* DocumentFrame.java
* Eisenkraut
* Copyright (c) 2004-2014 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is published under the GNU General Public License v3+
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* contact@sciss.de
* Changelog:
* 25-Jan-05 created from de.sciss.meloncillo.timeline.TimelineFrame
* 22-Mar-05 fixed but in vertical zoom
* 15-Jul-05 lot's of. removed some exclusive locks (fixes overview update in catch mode)
* ; overview loading loads one more sample frame, so display
* is in coherence with timeline selection and TimelineAxis
* 02-Aug-05 renamed to DocumentFrame ; conforms to new document handler
* 23-Sep-05 correctly disposes overview display images ; abandons backing store
* image approach in TimelineViewport (seems to fix memory leak)
package de.sciss.eisenkraut.session;
import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Cursor;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.Stroke;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard;
import java.awt.datatransfer.ClipboardOwner;
import java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection;
import java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.ComponentAdapter;
import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent;
import java.awt.event.InputEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.prefs.PreferenceChangeEvent;
import java.util.prefs.PreferenceChangeListener;
import java.util.prefs.Preferences;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.MouseInputAdapter;
import javax.swing.undo.CompoundEdit;
import javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit;
import de.sciss.app.AbstractApplication;
import de.sciss.app.AbstractWindow;
import de.sciss.app.DynamicPrefChangeManager;
import de.sciss.app.GraphicsHandler;
import de.sciss.common.AppWindow;
import de.sciss.common.BasicApplication;
import de.sciss.common.BasicMenuFactory;
import de.sciss.common.BasicWindowHandler;
import de.sciss.common.ProcessingThread;
import de.sciss.common.ShowWindowAction;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.Main;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.edit.BasicCompoundEdit;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.edit.TimelineVisualEdit;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.gui.AbstractTool;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.gui.AudioFileInfoPalette;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.gui.CrossfadePanel;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.gui.GraphicsUtil;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.gui.MenuFactory;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.gui.ObserverPalette;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.gui.PeakMeterManager;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.gui.ProgressPanel;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.gui.RecorderDialog;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.gui.ToolAction;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.gui.ToolActionEvent;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.gui.ToolActionListener;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.gui.WaveformView;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.io.AudioTrail;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.io.DecimatedSonaTrail;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.io.DecimatedTrail;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.io.DecimatedWaveTrail;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.io.DecimationInfo;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.io.MarkerTrail;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.net.SuperColliderClient;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.net.SuperColliderPlayer;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.realtime.Transport;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.realtime.TransportListener;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.realtime.TransportToolBar;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.render.FilterDialog;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.render.RenderPlugIn;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.timeline.AudioTrack;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.timeline.AudioTrackRowHeader;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.timeline.MarkerAxis;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.timeline.TimelineAxis;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.timeline.TimelineEvent;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.timeline.TimelineListener;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.timeline.TimelineScroll;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.timeline.TimelineToolBar;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.timeline.Track;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.timeline.TrackRowHeader;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.util.PrefsUtil;
import de.sciss.gui.AbstractWindowHandler;
import de.sciss.gui.Axis;
import de.sciss.gui.ComponentBoundsRestrictor;
import de.sciss.gui.ComponentHost;
import de.sciss.gui.CoverGrowBox;
import de.sciss.gui.GUIUtil;
import de.sciss.gui.GradientPanel;
import de.sciss.gui.MenuAction;
import de.sciss.gui.MenuRoot;
import de.sciss.gui.ModificationButton;
import de.sciss.gui.PathField;
import de.sciss.gui.PeakMeter;
import de.sciss.gui.PeakMeterGroup;
import de.sciss.gui.ProgressComponent;
import de.sciss.gui.SpringPanel;
import de.sciss.gui.StretchedGridLayout;
import de.sciss.gui.TopPainter;
import de.sciss.gui.TreeExpanderButton;
import de.sciss.gui.VectorSpace;
import de.sciss.io.AudioFileDescr;
import de.sciss.io.AudioFileFormatPane;
import de.sciss.io.IOUtil;
import de.sciss.io.Marker;
import de.sciss.io.Span;
import de.sciss.timebased.Trail;
import de.sciss.util.Flag;
import org.unicode.Normalizer;
* @author Hanns Holger Rutz
* @version 0.70, 28-Jun-08
public class DocumentFrame
extends AppWindow
implements ProgressComponent, TimelineListener,
ClipboardOwner, ToolActionListener,
TransportListener, PreferenceChangeListener,
protected final Session doc;
private final TimelineAxis timeAxis;
protected final MarkerAxis markAxis;
protected final TrackRowHeader markAxisHeader;
protected final TimelineScroll scroll;
protected final Transport transport;
protected Span timelineSel;
protected Span timelineVis;
protected long timelinePos;
protected long timelineLen;
protected double timelineRate;
private final JPanel ggTrackPanel;
protected final WaveformView waveView;
protected final ComponentHost wavePanel;
private final JPanel waveHeaderPanel;
protected final JPanel channelHeaderPanel;
private final JPanel flagsPanel;
private final JPanel rulersPanel;
private final JPanel metersPanel;
private final List collChannelHeaders = new ArrayList();
protected final List collChannelRulers = new ArrayList();
// private final List collChannelMeters = new ArrayList();
private PeakMeter[] channelMeters = new PeakMeter[ 0 ];
private final JLabel lbSRC;
protected final TreeExpanderButton ggTreeExp;
private DecimatedTrail asyncTrail = null;
// --- tools ---
private final Map tools = new HashMap();
private AbstractTool activeTool = null;
private final TimelinePointerTool pointerTool;
// --- actions ---
private final static String plugInPackage = "de.sciss.eisenkraut.render.";
private final static String fscapePackage = "de.sciss.fscape.render.";
private final ActionRevealFile actionRevealFile;
private final ActionNewFromSel actionNewFromSel;
protected final ActionClose actionClose;
protected final ActionSave actionSave;
protected final ActionSaveAs actionSaveAs;
private final ActionSaveAs actionSaveCopyAs;
private final ActionSaveAs actionSaveSelectionAs;
private final ActionSelectAll actionSelectAll;
private final MenuAction actionProcess, actionFadeIn, actionFadeOut, actionGain,
actionInvert, // actionMix,
actionReverse, actionRotateChannels, // actionSilence,
actionDebugDump, actionDebugVerify, actionInsertRec;
protected final ActionProcessAgain actionProcessAgain;
private final ActionSpanWidth actionIncHoriz, actionDecHoriz;
protected final ActionScroll actionZoomAllOut;
private final AbstractAction actionIncVertMax, actionDecVertMax;
private final AbstractAction actionIncVertMin, actionDecVertMin;
private final AbstractWindow.Adapter winListener;
private final JLabel lbWriteProtected;
private boolean writeProtected = false;
protected boolean wpHaveWarned = false;
private final ShowWindowAction actionShowWindow;
private static final String smpPtrn = "ch.{3} @ {0,number,0}";
private static final String timePtrn = "ch.{3} @ {1,number,integer}:{2,number,00.000}";
protected final MessageFormat msgCsr1 = new MessageFormat( timePtrn, Locale.US );
protected final MessageFormat msgCsr2PCMFloat = new MessageFormat( "{4,number,0.000} ({5,number,0.00} dBFS)", Locale.US );
protected final MessageFormat msgCsr3PCMInt = new MessageFormat( "= {6,number,0} @ {7,number,integer}-bit int", Locale.US );
protected final MessageFormat msgCsr2Peak = new MessageFormat( "peak {4,number,0.000} ({5,number,0.00} dBFS)", Locale.US );
protected final MessageFormat msgCsr3RMS = new MessageFormat( "eff {6,number,0.000} ({7,number,0.00} dBFS)", Locale.US );
protected int csrInfoBits;
protected boolean csrInfoIsInt;
protected static final double TWENTYDIVLOG10 = 20 / Math.log( 10 );
private final Color colrClear = new Color( 0xA0, 0xA0, 0xA0, 0x00 );
// --------- former viewport ---------
// --- painting ---
private final Color colrSelection = GraphicsUtil.colrSelection;
private final Color colrSelection2 = new Color( 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x20 ); // selected timeline span over unselected trns
protected final Color colrPosition = new Color( 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x7F );
protected final Color colrZoom = new Color( 0xA0, 0xA0, 0xA0, 0x7F );
protected Rectangle vpRecentRect = new Rectangle();
protected int vpPosition = -1;
private Rectangle vpPositionRect = new Rectangle();
protected final ArrayList vpSelections = new ArrayList();
protected final ArrayList vpSelectionColors = new ArrayList();
protected Rectangle vpSelectionRect = new Rectangle();
private Rectangle vpUpdateRect = new Rectangle();
protected Rectangle vpZoomRect = null;
private float[] vpDash = { 3.0f, 5.0f };
private float vpScale;
protected final Stroke[] vpZoomStroke = {
new BasicStroke( 2f, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER, 1.0f, vpDash, 0.0f ),
new BasicStroke( 2f, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER, 1.0f, vpDash, 4.0f ),
new BasicStroke( 2f, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER, 1.0f, vpDash, 6.0f ),
protected int vpZoomStrokeIdx = 0;
protected boolean waveExpanded = true; // XXX should keep that in some prefs
protected boolean viewMarkers;
protected boolean markVisible;
private boolean chanMeters = false;
private boolean forceMeters = false;
protected final TimelineToolBar timeTB;
private final TransportToolBar transTB;
// --- progress bar ---
private final JLabel /* JTextField */ ggAudioFileDescr;
private final ProgressPanel pProgress;
private final CrossfadePanel pOverlay;
private final boolean internalFrames;
protected final BasicApplication app;
private final SuperColliderClient superCollider;
private final PeakMeterManager lmm;
protected boolean disposed = false;
private final Timer playTimer;
private double playRate = 1.0;
protected final ComponentBoundsRestrictor cbr;
private static Point lastLeftTop = new Point();
private static final String KEY_TRACKSIZE = "tracksize";
private int verticalScale;
protected static final Cursor[] zoomCsr;
static {
final Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
final Point hotSpot = new Point( 6, 6 );
zoomCsr = new Cursor[] {
tk.createCustomCursor( tk.createImage(
ToolAction.class.getResource( "zoomin.png" )), hotSpot, "zoom-in" ),
tk.createCustomCursor( tk.createImage(
ToolAction.class.getResource( "zoomout.png" )), hotSpot, "zoom-out" )
* Constructs a new timeline window with
* all the sub elements. Installs the
* global key commands. (a DocumentFrame
* should be created only once in the application).
* @param doc session Session
public DocumentFrame( final Session doc )
super( REGULAR );
app = (BasicApplication) AbstractApplication.getApplication();
this.doc = doc;
transport = doc.getTransport();
timelinePos = doc.timeline.getPosition();
timelineSel = doc.timeline.getSelectionSpan();
timelineVis = doc.timeline.getVisibleSpan();
timelineRate = doc.timeline.getRate();
timelineLen = doc.timeline.getLength();
superCollider = SuperColliderClient.getInstance();
lmm = new PeakMeterManager( superCollider.getMeterManager() );
final Container cp = getContentPane();
final InputMap imap = getInputMap( JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW );
final ActionMap amap = getActionMap();
final AbstractButton ggAudioInfo, ggRevealFile;
final int myMeta = BasicMenuFactory.MENU_SHORTCUT == InputEvent.CTRL_MASK ?
