package com.stuffwithstuff.magpie.interpreter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import com.stuffwithstuff.magpie.ast.*;
import com.stuffwithstuff.magpie.ast.pattern.MatchCase;
import com.stuffwithstuff.magpie.ast.pattern.Pattern;
import com.stuffwithstuff.magpie.intrinsic.IntrinsicLoader;
import com.stuffwithstuff.magpie.util.Pair;
* Implements the visitor pattern on AST nodes, in order to evaluate
* expressions. This is the heart of the interpreter and is where Magpie code is
* actually executed.
public class ExprEvaluator implements ExprVisitor<Obj, Scope> {
public ExprEvaluator(Context context) {
mContext = context;
* Evaluates the given expression in the given context.
* @param expr The expression to evaluate.
* @param context The context in which to evaluate the expression.
* @return The result of evaluating the expression.
public Obj evaluate(Expr expr, Scope scope) {
if (expr == null) return null;
return expr.accept(this, scope);
public Obj visit(ArrayExpr expr, Scope scope) {
// Evaluate the elements.
List<Obj> elements = new ArrayList<Obj>();
for (Expr element : expr.getElements()) {
elements.add(evaluate(element, scope));
return mContext.toArray(elements);
public Obj visit(AssignExpr expr, Scope scope) {
Obj value = evaluate(expr.getValue(), scope);
// Try to assign to a local variable.
if (scope.assign(expr.getName(), value)) return value;
// TODO(bob): Detect this statically.
throw mContext.error("NoVariableError",
"Could not find a variable named \"" + expr.getName() + "\".");
public Obj visit(BoolExpr expr, Scope scope) {
return mContext.toObj(expr.getValue());
public Obj visit(BreakExpr expr, Scope scope) {
// Outside of a loop, "break" does nothing.
if (mLoopDepth > 0) {
throw new BreakException();
return mContext.nothing();
public Obj visit(CallExpr expr, Scope scope) {
Multimethod multimethod = scope.lookUpMultimethod(expr.getName());
if (multimethod == null) {
throw mContext.error(Name.NO_METHOD_ERROR,
"Could not find a method named \"" + expr.getName() + "\". (" +
expr.getPosition() + ")");
Obj arg = evaluate(expr.getArg(), scope);
return multimethod.invoke(expr.getName(), mContext, arg);
public Obj visit(ClassExpr expr, Scope scope) {
// Look up the parents.
List<ClassObj> parents = new ArrayList<ClassObj>();
for (String parentName : expr.getParents()) {
ClassObj classObj = mContext.getInterpreter().createClass(expr.getName(),
parents, expr.getFields(), scope, expr.getDoc());
scope.define(false, expr.getName(), classObj);
return classObj;
public Obj visit(FnExpr expr, Scope scope) {
return mContext.toFunction(expr, scope);
public Obj visit(ImportExpr expr, Scope scope) {
// TODO(bob): Eventually the schemes should be host-provided plug-ins.
if (expr.getScheme() == null) {
Module module = mContext.getInterpreter().importModule(expr.getModule());
// Map names to declarations.
Map<String, ImportDeclaration> declarations =
new HashMap<String, ImportDeclaration>();
for (ImportDeclaration declaration : expr.getDeclarations()) {
declarations.put(declaration.getName(), declaration);
Set<String> importedNames;
if (expr.isOnly()) {
importedNames = declarations.keySet();
} else {
importedNames = module.getExportedNames();
// Import the names.
for (String name : importedNames) {
ImportDeclaration declaration = declarations.get(name);
String rename = name;
// Rename it, if given one.
if ((declaration != null) && (declaration.getRename() != null)) {
rename = declaration.getRename();
// Apply the prefix, if given.
if (expr.getPrefix() != null) {
rename = expr.getPrefix() + "." + rename;
boolean export = false;
if (declaration != null) {
export = declaration.isExported();
scope.importName(name, rename, module, export);
} else if (expr.getScheme().equals("classfile")) {
if (!IntrinsicLoader.loadClass(expr.getModule(), scope)) {
// TODO(bob): Throw better error.
throw mContext.error("Error", "Could not load classfile \"" +
expr.getModule() + "\".");
return mContext.nothing();
public Obj visit(IntExpr expr, Scope scope) {
return mContext.toObj(expr.getValue());
public Obj visit(LoopExpr expr, Scope scope) {
try {
// Loop forever. A "break" expression will throw a BreakException to
// escape this loop.
while (true) {
// Evaluate the body in its own scope.
evaluate(expr.getBody(), scope.push());
} catch (BreakException ex) {
// Nothing to do.
