* OSCGUI.java
* Eisenkraut
* Copyright (c) 2004-2014 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is published under the GNU General Public License v3+
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* contact@sciss.de
* Changelog:
* 10-Sep-06 created
* 07-May-08 removing necessity to compile with SwingOSC (just using reflection)
package de.sciss.eisenkraut.net;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.SocketAddress;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.swing.KeyStroke;
import de.sciss.app.AbstractApplication;
import de.sciss.common.BasicApplication;
import de.sciss.common.BasicWindowHandler;
import de.sciss.gui.BooleanPrefsMenuAction;
import de.sciss.gui.KeyStrokeTextField;
import de.sciss.gui.MenuAction;
import de.sciss.gui.MenuCheckItem;
import de.sciss.gui.MenuGroup;
import de.sciss.gui.MenuItem;
import de.sciss.gui.MenuNode;
import de.sciss.gui.MenuRoot;
import de.sciss.gui.MenuSeparator;
import de.sciss.net.OSCChannel;
import de.sciss.net.OSCMessage;
//import de.sciss.swingosc.SwingOSC;
import de.sciss.util.Disposable;
import de.sciss.util.DynamicURLClassLoader;
* A basic management for custom menus via OSC and access to SwingOSC
* @author Hanns Holger Rutz
* @version 0.71, 13-Jul-09
public class OSCGUI
implements OSCRouter, Disposable
private static final String OSC_GUI = "gui";
// private static final String OSC_ID = "id";
private static final int SWING_PORT = 12345;
public static final String KEY_SWINGAPP = "swingapp";
private final OSCRouterWrapper osc;
private final MenuBuilder mb;
// private final WindowBuilder wb;
private Object swingOSC = null;
// private SwingOSC swingOSC = null;
public OSCGUI()
osc = new OSCRouterWrapper( OSCRoot.getInstance(), this );
mb = new MenuBuilder( this );
// SwingOSC should be used now for windows
// wb = new WindowBuilder( this );
// ------------ Disposable interface ------------
public void dispose()
// wb.dispose();
public Object getSwingOSC()
return swingOSC;
// ------------ OSCRouter interface ------------
public String oscGetPathComponent()
return OSC_GUI;
public void oscRoute( RoutedOSCMessage rom )
// if( rom.hasNext() ) {
// oscRouteNext( rom.next() );
// } else {
osc.oscRoute( rom );
// }
public void oscAddRouter( OSCRouter subRouter )
osc.oscAddRouter( subRouter );
public void oscRemoveRouter( OSCRouter subRouter )
osc.oscRemoveRouter( subRouter );
public void oscCmd_initSwing( RoutedOSCMessage rom )
if( swingOSC != null ) return;
final DynamicURLClassLoader cl = new DynamicURLClassLoader( getClass().getClassLoader() );
final Class clz;
try {
cl.addURL( new File( OSCRoot.getInstance().getPreferences().get( KEY_SWINGAPP, null )).toURI().toURL() );
clz = Class.forName( "de.sciss.swingosc.SwingOSC", true, cl );
// swingOSC = new SwingOSC();
swingOSC = clz.newInstance();
// start( String protocol, int port, boolean loopBack, int bufSize, boolean initSwing, SocketAddress helloAddr)
// swingOSC.start( OSCChannel.TCP, 12345, true, 8192, false, null );
final Method m = clz.getMethod( "start", new Class[] {
String.class, Integer.TYPE, Boolean.TYPE, Integer.TYPE,
Boolean.TYPE, InetSocketAddress.class });
m.invoke( swingOSC, new Object[] { OSCChannel.TCP, new Integer( SWING_PORT ),
Boolean.TRUE, new Integer( 65536 ), Boolean.FALSE, null });
catch( MalformedURLException e1 ) {
OSCRoot.failed( rom, e1 );
catch( ClassNotFoundException e1 ) {
OSCRoot.failed( rom, e1 );
catch( IllegalAccessException e1 ) {
OSCRoot.failed( rom, e1 );
catch( InstantiationException e1 ) {
OSCRoot.failed( rom, e1 );
catch( NoSuchMethodException e1 ) {
OSCRoot.failed( rom, e1 );
catch( InvocationTargetException e1 ) {
OSCRoot.failed( rom, e1 );
// catch( IOException e1 ) {
// OSCRoot.failed( rom, e1 );
// }
public Object oscQuery_swingPort()
// return new Integer( swingOSC == null ? 0 : swingOSC.getLocalAddress().getPort() );
return new Integer( swingOSC == null ? 0 : SWING_PORT );
public Object oscQuery_swingProtocol()
// return( swingOSC == null ? (Object) new Integer( 0 ) : (Object) swingOSC.getProtocol() );
return( swingOSC == null ? (Object) new Integer( 0 ) : (Object) OSCChannel.TCP );
public Object oscQuery_swingRunning()
return new Integer( swingOSC != null ? 1 : 0 );
// ===================================================================================================
// --------------- internal classes ---------------
protected static class MenuBuilder
implements OSCRouter, Disposable
private static final String OSC_MENU = "menu";
private static final Pattern ptrnPeriod = Pattern.compile( "\\." );
// private int uniqueID = 0;
private final OSCRouterWrapper osc;
// private final OSCGUI gui;
private final MenuRoot mr;
private final Map mapNodes = new HashMap();
protected MenuBuilder( OSCRouter superRouter )
// this.gui = gui;
osc = new OSCRouterWrapper( superRouter, this );
mr = ((BasicApplication) AbstractApplication.getApplication()).getMenuBarRoot();
// ------------ Disposable interface ------------
public void dispose()
for( Iterator iter = mapNodes.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
((OSCMenuNode) iter.next()).dispose();
// ------------ OSCRouter interface ------------
public String oscGetPathComponent()
return OSC_MENU;
public void oscRoute( RoutedOSCMessage rom )
osc.oscRoute( rom );
public void oscAddRouter( OSCRouter subRouter )
osc.oscAddRouter( subRouter );
public void oscRemoveRouter( OSCRouter subRouter )
osc.oscRemoveRouter( subRouter );
// add <(int) id> <(String) type> <(String) menuHierarchy> [<(String) text> <(String) keyStroke|(int) 0>]
// where type is one of "item", "check" (n.y.i.), "separator"
public void oscCmd_add( RoutedOSCMessage rom )
final int id;
final Object idObj;
final String type;
final int typeIdx;
final String[] hierarchy;
final String text;
final KeyStroke stroke;
final OSCMenuNode n;
MenuGroup mg, parent;
int argIdx = 1;
try {
id = ((Number) rom.msg.getArg( argIdx )).intValue();
idObj = new Integer( id );
if( mapNodes.containsKey( idObj )) {
OSCRoot.failed( rom.msg, OSCRoot.getResourceString( "errOSCNodeExists" ));
typeIdx = argIdx;
type = rom.msg.getArg( typeIdx ).toString();
hierarchy = ptrnPeriod.split( rom.msg.getArg( argIdx ).toString() );
if( hierarchy.length < 1 ) {
OSCRoot.failedArgValue( rom, argIdx );
parent = mr;
for( int i = 0; i < hierarchy.length; i++ ) {
mg = (MenuGroup) parent.get( hierarchy[ i ]);
// if( mg == null ) {
// mg = new MenuGroup( "oscAuto_" + (uniqueID++), hierarchy[ i ]);
// parent.add( mg );
// }
if( mg == null ) {
OSCRoot.failed( rom.msg, OSCRoot.getResourceString( "errOSCParentNotFound" ) + " (" + idObj + ")" );
parent = mg;
if( rom.msg.getArgCount() > (argIdx + 1) ) {
text = rom.msg.getArg( argIdx ).toString();
if( rom.msg.getArgCount() > (argIdx + 1) ) {
stroke = KeyStrokeTextField.prefsToStroke( rom.msg.getArg( argIdx ).toString() );
} else {
stroke = null;
} else {
text = null;
stroke = null;
if( type.equals( "item" )) {
n = new OSCMenuItem( this, id, rom.addr, parent, text, stroke );
} else if( type.equals( "group" )) {
n = new OSCMenuGroup( this, id, rom.addr, parent, text, stroke );
} else if( type.equals( "separator" )) {
n = new OSCMenuSeparator( this, id, rom.addr, parent );
} else if( type.equals( "check" )) {
n = new OSCMenuCheck( this, id, rom.addr, parent, text, stroke );
} else {
OSCRoot.failedArgValue( rom, typeIdx );
mapNodes.put( idObj, n );
catch( ClassCastException e1 ) {
OSCRoot.failedArgValue( rom, argIdx );
catch( IndexOutOfBoundsException e1 ) {
OSCRoot.failedArgCount( rom );
// remove <(int) id>
