* OSCRoot.java
* Eisenkraut
* Copyright (c) 2004-2014 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is published under the GNU General Public License v3+
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* contact@sciss.de
* Changelog:
* 19-Jan-06 created
package de.sciss.eisenkraut.net;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.SocketAddress;
import java.util.prefs.PreferenceChangeEvent;
import java.util.prefs.PreferenceChangeListener;
import java.util.prefs.Preferences;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import de.sciss.app.AbstractApplication;
import de.sciss.app.BasicEvent;
import de.sciss.app.EventManager;
import de.sciss.net.OSCChannel;
import de.sciss.net.OSCListener;
import de.sciss.net.OSCMessage;
import de.sciss.net.OSCPacket;
import de.sciss.net.OSCServer;
import de.sciss.util.Param;
import de.sciss.util.ParamSpace;
* @author Hanns Holger Rutz
* @version 0.70, 28-Apr-08
public class OSCRoot
implements OSCRouter, OSCListener, EventManager.Processor, PreferenceChangeListener
* Convenient name for preferences node
public static final String DEFAULT_NODE = "oscserver";
public static final String KEY_ACTIVE = "active"; // boolean
public static final String KEY_PROTOCOL = "protocol"; // String
public static final String KEY_PORT = "port"; // Param
// public static final Param DEFAULT_PORT = new Param( 0x4549, ParamSpace.NONE | ParamSpace.ABS );
private final Preferences prefs;
private OSCServer serv = null;
// private DatagramChannel dch = null;
// private OSCTransmitter trns = null;
// private OSCReceiver rcv = null;
private boolean running = false;
private OSCGUI gui = null;
private final Pattern oscPathPtrn = Pattern.compile( "/" );
// elements = RoutedOSCMessage instances
// private final List collMessages = Collections.synchronizedList( new ArrayList() );
private final OSCRouterWrapper osc;
private final EventManager elm;
private static final String OSC_DUMP = "dumpOSC";
public static final String OSC_QUERY = "query";
public static final String OSC_GET = "get";
public static final String OSC_QUERYREPLY = "/query.reply";
public static final String OSC_GETREPLY = "/get.reply";
public static final String OSC_FAILEDREPLY = "/failed";
public static final String OSC_DONEREPLY = "/done";
private final Param defaultPortParam;
// private int uniqueID = 0;
private static OSCRoot instance;
public OSCRoot( Preferences prefs, int defaultPort )
if( instance != null ) throw new IllegalStateException( "Only one instance allowed" );
instance = this;
this.prefs = prefs;
defaultPortParam = new Param( defaultPort, ParamSpace.NONE | ParamSpace.ABS );
if( prefs.get( KEY_PORT, null ) == null ) { // create defaults
prefs.putBoolean( KEY_ACTIVE, false );
prefs.put( KEY_PORT, defaultPortParam.toString() );
elm = new EventManager( this );
osc = new OSCRouterWrapper( null, this );
osc.oscAddRouter( new OSCRouter() {
public String oscGetPathComponent()
return OSC_DUMP;
public void oscRoute( RoutedOSCMessage rom )
oscCmdDump( rom );
public void oscAddRouter( OSCRouter subRouter )
throw new IllegalStateException( "Path endpoint" );
public void oscRemoveRouter( OSCRouter subRouter )
throw new IllegalStateException( "Path endpoint" );
// // not really a path but
// // the general responder for query replies
// osc.oscAddRouter( new OSCRouter() {
// public String oscGetPathComponent()
// {
// }
// public void oscRoute( RoutedOSCMessage rom )
// {
// oscCmdDump( rom );
// }
// public void oscAddRouter( OSCRouter subRouter )
// {
// throw new IllegalStateException( "Path endpoint" );
// }
// });
public static OSCRoot getInstance()
return instance;
public void init()
if( prefs.getBoolean( KEY_ACTIVE, false )) {
prefs.addPreferenceChangeListener( this );
public Preferences getPreferences()
return prefs;
public OSCGUI getGUI()
return gui;
public void boot()
try {
boot( prefs.get( KEY_PROTOCOL, OSCChannel.TCP ), (int) Param.fromPrefs( prefs, KEY_PORT, defaultPortParam ).val, true );
catch( IOException e1 ) {
System.err.println( e1.getClass().getName() + " : " + e1.getLocalizedMessage() );
public void boot( String protocol, int port, boolean loopBack )
throws IOException
synchronized( this ) {
if( running ) {
throw new IllegalStateException( "Already booted" );
if( gui == null ) gui = new OSCGUI();
// final InetSocketAddress addr = loopBack ?
