* SuperColliderPlayer.java
* Eisenkraut
* Copyright (c) 2004-2014 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is published under the GNU General Public License v3+
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* contact@sciss.de
* Changelog:
* 04-Aug-05 created
* 23-Sep-05 correctly de-allocates buffers and busses
* when dispose() is called (fixed bug with bus allocator running out of busses)
* 06-Nov-05 more precise metering
* 16-Jan-06 supports multi-mono ;click free overlapping buffer reader in SRC mode ; larger disk buffer
* (see Wolkenpumpe)
package de.sciss.eisenkraut.net;
import java.awt.EventQueue;
import java.net.SocketAddress;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.io.AudioTrail;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.io.RoutingConfig;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.realtime.Transport;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.realtime.TransportListener;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.session.Session;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.session.SessionCollection;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.session.SessionObject;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.timeline.AudioTrack;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.timeline.TimelineEvent;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.timeline.TimelineListener;
import de.sciss.eisenkraut.util.MapManager;
import de.sciss.app.AbstractApplication;
import de.sciss.net.OSCBundle;
import de.sciss.net.OSCListener;
import de.sciss.net.OSCMessage;
import de.sciss.io.Span;
import de.sciss.jcollider.Buffer;
import de.sciss.jcollider.Bus;
import de.sciss.jcollider.Control;
import de.sciss.jcollider.GraphElem;
import de.sciss.jcollider.Group;
import de.sciss.jcollider.NodeWatcher;
import de.sciss.jcollider.OSCResponderNode;
import de.sciss.jcollider.Server;
import de.sciss.jcollider.Synth;
import de.sciss.jcollider.SynthDef;
import de.sciss.jcollider.UGen;
import de.sciss.util.Disposable;
* @author Hanns Holger Rutz
* @version 0.70, 07-Dec-07
* @todo why is there actually a Context class instead of using outer class fields directly?
public class SuperColliderPlayer
implements de.sciss.jcollider.Constants,
TransportListener, // RealtimeConsumer,
SessionCollection.Listener, Disposable,
TimelineListener, OSCRouter
private static final boolean DEBUG_FOLD = false;
private static final int DISKBUF_PAD = 4; // be sure to match with phasor synth def!!
protected final int DISKBUF_SIZE;
protected final int DISKBUF_SIZE_H;
protected final int DISKBUF_SIZE_HM;
private final int MIN_LOOP_LEN = 4410; // rather arbitrary ... we should better check that osc bundles don't overflow
protected final Server server;
private final NodeWatcher nw;
private final Session doc;
protected final Transport transport;
private RoutingConfig oCfg;
protected volatile Context ct = null;
private double serverRate;
private double sourceRate;
private double srcFactor = 1.0;
protected long playOffset; // = -1;
protected int clock;
private static final Span[] emptySpans = new Span[0];
protected Span[][] lastBufSpans = new Span[][] { emptySpans, emptySpans };
private final Group grpRoot;
private final Group grpInput;
private final Group grpOutput;
private final Bus busPhasor;
private final int numInputChannels; // XXX static for now
private final int[][] channelMaps;
private final OSCResponderNode trigResp;
private final GroupSync syncInput;
private final GroupSync syncOutput;
private boolean activeInput = false;
private boolean activeOutput = false;
protected volatile int trigNodeID = -1; // current synthPhasor ID or -1
protected volatile OSCMessage trigMsg = null; // most recently received /tr message
private static final String OSC_SUPERCOLLIDER = "sc";
private final OSCRouterWrapper osc;
private static final float TIMEOUT = 2f;
public SuperColliderPlayer( final Session doc, final Server server, RoutingConfig oCfg )
throws IOException
this.server = server;
this.doc = doc;
final AudioTrail at = doc.getAudioTrail();
final Runnable runTrigger;
final SynthDef[] defs;
OSCBundle bndl;
transport = doc.getTransport();
nw = NodeWatcher.newFrom( server );
numInputChannels = at.getChannelNum(); // XXX sync?
channelMaps = at.getChannelMaps();
sourceRate = doc.timeline.getRate(); // XXX sync?
serverRate = server.getSampleRate();
DISKBUF_SIZE = (Math.max( 44100, (int) sourceRate ) + DISKBUF_PAD) << 1; // buffer size in frames
bndl = new OSCBundle();
grpRoot = Group.basicNew( server );
grpRoot.setName( "Root-" + doc.getName() );
nw.register( grpRoot );
bndl.addPacket( grpRoot.addToHeadMsg( server.getDefaultGroup() ));
grpInput = Group.basicNew( server );
grpInput.setName( "Input" );
nw.register( grpInput );
bndl.addPacket( grpInput.addToTailMsg( grpRoot ));
grpOutput = Group.basicNew( server );
grpOutput.setName( "Output" );
nw.register( grpOutput );
bndl.addPacket( grpOutput.addToTailMsg( grpRoot ));
bndl.addPacket( grpOutput.runMsg( false ));
