package edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Stack;
import edu.stanford.nlp.math.SloppyMath;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood.Record;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics;
* An abstract handler incorporating the logic of outputing a log message,
* to some source. This class is responsible for printing channel information,
* formatting tracks, and writing the actual log messages.
* Classes overriding this class should implement the print() method based
* on their output source.
* @author Gabor Angeli (angeli at cs.stanford)
public abstract class OutputHandler extends LogRecordHandler{
* A list of tracks which have been started but not yet printed as no
* log messages are in them yet.
protected LinkedList<Record> queuedTracks = new LinkedList<Record>();
* Information about the current and higher level tracks
protected Stack<TrackInfo> trackStack = new Stack<TrackInfo>();
* The current track info; used to avoid trackStack.peek() calls
protected TrackInfo info;
* The tab character
protected String tab = " ";
* Character used to join multiple channel names
protected char channelSeparatorChar = ' ';
* The length of the left margin in which to print channel information.
* If this is set to a value < 3, then no channel information is printed.
protected int leftMargin = 0;
* Number of lines above which the closing brace of a track shows the name of the
* track
protected int minLineCountForTrackNameReminder = 50;
* True if we have not printed the opening bracket for a track yet
private boolean missingOpenBracket = false;
* The color to use for track beginning and ends
protected Color trackColor = Color.NONE;
protected Map<String,Color> channelColors = null;
protected boolean addRandomColors = false;
* The style to use for track beginning and ends
protected Style trackStyle = Style.NONE;
protected Map<String,Style> channelStyles = null;
* Print a string to an output without the trailing newline.
* Many output handlers can get by with just implementing this method.
* @param channel The channels this message was printed on; in most cases
* an implementing handler should not have to do anything with
* this. The channels should not be printed here.
* The channels may be null.
* @param line The string to be printed.
public abstract void print(Object[] channel, String line);
* Color the tag for a particular channel this color
* @param channel The channel to color
* @param color The color to use
public void colorChannel(String channel, Color color){
if(this.channelColors == null){
this.channelColors = Generics.newHashMap();
* Style the tag for a particular channel this style
* @param channel The channel to style
* @param style The style to use
public void styleChannel(String channel, Style style){
if(this.channelStyles == null){
this.channelStyles = Generics.newHashMap();
public void setColorChannels(boolean colorChannels){
this.addRandomColors = colorChannels;
if(colorChannels){ this.channelColors = Generics.newHashMap(); }
* Style a particular String segment, according to a color and style
* @param b The string builder to append to (for efficiency)
* @param line The String to be wrapped
* @param color The color to color as
* @param style The style to use
* @return The SringBuilder b
protected StringBuilder style(StringBuilder b, String line, Color color, Style style){
if(color != Color.NONE || style != Style.NONE){
if (Redwood.supportsAnsi && this.supportsAnsi()) {
if (Redwood.supportsAnsi && this.supportsAnsi()) {
} else {
return b;
* Specify whether this output handler supports ansi output
* @return False by default, unless overwritten.
protected boolean supportsAnsi() {
return false;
* Format a channel
* @param b The StringBuilder to append to
* @param channelStr The [possibly truncated and/or modified] string
* to actually print to the StringBuilder
* @param channel The original channel
* @return |true| if the channel was printed (that is, appended to the StringBuilder)
protected boolean formatChannel(StringBuilder b, String channelStr, Object channel){
if(this.channelColors == null && this.channelStyles == null){
//(regular concat)
} else {
String channelToString = channel.toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
//(default: no style)
Color color = Color.NONE;
Style style = Style.NONE;
//(get color)
if(this.channelColors != null){
Color candColor = this.channelColors.get(channelToString);
if(candColor != null){
//((case: found a color))
color = candColor;
} else if(addRandomColors){
//((case: random colors))
color = Color.values()[SloppyMath.pythonMod(channelToString.hashCode(), (Color.values().length-3))+3];
color = Color.RED;
} else if(channelToString.equals(Redwood.WARN.toString().toLowerCase())){
color = Color.YELLOW;
this.channelColors.put(channelToString, color);
//(get style)
if(this.channelStyles != null){
Style candStyle = this.channelStyles.get(channelToString);
if(candStyle != null){ style = candStyle; }
return true; // Unless this method is overwritten, channel is always printed
private void writeContent(int depth, Object content, StringBuilder b){
if(leftMargin > 2){ b.append(tab); }
//(write tabs)
for(int i=0; i<depth; i++){
//(write content)
private void updateTracks(int untilDepth){
//(get record to update)
Record signal = queuedTracks.removeFirst();
if(signal.depth >= untilDepth){ queuedTracks.add(signal); return; }
//(begin record message)
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
//(write margin)
for(int i=0; i<leftMargin; i++){
b.append(" ");
//(write name)
if(signal.content.toString().length() > 0){ b.append(" "); }
print(null, StringBuilder(), b.toString(), trackColor, trackStyle).toString() );