} finally {
// TODO(bob): It would be cool if loops could have "else" clauses and then
// reliably return a value.
return mContext.nothing();
public Obj visit(MatchExpr expr, Scope scope) {
// Push a new context so that a variable declared in the value expression
// itself disappears after the match, i.e.:
// match var i = 123
// ...
// end
// i should be gone here
scope = scope.push();
Obj value = evaluate(expr.getValue(), scope);
// Try each pattern until we get a match.
Obj result = evaluateCases(value, expr.getCases(), scope);
if (result != null) return result;
// If we got here, no patterns matched.
throw mContext.error(Name.NO_MATCH_ERROR, "Could not find a match for \"" +
mContext.getInterpreter().evaluateToString(value) + "\" (" +
expr.getPosition() + ").");
public Obj visit(MethodExpr expr, Scope scope) {
if (expr.getBody() != null) {
Function method = new Function(
Expr.fn(expr.getPosition(), expr.getDoc(),
expr.getPattern(), expr.getBody()),
scope.define(expr.getName(), method);
} else {
// Defining the multimethod here but not adding any methods.
scope.defineMultimethod(expr.getName(), expr.getDoc());
return mContext.nothing();
public Obj visit(NameExpr expr, Scope scope) {
Obj variable = scope.lookUp(expr.getName());
if (variable != null) return variable;
// TODO(bob): Detect this statically.
throw mContext.error(Name.NO_VARIABLE_ERROR,
"Could not find a variable named \"" + expr.getName() + "\" (" +
expr.getPosition() + ").");
public Obj visit(NothingExpr expr, Scope scope) {
return mContext.nothing();
public Obj visit(QuoteExpr expr, Scope scope) {
return JavaToMagpie.convertAndUnquote(mContext, expr.getBody(), scope);
public Obj visit(RecordExpr expr, Scope scope) {
// TODO(bob): Hack, keep track of order keys appear for better pretty-
// printing.
List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>();
// Evaluate the fields.
Map<String, Obj> fields = new HashMap<String, Obj>();
for (Pair<String, Expr> entry : expr.getFields()) {
Obj value = evaluate(entry.getValue(), scope);
fields.put(entry.getKey(), value);
return mContext.toObj(keys, fields);
public Obj visit(ReturnExpr expr, Scope scope) {
Obj value = evaluate(expr.getValue(), scope);
throw new ReturnException(value);
public Obj visit(ScopeExpr expr, Scope scope) {
try {
scope = scope.push();
return evaluate(expr.getBody(), scope);
} catch (ErrorException err) {
// See if we can catch it here.
Obj result = this.evaluateCases(err.getError(), expr.getCatches(), scope);
if (result != null) return result;
// Not caught here, so just keep unwinding.
throw err;
public Obj visit(SequenceExpr expr, Scope scope) {
// Evaluate all of the expressions and return the last.
Obj result = null;
for (Expr thisExpr : expr.getExpressions()) {
result = evaluate(thisExpr, scope);
return result;
public Obj visit(StringExpr expr, Scope scope) {
return mContext.toObj(expr.getValue());
public Obj visit(ThrowExpr expr, Scope scope) {
Obj value = evaluate(expr.getValue(), scope);
throw new ErrorException(value);
public Obj visit(UnquoteExpr expr, Scope scope) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"An unquoted expression cannot be directly evaluated.");
public Obj visit(VarExpr expr, Scope scope) {
Obj value = evaluate(expr.getValue(), scope);
if (!PatternTester.test(mContext, expr.getPattern(), value, scope)) {
mContext.error(Name.NO_MATCH_ERROR, "The variable pattern \"" +
expr.getPattern() + "\" does not match the initialized value \"" +
mContext.getInterpreter().evaluateToString(value) + "\" (" +
expr.getPosition() + ").");
PatternBinder.bind(mContext, expr.isMutable(), expr.getPattern(), value,
return value;
private Obj evaluateCases(Obj value, List<MatchCase> cases, Scope scope) {
if (cases == null) return null;
for (MatchCase matchCase : cases) {
Pattern pattern = matchCase.getPattern();
if (PatternTester.test(mContext, pattern, value, scope)) {
// Matched. Bind variables and evaluate the body.
scope = scope.push();
PatternBinder.bind(mContext, false, pattern, value, scope);
return evaluate(matchCase.getBody(), scope);
return null;
private final Context mContext;
private int mLoopDepth = 0;