package edu.stanford.nlp.semgraph.semgrex;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Stack;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.IndexedWord;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.GrammaticalRelation;
import edu.stanford.nlp.semgraph.SemanticGraph;
import edu.stanford.nlp.semgraph.SemanticGraphEdge;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.*;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
* An abstract base class for relations between graph nodes in semgrex. There
* are two types of subclasses: static anonymous singleton instantiations for
* relations that do not require arguments, and private subclasses for those
* with arguments. All invocations should be made through the static factory
* methods.
* <p/>
* If you want to add a new relation, you just have to fill in the definition of
* <code>satisfies()</code> and <code>searchNodeIterator()</code>. Also be
* careful to make the appropriate adjustments to
* <code>getRelation()</code>. Finally, if you are using the SemgrexParser, you
* need to add the new relation symbol to the list of tokens. <p/>
* @author Chloe Kiddon
abstract class GraphRelation implements Serializable {
final String symbol;
final Predicate<String> type;
final String rawType;
final String name;
//"<" | ">" | ">>" | "<<" | "<#" | ">#" | ":" | "@">
* Returns <code>true</code> iff this <code>GraphRelation</code> holds between
* the given pair of nodes in the given semantic graph.
abstract boolean satisfies(IndexedWord n1, IndexedWord n2, SemanticGraph sg);
* For a given node and its root, returns an {@link Iterator} over the nodes
* of the semantic graph that satisfy the relation.
abstract Iterator<IndexedWord> searchNodeIterator(IndexedWord node, SemanticGraph sg);
private GraphRelation(String symbol, String type, String name) {
this.symbol = symbol;
this.type = getPattern(type);
this.rawType = type; = name;
private GraphRelation(String symbol, String type) {
this(symbol, type, null);
private GraphRelation(String symbol) {
this(symbol, null);
public String toString() {
return symbol + ((rawType != null) ? rawType : "") + ((name != null) ? "=" + name : "");
public Predicate<String> getPattern(String relnType)
if ((relnType == null) || (relnType.equals(""))) {
return Filters.acceptFilter();
} else if (relnType.matches("/.*/")) {
return new RegexStringFilter(relnType.substring(1, relnType.length() - 1));
} else { // raw description
return new ArrayStringFilter(ArrayStringFilter.Mode.EXACT, relnType);
public String getName() {
if (name == null || name == "") return null;
return name;
// ALIGNMENT graph relation: "@" ==============================================
static class ALIGNMENT extends GraphRelation {
private Alignment alignment;
private boolean hypToText;
super("@", "");
hypToText = true;
void setAlignment(Alignment alignment, boolean hypToText, SearchNodeIterator itr) {
this.alignment = alignment;
this.hypToText = hypToText;
//System.err.println("setting alignment");
boolean satisfies(IndexedWord l1, IndexedWord l2, SemanticGraph sg) {
if (alignment == null) return false;
if (hypToText)
return (alignment.getMap().get(l1)).equals(l2);
else {
return (alignment.getMap().get(l2)).equals(l1);
Iterator<IndexedWord> searchNodeIterator(final IndexedWord node, final SemanticGraph sg) {
return new SearchNodeIterator() {
boolean foundOnce = false;
int nextNum;
// not really initialized until alignment is set
public void initialize() {
public void advance() {
if (alignment == null) return;
if (node.equals(IndexedWord.NO_WORD)) next = null;
//System.err.println("node: " + node.word());
if (hypToText) {
if (!foundOnce) {
next = alignment.getMap().get(node);
foundOnce = true;
// if (next == null) System.err.println("no alignment"); else
// System.err.println("other graph: " + next.word());
else {
next = null;
