package edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline;
import edu.stanford.nlp.dcoref.CorefChain;
import edu.stanford.nlp.dcoref.Dictionaries;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotation;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.IndexedWord;
import edu.stanford.nlp.semgraph.SemanticGraph;
import edu.stanford.nlp.semgraph.SemanticGraphEdge;
import edu.stanford.nlp.sentiment.SentimentCoreAnnotations;
import edu.stanford.nlp.time.Timex;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.GrammaticalRelation;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.LabeledScoredTreeNode;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.*;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations.*;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.TreeCoreAnnotations.*;
import edu.stanford.nlp.semgraph.SemanticGraphCoreAnnotations.*;
import edu.stanford.nlp.dcoref.CorefCoreAnnotations.*;
import edu.stanford.nlp.time.TimeAnnotations.*;
import java.util.*;
* <p>
* A serializer using Google's protocol buffer format.
* The files produced by this serializer, in addition to being language-independent,
* are a little over 10% the size and 4x faster to read+write versus the default Java serialization
* (see {@link GenericAnnotationSerializer}), when both files are compressed with gzip.
* </p>
* <p>
* Note that this handles only a subset of the possible annotations
* that can be attached to a sentence. Nonetheless, it is guaranteed to be
* lossless with the default set of named annotators you can create from a
* {@link StanfordCoreNLP} pipeline, with default properties defined for each annotator.
* Note that the serializer does not gzip automatically -- this must be done by passing in a GZipOutputStream
* and calling a GZipInputStream manually. For most Annotations, gzipping provides a notable decrease in size (~2.5x)
* due to most of the data being raw Strings.
* </p>
* <p>
* To allow lossy serialization, use {@link ProtobufAnnotationSerializer#ProtobufAnnotationSerializer(boolean)}.
* Otherwise, an exception is thrown if an unknown key appears in the annotation which would not be saved to th
* protocol buffer.
* If such keys exist, and are a part of the standard CoreNLP pipeline, please let us know!
* If you would like to serialize keys in addition to those serialized by default (e.g., you are attaching
* your own annotations), then you should do the following:
* </p>
* <ol>
* <li>
* Create a .proto file which extends one or more of Document, Sentence, or Token. Each of these have fields
* 100-255 left open for user extensions. An example of such an extension is:
* <pre>
* package edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline;
* option java_package = "";
* option java_outer_classname = "MyAppProtos";
* import "CoreNLP.proto";
* extend Sentence {
* optional uint32 myNewField = 101;
* }
* </pre>
* </li>
* <li>
* Compile your .proto file with protoc. For example (from CORENLP_HOME):
* <pre>
* protoc -I=src/edu/stanford/nlp/pipeline/:/path/to/folder/contining/your/proto/file --java_out=/path/to/output/src/folder/ /path/to/proto/file
* </pre>
* </li>
* <li>
* <p>
* Extend {@link ProtobufAnnotationSerializer} to serialize and deserialize your field.
* Generally, this entail overriding two functions -- one to write the proto and one to read it.
* In both cases, you usually want to call the superclass' implementation of the function, and add on to it
* from there.
* In our running example, adding a field to the {@link CoreNLPProtos.Sentence} proto, you would overwrite:
* </p>
* <ul>
* <li>{@link ProtobufAnnotationSerializer#toProtoBuilder(edu.stanford.nlp.util.CoreMap, java.util.Set)}</li>
* <li>{@link ProtobufAnnotationSerializer#fromProtoNoTokens(edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.CoreNLPProtos.Sentence)}</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* Note, importantly, that for the serializer to be able to check for lossless serialization, all annotations added
* to the proto must be registered as added by being removed from the set passed to
* {@link ProtobufAnnotationSerializer#toProtoBuilder(edu.stanford.nlp.util.CoreMap, java.util.Set)} (and the analogous
* functions for documents and tokens).
* </p>
* <p>
* Lastly, the new annotations must be registered in the original .proto file; this can be achieved by including
* a static block in the overwritten class:
* </p>
* <pre>
* static {
* ExtensionRegistry registry = ExtensionRegistry.newInstance();
* registry.add(MyAppProtos.myNewField);
* CoreNLPProtos.registerAllExtensions(registry);
* }
* </pre>
* </li>
* </ol>
* @author Gabor Angeli
public class ProtobufAnnotationSerializer extends AnnotationSerializer {
/** A global lock; necessary since dependency tree creation is not threadsafe */
private static final Object globalLock = "I'm a lock :)";
* An exception to denote that the serialization would be lossy.
* This exception is thrown at serialization time.
* @see ProtobufAnnotationSerializer#enforceLosslessSerialization
* @see ProtobufAnnotationSerializer#ProtobufAnnotationSerializer(boolean)
public static class LossySerializationException extends RuntimeException {
private LossySerializationException(String msg) { super(msg); }
* If true, serialization is guaranteed to be lossless or else a runtime exception is thrown
* at serialization time.
public final boolean enforceLosslessSerialization;
* Create a new Annotation serializer outputting to a protocol buffer format.
* This is guaranteed to either be a lossless compression, or throw an exception at
* serialization time.
public ProtobufAnnotationSerializer() { this(true); }
* Create a new Annotation serializer outputting to a protocol buffer format.
* @param enforceLosslessSerialization If set to true, a {@link ProtobufAnnotationSerializer.LossySerializationException}
* is thrown at serialization
* time if the serialization would be lossy. If set to false,
* these exceptions are ignored.
public ProtobufAnnotationSerializer(boolean enforceLosslessSerialization) { this.enforceLosslessSerialization = enforceLosslessSerialization; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public OutputStream write(Annotation corpus, OutputStream os) throws IOException {
CoreNLPProtos.Document serialized = toProto(corpus);
return os;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Pair<Annotation, InputStream> read(InputStream is) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, ClassCastException {
CoreNLPProtos.Document doc = CoreNLPProtos.Document.parseDelimitedFrom(is);
return Pair.makePair( fromProto(doc), is );
* Read a single protocol buffer, which constitutes the entire stream.
* This is in contrast to the default, where mutliple buffers may come out of the stream,
* and therefore each one is prepended by the length of the buffer to follow.
* @param in The file to read.
* @return A parsed Annotation.
