package edu.stanford.nlp.patterns.surface;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import edu.stanford.nlp.classify.LogisticClassifier;
import edu.stanford.nlp.classify.LogisticClassifierFactory;
import edu.stanford.nlp.classify.RVFDataset;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.RVFDatum;
import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.ClassicCounter;
import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.Counter;
import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.Counters;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.CollectionValuedMap;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Execution;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Execution.Option;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Pair;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.StringUtils;
* The idea is that you can learn features that are important using ML algorithm
* and use those features in learning weights for patterns.
* @author Sonal Gupta (
public class LearnImportantFeatures {
@Option(name = "answerClass")
public Class answerClass = CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class;//;
@Option(name = "answerLabel")
public String answerLabel = "WORD";
@Option(name = "wordClassClusterFile")
String wordClassClusterFile = null;
@Option(name = "thresholdWeight")
Double thresholdWeight = null;
Map<String, Integer> clusterIds = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
CollectionValuedMap<Integer, String> clusters = new CollectionValuedMap<Integer, String>();
@Option(name = "negativeWordsFiles")
String negativeWordsFiles = null;
HashSet<String> negativeWords = new HashSet<String>();
public void setUp() {
assert (wordClassClusterFile != null);
if (wordClassClusterFile != null) {
for (String line : IOUtils.readLines(wordClassClusterFile)) {
String[] t = line.split("\\s+");
int num = Integer.parseInt(t[1]);
clusterIds.put(t[0], num);
clusters.add(num, t[0]);
if (negativeWordsFiles != null) {
for (String file : negativeWordsFiles.split("[,;]")) {
System.out.println("number of negative words from lists "
+ negativeWords.size());
public static boolean getRandomBoolean(Random random, double p) {
return random.nextFloat() < p;
// public void getDecisionTree(Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> sents,
// List<Pair<String, Integer>> chosen, Counter<String> weights, String
// wekaOptions) {
// RVFDataset<String, String> dataset = new RVFDataset<String, String>();
// for (Pair<String, Integer> d : chosen) {
// CoreLabel l = sents.get(d.first).get(d.second());
// String w = l.word();
// Integer num = this.clusterIds.get(w);
// if (num == null)
// num = -1;
// double wt = weights.getCount("Cluster-" + num);
// String label;
// if (l.get(answerClass).toString().equals(answerLabel))
// label = answerLabel;
// else
// label = "O";
// Counter<String> feat = new ClassicCounter<String>();
// feat.setCount("DIST", wt);
// dataset.add(new RVFDatum<String, String>(feat, label));
// }
// WekaDatumClassifierFactory wekaFactory = new
// WekaDatumClassifierFactory("weka.classifiers.trees.J48", wekaOptions);
// WekaDatumClassifier classifier = wekaFactory.trainClassifier(dataset);
// Classifier cls = classifier.getClassifier();
// J48 j48decisiontree = (J48) cls;
// System.out.println(j48decisiontree.toSummaryString());
// System.out.println(j48decisiontree.toString());
// }
private int sample(Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> sents, Random r, Random rneg, double perSelectNeg, double perSelectRand, int numrand, List<Pair<String, Integer>> chosen, RVFDataset<String, String> dataset){
for (Entry<String, List<CoreLabel>> en : sents.entrySet()) {
CoreLabel[] sent = en.getValue().toArray(new CoreLabel[0]);
for (int i = 0; i < sent.length; i++) {
CoreLabel l = sent[i];
boolean chooseThis = false;
if (l.get(answerClass).equals(answerLabel)){
chooseThis = true;
else if ((!l.get(answerClass).equals("O") || negativeWords.contains(l
.word().toLowerCase())) && getRandomBoolean(r, perSelectNeg)) {
chooseThis = true;
} else if (getRandomBoolean(r, perSelectRand)) {