InputEvent.CTRL_MASK | InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK : BasicMenuFactory.MENU_SHORTCUT; // META on Mac, CTRL+SHIFT on PC
final TopPainter trackPainter;
final MenuRoot mr;
final JPanel topPane = GUIUtil.createGradientPanel();
Box box;
internalFrames = app.getWindowHandler().usesInternalFrames();
timeTB = new TimelineToolBar( doc );
transTB = new TransportToolBar( doc );
wavePanel = new ComponentHost();
timeAxis = new TimelineAxis( doc, wavePanel );
markAxis = new MarkerAxis( doc, wavePanel );
viewMarkers = app.getUserPrefs().getBoolean( PrefsUtil.KEY_VIEWMARKERS, false );
markVisible = viewMarkers && waveExpanded;
markAxisHeader = new TrackRowHeader( doc.markerTrack, doc.tracks, doc.selectedTracks, doc.getUndoManager() );
markAxisHeader.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( 63, markAxis.getPreferredSize().height )); // XXX
markAxisHeader.setMaximumSize( new Dimension( 128, markAxis.getMaximumSize().height )); // XXX
if( markVisible ) {
} else {
markAxis.setVisible( false );
markAxisHeader.setVisible( false );
flagsPanel = new JPanel( new StretchedGridLayout( 0, 1, 1, 1 ));
metersPanel = new JPanel( new StretchedGridLayout( 0, 1, 1, 1 )); // SpringPanel( 0, 0, 1, 1 );
rulersPanel = new JPanel( new StretchedGridLayout( 0, 1, 1, 1 ));
lmm.setDynamicComponent( metersPanel );
waveHeaderPanel = new JPanel( new BorderLayout() );
channelHeaderPanel = new JPanel();
channelHeaderPanel.setLayout( new BoxLayout( channelHeaderPanel, BoxLayout.X_AXIS ));
final Box bbb = Box.createVerticalBox();
final GradientPanel gp = GUIUtil.createGradientPanel();
gp.setBottomBorder( true );
gp.setLayout( null );
gp.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( 0, timeAxis.getPreferredSize().height ));
bbb.add( gp );
bbb.add( markAxisHeader );
waveHeaderPanel.add( bbb, BorderLayout.NORTH );
channelHeaderPanel.add( flagsPanel );
channelHeaderPanel.add( metersPanel );
channelHeaderPanel.add( rulersPanel );
waveHeaderPanel.add( channelHeaderPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER );
waveView = new WaveformView( doc, wavePanel );
wavePanel.setLayout( new BoxLayout( wavePanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS ));
wavePanel.add( timeAxis );
wavePanel.add( markAxis );
wavePanel.add( waveView );
scroll = new TimelineScroll( doc );
ggTrackPanel = new JPanel( new BorderLayout() );
ggTrackPanel.add( wavePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER );
ggTrackPanel.add( waveHeaderPanel, BorderLayout.WEST );
ggTrackPanel.add( scroll, BorderLayout.SOUTH );
lbWriteProtected = new JLabel();
ggAudioInfo = new ModificationButton( ModificationButton.SHAPE_INFO );
ggAudioInfo.setAction( new ActionAudioInfo() );
ggRevealFile = new ModificationButton( ModificationButton.SHAPE_REVEAL );
actionRevealFile = new ActionRevealFile();
ggRevealFile.setAction( actionRevealFile );
// ggAudioFileDescr = new JTextField( 32 );
// ggAudioFileDescr.setEditable( false );
// ggAudioFileDescr.setFocusable( false );
// ggAudioFileDescr.setBackground( null );
// ggAudioFileDescr.setBorder( null );
ggAudioFileDescr = new JLabel();
lbSRC = new JLabel( getResourceString( "buttonSRC" ));
lbSRC.setForeground( colrClear );
box = Box.createHorizontalBox();
box.add( Box.createHorizontalStrut( 4 ));
box.add( lbWriteProtected );
box.add( ggAudioInfo );
if (internalFrames) box.add( ggRevealFile );
box.add( Box.createHorizontalStrut( 4 ));
pProgress = new ProgressPanel();
pOverlay = new CrossfadePanel();
pOverlay.setComponentA( ggAudioFileDescr );
pOverlay.setComponentB( pProgress );
box.add( pOverlay );
box.add( Box.createHorizontalStrut( 4 ));
box.add( lbSRC );
box.add( CoverGrowBox.create( 2, 0 ));
// ----- afr export -----
final JButton ggExportAFR = new JButton( getResourceString( "buttonDragRegion" ), new ImageIcon( getClass().getResource( "dragicon.png" )));
ggExportAFR.setTransferHandler( new AFRTransferHandler() );
final MouseInputAdapter expAFRmia = new MouseInputAdapter() {
private MouseEvent dndInit = null;
private boolean dndStarted = false;
public void mousePressed( MouseEvent e )
dndInit = e;
dndStarted = false;
public void mouseReleased( MouseEvent e )
dndInit = null;
dndStarted = false;
public void mouseDragged( MouseEvent e )
if( !dndStarted && (dndInit != null) &&
((Math.abs( e.getX() - dndInit.getX() ) > 5) ||
(Math.abs( e.getY() - dndInit.getY() ) > 5))) {
JComponent c = (JComponent) e.getSource();
c.getTransferHandler().exportAsDrag( c, e, TransferHandler.COPY );
dndStarted = true;
ggExportAFR.addMouseListener( expAFRmia );
ggExportAFR.addMouseMotionListener( expAFRmia );
timeTB.add( Box.createHorizontalStrut( 4 ));
timeTB.addButton( ggExportAFR );
// ----------
topPane.setBorder( BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder( 2, 2, 2, 2 ));
timeTB.setOpaque( false );
topPane.add( timeTB );
transTB.setOpaque( false );
topPane.add( transTB );
topPane.add( Box.createHorizontalGlue() );
cbr = new ComponentBoundsRestrictor();
ggTreeExp = new TreeExpanderButton();
ggTreeExp.setExpandedToolTip( getResourceString( "buttonExpWaveTT" ));
ggTreeExp.setCollapsedToolTip( getResourceString( "buttonCollWaveTT" ));
ggTreeExp.setExpanded( true );
ggTreeExp.addActionListener( new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
final Dimension d = getSize();
waveExpanded = ggTreeExp.isExpanded();
markVisible = viewMarkers && waveExpanded;
if( waveExpanded ) {
cbr.remove( getWindow() );
waveView.setVisible( true );
channelHeaderPanel.setVisible( true );
if( viewMarkers ) {
markAxis.setVisible( true );
markAxisHeader.setVisible( true );
scroll.setVisible( true );
timeTB.setVisible( true );
} else {
setPreferredSize( getSize() );
waveView.setVisible( false );
channelHeaderPanel.setVisible( false );
markAxis.setVisible( false );
markAxisHeader.setVisible( false );
scroll.setVisible( false );
timeTB.setVisible( false );
final int h = d.height - (waveView.getHeight() + scroll.getHeight() +
(viewMarkers ? markAxis.getHeight() : 0));
setSize( new Dimension( d.width - timeTB.getWidth(), h ));
cbr.setMinimumHeight( h );
cbr.setMaximumHeight( h );
cbr.add( getWindow() );
topPane.add( ggTreeExp );
gp.setGradientShift( 0, topPane.getPreferredSize().height );
cp.add( topPane, BorderLayout.NORTH );
cp.add( ggTrackPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER );
cp.add( box, BorderLayout.SOUTH );
// --- Tools ---
pointerTool = new TimelinePointerTool();
tools.put( new Integer( ToolAction.POINTER ), pointerTool );
tools.put( new Integer( ToolAction.ZOOM ), new TimelineZoomTool() );
// ---- TopPainter ----
trackPainter = new TopPainter() {
public void paintOnTop( Graphics2D g2 )
Rectangle r;
r = new Rectangle( 0, 0, wavePanel.getWidth(), wavePanel.getHeight() ); // getViewRect();
if( !vpRecentRect.equals( r )) {
recalcTransforms( r );
for( int i = 0; i < vpSelections.size(); i++ ) {
r = (Rectangle) vpSelections.get( i );
g2.setColor( (Color) vpSelectionColors.get( i ));
g2.fillRect( vpSelectionRect.x, r.y - vpRecentRect.y, vpSelectionRect.width, r.height );
if( markVisible ) {
markAxis.paintFlagSticks( g2, vpRecentRect );
g2.setColor( colrPosition );
g2.drawLine( vpPosition, 0, vpPosition, vpRecentRect.height );
if( vpZoomRect != null ) {
g2.setColor( colrZoom );
g2.setStroke( vpZoomStroke[ vpZoomStrokeIdx ]);
g2.drawRect( vpZoomRect.x, vpZoomRect.y, vpZoomRect.width, vpZoomRect.height );
wavePanel.addTopPainter( trackPainter );
// ---- listeners ----
doc.timeline.addTimelineListener( this );
// doc.addListener( this );
// checkDecimatedTrails();
doc.audioTracks.addListener( new SessionCollection.Listener() {
public void sessionCollectionChanged( SessionCollection.Event e )
public void sessionObjectMapChanged( SessionCollection.Event e ) { /* ignored */ }
public void sessionObjectChanged( SessionCollection.Event e )
// nothing
doc.selectedTracks.addListener( new SessionCollection.Listener() {
public void sessionCollectionChanged( SessionCollection.Event e )
public void sessionObjectMapChanged( SessionCollection.Event e ) { /* ignore */ }
public void sessionObjectChanged( SessionCollection.Event e ) { /* ignore */ }
transport.addTransportListener( this );
doc.markers.addListener( new Trail.Listener() {
public void trailModified( Trail.Event e )
repaintMarkers( e.getAffectedSpan() );
doc.getAudioTrail().addListener( new Trail.Listener() {
public void trailModified( Trail.Event e )
if( !waveExpanded || !e.getAffectedSpan().touches( timelineVis )) return;
updateOverviews( false, false );
winListener = new AbstractWindow.Adapter() {
public void windowClosing( AbstractWindow.Event e ) {
public void windowActivated( AbstractWindow.Event e )
// need to check 'disposed' to avoid runtime exception in doc handler if document was just closed
if( !disposed ) {
app.getDocumentHandler().setActiveDocument( DocumentFrame.this, doc );
((BasicWindowHandler) app.getWindowHandler()).setMenuBarBorrower( DocumentFrame.this );
this.addListener( winListener );
waveView.addComponentListener( new ComponentAdapter() {
public void componentResized( ComponentEvent e )
timeTB.addToolActionListener( this );
timeTB.selectTool( ToolAction.POINTER );
playTimer = new Timer( 33, new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
timelinePos = transport.getCurrentFrame();
scroll.setPosition( timelinePos, 50, TimelineScroll.TYPE_TRANSPORT );
// --- Actions ---
actionNewFromSel = new ActionNewFromSel();
actionClose = new ActionClose();
actionSave = new ActionSave();
actionSaveAs = new ActionSaveAs( false, false );
actionSaveCopyAs = new ActionSaveAs( true, false );
actionSaveSelectionAs = new ActionSaveAs( true, true );
actionSelectAll = new ActionSelectAll();
actionInsertRec = new ActionInsertRec();
actionProcess = new ActionProcess();
actionProcessAgain = new ActionProcessAgain();
actionFadeIn = new ActionPlugIn( plugInPackage + "FadeIn" );
actionFadeOut = new ActionPlugIn( plugInPackage + "FadeOut" );
actionGain = new ActionPlugIn( plugInPackage + "Gain" );
actionInvert = new ActionPlugIn( plugInPackage + "Invert" );
actionReverse = new ActionPlugIn( plugInPackage + "Reverse" );
actionRotateChannels = new ActionPlugIn( plugInPackage + "RotateChannels" );
actionFScNeedlehole = new ActionPlugIn( fscapePackage + "Needlehole" );
actionDebugDump = new ActionDebugDump();
actionDebugVerify = new ActionDebugVerify();
actionIncVertMax = new ActionVerticalMax( 2.0f, 6f );
actionDecVertMax = new ActionVerticalMax( 0.5f, -6f );
actionIncVertMin = new ActionVerticalMin( 6f );
actionDecVertMin = new ActionVerticalMin( -6f );
actionIncHoriz = new ActionSpanWidth( 2.0f );
actionDecHoriz = new ActionSpanWidth( 0.5f );
actionZoomAllOut = new ActionScroll( SCROLL_ENTIRE_SESSION );
actionShowWindow = new ShowWindowAction( this );
imap.put( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_DOWN, InputEvent.CTRL_MASK ), "incvmax" );
amap.put( "incvmax", actionIncVertMax );
imap.put( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_UP, InputEvent.CTRL_MASK ), "decvmax" );
amap.put( "decvmax", actionDecVertMax );
imap.put( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_DOWN, InputEvent.CTRL_MASK | InputEvent.ALT_MASK ), "incvmin" );
amap.put( "incvmin", actionIncVertMin );
imap.put( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_UP, InputEvent.CTRL_MASK | InputEvent.ALT_MASK ), "decvmin" );
amap.put( "decvmin", actionDecVertMin );
imap.put( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_LEFT, InputEvent.CTRL_MASK ), "inch" );
imap.put( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_OPEN_BRACKET, BasicMenuFactory.MENU_SHORTCUT ), "inch" );
amap.put( "inch", actionIncHoriz );
imap.put( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT, InputEvent.CTRL_MASK ), "dech" );
imap.put( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_CLOSE_BRACKET, BasicMenuFactory.MENU_SHORTCUT ), "dech" );
amap.put( "dech", actionDecHoriz );
imap.put( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT, myMeta ), "samplvl" );
amap.put( "samplvl", new ActionSpanWidth( 0.0f ));
imap.put( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_ENTER, 0 ), "retn" );
amap.put( "retn", new ActionScroll( SCROLL_SESSION_START ));
imap.put( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_LEFT, 0 ), "left" );
amap.put( "left", new ActionScroll( SCROLL_SELECTION_START ));
imap.put( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT, 0 ), "right" );
amap.put( "right", new ActionScroll( SCROLL_SELECTION_STOP ));
imap.put( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_F, InputEvent.ALT_MASK ), "fit" );
amap.put( "fit", new ActionScroll( SCROLL_FIT_TO_SELECTION ));
imap.put( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_A, InputEvent.ALT_MASK ), "entire" );
imap.put( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_LEFT, myMeta ), "entire" );
amap.put( "entire", actionZoomAllOut );
imap.put( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_ENTER, InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK ), "seltobeg" );
amap.put( "seltobeg", new ActionSelect( SELECT_TO_SESSION_START ));
imap.put( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_ENTER, InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK + InputEvent.ALT_MASK ), "seltoend" );
amap.put( "seltoend", new ActionSelect( SELECT_TO_SESSION_END ));
imap.put( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_UP, 0 ), "postoselbegc" );
amap.put( "postoselbegc", doc.timeline.getPosToSelAction( true, true ));
imap.put( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_DOWN, 0 ), "postoselendc" );
amap.put( "postoselendc", doc.timeline.getPosToSelAction( false, true ));
imap.put( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_UP, InputEvent.ALT_MASK ), "postoselbeg" );
amap.put( "postoselbeg", doc.timeline.getPosToSelAction( true, false ));
imap.put( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_DOWN, InputEvent.ALT_MASK ), "postoselend" );
amap.put( "postoselend", doc.timeline.getPosToSelAction( false, false ));
imap.put( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_M, 0 ), "dropmark" );
amap.put( "dropmark", new ActionDropMarker() );
imap.put( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_TAB , 0 ), "selnextreg" );
imap.put( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_LESS, 0 ), "selnextreg" );
amap.put( "selnextreg", new ActionSelectRegion( SELECT_NEXT_REGION ));
imap.put( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_TAB , InputEvent.ALT_MASK ), "selprevreg" );
imap.put( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_LESS, InputEvent.ALT_MASK ), "selprevreg" );
amap.put( "selprevreg", new ActionSelectRegion( SELECT_PREV_REGION ));
imap.put( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_TAB , InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK ), "extnextreg" );
imap.put( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_LESS, InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK ), "extnextreg" );
amap.put( "extnextreg", new ActionSelectRegion( EXTEND_NEXT_REGION ));
imap.put( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_TAB , InputEvent.ALT_MASK + InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK ), "extprevreg" );
imap.put( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_LESS, InputEvent.ALT_MASK + InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK ), "extprevreg" );
amap.put( "extprevreg", new ActionSelectRegion( EXTEND_PREV_REGION ));
setFocusTraversalKeysEnabled( false ); // we want the tab! we gotta have that tab! ouwe!