this.missingOpenBracket = true; //only set to false if actually updated track state
//(update lines printed)
if(info != null){
info.numElementsPrinted += 1;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public List<Record> handle(Record record) {
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
//--Special case for Exceptions
String[] content;
if (record.content instanceof Throwable) {
List<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>();
StackTraceElement[] trace = null;
StackTraceElement topTraceElement= null;
//(root message)
Throwable exception = (Throwable) record.content;
trace = exception.getStackTrace();
topTraceElement = trace.length > 0 ? trace[0] : null;
for(StackTraceElement e : exception.getStackTrace()){
lines.add(tab + e.toString());
while(exception.getCause() != null){
System.out.println("TOP ELEMENT: " + topTraceElement);
exception = exception.getCause();
trace = exception.getStackTrace();
lines.add("Caused by: " + exception.getClass()+": " + exception.getMessage());
for(int i=0; i<trace.length; i++){
//((add trace element))
StackTraceElement e = trace[i];
lines.add(tab + e.toString());
//((don't print redundant elements))
if(topTraceElement != null &&
e.getClassName().equals(topTraceElement.getClassName()) &&
lines.add(tab+"..."+(trace.length-i-1) + " more");
//((update top element))
topTraceElement = trace.length > 0 ? trace[0] : null;
//(set content array)
content = new String[lines.size()];
content = lines.toArray(content);
} else if(record.content == null){
content = new String[]{"null"};
} else {
String toStr = record.content.toString();
if (toStr == null) {
content = new String[]{"<null toString()>"};
} else {
content = record.content.toString().split("\n"); //would be nice to get rid of this 'split()' call at some point
//--Handle Tracks
if(this.missingOpenBracket){, "{\n", trackColor, trackStyle);
this.missingOpenBracket = false;
//--Process Record
int cursorPos = 0;
int contentLinesPrinted = 0;
Color color = Color.NONE;
Style style = Style.NONE;
//(get channels)
ArrayList<Object> printableChannels = new ArrayList<Object>();
for(Object chan : record.channels()){
if(chan instanceof Color){ color = (Color) chan; }
else if(chan instanceof Style){ style = (Style) chan; }
else if(chan != Redwood.FORCE){ printableChannels.add(chan); }
//--Write Channels
if(leftMargin > 2) { //don't print if not enough space
//((print channels)
b.append("["); cursorPos += 1;
Object lastChan = null;
boolean wasAnyChannelPrinted = false;
for(int i=0; i<printableChannels.size(); i++) {
Object chan = printableChannels.get(i);
if(chan.equals(lastChan)){ continue; } //skip duplicate channels
lastChan = chan;
//(get channel)
String toPrint = chan.toString();
if(toPrint.length() > leftMargin-1){ toPrint = toPrint.substring(0,leftMargin-2); }
if(cursorPos+toPrint.length() >= leftMargin){
//(case: doesn't fit)
while(cursorPos < leftMargin){ b.append(" "); cursorPos += 1; }
if(contentLinesPrinted < content.length){
writeContent(record.depth, style(new StringBuilder(),content[contentLinesPrinted],color,style).toString(), b);
contentLinesPrinted += 1;
b.append("\n ");
cursorPos = 1;
//(print flag)
boolean wasChannelPrinted = formatChannel(b, toPrint, chan);
wasAnyChannelPrinted = wasAnyChannelPrinted || wasChannelPrinted;
if(wasChannelPrinted && i < printableChannels.size()-1){ b.append(channelSeparatorChar); cursorPos += 1; }
cursorPos += toPrint.length();
if (wasAnyChannelPrinted) {
cursorPos += 1;
} else {
b.setLength(b.length() - 1); // remove leading "["
cursorPos -= 1;
//(write content)
while(contentLinesPrinted < content.length) {
while(cursorPos < leftMargin){ b.append(" "); cursorPos += 1; }
writeContent(record.depth, style(new StringBuilder(),content[contentLinesPrinted],color,style).toString(), b);
contentLinesPrinted += 1;
if(contentLinesPrinted < content.length){ b.append("\n"); cursorPos = 0; }
if (b.length() == 0 || b.charAt(b.length() - 1) != '\n') {
print(record.channels(), b.toString());
if(info != null){
info.numElementsPrinted += 1;
ArrayList<Record> rtn = new ArrayList<Record>();
return rtn;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public List<Record> signalStartTrack(Record signal) {
//(queue track)
//(push info)
if(info != null){
info = new TrackInfo(signal.content.toString(), signal.timesstamp);
//(force print)
return EMPTY; //don't send extra records
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public List<Record> signalEndTrack(int newDepth, long timeOfEnd) {
//(pop info)
TrackInfo childInfo =;
if (childInfo == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("OutputHandler received endTrack() without matching startTrack() --" +
"are your handlers mis-configured?");
if(trackStack.empty()){ = null;
} else { = this.trackStack.pop(); += childInfo.numElementsPrinted;
//(handle track)
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
if (!this.missingOpenBracket) {
//(write margin)
for(int i=0; i<this.leftMargin; i++) {
b.append(' ');
//(null content)
writeContent(newDepth, "", b);
//(write bracket)
b.append("} ");
this.missingOpenBracket = false;
//(write matching line)
if (childInfo.numElementsPrinted > this.minLineCountForTrackNameReminder) {
b.append("<< ").append(' ');
//(write time)
if (timeOfEnd-childInfo.beginTime > 100) {
print(null, StringBuilder(), b.toString(), trackColor, trackStyle).toString());
} else {
return EMPTY; //don't send extra records
* Relevant information about printing the start, and particularly
* the end, of a track
private static class TrackInfo {
public final long beginTime;
public final String name;
protected int numElementsPrinted = 0;
private TrackInfo(String name, long timestamp){ = name;
this.beginTime = timestamp;