* @throws IOException In case the stream cannot be read from.
public Annotation readUndelimited(File in) throws IOException {
FileInputStream delimited = new FileInputStream(in);
FileInputStream undelimited = new FileInputStream(in);
CoreNLPProtos.Document doc;
try {
doc = CoreNLPProtos.Document.parseFrom(delimited);
} catch (Exception e) {
doc = CoreNLPProtos.Document.parseDelimitedFrom(undelimited);
} finally {
return fromProto(doc);
* Get a particular key from a CoreMap, registering it as being retrieved.
* @param map The CoreMap to retrieve the key from.
* @param keysToRegister A set of keys to remove this key from, representing to keys which should be retrieved by the serializer.
* @param key The key key to retrieve.
* @param <E> The class of the item which is being retrieved.
* @return CoreMap.get(key)
private static <E> E getAndRegister(CoreMap map, Set<Class<?>> keysToRegister, Class<? extends CoreAnnotation<E>> key) {
return map.get(key);
* Create a CoreLabel proto from a CoreLabel instance.
* This is not static, as it optionally throws an exception if the serialization is lossy.
* @param coreLabel The CoreLabel to convert
* @return A protocol buffer message corresponding to this CoreLabel
public CoreNLPProtos.Token toProto(CoreLabel coreLabel) {
Set<Class<?>> keysToSerialize = new HashSet<Class<?>>(coreLabel.keySet());
CoreNLPProtos.Token.Builder builder = toProtoBuilder(coreLabel, keysToSerialize);
// Completeness check
if (enforceLosslessSerialization && !keysToSerialize.isEmpty()) {
throw new LossySerializationException("Keys are not being serialized: " + StringUtils.join(keysToSerialize));
* <p>
* The method to extend by subclasses of the Protobuf Annotator if custom additions are added to Tokens.
* In contrast to {@link ProtobufAnnotationSerializer#toProto(edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel)}, this function
* returns a builder that can be extended.
* </p>
* @param coreLabel The sentence to save to a protocol buffer
* @param keysToSerialize A set tracking which keys have been saved. It's important to remove any keys added to the proto
* from this set, as the code tracks annotations to ensure lossless serializationA set tracking which keys have been saved. It's important to remove any keys added to the proto*
* from this set, as the code tracks annotations to ensure lossless serialization.
protected CoreNLPProtos.Token.Builder toProtoBuilder(CoreLabel coreLabel, Set<Class<?>> keysToSerialize) {
CoreNLPProtos.Token.Builder builder = CoreNLPProtos.Token.newBuilder();
// Remove items serialized elsewhere from the required list
// Remove items populated by number normalizer
// Remove items which were never supposed to be there in the first place
// Required fields
// Optional fields
if (coreLabel.tag() != null) { builder.setPos(coreLabel.tag()); keysToSerialize.remove(PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class); }
if (coreLabel.value() != null) { builder.setValue(coreLabel.value()); keysToSerialize.remove(ValueAnnotation.class); }
if (coreLabel.category() != null) { builder.setCategory(coreLabel.category()); keysToSerialize.remove(CategoryAnnotation.class); }
if (coreLabel.before() != null) { builder.setBefore(coreLabel.before()); keysToSerialize.remove(BeforeAnnotation.class); }
if (coreLabel.after() != null) { builder.setAfter(coreLabel.after()); keysToSerialize.remove(AfterAnnotation.class); }
if (coreLabel.originalText() != null) { builder.setOriginalText(coreLabel.originalText()); keysToSerialize.remove(OriginalTextAnnotation.class); }
if (coreLabel.ner() != null) { builder.setNer(coreLabel.ner()); keysToSerialize.remove(NamedEntityTagAnnotation.class); }
if (coreLabel.beginPosition() >= 0) { builder.setBeginChar(coreLabel.beginPosition()); keysToSerialize.remove(CharacterOffsetBeginAnnotation.class); }
if (coreLabel.endPosition() >= 0) { builder.setEndChar(coreLabel.endPosition()); keysToSerialize.remove(CharacterOffsetEndAnnotation.class); }
if (coreLabel.lemma() != null) { builder.setLemma(coreLabel.lemma()); keysToSerialize.remove(LemmaAnnotation.class); }
if (coreLabel.containsKey(UtteranceAnnotation.class)) { builder.setUtterance(getAndRegister(coreLabel, keysToSerialize, UtteranceAnnotation.class)); }
if (coreLabel.containsKey(SpeakerAnnotation.class)) { builder.setSpeaker(getAndRegister(coreLabel, keysToSerialize, SpeakerAnnotation.class)); }
if (coreLabel.containsKey(BeginIndexAnnotation.class)) { builder.setBeginIndex(getAndRegister(coreLabel, keysToSerialize, BeginIndexAnnotation.class)); }
if (coreLabel.containsKey(EndIndexAnnotation.class)) { builder.setEndIndex(getAndRegister(coreLabel, keysToSerialize, EndIndexAnnotation.class)); }
if (coreLabel.containsKey(TokenBeginAnnotation.class)) { builder.setTokenBeginIndex(getAndRegister(coreLabel, keysToSerialize, TokenBeginAnnotation.class)); }
if (coreLabel.containsKey(TokenEndAnnotation.class)) { builder.setTokenEndIndex(getAndRegister(coreLabel, keysToSerialize, TokenEndAnnotation.class)); }
if (getAndRegister(coreLabel, keysToSerialize, NormalizedNamedEntityTagAnnotation.class) != null) { builder.setNormalizedNER(getAndRegister(coreLabel, keysToSerialize, NormalizedNamedEntityTagAnnotation.class)); }
if (coreLabel.containsKey(TimexAnnotation.class)) { builder.setTimexValue(toProto(getAndRegister(coreLabel, keysToSerialize, TimexAnnotation.class))); }
if (coreLabel.containsKey(AnswerAnnotation.class)) { builder.setAnswer(getAndRegister(coreLabel, keysToSerialize, AnswerAnnotation.class)); }
if (coreLabel.containsKey(XmlContextAnnotation.class)) {
builder.addAllXmlContext(getAndRegister(coreLabel, keysToSerialize, XmlContextAnnotation.class));
} else {
if (coreLabel.containsKey(CorefClusterIdAnnotation.class)) { builder.setCorefClusterID(getAndRegister(coreLabel, keysToSerialize, CorefClusterIdAnnotation.class)); }
// Non-default annotators
if (getAndRegister(coreLabel, keysToSerialize, GenderAnnotation.class) != null) { builder.setGender(getAndRegister(coreLabel, keysToSerialize, GenderAnnotation.class)); }
if (coreLabel.containsKey(TrueCaseAnnotation.class)) { builder.setTrueCase(getAndRegister(coreLabel, keysToSerialize, TrueCaseAnnotation.class)); }
if (coreLabel.containsKey(TrueCaseTextAnnotation.class)) { builder.setTrueCaseText(getAndRegister(coreLabel, keysToSerialize, TrueCaseTextAnnotation.class)); }
// Return
return builder;
* Create a Sentence proto from a CoreMap instance.