server.sendBundle( bndl );
busPhasor = Bus.audio( server );
runTrigger = new Runnable() {
public void run()
final OSCMessage msg = trigMsg; // this way we synchronize the access
final int nodeID = ((Number) msg.getArg( 0 )).intValue();
final int nextClock, fill, bufOff;
final long pos, start;
final OSCBundle bndl2;
final int even;
final Span[] bufSpans;
int numCh;
try {
clock = ((Number) msg.getArg( 2 )).intValue();
//System.err.println( "clock = " + clock );
nextClock = clock + 1;
even = nextClock & 1; // == 0;
bndl2 = new OSCBundle();
if( (ct == null) || (ct.synthPhasor == null) || (nodeID != ct.synthPhasor.getNodeID()) ) return;
if( trigNodeID == -1 ) return; // transport not running anymore
pos = nextClock * DISKBUF_SIZE_HM - ((1 - even) * DISKBUF_PAD) + playOffset;
start = Math.max( 0, pos );
fill = (int) (start - pos);
bufOff = even * DISKBUF_SIZE_H;
if( fill > 0 ) {
for( int j = 0; j < ct.bufsDisk.length; j++ ) {
numCh = ct.bufsDisk[ j ].getNumChannels();
bndl2.addPacket( ct.bufsDisk[ j ].fillMsg( bufOff * numCh, fill * numCh, 0.0f ));
bufSpans = transport.foldSpans( new Span( start, pos + DISKBUF_SIZE_H ), MIN_LOOP_LEN );
doc.getAudioTrail().addBufferReadMessages( bndl2, bufSpans, ct.bufsDisk, bufOff + fill );
lastBufSpans[ even ] = bufSpans;
if( DEBUG_FOLD ) {
System.out.println( "------C "+ nextClock + ", " + even + ", " + playOffset + ", " + pos );
for( int k = 0, m = bufOff + fill; k < bufSpans.length; k++ ) {
System.out.println( "i = " + k + "; " + bufSpans[ k ] + " -> " + m );
m += bufSpans[ k ].getLength();
if( !server.sync( bndl2, TIMEOUT )) {
printTimeOutMsg( "bufUpdate" );
catch( IOException e1 ) {
printError( "Receive /tr", e1 );
catch( ClassCastException e2 ) {
printError( "Receive /tr", e2 );
trigResp = new OSCResponderNode( server, "/tr", new OSCListener() {
public void messageReceived( OSCMessage msg, SocketAddress sender, long time )
final int nodeID = ((Number) msg.getArg( 0 )).intValue();
if( nodeID == trigNodeID ) {
trigMsg = msg;
EventQueue.invokeLater( runTrigger );
defs = createInputDefs( channelMaps );
if( defs != null ) {
bndl = new OSCBundle();
for( int i = 0; i < defs.length; i++ ) {
bndl.addPacket( defs[ i ].recvMsg() );
if( !server.sync( bndl, TIMEOUT )) {
printTimeOutMsg( "defs" );
srcFactor = sourceRate / serverRate;
setOutputConfig( oCfg );
syncInput = new GroupSync();
syncOutput = new GroupSync();
transport.addTransportListener( this );
doc.audioTracks.addListener( this );
doc.timeline.addTimelineListener( this );
osc = new OSCRouterWrapper( doc, this );
private SynthDef[] createInputDefs( int[][] chMaps )
final int[] numInCh = new int[ chMaps.length ];
final SynthDef[] defs;
int numDefs = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < chMaps.length; i++ ) {
numInCh[ numDefs ] = chMaps[ i ].length;
for( int j = 0; j < numDefs; j++ ) {
if( numInCh[ j ] == numInCh[ numDefs ]) continue numDefsLp;
defs = new SynthDef[ numDefs ];
for( int i = 0; i < numDefs; i++ ) {
final Control ctrlI = Control.ir( new String[] { "i_aInBf", "i_aOtBs", "i_aPhBs", "i_intrp" }, new float[] { 0f, 0f, 0f, 1f });
final GraphElem graph;
if( numInCh[ i ] > 0 ) {
final GraphElem phase = UGen.ar( "In", ctrlI.getChannel( "i_aPhBs" ));
final GraphElem bufRd = UGen.ar( "BufRd", numInCh[ i ], ctrlI.getChannel( "i_aInBf" ), phase, UGen.ir( 0f ), ctrlI.getChannel( "i_intrp" ));
// final GraphElem out = UGen.ar( "OffsetOut", ctrlI.getChannel( "i_aOtBs" ), bufRd );
final GraphElem out = UGen.ar( "Out", ctrlI.getChannel( "i_aOtBs" ), bufRd );
graph = out;
} else {
graph = ctrlI;
defs[ i ] = new SynthDef( "eisk-input" + numInCh[ i ], graph );
return defs;
private SynthDef[] createOutputDefs( int numOutputChannels )
final Control ctrlI = Control.ir( new String[] { "i_aInBs", "i_aOtBs" }, new float[] { 0f, 0f });
final Control ctrlK = Control.kr( new String[] { "pos", "width", "orient", "volume" }, new float[] { 0f, 2f, 0f, 1f });
final GraphElem graph;
final SynthDef def;
if( numOutputChannels > 0 ) {
final GraphElem in = UGen.ar( "In", ctrlI.getChannel( "i_aInBs" ));
final GraphElem pan;
if( numOutputChannels > 1 ) {
pan = UGen.ar( "PanAz", numOutputChannels, in, ctrlK.getChannel( "pos" ), ctrlK.getChannel( "volume" ),
ctrlK.getChannel( "width" ), ctrlK.getChannel( "orient" ));
} else {
pan = UGen.ar( "*", in, ctrlK.getChannel( "volume" ));
// final GraphElem out = UGen.ar( "OffsetOut", ctrlI.getChannel( "i_aOtBs" ), pan );
final GraphElem out = UGen.ar( "Out", ctrlI.getChannel( "i_aOtBs" ), pan );
graph = out;
} else {
graph = UGen.array( ctrlI, ctrlK );
def = new SynthDef( "eisk-pan" + numOutputChannels, graph );
//try { def.writeDefFile( new File( "/Users/rutz/Desktop/eisk-pan" + numOutputChannels + ".scsyndef" )); } catch( IOException e1 ) {}
// def.send( server );
// return true;
return new SynthDef[] { def };
public Session getDocument()
return doc;
public void dispose()
// we free the nodes even if the server is
// not running because we may simply have lost
// connection and in fact it's still playing!
