package edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser;
import java.util.*;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.TreeTransformer;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Constituent;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.LabeledScoredConstituentFactory;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.LabeledScoredConstituent;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.Label;
/** Gets rid of extra NP under NP nodes.
* @author Dan Klein
class NodePruner {
private final ExhaustivePCFGParser parser;
private final TreeTransformer debinarizer;
List<Tree> prune(List<Tree> treeList, Label label, int start, int end) {
// get reference tree
if (treeList.size() == 1) {
return treeList;
Tree testTree = treeList.get(0).treeFactory().newTreeNode(label, treeList);
Tree tempTree = parser.extractBestParse(label.value(), start, end);
// parser.restoreUnaries(tempTree);
Tree pcfgTree = debinarizer.transformTree(tempTree);
Set<Constituent> pcfgConstituents = pcfgTree.constituents(new LabeledScoredConstituentFactory());
// delete child labels that are not in reference but do not cross reference
List<Tree> prunedChildren = new ArrayList<Tree>();
int childStart = 0;
for (int c = 0, numCh = testTree.numChildren(); c < numCh; c++) {
Tree child = testTree.getChild(c);
boolean isExtra = true;
int childEnd = childStart + child.yield().size();
Constituent childConstituent = new LabeledScoredConstituent(childStart, childEnd, child.label(), 0);
if (pcfgConstituents.contains(childConstituent)) {
isExtra = false;
if (childConstituent.crosses(pcfgConstituents)) {
isExtra = false;
if (child.isLeaf() || child.isPreTerminal()) {
isExtra = false;
if (pcfgTree.yield().size() != testTree.yield().size()) {
isExtra = false;
if (!label.value().startsWith("NP^NP")) {
isExtra = false;
if (isExtra) {
System.err.println("Pruning: " + child.label() + " from " + (childStart + start) + " to " + (childEnd + start));
System.err.println("Was: " + testTree + " vs " + pcfgTree);
} else {
childStart = childEnd;
return prunedChildren;
private List<Tree> helper(List<Tree> treeList, int start) {
List<Tree> newTreeList = new ArrayList<Tree>(treeList.size());
for (Tree tree : treeList) {
int end = start + tree.yield().size();
newTreeList.add(prune(tree, start));
start = end;
return newTreeList;
public Tree prune(Tree tree) {
return prune(tree, 0);
Tree prune(Tree tree, int start) {
if (tree.isLeaf() || tree.isPreTerminal()) {
return tree;
// check each node's children for deletion
List<Tree> children = helper(tree.getChildrenAsList(), start);
children = prune(children, tree.label(), start, start + tree.yield().size());
return tree.treeFactory().newTreeNode(tree.label(), children);
public NodePruner(ExhaustivePCFGParser parser, TreeTransformer debinarizer) {
this.parser = parser;
this.debinarizer = debinarizer;
} // end class NodePruner