* This is not static, as it optionally throws an exception if the serialization is lossy.
* @param sentence The CoreMap to convert. Note that it should not be a CoreLabel or an Annotation,
* and should represent a sentence.
* @return A protocol buffer message corresponding to this sentence
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the sentence is not a valid sentence (e.g., is a document or a word).
public CoreNLPProtos.Sentence toProto(CoreMap sentence) {
Set<Class<?>> keysToSerialize = new HashSet<Class<?>>(sentence.keySet());
CoreNLPProtos.Sentence.Builder builder = toProtoBuilder(sentence, keysToSerialize);
// Completeness check
if (enforceLosslessSerialization && !keysToSerialize.isEmpty()) {
throw new LossySerializationException("Keys are not being serialized: " + StringUtils.join(keysToSerialize));
* <p>
* The method to extend by subclasses of the Protobuf Annotator if custom additions are added to Tokens.
* In contrast to {@link ProtobufAnnotationSerializer#toProto(edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel)}, this function
* returns a builder that can be extended.
* </p>
* @param sentence The sentence to save to a protocol buffer
* @param keysToSerialize A set tracking which keys have been saved. It's important to remove any keys added to the proto
* from this set, as the code tracks annotations to ensure lossless serializationA set tracking which keys have been saved. It's important to remove any keys added to the proto*
* from this set, as the code tracks annotations to ensure lossless serialization.
protected CoreNLPProtos.Sentence.Builder toProtoBuilder(CoreMap sentence, Set<Class<?>> keysToSerialize) {
// Error checks
if (sentence instanceof CoreLabel) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("CoreMap is actually a CoreLabel"); }
CoreNLPProtos.Sentence.Builder builder = CoreNLPProtos.Sentence.newBuilder();
// Remove items serialized elsewhere from the required list
// Required fields
builder.setTokenOffsetBegin(getAndRegister(sentence, keysToSerialize, TokenBeginAnnotation.class));
builder.setTokenOffsetEnd(getAndRegister(sentence, keysToSerialize, TokenEndAnnotation.class));
// Tokens
if (sentence.containsKey(TokensAnnotation.class)) {
for (CoreLabel tok : sentence.get(TokensAnnotation.class)) { builder.addToken(toProto(tok)); }
// Optional fields
if (sentence.containsKey(SentenceIndexAnnotation.class)) { builder.setSentenceIndex(getAndRegister(sentence, keysToSerialize, SentenceIndexAnnotation.class)); }
if (sentence.containsKey(CharacterOffsetBeginAnnotation.class)) { builder.setCharacterOffsetBegin(getAndRegister(sentence, keysToSerialize, CharacterOffsetBeginAnnotation.class)); }
if (sentence.containsKey(CharacterOffsetEndAnnotation.class)) { builder.setCharacterOffsetEnd(getAndRegister(sentence, keysToSerialize, CharacterOffsetEndAnnotation.class)); }
if (sentence.containsKey(TreeAnnotation.class)) { builder.setParseTree(toProto(getAndRegister(sentence, keysToSerialize, TreeAnnotation.class))); }
if (sentence.containsKey(BinarizedTreeAnnotation.class)) { builder.setBinarizedParseTree(toProto(getAndRegister(sentence, keysToSerialize, BinarizedTreeAnnotation.class))); }
if (sentence.containsKey(SentimentCoreAnnotations.AnnotatedTree.class)) { builder.setAnnotatedParseTree(toProto(getAndRegister(sentence, keysToSerialize, SentimentCoreAnnotations.AnnotatedTree.class))); }
if (sentence.containsKey(SentimentCoreAnnotations.ClassName.class)) { builder.setSentiment(getAndRegister(sentence, keysToSerialize, SentimentCoreAnnotations.ClassName.class)); }
if (sentence.containsKey(BasicDependenciesAnnotation.class)) { builder.setBasicDependencies(toProto(getAndRegister(sentence, keysToSerialize, BasicDependenciesAnnotation.class))); }
if (sentence.containsKey(CollapsedDependenciesAnnotation.class)) { builder.setCollapsedDependencies(toProto(getAndRegister(sentence, keysToSerialize, CollapsedDependenciesAnnotation.class))); }
if (sentence.containsKey(CollapsedCCProcessedDependenciesAnnotation.class)) { builder.setCollapsedCCProcessedDependencies(toProto(getAndRegister(sentence, keysToSerialize, CollapsedCCProcessedDependenciesAnnotation.class))); }
if (sentence.containsKey(TokensAnnotation.class) && getAndRegister(sentence, keysToSerialize, TokensAnnotation.class).size() > 0 &&
getAndRegister(sentence, keysToSerialize, TokensAnnotation.class).get(0).containsKey(ParagraphAnnotation.class)) {
builder.setParagraph(getAndRegister(sentence, keysToSerialize, TokensAnnotation.class).get(0).get(ParagraphAnnotation.class));
if (sentence.containsKey(NumerizedTokensAnnotation.class)) { builder.setHasNumerizedTokensAnnotation(true); } else { builder.setHasNumerizedTokensAnnotation(false); }
// Non-default annotators
if (sentence.containsKey(EntityMentionsAnnotation.class)) {
for (EntityMention entity : getAndRegister(sentence, keysToSerialize, EntityMentionsAnnotation.class)) {
} else {
if (sentence.containsKey(RelationMentionsAnnotation.class)) {
if (!builder.getHasRelationAnnotations()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Registered entity mentions without relation mentions"); }
for (RelationMention relation : getAndRegister(sentence, keysToSerialize, RelationMentionsAnnotation.class)) {
// Return
return builder;
* Create a Document proto from a CoreMap instance.
* This is not static, as it optionally throws an exception if the serialization is lossy.