// new InetSocketAddress( "", port ) :
// new InetSocketAddress( InetAddress.getLocalHost(), port );
try {
// dch = DatagramChannel.open();
// dch.socket().bind( addr );
serv = OSCServer.newUsing( protocol, port, loopBack );
// rcv = new OSCReceiver( dch );
// trns = new OSCTransmitter( dch );
// rcv.addOSCListener( this );
// rcv.startListening();
serv.addOSCListener( this );
System.out.println( AbstractApplication.getApplication().getName() + " " +
getResourceString( "oscRcvAt" ) + " " + protocol.toUpperCase() + " " + getResourceString( "oscPort" ) + " " + port );
catch( IOException e1 ) {
if( serv != null ) {
serv = null;
// try {
// rcv.stopListening();
// }
// catch( IOException e2 ) {}
// if( dch != null ) {
// try {
// dch.close();
// }
// catch( IOException e2 ) {}
// }
// rcv = null;
// trns = null;
// dch = null;
throw e1;
running = true;
public static String getResourceString( String key )
return AbstractApplication.getApplication().getResourceString( key );
public void send( OSCPacket p, SocketAddress addr )
throws IOException
if( running ) {
//System.err.println( "sending to "+addr );
// trns.send( p, addr );
serv.send( p, addr );
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException( "Not running" );
// public OSCMessage sendSync( OSCPacket p, InetSocketAddress addr, String doneCmd, String failCmd, int argIdx, Object argMatch )
// throws IOException
// {
// return sendSync( p, addr, doneCmd, failCmd, argIdx, argMatch, 4f );
// }
// public OSCMessage sendSync( OSCPacket p, InetSocketAddress addr, String doneCmd, String failCmd, int argIdx, Object argMatch, float timeout )
// throws IOException
// {
// final SyncResponder resp = new SyncResponder( addr, doneCmd, failCmd, argIdx, argMatch );
// try {
// synchronized( resp ) {
// resp.add();
// send( p, addr );
// resp.wait( (long) (timeout * 1000) );
// }
// }
// catch( InterruptedException e1 ) {}
// finally {
// resp.remove();
// }
// return resp.doneMsg;
// }
public boolean isRunning()
synchronized( this ) {
return running;
// public Object[] query( InetSocketAddress addr, String path, String[] properties )
// throws IOException
// {
// final Object queryID = new Integer( ++uniqueID );
// final Object[] args = new Object[ properties.length + 2 ];
// final OSCMessage reply;
// args[ 0 ] = "query";
// args[ 1 ] = queryID;
// System.arraycopy( properties, 0, args, 2, properties.length );
// reply = sendSync( new OSCMessage( path, args ), addr, "/query.reply", "/failed", 0, queryID );
// if( (reply != null) && reply.getName().equals( "/query.reply" )) {
// final Object[] result = new Object[ Math.min( properties.length, reply.getArgCount() - 1 )];
// for( int i = 1, j = 0; j < result.length; i++, j++ ) {
// result[ j ] = reply.getArg( i );
// }
// return result;
// } else {
// return null;
// }
// }
public void quit()
synchronized( this ) {
if( running ) {
serv = null;
// try {
// rcv.stopListening();
// System.out.println( AbstractApplication.getApplication().getName() + " " +
// getResourceString( "oscStoppedRcv" ));
// }
// catch( IOException e1 ) {
// System.err.println( e1.getLocalizedMessage() );
// }
// try {
// dch.close();
// }
// catch( IOException e1 ) {
// System.err.println( e1.getLocalizedMessage() );
// }
if( gui != null ) {
gui = null;
running = false;
// rcv = null;
// trns = null;
// dch = null;
// /**
// * @synchronization call only in event thread
// */
// public void oscRemoveRouter( OSCRouter r )
// {
// final String cmd = r.oscGetPathComponent();
//// synchronized( mapRouters ) {
// if( mapRouters.remove( cmd ) == null ) {
// throw new IllegalStateException( "Trying to remove unregistered command '" + cmd + "'" );
// }
//// }
// }
public static void failedUnknownPath( OSCMessage msg )
failed( msg, "Path not found" );
public static void failedUnknownPath( RoutedOSCMessage rom )
failedUnknownPath( rom, rom.getPathIndex() );
public static void failedUnknownCmd( RoutedOSCMessage rom )
System.err.println( "FAILURE " +rom.msg.getName() + " " + rom.msg.getArg( 0 ).toString() + " Command not found" );
public static void failedUnknownPath( RoutedOSCMessage rom, int pathIdx )
final int endIdx;
int startIdx = 0;
final String fullCmd = rom.msg.getName();
if( rom.getPathCount() > 0 ) {
startIdx += rom.getPathComponent( 0 ).length();
for( int i = 1; i < pathIdx; i++ ) {
startIdx += rom.getPathComponent( i ).length() + 1;
endIdx = Math.min( fullCmd.length(),
startIdx + (pathIdx < rom.getPathCount() ? rom.getPathComponent( pathIdx ).length() + 1 : 0 ));
System.err.println( "FAILURE " +fullCmd.substring( 0, startIdx ) + "!" +
fullCmd.substring( startIdx, endIdx ) + "!" +
fullCmd.substring( endIdx ) + " Path not found" );
public static void failedArgCount( RoutedOSCMessage rom )