chooseThis = true;
} else
chooseThis = false;
if (chooseThis) {
chosen.add(new Pair(en.getKey(), i));
RVFDatum<String, String> d = getDatum(sent, i);
dataset.add(d, en.getKey(), Integer.toString(i));
return numrand;
public Counter<String> getTopFeatures(Iterator<Pair<Map<String, List<CoreLabel>>, File>> sentsf,
double perSelectRand, double perSelectNeg, String externalFeatureWeightsFileLabel) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
Counter<String> features = new ClassicCounter<String>();
RVFDataset<String, String> dataset = new RVFDataset<String, String>();
Random r = new Random(10);
Random rneg = new Random(10);
int numrand = 0;
List<Pair<String, Integer>> chosen = new ArrayList<Pair<String, Integer>>();
Pair<Map<String, List<CoreLabel>>, File> sents =;
numrand = this.sample(sents.first(), r, rneg, perSelectNeg, perSelectRand, numrand, chosen, dataset);
for(File f: sentFiles){
Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> sentsf = IOUtils.readObjectFromFile(f);
numrand = this.sample(sentsf, r, rneg, perSelectNeg, perSelectRand, numrand, chosen, dataset);
numrand = this.sample(sents, r, rneg, perSelectNeg, perSelectRand, numrand, chosen, dataset);
System.out.println("num random chosen: " + numrand);
System.out.println("Number of datums per label: "
+ dataset.numDatumsPerLabel());
LogisticClassifierFactory<String, String> logfactory = new LogisticClassifierFactory<String, String>();
LogisticClassifier<String, String> classifier = logfactory
Counter<String> weights = classifier.weightsAsGenericCounter();
if (!classifier.getLabelForInternalPositiveClass().equals(answerLabel))
weights = Counters.scale(weights, -1);
if (thresholdWeight != null) {
HashSet<String> removeKeys = new HashSet<String>();
for (Entry<String, Double> en : weights.entrySet()) {
if (Math.abs(en.getValue()) <= thresholdWeight)
Counters.removeKeys(weights, removeKeys);
System.out.println("Removing " + removeKeys);
Counters.toSortedString(weights, weights.size(), "%1$s:%2$f", "\n"),
externalFeatureWeightsFileLabel, "utf8");
// getDecisionTree(sents, chosen, weights, wekaOptions);
return features;
private RVFDatum<String, String> getDatum(CoreLabel[] sent, int i) {
Counter<String> feat = new ClassicCounter<String>();
CoreLabel l = sent[i];
String label;
if (l.get(answerClass).toString().equals(answerLabel))
label = answerLabel;
label = "O";
CollectionValuedMap<String, String> matchedPhrases = l
if (matchedPhrases == null) {
matchedPhrases = new CollectionValuedMap<String, String>();
matchedPhrases.add(label, l.word());
for (String w : matchedPhrases.allValues()) {
Integer num = this.clusterIds.get(w);
if (num == null)
num = -1;
feat.setCount("Cluster-" + num, 1.0);
// feat.incrementCount("WORD-" + l.word());
// feat.incrementCount("LEMMA-" + l.lemma());
// feat.incrementCount("TAG-" + l.tag());
int window = 0;
for (int j = Math.max(0, i - window); j < i; j++) {
CoreLabel lj = sent[j];
feat.incrementCount("PREV-" + "WORD-" + lj.word());
feat.incrementCount("PREV-" + "LEMMA-" + lj.lemma());
feat.incrementCount("PREV-" + "TAG-" + lj.tag());
for (int j = i + 1; j < sent.length && j <= i + window; j++) {
CoreLabel lj = sent[j];
feat.incrementCount("NEXT-" + "WORD-" + lj.word());
feat.incrementCount("NEXT-" + "LEMMA-" + lj.lemma());
feat.incrementCount("NEXT-" + "TAG-" + lj.tag());
// System.out.println("adding " + l.word() + " as " + label);
return new RVFDatum<String, String>(feat, label);
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
LearnImportantFeatures lmf = new LearnImportantFeatures();
Properties props = StringUtils.argsToPropertiesWithResolve(args);
Execution.fillOptions(lmf, props);
String sentsFile = props.getProperty("sentsFile");
Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> sents = IOUtils
System.out.println("Read the sents file: " + sentsFile);
double perSelectRand = Double.parseDouble(props
double perSelectNeg = Double.parseDouble(props
// String wekaOptions = props.getProperty("wekaOptions");
//lmf.getTopFeatures(false, , perSelectRand, perSelectNeg, props.getProperty("externalFeatureWeightsFile"));
} catch (Exception e) {