* @param doc The Annotation to convert.
* @return A protocol buffer message corresponding to this document
public CoreNLPProtos.Document toProto(Annotation doc) {
Set<Class<?>> keysToSerialize = new HashSet<Class<?>>(doc.keySet());
keysToSerialize.remove(TokensAnnotation.class); // note(gabor): tokens are saved in the sentence
CoreNLPProtos.Document.Builder builder = toProtoBuilder(doc, keysToSerialize);
// Completeness Check
if (enforceLosslessSerialization && !keysToSerialize.isEmpty()) {
throw new LossySerializationException("Keys are not being serialized: " + StringUtils.join(keysToSerialize));
* <p>
* The method to extend by subclasses of the Protobuf Annotator if custom additions are added to Tokens.
* In contrast to {@link ProtobufAnnotationSerializer#toProto(edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel)}, this function
* returns a builder that can be extended.
* </p>
* @param doc The sentence to save to a protocol buffer
* @param keysToSerialize A set tracking which keys have been saved. It's important to remove any keys added to the proto
* from this set, as the code tracks annotations to ensure lossless serializationA set tracking which keys have been saved. It's important to remove any keys added to the proto*
* from this set, as the code tracks annotations to ensure lossless serialization.
protected CoreNLPProtos.Document.Builder toProtoBuilder(Annotation doc, Set<Class<?>> keysToSerialize) {
CoreNLPProtos.Document.Builder builder = CoreNLPProtos.Document.newBuilder();
// Required fields
// Optional fields
if (doc.containsKey(SentencesAnnotation.class)) {
for (CoreMap sentence : doc.get(SentencesAnnotation.class)) { builder.addSentence(toProto(sentence)); }
} else if (doc.containsKey(TokensAnnotation.class)) {
for (CoreLabel token : doc.get(TokensAnnotation.class)) { builder.addSentencelessToken(toProto(token)); }
if (doc.containsKey(DocIDAnnotation.class)) {
if (doc.containsKey(CorefChainAnnotation.class)) {
for (Map.Entry<Integer, CorefChain> chain : doc.get(CorefChainAnnotation.class).entrySet()) {
// Return
return builder;
* Create a ParseTree proto from a Tree. If the Tree is a scored tree, the scores will
* be preserved.
* @param parseTree The parse tree to convert.
* @return A protocol buffer message corresponding to this tree.
public CoreNLPProtos.ParseTree toProto(Tree parseTree) {
CoreNLPProtos.ParseTree.Builder builder = CoreNLPProtos.ParseTree.newBuilder();
// Required fields
for (Tree child : parseTree.children()) { builder.addChild(toProto(child)); }
// Optional fields
IntPair span = parseTree.getSpan();
if (span != null) {
if (parseTree.label() != null) {
if (!Double.isNaN(parseTree.score())) {
// Return
* Create a compact representation of the semantic graph for this dependency parse.
* @param graph The dependency graph to save.
* @return A protocol buffer message corresponding to this parse.
public CoreNLPProtos.DependencyGraph toProto(SemanticGraph graph) {
CoreNLPProtos.DependencyGraph.Builder builder = CoreNLPProtos.DependencyGraph.newBuilder();
// Roots
Set<Integer> rootSet = new IdentityHashSet<>();
for (IndexedWord root : graph.getRoots()) {
// Nodes
for (IndexedWord node : graph.vertexSet()) {
// Register node
CoreNLPProtos.DependencyGraph.Node.Builder nodeBuilder = CoreNLPProtos.DependencyGraph.Node.newBuilder()
if (node.containsKey(CopyAnnotation.class)) {
// Register root
if (rootSet.contains(node.index())) {
// Edges
for (SemanticGraphEdge edge : graph.edgeIterable()) {
// Set edge
// Return
* Create a CorefChain protocol buffer from the given coref chain.
* @param chain The coref chain to convert.
* @return A protocol buffer message corresponding to this chain.
public CoreNLPProtos.CorefChain toProto(CorefChain chain) {
CoreNLPProtos.CorefChain.Builder builder = CoreNLPProtos.CorefChain.newBuilder();
// Set ID
// Set mentions
Map<CorefChain.CorefMention, Integer> mentionToIndex = new IdentityHashMap<CorefChain.CorefMention, Integer>();
for (Map.Entry<IntPair, Set<CorefChain.CorefMention>> entry : chain.getMentionMap().entrySet()) {
for (CorefChain.CorefMention mention : entry.getValue()) {
mentionToIndex.put(mention, mentionToIndex.size());
.setStartIndex(mention.startIndex - 1)
.setEndIndex(mention.endIndex - 1)
.setHeadIndex(mention.headIndex - 1)
.setSentenceIndex(mention.sentNum - 1)
.setPosition(mention.position.get(1)) );
// Set representative mention
builder.setRepresentative( mentionToIndex.get(chain.getRepresentativeMention()) );
// Return
* Convert the given Timex object to a protocol buffer.
* @param timex The timex to convert.
* @return A protocol buffer corresponding to this Timex object.
public CoreNLPProtos.Timex toProto(Timex timex) {
CoreNLPProtos.Timex.Builder builder = CoreNLPProtos.Timex.newBuilder();
if (timex.value() != null) { builder.setValue(timex.value()); }
if (timex.altVal() != null) { builder.setAltValue(timex.altVal()); }
if (timex.text() != null) { builder.setText(timex.text()); }
if (timex.timexType() != null) { builder.setType(timex.timexType()); }
if (timex.tid() != null) { builder.setTid(timex.tid()); }
if (timex.beginPoint() >= 0) { builder.setBeginPoint(timex.beginPoint()); }
if (timex.endPoint() >= 0) { builder.setEndPoint(timex.endPoint()); }
* Serialize the given entity mention to the corresponding protocol buffer.
* @param ent The entity mention to serialize.
