import java.util.*;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.HasCategory;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.HasContext;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.HasTag;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.HasWord;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.Label;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.Sentence;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.LabeledScoredTreeFactory;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.TreeFactory;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.TreeNormalizer;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.TreeReader;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.TreeReaderFactory;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.TreebankLanguagePack;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.XMLUtils;
* A reader for XML format French Treebank files. Note that the raw
* XML files are in ISO-8859-1 format, so they must be converted to UTF-8.
* <p>
* Handles multiword expressions (MWEs).
* <p>
* One difference worth documenting between this and the
* PennTreeReader is that this does not unescape \* and \/ the way the
* PennTreeReader does. The French Treebank we are using does not
* use those escapings.
* @author Spence Green
public class FrenchXMLTreeReader implements TreeReader {
private InputStream stream;
private final TreeNormalizer treeNormalizer;
private final TreeFactory treeFactory;
private static final String NODE_SENT = "SENT";
private static final String NODE_WORD = "w";
private static final String ATTR_NUMBER = "nb";
private static final String ATTR_POS = "cat";
private static final String ATTR_POS_MWE = "catint";
private static final String ATTR_LEMMA = "lemma";
private static final String ATTR_MORPH = "mph";
private static final String ATTR_EE = "ee";
private static final String ATTR_SUBCAT = "subcat";
// Prefix for MWE nodes
private static final String MWE_PHRASAL = "MW";
public static final String EMPTY_LEAF = "-NONE-";
public static final String MISSING_PHRASAL = "DUMMYP";
public static final String MISSING_POS = "DUMMY";
private NodeList sentences;
private int sentIdx;
* Read parse trees from a Reader.
* @param in The <code>Reader</code>
public FrenchXMLTreeReader(Reader in, boolean ccTagset) {
this(in, new LabeledScoredTreeFactory(), new FrenchTreeNormalizer(ccTagset));
* Read parse trees from a Reader.
* @param in Reader
* @param tf TreeFactory -- factory to create some kind of Tree
* @param tn the method of normalizing trees
public FrenchXMLTreeReader(Reader in, TreeFactory tf, TreeNormalizer tn) {
TreebankLanguagePack tlp = new FrenchTreebankLanguagePack();
stream = new ReaderInputStream(in,tlp.getEncoding());
treeFactory = tf;
treeNormalizer = tn;
DocumentBuilder parser = XMLUtils.getXmlParser();
try {
final Document xml = parser.parse(stream);
final Element root = xml.getDocumentElement();
sentences = root.getElementsByTagName(NODE_SENT);
sentIdx = 0;
} catch (SAXException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
public void close() {
try {
if(stream != null) {
stream = null;
} catch (IOException e) {
//Silently ignore
public Tree readTree() {
Tree t = null;
while(t == null && sentences != null && sentIdx < sentences.getLength()) {
Node sentRoot = sentences.item(sentIdx++);
t = getTreeFromXML(sentRoot);
if(t != null) {
t = treeNormalizer.normalizeWholeTree(t, treeFactory);
if(t.label() instanceof CoreLabel) {
String ftbId = ((Element) sentRoot).getAttribute(ATTR_NUMBER);
((CoreLabel) t.label()).set(CoreAnnotations.SentenceIDAnnotation.class, ftbId);
return t;
//wsg2010: Sometimes the cat attribute is not present, in which case the POS
//is in the attribute catint, which indicates a part of a compound / MWE
private String getPOS(Element node) {
String attrPOS = node.hasAttribute(ATTR_POS) ? node.getAttribute(ATTR_POS).trim() : "";
String attrPOSMWE = node.hasAttribute(ATTR_POS_MWE) ? node.getAttribute(ATTR_POS_MWE).trim() : "";
if(attrPOS != "")
return attrPOS;
else if(attrPOSMWE != "")
return attrPOSMWE;
* Extract the lemma attribute.
* @param node
private List<String> getLemma(Element node) {
String lemma = node.getAttribute(ATTR_LEMMA);
if (lemma == null || lemma.equals(""))
return null;
return getWordString(lemma);
* Extract the morphological analysis from a leaf. Note that the "ee" field
* contains the relativizer flag.
* @param node
private String getMorph(Element node) {
String ee = node.getAttribute(ATTR_EE);
return ee == null ? "" : ee;
* Get the POS subcategory.
* @param node
* @return
private String getSubcat(Element node) {
String subcat = node.getAttribute(ATTR_SUBCAT);
return subcat == null ? "" : subcat;
* Terminals may consist of one or more whitespace-delimited tokens.
* <p>
* wsg2010: Marie recommends replacing empty terminals with -NONE- instead of using the lemma
* (these are usually the determiner)
* @param text
private List<String> getWordString(String text) {
List<String> toks = new ArrayList<String>();
if(text == null || text.equals(""))
else {
//Strip spurious parens
if(text.length() > 1)
text = text.replaceAll("[\\(\\)]", "");
//Check for numbers and punctuation
String noWhitespaceStr = text.replaceAll("\\s+", "");
if(noWhitespaceStr.matches("\\d+") || noWhitespaceStr.matches("\\p{Punct}+"))
toks = Arrays.asList(text.split("\\s+"));
if(toks.size() == 0)
throw new RuntimeException(this.getClass().getName() + ": Zero length token list for: " + text);
return toks;
private Tree getTreeFromXML(Node root) {
final Element eRoot = (Element) root;
if (eRoot.getNodeName().equals(NODE_WORD) &&
eRoot.getElementsByTagName(NODE_WORD).getLength() == 0) {
String posStr = getPOS(eRoot);
posStr = treeNormalizer.normalizeNonterminal(posStr);
List<String> lemmas = getLemma(eRoot);
String morph = getMorph(eRoot);
List<String> leafToks = getWordString(eRoot.getTextContent().trim());
String subcat = getSubcat(eRoot);
if (lemmas != null && lemmas.size() != leafToks.size()) {
// If this happens (and it does for a few poorly editted trees)
// we assume something has gone wrong and ignore the lemmas.