// if( server.isRunning() ) {
try {
// keepMetering = false;
// cSetNResp.remove();
catch( IOException e1 ) {
printError( "dispose", e1 );
// }
// server.removeListener( this );
doc.audioTracks.removeListener( this );
doc.timeline.removeTimelineListener( this );
// transport.removeRealtimeConsumer( this );
transport.removeTransportListener( this );
private void disposeServerStuff()
throws IOException
if( ct != null ) {
ct = null;
* @synchronization must be called in event thread
public Bus getInputBus()
if( !EventQueue.isDispatchThread() ) throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
// synchronized( sync ) {
if( ct != null ) {
return ct.busInternal;
} else {
return null;
// }
public GroupSync getInputSync()
return syncInput;
public GroupSync getOutputSync()
return syncOutput;
// public Bus getMeterSource()
// {
// synchronized( this ) {
// if( ct != null ) {
// return ct.busMeter;
// } else {
// return null;
// }
// }
// }
// public void setMeterSource( Bus meterInput )
// {
// final int numCh;
// final OSCBundle bndl;
// synchronized( this ) {
// if( ct != null ) {
// numCh = Math.min( ct.numInputChannels, meterInput.getNumChannels() );
// bndl = new OSCBundle();
// ct.busMeter = meterInput == null ? ct.busInternal : meterInput;
// for( int ch = 0; ch < numCh; ch++ ) {
// bndl.addPacket( ct.synthsMeter[ ch ].setMsg( "i_aInBus", ct.busMeter.getIndex() + ch ));
// }
// server.sendBundle( bndl );
// }
// }
// }
// sync : attempts shared on DOOR_TRACKS
// public void setOutputConfig( RoutingConfig oCfg, float volume )
public void setOutputConfig( RoutingConfig oCfg )
this.oCfg = oCfg;
// this.volume = volume;
if( server.isRunning() ) {
final boolean wasRunning = transport.isRunning();
final double rate = transport.getRateScale();
if( wasRunning ) {
// if( !doc.bird.attemptShared( Session.DOOR_TRACKS, 250 )) {
// return;
// }
// try {
// System.out.println( "setOutputConfig : rebuildSynths" );
// }
// finally {
// doc.bird.releaseShared( Session.DOOR_TRACKS );
// }
if( wasRunning ) {
transport.play( rate );
// public void addMeterListener( MeterListener ml )
// {
// synchronized( collMeterListeners )
// {
// if( !meterListening && keepMetering ) {
// try {
// meterListening = true;
// grpMeter.run( true );
// }
// catch( IOException e1 ) {
// printError( "Run Meter Group", e1 );
// }
// }
// collMeterListeners.add( ml );
// }
// }
// public void removeMeterListener( MeterListener ml )
// {
// synchronized( collMeterListeners )
// {
// collMeterListeners.remove( ml );
// if( meterListening && collMeterListeners.isEmpty() ) {
// try {
// grpMeter.run( false );
// meterListening = false;
// }
// catch( IOException e1 ) {
// printError( "Run Meter Group", e1 );
// }
// }
// }
// }
public void setActiveInput( boolean onOff )
if( !EventQueue.isDispatchThread() ) throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
if( onOff != activeInput ) {
activeInput = onOff;
if( transport.isRunning() ) return;
if( activeInput ) {
syncInput.activate( null );
} else {
syncInput.deactivate( null );
public void setActiveOutput( boolean onOff )
if( !EventQueue.isDispatchThread() ) throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
if( onOff != activeOutput ) {
activeOutput = onOff;
if( transport.isRunning() ) return;
final OSCBundle bndl = new OSCBundle();
bndl.addPacket( grpOutput.runMsg( activeOutput ));
if( activeOutput ) {
syncOutput.activate( bndl );
} else {
syncOutput.deactivate( bndl );
try {
server.sendBundle( bndl );
catch( IOException e1 ) {
printError( "Run Output Group", e1 );
// public void setMetering( boolean onOff )
// {
// keepMetering = onOff;
// try {
// synchronized( collMeterListeners ) {
// if( onOff ) {
// if( !meterListening && !collMeterListeners.isEmpty() ) {
// meterListening = true;
// grpMeter.run( true );
// }
// } else {
// if( meterListening && collMeterListeners.isEmpty() ) {
// grpMeter.run( false );
// meterListening = false;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// catch( IOException e1 ) {
// printError( "Run Meter Group", e1 );
// }
// }
// /**
// * @synchronization must be called in event thread
// */
// public void meterBang()
// {
// if( ct != null ) {
// try {
//// if( meterListening ) server.sendMsg( ct.meterBangMsg );
// if( meterListening ) server.sendBundle( ct.meterBangBndl );
// }
// catch( IOException e1 ) {} // don't print coz the frequency might be high
// }
// }
protected static void printError( String name, Throwable t )
System.err.println( name + " : " + t.getClass().getName() + " : " + t.getLocalizedMessage() );
// note: includes call to addChannelMuteMessages
// sync: must be called in EventThread
private void rebuildSynths()
if( !EventQueue.isDispatchThread() ) throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
//new Exception().printStackTrace();
// synchronized( sync ) {
try {
server.sync( TIMEOUT ); // an n_free on a pausing node can crash scsynth otherwise (19-nov-07)
