package edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.HasWord;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.Sentence;
import edu.stanford.nlp.process.SerializableFunction;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.DiskTreebank;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.HeadFinder;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.MemoryTreebank;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.TreeReaderFactory;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.TreeTransformer;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.tregex.TregexMatcher;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Index;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Pair;
import java.util.List;
* TreebankLangParserParams for the AnCora corpus. This package assumes
* that the provided trees are in PTB format, read from the initial
* AnCora XML with
* {@link}
* and preprocessed with
* {@link}.
* @author Jon Gauthier
public class SpanishTreebankParserParams extends TregexPoweredTreebankParserParams {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -8734165273482119424L;
private final StringBuilder optionsString;
private HeadFinder headFinder;
public SpanishTreebankParserParams() {
super(new SpanishTreebankLanguagePack());
setHeadFinder(new SpanishHeadFinder());
optionsString = new StringBuilder();
optionsString.append(getClass().getSimpleName() + "\n");
private static final String PODER_FORM =
"(?i)^(?:pued(?:o|[ea][sn]?)|" +
"pod(?:e[dr]|ido|[ea]mos|[éá]is|r(?:é(?:is)?|á[sn]?|emos)|r?ía(?:s|mos|is|n)?)|" +
* Forms of hacer which may lead time expressions
private static final String HACER_TIME_FORM = "(?i)^(?:hac(?:er|ía))$";
private void buildAnnotations() {
// +.25 F1
annotations.put("-markInf", new Pair("/^(S|grup\\.verb|infinitiu|gerundi)/ < @infinitiu",
new SimpleStringFunction("-infinitive")));
annotations.put("-markGer", new Pair("/^(S|grup\\.verb|infinitiu|gerundi)/ < @gerundi",
new SimpleStringFunction("-gerund")));
// +.04 F1
annotations.put("-markRelative", new Pair("@S <, @relatiu",
new SimpleStringFunction("-relative")));
// Negative F1; unused in default config
annotations.put("-markPPHeads", new Pair("@sp",
new AnnotateHeadFunction(headFinder)));
// +.1 F1
annotations.put("-markComo", new Pair("@cs < /(?i)^como$/",
new SimpleStringFunction("[como]")));
annotations.put("-markSpecHeads", new Pair("@spec", new AnnotateHeadFunction(headFinder)));
// +.32 F1
annotations.put("-markSingleChildNPs", new Pair("/^(sn|grup\\.nom)/ <: __",
new SimpleStringFunction("-singleChild")));
// +.05 F1
annotations.put("-markPPFriendlyVerbs", new Pair("/^v/ > /^grup\\.prep/",
new SimpleStringFunction("-PPFriendly")));
// +.46 F1
annotations.put("-markConjTypes", new Pair("@conj <: /^c[cs]/=c", new MarkConjTypeFunction()));
// +.09 F1
annotations.put("-markPronounNPs", new Pair("/^(sn|grup\\.nom)/ <<: /^p[0p]/",
new SimpleStringFunction("-pronoun")));
// +1.39 F1
annotations.put("-markParticipleAdjs", new Pair(
"@aq0000 < /(?i)([aeií]d|puest|biert|vist|(ben|mal)dit|[fh]ech|scrit|muert|[sv]uelt|[rl]ect|"
+ "frit|^(rot|dich|impres|desnud|sujet|exent))[oa]s?$/",
new SimpleStringFunction("-part")));
// Negative F1; unused in default config
annotations.put("-markSentenceInitialClauses", new Pair("@S !, __",
new SimpleStringFunction("-init")));
// Insignificant F1; unused in default config
annotations.put("-markPoder", new Pair(
String.format("/^(infinitiu|gerundi|grup\\.verb)/ <<: /%s/", PODER_FORM),
new SimpleStringFunction("-poder")));
// +.29 F1
annotations.put("-markBaseNPs", new Pair("/^grup\\.nom/ !< (__ < (__ < __))",
new SimpleStringFunction("-base")));
// +.17 F1
annotations.put("-markVerbless", new Pair("@S|sentence !<< /^(v|participi$)/",
new SimpleStringFunction("-verbless")));
// +.23 F1
annotations.put("-markDominatesVerb", new Pair("__ << (/^(v|participi$)/ < __)",
new SimpleStringFunction("-dominatesV")));
// Negative F1 -- not used by default
annotations.put("-markNonRecSPs", new Pair("@sp !<< @sp", new SimpleStringFunction("-nonRec")));
// In right-recursive verb phrases, mark the prefix of the first verb on its tag.
