import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.IndexedWord;
import edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser.ChineseTreebankParserParams;
import edu.stanford.nlp.parser.ViterbiParserWithOptions;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.*;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Filters;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.StringUtils;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import static edu.stanford.nlp.trees.GrammaticalRelation.DEPENDENT;
* A GrammaticalStructure for Chinese.
* @author Galen Andrew
* @author Pi-Chuan Chang
* @author Daniel Cer - support for printing CoNLL-X format, encoding update,
* and preliminary changes to make
* ChineseGrammaticalStructure behave more like
* EnglishGrammaticalStructure on the command line
* (ultimately, both classes should probably use the same
* abstract main method).
public class ChineseGrammaticalStructure extends GrammaticalStructure {
private static HeadFinder shf = new ChineseSemanticHeadFinder();
//private static HeadFinder shf = new ChineseHeadFinder();
* Construct a new <code>GrammaticalStructure</code> from an
* existing parse tree. The new <code>GrammaticalStructure</code>
* has the same tree structure and label values as the given tree
* (but no shared storage). As part of construction, the parse tree
* is analyzed using definitions from {@link GrammaticalRelation
* <code>GrammaticalRelation</code>} to populate the new
* <code>GrammaticalStructure</code> with as many labeled
* grammatical relations as it can.
* @param t Tree to process
public ChineseGrammaticalStructure(Tree t) {
this(t, new ChineseTreebankLanguagePack().punctuationWordRejectFilter());
public ChineseGrammaticalStructure(Tree t, Predicate<String> puncFilter) {
this (t, puncFilter, shf);
public ChineseGrammaticalStructure(Tree t, HeadFinder hf) {
this (t, null, hf);
public ChineseGrammaticalStructure(Tree t, Predicate<String> puncFilter, HeadFinder hf) {
super(t, ChineseGrammaticalRelations.values(), hf, puncFilter);
/** Used for postprocessing CoNLL X dependencies */
public ChineseGrammaticalStructure(List<TypedDependency> projectiveDependencies, TreeGraphNode root) {
super(projectiveDependencies, root);
protected void collapseDependencies(List<TypedDependency> list, boolean CCprocess, boolean includeExtras) {
// collapseConj(list);
// collapseMultiwordPreps(list);
private static void collapsePrepAndPoss(Collection<TypedDependency> list) {
Collection<TypedDependency> newTypedDeps = new ArrayList<TypedDependency>();
// Construct a map from words to the set of typed
// dependencies in which the word appears as governor.
Map<IndexedWord, Set<TypedDependency>> map = Generics.newHashMap();
for (TypedDependency typedDep : list) {
if (!map.containsKey( {
map.put(, Generics.<TypedDependency>newHashSet());
//System.err.println("here's the map: " + map);
for (TypedDependency td1 : list) {
if (td1.reln() != GrammaticalRelation.KILL) {
IndexedWord td1Dep = td1.dep();
String td1DepPOS = td1Dep.tag();
// find all other typedDeps having our dep as gov
Set<TypedDependency> possibles = map.get(td1Dep);
if (possibles != null) {
// look for the "second half"
for (TypedDependency td2 : possibles) {
// TreeGraphNode td2Dep = td2.dep();
// String td2DepPOS = td2Dep.parent().value();
if (td1.reln() == DEPENDENT && td2.reln() == DEPENDENT && td1DepPOS.equals("P")) {
GrammaticalRelation td3reln = ChineseGrammaticalRelations.valueOf(td1Dep.value());
if (td3reln == null) {
td3reln = GrammaticalRelation.valueOf(GrammaticalRelation.Language.Chinese,
TypedDependency td3 = new TypedDependency(td3reln,, td2.dep());
//System.err.println("adding: " + td3);
td1.setReln(GrammaticalRelation.KILL); // remember these are "used up"
td2.setReln(GrammaticalRelation.KILL); // remember these are "used up"
// Now we need to see if there any TDs that will be "orphaned"
// by this collapse. Example: if we have:
// dep(drew, on)
// dep(on, book)
// dep(on, right)
// the first two will be collapsed to on(drew, book), but then
// the third one will be orphaned, since its governor no
// longer appears. So, change its governor to 'drew'.
if (td1.reln().equals(GrammaticalRelation.KILL)) {
for (TypedDependency td2 : possibles) {
if (!td2.reln().equals(GrammaticalRelation.KILL)) {
//System.err.println("td1 & td2: " + td1 + " & " + td2);
// now copy remaining unkilled TDs from here to new
for (TypedDependency td : list) {
if (!td.reln().equals(GrammaticalRelation.KILL)) {
list.clear(); // forget all (esp. killed) TDs
private static void AddTreesFromFile(String treeFileName, String encoding, Treebank tb) {
ChineseTreebankParserParams ctpp = new ChineseTreebankParserParams();
try {
TreeReaderFactory trf = ctpp.treeReaderFactory();
TreeReader tr = trf.newTreeReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(treeFileName), encoding));
Tree t;
while ((t = tr.readTree()) != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("File problem: " + e);
* Tests generation of Chinese grammatical relations from a file.
* Default encoding is utf-8.
* TODO: remove this main method and use the one in the abstract class GrammaticalStructure. Making this
* change is non-trivial due to some of the English specific assumptions in the code currently invoked by
* GrammaticalStructure#main.