public void oscCmd_remove( RoutedOSCMessage rom )
final Object idObj;
final OSCMenuNode n;
int argIdx = 1;
try {
idObj = new Integer( ((Number) rom.msg.getArg( argIdx )).intValue() );
n = (OSCMenuNode) mapNodes.remove( idObj );
if( n == null ) {
OSCRoot.failed( rom.msg, OSCRoot.getResourceString( "errOSCNodeNotFound" ) + " (" + idObj + ")" );
catch( IndexOutOfBoundsException e1 ) {
OSCRoot.failedArgCount( rom );
protected void reply( OSCMenuNode n )
reply( n, null );
protected void reply( OSCMenuNode n, Object[] extraArgs )
final OSCRoot server = OSCRoot.getInstance();
if( !server.isRunning() ) return;
final Object[] args = new Object[ extraArgs == null ? 2 : extraArgs.length + 2 ];
args[ 0 ] = new Integer( n.getID() );
args[ 1 ] = "action";
for( int i = 0, j = 2; j < args.length; i++, j++ ) {
args[ j ] = extraArgs[ i ];
try {
server.send( new OSCMessage( "/gui/menu", args ), n.getAddress() );
catch( IOException e1 ) {
BasicWindowHandler.showErrorDialog( null, e1, n.getText() );
private static interface OSCMenuNode
extends Disposable
public abstract void install();
public abstract int getID();
public abstract String getText();
public abstract SocketAddress getAddress();
private static class OSCMenuItem
extends MenuAction
implements OSCMenuNode
private final MenuBuilder mb;
private final int id;
protected final MenuGroup parent;
private final SocketAddress addr;
protected MenuNode n;
protected OSCMenuItem( MenuBuilder mb, int id, SocketAddress addr, MenuGroup parent, String text, KeyStroke stroke )
super( text, stroke );
this.mb = mb;
this.id = id;
this.addr = addr;
this.parent = parent;
public void install()
n = new MenuItem( "osc_" + id, this );
parent.add( n );
public void dispose()
parent.remove( n );
public int getID()
return id;
public String getText()
return getValue( NAME ).toString();
public SocketAddress getAddress()
return addr;
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
mb.reply( this );
private static class OSCMenuGroup
extends OSCMenuItem
protected OSCMenuGroup( MenuBuilder mb, int id, SocketAddress addr, MenuGroup parent, String text, KeyStroke stroke )
super( mb, id, addr, parent, text, stroke );
// override superclass
public void install()
n = new MenuGroup( "osc_" + getID(), this );
parent.add( n );
private static class OSCMenuSeparator
implements OSCMenuNode
// private final MenuBuilder mb;
private final int id;
private final SocketAddress addr;
private final MenuGroup parent;
private MenuNode n;
protected OSCMenuSeparator( MenuBuilder mb, int id, SocketAddress addr, MenuGroup parent )
// this.mb = mb;
this.id = id;
this.addr = addr;
this.parent = parent;
public void install()
n = new MenuSeparator();
parent.add( n );
public void dispose()
parent.remove( n );
public int getID()
return id;
public String getText()
return null;
public SocketAddress getAddress()
return addr;
private static class OSCMenuCheck
extends BooleanPrefsMenuAction
implements OSCMenuNode
private final MenuBuilder mb;
private final int id;
// private MenuNode n;
private MenuCheckItem n;
private final MenuGroup parent;
private final SocketAddress addr;
protected OSCMenuCheck( MenuBuilder mb, int id, SocketAddress addr, MenuGroup parent, String text, KeyStroke stroke )
super( text, stroke );
this.mb = mb;
this.id = id;
this.addr = addr;
this.parent = parent;
public void install()
n = new MenuCheckItem( "osc_" + id, this );
parent.add( n );
setCheckItem( n );
public void dispose()
parent.remove( n );
public int getID()
return id;
public String getText()
return getValue( NAME ).toString();
public SocketAddress getAddress()
return addr;
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
super.actionPerformed( e );
mb.reply( this, new Object[] { "selected", new Integer( n.isSelected() ? 1 : 0 )});