// This annotation tries to capture the fact that only a few roots are ever really part of
// these constructions: poder, deber, ir, etc.
new Pair("/^v/ $+ @infinitiu|gerundi >, /^(grup.verb|infinitiu|gerundi)/",
new MarkPrefixFunction(3)));
// Negative F1 -- not used by default
annotations.put("-markParentheticalNPs", new Pair("@sn <<, fpa <<` fpt",
new SimpleStringFunction("-paren")));
annotations.put("-markNumericNPs", new Pair("@sn << (/^z/ < __) !<< @sn",
new SimpleStringFunction("-num")));
// Negative F1 -- not used by default
annotations.put("-markCoordinatedNPs", new Pair(
"@sn <, (/^(sn|grup\\.nom)/ $+ (@conj < /^(cc|grup\\.cc)/ $+ /^(sn|grup\\.nom)/=last))" +
"<` =last",
new SimpleStringFunction("-coord")));
annotations.put("-markHacerTime", new Pair(
String.format("/^vm/ < /%s/ $+ /^d/", HACER_TIME_FORM),
new SimpleStringFunction("-hacerTime")));
* Mark `conj` constituents with their `cc` / `cs` child.
private static class MarkConjTypeFunction implements SerializableFunction<TregexMatcher, String> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 403406212736445856L;
public String apply(TregexMatcher m) {
String type = m.getNode("c").value().toUpperCase();
return "-conj" + type;
* Mark a tag with a prefix of its constituent word.
private static class MarkPrefixFunction implements SerializableFunction<TregexMatcher, String> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -3275700521562916350L;
private static final int DEFAULT_PREFIX_LENGTH = 3;
private final int prefixLength;
public MarkPrefixFunction() {
public MarkPrefixFunction(int prefixLength) {
this.prefixLength = prefixLength;
public String apply(TregexMatcher m) {
Tree tagNode = m.getMatch();
String yield = tagNode.firstChild().value();
String prefix = yield.substring(0, Math.min(yield.length(), prefixLength));
return "[p," + prefix + ']';
* Features which should be enabled by default.
* @see #buildAnnotations()
protected String[] baselineAnnotationFeatures() {
return new String[] {
// verb phrase annotations
"-markInf", "-markGer", "-markRightRecVPPrefixes",
// noun phrase annotations
"-markSingleChildNPs", "-markBaseNPs", "-markPronounNPs",
// "-markCoordinatedNPs",
// "-markParentheticalNPs",
// "-markNumericNPs",
// prepositional phrase annotations
// "-markNonRecSPs", negative F1!
// "-markPPHeads", negative F1!
// clause annotations
"-markRelative", /* "-markSentenceInitialClauses", */
// lexical / word- or tag-level annotations
"-markComo", "-markSpecHeads", "-markPPFriendlyVerbs", "-markParticipleAdjs",
/* "-markPoder", */
// conjunction annotations
// sentence annotations
"-markVerbless", "-markDominatesVerb",
public HeadFinder headFinder() {
return headFinder;
public HeadFinder typedDependencyHeadFinder() {
// Not supported
return null;
public Lexicon lex(Options op, Index<String> wordIndex, Index<String> tagIndex) {
// Override unknown word model
if (op.lexOptions.uwModelTrainer == null)
op.lexOptions.uwModelTrainer =
return new BaseLexicon(op, wordIndex, tagIndex);
public String[] sisterSplitters() {
return new String[0];
public TreeTransformer collinizer() {
return new TreeCollinizer(treebankLanguagePack());
public TreeTransformer collinizerEvalb() {
return new TreeCollinizer(treebankLanguagePack());
public DiskTreebank diskTreebank() {
return new DiskTreebank(treeReaderFactory(), inputEncoding);
public MemoryTreebank memoryTreebank() {
return new MemoryTreebank(treeReaderFactory(), inputEncoding);
* Set language-specific options according to flags. This routine should process the option starting in args[i] (which
* might potentially be several arguments long if it takes arguments). It should return the index after the last index
* it consumed in processing. In particular, if it cannot process the current option, the return value should be i.
* <p/>
* Generic options are processed separately by {@link edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser.Options#setOption(String[], int)}, and implementations of this
* method do not have to worry about them. The Options class handles routing options. TreebankParserParams that extend
* this class should call super when overriding this method.
* @param args
* @param i
public int setOptionFlag(String[] args, int i) {
if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-headFinder") && (i + 1 < args.length)) {
try {
HeadFinder hf = (HeadFinder) Class.forName(args[i + 1]).newInstance();
optionsString.append("HeadFinder: " + args[i + 1] + "\n");
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println(this.getClass().getName() + ": Could not load head finder " + args[i + 1]);
i += 2;
return i;
public TreeReaderFactory treeReaderFactory() {
return new SpanishTreeReaderFactory();
public List<HasWord> defaultTestSentence() {
String[] sent = {"Ésto", "es", "sólo", "una", "prueba", "."};
return Sentence.toWordList(sent);
public void display() {
public void setHeadFinder(HeadFinder hf) {
headFinder = hf;
// Regenerate annotation patterns