package edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.HasTag;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.HasWord;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.Sentence;
import edu.stanford.nlp.process.SerializableFunction;
import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.TwoDimensionalCounter;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.DiskTreebank;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.HeadFinder;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.MemoryTreebank;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.TreeReaderFactory;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.TreeTransformer;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.tregex.TregexMatcher;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Index;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Pair;
import java.util.List;
* TreebankLangParserParams for the French Treebank corpus. This package assumes that the FTB
* has been transformed into PTB-format trees encoded in UTF-8. The "-xmlFormat" option can
* be used to read the raw FTB trees.
* @author Marie-Catherine de Marneffe
* @author Spence Green
public class FrenchTreebankParserParams extends TregexPoweredTreebankParserParams {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -6976724734594763986L;
private final StringBuilder optionsString;
private HeadFinder headFinder;
//The treebank is distributed in XML format.
//Use -xmlFormat below to enable reading the raw files.
private boolean readPennFormat = true;
private boolean collinizerRetainsPunctuation = false;
//Controls the MW annotation feature
private TwoDimensionalCounter<String, String> mwCounter;
private MorphoFeatureSpecification morphoSpec;
// For adding the CC tagset as annotations.
private MorphoFeatureSpecification tagSpec;
public FrenchTreebankParserParams() {
super(new FrenchTreebankLanguagePack());
optionsString = new StringBuilder();
* Features which should be enabled by default.
protected String[] baselineAnnotationFeatures() {
return new String[0];
* Features to enable for the factored parser
private static final String[] factoredFeatures = new String[] {
"-markInf", "-markPart", "-markVN", "-coord1", "-de2", "-markP1",
//MWE features...don't help overall parsing, but help MWE categories
"-MWAdvS", "-MWADVSel1", "-MWADVSel2", "-MWNSel1", "-MWNSel2",
// New features for CL submission
private void initializeAnnotationPatterns() {
// Incremental delta improvements are over the previous feature (dev set, <= 40)
// POS Splitting for verbs
annotations.put("-markInf", new Pair("@V > (@VN > @VPinf)",
new SimpleStringFunction("-infinitive")));
annotations.put("-markPart", new Pair("@V > (@VN > @VPpart)",
new SimpleStringFunction("-participle")));
annotations.put("-markVN", new Pair("__ << @VN", new SimpleStringFunction("-withVN")));
// +1.45 F1 (Helps MWEs significantly)
annotations.put("-tagPAFr", new Pair("!@PUNC < (__ !< __) > __=parent",
new AddRelativeNodeFunction("-", "parent", true)));
// +.14 F1
annotations.put("-coord1", new Pair("@COORD <2 __=word",
new AddRelativeNodeFunction("-","word", true)));