if( oCfg == null ) return;
ct = new Context( channelMaps, numInputChannels, oCfg.numChannels );
final float orient = -oCfg.startAngle/360 * oCfg.numChannels;
final SynthDef[] defs;
OSCBundle bndl;
defs = createOutputDefs( oCfg.numChannels );
if( defs != null ) {
bndl = new OSCBundle();
for( int i = 0; i < defs.length; i++ ) {
bndl.addPacket( defs[ i ].recvMsg() );
if( !server.sync( bndl, TIMEOUT )) {
printTimeOutMsg( "defs" );
bndl = new OSCBundle();
for( int i = 0; i < ct.numFiles; i++ ) {
bndl.addPacket( ct.bufsDisk[ i ].allocMsg() );
for( int ch = 0; ch < ct.numInChans; ch++ ) {
// bndl.addPacket( ct.synthsPan[ ch ].newMsg( grpOutput, new String[] {
// "i_aInBs", "i_aOtBs", "volume", "orient" }, new float[] {
// ct.busInternal.getIndex() + ch, ct.busPan.getIndex(), volume, orient }, kAddToTail ));
bndl.addPacket( ct.synthsPan[ ch ].newMsg( grpOutput, new String[] {
"i_aInBs", "i_aOtBs", "orient" }, new float[] {
ct.busInternal.getIndex() + ch, ct.busPan.getIndex(), orient }, kAddToTail ));
nw.register( ct.synthsPan[ ch ]);
for( int ch = 0; ch < oCfg.numChannels; ch++ ) {
//System.err.println( "routing ch " +(ch+1)+" from " + (ct.busPan.getIndex() + ch) + " to " + oCfg.mapping[ ch ]);
if( oCfg.mapping[ ch ] < server.getOptions().getNumOutputBusChannels() ) {
bndl.addPacket( ct.synthsRoute[ ch ].newMsg( grpOutput, new String[] {
"i_aInBs", "i_aOtBs" }, new float[] {
ct.busPan.getIndex() + ch, oCfg.mapping[ ch ]}, kAddToTail ));
nw.register( ct.synthsRoute[ ch ]);
addChannelPanMessages( bndl );
addChannelMuteMessages( bndl );
if( !server.sync( bndl, TIMEOUT )) {
printTimeOutMsg( "alloc" );
ct.bufsAllocated = true;
catch( IOException e1 ) {
printError( "rebuildSynths", e1 );
// }
// private void addBufferReadMessages( OSCBundle bndl, Span span, int numFrames, int offset )
// {
// SampledChunk ts;
// int len;
// for( int i = 0; i < tl.size(); i++ ) {
// ts = tl.get( i );
// len = (int) Math.min( numFrames, ts.getLength() );
// if( len > 0 ) {
//// MMM
//// bndl.addPacket( ct.bufDisk.readMsg( ts.f.getFile().getAbsolutePath(), ts.offset, len, offset ));
// offset += len;
// numFrames -= len;
// }
// }
// if( numFrames > 0 ) { // zero the rest
// bndl.addPacket( ct.bufDisk.fillMsg(
// offset * ct.bufDisk.getNumChannels(), numFrames * ct.bufDisk.getNumChannels(), 0.0f ));
// }
// }
// sync : attempts shared on DOOR_TRACKS
private void addChannelMuteMessages( OSCBundle bndl )
// Object o;
boolean audible;
if( oCfg == null ) return;
// if( !doc.bird.attemptShared( Session.DOOR_TRACKS, 250 )) return;
// try {
if( doc.audioTracks.size() != ct.numInChans ) {
Server.getPrintStream().println( "Input channel mismatch!" );
for( int ch = 0; ch < ct.numInChans; ch++ ) {
// o = doc.audioTracks.get( ch ).getMap().getValue( SessionObject.MAP_KEY_FLAGS );
// if( (o != null) && (o instanceof Number) ) {
// muted = (((Number) o).intValue() & (SessionObject.FLAGS_MUTE | SessionObject.FLAGS_VIRTUALMUTE)) != 0;
// } else {
// muted = false;
// }
audible = ((AudioTrack) doc.audioTracks.get( ch )).isAudible();
bndl.addPacket( ct.synthsPan[ ch ].runMsg( audible ));
// }
// finally {
// doc.bird.releaseShared( Session.DOOR_TRACKS );
// }
// sync : attempts shared on DOOR_TRACKS
private void addChannelPanMessages( OSCBundle bndl )
Object o;
MapManager map;
float pos, width;
if( oCfg == null ) return;
// if( !doc.bird.attemptShared( Session.DOOR_TRACKS, 250 )) return;
// try {
if( doc.audioTracks.size() != ct.numInChans ) {
Server.getPrintStream().println( "Input channel mismatch!" );
for( int ch = 0; ch < ct.numInChans; ch++ ) {
map = doc.audioTracks.get( ch ).getMap();
o = map.getValue( AudioTrack.MAP_KEY_PANAZIMUTH );
if( (o != null) && (o instanceof Number) ) {
pos = ((Number) o).floatValue() / 180;
pos = pos < 0.0f ? 2.0f - ((-pos) % 2.0f) : pos % 2.0f;
} else {
pos = 0.0f;
o = map.getValue( AudioTrack.MAP_KEY_PANSPREAD );
if( (o != null) && (o instanceof Number) ) {
width = ((Number) o).floatValue();
//System.out.println( "width in : " + width );
if( width <= 0.0f ) {
width = Math.max( 1.0f, width + 2.0f );
} else {
width = Math.min( 1.0f, width ) * (oCfg.numChannels - 2) + 2.0f;
} else {
width = 2.0f;
//System.out.println( "width out : " + width );
bndl.addPacket( ct.synthsPan[ ch ].setMsg(
new String[] { "pos", "width" }, new float[] { pos, width }));
// }
// finally {
// doc.bird.releaseShared( Session.DOOR_TRACKS );
// }
protected void printTimeOutMsg( String loc )
Server.getPrintStream().println( getResourceString( "errOSCTimeOut" ) + " : " + loc );
protected static String getResourceString( String key )
return AbstractApplication.getApplication().getResourceString( "errOSCTimeOut" );
private void updateSRC()
// srcFactor = sourceRate / serverRate;
doc.getFrame().setSRCEnabled( srcFactor != 1.0 );
// ------------ OSCRouter interface ------------
public String oscGetPathComponent()
public void oscRoute( RoutedOSCMessage rom )
osc.oscRoute( rom );
