* TimelineScroll.java
* Eisenkraut
* Copyright (c) 2004-2014 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is published under the GNU General Public License v3+
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* contact@sciss.de
* Changelog:
* 12-May-05 re-created from de.sciss.meloncillo.timeline.TimelineScroll
* 15-Jul-05 fix in setPosition to avoid duplicate event generation
package de.sciss.eisenkraut.timeline;
import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Paint;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.Stroke;
import java.awt.event.AdjustmentEvent;
import java.awt.event.AdjustmentListener;
import java.awt.geom.Line2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.util.prefs.PreferenceChangeEvent;
import java.util.prefs.PreferenceChangeListener;
import javax.swing.JScrollBar;
import javax.swing.LookAndFeel;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import de.sciss.app.AbstractApplication;
import de.sciss.app.DynamicAncestorAdapter;
import de.sciss.app.DynamicListening;
import de.sciss.app.DynamicPrefChangeManager;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.gui.GraphicsUtil;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.session.Session;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.util.PrefsUtil;
import de.sciss.io.Span;
* A GUI element for allowing
* horizontal timeline scrolling.
* Subclasses <code>JScrollBar</code>
* simply to override the <code>paintComponent</code>
* method: an additional hairline is drawn
* to visualize the current timeline position.
* also a translucent blue rectangle is drawn
* to show the current timeline selection.
* <p>
* This class tracks the catch preferences
* @author Hanns Holger Rutz
* @version 0.70, 21-Oct-08
* @todo the display properties work well
* with the Aqua look+and+feel, however
* are slightly wrong on Linux with platinum look+feel
* because the scroll gadgets have different positions.
public class TimelineScroll
extends JScrollBar
implements AdjustmentListener, TimelineListener, DynamicListening, PreferenceChangeListener
public static final int TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0;
public static final int TYPE_DRAG = 1;
public static final int TYPE_TRANSPORT = 2;
private final Session doc;
private Dimension recentSize = getMinimumSize();
private Shape shpSelection = null;
private Shape shpPosition = null;
private Span timelineSel = null;
private long timelineLen = 0;
private int timelineLenShift = 0;
private long timelinePos = 0;
private Span timelineVis = new Span();
private boolean prefCatch;
private final Object adjustmentSource = new Object();
private static final Color colrSelection = GraphicsUtil.colrSelection;
private static final Color colrPosition = Color.red;
private static final Stroke strkPosition = new BasicStroke( 0.5f );
private final int trackMarginLeft;
private final int trackMargin;
private boolean wasAdjusting = false;
private boolean adjustCatchBypass = false;
private int catchBypassCount = 0;
private boolean catchBypassWasSynced= false;
* Constructs a new <code>TimelineScroll</code> object.
* @param doc session Session
* @todo a clean way to determine the track rectangle ...
public TimelineScroll( Session doc )
super( HORIZONTAL );
this.doc = doc;
LookAndFeel laf = UIManager.getLookAndFeel();
if( (laf != null) && laf.isNativeLookAndFeel() && (laf.getName().toLowerCase().indexOf( "aqua" ) >= 0) ) {
trackMarginLeft = 6; // for Aqua look and feel
trackMargin = 39;
} else {
trackMarginLeft = 16; // works for Metal, Motif, Liquid, Metouia
trackMargin = 32;
timelineLen = doc.timeline.getLength();
timelineVis = doc.timeline.getVisibleSpan();
for( timelineLenShift = 0; (timelineLen >> timelineLenShift) > 0x3FFFFFFF; timelineLenShift++ );
// --- Listener ---
new DynamicAncestorAdapter( this ).addTo( this );
this.addAdjustmentListener( this );