// ===================================================================================================
private static class WindowBuilder
implements OSCRouter, Disposable
private static final String OSC_WINDOW = "window";
private final OSCRouterWrapper osc;
// private final OSCGUI gui;
private final Map mapNodes = new HashMap();
private WindowBuilder( OSCRouter superRouter )
// this.gui = gui;
osc = new OSCRouterWrapper( superRouter, this );
// ------------ Disposable interface ------------
public void dispose()
for( Iterator iter = mapNodes.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
((OSCWindow) iter.next()).dispose();
// ------------ OSCRouter interface ------------
public String oscGetPathComponent()
return OSC_WINDOW;
public void oscRoute( RoutedOSCMessage rom )
osc.oscRoute( rom );
public void oscAddRouter( OSCRouter subRouter )
osc.oscAddRouter( subRouter );
public void oscRemoveRouter( OSCRouter subRouter )
osc.oscRemoveRouter( subRouter );
// add <(int) id> <(String) type> <(String) title> [<(int) resizable=0|1>]
// where type is one of "frame", "palette"
public void oscCmd_add( RoutedOSCMessage rom )
final int id;
final Object idObj;
final String typeStr;
final int type;
final String title;
final boolean resizable;
final OSCWindow n;
int argIdx = 1;
try {
id = ((Number) rom.msg.getArg( argIdx )).intValue();
idObj = new Integer( id );
if( mapNodes.containsKey( idObj )) {
OSCRoot.failed( rom.msg, OSCRoot.getResourceString( "errOSCNodeExists" ));
typeStr = rom.msg.getArg( argIdx ).toString();
if( typeStr.equals( "frame" )) {
type = AbstractWindow.SUPPORT;
} else if( typeStr.equals( "palette" )) {
type = AbstractWindow.PALETTE;
} else{
OSCRoot.failedArgValue( rom, argIdx );
title = rom.msg.getArg( argIdx ).toString();
if( rom.msg.getArgCount() > (argIdx + 1) ) {
resizable = ((Number) rom.msg.getArg( argIdx )).intValue() != 0;
} else {
resizable = false;
n = new OSCWindow( this, id, rom.addr, type, title, resizable );
// n.install();
mapNodes.put( idObj, n );
catch( ClassCastException e1 ) {
OSCRoot.failedArgValue( rom, argIdx );
catch( IndexOutOfBoundsException e1 ) {
OSCRoot.failedArgCount( rom );
// remove <(int) id>
public void oscCmd_remove( RoutedOSCMessage rom )
final Object idObj;
final OSCWindow n;
int argIdx = 1;
try {
idObj = new Integer( ((Number) rom.msg.getArg( argIdx )).intValue() );
n = (OSCWindow) mapNodes.remove( idObj );
if( n == null ) {
OSCRoot.failed( rom.msg, OSCRoot.getResourceString( "errOSCNodeNotFound" ) + " (" + idObj + ")" );
catch( IndexOutOfBoundsException e1 ) {
OSCRoot.failedArgCount( rom );
private static class OSCWindow
extends AppWindow
implements OSCRouter
private final WindowBuilder wb;
private final int id;
private final String idStr;
private final String fullOSCAddr;
private final SocketAddress addr;
private final OSCRouterWrapper osc;
private final SpringPanel panel;
private final Map mapNodes = new HashMap();
private boolean layoutDirty = false;
private OSCWindow( WindowBuilder wb, int id, SocketAddress addr, int type, String title, boolean resizable )
super( type );
setTitle( title );
setResizable( resizable );
this.wb = wb;
this.id = id;
idStr = String.valueOf( id );
fullOSCAddr = "/gui/window/" + idStr;
this.addr = addr;
osc = new OSCRouterWrapper( wb, this );
panel = new SpringPanel( 2, 1, 2, 1 );
// setSize( new Dimension( 400, 400 ));
setLocationRelativeTo( null );
getContentPane().add( panel, BorderLayout.CENTER );
public void dispose()
for( Iterator iter = mapNodes.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
((OSCGadgetNode) iter.next()).dispose();
protected boolean restoreVisibility()
return false;
private void reply( OSCGadgetNode n )
reply( n, null );
private void reply( OSCGadgetNode n, Object[] extraArgs )