setDefaultCloseOperation( WindowConstants.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE );
// ---- menus and actions ----
mr = app.getMenuBarRoot();
mr.putMimic( "file.new.fromSelection", this, actionNewFromSel );
mr.putMimic( "file.close", this, actionClose );
mr.putMimic( "file.save", this, actionSave );
mr.putMimic( "file.saveAs", this, actionSaveAs );
mr.putMimic( "file.saveCopyAs", this, actionSaveCopyAs );
mr.putMimic( "file.saveSelectionAs", this, actionSaveSelectionAs );
mr.putMimic( "edit.undo", this, doc.getUndoManager().getUndoAction() );
mr.putMimic( "edit.redo", this, doc.getUndoManager().getRedoAction() );
mr.putMimic( "edit.cut", this, doc.getCutAction() );
mr.putMimic( "edit.copy", this, doc.getCopyAction() );
mr.putMimic( "edit.paste", this, doc.getPasteAction() );
mr.putMimic( "edit.clear", this, doc.getDeleteAction() );
mr.putMimic( "edit.selectAll", this, actionSelectAll );
mr.putMimic( "timeline.insertSilence", this, doc.getSilenceAction() );
mr.putMimic( "timeline.insertRecording", this, actionInsertRec );
mr.putMimic( "timeline.trimToSelection", this, doc.getTrimAction() );
mr.putMimic( "process.again", this, actionProcessAgain );
mr.putMimic( "process.fadeIn", this, actionFadeIn );
mr.putMimic( "process.fadeOut", this, actionFadeOut );
mr.putMimic( "process.gain", this, actionGain );
mr.putMimic( "process.invert", this, actionInvert );
mr.putMimic( "process.reverse", this, actionReverse );
mr.putMimic( "process.rotateChannels", this, actionRotateChannels );
mr.putMimic( "process.fscape.needlehole", this, actionFScNeedlehole );
mr.putMimic( "debug.dumpRegions", this, actionDebugDump );
mr.putMimic( "debug.verifyRegions", this, actionDebugVerify );
updateEditEnabled( false );
AbstractWindowHandler.setDeepFont( cp, Collections.singletonList( timeTB ));
GUIUtil.setDeepFont( timeTB, app.getGraphicsHandler().getFont( GraphicsHandler.FONT_SYSTEM | GraphicsHandler.FONT_MINI ));
app.getMenuFactory().addToWindowMenu( actionShowWindow ); // MUST BE BEFORE INIT()!!
addDynamicListening( new DynamicPrefChangeManager( app.getUserPrefs(), new String[] {
this ));
initBounds(); // be sure this is after documentUpdate!
setVisible( true );
public void setLoop( boolean onOff ) {
transTB.setLoop( onOff );
protected boolean alwaysPackSize()
return false;
private void initBounds()
final Preferences cp = getClassPrefs();
final BasicWindowHandler bwh = getWindowHandler();
final Rectangle sr = bwh.getWindowSpace();
final Dimension dt = stringToDimension( cp.get( KEY_TRACKSIZE, null ));
final Dimension d = dt == null ? new Dimension() : dt;
final float hf = (float) Math.sqrt( Math.max( 1, waveView.getNumChannels() ));
final Dimension winSize;
final Rectangle wr;
int w = d.width;
int h = d.height;
sr.x += 36;
sr.y += 36;
sr.width -= 60;
sr.height -= 60;
if( w <= 0 ) {
w = sr.width*2/3 - AudioTrackRowHeader.ROW_WIDTH;
if( h <= 0 ) {
h = (sr.height - 106) / 4; // 106 = approx. extra space for title bar, tool bar etc.
//System.out.println( "read KEY_TRACKSIZE : " + d );
//System.out.println( "w " + w + "; h " + h + "; hf " + hf );
waveView.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( w, (int) (h * hf + 0.5f) ));
winSize = getSize();
wr = new Rectangle( lastLeftTop.x + 21, lastLeftTop.y + 23,
winSize.width, winSize.height );
GUIUtil.wrapWindowBounds( wr, sr );
lastLeftTop.setLocation( wr.getLocation() );
setBounds( wr );
//System.out.println( "winSize " + winSize + "; wr " + wr );
waveView.addComponentListener( new ComponentAdapter() {
public void componentResized( ComponentEvent e )
if( waveExpanded ) {
final Dimension dNew = e.getComponent().getSize();
dNew.height = (int) (dNew.height / hf + 0.5f);
if( !dNew.equals( d )) {
//System.out.println( "write KEY_TRACKSIZE : " + dNew );
d.setSize( dNew );
cp.put( KEY_TRACKSIZE, AppWindow.dimensionToString( dNew ));
protected void checkDecimatedTrails()
final DecimatedTrail dt;
if( waveExpanded ) {
if( verticalScale == PrefsUtil.VSCALE_FREQ_SPECT ) {
if( doc.getDecimatedSonaTrail() == null ) {
try {
final DecimatedSonaTrail dst = doc.createDecimatedSonaTrail();
// set initial freq bounds of waveview
waveView.setFreqMinMax( dst.getMinFreq(), dst.getMaxFreq() );
catch( IOException e1 ) {
dt = doc.getDecimatedSonaTrail();
} else {
if( doc.getDecimatedWaveTrail() == null ) {
try {
catch( IOException e1 ) {
dt = doc.getDecimatedWaveTrail();
if( dt != asyncTrail ) {
if( asyncTrail != null ) asyncTrail.removeAsyncListener( this );
asyncTrail = dt;
if( asyncTrail != null ) asyncTrail.addAsyncListener( this );
public void addCatchBypass() { scroll.addCatchBypass(); }
public void removeCatchBypass() { scroll.removeCatchBypass(); }
public void repaintMarkers( Span affectedSpan )
if( !markVisible || !affectedSpan.touches( timelineVis )) return;
final Span span = affectedSpan.shift( -timelineVis.start );
final Rectangle updateRect = new Rectangle(
(int) (span.start * vpScale), 0,
(int) (span.getLength() * vpScale) + 2, wavePanel.getHeight() ).
intersection( new Rectangle( 0, 0, wavePanel.getWidth(), wavePanel.getHeight() ));
if( !updateRect.isEmpty() ) {
// update markAxis in any case, even if it's invisible
// coz otherwise the flag stakes are not updated!
wavePanel.update( markAxis );
wavePanel.repaint( updateRect );
public void playerCreated( SuperColliderPlayer p )
lmm.setInputs( p.getInputBus() );
lmm.addTaskSync( p.getInputSync() );
public void playerDestroyed( SuperColliderPlayer p )
// protected boolean alwaysPackSize()
// {
// return false;
// }
public void setSRCEnabled( boolean onOff )
lbSRC.setForeground( onOff ? Color.red : colrClear );
public void setForceMeters( boolean onOff )
if( onOff != forceMeters ) {
forceMeters = onOff;
final int holdDur = forceMeters ? -1 : PeakMeter.DEFAULT_HOLD_DUR;
for( int i = 0; i < channelMeters.length; i++ ) {
channelMeters[ i ].setHoldDuration( holdDur );
// if( !forceMeters && !transport.isRunning() ) {
// timeMetersPause = System.currentTimeMillis() + 5000;
// }
public float getMaxMeterHold()
float hold = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
for( int i = 0; i < channelMeters.length; i++ ) {
hold = Math.max( hold, channelMeters[ i ].getHoldDecibels() );
return hold;
public void clearMeterHold()
for( int i = 0; i < channelMeters.length; i++ ) {
channelMeters[ i ].clearHold();
private void showHideMeters()
final boolean visible = chanMeters || forceMeters;
if( metersPanel.isVisible() != visible ) {
metersPanel.setVisible( visible );
// if( visible) metersPanel.revalidate();
// if( visible) {
// metersPanel.setSize( metersPanel.getPreferredSize().width, waveHeaderPanel.getHeight() ); // pack();
// for( int i = 0; i < channelMeters.length; i++ ) {
// channelMeters[ i ].setSize( channelMeters[ i ].getPreferredSize().width, waveHeaderPanel.getHeight() / channelMeters.length );
// channelMeters[ i ].setVisible( true );
// }
// metersPanel.revalidate();
// }
//System.err.println( "metersPanel.getComponentCount() = "+metersPanel.getComponentCount()+"; size = "+metersPanel.getWidth()+", "+metersPanel.getHeight() );
// waveHeaderView.makeCompactGrid();
// startStopMeters();
* Recreates the main frame's title bar
* after a sessions name changed (clear/load/save as session)
public void updateTitle()
// final File fDisp = doc.getDisplayDescr().file;
final AudioFileDescr[] afds = doc.getDescr();
final String name;
final Icon icn;
final File f;
writeProtected = false;
f = afds.length == 0 ? null : afds[0].file;
if( doc.getName() == null ) {
name = getResourceString( "frameUntitled" );
} else {
name = doc.getName();
try {
for( int i = 0; i < afds.length; i++ ) {
final File f1 = afds[ i ].file;
if( f1 == null ) continue;
writeProtected |= !f1.canWrite() || ((f1.getParentFile() != null) && !f1.getParentFile().canWrite());
} catch( SecurityException e ) { /* ignored */ }
if( writeProtected ) {
icn = GUIUtil.getNoWriteIcon();
if( lbWriteProtected.getIcon() != icn ) {
lbWriteProtected.setIcon( icn );
} else if( lbWriteProtected.getIcon() != null ) {
lbWriteProtected.setIcon( null );
// icnWriteProtected.setID( writeProtected ? MutableIcon.WRITE_PROTECTED : MutableIcon.INVISIBLE );
// lbWriteProtected.repaint();
if( internalFrames ) {
if( doc.isDirty() ) {
setTitle( "\u2022" + name );
} else {
setTitle( name );
} else {
setTitle( app.getName() + (doc.isDirty() ? " - \u2022" : " - " ) + name );
final Component c = getComponent();
if (c instanceof JFrame) {
final JFrame jf = (JFrame) c;
jf.getRootPane().putClientProperty("Window.documentFile", f);
actionShowWindow.putValue( Action.NAME, name );
actionSave.setEnabled( !writeProtected && doc.isDirty() );
setDirty( doc.isDirty() );
final AudioFileInfoPalette infoBox = (AudioFileInfoPalette) app.getComponent( Main.COMP_AUDIOINFO );
if( infoBox != null ) infoBox.updateDocumentName( doc );
if( writeProtected && !wpHaveWarned && doc.isDirty() ) {
// MutableIcon warnIcon = new MutableIcon( 128 );
// warnIcon.setID( MutableIcon.WRITE_PROTECTED );
final JOptionPane op = new JOptionPane( getResourceString( "warnWriteProtected" ), JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE );
// JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( getWindow(), getResourceString( "warnWriteProtected" ),
// getResourceString( "msgDlgWarn" ), JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, null );
BasicWindowHandler.showDialog( op, getWindow(), getResourceString( "msgDlgWarn" ));
wpHaveWarned = true;
// sync: attempts exclusive on MTE and shared on TIME!
protected void updateOverviews( boolean justBecauseOfResize, boolean allTracks )
//System.err.println( "update" );
waveView.update( timelineVis );
if( allTracks ) wavePanel.updateAll();
protected String getResourceString( String key )
return app.getResourceString( key );
// private BlendContext createBlendContext( long maxLength )
// {
// return BlendingAction.createBlendContext(
// AbstractApplication.getApplication().getUserPrefs().node( BlendingAction.DEFAULT_NODE ),
// timelineRate, maxLength );
// }
protected void documentUpdate()
final List collChannelMeters;
PeakMeter[] meters;
AudioTrackRowHeader chanHead;
AudioTrack t;
int oldChannels, newChannels;
Axis chanRuler;
PeakMeter chanMeter;
newChannels = doc.getDisplayDescr().channels;
oldChannels = collChannelHeaders.size();
meters = channelMeters;
collChannelMeters = new ArrayList( meters.length );
for( int ch = 0; ch < meters.length; ch++ ) {
collChannelMeters.add( meters[ ch ]);
// first kick out editors whose tracks have been removed
for( int ch = 0; ch < oldChannels; ch++ ) {
chanHead = (AudioTrackRowHeader) collChannelHeaders.get( ch );
t = (AudioTrack) chanHead.getTrack();
if( !doc.audioTracks.contains( t )) {
chanHead = (AudioTrackRowHeader) collChannelHeaders.remove( ch );
chanMeter = (PeakMeter) collChannelMeters.remove( ch );
chanRuler = (Axis) collChannelRulers.remove( ch );
// XXX : dispose trnsEdit (e.g. free vectors, remove listeners!!)
