package loop;
import loop.ast.ClassDecl;
import loop.ast.Node;
import loop.ast.script.FunctionDecl;
import loop.ast.script.RequireDecl;
import loop.ast.script.Unit;
import loop.lisp.SexprParser;
import loop.runtime.Scope;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Reprents an executable loop program (or script). An executable is produced
* from loop source code by pushing it through the following phases that represent
* "compilation".
* The output of each phase is used as input to the next phase.
* <ol>
* <li>Tokenizer (Tokenizing) - converts the text of the program to well-understood tokens (sometimes called lexing)</li>
* <li>Tokenizer (Normalizing) - inserts additional tokens as appropriate to convert context-sensitive
* grammatical constructs to relatively regular constructs</li>
* <li>Parser - processes the stream of tokens to create productions in the form of an AST</li>
* <li>Reducer - strips the AST of redundant or crufty nodes to make a compact AST</li>
* <li>Verifier - Analyzes the compact AST for scope, symbol and import errors and reports them</li>
* <li>AsmCodeEmitter - Translates the compact AST into JVM bytecode (loadable Classes)</li>
* <li>LoopClassLoader - Loads the raw bytecode into a special classloader during execution</li>
* </ol>
* @author (Dhanji R. Prasanna)
public class Executable {
private static final Pattern INDENT_REGEX = Pattern.compile("^(\\s+)");
private static final int MAX_BACKTRACK_LINES = 5;
private volatile String source; // Raw source code, discarded after compile.
private final List<String> lines; // Loop source code lines (for error tracing).
private Scope scope;
private List<AnnotatedError> staticErrors;
private Class<?> compiled;
private boolean runMain;
private final String file;
private final boolean isLisp;
public Executable(Reader source) {
this(source, null, false);
public Executable(Reader source, String file) {
this(source, file, false);
public Executable(Reader source, String file, boolean isLisp) {
this.file = file;
this.isLisp = isLisp;
List<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>();
StringBuilder builder;
try {
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(source);
builder = new StringBuilder();
while (br.ready()) {
String line = br.readLine();
if (line == null)
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
this.source = builder.toString();
this.lines = lines;
private Unit parse(String input) {
Parser parser = isLisp
? new SexprParser(new Tokenizer(input).tokenize())
: new LexprParser(new Tokenizer(input).tokenize());
Unit unit = null;
try {
unit = parser.script(file);
this.scope = unit;
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
// Ignored.
System.out.println("Parse errors exist.");
if (!(e instanceof LoopCompileException))
if (!parser.getErrors().isEmpty())
this.staticErrors = parser.getErrors();
return unit;
public boolean verify(Unit unit) {
return null == (this.staticErrors = new Verifier(unit).verify());
public String printStaticErrorsIfNecessary() {
if (staticErrors != null)
return printErrors(getStaticErrors());
return "";
public void printErrorsTo(PrintStream out, List<AnnotatedError> errors) {
for (int i = 0, errorsSize = errors.size(); i < errorsSize; i++) {
AnnotatedError error = errors.get(i);
out.println((i + 1) + ") " + error.getMessage());
// Unwrap to previous line if column is 0, or line is empty.
int errorLineNumber = error.line(), column = error.column();
if (errorLineNumber >= lines.size())
errorLineNumber = lines.size() - 1;
if (error.column() == 0 || lines.get(errorLineNumber).trim().isEmpty()) {
errorLineNumber = Math.max(0, errorLineNumber - 1);
column = lines.get(errorLineNumber).length();
String thisLine = lines.get(errorLineNumber);
// Detect the nearest indent-drop above the error, but only if there is an indent.
int indent, startLine = errorLineNumber;
Matcher matcher = INDENT_REGEX.matcher(thisLine);
if (matcher.find()) {
indent =;
// Find an indent-drop before this line.
ListIterator<String> lineIterator = lines.listIterator(errorLineNumber);
int backtrackCount = 0;
while (backtrackCount <= MAX_BACKTRACK_LINES && lineIterator.hasPrevious()) {
String previous = lineIterator.previous();
Matcher previousMatcher = INDENT_REGEX.matcher(previous);
if (!previousMatcher.find() || < indent) {
startLine = Math.max(0, errorLineNumber - backtrackCount - 1);
// If we weren't able to find an indent drop within MAX_BACKTRACK_LINES,
// just show MAX_BACKTRACK_LINES of context.
if (startLine == errorLineNumber) {
startLine -= backtrackCount;
} // otherwise this is an unindented line anyway.
