package com.stuffwithstuff.magpie.interpreter;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import com.stuffwithstuff.magpie.MagpieHost;
import com.stuffwithstuff.magpie.SourceFile;
import com.stuffwithstuff.magpie.ast.*;
import com.stuffwithstuff.magpie.intrinsic.ClassInit;
import com.stuffwithstuff.magpie.intrinsic.FieldGetter;
import com.stuffwithstuff.magpie.intrinsic.FieldSetter;
import com.stuffwithstuff.magpie.parser.MagpieParser;
import com.stuffwithstuff.magpie.parser.ParseException;
public class Interpreter {
public Interpreter(MagpieHost host) {
mHost = host;
// Bootstrap the base module with the core definitions.
mBaseModule = new Module("magpie.core", mHost.loadModule("magpie.core"), this);
EnvironmentBuilder builder = new EnvironmentBuilder(this);
mClass = builder.createClassClass();
Scope scope = mBaseModule.getScope();
mArrayClass = scope.get("Array").asClass();
mBoolClass = scope.get("Bool").asClass();
mFnClass = scope.get("Function").asClass();
mIntClass = scope.get("Int").asClass();
mListClass = scope.get("List").asClass();
mNothingClass = scope.get("Nothing").asClass();
mRecordClass = scope.get("Record").asClass();
mStringClass = scope.get("String").asClass();
mTrue = mBaseModule.instantiate(mBoolClass, true);
mFalse = mBaseModule.instantiate(mBoolClass, false);
mNothing = mBaseModule.instantiate(mNothingClass, null);
// Now load the syntax module so that quotations and metaprogramming work.
mSyntaxModule = importModule("magpie.syntax");
public void interpret(SourceFile info) {
evaluateModule(new Module("", info, this));
public Obj interpret(Expr expression) {
return evaluate(expression, mBaseModule, mBaseModule.getScope());
public Obj evaluate(Expr expr, Module module, Scope scope) {
ExprEvaluator evaluator = new ExprEvaluator(module);
return evaluator.evaluate(expr, scope);
public String evaluateToString(Obj value) {
Multimethod multimethod = mBaseModule.getScope().lookUpMultimethod(
return multimethod.invoke(Name.TO_STRING,
mBaseModule, value, mNothing).asString();
public Obj invoke(Obj leftArg, String method, Obj rightArg) {
Multimethod multimethod = mBaseModule.getScope().lookUpMultimethod(method);
return multimethod.invoke(method,
mBaseModule, leftArg, rightArg);
public boolean objectsEqual(Obj a, Obj b) {
// Shortcuts to avoid infinite regress. Identical values always match, and
// "true" and "false" never match each other. This lets us match on values
// before truthiness or "==" have been bootstrapped.
if (a == b) return true;
if (a == mTrue && b == mFalse) return false;
if (a == mFalse && b == mTrue) return false;
// Recursion base case. If we're in the middle of dispatching a call to
// "==", don't call it again, just default to identity.
if (mInObjectsEqual) return a == b;
Multimethod equals = mBaseModule.getScope().lookUpMultimethod(Name.EQEQ);
// Bootstrap short-cut. If we haven't defined "==" yet, default to identity.
if (equals == null) return a == b;
mInObjectsEqual = true;
Obj result = equals.invoke(Name.EQEQ, mBaseModule, a, b);
mInObjectsEqual = false;
return result.asBool();
public Module importModule(String name) {
// TODO(bob): Check for circular references.
// If it's a relative name, fully expand it.
if (name.startsWith(".")) {
name = mLoadingModules.peek().getName() + name;
Module module = mModules.get(name);
// Only load it once.
if (module == null) {
SourceFile info = mHost.loadModule(name);
module = new Module(name, info, this);
mModules.put(name, module);
return module;
public ErrorException error(String errorClassName, String message) {
// Look up the error class.
ClassObj classObj = mBaseModule.getScope().get(errorClassName).asClass();
// TODO(bob): Hackish.
Context context = mBaseModule;
// TODO(bob): Putting the message in here as the value is kind of hackish,
// but it ensures we can display an error message even if we aren't able
// to evaluate any code (like calling "string" on the error).
Obj error = context.instantiate(classObj, message);
throw new ErrorException(error);
* Gets the single value "nothing" of type Nothing.
