package com.stuffwithstuff.magpie.intrinsic;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import com.stuffwithstuff.magpie.Def;
import com.stuffwithstuff.magpie.Doc;
import com.stuffwithstuff.magpie.ast.Expr;
import com.stuffwithstuff.magpie.interpreter.Callable;
import com.stuffwithstuff.magpie.interpreter.Context;
import com.stuffwithstuff.magpie.interpreter.FnObj;
import com.stuffwithstuff.magpie.interpreter.Name;
import com.stuffwithstuff.magpie.interpreter.Obj;
import com.stuffwithstuff.magpie.interpreter.PatternTester;
import com.stuffwithstuff.magpie.parser.MagpieParser;
import com.stuffwithstuff.magpie.parser.ParseException;
import com.stuffwithstuff.magpie.parser.StringReader;
* Defines built-in methods that are available as top-level global functions.
public class IntrinsicMethods {
public static class CurrentTime implements Intrinsic {
public Obj invoke(Context context, Obj left, Obj right) {
// TODO(bob): Total hack to fit in an int.
int time = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() - 1289000000000L);
return context.toObj(time);
@Def("(is Function) call(arg)")
@Doc("Invokes the given function.")
public static class Call implements Intrinsic {
public Obj invoke(Context context, Obj left, Obj right) {
FnObj function = left.asFn();
Obj fnArg = right;
// Make sure the argument matches the function's pattern.
Callable callable = function.getCallable();
if (!PatternTester.test(context, callable.getPattern(), fnArg,
callable.getClosure())) {
throw context.error(Name.NO_METHOD_ERROR, "The argument \"" +
context.getInterpreter().evaluateToString(fnArg) + "\" does not match the " +
"function's pattern " + callable.getPattern());
return function.invoke(context, fnArg);
// TODO(bob): More or less temporary.
@Def("canParse(source is String)")
public static class CanParse implements Intrinsic {
public Obj invoke(Context context, Obj left, Obj right) {
String source = right.asString();
boolean canParse = true;
try {
MagpieParser parser = new MagpieParser(new StringReader("", source));
while (true) {
Expr expr = parser.parseStatement();
if (expr == null) break;
} catch (ParseException e) {
canParse = false;
return context.toObj(canParse);
@Def("(this is Class) name")
@Doc("Gets the name of the class.")
public static class Class_Name implements Intrinsic {
public Obj invoke(Context context, Obj left, Obj right) {
return context.toObj(left.asClass().getName());
@Def("(left) == (right)")
@Doc("Returns true if left and right are the same object.")
public static class Equals implements Intrinsic {
public Obj invoke(Context context, Obj left, Obj right) {
// By default, "==" does reference equality.
return context.toObj(left == right);
@Def("(left is Record) ==(right is Record)")
@Doc("Returns true if the two records have the same fields.")
public static class Equals_Record implements Intrinsic {
public Obj invoke(Context context, Obj left, Obj right) {
Map<String, Obj> fields = left.getFields();
Set<String> compared = new HashSet<String>();
// Make sure the right record has all of the left record's fields.
for (Entry<String, Obj> entry : fields.entrySet()) {
Obj rightField = right.getField(entry.getKey());
if (rightField == null) return context.toObj(false);
if (!context.getInterpreter().objectsEqual(
entry.getValue(), rightField)) {
return context.toObj(false);
// Make sure the right record doesn't have any extra fields.
for (String field : right.getFields().keySet()) {
if (!compared.contains(field)) return context.toObj(false);
return context.toObj(true);
@Def("(this) toString")
@Doc("Returns a generic string representation of the object.")
public static class ToString implements Intrinsic {
public Obj invoke(Context context, Obj left, Obj right) {
return context.toObj("<" + left.getClassObj().getName() + ">");
@Def("(is Record) toString")
@Doc("Returns a string representation of the given record.")
public static class Record_ToString implements Intrinsic {
public Obj invoke(Context context, Obj left, Obj right) {
return context.toObj(left.toString());
@Def("(is Error) toString")
@Doc("Returns a string representation of the error.")
public static class Error_ToString implements Intrinsic {
public Obj invoke(Context context, Obj left, Obj right) {
// If we've crammed a message in it (which internal errors do), then
// show that.
if (left.getValue() instanceof String) {
String message = (String)left.getValue();
return context.toObj(message);
// Just do the default.
return context.toObj("<" + left.getClassObj().getName() + ">");