* @return A protocol buffer corresponding to the serialized entity mention.
public CoreNLPProtos.Entity toProto(EntityMention ent) {
CoreNLPProtos.Entity.Builder builder = CoreNLPProtos.Entity.newBuilder();
// From ExtractionObject
if (ent.getObjectId() != null) { builder.setObjectID(ent.getObjectId()); }
if (ent.getExtent() != null) { builder.setExtentStart(ent.getExtent().start()).setExtentEnd(ent.getExtent().end()); }
if (ent.getType() != null) { builder.setType(ent.getType()); }
if (ent.getSubType() != null) { builder.setSubtype(ent.getSubType()); }
// From Entity
if (ent.getHead() != null) { builder.setHeadStart(ent.getHead().start()); builder.setHeadEnd(ent.getHead().end()); }
if (ent.getMentionType() != null) { builder.setMentionType(ent.getMentionType()); }
if (ent.getNormalizedName() != null) { builder.setNormalizedName(ent.getNormalizedName()); }
if (ent.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition() >= 0) { builder.setHeadTokenIndex(ent.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition()); }
if (ent.getCorefID() != null) { builder.setCorefID(ent.getCorefID()); }
// Return
* Serialize the given relation mention to the corresponding protocol buffer.
* @param rel The relation mention to serialize.
* @return A protocol buffer corresponding to the serialized relation mention.
public CoreNLPProtos.Relation toProto(RelationMention rel) {
CoreNLPProtos.Relation.Builder builder = CoreNLPProtos.Relation.newBuilder();
// From ExtractionObject
if (rel.getObjectId() != null) { builder.setObjectID(rel.getObjectId()); }
if (rel.getExtent() != null) { builder.setExtentStart(rel.getExtent().start()).setExtentEnd(rel.getExtent().end()); }
if (rel.getType() != null) { builder.setType(rel.getType()); }
if (rel.getSubType() != null) { builder.setSubtype(rel.getSubType()); }
// From Relation
if (rel.getArgNames() != null) { for (String name : rel.getArgNames()) { builder.addArgName(name); } }
if (rel.getArgs() != null) { for (ExtractionObject arg : rel.getArgs()) { builder.addArg(toProto((EntityMention) arg)); } }
// Return
* Serialize a CoreNLP Language to a Protobuf Language.
* @param lang The language to serialize.
* @return The language in a Protobuf enum.
public static CoreNLPProtos.Language toProto(Languages.Language lang) {
switch (lang) {
case Arabic:
return CoreNLPProtos.Language.Arabic;
case Chinese:
return CoreNLPProtos.Language.Chinese;
case English:
return CoreNLPProtos.Language.English;
case German:
return CoreNLPProtos.Language.German;
case French:
return CoreNLPProtos.Language.French;
case Hebrew:
return CoreNLPProtos.Language.Hebrew;
case Spanish:
return CoreNLPProtos.Language.Spanish;
case Unknown:
return CoreNLPProtos.Language.Unknown;
throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown language: " + lang);
* Create a CoreLabel from its serialized counterpart.
* Note that this is, by itself, a lossy operation. Fields like the docid (sentence index, etc.) are only known
* from the enclosing document, and are not tracked in the protobuf.
* @param proto The serialized protobuf to read the CoreLabel from.
* @return A CoreLabel, missing the fields that are not stored in the CoreLabel protobuf.
public CoreLabel fromProto(CoreNLPProtos.Token proto) {
CoreLabel word = new CoreLabel();
// Required fields
// Optional fields
if (proto.hasPos()) { word.setTag(proto.getPos()); }
if (proto.hasValue()) { word.setValue(proto.getValue()); }
if (proto.hasCategory()) { word.setCategory(proto.getCategory()); }
if (proto.hasBefore()) { word.setBefore(proto.getBefore()); }
if (proto.hasAfter()) { word.setAfter(proto.getAfter()); }
if (proto.hasOriginalText()) { word.setOriginalText(proto.getOriginalText()); }
if (proto.hasNer()) { word.setNER(proto.getNer()); }
if (proto.hasLemma()) { word.setLemma(proto.getLemma()); }
if (proto.hasBeginChar()) { word.setBeginPosition(proto.getBeginChar()); }
if (proto.hasEndChar()) { word.setEndPosition(proto.getEndChar()); }
if (proto.hasSpeaker()) { word.set(SpeakerAnnotation.class, proto.getSpeaker()); }
if (proto.hasUtterance()) { word.set(UtteranceAnnotation.class, proto.getUtterance()); }
if (proto.hasBeginIndex()) { word.set(BeginIndexAnnotation.class, proto.getBeginIndex()); }
if (proto.hasEndIndex()) { word.set(EndIndexAnnotation.class, proto.getEndIndex()); }
if (proto.hasTokenBeginIndex()) { word.set(TokenBeginAnnotation.class, proto.getTokenBeginIndex()); }
if (proto.hasTokenEndIndex()) { word.set(TokenEndAnnotation.class, proto.getTokenEndIndex()); }
if (proto.hasNormalizedNER()) { word.set(NormalizedNamedEntityTagAnnotation.class, proto.getNormalizedNER()); }
if (proto.hasTimexValue()) { word.set(TimexAnnotation.class, fromProto(proto.getTimexValue())); }
if (proto.hasHasXmlContext() && proto.getHasXmlContext()) { word.set(XmlContextAnnotation.class, proto.getXmlContextList()); }
if (proto.hasCorefClusterID()) { word.set(CorefClusterIdAnnotation.class, proto.getCorefClusterID()); }
if (proto.hasAnswer()) { word.set(AnswerAnnotation.class, proto.getAnswer()); }
// Non-default annotators
if (proto.hasGender()) { word.set(GenderAnnotation.class, proto.getGender()); }
if (proto.hasTrueCase()) { word.set(TrueCaseAnnotation.class, proto.getTrueCase()); }
if (proto.hasTrueCaseText()) { word.set(TrueCaseTextAnnotation.class, proto.getTrueCaseText()); }
// Return
return word;
* Create a CoreMap representing a sentence from this protocol buffer.
* This should not be used if you are reading a whole document, as it populates the tokens independent of the
* document tokens, which is not the behavior an {@link edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.Annotation} expects.
* @param proto The protocol buffer to read from.
* @return A CoreMap representing the sentence.
public CoreMap fromProto(CoreNLPProtos.Sentence proto) {
CoreMap lossySentence = fromProtoNoTokens(proto);
// Add tokens -- missing by default as they're populated as sublists of the
// document tokens
List<CoreLabel> tokens = new ArrayList<CoreLabel>();
for (CoreNLPProtos.Token token : proto.getTokenList()) {
lossySentence.set(TokensAnnotation.class, tokens);
// Add text -- missing by default as it's populated from the Document
lossySentence.set(TextAnnotation.class, recoverOriginalText(tokens, proto));
// Return
return lossySentence;
* Create a CoreMap representing a sentence from this protocol buffer.
