package edu.stanford.nlp.trees;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.LabelFactory;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.tregex.TregexPattern;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.tregex.tsurgeon.Tsurgeon;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.tregex.tsurgeon.TsurgeonPattern;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.StringUtils;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
* Coordination transformer transforms a PennTreebank tree containing
* a coordination in a flat structure in order to get the dependencies
* right.
* <br>
* The transformer goes through several steps:
* <ul>
* <li> Removes empty nodes and simplifies many tags (<code>DependencyTreeTransformer</code>)
* <li> Relabels UCP phrases to either ADVP or NP depending on their content
* <li> Turn flat CC structures into structures with an intervening node
* <li> Add extra structure to QP phrases - combine "well over", unflattened structures with CC (<code>QPTreeTransformer</code>)
* <li> Flatten SQ structures to get the verb as the head
* <li> Rearrange structures that appear to be dates
* <li> Flatten X over only X structures
* <li> Turn some fixed conjunction phrases into CONJP, such as "and yet", etc
* <li> Attach RB such as "not" to the next phrase to get the RB headed by the phrase it modifies
* <li> Turn SBAR to PP if parsed as SBAR in phrases such as "The day after the airline was planning ..."
* <li> Rearrange "now that" into an SBAR phrase if it was misparsed as ADVP
* </ul>
* @author Marie-Catherine de Marneffe
* @author John Bauer
public class CoordinationTransformer implements TreeTransformer {
private static final boolean VERBOSE = System.getProperty("CoordinationTransformer", null) != null;
private final TreeTransformer tn = new DependencyTreeTransformer(); //to get rid of unwanted nodes and tag
private final TreeTransformer qp = new QPTreeTransformer(); //to restructure the QP constituents
private final TreeTransformer dates = new DateTreeTransformer(); //to flatten date patterns
private final HeadFinder headFinder;
// default constructor
public CoordinationTransformer(HeadFinder hf) {
this.headFinder = hf;
* Transforms t if it contains a coordination in a flat structure (CCtransform)
* and transforms UCP (UCPtransform).
* @param t a tree to be transformed
* @return t transformed
public Tree transformTree(Tree t) {
if (VERBOSE) {
System.err.println("Input to CoordinationTransformer: " + t);
t = tn.transformTree(t);
if (VERBOSE) {
System.err.println("After DependencyTreeTransformer: " + t);
if (t == null) {
return t;
t = UCPtransform(t);
if (VERBOSE) {
System.err.println("After UCPTransformer: " + t);
t = CCtransform(t);
if (VERBOSE) {
System.err.println("After CCTransformer: " + t);
t = qp.transformTree(t);
if (VERBOSE) {
System.err.println("After QPTreeTransformer: " + t);
t = SQflatten(t);
if (VERBOSE) {
System.err.println("After SQ flattening: " + t);
t = dates.transformTree(t);
if (VERBOSE) {
System.err.println("After DateTreeTransformer: " + t);
t = removeXOverX(t);
if (VERBOSE) {
System.err.println("After removeXoverX: " + t);
t = combineConjp(t);
if (VERBOSE) {
System.err.println("After combineConjp: " + t);
t = moveRB(t);
if (VERBOSE) {
System.err.println("After moveRB: " + t);
t = changeSbarToPP(t);
if (VERBOSE) {
System.err.println("After changeSbarToPP: " + t);
t = rearrangeNowThat(t);
if (VERBOSE) {
System.err.println("After rearrangeNowThat: " + t);
return t;
private static TregexPattern rearrangeNowThatTregex =
TregexPattern.compile("ADVP=advp <1 (RB < /^(?i:now)$/) <2 (SBAR=sbar <1 (IN < /^(?i:that)$/))");
private static TsurgeonPattern rearrangeNowThatTsurgeon =
Tsurgeon.parseOperation("[relabel advp SBAR] [excise sbar sbar]");
private static Tree rearrangeNowThat(Tree t) {
if (t == null) {
return t;
return Tsurgeon.processPattern(rearrangeNowThatTregex, rearrangeNowThatTsurgeon, t);
private static TregexPattern changeSbarToPPTregex =
TregexPattern.compile("NP < (NP $++ (SBAR=sbar < (IN < /^(?i:after|before|until|since|during)$/ $++ S)))");
private static TsurgeonPattern changeSbarToPPTsurgeon =
Tsurgeon.parseOperation("relabel sbar PP");
* For certain phrases, we change the SBAR to a PP to get prep/pcomp
* dependencies. For example, in "The day after the airline was
* planning...", we want prep(day, after) and pcomp(after,
* planning). If "after the airline was planning" was parsed as an
* SBAR, either by the parser or in the treebank, we fix that here.
