import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.HasWord;
import edu.stanford.nlp.process.TokenizerFactory;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.AbstractTreebankLanguagePack;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.HeadFinder;
* Language pack for the French treebank.
* @author mcdm
public class FrenchTreebankLanguagePack extends AbstractTreebankLanguagePack {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -7338244949063822519L;
//wsg2011: The distributed treebank is encoding in ISO8859_1, but
//the current FrenchTreebankParserParams is currently configured to
//read UTF-8, PTB style trees that have been extracted from the XML
public static final String FTB_ENCODING = "ISO8859_1";
//The raw treebank uses "PONCT". Change to LDC convention.
private static final String[] frenchPunctTags = {"PUNC"};
private static final String[] frenchSFPunctTags = {"PUNC"};
private static final String[] frenchPunctWords = {"=","*","/","\\","]","[","\"","''", "'", "``", "`", "-LRB-", "-RRB-", "-LCB-", "-RCB-", ".", "?", "!", ",", ":", "-", "--", "...", ";", """};
private static final String[] frenchSFPunctWords = {".", "!", "?"};
private static final char[] annotationIntroducingChars = {'-', '=', '|', '#', '^', '~'};
private static final String[] frenchStartSymbols = {"ROOT"};
public TokenizerFactory<? extends HasWord> getTokenizerFactory() {
return FrenchTokenizer.ftbFactory();
public String getEncoding() {
* Returns a String array of punctuation tags for this treebank/language.
* @return The punctuation tags
public String[] punctuationTags() {
return frenchPunctTags;
* Returns a String array of punctuation words for this treebank/language.
* @return The punctuation words
public String[] punctuationWords() {
return frenchPunctWords;
* Returns a String array of sentence final punctuation tags for this
* treebank/language.
* @return The sentence final punctuation tags
public String[] sentenceFinalPunctuationTags() {
return frenchSFPunctTags;
* Returns a String array of sentence final punctuation words for this
* treebank/language.
* @return The sentence final punctuation tags
public String[] sentenceFinalPunctuationWords() {
return frenchSFPunctWords;
* Return an array of characters at which a String should be
* truncated to give the basic syntactic category of a label.
* The idea here is that French treebank style labels follow a syntactic
* category with various functional and crossreferencing information
* introduced by special characters (such as "NP-SUBJ"). This would
* be truncated to "NP" by the array containing '-'.
* @return An array of characters that set off label name suffixes
public char[] labelAnnotationIntroducingCharacters() {
return annotationIntroducingChars;
* Returns a String array of treebank start symbols.
* @return The start symbols
public String[] startSymbols() {
return frenchStartSymbols;
* Returns the extension of treebank files for this treebank.
public String treebankFileExtension() {
return "xml";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public HeadFinder headFinder() {
return new FrenchHeadFinder(this);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public HeadFinder typedDependencyHeadFinder() {
return new FrenchHeadFinder(this);
public MorphoFeatureSpecification morphFeatureSpec() {
return new FrenchMorphoFeatureSpecification();