package com.stuffwithstuff.magpie.parser;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import com.stuffwithstuff.magpie.SourceReader;
import com.stuffwithstuff.magpie.parser.Token;
import com.stuffwithstuff.magpie.parser.TokenType;
public class Lexer implements TokenReader {
public Lexer(SourceReader text) {
mText = text;
mLine = 1;
mCol = 1;
mStartLine = 1;
mStartCol = 1;
mRead = "";
public Token readToken() {
char c = advance();
switch (c) {
// Whitespace.
case ' ':
case '\t':
return readWhitespace();
// Punctuators.
case '(': return makeToken(TokenType.LEFT_PAREN);
case ')': return makeToken(TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN);
case '[': return makeToken(TokenType.LEFT_BRACKET);
case ']': return makeToken(TokenType.RIGHT_BRACKET);
case '{': return makeToken(TokenType.LEFT_BRACE);
case '}': return makeToken(TokenType.RIGHT_BRACE);
case '`': return makeToken(TokenType.BACKTICK);
case ',': return makeToken(TokenType.COMMA);
// Match line ending characters.
case ';':
case '\n':
case '\r':
return makeToken(TokenType.LINE);
// Strings.
case '"':
return readString();
// Comments.
case '/':
switch (peek()) {
case '/': return readLineComment();
case '*': return readBlockComment();
default: return readName();
// Need to handle numeric literals.
case '-':
if (isDigit(peek())) {
// A negative number.
return readNumber();
} else if (isOperator(peek())) {
// An operator starting with "-".
return readName();
} else {
// A "-" by itself.
return makeToken(TokenType.NAME);
case '\\':
return makeToken(TokenType.LINE_CONTINUATION);
// EOF.
case '\0': return makeToken(TokenType.EOF);
if (isName(c)) {
// Identifier.
return readName();
} else if (isOperator(c)) {
// Operator.
return readOperator();
} else if (isDigit(c)) {
// Number.
return readNumber();
} else {
// TODO(bob): Emit error token instead of throwing.
throw new ParseException(Position.none(), "Unknown character.");
private Token readWhitespace() {
while (true) {
switch (peek()) {
case ' ':
case '\t':
return makeToken(TokenType.WHITESPACE);
private Token readString() {
StringBuilder escaped = new StringBuilder();
while (true) {
char c = advance();
switch (c) {
case '\\':
// String escape.
char e = advance();
switch (e) {
case 'b': escaped.append("\b"); break;
case 'f': escaped.append("\f"); break;
case 'n': escaped.append("\n"); break;
case 'r': escaped.append("\r"); break;
case 't': escaped.append("\t"); break;
case '"': escaped.append("\""); break;
case '\\': escaped.append("\\"); break;
case '0': escaped.append("\0"); break;
case 'x':
int a = readHexDigit();
int b = readHexDigit();
int code = (a << 4) | b;
// TODO(bob): 4-digit escape code too.
// TODO(bob): Emit error token instead of throwing.
throw new ParseException(Position.none(), "Unknown string escape.");
case '"':
return makeToken(TokenType.STRING, escaped.toString());
// TODO(bob): Emit error token instead of throwing.
case '\0': throw new ParseException(Position.none(), "Unterminated string.");
private int readHexDigit() {
char c = Character.toLowerCase(advance());
int digit = "0123456789abcdef".indexOf(c);
if (digit == -1) {
// TODO(bob): Emit error token instead of throwing.
throw new ParseException(Position.none(), "Expected hex digit.");
return digit;
private Token readLineComment() {
advance(); // Consume second "/".
int slashCount = 2;
// Consume any number of additional leading "/".
while (peek() == '/') {
// See if it's a "///" doc comment.
boolean isDoc = slashCount == 3;
while (true) {
switch (peek()) {
case '\n':
case '\r':
case '\0':
String value = mRead.substring(slashCount).trim();
return makeToken(
isDoc ? TokenType.DOC_COMMENT : TokenType.LINE_COMMENT, value);
private Token readBlockComment() {
while (true) {
switch (advance()) {
case '*':
switch (advance()) {
case '/': return makeToken(TokenType.BLOCK_COMMENT);
// TODO(bob): Emit error token instead of throwing.
case '\0': throw new ParseException(Position.none(), "Unterminated block comment.");
default: // Do nothing, keep advancing.