private static Tree changeSbarToPP(Tree t) {
if (t == null) {
return null;
return Tsurgeon.processPattern(changeSbarToPPTregex, changeSbarToPPTsurgeon, t);
private static TregexPattern findFlatConjpTregex =
// TODO: add more patterns, perhaps ignore case
// for example, what should we do with "and not"? Is it right to
// generally add the "not" to the following tree with moveRB, or
// should we make "and not" a CONJP?
// also, perhaps look at ADVP
TregexPattern.compile("/^(S|PP|VP)/ < (/^(S(?!YM)|PP|VP)/ $++ (CC=start $+ (RB|ADVP $+ /^(S(?!YM)|PP|VP)/) " +
"[ (< and $+ (RB=end < yet)) | " + // TODO: what should be the head of "and yet"?
" (< and $+ (RB=end < so)) | " +
" (< and $+ (ADVP=end < (RB|IN < so))) ] ))"); // TODO: this structure needs a dependency
private static TsurgeonPattern addConjpTsurgeon =
Tsurgeon.parseOperation("createSubtree CONJP start end");
private static Tree combineConjp(Tree t) {
if (t == null) {
return null;
return Tsurgeon.processPattern(findFlatConjpTregex, addConjpTsurgeon, t);
private static TregexPattern[] moveRBTregex = {
TregexPattern.compile("/^S|PP|VP|NP/ < (/^(S|PP|VP|NP)/ $++ (/^(,|CC|CONJP)$/ [ $+ (RB=adv [ < not | < then ]) | $+ (ADVP=adv <: RB) ])) : (=adv $+ /^(S(?!YM)|PP|VP|NP)/=dest) "),
TregexPattern.compile("/^ADVP/ < (/^ADVP/ $++ (/^(,|CC|CONJP)$/ [$+ (RB=adv [ < not | < then ]) | $+ (ADVP=adv <: RB)])) : (=adv $+ /^NP-ADV|ADVP|PP/=dest)"),
TregexPattern.compile("/^FRAG/ < (ADVP|RB=adv $+ VP=dest)"),
private static TsurgeonPattern moveRBTsurgeon =
Tsurgeon.parseOperation("move adv >0 dest");
static Tree moveRB(Tree t) {
if (t == null) {
return null;
for (TregexPattern pattern : moveRBTregex) {
t = Tsurgeon.processPattern(pattern, moveRBTsurgeon, t);
return t;
// Matches to be questions if the question starts with WHNP, such as
// Who, What, if there is an SQ after the WH question.
// TODO: maybe we want to catch more complicated tree structures
// with something in between the WH and the actual question.
private static TregexPattern flattenSQTregex =
TregexPattern.compile("SBARQ < ((WHNP=what < WP) $+ (SQ=sq < (/^VB/=verb < " + EnglishPatterns.copularWordRegex + ") " +
// match against "is running" if the verb is under just a VBG
" !< (/^VB/ < !" + EnglishPatterns.copularWordRegex + ") " +
// match against "is running" if the verb is under a VP - VBG
" !< (/^V/ < /^VB/ < !" + EnglishPatterns.copularWordRegex + ") " +
// match against "What is on the test?"
" !< (PP $- =verb) " +
// match against "is there"
" !<, (/^VB/ < " + EnglishPatterns.copularWordRegex + " $+ (NP < (EX < there)))))");
private static TsurgeonPattern flattenSQTsurgeon = Tsurgeon.parseOperation("excise sq sq");
* Removes the SQ structure under a WHNP question, such as "Who am I
* to judge?". We do this so that it is easier to pick out the head
* and then easier to connect that head to all of the other words in
* the question in this situation. In the specific case of making
* the copula head, we don't do this so that the existing headfinder
* code can easily find the "am" or other copula verb.