// +.70 F1 -- de c-commands other stuff dominated by NP, PP, and COORD
annotations.put("-de2", new Pair("@P < /^([Dd]es?|du|d')$/", new SimpleStringFunction("-de2")));
annotations.put("-de3", new Pair("@NP|PP|COORD >+(@NP|PP) (@PP <, (@P < /^([Dd]es?|du|d')$/))",
new SimpleStringFunction("-de3")));
// +.31 F1
annotations.put("-markP1",new Pair("@P > (@PP > @NP)", new SimpleStringFunction("-n")));
//(for MWADV 75.92 -> 77.16)
annotations.put("-MWAdvS", new Pair("@MWADV > /S/", new SimpleStringFunction("-mwadv-s")));
annotations.put("-MWADVSel1", new Pair("@MWADV <1 @P <2 @N !<3 __",
new SimpleStringFunction("-mwadv1")));
annotations.put("-MWADVSel2", new Pair("@MWADV <1 @P <2 @D <3 @N !<4 __",
new SimpleStringFunction("-mwadv2")));
annotations.put("-MWNSel1", new Pair("@MWN <1 @N <2 @A !<3 __",
new SimpleStringFunction("-mwn1")));
annotations.put("-MWNSel2", new Pair("@MWN <1 @N <2 @P <3 @N !<4 __",
new SimpleStringFunction("-mwn2")));
annotations.put("-MWNSel3", new Pair("@MWN <1 @N <2 @- <3 @N !<4 __",
new SimpleStringFunction("-mwn3")));
annotations.put("-splitPUNC",new Pair("@PUNC < __=" + AnnotatePunctuationFunction.key,
new AnnotatePunctuationFunction()));
// Mark MWE tags only
annotations.put("-mweTag", new Pair("!@PUNC < (__ !< __) > /MW/=parent",
new AddRelativeNodeFunction("-","parent", true)));
annotations.put("-sq",new Pair("@SENT << /\\?/", new SimpleStringFunction("-Q")));
//New phrasal splits
annotations.put("-hasVP", new Pair("!@ROOT|SENT << /^VP/", new SimpleStringFunction("-hasVP")));
annotations.put("-hasVP2", new Pair("__ << /^VP/", new SimpleStringFunction("-hasVP")));
annotations.put("-npCOORD", new Pair("@NP < @COORD", new SimpleStringFunction("-coord")));
annotations.put("-npVP", new Pair("@NP < /VP/", new SimpleStringFunction("-vp")));
annotations.put("-baseNP1", new Pair("@NP <1 @D <2 @N !<3 __",
new SimpleStringFunction("-np1")));
annotations.put("-baseNP2", new Pair("@NP <1 @D <2 @MWN !<3 __",
new SimpleStringFunction("-np2")));
annotations.put("-baseNP3", new Pair("@NP <1 @MWD <2 @N !<3 __ ",
new SimpleStringFunction("-np3")));
annotations.put("-npMWN1", new Pair("@NP < (@MWN < @A)", new SimpleStringFunction("-mwna")));
annotations.put("-npMWN2", new Pair("@NP <1 @D <2 @MWN <3 @PP !<4 __",
new SimpleStringFunction("-mwn2")));
annotations.put("-npMWN3", new Pair("@NP <1 @D <2 (@MWN <1 @N <2 @A !<3 __) !<3 __",
new SimpleStringFunction("-mwn3")));
annotations.put("-npMWN4", new Pair(
"@PP <, @P <2 (@NP <1 @D <2 (@MWN <1 @N <2 @A !<3 __) !<3 __) !<3 __",
new SimpleStringFunction("-mwn3")));
//The whopper....
annotations.put("-MWNSel", new Pair("@MWN", new AddPOSSequenceFunction("-",600,true)));
annotations.put("-MWADVSel", new Pair("@MWADV", new AddPOSSequenceFunction("-",500,true)));
annotations.put("-MWASel", new Pair("@MWA", new AddPOSSequenceFunction("-",100,true)));
annotations.put("-MWCSel", new Pair("@MWC", new AddPOSSequenceFunction("-",400,true)));
annotations.put("-MWDSel", new Pair("@MWD", new AddPOSSequenceFunction("-",100,true)));
annotations.put("-MWPSel", new Pair("@MWP", new AddPOSSequenceFunction("-",600,true)));
annotations.put("-MWPROSel", new Pair("@MWPRO", new AddPOSSequenceFunction("-",60,true)));