flagsPanel.remove( chanHead );
metersPanel.remove( chanMeter );
rulersPanel.remove( chanRuler );
// next look for newly added transmitters and create editors for them
newLp: for( int ch = 0; ch < newChannels; ch++ ) {
t = (AudioTrack) doc.audioTracks.get( ch );
for( int ch2 = 0; ch2 < oldChannels; ch2++ ) {
chanHead = (AudioTrackRowHeader) collChannelHeaders.get( ch );
if( chanHead.getTrack() == t ) continue newLp;
chanHead = new AudioTrackRowHeader( t, doc.tracks, doc.selectedTracks, doc.getUndoManager() );
collChannelHeaders.add( chanHead );
flagsPanel.add( chanHead, ch );
chanMeter = new PeakMeter();
collChannelMeters.add( chanMeter );
metersPanel.add( chanMeter, ch );
chanRuler = new Axis( Axis.VERTICAL, Axis.FIXEDBOUNDS );
collChannelRulers.add( chanRuler );
rulersPanel.add( chanRuler, ch );
meters = new PeakMeter[ collChannelMeters.size() ];
for( int ch = 0; ch < meters.length; ch++ ) {
meters[ ch ] = (PeakMeter) collChannelMeters.get( ch );
channelMeters = meters;
lmm.setView( new PeakMeterGroup( meters ));
updateOverviews( false, true );
// private void initStrip( Axis chanRuler, PeakMeter chanMeter )
// {
// final Preferences prefs = app.getUserPrefs();
// chanMeter.setVisible( prefs.getBoolean( PrefsUtil.KEY_VIEWCHANMETERS, false ));
// chanRuler.setVisible( prefs.getBoolean( PrefsUtil.KEY_VIEWVERTICALRULERS, false ));
// }
public ProcessingThread closeDocument( boolean force, Flag wasClosed )
if( !force ) {
final String name = getResourceString( "menuClose" );
if( !confirmCancel( name )) {
wasClosed.set( false );
return null;
final ProcessingThread pt = confirmUnsaved( name, wasClosed );
if( pt != null ) {
pt.addListener( new ProcessingThread.Listener() {
public void processStarted( ProcessingThread.Event e ) { /* ignored */ }
public void processStopped( ProcessingThread.Event e )
if( e.isDone() ) {
return pt;
if( wasClosed.isSet() ) {
return null;
protected void documentClosed()
disposed = true; // important to avoid "too late window messages" to be processed; fucking swing doesn't kill them despite listener being removed
//System.err.println( "DocumentFrame.documentClosed()" );
this.removeListener( winListener );
// this.removeWindowFocusListener( winListener ); // otherwise we'll try to set an obsolete active doc
app.getDocumentHandler().removeDocument( this, doc ); // invokes doc.dispose() and hence this.dispose()
// actionShowWindow.removeAll();
public void dispose()
app.getMenuFactory().removeFromWindowMenu( actionShowWindow );
AudioTrackRowHeader chanHead;
Axis chanRuler;
while( !collChannelHeaders.isEmpty() ) {
chanHead = (AudioTrackRowHeader) collChannelHeaders.remove( 0 );
while( !collChannelRulers.isEmpty() ) {
chanRuler = (Axis) collChannelRulers.remove( 0 );
for( int ch = 0; ch < channelMeters.length; ch++ ) {
channelMeters[ ch ].dispose();
channelMeters = new PeakMeter[ 0 ];
private void updateEditEnabled( boolean enabled )
Action ma;
ma = doc.getCutAction();
if( ma != null ) ma.setEnabled( enabled );
ma = doc.getCopyAction();
if( ma != null ) ma.setEnabled( enabled );
ma = doc.getDeleteAction();
if( ma != null ) ma.setEnabled( enabled );
ma = doc.getTrimAction();
if( ma != null ) ma.setEnabled( enabled );
actionProcess.setEnabled( enabled );
actionNewFromSel.setEnabled( enabled );
actionSaveSelectionAs.setEnabled( enabled );
// public ProcessingThread insertSilence( long pos, long numFrames )
// {
// return actionInsertSilence.initiate( pos, numFrames );
// }
* Checks if there are unsaved changes to
* the session. If so, displays a confirmation
* dialog. Invokes Save/Save As depending
* on user selection. IF the doc was not dirty,
* or if "Cancel" or
* "Don't save" was chosen, the
* method returns <code>null</code> and the
* <code>confirmed</code> flag reflects whether
* the document should be closed. If a saving
* process should be started, that process is
* returned. Note that the <code>ProcessingThread</code>
* in this case has not yet been started, as to
* allow interested objects to install a listener
* first. So it's their job to call the <code>start</code>
* method!
* @param actionName name of the action that
* threatens the session
* @param confirmed a flag that will be set to <code>true</code> if
* the doc is allowed to be closed
* (doc was not dirty or user chose "Don't save"),
* otherwise <code>false</code> (save process
* initiated or user chose "Cancel").
* @return a saving process yet to be started or <code>null</code>
* if the doc needn't/shouldn't be saved
* @see de.sciss.eisenkraut.util.ProcessingThread#start
private ProcessingThread confirmUnsaved( String actionName, Flag confirmed )
if( !doc.isDirty() ) {
confirmed.set( true );
return null;
final Object[] options = { getResourceString( "buttonSave" ),
getResourceString( "buttonCancel" ),
getResourceString( "buttonDontSave" )};
final int choice;
// final AudioFileDescr displayAFD = doc.getDisplayDescr();
final String name;
final JOptionPane op;
final JDialog d;
final JRootPane rp;
final Flag dont = new Flag( false );
AudioFileDescr[] afds = doc.getDescr();
if( doc.getName() == null ) {
name = getResourceString( "frameUntitled" );
} else {
name = doc.getName();
// choice = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog( getWindow(), name + " :\n" + getResourceString( "optionDlgUnsaved" ),
// actionName, JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, null,
// options, options[1] );
op = new JOptionPane( name + " :\n" + getResourceString( "optionDlgUnsaved" ),
options, options[ 1 ]);
d = op.createDialog( getWindow(), actionName );
rp = d.getRootPane();
if( rp != null ) {
rp.getInputMap( JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW ).put(
KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_D, BasicMenuFactory.MENU_SHORTCUT ), "dont" );
rp.getActionMap().put( "dont", new AbstractAction() {
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
dont.set( true );
BasicWindowHandler.showDialog( d );
// d.setVisible( true );
if( dont.isSet() ) {
choice = 2;
} else {
final Object value = op.getValue();
if( (value == null) || (value == options[ 1 ])) {
choice = 1;
} else if( value == options[ 0 ]) {
choice = 0;
} else if( value == options[ 2 ]) {
choice = 2;
} else {
choice = -1; // throws assertion error in switch block
switch( choice ) {
case JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION:
case 1: // cancel
confirmed.set( false );
return null;
case 2: // don't save
confirmed.set( true );
return null;
case 0:
confirmed.set( false );
if( (doc.getDisplayDescr().file == null) || writeProtected ) {
afds = actionSaveAs.query( afds );
if( afds != null ) {
return actionSave.initiate( actionSave.getValue( Action.NAME ).toString(), null, afds, null, true, false, false );
return null;
assert false : choice;
return null;
private boolean confirmCancel( String actionName )
if( doc.checkProcess( 50 )) {
return true;
final int choice;
// final AudioFileDescr displayAFD = doc.getDisplayDescr();
final String name;
if( doc.getName() == null ) {
name = getResourceString( "frameUntitled" );
} else {
name = doc.getName();
final JOptionPane op = new JOptionPane( name + " :\n" + getResourceString( "optionDlgProcessing" ) +
"\n(" + doc.getProcessName() + ")?", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE,
JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION );
// choice = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( getWindow(), name + " :\n" + getResourceString( "optionDlgProcessing" ) +
// "\n(" + doc.getProcessName() + ")?",
// actionName, JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE );
choice = BasicWindowHandler.showDialog( op, getWindow(), actionName );
switch( choice ) {
case JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION:
case JOptionPane.NO_OPTION:
return false;
case JOptionPane.YES_OPTION: // abort
doc.cancelProcess( true );
return true;
assert false : choice;
return false;
* Only call in the Swing thread!
protected void updatePositionAndRepaint()
boolean pEmpty, cEmpty;
int x, x2;
pEmpty = (vpPositionRect.x + vpPositionRect.width < 0) || (vpPositionRect.x > vpRecentRect.width);
if( !pEmpty ) vpUpdateRect.setBounds( vpPositionRect );
if( vpScale > 0f ) {
vpPosition = (int) ((timelinePos - timelineVis.getStart()) * vpScale + 0.5f);
// choose update rect such that even a paint manager delay of 200 milliseconds
// will still catch the (then advanced) position so we don't see flickering!
// XXX this should take playback rate into account, though
vpPositionRect.setBounds( vpPosition, 0, Math.max( 1, (int) (vpScale * timelineRate * 0.2f) ), vpRecentRect.height );
} else {
vpPosition = -1;
vpPositionRect.setBounds( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
cEmpty = (vpPositionRect.x + vpPositionRect.width <= 0) || (vpPositionRect.x > vpRecentRect.width);
if( pEmpty ) {
if( cEmpty ) return;
x = Math.max( 0, vpPositionRect.x );
x2 = Math.min( vpRecentRect.width, vpPositionRect.x + vpPositionRect.width );
vpUpdateRect.setBounds( x, vpPositionRect.y, x2 - x, vpPositionRect.height );
} else {
if( cEmpty ) {
x = Math.max( 0, vpUpdateRect.x );
x2 = Math.min( vpRecentRect.width, vpUpdateRect.x + vpUpdateRect.width );
vpUpdateRect.setBounds( x, vpUpdateRect.y, x2 - x, vpUpdateRect.height );
} else {
x = Math.max( 0, Math.min( vpUpdateRect.x, vpPositionRect.x ));
x2 = Math.min( vpRecentRect.width, Math.max( vpUpdateRect.x + vpUpdateRect.width,
vpPositionRect.x + vpPositionRect.width ));
vpUpdateRect.setBounds( x, vpUpdateRect.y, x2 - x, vpUpdateRect.height );
if( !vpUpdateRect.isEmpty() ) {
wavePanel.repaint( vpUpdateRect );
* Only call in the Swing thread!
protected void updateSelectionAndRepaint()
final Rectangle r = new Rectangle( 0, 0, wavePanel.getWidth(), wavePanel.getHeight() );
vpUpdateRect.setBounds( vpSelectionRect );
recalcTransforms( r );
if( vpUpdateRect.isEmpty() ) {
vpUpdateRect.setBounds( vpSelectionRect );
} else if( !vpSelectionRect.isEmpty() ) {
vpUpdateRect = vpUpdateRect.union( vpSelectionRect );
vpUpdateRect = vpUpdateRect.intersection( new Rectangle( 0, 0, wavePanel.getWidth(), wavePanel.getHeight() ));
if( !vpUpdateRect.isEmpty() ) {
wavePanel.repaint( vpUpdateRect );
* Only call in the Swing thread!
private void updateTransformsAndRepaint( boolean verticalSelection )
final Rectangle r = new Rectangle( 0, 0, wavePanel.getWidth(), wavePanel.getHeight() );
vpUpdateRect = vpSelectionRect.union( vpPositionRect );
recalcTransforms( r );
if( verticalSelection ) updateSelection();
vpUpdateRect = vpUpdateRect.union( vpPositionRect ).union( vpSelectionRect ).intersection( r );
if( !vpUpdateRect.isEmpty() ) {
wavePanel.repaint( vpUpdateRect ); // XXX ??