// TODO(bob): Emit error token instead of throwing.
case '\0': throw new ParseException(Position.none(), "Unterminated block comment.");
default: // Do nothing, keep advancing.
private Token readName() {
while (true) {
if (isName(peek()) || isDigit(peek())) {
} else if (peek() == ':') {
// Trim off the ":".
String value = mRead.substring(0, mRead.length() - 1);
return makeToken(TokenType.FIELD, value);
} else {
return makeToken(TokenType.NAME);
private Token readOperator() {
while (true) {
if (isName(peek()) || isOperator(peek())) {
} else if (peek() == ':') {
// Trim off the ":".
String value = mRead.substring(0, mRead.length() - 1);
return makeToken(TokenType.FIELD, value);
} else {
return makeToken(TokenType.NAME);
private Token readNumber() {
while (true) {
if (isDigit(peek())) {
} else if (peek() == ':') {
// Trim off the ":".
String value = mRead.substring(0, mRead.length() - 1);
return makeToken(TokenType.FIELD, value);
} else {
return makeToken(TokenType.INT, Integer.parseInt(mRead));
private char peek() {
return mText.current();
private char advance() {
char c = mText.current();
mRead += c;
// Update the position.
if (c == '\n') {
mCol = 1;
} else {
return c;
private Token makeToken(TokenType type) {
return makeToken(type, mRead);
private Token makeToken(TokenType type, Object value) {
// Handle reserved words.
if (type == TokenType.NAME) {
if (sKeywords.containsKey(mRead)) {
type = sKeywords.get(mRead);
} else if (mRead.equals("false")) {
type = TokenType.BOOL;
value = false;
} else if (mRead.equals("true")) {
type = TokenType.BOOL;
value = true;
Token token = new Token(currentPosition(), type, mRead, value);
mStartLine = mLine;
mStartCol = mCol;
mRead = "";
return token;
private Position currentPosition() {
return new Position(mText.getDescription(),
mStartLine, mStartCol, mLine, mCol);
private boolean isDigit(final char c) {
return (c >= '0') && (c <= '9');
private boolean isName(final char c) {
return ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'z'))
|| ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z'))
|| (c == '_') || (c == '.');
private boolean isOperator(final char c) {
return ("~!$%^&*-=+|/?<>".indexOf(c) != -1);
private final SourceReader mText;
private String mRead;
private int mStartLine;
private int mStartCol;
private int mLine;
private int mCol;
private static final Map<String, TokenType> sKeywords;
static {
sKeywords = new HashMap<String, TokenType>();
sKeywords.put("and", TokenType.AND);
sKeywords.put("as", TokenType.AS);
sKeywords.put("break", TokenType.BREAK);
sKeywords.put("case", TokenType.CASE);
sKeywords.put("catch", TokenType.CATCH);
sKeywords.put("def", TokenType.DEF);
sKeywords.put("defclass", TokenType.DEFCLASS);
sKeywords.put("do", TokenType.DO);
sKeywords.put("else", TokenType.ELSE);
sKeywords.put("end", TokenType.END);
sKeywords.put("export", TokenType.EXPORT);
sKeywords.put("fn", TokenType.FN);
sKeywords.put("for", TokenType.FOR);
sKeywords.put("import", TokenType.IMPORT);
sKeywords.put("if", TokenType.IF);
sKeywords.put("in", TokenType.IN);
sKeywords.put("is", TokenType.IS);
sKeywords.put("match", TokenType.MATCH);
sKeywords.put("nothing", TokenType.NOTHING);
sKeywords.put("only", TokenType.ONLY);
sKeywords.put("or", TokenType.OR);
sKeywords.put("return", TokenType.RETURN);
sKeywords.put("then", TokenType.THEN);
sKeywords.put("throw", TokenType.THROW);
sKeywords.put("val", TokenType.VAL);
sKeywords.put("var", TokenType.VAR);
sKeywords.put("while", TokenType.WHILE);
sKeywords.put("with", TokenType.WITH);
sKeywords.put("*", TokenType.ASTERISK);
sKeywords.put("/", TokenType.SLASH);
sKeywords.put("%", TokenType.PERCENT);
sKeywords.put("+", TokenType.PLUS);
sKeywords.put("-", TokenType.MINUS);
sKeywords.put("<", TokenType.LT);
sKeywords.put(">", TokenType.GT);
sKeywords.put("<=", TokenType.LTE);
sKeywords.put(">=", TokenType.GTE);
sKeywords.put("=", TokenType.EQ);
sKeywords.put("==", TokenType.EQEQ);
sKeywords.put("!=", TokenType.NOTEQ);