annotations.put("-MWVSel", new Pair("@MWV", new AddPOSSequenceFunction("-",200,true)));
annotations.put("-mwn1", new Pair("@MWN <1 @N <2 @A !<3 __", new SimpleStringFunction("-na")));
annotations.put("-mwn2", new Pair("@MWN <1 @N <2 @P <3 @N !<4 __",
new SimpleStringFunction("-npn")));
annotations.put("-mwn3", new Pair("@MWN <1 @N <2 @- <3 @N !<4 __",
new SimpleStringFunction("-n-n")));
annotations.put("-mwn4", new Pair("@MWN <1 @N <2 @N !<3 __", new SimpleStringFunction("-nn")));
annotations.put("-mwn5", new Pair("@MWN <1 @D <2 @N !<3 __", new SimpleStringFunction("-dn")));
//wh words
annotations.put("-hasWH", new Pair(
"__ < /^(qui|quoi|comment|quel|quelle|quels|quelles|où|combien|que|pourquoi|quand)$/",
new SimpleStringFunction("-wh")));
//POS splitting
annotations.put("-markNNP2", new Pair("@N < /^[A-Z]/", new SimpleStringFunction("-nnp")));
annotations.put("-markD1",new Pair("@D > (__ > @PP)", new SimpleStringFunction("-p")));
annotations.put("-markD2",new Pair("@D > (__ > @NP)", new SimpleStringFunction("-n")));
annotations.put("-markD3",new Pair("@D > (__ > /^VP/)", new SimpleStringFunction("-v")));
annotations.put("-markD4",new Pair("@D > (__ > /^S/)", new SimpleStringFunction("-s")));
annotations.put("-markD5",new Pair("@D > (__ > @COORD)", new SimpleStringFunction("-c")));
annotations.put("-app1", new Pair("@NP < /[,]/", new SimpleStringFunction("-app1")));
annotations.put("-app2", new Pair("/[^,\\-:;\"]/ > (@NP < /^[,]$/) $,, /^[,]$/",
new SimpleStringFunction("-app2")));
annotations.put("-coord2",new Pair("@COORD !< @C", new SimpleStringFunction("-nonC")));
annotations.put("-hasCOORD",new Pair("__ < @COORD", new SimpleStringFunction("-hasCOORD")));
annotations.put("-hasCOORDLS",new Pair("@SENT <, @COORD",
new SimpleStringFunction("-hasCOORDLS")));
annotations.put("-hasCOORDNonS",new Pair("__ < @COORD !<, @COORD",
new SimpleStringFunction("-hasCOORDNonS")));
// PP / VPInf
annotations.put("-pp1",new Pair("@P < /^(du|des|au|aux)$/=word",
new AddRelativeNodeFunction("-","word", false)));
annotations.put("-vpinf1",new Pair("@VPinf <, __=word",
new AddRelativeNodeFunction("-","word", false)));
annotations.put("-vpinf2",new Pair("@VPinf <, __=word",
new AddRelativeNodeFunction("-","word", true)));
// PP splitting (subsumed by the de2-3 features)
annotations.put("-splitIN",new Pair(
"@PP <, (P < /^([Dd]e|[Dd]'|[Dd]es|[Dd]u|à|[Aa]u|[Aa]ux|[Ee]n|[Dd]ans|[Pp]ar|[Ss]ur|[Pp]our|[Aa]vec|[Ee]ntre)$/=word)",
new AddRelativeNodeFunction("-","word", false,true)));
annotations.put("-splitP",new Pair(
"@P < /^([Dd]e|[Dd]'|[Dd]es|[Dd]u|à|[Aa]u|[Aa]ux|[Ee]n|[Dd]ans|[Pp]ar|[Ss]ur|[Pp]our|[Aa]vec|[Ee]ntre)$/=word",
new AddRelativeNodeFunction("-","word", false,true)));
//de features
annotations.put("-hasde", new Pair("@NP|PP <+(@NP|PP) (P < de)",
new SimpleStringFunction("-hasDE")));
annotations.put("-hasde2", new Pair("@PP < de", new SimpleStringFunction("-hasDE2")));
annotations.put("-np1", new Pair("@NP < /^,$/", new SimpleStringFunction("-np1")));
annotations.put("-np2", new Pair("@NP <, (@D < le|la|les)", new SimpleStringFunction("-np2")));
annotations.put("-np3", new Pair("@D < le|la|les", new SimpleStringFunction("-def")));