//System.err.println("next: null");
} else {
int num = 0;
for (Map.Entry<IndexedWord, IndexedWord> pair : alignment.getMap().entrySet()) {
if (pair.getValue().equals(node)) {
if (nextNum == num) {
next = pair.getKey();
//System.err.println("next: " + next.word());
//System.err.println("backwards, next: null");
next = null;
// Generated automatically by Eclipse
private static final long serialVersionUID = -2936526066368043778L;
// ROOT graph relation: "Root" ================================================
static final GraphRelation ROOT = new GraphRelation("", "") {
boolean satisfies(IndexedWord l1, IndexedWord l2, SemanticGraph sg) {
return l1 == l2;
Iterator<IndexedWord> searchNodeIterator(final IndexedWord node, final SemanticGraph sg) {
return new SearchNodeIterator() {
void initialize() {
next = node;
// automatically generated by Eclipse
private static final long serialVersionUID = 4710135995247390313L;
static final GraphRelation ITERATOR = new GraphRelation(":", "") {
boolean satisfies(IndexedWord l1, IndexedWord l2, SemanticGraph sg) {
return true;
Iterator<IndexedWord> searchNodeIterator(final IndexedWord node,
final SemanticGraph sg) {
return sg.vertexSet().iterator();
// automatically generated by Eclipse
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5259713498453659251L;
// ALIGNED_ROOT graph relation: "AlignRoot" ===================================
static final GraphRelation ALIGNED_ROOT = new GraphRelation("AlignRoot", "") {
boolean satisfies(IndexedWord l1, IndexedWord l2, SemanticGraph sg) {
return l1 == l2;
Iterator<IndexedWord> searchNodeIterator(final IndexedWord node, final SemanticGraph sg) {
return new SearchNodeIterator() {
void initialize() {
next = node;
// automatically generated by Eclipse
private static final long serialVersionUID = -3088857488269777611L;
// GOVERNOR graph relation: ">" ===============================================
static private class GOVERNER extends GraphRelation {
GOVERNER(String reln, String name) {
super(">", reln, name);
boolean satisfies(IndexedWord l1, IndexedWord l2, SemanticGraph sg) {
List<Pair<GrammaticalRelation, IndexedWord>> deps = sg.childPairs(l1);
for (Pair<GrammaticalRelation, IndexedWord> dep : deps) {
if (this.type.test(dep.first().toString()) &&
dep.second().equals(l2)) {
return true;
return false;
Iterator<IndexedWord> searchNodeIterator(final IndexedWord node, final SemanticGraph sg) {
return new SearchNodeIterator() {
Iterator<SemanticGraphEdge> iterator;
public void advance() {
if (node.equals(IndexedWord.NO_WORD)) {
next = null;
if (iterator == null) {
iterator = sg.outgoingEdgeIterator(node);
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
SemanticGraphEdge edge =;
relation = edge.getRelation().toString();
if (!type.test(relation)) {
} = edge.getTarget();
} = null;
// automatically generated by Eclipse
private static final long serialVersionUID = -7003148918274183951L;
// DEPENDENT graph relation: "<" ===============================================
static private class DEPENDENT extends GraphRelation {
DEPENDENT(String reln, String name) {
super("<", reln, name);
boolean satisfies(IndexedWord l1, IndexedWord l2, SemanticGraph sg) {
if (l1.equals(IndexedWord.NO_WORD) || l2.equals(IndexedWord.NO_WORD) )
return false;
List<Pair<GrammaticalRelation, IndexedWord>> govs = sg.parentPairs(l1);
for (Pair<GrammaticalRelation, IndexedWord> gov : govs) {
if (this.type.test(gov.first().toString()) &&
gov.second().equals(l2)) return true;
return false;
Iterator<IndexedWord> searchNodeIterator(final IndexedWord node, final SemanticGraph sg) {
return new SearchNodeIterator() {
int nextNum; // subtle bug warning here: if we use int nextNum=0;
// instead,
// we get the first daughter twice because the assignment occurs after
// advance() has already been
// called once by the constructor of SearchNodeIterator.
