package edu.stanford.nlp.trees.tregex.gui;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.geom.Line2D;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.SwingConstants;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.HasWord;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations;
import edu.stanford.nlp.parser.ui.TreeJPanel;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Constituent;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.IntPair;
* Component for displaying a tree in a JPanel that works correctly with
* scrolling.
* @author Anna Rafferty
public class ScrollableTreeJPanel extends TreeJPanel {
private int fontSize = 12;
private Color defaultColor = Color.BLACK;
private Color matchedColor = Color.RED;
private Color tdiffColor = Color.BLUE;
private String fontName = "";
private int style = Font.PLAIN;
private Dimension preferredSize = null;
private List<Tree> matchedParts = new ArrayList<Tree>();
private List<Point2D.Double> matchedPartCoordinates = new ArrayList<Point2D.Double>();
public ScrollableTreeJPanel() {
public ScrollableTreeJPanel(int i, int j) {
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
Font font;
if ("".equals(fontName)) {
font = g2.getFont();
fontName = font.getName();
style = font.getStyle();
if(tree != null)
yieldOffsets = new float[tree.yield().size()];
font = new Font(fontName, style, this.fontSize);
FontMetrics fM = g2.getFontMetrics();
Dimension space = getSize();
double width = width(tree, fM);
double height = height(tree, fM);
yieldHeight = height;
double startX = 0.0;
double startY = 0.0;
if (HORIZONTAL_ALIGN == SwingConstants.CENTER) {
startX = (space.getWidth() - width) / 2.0;
if (HORIZONTAL_ALIGN == SwingConstants.RIGHT) {
startX = space.getWidth() - width;
if (VERTICAL_ALIGN == SwingConstants.CENTER) {
startY = (space.getHeight() - height) / 2.0;
if (VERTICAL_ALIGN == SwingConstants.BOTTOM) {
startY = space.getHeight() - height;
leafCtr = 0;
if (matchedParts != null && matchedParts.contains(tree)) {
paintTree(tree, new Point2D.Double(startX, startY), g2, fM, matchedColor);
} else {
paintTree(tree, new Point2D.Double(startX, startY), g2, fM, defaultColor);
renderRows(g2,fM, defaultColor);
private void renderRows(Graphics2D g2, FontMetrics fM, Color defaultColor2) {
double nodeHeight = fM.getHeight();
double layerMultiplier = (1.0 + belowLineSkip + aboveLineSkip + parentSkip);
double layerHeight = nodeHeight * layerMultiplier;
//Draw the yield
List<HasWord> sentence = tree.yieldHasWord();
for(int i = 0; i < sentence.size(); i++) {
g2.drawString(sentence.get(i).word(), yieldOffsets[i], (float) (yieldHeight + layerHeight));
//Greedily draw the constituents
final float rowOrigin = (float) (yieldHeight + 2.0*layerHeight);
List<List<IntPair>> rows = new ArrayList<List<IntPair>>();
for(Constituent c : diffConstituents) {
for(int rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < diffConstituents.size(); rowIdx++) {
float rowHeight = rowOrigin + (float) (rowIdx*layerHeight);
int ext = (c.end() == (yieldOffsets.length - 1)) ? 0 : 1;
if(rowIdx >= rows.size()) {
rows.add(new ArrayList<IntPair>());
rows.get(rowIdx).add(new IntPair(c.start(),c.end()));
double nodeWidth = fM.stringWidth(c.value());
g2.drawString(c.value(), yieldOffsets[c.start()], rowHeight);
try {
g2.drawLine((int) (yieldOffsets[c.start()] + nodeWidth) + 10, (int) rowHeight, (int) (yieldOffsets[c.end() + ext]) - 15, (int) rowHeight);
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// This happens if yield of two compared trees do not match. Just ignore it for now
// System.err.printf("yieldOffsets.length is %d, c.start() is %d, c.end() is %d, ext is %d%n", yieldOffsets.length, c.start(), c.end(), ext);
} else {
boolean foundOverlap = false;
for(IntPair span : rows.get(rowIdx)) {
if(doesOverlap(c,span)) {
foundOverlap = true;
if(!foundOverlap) {
rows.get(rowIdx).add(new IntPair(c.start(),c.end()));
double nodeWidth = fM.stringWidth(c.value());
g2.drawString(c.value(), yieldOffsets[c.start()], rowHeight);
g2.drawLine((int) (yieldOffsets[c.start()] + nodeWidth) + 10, (int) rowHeight, (int) (yieldOffsets[c.end() + ext]) - 15, (int) rowHeight);