* Note that the sentence is very lossy -- most glaringly, the tokens are missing, awaiting a document
* to be filled in from.
* @param proto The serialized protobuf to read the sentence from.
* @return A CoreMap, representing a sentence as stored in the protocol buffer (and therefore missing some fields)
protected CoreMap fromProtoNoTokens(CoreNLPProtos.Sentence proto) {
CoreMap sentence = new ArrayCoreMap();
// Required fields
sentence.set(TokenBeginAnnotation.class, proto.getTokenOffsetBegin());
sentence.set(TokenEndAnnotation.class, proto.getTokenOffsetEnd());
// Optional fields
if (proto.hasSentenceIndex()) { sentence.set(SentenceIndexAnnotation.class, proto.getSentenceIndex()); }
if (proto.hasCharacterOffsetBegin()) { sentence.set(CharacterOffsetBeginAnnotation.class, proto.getCharacterOffsetBegin()); }
if (proto.hasCharacterOffsetEnd()) { sentence.set(CharacterOffsetEndAnnotation.class, proto.getCharacterOffsetEnd()); }
if (proto.hasParseTree()) { sentence.set(TreeAnnotation.class, fromProto(proto.getParseTree())); }
if (proto.hasBinarizedParseTree()) { sentence.set(BinarizedTreeAnnotation.class, fromProto(proto.getBinarizedParseTree())); }
if (proto.hasAnnotatedParseTree()) { sentence.set(SentimentCoreAnnotations.AnnotatedTree.class, fromProto(proto.getAnnotatedParseTree())); }
if (proto.hasSentiment()) { sentence.set(SentimentCoreAnnotations.ClassName.class, proto.getSentiment()); }
// Non-default fields
if (proto.hasHasRelationAnnotations() && proto.getHasRelationAnnotations()) {
// set entities
List<EntityMention> entities = new ArrayList<EntityMention>();
for (CoreNLPProtos.Entity entity : proto.getEntityList()) { entities.add(fromProto(entity, sentence)); }
sentence.set(EntityMentionsAnnotation.class, entities);
// set relations
List<RelationMention> relations = new ArrayList<RelationMention>();
for (CoreNLPProtos.Relation relation : proto.getRelationList()) { relations.add(fromProto(relation, sentence)); }
sentence.set(RelationMentionsAnnotation.class, relations);
// Return
return sentence;
* Returns a complete document, intended to mimic a document passes as input to
* {@link ProtobufAnnotationSerializer#toProto(Annotation)} as closely as possible.
* That is, most common fields are serialized, but there is not guarantee that custom additions
* will be saved and retrieved.
* @param proto The protocol buffer to read the document from.
* @return An Annotation corresponding to the read protobuf.
public Annotation fromProto(CoreNLPProtos.Document proto) {
// Set text
Annotation ann = new Annotation(proto.getText());
// Add tokens
List<CoreLabel> tokens = new ArrayList<CoreLabel>();
if (proto.getSentenceCount() > 0) {
// Populate the tokens from the sentence
for (CoreNLPProtos.Sentence sentence : proto.getSentenceList()) {
// It's conceivable that the sentences are not contiguous -- pad this with nulls
while (sentence.hasTokenOffsetBegin() && tokens.size() < sentence.getTokenOffsetBegin()) {
// Read the sentence
for (CoreNLPProtos.Token token : sentence.getTokenList()) {
CoreLabel coreLabel = fromProto(token);
// Set docid
if (proto.hasDocID()) { coreLabel.setDocID(proto.getDocID()); }
if (token.hasTokenBeginIndex() && token.hasTokenEndIndex()) {
// This is usually true, if enough annotators are defined
while (tokens.size() < sentence.getTokenOffsetEnd()) {
for (int i = token.getTokenBeginIndex(); i < token.getTokenEndIndex(); ++i) {
tokens.set(token.getTokenBeginIndex(), coreLabel);
} else {
// Assume this token spans a single token, and just add it to the tokens list
} else if (proto.getSentencelessTokenCount() > 0) {
// Eek -- no sentences. Try to recover tokens directly
if (proto.getSentencelessTokenCount() > 0) {
for (CoreNLPProtos.Token token : proto.getSentencelessTokenList()) {
CoreLabel coreLabel = fromProto(token);
// Set docid
if (proto.hasDocID()) { coreLabel.setDocID(proto.getDocID()); }
if (!tokens.isEmpty()) { ann.set(TokensAnnotation.class, tokens); }
// Add sentences
List<CoreMap> sentences = new ArrayList<CoreMap>(proto.getSentenceCount());
for (int sentIndex = 0; sentIndex < proto.getSentenceCount(); ++sentIndex) {
CoreNLPProtos.Sentence sentence = proto.getSentence(sentIndex);
CoreMap map = fromProtoNoTokens(sentence);
if (!tokens.isEmpty() && sentence.hasTokenOffsetBegin() && sentence.hasTokenOffsetEnd() &&
map.get(TokensAnnotation.class) == null) {
// Set tokens for sentence
int tokenBegin = sentence.getTokenOffsetBegin();
int tokenEnd = sentence.getTokenOffsetEnd();
assert tokenBegin <= tokens.size() && tokenBegin <= tokenEnd;
assert tokenEnd <= tokens.size();
map.set(TokensAnnotation.class, tokens.subList(tokenBegin, tokenEnd));
// Set sentence index + token index + paragraph index
for (int i = tokenBegin; i < tokenEnd; ++i) {
tokens.get(i).setIndex(i - sentence.getTokenOffsetBegin() + 1);
if (sentence.hasParagraph()) { tokens.get(i).set(ParagraphAnnotation.class, sentence.getParagraph()); }
// Set text
int characterBegin = sentence.getCharacterOffsetBegin();
int characterEnd = sentence.getCharacterOffsetEnd();
if (characterEnd <= proto.getText().length()) {
// The usual case -- get the text from the document text
map.set(TextAnnotation.class, proto.getText().substring(characterBegin, characterEnd));
} else {
// The document text is wrong -- guess the text from the tokens
map.set(TextAnnotation.class, recoverOriginalText(tokens.subList(tokenBegin, tokenEnd), sentence));
// End iteration
if (!sentences.isEmpty()) { ann.set(SentencesAnnotation.class, sentences); }
// Set DocID
String docid = null;
if (proto.hasDocID()) {
docid = proto.getDocID();
ann.set(DocIDAnnotation.class, docid);
// Set coref chain
Map<Integer, CorefChain> corefChains = new HashMap<Integer, CorefChain>();
for (CoreNLPProtos.CorefChain chainProto : proto.getCorefChainList()) {
CorefChain chain = fromProto(chainProto, ann);
corefChains.put(chain.getChainID(), chain);
if (!corefChains.isEmpty()) { ann.set(CorefChainAnnotation.class, corefChains); }
// Set dependency graphs
// We need to wait until here, since this is the first time we see tokens
for (int i = 0; i < proto.getSentenceCount(); ++i) {
CoreNLPProtos.Sentence sentence = proto.getSentenceList().get(i);
CoreMap map = sentences.get(i);
List<CoreLabel> sentenceTokens = map.get(TokensAnnotation.class);
if (sentence.hasBasicDependencies()) {
map.set(BasicDependenciesAnnotation.class, fromProto(sentence.getBasicDependencies(), sentenceTokens, docid));
if (sentence.hasCollapsedDependencies()) {
map.set(CollapsedDependenciesAnnotation.class, fromProto(sentence.getCollapsedDependencies(), sentenceTokens, docid));
if (sentence.hasCollapsedCCProcessedDependencies()) {
map.set(CollapsedCCProcessedDependenciesAnnotation.class, fromProto(sentence.getCollapsedCCProcessedDependencies(), sentenceTokens, docid));
// Redo some light annotation
if ( map.containsKey(TokensAnnotation.class) &&
(!sentence.hasHasNumerizedTokensAnnotation() || sentence.getHasNumerizedTokensAnnotation())) {
map.set(NumerizedTokensAnnotation.class, NumberNormalizer.findAndMergeNumbers(map));
// Return
return ann;
* Retrieve a Tree object from a saved protobuf.
* This is not intended to be used on its own, but it is safe (lossless) to do so and therefore it is
* left visible.
* @param proto The serialized tree.
* @return A Tree object corresponding to the saved tree. This will always be a {@link LabeledScoredTreeNode}.
public Tree fromProto(CoreNLPProtos.ParseTree proto) {
LabeledScoredTreeNode node = new LabeledScoredTreeNode();
// Set label
if (proto.hasValue()) {
CoreLabel value = new CoreLabel();
// Set span
if (proto.hasYieldBeginIndex() && proto.hasYieldEndIndex()) {
IntPair span = new IntPair(proto.getYieldBeginIndex(), proto.getYieldEndIndex());
value.set(SpanAnnotation.class, span);
// Set score
if (proto.hasScore()) { node.setScore(proto.getScore()); }
// Set children
Tree[] children = new LabeledScoredTreeNode[proto.getChildCount()];
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) {
children[i] = fromProto(proto.getChild(i));
// Return
return node;
public static Languages.Language fromProto(CoreNLPProtos.Language lang) {
switch (lang) {
case Arabic:
return Languages.Language.Arabic;
case Chinese:
return Languages.Language.Chinese;
case English:
return Languages.Language.English;
case German:
return Languages.Language.German;
case French:
return Languages.Language.French;
case Hebrew:
return Languages.Language.Hebrew;
case Spanish:
return Languages.Language.Spanish;
case Unknown:
return Languages.Language.Unknown;
throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown language: " + lang);
* Voodoo magic to convert a serialized dependency graph into a {@link SemanticGraph}.
* This method is intended to be called only from the {@link ProtobufAnnotationSerializer#fromProto(CoreNLPProtos.Document)}
* method.
* @param proto The serialized representation of the graph. This relies heavily on indexing into the original document.
* @param sentence The raw sentence that this graph was saved from must be provided, as it is not saved in the serialized
* representation.
* @param docid A docid must be supplied, as it is not saved by the serialized representation.
* @return A semantic graph corresponding to the saved object, on the provided sentence.
private SemanticGraph fromProto(CoreNLPProtos.DependencyGraph proto, List<CoreLabel> sentence, String docid) {
SemanticGraph graph = new SemanticGraph();
// first construct the actual nodes; keep them indexed by their index
// This block is optimized as one of the places which take noticeable time
// in datum caching
int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
for(CoreNLPProtos.DependencyGraph.Node in: proto.getNodeList()){
min = in.getIndex() < min ? in.getIndex() : min;
max = in.getIndex() > max ? in.getIndex() : max;
TwoDimensionalMap<Integer, Integer, IndexedWord> nodes = TwoDimensionalMap.hashMap();
for(CoreNLPProtos.DependencyGraph.Node in: proto.getNodeList()){
CoreLabel token = sentence.get(in.getIndex() - 1); // index starts at 1!
IndexedWord word;
if (in.hasCopyAnnotation() && in.getCopyAnnotation() > 0) {
// TODO: if we make a copy wrapper CoreLabel, use it here instead
word = new IndexedWord(new CoreLabel(token));
word.set(CopyAnnotation.class, in.getCopyAnnotation());
} else {
word = new IndexedWord(token);
// for backwards compatibility - new annotations should have
// these fields set, but annotations older than August 2014 might not
if (word.docID() == null && docid != null) {
if (word.sentIndex() < 0 && in.getSentenceIndex() >= 0) {
if (word.index() < 0 && in.getIndex() >= 0) {
assert in.getIndex() == word.index();
nodes.put(in.getIndex(), in.getCopyAnnotation(), word);
// add all edges to the actual graph
for(CoreNLPProtos.DependencyGraph.Edge ie: proto.getEdgeList()){
IndexedWord source = nodes.get(ie.getSource(), ie.getSourceCopy());
assert(source != null);
IndexedWord target = nodes.get(ie.getTarget(), ie.getTargetCopy());
assert(target != null);
synchronized (globalLock) {
// this is not thread-safe: there are static fields in GrammaticalRelation
assert ie.hasDep();
GrammaticalRelation rel = GrammaticalRelation.valueOf(ie.getDep(), fromProto(ie.getLanguage()));
graph.addEdge(source, target, rel, 1.0, ie.hasIsExtra() && ie.getIsExtra());
if (proto.getRootCount() > 0) {
Collection<IndexedWord> roots = new ArrayList<IndexedWord>();
for(int rootI : proto.getRootList()){
roots.add(nodes.get(rootI, 0)); // copies should never be roots...