public void advance() {
if (node.equals(IndexedWord.NO_WORD)) {
next = null;
List<Pair<GrammaticalRelation, IndexedWord>> govs = sg.parentPairs(node);
while (nextNum < govs.size() && !type.test(govs.get(nextNum).first().toString())) {
if (nextNum < govs.size()) {
next = govs.get(nextNum).second();
relation = govs.get(nextNum).first().toString();
} else {
next = null;
// automatically generated by Eclipse
private static final long serialVersionUID = -5115389883698108694L;
static private class LIMITED_GRANDPARENT extends GraphRelation {
final int startDepth, endDepth;
LIMITED_GRANDPARENT(String reln, String name,
int startDepth, int endDepth) {
super(startDepth + "," + endDepth + ">>", reln, name);
this.startDepth = startDepth;
this.endDepth = endDepth;
boolean satisfies(IndexedWord l1, IndexedWord l2, SemanticGraph sg) {
if (l1.equals(IndexedWord.NO_WORD) || l2.equals(IndexedWord.NO_WORD) )
return false;
List<Set<IndexedWord>> usedNodes = new ArrayList<Set<IndexedWord>>();
for (int i = 0; i <= endDepth; ++i) {
return l1 != l2 && satisfyHelper(l1, l2, sg, 0, usedNodes);
private boolean satisfyHelper(IndexedWord parent,
IndexedWord l2,
SemanticGraph sg,
int depth,
List<Set<IndexedWord>> usedNodes) {
List<Pair<GrammaticalRelation, IndexedWord>> deps = sg.childPairs(parent);
if (depth + 1 > endDepth) {
return false;
if (depth + 1 >= startDepth) {
for (Pair<GrammaticalRelation, IndexedWord> dep : deps) {
if (this.type.test(dep.first().toString()) &&
dep.second().equals(l2)) return true;
for (Pair<GrammaticalRelation, IndexedWord> dep : deps) {
if ((usedNodes.size() < depth + 1 ||
!usedNodes.get(depth + 1).contains(dep.second())) &&
satisfyHelper(dep.second(), l2, sg, depth + 1, usedNodes))
return true;
return false;
Iterator<IndexedWord> searchNodeIterator(final IndexedWord node, final SemanticGraph sg) {
return new SearchNodeIterator() {
List<Stack<Pair<GrammaticalRelation, IndexedWord>>> searchStack;
List<Set<IndexedWord>> seenNodes;
Set<IndexedWord> returnedNodes;
int currentDepth;
public void initialize() {
if (node.equals(IndexedWord.NO_WORD)) {
next = null;
searchStack = Generics.newArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i <= endDepth; ++i) {
searchStack.add(new Stack<Pair<GrammaticalRelation, IndexedWord>>());
seenNodes = new ArrayList<Set<IndexedWord>>();
for (int i = 0; i <= endDepth; ++i) {
returnedNodes = Generics.newIdentityHashSet();
currentDepth = 1;
List<Pair<GrammaticalRelation, IndexedWord>> children = sg.childPairs(node);
for (int i = children.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (!searchStack.get(1).isEmpty()) {
void advance() {
if (node.equals(IndexedWord.NO_WORD)) {
next = null;
Pair<GrammaticalRelation, IndexedWord> nextPair;
while (currentDepth <= endDepth) {
Stack<Pair<GrammaticalRelation, IndexedWord>> thisStack = searchStack.get(currentDepth);
Set<IndexedWord> thisSeen = seenNodes.get(currentDepth);
Stack<Pair<GrammaticalRelation, IndexedWord>> nextStack;
Set<IndexedWord> nextSeen;
if (currentDepth < endDepth) {
nextStack = searchStack.get(currentDepth + 1);
nextSeen = seenNodes.get(currentDepth + 1);
} else {
nextStack = null;
nextSeen = null;
while (!thisStack.isEmpty()) {
nextPair = thisStack.pop();
if (thisSeen.contains(nextPair.second())) {
List<Pair<GrammaticalRelation, IndexedWord>> children =
for (int i = children.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (nextSeen != null &&
if (currentDepth >= startDepth &&
type.test(nextPair.first().toString()) &&
!returnedNodes.contains(nextPair.second())) {
next = nextPair.second();
relation = nextPair.first().toString();
// didn't see anything at this depth, move to the next depth