protected void recalcTransforms( Rectangle newRect )
int x, w;
vpRecentRect = newRect; // getViewRect();
if( !timelineVis.isEmpty() ) {
vpScale = (float) vpRecentRect.width / (float) timelineVis.getLength(); // - 1;
playTimer.setDelay( Math.min( (int) (1000 / (vpScale * timelineRate * playRate)), 33 ));
vpPosition = (int) ((timelinePos - timelineVis.getStart()) * vpScale + 0.5f);
vpPositionRect.setBounds( vpPosition, 0, 1, vpRecentRect.height );
if( !timelineSel.isEmpty() ) {
x = (int) ((timelineSel.getStart() - timelineVis.getStart()) * vpScale + 0.5f) + vpRecentRect.x;
w = Math.max( 1, (int) ((timelineSel.getStop() - timelineVis.getStart()) * vpScale + 0.5f) - x );
vpSelectionRect.setBounds( x, 0, w, vpRecentRect.height );
} else {
vpSelectionRect.setBounds( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
} else {
vpScale = 0.0f;
vpPosition = -1;
vpPositionRect.setBounds( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
vpSelectionRect.setBounds( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
// sync: caller must sync on timeline + grp + tc
private void updateSelection()
Rectangle r;
Track t;
int x, y;
if( !timelineSel.isEmpty() ) {
x = waveView.getX();
y = waveView.getY();
vpSelections.add( timeAxis.getBounds() );
vpSelectionColors.add( colrSelection );
t = doc.markerTrack;
vpSelections.add( markAxis.getBounds() );
vpSelectionColors.add( doc.selectedTracks.contains( t ) ? colrSelection : colrSelection2 );
for( int ch = 0; ch < waveView.getNumChannels(); ch++ ) {
r = new Rectangle( waveView.rectForChannel( ch ));
r.translate( x, y );
t = (Track) doc.audioTracks.get( ch );
vpSelections.add( r );
vpSelectionColors.add( doc.selectedTracks.contains( t ) ? colrSelection : colrSelection2 );
protected void setZoomRect( Rectangle r )
vpZoomRect = r;
vpZoomStrokeIdx = (vpZoomStrokeIdx + 1) % vpZoomStroke.length;
// ------------- DecimatedTrail.AsyncListener interface -------------
public void asyncFinished( DecimatedTrail.AsyncEvent e )
final DecimatedTrail dt = e.getDecimatedTrail();
dt.removeAsyncListener( this );
if( dt == asyncTrail ) asyncTrail = null;
updateOverviews( false, true );
public void asyncUpdate( DecimatedTrail.AsyncEvent e )
updateOverviews( false, true );
// ---------------- ProgressComponent interface ----------------
public void addCancelListener( ActionListener l )
pProgress.addCancelListener( l );
public void removeCancelListener( ActionListener l )
pProgress.removeCancelListener( l );
public Component getComponent()
return getWindow();
public void resetProgression()
pOverlay.performFade( 1f, 1000, 250 );
public void setProgression( float p )
pProgress.setProgression( p );
public void finishProgression( int result )
if( result != CANCELLED ) pProgress.finishProgression( result );
pOverlay.performFade( 0f, result == CANCELLED ? 0 : 4000, 250 );
public void setProgressionText( String text )
pProgress.setProgressionText( text );
public void showMessage( int type, String text )
pProgress.showMessage( type, text );
public void displayError( Exception e, String processName )
BasicWindowHandler.showErrorDialog( getWindow(), e, processName );
protected void updateAFDGadget()
final AudioFileDescr displayAFD = doc.getDisplayDescr();
final AudioFileDescr[] afds = doc.getDescr();
displayAFD.rate = timelineRate;
displayAFD.length = timelineLen;
for( int i = 0; i < afds.length; i++ ) {
afds[ i ].rate = displayAFD.rate;
afds[ i ].length = displayAFD.length;
ggAudioFileDescr.setText( displayAFD.getFormat() );
pOverlay.performFade( 0f, 1000, 250 );
// if( !ggAudioFileDescr.isVisible() ) {
// hideProgressBarTimer.stop();
// hideProgressBarListener.actionPerformed( null );
// }
protected void updateCursorFormat()
final AudioFileDescr displayAFD = doc.getDisplayDescr();
csrInfoBits = displayAFD.bitsPerSample;
csrInfoIsInt = displayAFD.sampleFormat == AudioFileDescr.FORMAT_INT;
protected void updateVerticalRuler()
final VectorSpace spc;
final float min, max;
Axis chanRuler;
switch( waveView.getVerticalScale() ) {
case PrefsUtil.VSCALE_AMP_LIN:
min = waveView.getAmpLinMin() * 100;
max = waveView.getAmpLinMax() * 100;
spc = VectorSpace.createLinSpace( 0.0, 1.0, min, max, null, null, null, null );
case PrefsUtil.VSCALE_AMP_LOG:
min = waveView.getAmpLogMin();
max = waveView.getAmpLogMax();
spc = VectorSpace.createLinSpace( 0.0, 1.0, min, max, null, null, null, null );
min = waveView.getFreqMin();
max = waveView.getFreqMax();
spc = VectorSpace.createLinLogSpace( 0.0, 1.0, min, max, Math.sqrt( min * max ), null, null, null, null );
assert false : waveView.getVerticalScale();
spc = null;
for( int i = 0; i < collChannelRulers.size(); i++ ) {
chanRuler = (Axis) collChannelRulers.get( i );
chanRuler.setSpace( spc );
// ---------------- TimelineListener interface ----------------
public void timelineSelected( TimelineEvent e )
final boolean wasEmpty = timelineSel.isEmpty();
final boolean isEmpty;
timelineSel = doc.timeline.getSelectionSpan();
isEmpty = timelineSel.isEmpty();
if( wasEmpty != isEmpty ) {
updateEditEnabled( !isEmpty );
// warning : don't call doc.setAudioFileDescr, it will restore the old markers!
public void timelineChanged( TimelineEvent e )
timelineRate = doc.timeline.getRate();
timelineLen = doc.timeline.getLength();
playTimer.setDelay( Math.min( (int) (1000 / (vpScale * timelineRate * playRate)), 33 ));
updateOverviews( false, true );
public void timelinePositioned( TimelineEvent e )
timelinePos = doc.timeline.getPosition();
scroll.setPosition( timelinePos, 0, pointerTool.validDrag ?
TimelineScroll.TYPE_DRAG : TimelineScroll.TYPE_UNKNOWN );
public void timelineScrolled( TimelineEvent e )
//System.out.println( "scrolled " + doc.timeline.getVisibleSpan() );
timelineVis = doc.timeline.getVisibleSpan();
updateOverviews( false, true );
updateTransformsAndRepaint( false );
// ---------------- TransportListener interface ----------------
public void transportPlay( Transport t, long pos, double rate )
playRate = rate;
playTimer.setDelay( Math.min( (int) (1000 / (vpScale * timelineRate * playRate)), 33 ));
public void transportStop( Transport t, long pos )
public void transportPosition( Transport t, long pos, double rate ) { /* ignored */ }
public void transportReadjust( Transport t, long pos, double rate ) { /* ignored */ }
public void transportQuit( Transport t )
// ---------------- RealtimeConsumer interface ----------------
// /**
// * Requests 30 fps notification (no data block requests).
// * This is used to update the timeline position during transport
// * playback.
// */
// public RealtimeConsumerRequest createRequest( RealtimeContext context )
// {
// RealtimeConsumerRequest request = new RealtimeConsumerRequest( this, context );
// // 30 fps is visually fluent
// request.notifyTickStep = RealtimeConsumerRequest.approximateStep( context, 30 );
// request.notifyTicks = true;
// request.notifyOffhand = true;
// return request;
// }
// public void realtimeTick( RealtimeContext context, long timelinePos )
// {
// this.timelinePos = timelinePos;
// scroll.setPosition( timelinePos, 50, TimelineScroll.TYPE_TRANSPORT );
// }
// public void offhandTick( RealtimeContext context, long timelinePos )
// {
// }
// ---------------- ToolListener interface ----------------
// sync: attemptShared DOOR_TRNS
public void toolChanged( ToolActionEvent e )
if( activeTool != null ) {
activeTool.toolDismissed( waveView );
activeTool = (AbstractTool) tools.get( new Integer( e.getToolAction().getID() ));
if( activeTool != null ) {
waveView.setCursor( e.getToolAction().getDefaultCursor() );
activeTool.toolAcquired( waveView );
} else {
waveView.setCursor( null );
// ---------------- PreferenceChangeListener interface ----------------
public void preferenceChange( PreferenceChangeEvent e )
final String key = e.getKey();
if( key == PrefsUtil.KEY_VIEWNULLLINIE ) {
waveView.setNullLinie( e.getNode().getBoolean( e.getKey(), false ));
} else if( key == PrefsUtil.KEY_VIEWVERTICALRULERS ) {
final boolean visible = e.getNode().getBoolean( e.getKey(), false );
rulersPanel.setVisible( visible );
} else if( key == PrefsUtil.KEY_VIEWCHANMETERS ) {
chanMeters = e.getNode().getBoolean( e.getKey(), false );
} else if( key == PrefsUtil.KEY_VIEWMARKERS ) {
viewMarkers = e.getNode().getBoolean( e.getKey(), false );
markVisible = viewMarkers && waveExpanded;
if( waveExpanded ) {
markAxis.setVisible( markVisible );
markAxisHeader.setVisible( markVisible );
if( markVisible ) {
} else {
} else if( key == PrefsUtil.KEY_TIMEUNITS ) {
final boolean timeSmps = e.getNode().getInt( key, PrefsUtil.TIME_SAMPLES ) == PrefsUtil.TIME_SAMPLES;
msgCsr1.applyPattern( timeSmps ? smpPtrn : timePtrn );
} else if( key == PrefsUtil.KEY_VERTSCALE) {
verticalScale = e.getNode().getInt( key, PrefsUtil.VSCALE_AMP_LIN );
checkDecimatedTrails(); // needs to be before setVert.scale / updateRuler!
waveView.setVerticalScale( verticalScale );
// ---------------- ClipboardOwner interface ----------------
public void lostOwnership( Clipboard clipboard, Transferable contents )
// XXX evtl. dispose() aufrufen
// ---------------- internal action classes ----------------
private class ActionDebugDump
extends MenuAction
protected ActionDebugDump() { /* empty */ }
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
System.err.println( "------------ Document: "+doc.getDisplayDescr().file+" ------------" );
System.err.println( " --------- decimated ---------" );
private class ActionDebugVerify
extends MenuAction
protected ActionDebugVerify() { /* empty */ }
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
System.err.println( "------------ Document: " + doc.getDisplayDescr().file + " ------------" );
System.err.println(" --------- decimated ---------");
private class ActionNewFromSel
extends MenuAction
protected ActionNewFromSel() { /* empty */ }
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
final ClipboardTrackList tl = doc.getSelectionAsTrackList();
final Session doc2;
final AudioFileDescr afd, afd2;
final int selChans;
final ProcessingThread pt;
if( tl == null ) return;
selChans = tl.getTrackNum( AudioTrail.class );
afd = doc.getDisplayDescr();
afd2 = new AudioFileDescr();
afd2.bitsPerSample = afd.bitsPerSample;
afd2.channels = selChans;
afd2.rate = afd.rate;
afd2.sampleFormat = afd.sampleFormat;
doc2 = ((MenuFactory) app.getMenuFactory()).newDocument( afd2 );
if( doc2 == null ) {
// it's important that the clipboard tl be diposed
// when not used any more
pt = doc2.pasteTrackList( tl, 0, getResourceString( "menuPaste" ), Session.EDIT_INSERT );
if( pt != null ) {
pt.addListener( new ProcessingThread.Listener() {
public void processStarted( ProcessingThread.Event e1 ) { /* ignored */ }
public void processStopped( ProcessingThread.Event e2 ) {
doc.start( pt );
} else {
} // actionNewFromSelClass
// action for the Save-Session menu item
private class ActionClose
extends MenuAction
protected ActionClose() { /* empty */ }
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
public void perform()
final ProcessingThread pt = closeDocument( false, new Flag( false ));
if( pt != null ) doc.start( pt );
// action for the Save-Session menu item
private class ActionSave
extends MenuAction
protected ActionSave() { /* empty */ }
* Saves a Session. If the file
* wasn't saved before, a file chooser
* is shown before.
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
final AudioFileDescr displayAFD = doc.getDisplayDescr();
final AudioFileDescr[] afds;
if( displayAFD.file == null ) {
afds = actionSaveAs.query( doc.getDescr() );
} else {
afds = doc.getDescr();
if( afds != null ) {
perform( getValue( NAME ).toString(), afds );
protected void perform( String name, AudioFileDescr[] afds )
perform( name, null, afds, null, true, false, false );
protected void perform( String name, Span span, AudioFileDescr[] afds,
int[] channelMap, boolean saveMarkers, boolean asCopy, boolean openAfterSave )
final ProcessingThread pt = initiate( name, span, afds, channelMap, saveMarkers, asCopy, openAfterSave );
if( pt != null ) doc.start( pt );
protected ProcessingThread initiate( String name, final Span span, final AudioFileDescr[] afds,
int[] channelMap, boolean saveMarkers, final boolean asCopy, final boolean openAfterSave )
final ProcessingThread pt = doc.procSave( name, span, afds, channelMap, saveMarkers, asCopy );
if( pt == null ) return null;
pt.addListener( new ProcessingThread.Listener() {
public void processStopped( ProcessingThread.Event e )
if( !e.isDone() ) return;
wpHaveWarned = false;
if( !asCopy ) {
if( afds.length == 1 ) app.getMenuFactory().addRecent( afds[ 0 ].file );
if( openAfterSave ) {
if( afds.length == 1 ) {
app.getMenuFactory().openDocument( afds[ 0 ].file );
} else {
final File[] fs = new File[ afds.length ];
for( int i = 0; i < afds.length; i++ ) {
fs[ i ] = afds[ i ].file;
((MenuFactory) app.getMenuFactory()).openDocument( fs );
public void processStarted( ProcessingThread.Event e ) { /* ignored */ }
return pt;
// action for the Save-Session-As menu item
private class ActionSaveAs
extends MenuAction
private final boolean asCopy;
private final boolean selection;
private final Flag openAfterSave;
protected ActionSaveAs( boolean asCopy, boolean selection )
if( selection && !asCopy ) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
this.asCopy = asCopy;
this.selection = selection;
openAfterSave = new Flag( false );
* Query a file name from the user and save the Session
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
final List infos = Track.getInfos( doc.selectedTracks.getAll(), doc.tracks.getAll() );
boolean saveMarkers = true;
int[] channelMap = null;
if( selection ) {
for( int i = 0; i < infos.size(); i++ ) {
Track.Info ti = (Track.Info) infos.get( i );
if( ti.trail instanceof AudioTrail ) {
int numSelChannels = 0;
for( int j = 0; j < ti.trackMap.length; j++ ) {
if( ti.trackMap[ j ]) numSelChannels++;
channelMap = new int[ numSelChannels ];
for( int j = 0, k = 0; j < ti.trackMap.length; j++ ) {
if( ti.trackMap[ j ]) channelMap[ k++ ] = j;
} else if( ti.trail instanceof MarkerTrail ) {
saveMarkers = ti.selected;
final AudioFileDescr[] afds = query( doc.getDescr(), channelMap, saveMarkers, asCopy, selection, openAfterSave );
if( afds != null ) {
actionSave.perform( getValue( NAME ).toString(), selection ? timelineSel : null, afds, channelMap, saveMarkers, asCopy, openAfterSave.isSet() );
protected AudioFileDescr[] query( AudioFileDescr[] protoType )
return query( protoType, null, true, false, false, null );
* Open a file chooser so the user
* can select a new output file and format for the session.