final OSCRoot server = OSCRoot.getInstance();
if( !server.isRunning() ) return;
final Object[] args = new Object[ extraArgs == null ? 2 : extraArgs.length + 2 ];
args[ 0 ] = new Integer( n.getID() );
args[ 1 ] = "action";
for( int i = 0, j = 2; j < args.length; i++, j++ ) {
args[ j ] = extraArgs[ i ];
try {
server.send( new OSCMessage( fullOSCAddr, args ), n.getAddress() );
catch( IOException e1 ) {
GUIUtil.displayError( getWindow(), e1, n.getText() );
// ------------ OSCRouter interface ------------
public String oscGetPathComponent()
return idStr;
public void oscRoute( RoutedOSCMessage rom )
osc.oscRoute( rom );
public void oscAddRouter( OSCRouter subRouter )
osc.oscAddRouter( subRouter );
public void oscRemoveRouter( OSCRouter subRouter )
osc.oscRemoveRouter( subRouter );
public void oscCmd_show( RoutedOSCMessage rom )
if( isVisible() ) return;
if( layoutDirty ) {
layoutDirty = false;
setVisible( true );
public void oscCmd_hide( RoutedOSCMessage rom )
setVisible( false );
// add <(int) id> <(String) type> <(int) x> <(int) y> [<(int) w> [<(int) h> [<(int) fill> [<float> alignH> [<float> alignV>]]]]]
// where type is one of "label", "hslider", "vslider", "knob", "choice", "check", "button", "text", "number", "help"
// ; where fill is one of 0 (NONE), 1 (BOTH), 2 (HORIZONTAL), 3 (VERTICAL)
// ; where alignH and alignV = 0 (top/left) ... 1 (bottom/right)
public void oscCmd_add( RoutedOSCMessage rom )
final int id;
final Object idObj;
final String type;
final int typeIdx;
final int gridX, gridY, gridW, gridH;
final boolean fillH, fillV;
final float alignH, alignV;
final JComponent jc;
final OSCGadgetNode n;
int argIdx = 1;
try {
id = ((Number) rom.msg.getArg( argIdx )).intValue();
idObj = new Integer( id );
if( mapNodes.containsKey( idObj )) {
OSCRoot.failed( rom.msg, OSCRoot.getResourceString( "errOSCNodeExists" ));
typeIdx = argIdx;
type = rom.msg.getArg( typeIdx ).toString();
gridX = ((Number) rom.msg.getArg( argIdx )).intValue();
gridY = ((Number) rom.msg.getArg( argIdx )).intValue();
if( rom.msg.getArgCount() > (argIdx + 1) ) {
gridW = ((Number) rom.msg.getArg( argIdx )).intValue();
if( gridW < 1 ) {
OSCRoot.failedArgValue( rom, argIdx );
if( rom.msg.getArgCount() > (argIdx + 1) ) {
gridH = ((Number) rom.msg.getArg( argIdx )).intValue();
if( gridH < 1 ) {
OSCRoot.failedArgValue( rom, argIdx );
if( rom.msg.getArgCount() > (argIdx + 1) ) {
switch( ((Number) rom.msg.getArg( argIdx )).intValue() ) {
case 0:
fillH = false;
fillV = false;
case 1:
fillH = true;
fillV = true;
case 2:
fillH = true;
fillV = false;
case 3:
fillH = false;
fillV = true;
OSCRoot.failedArgValue( rom, argIdx );
if( rom.msg.getArgCount() > (argIdx + 1) ) {
alignH = ((Number) rom.msg.getArg( argIdx )).floatValue();
if( alignH < 0f || alignH > 1f ) {
OSCRoot.failedArgValue( rom, argIdx );
if( rom.msg.getArgCount() > (argIdx + 1) ) {
alignV = ((Number) rom.msg.getArg( argIdx )).floatValue();
if( alignV < 0f || alignV > 1f ) {
OSCRoot.failedArgValue( rom, argIdx );
} else {
alignV = 0f;
} else {
alignH = 0f;
alignV = 0f;
} else {
fillH = false;
fillV = false;
alignH = 0f;
alignV = 0f;
} else {
gridH = 1;
fillH = false;
fillV = false;
alignH = 0f;
alignV = 0f;
} else {
gridW = 1;
gridH = 1;
fillH = false;
fillV = false;
alignH = 0f;
alignV = 0f;
if( type.equals( "label" )) {
n = new OSCGadgetLabel( this, id, rom.addr );
} else if( type.equals( "hslider" )) {
n = new OSCGadgetSlider( this, id, rom.addr, JSlider.HORIZONTAL );
} else if( type.equals( "vslider" )) {
n = new OSCGadgetSlider( this, id, rom.addr, JSlider.VERTICAL );
// } else if( type.equals( "knob" )) {
// n = new OSCGadgetKnob( this, id, rom.addr );
} else if( type.equals( "choice" )) {
n = new OSCGadgetChoice( this, id, rom.addr );