// oh well, fell through with no results
next = null;
// automatically generated by Eclipse
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* Factored out the common code from GRANDKID and GRANDPARENT
* <br>
* In general, the only differences are which ways to go on edges,
* so that is gotten through abstract methods
static private abstract class GRANDSOMETHING extends GraphRelation {
GRANDSOMETHING(String symbol, String reln, String name) {
super(symbol, reln, name);
abstract List<Pair<GrammaticalRelation, IndexedWord>> getNeighborPairs(SemanticGraph sg, IndexedWord node);
abstract Iterator<SemanticGraphEdge> neighborIterator(SemanticGraph sg, IndexedWord search);
abstract IndexedWord followEdge(SemanticGraphEdge edge);
boolean satisfies(IndexedWord l1, IndexedWord l2, SemanticGraph sg) {
return l1 != l2 && satisfyHelper(l1, l2, sg, Generics.<IndexedWord>newIdentityHashSet());
private boolean satisfyHelper(IndexedWord node, IndexedWord l2, SemanticGraph sg,
Set<IndexedWord> usedNodes) {
List<Pair<GrammaticalRelation, IndexedWord>> govs = getNeighborPairs(sg, node);
for (Pair<GrammaticalRelation, IndexedWord> gov : govs) {
if (this.type.test(gov.first().toString()) &&
gov.second().equals(l2)) return true;
for (Pair<GrammaticalRelation, IndexedWord> gov : govs) {
if (!usedNodes.contains(gov.second()) && satisfyHelper(gov.second(), l2, sg, usedNodes))
return true;
return false;
Iterator<IndexedWord> searchNodeIterator(final IndexedWord node, final SemanticGraph sg) {
return new SearchNodeIterator() {
Stack<IndexedWord> searchStack;
Set<IndexedWord> searchedNodes;
Set<IndexedWord> matchedNodes;
Iterator<SemanticGraphEdge> neighborIterator;
public void initialize() {
if (node.equals(IndexedWord.NO_WORD)) {
next = null;
neighborIterator = null;
searchedNodes = Generics.newIdentityHashSet();
matchedNodes = Generics.newIdentityHashSet();
searchStack = Generics.newStack();
void advance() {
if (node.equals(IndexedWord.NO_WORD)) {
next = null;
while (!searchStack.isEmpty()) {
if (neighborIterator == null || !neighborIterator.hasNext()) {
IndexedWord search = searchStack.pop();
neighborIterator = neighborIterator(sg, search);
while (neighborIterator.hasNext()) {
SemanticGraphEdge edge =;
IndexedWord otherEnd = followEdge(edge);
if (!searchedNodes.contains(otherEnd)) {
if (type.test(edge.getRelation().toString()) && !matchedNodes.contains(otherEnd)) {
next = otherEnd;
relation = edge.getRelation().toString();
// oh well, fell through with no results
next = null;
// automatically generated by Eclipse
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
// GRANDPARENT graph relation: ">>" ===========================================
static private class GRANDPARENT extends GRANDSOMETHING {
GRANDPARENT(String reln, String name) {
super(">>", reln, name);
List<Pair<GrammaticalRelation, IndexedWord>> getNeighborPairs(SemanticGraph sg, IndexedWord node) {
return sg.childPairs(node);
Iterator<SemanticGraphEdge> neighborIterator(SemanticGraph sg, IndexedWord search) {
return sg.outgoingEdgeIterator(search);
IndexedWord followEdge(SemanticGraphEdge edge) {
return edge.getTarget();
// automatically generated by Eclipse
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
// GRANDKID graph relation: "<<" ==============================================
static private class GRANDKID extends GRANDSOMETHING {
GRANDKID(String reln, String name) {
super("<<", reln, name);
List<Pair<GrammaticalRelation, IndexedWord>> getNeighborPairs(SemanticGraph sg, IndexedWord node) {
return sg.parentPairs(node);
Iterator<SemanticGraphEdge> neighborIterator(SemanticGraph sg, IndexedWord search) {
return sg.incomingEdgeIterator(search);