System.err.println("Lemmas don't match tokens, ignoring lemmas: " +
"lemmas " + lemmas + ", tokens " + leafToks);
lemmas = null;
//Terminals can have multiple tokens (MWEs). Make these into a
//flat structure for now.
Tree t = null;
List<Tree> kids = new ArrayList<Tree>();
if(leafToks.size() > 1) {
for (int i = 0; i < leafToks.size(); ++i) {
String tok = leafToks.get(i);
String s = treeNormalizer.normalizeTerminal(tok);
List<Tree> leafList = new ArrayList<Tree>();
Tree leafNode = treeFactory.newLeaf(s);
if(leafNode.label() instanceof HasWord)
((HasWord) leafNode.label()).setWord(s);
if (leafNode.label() instanceof CoreLabel && lemmas != null) {
((CoreLabel) leafNode.label()).setLemma(lemmas.get(i));
if(leafNode.label() instanceof HasContext) {
((HasContext) leafNode.label()).setOriginalText(morph);
if (leafNode.label() instanceof HasCategory) {
((HasCategory) leafNode.label()).setCategory(subcat);
Tree posNode = treeFactory.newTreeNode(MISSING_POS, leafList);
if(posNode.label() instanceof HasTag)
((HasTag) posNode.label()).setTag(MISSING_POS);
t = treeFactory.newTreeNode(MISSING_PHRASAL, kids);
} else {
String leafStr = treeNormalizer.normalizeTerminal(leafToks.get(0));
Tree leafNode = treeFactory.newLeaf(leafStr);
if (leafNode.label() instanceof HasWord)
((HasWord) leafNode.label()).setWord(leafStr);
if (leafNode.label() instanceof CoreLabel && lemmas != null) {
((CoreLabel) leafNode.label()).setLemma(lemmas.get(0));
if (leafNode.label() instanceof HasContext) {
((HasContext) leafNode.label()).setOriginalText(morph);
if (leafNode.label() instanceof HasCategory) {
((HasCategory) leafNode.label()).setCategory(subcat);
t = treeFactory.newTreeNode(posStr, kids);
if (t.label() instanceof HasTag) ((HasTag) t.label()).setTag(posStr);
return t;
List<Tree> kids = new ArrayList<Tree>();
for(Node childNode = eRoot.getFirstChild(); childNode != null; childNode = childNode.getNextSibling()) {
if(childNode.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
Tree t = getTreeFromXML(childNode);
if(t == null) {
System.err.printf("%s: Discarding empty tree (root: %s)%n", this.getClass().getName(),childNode.getNodeName());
} else {
// MWEs have a label with a
String rootLabel = eRoot.getNodeName().trim();
boolean isMWE = rootLabel.equals("w") && eRoot.hasAttribute(ATTR_POS);
rootLabel = eRoot.getAttribute(ATTR_POS).trim();
Tree t = (kids.size() == 0) ? null : treeFactory.newTreeNode(treeNormalizer.normalizeNonterminal(rootLabel), kids);
if(t != null && isMWE)
t = postProcessMWE(t);
return t;
private Tree postProcessMWE(Tree t) {
String tYield = Sentence.listToString(t.yield()).replaceAll("\\s+", "");
if(tYield.matches("[\\d\\p{Punct}]*")) {
List<Tree> kids = new ArrayList<Tree>();
t = treeFactory.newTreeNode(t.value(), kids);
} else {
t.setValue(MWE_PHRASAL + t.value());
return t;
* For debugging.
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
if(args.length < 1) {
System.err.printf("Usage: java %s tree_file(s)%n%n",FrenchXMLTreeReader.class.getName());
List<File> fileList = new ArrayList<File>();
for(int i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
fileList.add(new File(args[i]));
TreeReaderFactory trf = new FrenchXMLTreeReaderFactory(false);
int totalTrees = 0;
Set<String> morphAnalyses = Generics.newHashSet();
try {
for(File file : fileList) {
TreeReader tr = trf.newTreeReader(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file),"UTF-8")));
Tree t;
int numTrees;
String canonicalFileName = file.getName().substring(0, file.getName().lastIndexOf('.'));
for(numTrees = 0; (t = tr.readTree()) != null; numTrees++) {
String ftbID = ((CoreLabel) t.label()).get(CoreAnnotations.SentenceIDAnnotation.class);
System.out.printf("%s-%s\t%s%n",canonicalFileName, ftbID, t.toString());
List<Label> leaves = t.yield();
for(Label label : leaves) {
if(label instanceof CoreLabel)
morphAnalyses.add(((CoreLabel) label).originalText());
System.err.printf("%s: %d trees%n",file.getName(),numTrees);
totalTrees += numTrees;
//wsg2011: Print out the observed morphological analyses
// for(String analysis : morphAnalyses)
// System.err.println(analysis);
System.err.printf("%nRead %d trees%n",totalTrees);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {