Package edu.stanford.nlp.sequences

Source Code of edu.stanford.nlp.sequences.SequenceGibbsSampler

package edu.stanford.nlp.sequences;

import edu.stanford.nlp.util.concurrent.*;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Pair;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.HasWord;
import edu.stanford.nlp.math.ArrayMath;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.StringUtils;


import java.util.*;

// TODO: change so that it uses the scoresOf() method properly

* A Gibbs sampler for sequence models. Given a sequence model implementing the SequenceModel
* interface, this class is capable of
* sampling sequences from the distribution over sequences that it defines. It can also use
* this sampling procedure to find the best sequence.
* @author grenager
public class SequenceGibbsSampler implements BestSequenceFinder {

  // a random number generator
  private static Random random = new Random(2147483647L);
  public static int verbose = 0;

  private List document;
  private int numSamples;
  private int sampleInterval;
  private int speedUpThreshold = -1;
  private SequenceListener listener;
  private static final int RANDOM_SAMPLING = 0;
  private static final int SEQUENTIAL_SAMPLING = 1;
  private static final int CHROMATIC_SAMPLING = 2;

  EmpiricalNERPriorBIO priorEn, priorCh = null;

  public boolean returnLastFoundSequence = false;
  private int samplingStyle;
  // determines how many parallel threads to run in chromatic sampling
  private int chromaticSize;
  private List<List<Integer>> partition;

  public static int[] copy(int[] a) {
    int[] result = new int[a.length];
    System.arraycopy(a, 0, result, 0, a.length);
    return result;

  public static int[] getRandomSequence(SequenceModel model) {
    int[] result = new int[model.length()];
    for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
      int[] classes = model.getPossibleValues(i);
      result[i] = classes[random.nextInt(classes.length)];
    return result;

   * Finds the best sequence by collecting numSamples samples, scoring them, and then choosing
   * the highest scoring sample.
   * @return the array of type int representing the highest scoring sequence
  public int[] bestSequence(SequenceModel model) {
    int[] initialSequence = getRandomSequence(model);
    return findBestUsingSampling(model, numSamples, sampleInterval, initialSequence);

   * Finds the best sequence by collecting numSamples samples, scoring them, and then choosing
   * the highest scoring sample.
   * @return the array of type int representing the highest scoring sequence
  public int[] findBestUsingSampling(SequenceModel model, int numSamples, int sampleInterval, int[] initialSequence) {
    List samples = collectSamples(model, numSamples, sampleInterval, initialSequence);
    int[] best = null;
    double bestScore = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    for (int i = 0; i < samples.size(); i++) {
      int[] sequence = (int[]) samples.get(i);
      double score = model.scoreOf(sequence);
      if (score>bestScore) {
        best = sequence;
        bestScore = score;
        System.err.println("found new best ("+bestScore+")");
    return best;

  public int[] findBestUsingAnnealing(SequenceModel model, CoolingSchedule schedule) {
    int[] initialSequence = getRandomSequence(model);
    return findBestUsingAnnealing(model, schedule, initialSequence);

  public int[] findBestUsingAnnealing(SequenceModel model, CoolingSchedule schedule, int[] initialSequence) {
    if (verbose>0) System.err.println("Doing annealing");
    List result = new ArrayList();
    // so we don't change the initial, or the one we just stored
    int[] sequence = copy(initialSequence);
    int[] best = null;
    double bestScore = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    double score = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    // if (!returnLastFoundSequence) {
    //   score = model.scoreOf(sequence);
    // }

    Set<Integer> positionsChanged = null;
    if (speedUpThreshold > 0)
      positionsChanged = Generics.newHashSet();

    for (int i=0; i<schedule.numIterations(); i++) {
      double temperature = schedule.getTemperature(i);
      if (speedUpThreshold <= 0) {
        score = sampleSequenceForward(model, sequence, temperature, null); // modifies tagSequence
      } else {
        if (i < speedUpThreshold) {
          score = sampleSequenceForward(model, sequence, temperature, null); // modifies tagSequence
          for (int j = 0; j < sequence.length; j++) {
            if (sequence[j] != initialSequence[j])
        } else {
          score = sampleSequenceForward(model, sequence, temperature, positionsChanged); // modifies tagSequence
      if (returnLastFoundSequence) {
        best = sequence;
      } else {
        // score = model.scoreOf(sequence);
        //System.err.println(i+" "+score+" "+Arrays.toString(sequence));
        if (score>bestScore) {
          best = sequence;
          bestScore = score;
      if (i % 50 == 0) {
        if (verbose > 1) System.err.println("itr " + i + ": " + bestScore + "\t");
      if (verbose>0) System.err.print(".");
    if (verbose>1) {
      printSamples(result, System.err);
    if (verbose>0) System.err.println("done.");
    //return sequence;
    return best;

   * Collects numSamples samples of sequences, from the distribution over sequences defined
   * by the sequence model passed on construction.
   * All samples collected are sampleInterval samples apart, in an attempt to reduce
   * autocorrelation.
   * @return a List containing the sequence samples, as arrays of type int, and their scores
  public List<int[]> collectSamples(SequenceModel model, int numSamples, int sampleInterval) {
    int[] initialSequence = getRandomSequence(model);
    return collectSamples(model, numSamples, sampleInterval, initialSequence);

   * Collects numSamples samples of sequences, from the distribution over sequences defined
   * by the sequence model passed on construction.
   * All samples collected are sampleInterval samples apart, in an attempt to reduce
   * autocorrelation.
   * @return a Counter containing the sequence samples, as arrays of type int, and their scores
  public List<int[]> collectSamples(SequenceModel model, int numSamples, int sampleInterval, int[] initialSequence) {
    if (verbose>0) System.err.print("Collecting samples");
    List<int[]> result = new ArrayList<int[]>();
    int[] sequence = initialSequence;
    for (int i=0; i<numSamples; i++) {
      sequence = copy(sequence); // so we don't change the initial, or the one we just stored
      sampleSequenceRepeatedly(model, sequence, sampleInterval); // modifies tagSequence
      result.add(sequence); // save it to return later
      if (verbose>0) System.err.print(".");
    if (verbose>1) {
      printSamples(result, System.err);
    if (verbose>0) System.err.println("done.");
    return result;

   * Samples the sequence repeatedly, making numSamples passes over the entire sequence.
  public double sampleSequenceRepeatedly(SequenceModel model, int[] sequence, int numSamples) {
    sequence = copy(sequence); // so we don't change the initial, or the one we just stored
    double returnScore = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    for (int iter=0; iter<numSamples; iter++) {
      returnScore = sampleSequenceForward(model, sequence);
    return returnScore;

   * Samples the sequence repeatedly, making numSamples passes over the entire sequence.
   * Destructively modifies the sequence in place.
  public double sampleSequenceRepeatedly(SequenceModel model, int numSamples) {
    int[] sequence = getRandomSequence(model);
    return sampleSequenceRepeatedly(model, sequence, numSamples);

   * Samples the complete sequence once in the forward direction
   * Destructively modifies the sequence in place.
   * @param sequence the sequence to start with.
  public double sampleSequenceForward(SequenceModel model, int[] sequence) {
    return sampleSequenceForward(model, sequence, 1.0, null);
   * Samples the complete sequence once in the forward direction
   * Destructively modifies the sequence in place.
   * @param sequence the sequence to start with.
  public double sampleSequenceForward(final SequenceModel model, final int[] sequence, final double temperature, Set<Integer> onlySampleThesePositions) {
    double returnScore = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    // System.err.println("Sampling forward");
    if (onlySampleThesePositions != null) {
      for (int pos: onlySampleThesePositions) {
        returnScore = samplePosition(model, sequence, pos, temperature);
    } else {
      if (samplingStyle == SEQUENTIAL_SAMPLING) {
        for (int pos=0; pos<sequence.length; pos++) {
          returnScore = samplePosition(model, sequence, pos, temperature);
      } else if (samplingStyle == RANDOM_SAMPLING) {
        for (int itr=0; itr<sequence.length; itr++) {
          int pos = random.nextInt(sequence.length);
          returnScore = samplePosition(model, sequence, pos, temperature);
      } else if (samplingStyle == CHROMATIC_SAMPLING) {
        // make copies of the sequences and merge at the end
        List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> results = new ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Integer>>();
        for (List<Integer> indieList: partition) {
          if (indieList.size() <= chromaticSize) {
            for (int pos: indieList) {
              Pair<Integer, Double> newPosProb = samplePositionHelper(model, sequence, pos, temperature);
              sequence[pos] = newPosProb.first();
          } else {
            MulticoreWrapper<List<Integer>, List<Pair<Integer, Integer>>> wrapper = new MulticoreWrapper<List<Integer>, List<Pair<Integer, Integer>>>(chromaticSize,
                new ThreadsafeProcessor<List<Integer>, List<Pair<Integer, Integer>>>() {
              public List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> process(List<Integer> posList) {
                List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> allPos = new ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Integer>>(posList.size());
                Pair<Integer, Double> newPosProb = null;
                for (int pos: posList) {
                  newPosProb = samplePositionHelper(model, sequence, pos, temperature);
                  // returns the position to sample in first place and new label in second place
                  allPos.add(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(pos, newPosProb.first()));
                return allPos;
              public ThreadsafeProcessor<List<Integer>, List<Pair<Integer, Integer>>> newInstance() {
                return this;
            int interval = Math.max(1, indieList.size() / chromaticSize);
            for (int begin = 0, end = 0, indieListSize = indieList.size(); end < indieListSize; begin += interval) {
              end = Math.min(begin + interval, indieListSize);
              wrapper.put(indieList.subList(begin, end));
              while (wrapper.peek()) {
            while (wrapper.peek()) {
            for(Pair<Integer, Integer> posVal : results) {
              sequence[posVal.first()] = posVal.second();
        returnScore = model.scoreOf(sequence);
    return returnScore;

