* AudioTrack.java
* Eisenkraut
* Copyright (c) 2004-2014 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is published under the GNU General Public License v3+
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* contact@sciss.de
* Changelog:
* 13-May-05 created from de.sciss.meloncillo.transmitter.AbstractTransmitter
package de.sciss.eisenkraut.timeline;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.net.OSCRoot;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.net.OSCRouter;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.net.OSCRouterWrapper;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.net.RoutedOSCMessage;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.util.MapManager;
import de.sciss.timebased.Trail;
* A simple implementation of the <code>Transmitter</code>
* interface that does not yet make assumptions
* about the data structure but provides some
* common means useful for all transmitters.
* It provides the basic mechanism for XML import and
* export, it handles all methods except
* <code>getTrackEditor</code>.
* @author Hanns Holger Rutz
* @version 0.70, 15-Oct-06
* @todo dispose
public class AudioTrack
extends Track
implements OSCRouter
// public static final int OWNER_WAVE = 0x3000;
public static final String MAP_KEY_PANAZIMUTH = "panazimuth";
public static final String MAP_KEY_PANSPREAD = "panspread";
// private final AudioTrail trail;
private final int chan;
private final AudioTracks coll;
private final OSCRouterWrapper osc;
* Constructs a new empty transmitter.
* Basic initialization is achieved by
* adding a preexisting file to the track editor,
* calling <code>setName</code> etc. methods.
// public AudioTrack( AudioTrail trail, int chan )
public AudioTrack( AudioTracks coll, int chan ) // need chan because of initial oscGetPathComponent !
// this.trail = trail;
this.chan = chan;
this.coll = coll;
// final NumberSpace spcAzi = new NumberSpace( -360.0, 360.0, 0.1 );
// final NumberSpace spcSpread = new NumberSpace( -1.0, 1.0, 0.1 );
final MapManager map = getMap();
map.putContext( this, MAP_KEY_PANAZIMUTH, new MapManager.Context( MapManager.Context.FLAG_OBSERVER_DISPLAY,
MapManager.Context.TYPE_DOUBLE, null, "labelAzimuth",
null, new Double( 0.0 )));
map.putContext( this, MAP_KEY_PANSPREAD, new MapManager.Context( MapManager.Context.FLAG_OBSERVER_DISPLAY,
MapManager.Context.TYPE_DOUBLE, null, "labelSpread",
null, new Double( 0.0 )));
osc = new OSCRouterWrapper( coll, this );
public Trail getTrail()
// return trail;
return coll.getTrail();
public int getChannelIndex()
// return coll.indexOf( this );
return chan;
public Class getDefaultEditor()
return null; // XXX
public int getFlags()
return ((Number) getMap().getValue( MAP_KEY_FLAGS )).intValue();
// shorthand for (FLAGS_MUTE | FLAGS_VIRTUALMUTE) == 0
public boolean isAudible()
return( (getFlags() & (FLAGS_MUTE | FLAGS_VIRTUALMUTE)) == 0 );
// ------------- OSCRouter interface -------------
public String oscGetPathComponent()
return String.valueOf( chan );
public void oscRoute( RoutedOSCMessage rom )
osc.oscRoute( rom );
public void oscAddRouter( OSCRouter subRouter )
osc.oscAddRouter( subRouter );
public void oscRemoveRouter( OSCRouter subRouter )
osc.oscRemoveRouter( subRouter );
public Object oscQuery_flags()
// return new Integer( getFlags() );
return getMap().getValue( MAP_KEY_FLAGS );
public Object oscQuery_audible()
return new Integer( isAudible() ? 1 : 0 );
public Object oscQuery_panAzimuth()
return getMap().getValue( MAP_KEY_PANAZIMUTH );
public Object oscQuery_panSpread()
return getMap().getValue( MAP_KEY_PANSPREAD );
public Object oscQuery_trackSelected()
return new Integer( coll.isSelected( this ) ? 1 : 0 );
// flags <(int) flagsToSet> <(int) flagsToClear>
public void oscCmd_flags( RoutedOSCMessage rom )
int argIdx = 1;
final int flagsSet, flagsClear, oldFlags, newFlags;
try {
flagsSet = ((Number) rom.msg.getArg( argIdx )).intValue();
flagsClear = ((Number) rom.msg.getArg( argIdx )).intValue();
oldFlags = getFlags();
newFlags = (oldFlags | flagsSet) & ~flagsClear;
if( oldFlags == newFlags ) return;
getMap().putValue( this, MAP_KEY_FLAGS, new Integer( newFlags ));
catch( ClassCastException e1 ) {
OSCRoot.failedArgType( rom, argIdx );
catch( IndexOutOfBoundsException e1 ) {
OSCRoot.failedArgCount( rom );
// pan <(float) azi> <(float) spread>
// azi : 0...360
// spread : 0...1
public void oscCmd_pan( RoutedOSCMessage rom )
int argIdx = 1;
double azi, spread;
try {
azi = ((Number) rom.msg.getArg( argIdx )).doubleValue();
if( azi < 0.0 ) {
azi += Math.ceil( -azi / 360 ) * 360;
} else if( azi > 360.0 ) {
azi %= 360.0;
spread = Math.max( -1.0, Math.min( 1.0, ((Number) rom.msg.getArg( argIdx )).doubleValue() ));
getMap().putValue( this, MAP_KEY_PANAZIMUTH, new Double( azi ));
getMap().putValue( this, MAP_KEY_PANSPREAD, new Double( spread ));
catch( ClassCastException e1 ) {
OSCRoot.failedArgType( rom, argIdx );
catch( IndexOutOfBoundsException e1 ) {
OSCRoot.failedArgCount( rom );