// Print from startLine to error line.
for (int lineNumber = startLine; lineNumber <= errorLineNumber; lineNumber++) {
String line = lines.get(lineNumber);
int lineNumberLabel = lineNumber + 1;
// if there is a change in line number label width, we need to change the indent
// so that everything lines up properly.
int leader = 2;
if (Math.floor(Math.log10(lineNumberLabel)) > Math.floor(Math.log10(lineNumber)))
out.println(whitespace(leader) + lineNumberLabel + ": " + line);
// Caret line (^)
int spaces = column + Integer.toString(errorLineNumber).length() + 1;
out.println(" " + whitespace(spaces) + "^\n");
public String printErrors(List<AnnotatedError> errors) {
ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
printErrorsTo(new PrintStream(buffer), errors);
String errorText = buffer.toString();
return errorText;
public String file() {
return file;
public boolean runMain() {
return runMain;
public boolean hasErrors() {
return staticErrors != null;
private void requireJavaImports(Set<RequireDecl> imports) {
for (RequireDecl requireDecl : imports) {
if (requireDecl.javaLiteral != null)
try {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
if (staticErrors == null)
staticErrors = new ArrayList<AnnotatedError>();
staticErrors.add(new StaticError("Unable to find Java type for import: "
+ requireDecl.javaLiteral, requireDecl.sourceLine, requireDecl.sourceColumn));
public Object main(String[] commandLine) {
FunctionDecl main = scope.resolveFunction("main", false);
if (main != null) {
int args = main.arguments().children().size();
if(commandLine == null)
commandLine = new String[] {};
try {
if (args == 0)
return compiled.getDeclaredMethod("main").invoke(null);
return compiled.getDeclaredMethod("main", Object.class).invoke(null, Arrays.asList(commandLine));
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
System.out.println("Incorrect main method declaration in: " + file);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
// Unwrap Java stack trace using our special wrapper exception.
Throwable cause = e.getCause();
if (cause instanceof VerifyError)
throw (Error) cause;
// Rethrow cleaned up exception.
if (cause instanceof RuntimeException)
throw (RuntimeException) cause;
throw new RuntimeException(cause);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} else {
// Attempt to force class initialization.
try {
Class.forName(compiled.getName(), true, LoopClassLoader.CLASS_LOADER);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new Error("Not supposed to happen. A previously loaded class disappeared.", e);
return null;
public void compile() {
Unit unit = parse(source);
if (hasErrors())
// Recursively loads and compiles all dependency modules.
List<AnnotatedError> depErrors = unit.loadDeps(file);
if (depErrors != null) {
this.staticErrors = depErrors;
// Run the verifier just before we emit code.
if (!verify(unit))
AsmCodeEmitter codeEmitter = new AsmCodeEmitter(unit);
this.scope = unit;
this.compiled = codeEmitter.write(unit);
this.source = null;
public void compileExpression(Unit scope) {
this.scope = scope;
if (!verify(scope))
AsmCodeEmitter codeEmitter = new AsmCodeEmitter(scope);
this.compiled = codeEmitter.write(scope);
this.source = null;
public void compileClassOrFunction(Unit scope) {
this.scope = scope;
List<Token> tokens = new Tokenizer(source).tokenize();
Parser parser = isLisp
? new SexprParser(tokens)
: new LexprParser(tokens);
FunctionDecl functionDecl = parser.functionDecl();
ClassDecl classDecl = null;
Node node;
if (null == functionDecl) {
classDecl = parser.classDecl();
node = classDecl;
} else
node = functionDecl;
if (hasErrors())
if (node == null) {
this.staticErrors = Arrays.<AnnotatedError>asList(
new StaticError("malformed function definition",
tokens.get(tokens.size() - 1)));
new Reducer(node).reduce();
if (!verify(scope))
// We don't need to actually compile this code, yet.
this.source = null;
if (functionDecl != null)
private static String whitespace(int amount) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(amount);
for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
builder.append(' ');
return builder.toString();
public Class<?> getCompiled() {
return compiled;
public void runMain(boolean runMain) {
if (runMain)
this.runMain = runMain;
public List<AnnotatedError> getStaticErrors() {
return (List) staticErrors;
public Scope getScope() {
return scope;