* @return the AudioFileDescr representing the chosen file path
* and format or <code>null</code>
* if the dialog was cancelled.
* @todo should warn user if saveMarkers is true and format does not support it
protected AudioFileDescr[] query( AudioFileDescr[] protoType, int[] channelMap, boolean saveMarkers,
boolean asCopySettings, boolean selectionSettings, Flag openAfterSaveSettings )
if( protoType.length == 0 ) return null;
// final FileDialog fDlg;
final AudioFileDescr[] afds;
final AudioFileFormatPane affp;
// final JOptionPane dlg;
final SpringPanel msgPane;
final PathField[] ggPathFields;
final int[] channelsUsed = new int[ protoType.length ];
final JCheckBox ggOpenAfterSave;
final String prefsDirKey = selectionSettings ? PrefsUtil.KEY_FILESAVESELDIR : PrefsUtil.KEY_FILESAVEDIR;
final JPanel p;
int filesUsed = 0;
File f; // , f2;
String[] queryOptions = { getResourceString( "buttonSave" ),
getResourceString( "buttonCancel" )};
int i, result;
String str;
JLabel lb;
String fileName, dirName;
boolean setFocus = false;
int y = 0;
//System.out.print( "channelMap = [ " );
//for( int kkk = 0; kkk < channelMap.length; kkk++ ) System.out.print( (kkk > 0 ? ", " : "") + channelMap[ kkk ]);
//System.out.println( " ]" );
msgPane = new SpringPanel( 4, 2, 4, 2 );
ggPathFields = new PathField[ protoType.length ];
affp = new AudioFileFormatPane( AudioFileFormatPane.FORMAT | AudioFileFormatPane.ENCODING );
affp.fromDescr( protoType[0] );
lb = new JLabel( getResourceString( "labelOutputFile" ), RIGHT );
// lb.setLabelFor( ggPathField );
msgPane.gridAdd( lb, 0, y );
for( int j = 0, chanOff = 0; j < protoType.length; chanOff += protoType[ j ].channels, j++, y++ ) {
if( channelMap == null ) {
channelsUsed[ j ] = protoType[ j ].channels;
} else {
for( int k = 0; k < channelMap.length; k++ ) {
if( (channelMap[ k ] >= chanOff) && (channelMap[ k ] < chanOff + protoType[ j ].channels) ) {
channelsUsed[ j ]++;
//System.out.println( "channelsUsed[ " + j + " ] = " + channelsUsed[ j ]);
if( channelsUsed[ j ] == 0 ) continue;
ggPathFields[ j ] = new PathField( PathField.TYPE_OUTPUTFILE, getValue( NAME ).toString() );
if( protoType[ j ].file == null ) {
fileName = getResourceString( "frameUntitled" ) + (ggPathFields.length > 1 ? "-" + (j+1) : "");
} else if( asCopySettings || selectionSettings ) {
str = protoType[ j ].file.getName();
i = str.lastIndexOf( '.' );
if( i == -1 ) i = str.length();
fileName = str.substring( 0, i ) + (selectionSettings ? getResourceString( "fileDlgCut" ) : " " + getResourceString( "fileDlgCopy" )); // suffix is appended by affp!
} else {
fileName = protoType[ j ].file.getName();
dirName = app.getUserPrefs().get( prefsDirKey, protoType[ j ].file == null ? System.getProperty( "user.home" ) : protoType[ j ].file.getParent() );
ggPathFields[ j ].setPath( new File( dirName, fileName ));
affp.automaticFileSuffix( ggPathFields[ j ] );
if( (protoType[ j ].file == null) || asCopySettings || selectionSettings ) { // create non-existent file name
ggPathFields[ j ].setPath( IOUtil.nonExistentFileVariant( ggPathFields[ j ].getPath(), -1,
selectionSettings ? null : " ", null ));
ggPathFields[ j ].selectFileName( false );
msgPane.gridAdd( ggPathFields[ j ], 1, y );
if( !setFocus ) {
GUIUtil.setInitialDialogFocus( ggPathFields[ j ]);
setFocus = true;
lb = new JLabel( getResourceString( "labelFormat" ), RIGHT );
msgPane.gridAdd( lb, 0, y );
msgPane.gridAdd( affp, 1, y, -1, 1 );
lb.setLabelFor( affp );
if( asCopySettings ) {
ggOpenAfterSave = new JCheckBox( getResourceString( "labelOpenAfterSave" ));
ggOpenAfterSave.setSelected( openAfterSaveSettings.isSet() );
msgPane.gridAdd( ggOpenAfterSave, 1, y );
} else {
ggOpenAfterSave = null;
// msgPane.gridAdd( new JLabel( " " ), 1, y );
AbstractWindowHandler.setDeepFont( msgPane );
p = new JPanel( new BorderLayout() );
p.add( msgPane, BorderLayout.NORTH );
final JOptionPane op = new JOptionPane( p, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, null, queryOptions, queryOptions[ 0 ]);
// result = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog( getWindow(), p, getValue( NAME ).toString(),
// null, queryOptions, queryOptions[ 0 ]);
result = BasicWindowHandler.showDialog( op, getWindow(), getValue( NAME ).toString() );
if( ggOpenAfterSave != null ) {
openAfterSaveSettings.set( ggOpenAfterSave.isSelected() );
if( result == 0 ) {
// save dir prefs
if( ggPathFields.length > 0 ) {
app.getUserPrefs().put( prefsDirKey, ggPathFields[ 0 ].getPath().getParent() );
afds = new AudioFileDescr[ filesUsed ];
for( int j = 0, k = 0; j < ggPathFields.length; j++ ) {
if( channelsUsed[ j ] == 0 ) continue;
f = ggPathFields[ j ].getPath();
if( f.exists() ) {
queryOptions = new String[] { getResourceString( "buttonOverwrite" ),
getResourceString( "buttonCancel" )};
final JOptionPane op2 = new JOptionPane( getResourceString( "warnFileExists" ) +
":\n" + f.getAbsolutePath() + "\n" + getResourceString( "warnOverwriteFile" ),
null, queryOptions, queryOptions[1] );
// result = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog( getWindow(), getResourceString( "warnFileExists" ) +
// ":\n" + f.getAbsolutePath() + "\n" + getResourceString( "warnOverwriteFile" ),
// getValue( NAME ).toString(), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE,
// null, queryOptions, queryOptions[1] );
result = BasicWindowHandler.showDialog( op2, getWindow(), getValue( NAME ).toString() );
if( result != 0 ) return null;
afds[ k ] = new AudioFileDescr( protoType[ j ]);
affp.toDescr( afds[ k ]);
afds[ k ].file = f;
afds[ k ].channels = channelsUsed[ j ];
return afds;
} else {
return null;
// private class actionImportMarkersClass
// extends MenuAction
// {
// public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
// {
// new ImportMarkersDialog( doc );
// }
// }
private class ActionSelectAll
extends MenuAction
protected ActionSelectAll() { /* empty */ }
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
doc.timeline.editSelect( this, new Span( 0, timelineLen ));
private class ActionInsertRec
extends MenuAction
protected ActionInsertRec() { /* empty */ }
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
final RecorderDialog recDlg;
final File recFile;
final Session tmpDoc;
final ClipboardTrackList tl;
final ProcessingThread pt;
final Session targetDoc;
final AudioFileDescr afd, afd2;
try {
recDlg = new RecorderDialog( doc );
catch( IOException e1 ) {
BasicWindowHandler.showErrorDialog( getWindow(), e1, getValue( NAME ).toString() );
recFile = recDlg.getResult();
if( recFile != null ) {
try {
// if( true ) throw new IOException( "test" );
tmpDoc = Session.newFrom( recFile, false, false );
catch( IOException e1 ) {
GUIUtil.displayError( getWindow(), e1, getValue( NAME ).toString() );
confirmDelete( recFile );
tl = new ClipboardTrackList( tmpDoc, new Span( 0, tmpDoc.timeline.getLength() ), tmpDoc.tracks.getAll() );
if( doc.checkProcess()) {
targetDoc = doc;
} else { // doc busy, save the recording by creating a separate document
afd = doc.getDisplayDescr();
afd2 = new AudioFileDescr();
afd2.bitsPerSample = afd.bitsPerSample;
afd2.channels = afd.channels;
afd2.rate = afd.rate;
afd2.sampleFormat = afd.sampleFormat;
targetDoc = ((MenuFactory) app.getMenuFactory()).newDocument( afd2 );
//pt = null;
pt = targetDoc == null ? null : targetDoc.pasteTrackList( tl, targetDoc.timeline.getPosition(), getValue( NAME ).toString(), targetDoc.getEditMode() );
if( pt != null ) {
pt.addListener( new ProcessingThread.Listener() {
public void processStarted( ProcessingThread.Event e1 ) { /* ignored */ }
public void processStopped( ProcessingThread.Event e2 )
if( e2.isDone() ) {
deleteFile( recFile );
} else {
confirmDelete( recFile );
targetDoc.start( pt );
} else {
confirmDelete( recFile );
protected void confirmDelete( File path )
final int choice;
final Object[] options = new String[] { getResourceString( "buttonKeepFile" ), getResourceString( "buttonDeleteFile" )};
final JOptionPane op = new JOptionPane( getResourceString( "optionDlgKeepRec1" ) + path.getAbsolutePath() + getResourceString( "optionDlgKeepRec2" ),
JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, null, options, options[ 0 ]);
// choice = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog( getWindow(), getResourceString( "optionDlgKeepRec1" ) + path.getAbsolutePath() + getResourceString( "optionDlgKeepRec2" ),
// getValue( NAME ).toString(), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, null,
// options, options[ 0 ]);
choice = BasicWindowHandler.showDialog( op, getWindow(), getValue( NAME ).toString() );
if( choice == 1 ) {
deleteFile( path );
protected void deleteFile( File path )
if( !path.delete() ) {
final JOptionPane op = new JOptionPane( path.getAbsolutePath() + ":\n" + getResourceString( "errDeleteFile" ), JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE );
// JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( getWindow(), path.getAbsolutePath() + ":\n" + getResourceString( "errDeleteFile" ), getValue( NAME ).toString(),
BasicWindowHandler.showDialog( op, getWindow(), getValue( NAME ).toString() );
} // class actionInsertRecClass
private class ActionProcess
extends MenuAction
protected ActionProcess() { /* empty */ }
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { /* empty */ }
private class ActionPlugIn
extends MenuAction
private final String plugInClassName;
protected ActionPlugIn( String plugInClassName )
this.plugInClassName = plugInClassName;
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
FilterDialog filterDlg = (FilterDialog) app.getComponent( Main.COMP_FILTER );
if( filterDlg == null ) {
filterDlg = new FilterDialog();
filterDlg.process( plugInClassName, doc, (e.getModifiers() & ActionEvent.SHIFT_MASK) != 0, false );
actionProcessAgain.setPlugIn( filterDlg.getPlugIn() );
private class ActionProcessAgain
extends MenuAction
private String plugInClassName = null;
protected ActionProcessAgain()
setEnabled( false );
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
if( plugInClassName == null ) return;
FilterDialog filterDlg = (FilterDialog) app.getComponent( Main.COMP_FILTER );
if( filterDlg == null ) {
filterDlg = new FilterDialog();
filterDlg.process( plugInClassName, doc, false, true );
protected void setPlugIn( RenderPlugIn plugIn )
if( plugIn == null ) {
if( isEnabled() ) {
setEnabled( false );
putValue( NAME, getResourceString( "menuProcessAgain" ));
plugInClassName = null;
} else {
if( !isEnabled() ) {
setEnabled( true );
putValue( NAME, getResourceString( "menuProcessAgain" ) + " : " + plugIn.getName() );
plugInClassName = plugIn.getClass().getName();
private class ActionAudioInfo
extends MenuAction
protected ActionAudioInfo() { /* empty */ }
* Brings up the Audio-Info-Box
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
AudioFileInfoPalette infoBox = (AudioFileInfoPalette) app.getComponent( Main.COMP_AUDIOINFO );
if( infoBox == null ) {
infoBox = new AudioFileInfoPalette();
infoBox.setVisible( true );
private class ActionRevealFile
extends MenuAction
private File f;
protected ActionRevealFile()
super( "Reveal File in Finder" );
setFile( null );
// osascript -e 'tell application "Finder"' -e 'activate' -e 'open location "file:///Volumes/Claude/audio"'
// -e 'select file "Sine441HzGain.aif" of folder of the front window'
// -e 'end tell'
* Shows the file in the finder (Mac OS only)
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
if( f == null ) return;
try {
// File.toURL() ends up with sth. like "file:/Volumes/Claude/..." omitting the two initial slashes
// final String[] cmdArray = { "osascript", "-e", "tell application \"Finder\"", "-e", "activate",
// "-e", "open location \"" + f.getAbsoluteFile().toURL().toString() + "\"",
// "-e", "end tell" };
// make sure space characters are escaped as %20 in URL stylee
final Normalizer n = new Normalizer( Normalizer.C, false );
// final String parentDir = n.normalize( f.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath() ).replaceAll( " ", "%20" );
String path = n.normalize( f.getParentFile().getAbsoluteFile().toURI().toURL().toExternalForm() ); // getAbsolutePath() ).replaceAll( " ", "%20" );
// String path = n.normalize( f.getAbsoluteFile().toURL().toExternalForm() ); // getAbsolutePath() ).replaceAll( " ", "%20" );
path = path.substring( 5 );
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
//char ch;
int chI;
byte[] hex = "0123456789abcdef".getBytes();
byte[] enc = path.getBytes( "UTF-8" );
for( int i = 0; i < enc.length; i++ ) {
chI = enc[ i ]; // parentDir.charAt( i );
// chI = (int) ch;
if( (chI < 33) || (chI > 127) ) {
sb.append( "%" + (char) hex[ (chI >> 4) & 0x0F ] + (char) hex[ chI & 0x0F ]);
} else {
sb.append( (char) chI );
path = sb.toString();
//int i = path.lastIndexOf( '/' ) + 1;
final String parentDir = path;
final String fileName = n.normalize( f.getName() ); // .getBytes( "ISO-8859-1" ));
//final String parentDir = path.substring( 0, i );
//final String fileName = path.substring( i );
//System.err.println( "'" + parentDir + "'" );
//System.err.println( "'" + fileName + "'" );
final String[] cmdArray = { "osascript", "-e", "tell application \"Finder\"", "-e", "activate",
"-e", "open location \"file://" + parentDir + "\"",
// "-e", "select location \"file://" + parentDir + "\"",
// "-e", "select file \"" + f.getName() + "\" of folder of the front window",
// "-e", "select location \"" + fileName + "\" of folder of the front window",
"-e", "select file \"" + fileName + "\" of folder of the front window",
"-e", "end tell" };
//for( int i = 0; i < cmdArray.length; i++ ) {
// System.err.println( "#" + cmdArray[i] + "#" );
Runtime.getRuntime().exec( cmdArray, null, null );
catch( IOException e1 ) {
displayError( e1, getValue( NAME ).toString() );
protected void setFile( File f )
this.f = f;
setEnabled( f != null );
// private abstract class ActionVerticalZoom
// extends AbstractAction
// {
// protected ActionVerticalZoom() { /* empty */ }
// }
* Increase or decrease the vertical
* range of the waveform display
private class ActionVerticalMax
extends AbstractAction
private final float linFactor;
private final float logOffset;
* @param linFactor factors > 1 increase the row height,
* factors < 1 decrease.