} else if( type.equals( "check" )) {
n = new OSCGadgetCheck( this, id, rom.addr );
} else if( type.equals( "button" )) {
n = new OSCGadgetButton( this, id, rom.addr );
// } else if( type.equals( "text" )) {
// n = new OSCGadgetText( this, id, rom.addr );
// } else if( type.equals( "number" )) {
// n = new OSCGadgetNumber( this, id, rom.addr );
// } else if( type.equals( "help" )) {
// n = new OSCGadgetHelp( this, id, rom.addr );
} else {
OSCRoot.failedArgValue( rom, typeIdx );
// n.install();
jc = n.createGadget();
jc.setFont( AbstractApplication.getApplication().getGraphicsHandler().getFont( GraphicsHandler.FONT_SYSTEM | GraphicsHandler.FONT_SMALL ));
jc.setAlignmentX( alignH );
jc.setAlignmentY( alignV );
panel.gridAdd( jc, gridX, gridY, fillH ? gridW : -gridW, fillV ? gridH : -gridH );
// XXX deal with alignment
mapNodes.put( idObj, n );
if( isVisible() ) {
} else {
layoutDirty = true;
catch( ClassCastException e1 ) {
OSCRoot.failedArgValue( rom, argIdx );
catch( IndexOutOfBoundsException e1 ) {
OSCRoot.failedArgCount( rom );
// private static interface OSCGadgetNode
// extends Disposable
// {
// public abstract void install();
// public abstract int getID();
// public abstract String getText();
// public abstract SocketAddress getAddress();
// }
private static abstract class OSCGadgetNode
implements OSCRouter, Disposable
protected final OSCWindow parent;
private final int id;
private final String idStr;
private final SocketAddress addr;
private final OSCRouterWrapper osc;
protected OSCGadgetNode( OSCWindow parent, int id, SocketAddress addr )
this.parent = parent;
this.id = id;
idStr = String.valueOf( id );
this.addr = addr;
osc = new OSCRouterWrapper( parent, this );
public int getID()
return id;
public SocketAddress getAddress()
return addr;
public void dispose()
parent.getContentPane().remove( getGadget() );
public abstract JComponent createGadget();
public abstract String getText();
protected abstract JComponent getGadget();
// ------------ OSCRouter interface ------------
public String oscGetPathComponent()
return idStr;
public void oscRoute( RoutedOSCMessage rom )
osc.oscRoute( rom );
public void oscAddRouter( OSCRouter subRouter )
osc.oscAddRouter( subRouter );
public void oscRemoveRouter( OSCRouter subRouter )
osc.oscRemoveRouter( subRouter );
public void oscCmd_setEnabled( RoutedOSCMessage rom )
if( rom.msg.getArgCount() == 2 ) {
if( rom.msg.getArg( 1 ) instanceof Number ) {
getGadget().setEnabled( ((Number) rom.msg.getArg( 1 )).intValue() != 0 );
} else {
OSCRoot.failedArgType( rom, 1 );
} else {
OSCRoot.failedArgCount( rom );
private static class OSCGadgetLabel
extends OSCGadgetNode
private JLabel gg = null;
private OSCGadgetLabel( OSCWindow parent, int id, SocketAddress addr )
super( parent, id, addr );
public JComponent createGadget()
if( gg != null ) throw new IllegalStateException();
gg = new JLabel();
return gg;
protected JComponent getGadget()
return gg;
public String getText()
return gg.getText();
// public void dispose()
// {
// super.dispose();
// }
public void oscCmd_setText( RoutedOSCMessage rom )
if( rom.msg.getArgCount() == 2 ) {
gg.setText( rom.msg.getArg( 1 ).toString() );
} else {
OSCRoot.failedArgCount( rom );
private static class OSCGadgetSlider
extends OSCGadgetNode
implements ChangeListener
private JSlider gg = null;
private final int orient;
private OSCGadgetSlider( OSCWindow parent, int id, SocketAddress addr, int orient )
super( parent, id, addr );
this.orient = orient;
public JComponent createGadget()
if( gg != null ) throw new IllegalStateException();
gg = new JSlider( orient );
gg.setMaximum( 0x10000 );
gg.addChangeListener( this );
return gg;
protected JComponent getGadget()
return gg;
public String getText()
return( "Slider (" + getID() + ")" );