public Tree SQflatten(Tree t) {
if (headFinder != null && (headFinder instanceof CopulaHeadFinder)) {
if (((CopulaHeadFinder) headFinder).makesCopulaHead()) {
return t;
if (t == null) {
return null;
return Tsurgeon.processPattern(flattenSQTregex, flattenSQTsurgeon, t);
private static TregexPattern removeXOverXTregex =
TregexPattern.compile("__=repeat <: (~repeat < __)");
private static TsurgeonPattern removeXOverXTsurgeon = Tsurgeon.parseOperation("excise repeat repeat");
public static Tree removeXOverX(Tree t) {
return Tsurgeon.processPattern(removeXOverXTregex, removeXOverXTsurgeon, t);
// UCP (JJ ...) -> ADJP
// UCP (DT JJ ...) -> ADJP
// UCP (... (ADJP (JJR older|younger))) -> ADJP
// UCP (N ...) -> NP
// Might want to look for ways to include RB for flatter structures,
// but then we have to watch out for (RB not) for example
// Note that the order of OR expressions means the older|younger
// pattern takes precedence
// By searching for everything at once, then using one tsurgeon
// which fixes everything at once, we can save quite a bit of time
private static final TregexPattern ucpRenameTregex =
TregexPattern.compile("/^UCP/=ucp [ <, /^JJ|ADJP/=adjp | ( <1 DT <2 /^JJ|ADJP/=adjp ) |" +
" <- (ADJP=adjp < (JJR < /^(?i:younger|older)$/)) |" +
" <, /^N/=np | ( <1 DT <2 /^N/=np ) | " +
" <, /^ADVP/=advp ]");
// TODO: this turns UCP-TMP into ADVP instead of ADVP-TMP. What do we actually want?
private static final TsurgeonPattern ucpRenameTsurgeon =
Tsurgeon.parseOperation("[if exists adjp relabel ucp /^UCP(.*)$/ADJP$1/] [if exists np relabel ucp /^UCP(.*)$/NP$1/] [if exists advp relabel ucp /^UCP(.*)$/ADVP/]");
* Transforms t if it contains an UCP, it will change the UCP tag
* into the phrasal tag of the first word of the UCP
* (UCP (JJ electronic) (, ,) (NN computer) (CC and) (NN building))
* will become
* (ADJP (JJ electronic) (, ,) (NN computer) (CC and) (NN building))
* @param t a tree to be transformed
* @return t transformed
public static Tree UCPtransform(Tree t) {
if (t == null) {
return null;
return Tsurgeon.processPattern(ucpRenameTregex, ucpRenameTsurgeon, t);
* Transforms t if it contains a coordination in a flat structure
* @param t a tree to be transformed
* @return t transformed (give t not null, return will not be null)
public static Tree CCtransform(Tree t) {
boolean notDone = true;
while (notDone) {
Tree cc = findCCparent(t, t);
if (cc != null) {
t = cc;
} else {
notDone = false;
return t;
private static String getHeadTag(Tree t) {
if (t.value().startsWith("NN")) {
return "NP";
} else if (t.value().startsWith("JJ")) {
return "ADJP";
} else {
return "NP";
/** If things match, this method destructively changes the children list
* of the tree t. When this method is called, t is an NP and there must
* be at least two children to the right of ccIndex.