IndexedWord followEdge(SemanticGraphEdge edge) {
return edge.getSource();
// automatically generated by copying some other serialVersionUID
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
static private class LIMITED_GRANDKID extends GraphRelation {
final int startDepth, endDepth;
LIMITED_GRANDKID(String reln, String name,
int startDepth, int endDepth) {
super(startDepth + "," + endDepth + "<<", reln, name);
this.startDepth = startDepth;
this.endDepth = endDepth;
boolean satisfies(IndexedWord l1, IndexedWord l2, SemanticGraph sg) {
if (l1.equals(IndexedWord.NO_WORD) || l2.equals(IndexedWord.NO_WORD) )
return false;
List<Set<IndexedWord>> usedNodes = new ArrayList<Set<IndexedWord>>();
for (int i = 0; i <= endDepth; ++i) {
return l1 != l2 && satisfyHelper(l1, l2, sg, 0, usedNodes);
private boolean satisfyHelper(IndexedWord child,
IndexedWord l2,
SemanticGraph sg,
int depth,
List<Set<IndexedWord>> usedNodes) {
List<Pair<GrammaticalRelation, IndexedWord>> deps = sg.parentPairs(child);
if (depth + 1 > endDepth) {
return false;
if (depth + 1 >= startDepth) {
for (Pair<GrammaticalRelation, IndexedWord> dep : deps) {
if (this.type.test(dep.first().toString()) &&
dep.second().equals(l2)) return true;
for (Pair<GrammaticalRelation, IndexedWord> dep : deps) {
if ((usedNodes.size() < depth + 1 ||
!usedNodes.get(depth + 1).contains(dep.second())) &&
satisfyHelper(dep.second(), l2, sg, depth + 1, usedNodes))
return true;
return false;
Iterator<IndexedWord> searchNodeIterator(final IndexedWord node, final SemanticGraph sg) {
return new SearchNodeIterator() {
List<Stack<Pair<GrammaticalRelation, IndexedWord>>> searchStack;
List<Set<IndexedWord>> seenNodes;
Set<IndexedWord> returnedNodes;
int currentDepth;
public void initialize() {
if (node.equals(IndexedWord.NO_WORD)) {
next = null;
searchStack = Generics.newArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i <= endDepth; ++i) {
searchStack.add(new Stack<Pair<GrammaticalRelation, IndexedWord>>());
seenNodes = new ArrayList<Set<IndexedWord>>();
for (int i = 0; i <= endDepth; ++i) {
returnedNodes = Generics.newIdentityHashSet();
currentDepth = 1;
List<Pair<GrammaticalRelation, IndexedWord>> parents = sg.parentPairs(node);
for (int i = parents.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (!searchStack.get(1).isEmpty()) {
void advance() {
if (node.equals(IndexedWord.NO_WORD)) {
next = null;
Pair<GrammaticalRelation, IndexedWord> nextPair;
while (currentDepth <= endDepth) {
Stack<Pair<GrammaticalRelation, IndexedWord>> thisStack = searchStack.get(currentDepth);
Set<IndexedWord> thisSeen = seenNodes.get(currentDepth);
Stack<Pair<GrammaticalRelation, IndexedWord>> nextStack;
Set<IndexedWord> nextSeen;
if (currentDepth < endDepth) {
nextStack = searchStack.get(currentDepth + 1);
nextSeen = seenNodes.get(currentDepth + 1);
} else {
nextStack = null;
nextSeen = null;
while (!thisStack.isEmpty()) {
nextPair = thisStack.pop();
if (thisSeen.contains(nextPair.second())) {
List<Pair<GrammaticalRelation, IndexedWord>> parents =
for (int i = parents.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (nextSeen != null &&
if (currentDepth >= startDepth &&
type.test(nextPair.first().toString()) &&
!returnedNodes.contains(nextPair.second())) {
next = nextPair.second();
relation = nextPair.first().toString();
// didn't see anything at this depth, move to the next depth
// oh well, fell through with no results
next = null;
// automatically generated by Eclipse
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
static private class EQUALS extends GraphRelation {
EQUALS(String reln, String name) {
super("==", reln, name);