* Usage: <br> <code>
* java -treeFile [treeFile] <br>
* java -sentFile [sentenceFile] </code>
* @param args Command line args as above
public static void main(String[] args) {
// System.out.print("GrammaticalRelations under DEPENDENT:");
// System.out.println(DEPENDENT.toPrettyString());
Treebank tb = new MemoryTreebank();
Properties props = StringUtils.argsToProperties(args);
String encoding = props.getProperty("encoding", "utf-8");
try {
System.setOut(new PrintStream(System.out, true, encoding));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
String treeFileName = props.getProperty("treeFile");
String treeDirname = props.getProperty("treeDir");
String sentFileName = props.getProperty("sentFile");
boolean conllx = props.getProperty("conllx") != null;
boolean basic = props.getProperty("basic") != null;
boolean nonCollapsed = props.getProperty("nonCollapsed") != null;
boolean collapsed = props.getProperty("collapsed") != null;
boolean parseTree = props.getProperty("parseTree") != null;
boolean keepPunct = props.getProperty("keepPunct") != null;
// force keepPunct, if conllx is turned on
if (conllx) {
keepPunct = true;
String hf = props.getProperty("hf");
String parserModel = props.getProperty("parserModel", "/u/nlp/data/lexparser/chineseFactored.ser.gz");
if (!basic && !collapsed) {
if (conllx) {
basic = true; // default to basic dependencies for conllx
} else {
collapsed = true; // otherwise, default to collapsed dependencies
try {
if (hf != null) {
shf = (HeadFinder)Class.forName(hf).newInstance();
System.err.println("Using "+hf);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Fail to use HeadFinder: "+hf);
if (args.length == 0) {
System.err.printf("Usage:\n\t%s [optional flags] -treeFile treeFile\n\nOr:\n\t%s [optional flags] -sentFile sentFile\n", ChineseGrammaticalStructure.class.getName(), ChineseGrammaticalStructure.class.getName());
System.err.println("\nOptional flags:");
System.err.println("\t-parseTree : print phrase-structure parse tree");
System.err.println("\t-basic : basic non-collapsed dependencies preserving a tree structure");
System.err.println("\t-collapsed : collapsed dependencies");
System.err.println("\t-conllx : conllx formatted dependencies, can be used with either basic\n\t or collaped dependencies, but basic is recommended");
} else {
if (treeDirname != null && treeFileName != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Only one of treeDirname or treeFileName should be set");
if (treeDirname != null) {
File dir = new File(treeDirname);
String[] files = dir.list();
for (String file : files) {
AddTreesFromFile(treeDirname+"/"+file, encoding, tb);
} else if (treeFileName != null) {
AddTreesFromFile(treeFileName, encoding, tb);
} else if (sentFileName != null) {
// Load parser by reflection, so that this class doesn't require parser for runtime use
// LexicalizedParser lp = new LexicalizedParser(parserModel);
ViterbiParserWithOptions lp;
try {
Class<?>[] classes = new Class<?>[]{String.class};
Constructor<?> constr = Class.forName("edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser.LexicalizedParser").getConstructor(classes);
String[] opts = {"-retainTmpSubcategories"};
lp = (ViterbiParserWithOptions) constr.newInstance(parserModel);
} catch (Exception cnfe) {
BufferedReader reader = null;
try {
reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(sentFileName));
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
System.err.println("Cannot find " + sentFileName);
try {
System.out.println("Processing sentence file " + sentFileName);
String line;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
CHTBTokenizer chtb = new CHTBTokenizer(new StringReader(line));
List words = chtb.tokenize();
Tree tree = lp.getBestParse();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Exception reading key file " + sentFileName, e);
for (Tree t : tb) {
Predicate<String> puncFilter;
if (keepPunct) {
puncFilter = Filters.acceptFilter();
} else {
puncFilter = new ChineseTreebankLanguagePack().punctuationWordRejectFilter();
GrammaticalStructure gs = new ChineseGrammaticalStructure(t, puncFilter);
if (parseTree) {
System.out.println("============= parse tree =======================");
//TreeGraph tg = new TreeGraph(t);
if (basic) {
if (collapsed || nonCollapsed) {
System.out.println("------------- basic dependencies ---------------");
printDependencies(gs, gs.typedDependencies(false), t, conllx, false);
if (nonCollapsed) {
if (basic || collapsed) {
System.out.println("------------- noncollapsed dependencies ---------------");
printDependencies(gs, gs.typedDependencies(true), t, conllx, false);
if (collapsed) {
if (basic || nonCollapsed) {
System.out.println("----------- collapsed dependencies -----------");
printDependencies(gs, gs.typedDependenciesCollapsed(true), t, conllx, false);
public static List<GrammaticalStructure> readCoNLLXGrammaticalStructureCollection(String fileName) throws IOException {
return readCoNLLXGrammaticalStructureCollection(fileName, ChineseGrammaticalRelations.shortNameToGRel, new FromDependenciesFactory());
public static ChineseGrammaticalStructure buildCoNLLXGrammaticalStructure(List<List<String>> tokenFields) {
return (ChineseGrammaticalStructure) buildCoNLLXGrammaticalStructure(tokenFields, ChineseGrammaticalRelations.shortNameToGRel, new FromDependenciesFactory());
public static class FromDependenciesFactory
implements GrammaticalStructureFromDependenciesFactory
public ChineseGrammaticalStructure build(List<TypedDependency> tdeps, TreeGraphNode root) {
return new ChineseGrammaticalStructure(tdeps, root);
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8877651855167458256L;