// new DynamicAncestorAdapter( new DynamicPreferenceChangeManager( Main.prefs.node( PrefsUtil.NODE_SHARED ),
// new String[] { PrefsUtil.KEY_CATCH }, this )).addTo( this );
new DynamicAncestorAdapter( new DynamicPrefChangeManager( AbstractApplication.getApplication().getUserPrefs(),
new String[] { PrefsUtil.KEY_CATCH }, this )).addTo( this );
setFocusable( false );
// HelpGlassPane.setHelp( this, "TimelineScroll" );
* Paints the normal scroll bar using
* the super class's method. Additionally
* paints timeline position and selection cues
public void paintComponent( Graphics g )
super.paintComponent( g );
Dimension d = getSize();
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
Stroke strkOrig = g2.getStroke();
Paint pntOrig = g2.getPaint();
if( d.width != recentSize.width || d.height != recentSize.height ) {
recentSize = d;
if( shpSelection != null ) {
g2.setColor( colrSelection );
g2.fill( shpSelection );
if( shpPosition != null ) {
g2.setColor( colrPosition );
g2.setStroke( strkPosition );
g2.draw( shpPosition );
g2.setStroke( strkOrig );
g2.setPaint( pntOrig );
private void recalcBoundedRange()
final int len = (int) (timelineLen >> timelineLenShift);
final int len2 = (int) (timelineVis.getLength() >> timelineLenShift);
if( len > 0 ) {
if( !isEnabled() ) setEnabled( true );
setValues( (int) (timelineVis.getStart() >> timelineLenShift), len2, 0, len ); // val, extent, min, max
setUnitIncrement( Math.max( 1, (len2 >> 5) )); // 1/32 extent
setBlockIncrement( Math.max( 1, ((len2 * 3) >> 2) )); // 3/4 extent
} else {
if( isEnabled() ) setEnabled( false );
setValues( 0, 100, 0, 100 ); // full view will hide the scrollbar knob
* Calculates virtual->screen coordinates
* for timeline position and selection
private void recalcTransforms()
double scale, x;
//for( int i = 0; i < getComponentCount(); i++ ) {
// Component c = getComponent( i );
// System.err.println( "scroll container component : "+c.getClass().getName()+" ; at "+c.getLocation().x+", "+
// c.getLocation().y+"; w = "+c.getWidth()+"; h = "+c.getHeight() );
if( timelineLen > 0 ) {
scale = (double) (recentSize.width - trackMargin) / (double) timelineLen;
if( timelineSel != null ) {
shpSelection = new Rectangle2D.Double( timelineSel.getStart() * scale + trackMarginLeft, 0,
timelineSel.getLength() * scale, recentSize.height );
} else {
shpSelection = null;
x = timelinePos * scale + trackMarginLeft;
shpPosition = new Line2D.Double( x, 0, x, recentSize.height );
} else {
shpSelection = null;
shpPosition = null;
* Updates the red hairline representing
* the current timeline position in the
* overall timeline span.
* Called directly from TimelineFrame
* to improve performance. Don't use
* elsewhere.
* @param pos new position in absolute frames
* @param patience allowed graphic update interval
* @see java.awt.Component#repaint( long )
public void setPosition( long pos, long patience, int type )
if( prefCatch && (catchBypassCount == 0) /* && timelineVis.contains( timelinePos ) */ &&
// (timelineVis.stop < timelineLen) &&
((timelineVis.stop != timelineLen) || (pos < timelineVis.start)) &&
!timelineVis.contains( pos + (type == TYPE_TRANSPORT ? timelineVis.getLength() >> 3 : 0) )) {
timelinePos = pos;
long start;
final long stop;
start = timelinePos;
if( type == TYPE_TRANSPORT ) {
start -= timelineVis.getLength() >> 3;
} else if( type == TYPE_DRAG ) {
if( timelineVis.getStop() <= timelinePos ) {
start -= timelineVis.getLength();
} else {
start -= timelineVis.getLength() >> 2;
stop = Math.min( timelineLen, Math.max( 0, start ) + timelineVis.getLength() );
start = Math.max( 0, stop - timelineVis.getLength() );
// if( (stop > start) && ((start != timelineVis.getStart()) || (stop != timelineVis.getStop())) ) {
if( stop > start ) {
// it's crucial to update internal var timelineVis here because
// otherwise the delay between emitting the edit and receiving the
// change via timelineScrolled might be two big, causing setPosition
// to fire more than one edit!