private static boolean doesOverlap(Constituent c, IntPair p) {
if (p.getSource() <= c.start() && p.getTarget() >= c.start())
return true;
else if (p.getSource() >= c.start() && p.getTarget() <= c.end())
return true;
else if (p.getSource() <= c.end() && p.getTarget() >= c.end())
return true;
return false;
//Tdiff data structures
private int leafCtr = 0;
private double yieldHeight;
private float[] yieldOffsets;
protected double paintTree(Tree t, Point2D start, Graphics2D g2, FontMetrics fM, Color paintColor) {
if (t == null) {
return 0.0;
String nodeStr = nodeToString(t);
double nodeWidth = fM.stringWidth(nodeStr);
double nodeHeight = fM.getHeight();
double nodeAscent = fM.getAscent();
WidthResult wr = widthResult(t, fM);
double treeWidth = wr.width;
double nodeTab = wr.nodeTab;
double childTab = wr.childTab;
double nodeCenter = wr.nodeCenter;
//double treeHeight = height(t, fM);
// draw root
Color curColor = g2.getColor();
g2.drawString(nodeStr, (float) (nodeTab + start.getX()), (float) (start.getY() + nodeAscent));
double layerMultiplier = (1.0 + belowLineSkip + aboveLineSkip + parentSkip);
double layerHeight = nodeHeight * layerMultiplier;
if (t.isLeaf()) {
yieldOffsets[leafCtr++] = (float) (nodeTab + start.getX());
return nodeWidth;
double childStartX = start.getX() + childTab;
double childStartY = start.getY() + layerHeight;
double lineStartX = start.getX() + nodeCenter;
double lineStartY = start.getY() + nodeHeight * (1.0 + belowLineSkip);
double lineEndY = lineStartY + nodeHeight * parentSkip;
// recursively draw children
for (int i = 0; i < t.children().length; i++) {
Tree child = t.children()[i];
double cWidth;
if(matchedParts != null && matchedParts.contains(child)) {
// Track where we've painted this matched child
Point2D.Double coord = new Point2D.Double(childStartX, childStartY);
cWidth = paintTree(child, coord, g2, fM, matchedColor);
} else {
Color col = defaultColor;
if(((CoreLabel) child.label()).has(CoreAnnotations.DoAnnotation.class))
col = (((CoreLabel) child.label()).get(CoreAnnotations.DoAnnotation.class)) ? tdiffColor : defaultColor;
cWidth = paintTree(child, new Point2D.Double(childStartX, childStartY), g2, fM, col);
// draw connectors
wr = widthResult(child, fM);
double lineEndX = childStartX + wr.nodeCenter;
g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(lineStartX, lineStartY, lineEndX, lineEndY));
childStartX += cWidth;
if (i < t.children().length - 1) {
childStartX += sisterSkip * fM.stringWidth(" ");
return treeWidth;
public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
if (preferredSize != null) {
return preferredSize;
if (tree == null) {
return super.getSize();
FontMetrics fM = getFontMetrics(new Font(fontName, style, fontSize));
double nodeHeight = fM.getHeight();
double layerMultiplier = (1.0 + belowLineSkip + aboveLineSkip + parentSkip);
double layerHeight = nodeHeight * layerMultiplier;
double layerBuffer = (diffConstituents.size() + 1)*layerHeight;
layerBuffer += 20.0;
preferredSize = new Dimension((int)width(tree,fM), (int)(height(tree,fM) + layerBuffer));
return preferredSize;
public List<Tree> getMatchedParts() {
return matchedParts;
public void setMatchedParts(List<Tree> matchedParts) {
this.matchedParts = matchedParts;
public List<Point2D.Double> getMatchedPartCoordinates() {
return matchedPartCoordinates;
public int getFontSize() {
return fontSize;
public void setFontSize(int fontSize) {
this.fontSize = fontSize;
preferredSize = null; // stored info invalidated by font change
public Color getDefaultColor() {
return defaultColor;
public void setDefaultColor(Color defaultColor) {
this.defaultColor = defaultColor;
public Color getMatchedColor() {
return matchedColor;
public void setMatchedColor(Color matchedColor) {
this.matchedColor = matchedColor;
public String getFontName() {
return fontName;
public void setFontName(String fontName) {
this.fontName = fontName;
private Set<Constituent> diffConstituents = Generics.newHashSet();
public void setDiffConstituents(Set<Constituent> diffConstituents) {
this.diffConstituents = diffConstituents;