* @param t The tree to transform a conjunction in
* @param ccIndex The index of the CC child
* @return t
private static Tree transformCC(Tree t, int ccIndex) {
if (VERBOSE) {
System.err.println("transformCC in: " + t);
// use the factories of t to create new nodes
TreeFactory tf = t.treeFactory();
LabelFactory lf = t.label().labelFactory();
Tree[] ccSiblings = t.children();
//check if other CC
List<Integer> ccPositions = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = ccIndex + 1; i < ccSiblings.length; i++) {
if (ccSiblings[i].value().startsWith("CC") && i < ccSiblings.length - 1) { // second conjunct to ensure that a CC we add isn't the last child
// a CC b c ... -> (a CC b) c ... with b not a DT
String beforeSibling = ccSiblings[ccIndex - 1].value();
if (ccIndex == 1 && (beforeSibling.equals("DT") || beforeSibling.equals("JJ") || beforeSibling.equals("RB") || ! (ccSiblings[ccIndex + 1].value().equals("DT"))) && ! (beforeSibling.startsWith("NP")
|| beforeSibling.equals("ADJP")
|| beforeSibling.equals("NNS"))) { // && (ccSiblings.length == ccIndex + 3 || !ccPositions.isEmpty())) { // something like "soya or maize oil"
String leftHead = getHeadTag(ccSiblings[ccIndex - 1]);
//create a new tree to be inserted as first child of t
Tree left = tf.newTreeNode(lf.newLabel(leftHead), null);
for (int i = 0; i < ccIndex + 2; i++) {
if (VERBOSE) {
System.out.println("print left tree");
// remove all the children of t before ccIndex+2
for (int i = 0; i < ccIndex + 2; i++) {
if (VERBOSE) { if (t.numChildren() == 0) { System.out.println("Youch! No t children"); } }
// if stuff after (like "soya or maize oil and vegetables")
// we need to put the tree in another tree
if (!ccPositions.isEmpty()) {
boolean comma = false;
int index = ccPositions.get(0);
if (VERBOSE) {System.err.println("more CC index " + index);}
if (ccSiblings[index - 1].value().equals(",")) {//to handle the case of a comma ("soya and maize oil, and vegetables")
index = index - 1;
comma = true;
if (VERBOSE) {System.err.println("more CC index " + index);}
String head = getHeadTag(ccSiblings[index - 1]);
if (ccIndex + 2 < index) {
Tree tree = tf.newTreeNode(lf.newLabel(head), null);
tree.addChild(0, left);
int k = 1;
for (int j = ccIndex+2; j<index; j++) {
if (VERBOSE) ccSiblings[j].pennPrint();
tree.addChild(k, ccSiblings[j]);
if (VERBOSE) {
System.out.println("print t");
System.out.println("print tree");
t.addChild(0, tree);
} else {
t.addChild(0, left);
Tree rightTree = tf.newTreeNode(lf.newLabel("NP"), null);
int start = 2;
if (comma) {
while (start < t.numChildren()) {
Tree sib = t.getChild(start);
} else {
t.addChild(0, left);
// DT a CC b c -> DT (a CC b) c
else if (ccIndex == 2 && ccSiblings[0].value().startsWith("DT") && !ccSiblings[ccIndex - 1].value().equals("NNS") && (ccSiblings.length == 5 || (!ccPositions.isEmpty() && ccPositions.get(0) == 5))) {
String head = getHeadTag(ccSiblings[ccIndex - 1]);
//create a new tree to be inserted as second child of t (after the determiner
Tree child = tf.newTreeNode(lf.newLabel(head), null);
for (int i = 1; i < ccIndex + 2; i++) {
if (VERBOSE) { if (child.numChildren() == 0) { System.out.println("Youch! No child children"); } }
// remove all the children of t between the determiner and ccIndex+2
//System.out.println("print left tree");
for (int i = 1; i < ccIndex + 2; i++) {
t.addChild(1, child);
// ... a, b CC c ... -> ... (a, b CC c) ...
else if (ccIndex > 2 && ccSiblings[ccIndex - 2].value().equals(",") && !ccSiblings[ccIndex - 1].value().equals("NNS")) {
String head = getHeadTag(ccSiblings[ccIndex - 1]);
Tree child = tf.newTreeNode(lf.newLabel(head), null);
for (int i = ccIndex - 3; i < ccIndex + 2; i++) {
if (VERBOSE) { if (child.numChildren() == 0) { System.out.println("Youch! No child children"); } }
int i = ccIndex - 4;
while (i > 0 && ccSiblings[i].value().equals(",")) {
child.addChild(0, ccSiblings[i]); // add the comma
child.addChild(0, ccSiblings[i - 1]); // add the word before the comma
i = i - 2;
if (i < 0) {
i = -1;
// remove the old children
for (int j = i + 1; j < ccIndex + 2; j++) {
t.removeChild(i + 1);
// put the new tree
t.addChild(i + 1, child);
// something like "the new phone book and tour guide" -> multiple heads