public void dispose()
if( gg != null ) gg.removeChangeListener( this );
public void oscCmd_setValue( RoutedOSCMessage rom )
if( rom.msg.getArgCount() == 2 ) {
if( rom.msg.getArg( 1 ) instanceof Number ) {
gg.setValue( (int) (((Number) rom.msg.getArg( 1 )).doubleValue() * 0x10000 + 0.5) );
} else {
OSCRoot.failedArgType( rom, 1 );
} else {
OSCRoot.failedArgCount( rom );
// ---------- ChangeListener interface ----------
public void stateChanged( ChangeEvent e )
parent.reply( this, new Object[] { "value", new Double( (double) gg.getValue() / 0x10000 ), "adjusting",
new Integer( gg.getValueIsAdjusting() ? 1 : 0 )});
private static class OSCGadgetChoice
extends OSCGadgetNode
implements ActionListener
private JComboBox gg = null;
private OSCGadgetChoice( OSCWindow parent, int id, SocketAddress addr )
super( parent, id, addr );
public JComponent createGadget()
if( gg != null ) throw new IllegalStateException();
gg = new JComboBox();
gg.addActionListener( this );
return gg;
protected JComponent getGadget()
return gg;
public String getText()
return( "Choice (" + getID() + ")" );
public void dispose()
if( gg != null ) gg.removeActionListener( this );
public void oscCmd_setValue( RoutedOSCMessage rom )
if( rom.msg.getArgCount() == 2 ) {
if( rom.msg.getArg( 1 ) instanceof Number ) {
gg.setSelectedIndex( (int) (((Number) rom.msg.getArg( 1 )).intValue()) );
} else {
OSCRoot.failedArgType( rom, 1 );
} else {
OSCRoot.failedArgCount( rom );
public void oscCmd_setItems( RoutedOSCMessage rom )
for( int i = 1; i < rom.msg.getArgCount(); i++ ) {
gg.addItem( rom.msg.getArg( i ));
// ---------- ActionListener interface ----------
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
parent.reply( this, new Object[] { "value", new Integer( gg.getSelectedIndex() )});
private static class OSCGadgetCheck
extends OSCGadgetNode
implements ActionListener
private JCheckBox gg = null;
private OSCGadgetCheck( OSCWindow parent, int id, SocketAddress addr )
super( parent, id, addr );
public JComponent createGadget()
if( gg != null ) throw new IllegalStateException();
gg = new JCheckBox();
gg.addActionListener( this );
return gg;
protected JComponent getGadget()
return gg;
public String getText()
return( gg.getText() );
public void dispose()
if( gg != null ) gg.removeActionListener( this );
public void oscCmd_setValue( RoutedOSCMessage rom )
if( rom.msg.getArgCount() == 2 ) {
if( rom.msg.getArg( 1 ) instanceof Number ) {
gg.setSelected( (int) ((Number) rom.msg.getArg( 1 )).intValue() != 0 );
} else {
OSCRoot.failedArgType( rom, 1 );
} else {
OSCRoot.failedArgCount( rom );
public void oscCmd_setText( RoutedOSCMessage rom )
if( rom.msg.getArgCount() == 2 ) {
gg.setText( rom.msg.getArg( 1 ).toString() );
} else {
OSCRoot.failedArgCount( rom );
// ---------- ActionListener interface ----------
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
parent.reply( this, new Object[] { "value", new Integer( gg.isSelected() ? 1 : 0 )});
private static class OSCGadgetButton
extends OSCGadgetNode
implements ActionListener
private JButton gg = null;
private OSCGadgetButton( OSCWindow parent, int id, SocketAddress addr )
super( parent, id, addr );
public JComponent createGadget()
if( gg != null ) throw new IllegalStateException();
gg = new JButton();
gg.addActionListener( this );
return gg;
protected JComponent getGadget()
return gg;
public String getText()
return( gg.getText() );
public void dispose()
if( gg != null ) gg.removeActionListener( this );
public void oscCmd_setText( RoutedOSCMessage rom )
if( rom.msg.getArgCount() == 2 ) {
gg.setText( rom.msg.getArg( 1 ).toString() );
} else {
OSCRoot.failedArgCount( rom );
// ---------- ActionListener interface ----------
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
parent.reply( this );