boolean satisfies(IndexedWord l1, IndexedWord l2, SemanticGraph sg) {
if (l1 == l2) {
return true;
return false;
Iterator<IndexedWord> searchNodeIterator(final IndexedWord node, final SemanticGraph sg) {
return new SearchNodeIterator() {
boolean alreadyIterated;
public void advance() {
if (node.equals(IndexedWord.NO_WORD)) {
next = null;
if (alreadyIterated) {
next = null;
alreadyIterated = true;
next = node;
// ============================================================================
public static boolean isKnownRelation(String reln) {
return (reln.equals(">") || reln.equals("<") ||
reln.equals(">>") || reln.equals("<<") ||
reln.equals("@") || reln.equals("=="));
public static GraphRelation getRelation(String reln,
String type,
String name) throws ParseException {
if (reln == null && type == null)
return null;
if (!isKnownRelation(reln)) {
throw new ParseException("Unknown relation " + reln);
switch (reln) {
case ">":
return new GOVERNER(type, name);
case "<":
return new DEPENDENT(type, name);
case ">>":
return new GRANDPARENT(type, name);
case "<<":
return new GRANDKID(type, name);
case "==":
return new EQUALS(type, name);
case "@":
return new ALIGNMENT();
throw new ParseException("Relation " + reln +
" not handled by getRelation");
public static GraphRelation getRelation(String reln,
String type,
int num,
String name) throws ParseException {
if (reln == null && type == null)
return null;
if (reln.equals(">>"))
return new LIMITED_GRANDPARENT(type, name, num, num);
else if (reln.equals("<<"))
return new LIMITED_GRANDKID(type, name, num, num);
else if (isKnownRelation(reln))
throw new ParseException("Relation " + reln +
" does not use numeric arguments");
else //error
throw new ParseException("Unrecognized compound relation " + reln + " "
+ type);
public static GraphRelation getRelation(String reln,
String type,
int num, int num2,
String name) throws ParseException {
if (reln == null && type == null)
return null;
if (reln.equals(">>"))
return new LIMITED_GRANDPARENT(type, name, num, num2);
else if (reln.equals("<<"))
return new LIMITED_GRANDKID(type, name, num, num2);
else if (isKnownRelation(reln))
throw new ParseException("Relation " + reln +
" does not use numeric arguments");
else //error
throw new ParseException("Unrecognized compound relation " + reln + " "
+ type);
public int hashCode() {
return symbol.hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (!(o instanceof GraphRelation)) {
return false;
final GraphRelation relation = (GraphRelation) o;
if (!symbol.equals(relation.symbol) ||
!type.equals(relation.type)) {
return false;
return true;
* This abstract Iterator implements a NULL iterator, but by subclassing and
* overriding advance and/or initialize, it is an efficient implementation.
static abstract class SearchNodeIterator implements Iterator<IndexedWord> {
public SearchNodeIterator() {
* This is the next node to be returned by the iterator, or null if there
* are no more items.
IndexedWord next = null;
* Current relation string for next;
String relation = null;
* This method must insure that next points to first item, or null if there
* are no items.
void initialize() {
* This method must insure that next points to next item, or null if there
* are no more items.
void advance() {
next = null;
public boolean hasNext() {
return next != null;
public IndexedWord next() {
if (next == null) {
return null;
IndexedWord ret = next;
return ret;
String getReln() {return relation;}
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("SearchNodeIterator does not support remove().");
// Automatically generated by Eclipse
private static final long serialVersionUID = -9128973950911993056L;