} else {
// Roots were not saved away
// compute root nodes if non-empty
return graph;
* Read a CorefChain from its serialized representation.
* This is private due to the need for an additional partial document. Also, why on Earth are you trying to use
* this on its own anyways?
* @param proto The serialized representation of the coref chain, missing information on its mention span string.
* @param partialDocument A partial document, which must contain {@link SentencesAnnotation} and {@link TokensAnnotation} in
* order to fill in the mention span strings.
* @return A coreference chain.
private CorefChain fromProto(CoreNLPProtos.CorefChain proto, Annotation partialDocument) {
// Get chain ID
int cid = proto.getChainID();
// Get mentions
Map<IntPair, Set<CorefChain.CorefMention>> mentions = new HashMap<IntPair, Set<CorefChain.CorefMention>>();
CorefChain.CorefMention representative = null;
for (int i = 0; i < proto.getMentionCount(); ++i) {
CoreNLPProtos.CorefChain.CorefMention mentionProto = proto.getMention(i);
// Create mention
StringBuilder mentionSpan = new StringBuilder();
List<CoreLabel> sentenceTokens = partialDocument.get(SentencesAnnotation.class).get(mentionProto.getSentenceIndex()).get(TokensAnnotation.class);
for (int k = mentionProto.getStartIndex(); k < mentionProto.getEndIndex(); ++k) {
mentionSpan.append(" ").append(sentenceTokens.get(k).word());
// Set the coref cluster id for the token
CorefChain.CorefMention mention = new CorefChain.CorefMention(
mentionProto.getStartIndex() + 1,
mentionProto.getEndIndex() + 1,
mentionProto.getHeadIndex() + 1,
mentionProto.getSentenceIndex() + 1,
new IntTuple(new int[]{ mentionProto.getSentenceIndex() + 1, mentionProto.getPosition() }),
mentionSpan.substring(mentionSpan.length() > 0 ? 1 : 0));
// Register mention
IntPair key = new IntPair(mentionProto.getSentenceIndex() - 1, mentionProto.getHeadIndex() - 1);
if (!mentions.containsKey(key)) { mentions.put(key, new HashSet<CorefChain.CorefMention>()); }
// Check for representative
if (proto.hasRepresentative() && i == proto.getRepresentative()) {
representative = mention;
// Return
return new CorefChain(cid, mentions, representative);
* Create an internal Timex object from the serialized protocol buffer.
* @param proto The serialized protocol buffer to read from.
* @return A timex, with as much information filled in as was gleaned from the protocol buffer.
private Timex fromProto(CoreNLPProtos.Timex proto) {
return new Timex(
proto.hasType() ? proto.getType() : null,
proto.hasValue() ? proto.getValue() : null,
proto.hasAltValue() ? proto.getAltValue() : null,
proto.hasTid() ? proto.getTid() : null,
proto.hasText() ? proto.getText() : null,
proto.hasBeginPoint() ? proto.getBeginPoint() : -1,
proto.hasEndPoint() ? proto.getEndPoint() : -1);
* Read a entity mention from its serialized form. Requires the containing sentence to be
* passed in along with the protocol buffer.
* @param proto The serialized entity mention.
* @param sentence The sentence this mention is attached to.
* @return The entity mention corresponding to the serialized object.
private EntityMention fromProto(CoreNLPProtos.Entity proto, CoreMap sentence) {
EntityMention rtn = new EntityMention(
proto.hasObjectID() ? proto.getObjectID() : null,
proto.hasHeadStart() ? new Span(proto.getHeadStart(), proto.getHeadEnd()) : null,
proto.hasHeadEnd() ? new Span(proto.getExtentStart(), proto.getExtentEnd()) : null,
proto.hasType() ? proto.getType() : null,
proto.hasSubtype() ? proto.getSubtype() : null,
proto.hasMentionType() ? proto.getMentionType() : null );
if (proto.hasNormalizedName()) { rtn.setNormalizedName(proto.getNormalizedName()); }
if (proto.hasHeadTokenIndex()) { rtn.setHeadTokenPosition(proto.getHeadTokenIndex()); }
if (proto.hasCorefID()) { rtn.setCorefID(proto.getCorefID()); }
return rtn;
* Read a relation mention from its serialized form. Requires the containing sentence to be
* passed in along with the protocol buffer.
* @param proto The serialized relation mention.
* @param sentence The sentence this mention is attached to.
* @return The relation mention corresponding to the serialized object.
private RelationMention fromProto(CoreNLPProtos.Relation proto, CoreMap sentence) {
List<ExtractionObject> args = new ArrayList<ExtractionObject>();
for (CoreNLPProtos.Entity arg : proto.getArgList()) {
args.add(fromProto(arg, sentence));
RelationMention rtn = new RelationMention(
proto.hasObjectID() ? proto.getObjectID() : null,
proto.hasExtentStart() ? new Span(proto.getExtentStart(), proto.getExtentEnd()) : null,
proto.hasType() ? proto.getType() : null,
proto.hasSubtype() ? proto.getSubtype() : null,
if (proto.hasSignature()) { rtn.setSignature(proto.getSignature()); }
if (proto.getArgNameCount() > 0 || proto.getArgCount() == 0) {
return rtn;
* Recover the {@link edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation} field of a sentence
* from the tokens. This is useful if the text was not set in the protocol buffer, and therefore
* needs to be reconstructed from tokens.
* @param tokens The list of tokens representing this sentence.
* @return The original text of the sentence.
protected String recoverOriginalText(List<CoreLabel> tokens, CoreNLPProtos.Sentence sentence) {
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder();
CoreLabel last = null;
if (tokens.size() > 0) {
CoreLabel token = tokens.get(0);
if (token.originalText() != null) { text.append(token.originalText()); } else { text.append(token.word()); }
last = tokens.get(0);
for (int i = 1; i < tokens.size(); ++i) {
CoreLabel token = tokens.get(i);
if (token.before() != null) {
assert last != null;
int missingWhitespace = (token.beginPosition() - last.endPosition()) - token.before().length();
while (missingWhitespace > 0) {
text.append(' ');
missingWhitespace -= 1;
if (token.originalText() != null) { text.append(token.originalText()); } else { text.append(token.word()); }
last = token;
return text.toString();