protected ActionVerticalMax( float linFactor, float logOffset )
this.linFactor = linFactor;
this.logOffset = logOffset;
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
if( waveView.getVerticalScale() == PrefsUtil.VSCALE_AMP_LIN ) zoomLin(); else zoomLog();
private void zoomLin()
float min, max;
min = waveView.getAmpLinMin();
max = waveView.getAmpLinMax();
if( ((linFactor >= 1.0f) && (min > -1.0e6f) && (max < 1.0e6f)) || (linFactor < 1.0f && (min < -1.0e-4f) && (max > 1.0e-4f)) ) {
min *= linFactor;
max *= linFactor;
waveView.setAmpLinMinMax( min, max );
private void zoomLog()
float min, max;
min = waveView.getAmpLogMin();
max = waveView.getAmpLogMax();
if( (max + logOffset - min >= 6f) &&
(((logOffset >= 0f) && (max < 60)) || (logOffset < 0f && (max > -160))) ) {
// min += logOffset;
max += logOffset;
waveView.setAmpLogMinMax( min, max );
} // class actionVerticalMax
* Increase or decrease the vertical
* noisefloor of the waveform display (in log mode)
private class ActionVerticalMin
extends AbstractAction
private final float logOffset;
protected ActionVerticalMin( float logOffset )
this.logOffset = logOffset;
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
if( waveView.getVerticalScale() != PrefsUtil.VSCALE_AMP_LIN ) zoomLog();
private void zoomLog()
float min, max;
min = waveView.getAmpLogMin();
max = waveView.getAmpLogMax();
if( (max - (min + logOffset) >= 6f) &&
(((logOffset >= 0f) && (min < 60)) || (logOffset < 0f && (max > -160))) ) {
min += logOffset;
// max += logOffset;
waveView.setAmpLogMinMax( min, max );
} // class actionVerticalMin
* Increase or decrease the width
* of the visible time span
private class ActionSpanWidth
extends AbstractAction
private final float factor;
* @param factor factors > 1 increase the span width (zoom out)
* factors < 1 decrease (zoom in).
* special value 0.0 means zoom to sample level
protected ActionSpanWidth( float factor )
this.factor = factor;
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
public void perform()
long pos, visiLen, start, stop;
Span visiSpan;
visiSpan = timelineVis;
visiLen = visiSpan.getLength();
pos = timelinePos; // doc.timeline.getPosition();
if( factor == 0.0f ) { // to sample level
start = Math.max( 0, pos - (wavePanel.getWidth() >> 1) );
stop = Math.min( timelineLen, start + wavePanel.getWidth() );
} else if( factor < 1.0f ) { // zoom in
if( visiLen < 4 ) return;
// if timeline pos visible -> try to keep it's relative position constant
if( visiSpan.contains( pos )) {
start = pos - (long) ((pos - visiSpan.getStart()) * factor + 0.5f);
stop = start + (long) (visiLen * factor + 0.5f);
// if timeline pos before visible span, zoom left hand
} else if( visiSpan.getStart() > pos ) {
start = visiSpan.getStart();
stop = start + (long) (visiLen * factor + 0.5f);
// if timeline pos after visible span, zoom right hand
} else {
stop = visiSpan.getStop();
start = stop - (long) (visiLen * factor + 0.5f);
} else { // zoom out
start = Math.max( 0, visiSpan.getStart() - (long) (visiLen * factor/4 + 0.5f) );
stop = Math.min( timelineLen, start + (long) (visiLen * factor + 0.5f) );
visiSpan = new Span( start, stop );
if( !visiSpan.isEmpty() ) {
doc.timeline.editScroll( this, visiSpan );
} // class actionSpanWidthClass
private static final int SCROLL_SESSION_START = 0;
private static final int SCROLL_SELECTION_START = 1;
private static final int SCROLL_SELECTION_STOP = 2;
private static final int SCROLL_FIT_TO_SELECTION= 3;
private static final int SCROLL_ENTIRE_SESSION = 4;
private class ActionScroll
extends AbstractAction
private final int mode;
protected ActionScroll( int mode )
this.mode = mode;
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
public void perform()
UndoableEdit edit = null;
Span selSpan, newSpan;
long start, stop;
if( mode == SCROLL_SESSION_START && transport.isRunning() ) {
selSpan = timelineSel; // doc.timeline.getSelectionSpan();
switch( mode ) {
if( timelinePos != 0 ) {
edit = TimelineVisualEdit.position( this, doc, 0 ).perform();
if( !timelineVis.contains( 0 )) {
final CompoundEdit ce = new BasicCompoundEdit();
ce.addEdit( edit );
newSpan = new Span( 0, timelineVis.getLength() );
ce.addEdit( TimelineVisualEdit.scroll( this, doc, newSpan ).perform() );
edit = ce;
if( selSpan.isEmpty() ) selSpan = new Span( timelinePos, timelinePos );
if( timelineVis.contains( selSpan.getStart() )) {
start = Math.max( 0, selSpan.getStart() - (timelineVis.getLength() >> 1) );
} else {
start = Math.max( 0, selSpan.getStart() - (timelineVis.getLength() >> 3) );
stop = Math.min( timelineLen, start + timelineVis.getLength() );
newSpan = new Span( start, stop );
if( !timelineVis.equals( newSpan ) && !newSpan.isEmpty() ) {
edit = TimelineVisualEdit.scroll( this, doc, newSpan ).perform();
if( selSpan.isEmpty() ) selSpan = new Span( timelinePos, timelinePos );
if( timelineVis.contains( selSpan.getStop() )) {
stop = Math.min( timelineLen, selSpan.getStop() + (timelineVis.getLength() >> 1) );
} else {
stop = Math.min( timelineLen, selSpan.getStop() + (timelineVis.getLength() >> 3) );
start = Math.max( 0, stop - timelineVis.getLength() );
newSpan = new Span( start, stop );
if( !timelineVis.equals( newSpan ) && !newSpan.isEmpty() ) {
edit = TimelineVisualEdit.scroll( this, doc, newSpan ).perform();
newSpan = selSpan;
if( !timelineVis.equals( newSpan ) && !newSpan.isEmpty() ) {
edit = TimelineVisualEdit.scroll( this, doc, newSpan ).perform();
newSpan = new Span( 0, timelineLen );
if( !timelineVis.equals( newSpan ) && !newSpan.isEmpty() ) {
edit = TimelineVisualEdit.scroll( this, doc, newSpan ).perform();
assert false : mode;
if( edit != null ) doc.getUndoManager().addEdit( edit );
} // class actionScrollClass
private static final int SELECT_TO_SESSION_START = 0;
private static final int SELECT_TO_SESSION_END = 1;
private class ActionSelect
extends AbstractAction
private final int mode;
protected ActionSelect( int mode )
this.mode = mode;
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
Span selSpan, newSpan = null;
selSpan = timelineSel; // doc.timeline.getSelectionSpan();
if( selSpan.isEmpty() ) {
selSpan = new Span( timelinePos, timelinePos );
switch( mode ) {
if( selSpan.getStop() > 0 ){
newSpan = new Span( 0, selSpan.getStop() );
if( selSpan.getStart() < timelineLen ){
newSpan = new Span( selSpan.getStart(), timelineLen );
assert false : mode;
if( newSpan != null && !newSpan.equals( selSpan )) {
doc.timeline.editSelect( this, newSpan );
// doc.getUndoManager().addEdit( TimelineVisualEdit.select( this, doc, newSpan ));
} // class actionSelectClass
private static final int SELECT_NEXT_REGION = 0;
private static final int SELECT_PREV_REGION = 1;
private static final int EXTEND_NEXT_REGION = 2;
private static final int EXTEND_PREV_REGION = 3;
private class ActionSelectRegion
extends AbstractAction
private final int mode;
protected ActionSelectRegion( int mode )
this.mode = mode;
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
Span selSpan;
UndoableEdit edit;
long start, stop;
Marker mark;
int idx;
if( !markVisible ) return;
selSpan = timelineSel; // doc.timeline.getSelectionSpan();
if( selSpan.isEmpty() ) selSpan = new Span( timelinePos, timelinePos );
start = selSpan.getStart();
stop = selSpan.getStop();
switch( mode ) {
idx = doc.markers.indexOf( stop + 1 ); // XXX check
if( idx < 0 ) idx = -(idx + 1);
if( idx == doc.markers.getNumStakes() ) {
stop = timelineLen;
} else {
mark = doc.markers.get( idx );
stop = mark.pos;
// (-(insertion point) - 1)
if( mode == SELECT_NEXT_REGION ) {
idx = doc.markers.indexOf( stop - 1 ); // XXX check
if( idx < 0 ) idx = -(idx + 2);
if( idx == -1 ) {
start = 0;
} else {
mark = doc.markers.get( idx );
start = mark.pos;
idx = doc.markers.indexOf( start - 1 ); // XXX check
if( idx < 0 ) idx = -(idx + 2);
if( idx == -1 ) {
start = 0;
} else {
mark = doc.markers.get( idx );
start = mark.pos;
if( mode == SELECT_PREV_REGION ) {
idx = doc.markers.indexOf( start + 1 ); // XXX check
if( idx < 0 ) idx = -(idx + 1);
if( idx == doc.markers.getNumStakes() ) {
stop = timelineLen;
} else {
mark = doc.markers.get( idx );
stop = mark.pos;
assert false : mode;
if( (start == selSpan.getStart()) && (stop == selSpan.getStop()) ) return;
edit = TimelineVisualEdit.select( this, doc, new Span( start, stop )).perform();
doc.getUndoManager().addEdit( edit );
} // class actionSelectRegionClass
private class ActionDropMarker
extends AbstractAction
protected ActionDropMarker() { /* empty */ }
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
if( markVisible ) {
markAxis.addMarker( timelinePos );
} // class actionDropMarkerClass
// -------------- AFR Transfer Handler --------------
private class AFRTransferHandler
extends TransferHandler
protected AFRTransferHandler() { /* empty */ }
public int getSourceActions( JComponent c )
return COPY;
protected Transferable createTransferable( JComponent c )
// return new StringSelection( doc.getAudioFileDescr().file.getAbsolutePath() + File.pathSeparator +
// doc.timeline.getSelectionSpan().getStart() + File.pathSeparator +
// doc.timeline.getSelectionSpan().getStop() );
return new StringSelection( doc.getDisplayDescr().file.getAbsolutePath() + File.pathSeparator +
doc.timeline.getSelectionSpan().getStart() + File.pathSeparator +
doc.timeline.getSelectionSpan().getStop() );
// System.err.println( "createTransferable" );
// return new AudioFileRegion( new File( "haschimoto" ), new Span( 42, 43 ));
// final Span span;
// final AudioTrail mte;
// if( !doc.bird.attemptShared( Session.DOOR_TIME | Session.DOOR_MTE, 250 )) return null;
// try {
// span = timelineSel; // doc.timeline.getSelectionSpan();
// if( span.isEmpty() ) return null;
// mte = doc.getAudioTrail();
// return mte.getSampledChunkList( span );
// }
// finally {
// doc.bird.releaseShared( Session.DOOR_TIME | Session.DOOR_MTE );
// }
protected void exportDone( JComponent source, Transferable data, int action )
/* ignored */
// public boolean canImport( JComponent c, DataFlavor[] flavors )
// {
// return false;
// }
private abstract class TimelineTool
extends AbstractTool
private final List collObservedComponents = new ArrayList();
private boolean adjustCatchBypass = false;
protected TimelineTool() { /* empty */ }
public void toolAcquired( Component c )
super.toolAcquired( c );
if( c instanceof Container ) addMouseListeners( (Container) c );
// additionally installs mouse input listeners on child components
private void addMouseListeners( Container c )
Component c2;
for( int i = 0; i < c.getComponentCount(); i++ ) {
c2 = c.getComponent( i );
collObservedComponents.add( c2 );
c2.addMouseListener( this );
c2.addMouseMotionListener( this );
if( c2 instanceof Container ) addMouseListeners( (Container) c2 ); // recurse
// additionally removes mouse input listeners from child components
private void removeMouseListeners()
Component c;
while( !collObservedComponents.isEmpty() ) {
c = (Component) collObservedComponents.remove( 0 );
c.removeMouseListener( this );
c.removeMouseMotionListener( this );
public void toolDismissed( Component c )
super.toolDismissed( c );
if( adjustCatchBypass ) {
adjustCatchBypass = false;
public void mousePressed( MouseEvent e )
adjustCatchBypass = true;
super.mousePressed( e );