public void oscAddRouter( OSCRouter subRouter )
osc.oscAddRouter( subRouter );
public void oscRemoveRouter( OSCRouter subRouter )
osc.oscRemoveRouter( subRouter );
public Object oscQuery_inputGroup()
return new Integer( grpInput.getNodeID() );
public Object oscQuery_outputGroup()
return new Integer( grpOutput.getNodeID() );
// public Object[] oscGet_diskBus( RoutedOSCMessage rom )
// {
// if( ct == null ) {
// OSCRoot.failed( rom.msg, "No routing config" );
// return null;
// }
// return new Object[] { new Integer( ct.busInternal.getIndex() ), new Integer( ct.busInternal.getNumChannels() )};
// }
public Object oscQuery_diskBusIndex()
return( (ct == null) ? null : new Integer( ct.busInternal.getIndex() ));
public Object oscQuery_diskBusNumChannels()
return( (ct == null) ? null : new Integer( ct.busInternal.getNumChannels() ));
// public Object[] oscGet_panBus( RoutedOSCMessage rom )
// {
// if( ct == null ) {
// OSCRoot.failed( rom.msg, "No routing config" );
// return null;
// }
// return new Object[] { new Integer( ct.busPan.getIndex() ), new Integer( ct.busPan.getNumChannels() )};
// }
public Object oscQuery_panBusIndex()
return( (ct == null) ? null : new Integer( ct.busPan.getIndex() ));
public Object oscQuery_panBusNumChannels()
return( (ct == null) ? null : new Integer( ct.busPan.getNumChannels() ));
// "createNRTFile", (String) fileName, (int) audioBusOffset, (int) controlBusOffset, (int) bufferOffset, (float) serverRate
// ; audio is written to <diskBusNumChannels> channels, beginning at <audioBusOffset>
public void oscCmd_createNRTFile( RoutedOSCMessage rom )
final SynthDef[] defs;
final Buffer[] bufsDisk;
final Synth[] synthsBufRd;
final Bus busInternal, busPh;
final Span span = doc.timeline.getSelectionSpan();
final AudioTrail at = doc.getAudioTrail();
final long nrtPlayOffset = span.start;
final Span[] bufSpans = new Span[ 1 ];
final Group nrtGrpRoot, nrtGrpInput;
final Synth synthPhasor;
final float realRate;
final float interpolation;
final double nrtServerRate;
final float rate = 1.0f;
Server nrtServer = null;
NRTFile f = null;
int argIdx = 1;
int audioBusOffset, bufferOffset; //, controlBusOffset;
OSCBundle bndl;
double time = 0.0;
boolean even;
int nrtClock;
long pos = nrtPlayOffset;
if( ct == null ) {
// rom.replyFailed( rom, new IOException( "No routing context" ));
try {
rom.replyFailed( 1 );
catch( IOException e11 ) {
OSCRoot.failed( rom, e11 );
try {
f = NRTFile.openAsWrite( new File( rom.msg.getArg( argIdx ).toString() ));
audioBusOffset = ((Number) rom.msg.getArg( argIdx )).intValue();
// controlBusOffset= ((Number) rom.msg.getArg( argIdx )).intValue();
bufferOffset = ((Number) rom.msg.getArg( argIdx )).intValue();
nrtServerRate = ((Number) rom.msg.getArg( argIdx )).doubleValue();
nrtServer = new Server( "nrt" );
f.write( SuperColliderClient.getInstance().loadDefsMsg() );
defs = createInputDefs( ct.chanMaps ); // ct.numInputChannels
if( defs != null ) {
for( int i = 0; i < defs.length; i++ ) {
f.write( defs[ i ].recvMsg() );
// sourceRate = doc.timeline.getRate();
// serverRate = server.getSampleRate();
srcFactor = sourceRate / nrtServerRate;
realRate = (float) (rate * srcFactor);
interpolation = realRate == 1.0f ? 1f : 3f;
nrtGrpRoot = Group.basicNew( nrtServer );
f.write( nrtGrpRoot.addToHeadMsg( nrtServer.getDefaultGroup() ));
nrtGrpInput = Group.basicNew( nrtServer );
f.write( nrtGrpInput.addToTailMsg( nrtGrpRoot ));
synthsBufRd = new Synth[ ct.numFiles ];
busInternal = new Bus( nrtServer, kAudioRate, audioBusOffset, ct.numInChans );
audioBusOffset += busInternal.getNumChannels();
busPh = new Bus( nrtServer, kAudioRate, audioBusOffset );
audioBusOffset += busPh.getNumChannels();
bufsDisk = new Buffer[ ct.numFiles ];
for( int i = 0; i < ct.numFiles; i++ ) {
bufsDisk[ i ] = new Buffer( nrtServer, DISKBUF_SIZE, ct.chanMaps[ i ].length, bufferOffset++ );
f.write( bufsDisk[ i ].allocMsg() );
for( int i = 0; i < ct.numFiles; i++ ) {
synthsBufRd[ i ] = Synth.basicNew( "eisk-input" + ct.chanMaps[ i ].length, nrtServer );
synthPhasor = Synth.basicNew( "eisk-phasor", nrtServer );
for( nrtClock = 0, even = true;; nrtClock++, even = !even ) {
if( even ) {
pos = nrtClock * DISKBUF_SIZE_HM - DISKBUF_PAD + nrtPlayOffset;
} else {
pos = nrtClock * DISKBUF_SIZE_HM + nrtPlayOffset;
if( pos >= span.stop ) break;
f.setTime( time );
//System.err.println( "clock = "+clock+"; pos = "+pos+"; time = "+time );
bndl = new OSCBundle( time );
// if( pos >= DISKBUF_PAD ) {
if( pos < 0 ) {
for( int i = 0; i < bufsDisk.length; i++ ) {
bndl.addPacket( bufsDisk[ i ].fillMsg( 0, DISKBUF_PAD * bufsDisk[ i ].getNumChannels(), 0.0f ));
// bufSpans[ 0 ] = new Span( pos - DISKBUF_PAD, pos - DISKBUF_PAD + DISKBUF_SIZE_H );
bufSpans[ 0 ] = new Span( pos, pos + DISKBUF_SIZE_H );
at.addBufferReadMessages( bndl, bufSpans, bufsDisk, even ? 0 : DISKBUF_SIZE_H );
f.write( bndl );
if( nrtClock == 0 ) {
for( int i = 0, off = 0; i < ct.numFiles; i++ ) {