   * Samples the complete sequence once in the backward direction
   * Destructively modifies the sequence in place.
   * @param sequence the sequence to start with.
  public double sampleSequenceBackward(SequenceModel model, int[] sequence) {
    return sampleSequenceBackward(model, sequence, 1.0);
   * Samples the complete sequence once in the backward direction
   * Destructively modifies the sequence in place.
   * @param sequence the sequence to start with.
  public double sampleSequenceBackward(SequenceModel model, int[] sequence, double temperature) {
    double returnScore = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    for (int pos=sequence.length-1; pos>=0; pos--) {
      returnScore = samplePosition(model, sequence, pos, temperature);
    return returnScore;

   * Samples a single position in the sequence.
   * Destructively modifies the sequence in place.
   * returns the score of the new sequence
   * @param sequence the sequence to start with
   * @param pos the position to sample.
  public double samplePosition(SequenceModel model, int[] sequence, int pos) {
    return samplePosition(model, sequence, pos, 1.0);

   * Samples a single position in the sequence.
   * Does not modify the sequence passed in.
   * returns the score of the new label for the position to sample
   * @param sequence the sequence to start with
   * @param pos the position to sample.
   * @param temperature the temperature to control annealing
  private Pair<Integer, Double> samplePositionHelper(SequenceModel model, int[] sequence, int pos, double temperature) {
    double[] distribution = model.scoresOf(sequence, pos);
    if (temperature!=1.0) {
      if (temperature==0.0) {
        // set the max to 1.0
        int argmax = ArrayMath.argmax(distribution);
        Arrays.fill(distribution, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
        distribution[argmax] = 0.0;
      } else {
        // take all to a power
        // use the temperature to increase/decrease the entropy of the sampling distribution
        ArrayMath.multiplyInPlace(distribution, 1.0/temperature);
    int newTag = ArrayMath.sampleFromDistribution(distribution, random);
    double newProb = distribution[newTag];
    return new Pair<Integer, Double>(newTag, newProb);

   * Samples a single position in the sequence.
   * Destructively modifies the sequence in place.
   * returns the score of the new sequence
   * @param sequence the sequence to start with
   * @param pos the position to sample.
   * @param temperature the temperature to control annealing
  public double samplePosition(SequenceModel model, int[] sequence, int pos, double temperature) {
    int oldTag = sequence[pos];
    Pair<Integer, Double> newPosProb = samplePositionHelper(model, sequence, pos, temperature);
    int newTag = newPosProb.first();
//    System.out.println("Sampled " + oldTag + "->" + newTag);
    sequence[pos] = newTag;
    listener.updateSequenceElement(sequence, pos, oldTag);
    return newPosProb.second();

  public void printSamples(List samples, PrintStream out) {
    for (int i = 0; i < document.size(); i++) {
      HasWord word = (HasWord) document.get(i);
      String s = "null";
      if (word!=null) {
        s = word.word();
      out.print(StringUtils.padOrTrim(s, 10));
      for (int j = 0; j < samples.size(); j++) {
        int[] sequence = (int[]) samples.get(j);
        out.print(" " + StringUtils.padLeft(sequence[i], 2));

   * @param document the underlying document which is a list of HasWord; a slight abstraction violation, but useful for debugging!!
  public SequenceGibbsSampler(int numSamples, int sampleInterval, SequenceListener listener, List document,
      boolean returnLastFoundSequence, int samplingStyle, int chromaticSize, List<List<Integer>> partition, int speedUpThreshold, EmpiricalNERPriorBIO priorEn, EmpiricalNERPriorBIO priorCh) {
    this.numSamples = numSamples;
    this.sampleInterval = sampleInterval;
    this.listener = listener;
    this.document = document;
    this.returnLastFoundSequence = returnLastFoundSequence;
    this.samplingStyle = samplingStyle;
    if (verbose > 0) {
      if (samplingStyle == RANDOM_SAMPLING) {
        System.err.println("Using random sampling");
      } else if (samplingStyle == CHROMATIC_SAMPLING) {
        System.err.println("Using chromatic sampling with " + chromaticSize + " threads");
      } else if (samplingStyle == SEQUENTIAL_SAMPLING) {
        System.err.println("Using sequential sampling");
    this.chromaticSize = chromaticSize;
    this.partition = partition;
    this.speedUpThreshold = speedUpThreshold;
    this.priorEn = priorEn;
    this.priorCh = priorCh;

  public SequenceGibbsSampler(int numSamples, int sampleInterval, SequenceListener listener, List document) {
    this(numSamples, sampleInterval, listener, document, false, 1, 0, null, -1, null, null);

  public SequenceGibbsSampler(int numSamples, int sampleInterval, SequenceListener listener) {
    this(numSamples, sampleInterval, listener, null);

  public SequenceGibbsSampler(int numSamples, int sampleInterval, SequenceListener listener,
      int samplingStyle, int chromaticSize, List<List<Integer>> partition, int speedUpThreshold, EmpiricalNERPriorBIO priorEn, EmpiricalNERPriorBIO priorCh) {
    this(numSamples, sampleInterval, listener, null, false, samplingStyle, chromaticSize, partition, speedUpThreshold, priorEn, priorCh);

Related Classes of edu.stanford.nlp.sequences.SequenceGibbsSampler

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