timelineVis = new Span( start, stop );
doc.timeline.editScroll( this, timelineVis );
// doc.getUndoManager().addEdit( TimelineVisualEdit.scroll( this, doc, timelineVis ));
timelinePos = pos;
repaint( patience );
public void addCatchBypass()
if( ++catchBypassCount == 1 ) {
catchBypassWasSynced = timelineVis.contains( timelinePos );
public void removeCatchBypass()
if( (--catchBypassCount == 0) && catchBypassWasSynced ) {
catchBypassWasSynced = false;
if( prefCatch && !timelineVis.contains( timelinePos )) {
long start;
final long stop;
start = timelinePos - (timelineVis.getLength() >> 2);
stop = Math.min( timelineLen, Math.max( 0, start ) + timelineVis.getLength() );
start = Math.max( 0, stop - timelineVis.getLength() );
if( stop > start ) {
// it's crucial to update internal var timelineVis here because
// otherwise the delay between emitting the edit and receiving the
// change via timelineScrolled might be two big, causing setPosition
// to fire more than one edit!
timelineVis = new Span( start, stop );
doc.timeline.editScroll( this, timelineVis );
// ---------------- DynamicListening interface ----------------
public void startListening()
doc.timeline.addTimelineListener( this );
public void stopListening()
doc.timeline.removeTimelineListener( this );
// ---------------- PreferenceChangeListener interface ----------------
public void preferenceChange( PreferenceChangeEvent e )
final String key = e.getKey();
final String value = e.getNewValue();
if( !key.equals( PrefsUtil.KEY_CATCH )) return;
prefCatch = Boolean.valueOf( value ).booleanValue();
if( !prefCatch ) return;
catchBypassCount = 0;
adjustCatchBypass = false;
if( !(timelineVis.contains( timelinePos ))) {
long start = Math.max( 0, timelinePos - (timelineVis.getLength() >> 2) );
final long stop = Math.min( timelineLen, start + timelineVis.getLength() );
start = Math.max( 0, stop - timelineVis.getLength() );
if( stop > start ) {
doc.timeline.editScroll( this, new Span( start, stop ));
// ---------------- TimelineListener interface ----------------
public void timelineSelected( TimelineEvent e )
timelineSel = doc.timeline.getSelectionSpan();
public void timelineChanged( TimelineEvent e )
timelineLen = doc.timeline.getLength();
timelineVis = doc.timeline.getVisibleSpan();
for( timelineLenShift = 0; (timelineLen >> timelineLenShift) > 0x3FFFFFFF; timelineLenShift++ );
// ignored since the timeline frame will inform us
public void timelinePositioned( TimelineEvent e ) { /* ignore */ }
public void timelineScrolled( TimelineEvent e )
timelineVis = doc.timeline.getVisibleSpan();
if( e.getSource() != adjustmentSource ) {
// ---------------- AdjustmentListener interface ----------------
// we're listening to ourselves
public void adjustmentValueChanged( AdjustmentEvent e )
if( !isEnabled() ) return;
final boolean isAdjusting = e.getValueIsAdjusting();
final Span oldVisi = doc.timeline.getVisibleSpan();
final Span newVisi = new Span( this.getValue() << timelineLenShift,
(this.getValue() + this.getVisibleAmount()) << timelineLenShift );
if( prefCatch && isAdjusting && !wasAdjusting ) {
adjustCatchBypass = true;
} else if( wasAdjusting && !isAdjusting && adjustCatchBypass ) {
if( prefCatch && !newVisi.contains( timelinePos )) {
// we need to set prefCatch here even though laterInvocation will handle it,
// because removeCatchBypass might look at it!
prefCatch = false;
AbstractApplication.getApplication().getUserPrefs().putBoolean( PrefsUtil.KEY_CATCH, false );
adjustCatchBypass = false;
if( !newVisi.equals( oldVisi )) {
// if( prefCatch && oldVisi.contains( timelinePos ) && !newVisi.contains( timelinePos )) {
// AbstractApplication.getApplication().getUserPrefs().putBoolean( PrefsUtil.KEY_CATCH, false );
// }
doc.timeline.editScroll( adjustmentSource, newVisi );
wasAdjusting = isAdjusting;