.
public List<String> handledExceptions() {
List<String> exceptions = new ArrayList<String>(children.size());
for (Node child : children) {
assert child instanceof PatternRule;
Node pattern = ((PatternRule) child).patterns.get(0);
if (pattern instanceof TypeLiteral)
exceptions.add(((TypeLiteral) pattern).name);
else if (pattern instanceof WildcardPattern)
return exceptions;
public boolean isAnonymous() {
return null == name;
public String name() {
return name;
public ArgDeclList arguments() {
return arguments;
public void name(String name) { = name;
public String scopedName() {
return scopedName == null ? name : scopedName;
public void scopedName(String newName) {
this.scopedName = newName;
public List<Node> whereBlock() {
return whereBlock;
// Declared functions into the where block.
public void declareLocally(FunctionDecl func) {
public void setModule(String name) {
this.moduleName = name;
// Cascade to nested funcs.
for (Node node : whereBlock) {
if (node instanceof FunctionDecl)
((FunctionDecl) node).setModule(name);
public void declareLocally(Node assignment) {
assert assignment instanceof Assignment;
public String toSymbol() {
return (name == null ? "<anonymous>" : name) + ": " + LexprParser.stringify(arguments)
+ (exceptionHandler == null ? "" : " except " + exceptionHandler)
+ " ->";