// we want (NP the new phone book) (CC and) (NP tour guide)
else {
boolean commaLeft = false;
boolean commaRight = false;
boolean preconj = false;
int indexBegin = 0;
Tree conjT = tf.newTreeNode(lf.newLabel("CC"), null);
// create the left tree
String leftHead = getHeadTag(ccSiblings[ccIndex - 1]);
Tree left = tf.newTreeNode(lf.newLabel(leftHead), null);
// handle the case of a preconjunct (either, both, neither)
Tree first = ccSiblings[0];
String leaf = first.firstChild().value().toLowerCase();
if (leaf.equals("either") || leaf.equals("neither") || leaf.equals("both")) {
preconj = true;
indexBegin = 1;
for (int i = indexBegin; i < ccIndex - 1; i++) {
// handle the case of a comma ("GM soya and maize, and food ingredients")
if (ccSiblings[ccIndex - 1].value().equals(",")) {
commaLeft = true;
} else {
left.addChild(ccSiblings[ccIndex - 1]);
// create the CC tree
Tree cc = ccSiblings[ccIndex];
// create the right tree
int nextCC;
if (ccPositions.isEmpty()) {
nextCC = ccSiblings.length;
} else {
nextCC = ccPositions.get(0);
String rightHead = getHeadTag(ccSiblings[nextCC - 1]);
Tree right = tf.newTreeNode(lf.newLabel(rightHead), null);
for (int i = ccIndex + 1; i < nextCC - 1; i++) {
// handle the case of a comma ("GM soya and maize, and food ingredients")
if (ccSiblings[nextCC - 1].value().equals(",")) {
commaRight = true;
} else {
right.addChild(ccSiblings[nextCC - 1]);
if (VERBOSE) {
if (left.numChildren() == 0) { System.out.println("Youch! No left children"); }
if (right.numChildren() == 0) { System.out.println("Youch! No right children"); }
// put trees together in old t, first we remove the old nodes
for (int i = 0; i < nextCC; i++) {
if (!ccPositions.isEmpty()) { // need an extra level
Tree tree = tf.newTreeNode(lf.newLabel("NP"), null);
if (preconj) {
if (left.numChildren() > 0) {
if (commaLeft) {
tree.addChild(ccSiblings[ccIndex - 1]);
if (right.numChildren() > 0) {
if (commaRight) {
t.addChild(0, ccSiblings[nextCC - 1]);
t.addChild(0, tree);
} else {
if (preconj) {
if (left.numChildren() > 0) {
if (commaLeft) {
t.addChild(ccSiblings[ccIndex - 1]);
if (right.numChildren() > 0) {
if (commaRight) {
t.addChild(ccSiblings[nextCC - 1]);
if (VERBOSE) {
System.err.println("transformCC out: " + t);
return t;
private static boolean notNP(List<Tree> children, int ccIndex) {
for (int i = ccIndex, sz = children.size(); i < sz; i++) {
if (children.get(i).value().startsWith("NP")) {
return false;
return true;
* Given a tree t, if this tree contains a CC inside a NP followed by 2 nodes
* (i.e. we have a flat structure that will not work for the dependencies),
* it will call transform CC on the NP containing the CC and the index of the
* CC, and then return the root of the whole transformed tree.
* If it finds no such tree, this method returns null.
private static Tree findCCparent(Tree t, Tree root) {
if (t.isPreTerminal()) {
if (t.value().startsWith("CC")) {
Tree parent = t.parent(root);
if (parent != null && parent.value().startsWith("NP")) {
List<Tree> children = parent.getChildrenAsList();
int ccIndex = children.indexOf(t);
if (children.size() > ccIndex + 2 && notNP(children, ccIndex) && ccIndex != 0 && (ccIndex == children.size() - 1 || !children.get(ccIndex+1).value().startsWith("CC"))) {
transformCC(parent, ccIndex);
if (VERBOSE) {
System.err.println("After transformCC: " + root);
return root;
} else {
for (Tree child : t.getChildrenAsList()) {
Tree cur = findCCparent(child, root);
if (cur != null) {
return cur;
return null;
public static void main(String[] args) {
CoordinationTransformer transformer = new CoordinationTransformer(null);
Treebank tb = new MemoryTreebank();
Properties props = StringUtils.argsToProperties(args);
String treeFileName = props.getProperty("treeFile");
if (treeFileName != null) {
try {
TreeReader tr = new PennTreeReader(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(treeFileName))), new LabeledScoredTreeFactory());
for (Tree t ; (t = tr.readTree()) != null; ) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("File problem: " + e);
for (Tree t : tb) {
System.out.println("Original tree");
System.out.println("Tree transformed");
Tree tree = transformer.transformTree(t);