f.write( synthsBufRd[ i ].newMsg( nrtGrpInput, new String[] {
"i_aInBf", "i_aOtBs", "i_aPhBs", "i_intrp" }, new float[] {
bufsDisk[ i ].getBufNum(), busInternal.getIndex() + off, busPh.getIndex(), interpolation }
off += ct.chanMaps[ i ].length;
if( ct.numFiles > 0 ) {
f.write( synthPhasor.newMsg( nrtGrpInput, new String[] {
"i_aInBf", "rate", "i_aPhBs" }, new float[] {
bufsDisk[ 0 ].getBufNum(), realRate, busPh.getIndex() }));
} else {
time = (nrtClock * DISKBUF_SIZE_HM / sourceRate) + 0.1; // a bit beyond that spot to avoid rounding errors
time = span.getLength() / sourceRate;
//System.err.println( "time = "+time );
f.setTime( time );
f.write( nrtGrpRoot.freeMsg() );
for( int i = 0; i < bufsDisk.length; i++ ) {
f.write( bufsDisk[ i ].freeMsg() );
// f.dispose();
f = null;
try {
rom.replyDone( 1, new Object[0] );
catch( IOException e11 ) {
OSCRoot.failed( rom, e11 );
catch( ClassCastException e1 ) {
OSCRoot.failedArgType( rom, argIdx );
catch( IndexOutOfBoundsException e1 ) {
OSCRoot.failedArgCount( rom );
catch( IOException e1 ) {
// rom.replyFailed( rom, e1 );
try {
rom.replyFailed( 1 );
catch( IOException e11 ) {
OSCRoot.failed( rom, e11 );
finally {
if( nrtServer != null ) nrtServer.dispose();
if( f != null ) f.dispose();
// ------------- RealtimeConsumer interface -------------
// public RealtimeConsumerRequest createRequest( RealtimeContext ct )
// {
////System.err.println( "ICI "+ct.getSourceRate() );
// final RealtimeConsumerRequest request = new RealtimeConsumerRequest( this, ct );
// request.notifyTickStep = RealtimeConsumerRequest.approximateStep( ct, 200 );
// request.notifyTicks = true;
// request.notifyOffhand = false;
// if( this.sourceRate != ct.getSourceRate() ) {
// this.sourceRate = ct.getSourceRate();
// updateSRC();
// }
//// if( this.numInputChannels != ct.getTracks().size() ) {
//// this.numInputChannels = ct.getTracks().size();
//// rebuildSynths();
//// }
// return request;
// }
// public void realtimeTick( RealtimeContext ct, long currentPos ) {}
// public void offhandTick( RealtimeContext ct, long currentPos ) {}
// ------------- TimelineListener interface -------------
public void timelineChanged( TimelineEvent e )
final double newSrcFactor;
sourceRate = doc.timeline.getRate();
newSrcFactor = sourceRate / serverRate;
if( newSrcFactor != srcFactor ) {
srcFactor = newSrcFactor;
public void timelineSelected( TimelineEvent e ) { /* ignored */ }
public void timelinePositioned( TimelineEvent e ) { /* ignored */ }
public void timelineScrolled( TimelineEvent e ) { /* ignored */ }
// ------------- TransportListener interface -------------
// XXX sync
public void transportStop( Transport t, long pos )
// synchronized( sync ) {
trigNodeID = -1;
if( !server.isRunning() || (ct == null) ) return;
final long stopClock, stopPhase;
final long relPos;
final int even;
// final int even = nextClock & 1; // == 0;
// clock = (int) ((pos - playOffset + ((1 - even) * DISKBUF_PAD)) / DISKBUF_SIZE_HM);
relPos = pos - playOffset;
stopClock = relPos / DISKBUF_SIZE_HM;
even = (int) (stopClock & 1);
stopPhase = (relPos - (stopClock * DISKBUF_SIZE_HM)) + (even * DISKBUF_SIZE_HM);
System.out.println( "stop. pos " + pos + ", playOffset " + playOffset + ", relPos " + relPos + ", clock " + stopClock + ", even " + even + ", phase " + stopPhase );
try {
final OSCBundle bndl = new OSCBundle();
bndl.addPacket( ct.synthPhasor.setMsg( new String[] { "stopClock", "stopPhase" },
new float[] { stopClock + 1, stopPhase }));
// bndl.addPacket( grpInput.freeAllMsg() );
if( !activeOutput ) {
// bndl.addPacket( grpOutput.runMsg( false ));
syncOutput.deactivate( bndl );
if( !activeInput ) {
syncInput.deactivate( bndl );
//if( bndl.getPacketCount() > 0 )
server.sendBundle( bndl );
catch( IOException e1 ) {
printError( "transportStop", e1 );
// }
public void transportStop( Transport t, long pos )
// synchronized( sync ) {
trigNodeID = -1;
if( !server.isRunning() || (ct == null) ) return;
// playOffset = -1;
try {
final OSCBundle bndl = new OSCBundle();
bndl.addPacket( grpInput.freeAllMsg() );
if( !activeOutput ) {
bndl.addPacket( grpOutput.runMsg( false ));
syncOutput.deactivate( bndl );
if( !activeInput ) {
syncInput.deactivate( bndl );
// server.sync( TIMEOUT );
server.sendBundle( bndl );
catch( IOException e1 ) {
printError( "transportStop", e1 );
// }
// XXX sync
public void transportPosition( Transport t, long pos, double rate )
transportStop( t, pos );
transportPlay( t, pos, rate );
// irgendwie noch nicht so 100% fertig, manchmal scheinen buffer updates
// nicht korrekt (aktuell spielende buffer haelfte -> anschliessend alles ok)
public void transportReadjust( Transport t, long readjusted, double rate )
final OSCBundle bndl;
Span[] bufSpans;
long pos, start;
int even, nextClock, fill, bufOff, numCh;
// pos = nextClock * DISKBUF_SIZE_HM - ((1 - even) * DISKBUF_PAD) + playOffset;
playOffset = readjusted;
// now refresh dem buffers to make sure they reflect the new loop!
bndl = new OSCBundle();
for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
nextClock = clock + i;
even = nextClock & 1;
// pos = (clock + even) * DISKBUF_SIZE_HM - ((1 - even) * DISKBUF_PAD) + playOffset;
pos = nextClock * DISKBUF_SIZE_HM - ((1 - even) * DISKBUF_PAD) + playOffset;
start = Math.max( 0, pos );
fill = (int) (start - pos);
bufOff = even * DISKBUF_SIZE_H;
bufSpans = t.foldSpans( new Span( start, pos + DISKBUF_SIZE_H ), MIN_LOOP_LEN );
checkSpans: if( bufSpans.length == lastBufSpans[ even ].length ) {
for( int j = 0; j < bufSpans.length; j++ ) {
if( !bufSpans[ j ].equals( lastBufSpans[ even ][ j ])) break checkSpans;
if( fill > 0 ) {
for( int j = 0; j < ct.bufsDisk.length; j++ ) {
numCh = ct.bufsDisk[ j ].getNumChannels();
bndl.addPacket( ct.bufsDisk[ j ].fillMsg( bufOff * numCh, fill * numCh, 0.0f ));
doc.getAudioTrail().addBufferReadMessages( bndl, bufSpans, ct.bufsDisk, bufOff + fill );
if( DEBUG_FOLD ) {
System.out.println( "------A " + nextClock + ", " + even + ", " + playOffset + ", " + pos );
for( int k = 0, m = bufOff + fill; k < bufSpans.length; k++ ) {
System.out.println( "i = " + k + "; " + bufSpans[ k ] + " -> " + m );
m += bufSpans[ k ].getLength();
lastBufSpans[ even ] = bufSpans;
if( bndl.getPacketCount() > 0 ) {
try {
if( !server.sync( bndl, TIMEOUT )) {
printTimeOutMsg( "readjust" );
catch( IOException e1 ) {
printError( "transportPlay", e1 );
// sync : shared on MTE
public void transportPlay( Transport t, long pos, double rate )
final float realRate;
final float interpolation;
final Span[] bufSpans;
final long start;
final int fill;
OSCBundle bndl;
realRate = (float) (rate * srcFactor);
interpolation = realRate == 1.0f ? 1f : 3f;
// synchronized( sync ) {
if( !server.isRunning() ) return;
if( ct == null ) { // as of oct '05 may be null if lockmanager timeout in setOutputConfig occurs
// if( !doc.bird.attemptShared( Session.DOOR_TRACKS, 250 )) {
//System.err.println( "OH NO!" );
// return;
// }
// try {
System.out.println( "transportPlay : rebuildSynths" );
if( ct == null ) return;
// }
// finally {
// doc.bird.releaseShared( Session.DOOR_TRACKS );
// }
// if( !doc.bird.attemptShared( Session.DOOR_MTE, 500 )) return;
try {
bndl = new OSCBundle();
start = Math.max( 0, pos - DISKBUF_PAD );
fill = (int) (start + DISKBUF_PAD - pos);
if( fill > 0 ) {
for( int i = 0; i < ct.bufsDisk.length; i++ ) {
bndl.addPacket( ct.bufsDisk[ i ].fillMsg( 0, fill * ct.bufsDisk[ i ].getNumChannels(), 0.0f ));
bufSpans = t.foldSpans( new Span( start, pos - DISKBUF_PAD + DISKBUF_SIZE ), MIN_LOOP_LEN );
doc.getAudioTrail().addBufferReadMessages( bndl, bufSpans, ct.bufsDisk, fill );
if( DEBUG_FOLD ) {
System.out.println( "------P "+ clock + ", X, " + playOffset + ", " + pos );
for( int k = 0, m = fill; k < bufSpans.length; k++ ) {
System.out.println( "i = " + k + "; " + bufSpans[ k ] + " -> " + m );
m += bufSpans[ k ].getLength();
lastBufSpans[ 0 ] = emptySpans;
lastBufSpans[ 1 ] = emptySpans;
if( !server.sync( bndl, TIMEOUT )) {
printTimeOutMsg( "play" );
catch( IOException e1 ) {
printError( "transportPlay", e1 );
// finally {
// doc.bird.releaseShared( Session.DOOR_MTE );
// }
bndl = new OSCBundle();
bndl.addPacket( grpInput.freeAllMsg() );
ct.newInputSynths(); // re-create synthsBufRd and synthPhasor
for( int i = 0, off = 0; i < ct.numFiles; i++ ) {
bndl.addPacket( ct.synthsBufRd[ i ].newMsg( grpInput, new String[] {
"i_aInBf", "i_aOtBs", "i_aPhBs", "i_intrp" }, new float[] {
ct.bufsDisk[ i ].getBufNum(), ct.busInternal.getIndex() + off, busPhasor.getIndex(), interpolation }
nw.register( ct.synthsBufRd[ i ]);
off += ct.chanMaps[ i ].length;
if( ct.numFiles > 0 ) {
bndl.addPacket( ct.synthPhasor.newMsg( grpInput, new String[] {
"i_aInBf", "rate", "i_aPhBs" }, new float[] {
ct.bufsDisk[ 0 ].getBufNum(), realRate, busPhasor.getIndex() }));
nw.register( ct.synthPhasor );
bndl.addPacket( grpOutput.runMsg( true ));
playOffset = pos;
clock = 0;
try {
if( !activeInput ) syncInput.activate( bndl );
if( !activeOutput ) syncOutput.activate( bndl );
trigNodeID = ct.synthPhasor.getNodeID();
server.sendBundle( bndl );
catch( IOException e1 ) {
printError( "transportPlay", e1 );
// } // synchronized( sync )
public void transportQuit( Transport t )
trigNodeID = -1;
// -------------- SessioCollection.Listener classes --------------
public void sessionObjectMapChanged( SessionCollection.Event e )
// synchronized( sync ) {
if( server.isRunning() && (ct != null) ) {
OSCBundle bndl = null;
if( e.setContains( AudioTrack.MAP_KEY_PANAZIMUTH ) ||
e.setContains( AudioTrack.MAP_KEY_PANSPREAD )) {
bndl = new OSCBundle();
addChannelPanMessages( bndl );
} else if( e.setContains( SessionObject.MAP_KEY_FLAGS )) {
bndl = new OSCBundle();
addChannelMuteMessages( bndl );
if( (bndl != null) && (bndl.getPacketCount() > 0) ) {
try {
server.sendBundle( bndl );
catch( IOException e1 ) {
printError( "Set Channel Status", e1 );
// }
public void sessionCollectionChanged( SessionCollection.Event e ) { /* XXX should react (well realtime host does) */ }
public void sessionObjectChanged( SessionCollection.Event e ) { /* ignored */ }
// -------------- internal classes --------------
private class Context
protected final Synth[] synthsBufRd; // buffer readers for all parallel files
protected final Synth[] synthsPan; // for each input channel a pan synth with numOutputs output channels
protected final Synth[] synthsRoute; // for each pan output one route to the audio interface channel
// private final Synth[] synthsMeter; // for each input channel a meter control
protected Synth synthPhasor;
protected final Buffer[] bufsDisk;
protected final Bus busInternal; // the buffer-reader writes to this bus (numInputChannels)
protected final Bus busPan;
// private final Bus busMeter; // control rate, two channels per input channel
protected final int numFiles;
protected final int numInChans; // sum over all files
protected final int[][] chanMaps; // re audio input files
// private final OSCBundle meterBangBndl; // /c_getn for the meter values, /n_set to re-trigger calc
protected boolean bufsAllocated = false;
private boolean disposed = false;
* @throws IOException if the server ran out of busses
* or buffers
protected Context( int[][] channelMaps, int numInputChannels, int numConfigOutputs )
throws IOException
this.chanMaps = channelMaps;
numFiles = channelMaps.length;
this.numInChans = numInputChannels;
synthsBufRd = new Synth[ numFiles ];
// for( int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++ ) {
// synthsBufRd[ i ] = Synth.basicNew( "eisk-input" + channelMaps[ i ].length, server );
// }
synthsPan = new Synth[ numInputChannels ];
// synthsMeter = new Synth[ numInputChannels ];
for( int i = 0; i < numInputChannels; i++ ) {
synthsPan[ i ] = Synth.basicNew( "eisk-pan" + numConfigOutputs, server );
// synthsMeter[ i ] = Synth.basicNew( "eisk-meter", server );
synthsRoute = new Synth[ numConfigOutputs ];
for( int i = 0; i < numConfigOutputs; i++ ) {
synthsRoute[ i ] = Synth.basicNew( "eisk-route", server );
busInternal = Bus.audio( server, numInputChannels );
busPan = Bus.audio( server, numConfigOutputs );
// busMeter = Bus.control( server, numInputChannels << 1 );
// if( (busInternal == null) || (busPan == null) || (busMeter == null) ) {
if( (busInternal == null) || (busPan == null) ) {
if( busInternal != null ) busInternal.free();
if( busPan != null ) busPan.free();
// if( busMeter != null ) busMeter.free();
throw new IOException( getResourceString( "scErrNoBusses" ));
bufsDisk = new Buffer[ numFiles ];
for( int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++ ) {
bufsDisk[ i ] = new Buffer( server, DISKBUF_SIZE, channelMaps[ i ].length );
if( bufsDisk[ i ] == null ) {
for( int j = 0; j < i; j++ ) bufsDisk[ j ].freeMsg(); // cleans up allocator!
throw new IOException( getResourceString( "scErrNoBuffers" ));
//// meterBangMsg = new OSCMessage( "/c_getn", new Object[] {
//// new Integer( busMeter.getIndex() ), new Integer( busMeter.getNumChannels() )});
// meterBangBndl = new OSCBundle();
// meterBangBndl.addPacket( new OSCMessage( "/c_getn", new Object[] {
// new Integer( busMeter.getIndex() ), new Integer( busMeter.getNumChannels() )}));
// meterBangBndl.addPacket( new OSCMessage( "/n_set", new Object[] {
// new Integer( grpMeter.getNodeID() ), "t_trig", new Integer( 1 )}));
protected void newInputSynths()
for( int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++ ) {
synthsBufRd[ i ] = Synth.basicNew( "eisk-input" + chanMaps[ i ].length, server );
synthPhasor = Synth.basicNew( "eisk-phasor", server );
protected void dispose()
throws IOException
if( disposed ) throw new IllegalStateException( "Double disposal" );
disposed = true;
// busMeter.free();
final OSCBundle bndl = new OSCBundle();
for( int i = 0; i < bufsDisk.length; i++ ) bndl.addPacket( bufsDisk[ i ].freeMsg() );
if( bufsAllocated ) {
bufsAllocated = false;
if( (bndl.getPacketCount() > 0) && server.isRunning() && !server.sync( bndl, TIMEOUT )) {
printTimeOutMsg( "dispose" );