* @return
public Obj nothing() { return mNothing; }
public ClassObj getArrayClass() { return mArrayClass; }
public ClassObj getBoolClass() { return mBoolClass; }
public ClassObj getClassClass() { return mClass; }
public ClassObj getFnClass() { return mFnClass; }
public ClassObj getIntClass() { return mIntClass; }
public ClassObj getListClass() { return mListClass; }
public ClassObj getRecordClass() { return mRecordClass; }
public ClassObj getStringClass() { return mStringClass; }
public Module getBaseModule() { return mBaseModule; }
public Module getSyntaxModule() { return mSyntaxModule; }
public Obj getBool(boolean value) {
return value ? mTrue : mFalse;
public ClassObj createClass(String name, List<ClassObj> parents,
Map<String, Field> fields, Scope scope, String doc) {
// Translate the fields.
Map<String, FieldObj> fieldObjs = new HashMap<String, FieldObj>();
for (Entry<String, Field> field : fields.entrySet()) {
Callable initializer = null;
if (field.getValue().getInitializer() != null) {
FnExpr fn = Expr.fn(field.getValue().getInitializer(), "");
initializer = new Function(fn, scope);
FieldObj fieldObj = new FieldObj(initializer,
fieldObjs.put(field.getKey(), fieldObj);
// Create the class.
ClassObj classObj = new ClassObj(mClass, name, parents, fieldObjs, doc);
ClassObj colliding = classObj.checkForCollisions();
if (colliding != null) {
error(Name.PARENT_COLLISION_ERROR, "Class \"" + name +
"\" is trying to inherit from \"" + colliding.getName() +
"\" more than once.");
// Add the constructor.
Multimethod init = scope.define(Name.INIT, new ClassInit(classObj, scope));
// Add getters and setters for the fields.
for (Entry<String, Field> entry : fields.entrySet()) {
// Getter.
new FieldGetter(classObj, entry.getKey(), scope));
// Setter, if the field is mutable ("var" instead of "val").
if (entry.getValue().isMutable()) {
new FieldSetter(classObj, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), scope));
return classObj;
public MagpieHost getHost() {
return mHost;
public Map<String, Multimethod> getMultimethods() {
return mMultimethods;
public Obj getConstructingObject() { return mConstructing.peek(); }
public Obj constructNewObject(Context context, ClassObj classObj, Obj initArg) {
Obj newObj = context.instantiate(classObj, null);
// Call the init() multimethod.
initializeNewObject(context, classObj, initArg);
return newObj;
public void initializeNewObject(Context context, ClassObj classObj, Obj arg) {
// Keep track of how many times we reach the canonical initializer so that
// we can generate an error if an init() call fails to bottom out to it.
int expected = mInitializingCount++;
Multimethod init = classObj.getInitMethod();
// Note: the receiver for init() is the class itself, not the new instance
// which is considered to be in a hidden state since it isn't initialized
// yet.
init.invoke(Name.INIT, context, classObj, arg);
// Make sure the canonical initializer was called.
if (mInitializingCount > expected) {
// Just decrement it so the error doesn't cascade.
"Instance of class " + classObj.getName() + " was not initialized.");
public void finishInitialization() {
private void evaluateModule(Module module) {
MagpieParser parser = new MagpieParser(module.readSource());
try {
// Copy the base stuff in first.
if (module != mBaseModule) {
Scope scope = module.getScope();
for (String name : mBaseModule.getExportedNames()) {
scope.importName(name, name, mBaseModule, false);
// Evaluate the module.
try {
List<Expr> exprs = parser.parseModule();
for (Expr expr : exprs) {
evaluate(expr, module, module.getScope());
} catch (ParseException e) {
String message = String.format("Syntax error at %s: %s",
e.getPosition(), e.getMessage());
} finally {
private final MagpieHost mHost;
private final Map<String, Module> mModules = new HashMap<String, Module>();
private final Map<String, Multimethod> mMultimethods = new HashMap<String, Multimethod>();
private final ClassObj mClass;
private final ClassObj mArrayClass;
private final ClassObj mBoolClass;
private final ClassObj mFnClass;
private final ClassObj mIntClass;
private final ClassObj mListClass;
private final ClassObj mNothingClass;
private final ClassObj mRecordClass;
private final ClassObj mStringClass;
private final Obj mNothing;
private final Obj mTrue;
private final Obj mFalse;
private final Stack<Module> mLoadingModules = new Stack<Module>();
private final Module mBaseModule;
private final Module mSyntaxModule;
private final Stack<Obj> mConstructing = new Stack<Obj>();
private int mInitializingCount = 0;
private boolean mInObjectsEqual = false;