public void mouseReleased( MouseEvent e )
adjustCatchBypass = false;
super.mouseReleased( e );
* Keyboard modifiers are consistent with Bias Peak:
* Shift+Click = extend selection, Meta+Click = select all,
* Alt+Drag = drag timeline position; double-click = Play
private class TimelinePointerTool
extends TimelineTool
private boolean shiftDrag, ctrlDrag, dragStarted = false;
protected boolean validDrag = false;
private long startPos;
private int startX;
private final Object[] argsCsr = new Object[8];
private final String[] csrInfo = new String[3];
protected TimelinePointerTool() { /* empty */ }
public void paintOnTop( Graphics2D g )
// not necessary
protected void cancelGesture()
dragStarted = false;
validDrag = false;
public void mousePressed( MouseEvent e )
super.mousePressed( e );
if( e.isMetaDown() ) {
selectRegion( e );
dragStarted = false;
validDrag = false;
} else {
shiftDrag = e.isShiftDown();
ctrlDrag = e.isControlDown();
dragStarted = false;
validDrag = true;
startX = e.getX();
processDrag( e, false );
public void mouseDragged( MouseEvent e )
final ObserverPalette observer;
super.mouseDragged( e );
if( validDrag ) {
if( !dragStarted ) {
if( shiftDrag || ctrlDrag || Math.abs( e.getX() - startX ) > 2 ) {
dragStarted = true;
} else return;
processDrag( e, true );
// cursor information
observer = (ObserverPalette) app.getComponent( Main.COMP_OBSERVER );
if( (observer != null) && observer.isVisible() && (observer.getShownTab() == ObserverPalette.CURSOR_TAB) ) {
showCursorInfo( SwingUtilities.convertPoint( e.getComponent(), e.getPoint(), waveView ));
private void showCursorInfo( Point screenPt )
final ObserverPalette observer;
final int ch = waveView.channelForPoint( screenPt );
if( ch == -1 ) return;
final DecimationInfo info = waveView.getDecimationInfo();
if( info == null ) return;
final long pos = timelineVis.getStart() + (long)
((double) screenPt.x / (double) waveView.getWidth() *
if( (pos < 0) || (pos >= timelineLen) ) return;
final String chName = doc.audioTracks.get( ch ).getName();
final double seconds = pos / timelineRate;
final AudioTrail at;
final DecimatedWaveTrail dt;
final float[][] data;
final float[] frame;
float f1;
argsCsr[3] = chName;
argsCsr[0] = new Long( pos );
argsCsr[1] = new Integer( (int) (seconds / 60) );
argsCsr[2] = new Float( seconds % 60 );
csrInfo[0] = msgCsr1.format( argsCsr );
switch( info.model ) {
case DecimatedTrail.MODEL_PCM:
at = doc.getAudioTrail();
data = new float[ at.getChannelNum() ][];
data[ ch ] = new float[ 1 ];
try {
at.readFrames( data, 0, new Span( pos, pos + 1 ));
catch( IOException e1 ) { return; }
f1 = data[ ch ][ 0 ];
argsCsr[4] = new Float( f1 );
argsCsr[5] = new Float( Math.log( Math.abs( f1 )) * TWENTYDIVLOG10 );
csrInfo[1] = msgCsr2PCMFloat.format( argsCsr );
if( csrInfoIsInt ) {
argsCsr[6] = new Long( (long) (f1 * (1L << (csrInfoBits - 1))) );
argsCsr[7] = new Integer( csrInfoBits );
csrInfo[2] = msgCsr3PCMInt.format( argsCsr );
} else {
csrInfo[2] = "";
dt = doc.getDecimatedWaveTrail();
if( dt == null ) return;
frame = new float[ dt.getNumModelChannels() ];
try {
dt.readFrame( Math.min( dt.getNumDecimations() - 1, info.idx + 1 ), pos, ch, frame );
catch( IOException e1 ) { return; }
f1 = Math.max( frame[ 0 ], -frame[ 1 ] ); // peak pos/neg
argsCsr[4] = new Float( f1 );
argsCsr[5] = new Float( Math.log( f1 ) * TWENTYDIVLOG10 );
f1 = (float) Math.sqrt( frame[ 2 ]); // mean sqr pos/neg
argsCsr[6] = new Float( f1 );
argsCsr[7] = new Float( Math.log( f1 ) * TWENTYDIVLOG10 );
csrInfo[1] = msgCsr2Peak.format( argsCsr );
csrInfo[2] = msgCsr3RMS.format( argsCsr );
observer = (ObserverPalette) app.getComponent( Main.COMP_OBSERVER );
if( observer != null ) observer.showCursorInfo( csrInfo );
private void selectRegion( MouseEvent e )
final Point pt = SwingUtilities.convertPoint( e.getComponent(), e.getPoint(), wavePanel );
Span span, span2;
long pos, start, stop;
UndoableEdit edit;
int idx;
Marker mark;
span = timelineVis; // doc.timeline.getVisibleSpan();
span2 = timelineSel; // doc.timeline.getSelectionSpan();
pos = span.getStart() + (long) (pt.getX() / getComponent().getWidth() *
pos = Math.max( 0, Math.min( timelineLen, pos ));
stop = timelineLen;
start = 0;
if( markVisible ) {
idx = doc.markers.indexOf( pos + 1 ); // XXX check
if( idx < 0 ) idx = -(idx + 1);
if( idx < doc.markers.getNumStakes() ) {
mark = doc.markers.get( idx );
stop = mark.pos;
idx = doc.markers.indexOf( stop - 1 ); // XXX check
if( idx < 0 ) idx = -(idx + 2);
if( idx >= 0 ) {
mark = doc.markers.get( idx );
start = mark.pos;
// union with current selection
if( e.isShiftDown() && !span2.isEmpty() ) {
start = Math.min( start, span2.start );
stop = Math.max( stop, span2.stop );
span = new Span( start, stop );
if( span.equals( span2 )) {
span = new Span( 0, timelineLen );
if( !span.equals( span2 )) {
edit = TimelineVisualEdit.select( this, doc, span ).perform();
doc.getUndoManager().addEdit( edit );
private void processDrag( MouseEvent e, boolean hasStarted )
final Point pt = SwingUtilities.convertPoint( e.getComponent(), e.getPoint(), wavePanel );
Span span, span2;
long position;
UndoableEdit edit;
span = timelineVis; // doc.timeline.getVisibleSpan();
span2 = timelineSel; // doc.timeline.getSelectionSpan();
position = span.getStart() + (long) (pt.getX() / getComponent().getWidth() *
position = Math.max( 0, Math.min( timelineLen, position ));
if( !hasStarted && !ctrlDrag ) {
if( shiftDrag ) {
if( span2.isEmpty() ) {
span2 = new Span( timelinePos, timelinePos );
startPos = Math.abs( span2.getStart() - position ) >
Math.abs( span2.getStop() - position ) ?
span2.getStart() : span2.getStop();
span2 = new Span( Math.min( startPos, position ),
Math.max( startPos, position ));
edit = TimelineVisualEdit.select( this, doc, span2 ).perform();
} else {
startPos = position;
if( span2.isEmpty() ) {
edit = TimelineVisualEdit.position( this, doc, position ).perform();
} else {
edit = new CompoundEdit();
edit.addEdit( TimelineVisualEdit.select( this, doc, new Span() ).perform() );
edit.addEdit( TimelineVisualEdit.position( this, doc, position ).perform() );
((CompoundEdit) edit).end();
} else {
if( ctrlDrag ) {
edit = TimelineVisualEdit.position( this, doc, position ).perform();
} else {
span2 = new Span( Math.min( startPos, position ),
Math.max( startPos, position ));
edit = TimelineVisualEdit.select( this, doc, span2 ).perform();
doc.getUndoManager().addEdit( edit );
public void mouseReleased( MouseEvent e )
super.mouseReleased( e );
Span span2;
// resets the position to selection start if (and only if) the selection was
// made anew, ctrl key is not pressed and transport is not running
if( dragStarted && !shiftDrag && !ctrlDrag && !transport.isRunning() ) {
span2 = timelineSel; // doc.timeline.getSelectionSpan();
if( !span2.isEmpty() && timelinePos != span2.getStart() ) {
doc.timeline.editPosition( this, span2.getStart() );
dragStarted = false;
validDrag = false;
public void mouseClicked( MouseEvent e )
super.mouseClicked( e );
if( (e.getClickCount() == 2) && !e.isMetaDown() && !transport.isRunning() ) {
transport.play( 1.0f );
// on Mac, Ctrl+Click is interpreted as
// popup trigger by the system which means
// no successive mouseDragged calls are made,
// instead mouseMoved is called ...
public void mouseMoved( MouseEvent e )
super.mouseMoved( e );
mouseDragged( e );
private class TimelineZoomTool
extends TimelineTool
private boolean validDrag = false, dragStarted = false;
private long startPos;
private Point startPt;
private long position;
private final javax.swing.Timer zoomTimer;
protected final Rectangle zoomRect = new Rectangle();
private MenuAction actionZoomIn = null;
private MenuAction actionZoomOut = null;
protected TimelineZoomTool()
zoomTimer = new javax.swing.Timer( 250, new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
setZoomRect( zoomRect );
public void toolAcquired( final Component c )
super.toolAcquired( c );
c.setCursor( zoomCsr[ 0 ]);
if( c instanceof JComponent ) {
final JComponent jc = (JComponent) c;
if( actionZoomOut == null ) actionZoomOut = new MenuAction( "zoomOut",
KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_ALT, InputEvent.ALT_DOWN_MASK, false )) {
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {
c.setCursor( zoomCsr[ 1 ]);
if( actionZoomIn == null ) actionZoomIn = new MenuAction( "zoomIn",
KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_ALT, 0, true )) {
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {
c.setCursor( zoomCsr[ 0 ]);
actionZoomOut.installOn( jc, JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW );
actionZoomIn.installOn( jc, JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW );
public void toolDismissed( Component c )
super.toolDismissed( c );
if( c instanceof JComponent ) {
final JComponent jc = (JComponent) c;
if( actionZoomOut != null ) actionZoomOut.deinstallFrom( jc, JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW );
if( actionZoomIn != null ) actionZoomIn.deinstallFrom( jc, JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW );
public void paintOnTop( Graphics2D g )
// not necessary
public void mousePressed( MouseEvent e )
super.mousePressed( e );
if( e.isAltDown() ) {
dragStarted = false;
validDrag = false;
clickZoom( 2.0f, e );
} else {
dragStarted = false;
validDrag = true;
processDrag( e, false );
public void mouseDragged( MouseEvent e )
super.mouseDragged( e );
if( validDrag ) {
if( !dragStarted ) {
if( Math.abs( e.getX() - startPt.x ) > 2 ) {
dragStarted = true;
} else return;
processDrag( e, true );
protected void cancelGesture()
setZoomRect( null );
dragStarted = false;
validDrag = false;
public void mouseReleased( MouseEvent e )
super.mouseReleased( e );
Span span;
if( dragStarted ) {
span = new Span( Math.min( startPos, position ),
Math.max( startPos, position ));
if( !span.isEmpty() ) {
doc.timeline.editScroll( this, span );
validDrag = false;
// zoom to mouse position
public void mouseClicked( MouseEvent e )
super.mouseClicked( e );
if( !e.isAltDown() ) clickZoom( 0.5f, e );
private void clickZoom( float factor, MouseEvent e )
long pos, visiLen, start, stop;
Span visiSpan;
visiSpan = timelineVis;
visiLen = visiSpan.getLength();
pos = visiSpan.getStart() + (long) ((double) e.getX() / (double) getComponent().getWidth() *
visiLen = (long) (visiLen * factor + 0.5f);
if( visiLen < 2 ) return;
start = Math.max( 0, Math.min( timelineLen, pos - (long) ((pos - visiSpan.getStart()) * factor + 0.5f) ));
stop = start + visiLen;
if( stop > timelineLen ) {
stop = timelineLen;
start = Math.max( 0, stop - visiLen );
visiSpan = new Span( start, stop );
if( !visiSpan.isEmpty() ) {
doc.timeline.editScroll( this, visiSpan );
private void processDrag( MouseEvent e, boolean hasStarted )
final Point pt = SwingUtilities.convertPoint( e.getComponent(), e.getPoint(), wavePanel );
Span span;
int zoomX;
span = timelineVis;
position = span.getStart() + (long) (pt.getX() / getComponent().getWidth() *
position = Math.max( 0, Math.min( timelineLen, position ));
if( !hasStarted ) {
startPos= position;
startPt = pt;
} else {
zoomX = Math.min( startPt.x, pt.x );
zoomRect.setBounds( zoomX, waveView.getY() + 6, Math.abs( startPt.x - pt.x ), waveView.getHeight() - 12 );
setZoomRect( zoomRect );