package edu.stanford.nlp.trees.tregex.tsurgeon;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Pair;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
* @author Roger Levy (
class AuxiliaryTree {
private final String originalTreeString;
final Tree tree;
Tree foot;
private final IdentityHashMap<Tree,String> nodesToNames; // no one else should be able to get this one.
private final Map<String,Tree> namesToNodes; // this one has a getter.
public AuxiliaryTree(Tree tree, boolean mustHaveFoot) {
originalTreeString = tree.toString();
this.tree = tree;
this.foot = findFootNode(tree);
if (foot == null && mustHaveFoot) {
throw new TsurgeonParseException("Error -- no foot node found for " + originalTreeString);
namesToNodes = Generics.newHashMap();
nodesToNames = new IdentityHashMap<Tree,String>();
private AuxiliaryTree(Tree tree, Tree foot, Map<String, Tree> namesToNodes, String originalTreeString) {
this.originalTreeString = originalTreeString;
this.tree = tree;
this.foot = foot;
this.namesToNodes = namesToNodes;
nodesToNames = null;
public Map<String, Tree> namesToNodes() {
return namesToNodes;
public String toString() {
return originalTreeString;
* Copies the Auxiliary tree. Also, puts the new names->nodes map in the TsurgeonMatcher that called copy.
public AuxiliaryTree copy(TsurgeonMatcher matcher) {
Map<String,Tree> newNamesToNodes = Generics.newHashMap();
Pair<Tree,Tree> result = copyHelper(tree,newNamesToNodes);
//if(! result.first().dominates(result.second()))
//System.err.println("Error -- aux tree copy doesn't dominate foot copy.");
return new AuxiliaryTree(result.first(), result.second(), newNamesToNodes, originalTreeString);
// returns Pair<node,foot>
private Pair<Tree,Tree> copyHelper(Tree node,Map<String,Tree> newNamesToNodes) {
Tree clone;
Tree newFoot = null;
if (node.isLeaf()) {
if (node == foot) { // found the foot node; pass it up.
clone = node.treeFactory().newTreeNode(node.label(),new ArrayList<Tree>(0));
newFoot = clone;
} else {
clone = node.treeFactory().newLeaf(node.label().labelFactory().newLabel(node.label()));
} else {
List<Tree> newChildren = new ArrayList<Tree>(node.children().length);
for (Tree child : node.children()) {
Pair<Tree,Tree> newChild = copyHelper(child,newNamesToNodes);
if (newChild.second() != null) {
if (newFoot != null) {
System.err.println("Error -- two feet found when copying auxiliary tree " + tree.toString() + "; using last foot found.");
newFoot = newChild.second();
clone = node.treeFactory().newTreeNode(node.label().labelFactory().newLabel(node.label()),newChildren);
if (nodesToNames.containsKey(node))
return new Pair<Tree,Tree>(clone,newFoot);
/* below here is init stuff for finding the foot node. */
private static final String footNodeCharacter = "@";
private static final Pattern footNodeLabelPattern = Pattern.compile("^(.*)" + footNodeCharacter + '$');
private static final Pattern escapedFootNodeCharacter = Pattern.compile('\\' + footNodeCharacter);
* Returns the foot node of the adjunction tree, which is the terminal node
* that ends in @. In the process, turns the foot node into a TreeNode
* (rather than a leaf), and destructively un-escapes all the escaped
* instances of @ in the tree. Note that final @ in a non-terminal node is
* ignored, and left in.
private static Tree findFootNode(Tree t) {
Tree footNode = findFootNodeHelper(t);
Tree result = footNode;
if (footNode != null) {
Tree newFootNode = footNode.treeFactory().newTreeNode(footNode.label(), new ArrayList<Tree>());
Tree parent = footNode.parent(t);
if (parent != null) {
int i = parent.objectIndexOf(footNode);
parent.setChild(i, newFootNode);
result = newFootNode;
return result;
private static Tree findFootNodeHelper(Tree t) {
Tree foundDtr = null;
if (t.isLeaf()) {
Matcher m = footNodeLabelPattern.matcher(t.label().value());
if (m.matches()) {
return t;
} else {
return null;
for (Tree child : t.children()) {
Tree thisFoundDtr = findFootNodeHelper(child);
if (thisFoundDtr != null) {
if (foundDtr != null) {
throw new TsurgeonParseException("Error -- two foot nodes in subtree" + t.toString());
} else {
foundDtr = thisFoundDtr;
Matcher m = escapedFootNodeCharacter.matcher(t.label().value());
return foundDtr;
* below here is init stuff for getting node -> names maps *
// There are two ways in which you can can match the start of a name
// expression.
// The first is if you have any number of non-escaping characters
// preceding an "=" and a name. This is the ([^\\\\]*) part.
// The second is if you have any number of any characters, followed
// by a non-"\" character, as "\" is used to escape the "=". After
// that, any number of pairs of "\" are allowed, as we let "\" also
// escape itself. After that comes "=" and a name.
static final Pattern namePattern = Pattern.compile("^((?:[^\\\\]*)|(?:(?:.*[^\\\\])?)(?:\\\\\\\\)*)=([^=]+)$");
* Looks for new names, destructively strips them out.
* Destructively unescapes escaped chars, including "=", as well.
private void initializeNamesNodesMaps(Tree t) {
for (Tree node : t.subTreeList()) {
Matcher m = namePattern.matcher(node.label().value());
if (m.find()) {
namesToNodes.put(, node);
static String unescape(String input) {
return input.replaceAll("\\\\(.)", "$1");