failed( rom.msg, "Illegal argument count (" + rom.msg.getArgCount() + ")" );
public static void failedArgType( RoutedOSCMessage rom, int argIdx )
failed( rom.msg, "Illegal argument type (" + rom.msg.getArg( argIdx ) + ")" );
public static void failedQuery( RoutedOSCMessage rom, String property )
failed( rom.msg, "Illegal query property (" + property + ")" );
public static void failedGet( RoutedOSCMessage rom, String param )
failed( rom.msg, "Illegal get command (" + param + ")" );
public static void failedArgValue( RoutedOSCMessage rom, int argIdx )
failed( rom.msg, "Illegal argument value (" + rom.msg.getArg( argIdx ) + ")" );
public static void failed( RoutedOSCMessage rom, Throwable t )
failed( rom.msg, t.getClass().getName() + " : " + t.getLocalizedMessage() );
public static void failed( OSCMessage msg, String why )
System.err.println( "FAILURE " + msg.getName() + " " + why );
// ------------ Runnable interface ------------
// called from the event thread
// when new messages have been queued
public void processEvent( BasicEvent e )
osc.oscRoute( (RoutedOSCMessage) e );
// ------------ OSCRouter interface ------------
public String oscGetPathComponent()
return null;
public void oscRoute( RoutedOSCMessage rom )
osc.oscRoute( rom );
public void oscAddRouter( OSCRouter subRouter )
osc.oscAddRouter( subRouter );
public void oscRemoveRouter( OSCRouter subRouter )
osc.oscRemoveRouter( subRouter );
* Command: /dumpOSC, int <incomingMode> [, int <outgoingMode> ]
protected void oscCmdDump( RoutedOSCMessage rom )
final int numArgs = rom.msg.getArgCount();
int argIdx = 0;
try {
// rcv.dumpOSC( ((Number) rom.msg.getArg( argIdx )).intValue(), System.out );
serv.dumpIncomingOSC( ((Number) rom.msg.getArg( argIdx )).intValue(), System.out );
if( numArgs == 2 ) {
// trns.dumpOSC( ((Number) rom.msg.getArg( argIdx )).intValue(), System.out );
serv.dumpOutgoingOSC( ((Number) rom.msg.getArg( argIdx )).intValue(), System.out );
catch( ClassCastException e1 ) {
failedArgType( rom, argIdx );
catch( IndexOutOfBoundsException e1 ) {
failedArgCount( rom );
// public void routeMessage( RoutedOSCMessage rom )
// {
// final String cmd = rom.getPathComponent();
// try {
// if( cmd.equals( OSC_SYNC )) {
// send( new OSCMessage( "/synced", new Object[] { rom.msg.getArg( 0 )}), rom.addr );
// } else if( cmd.equals( OSC_DUMP )) {
// cmdDumpOSC( rom );
// } else {
// failedUnknownCmd( rom );
// }
// }
// catch( IndexOutOfBoundsException e1 ) {
// failedArgCount( rom );
// }
// catch( IOException e1 ) {
// failed( rom, e1 );
// }
// }
// ------------ OSCListener interface ------------
public void messageReceived( OSCMessage msg, SocketAddress addr, long when )
final String[] path = oscPathPtrn.split( msg.getName() );
// final List r;
if( path.length < 2 ) {
failedUnknownPath( msg );
// synchronized( mapRouters ) {
// r = (java.util.List) mapRouters.get( path[ 1 ]);
// }
// if( r != null ) {
elm.dispatchEvent( new RoutedOSCMessage( msg, addr, when, this, path, 0 ));
// } else {
// failedUnknownCmd( msg );
// }
// ------- PreferenceChangeListener interface -------
public void preferenceChange( PreferenceChangeEvent e )
final String key = e.getKey();
if( key.equals( KEY_ACTIVE )) {
if( Boolean.valueOf( e.getNewValue() ).booleanValue() ) {
if( !isRunning() ) {
} else {
if( isRunning() ) {
// private static void printError( String name, Throwable t )
// {
// System.err.print( name + " : " );
// t.printStackTrace( System.err );
// }
// ------------- internal classes -------------
// private class SyncResponder
// implements OSCListener
// {
// private OSCMessage doneMsg = null;
// private final OSCResponderNode resp1;
// private final OSCResponderNode resp2;
// private final int argIdx;
// private final Object argMatch;
// private SyncResponder( InetSocketAddress addr, String doneCmdName, String failCmdName, int argIdx, Object argMatch )
// throws IOException
// {
// this.argIdx = argIdx;
// this.argMatch = argMatch;
// resp1 = new OSCResponderNode( addr, doneCmdName, this );
// resp2 = failCmdName == null ? null : new OSCResponderNode( addr, failCmdName, this );
// }
// private void add()
// throws IOException
// {
// resp1.add();
// if( resp2 != null ) resp2.add();
// }
// private void remove()
// {
// try {
// resp1.remove();
// }
// catch( IOException e1 ) {
// printError( "SyncResponder.remove", e1 );
// }
// try {
// if( resp2 != null ) resp2.remove();
// }
// catch( IOException e1 ) {
// printError( "SyncResponder.remove", e1 );
// }
// }
// public void messageReceived( OSCMessage msg, SocketAddress sender, long time )
// {
// if( (msg.getArgCount() > argIdx) && (msg.getArg( argIdx ).equals( argMatch ))) {
// doneMsg = msg;
// remove();
// synchronized( this ) {
// this.notifyAll();
// }
// }
// }
// }