annotations.put("-baseNP", new Pair("@NP <, @D <- (@N , @D)", new SimpleStringFunction("-baseNP")));
// PP environment
annotations.put("-markP2",new Pair("@P > (@PP > @AP)", new SimpleStringFunction("-a")));
annotations.put("-markP3",new Pair("@P > (@PP > @SENT|Ssub|VPinf|VPpart)",
new SimpleStringFunction("-v")));
annotations.put("-markP4",new Pair("@P > (@PP > @Srel)", new SimpleStringFunction("-r")));
annotations.put("-markP5",new Pair("@P > (@PP > @COORD)", new SimpleStringFunction("-c")));
annotations.put("-markP6",new Pair("@P > @VPinf", new SimpleStringFunction("-b")));
annotations.put("-markP7",new Pair("@P > @VPpart", new SimpleStringFunction("-b")));
annotations.put("-markP8",new Pair("@P > /^MW|NP/", new SimpleStringFunction("-internal")));
annotations.put("-markP9",new Pair("@P > @COORD", new SimpleStringFunction("-c")));
annotations.put("-hasMWP", new Pair("!/S/ < @MWP", new SimpleStringFunction("-mwp")));
annotations.put("-hasMWP2", new Pair("@PP < @MWP", new SimpleStringFunction("-mwp2")));
annotations.put("-hasMWN2", new Pair("@PP <+(@NP) @MWN", new SimpleStringFunction("-hasMWN2")));
annotations.put("-hasMWN3", new Pair("@NP < @MWN", new SimpleStringFunction("-hasMWN3")));
annotations.put("-hasMWADV", new Pair("/^A/ < @MWADV", new SimpleStringFunction("-hasmwadv")));
annotations.put("-hasC1", new Pair("__ < @MWC", new SimpleStringFunction("-hasc1")));
annotations.put("-hasC2", new Pair("@MWC > /S/", new SimpleStringFunction("-hasc2")));
annotations.put("-hasC3", new Pair("@COORD < @MWC", new SimpleStringFunction("-hasc3")));
annotations.put("-uMWN", new Pair("@NP <: @MWN", new SimpleStringFunction("-umwn")));
//POS splitting
annotations.put("-splitC", new Pair("@C < __=word",
new AddRelativeNodeFunction("-","word", false)));
annotations.put("-splitD",new Pair("@D < /^[^\\d+]{1,4}$/=word",
new AddRelativeNodeFunction("-","word", false)));
annotations.put("-de1", new Pair("@D < /^([Dd]es?|du|d')$/",
new SimpleStringFunction("-de1")));
annotations.put("-markNNP1", new Pair("@NP < (N < /^[A-Z]/) !< /^[^NA]/",
new SimpleStringFunction("-nnp")));
//PP environment
annotations.put("-markPP1",new Pair("@PP > @NP", new SimpleStringFunction("-n")));
annotations.put("-markPP2",new Pair("@PP > @AP", new SimpleStringFunction("-a")));
annotations.put("-markPP3",new Pair("@PP > @SENT|Ssub|VPinf|VPpart",
new SimpleStringFunction("-v")));
annotations.put("-markPP4",new Pair("@PP > @Srel", new SimpleStringFunction("-r")));
annotations.put("-markPP5",new Pair("@PP > @COORD", new SimpleStringFunction("-c")));
annotations.put("-dominateCC",new Pair("__ << @COORD", new SimpleStringFunction("-withCC")));
annotations.put("-dominateIN",new Pair("__ << @PP", new SimpleStringFunction("-withPP")));
//Klein and Manning style features
annotations.put("-markContainsVP", new Pair("__ << /^VP/",
new SimpleStringFunction("-hasV")));
annotations.put("-markContainsVP2",new Pair("__ << /^VP/=word",
new AddRelativeNodeFunction("-hasV-","word", false)));
annotations.put("-markVNArgs",new Pair("@VN $+ __=word1",
new AddRelativeNodeFunction("-","word1", false)));
annotations.put("-markVNArgs2",new Pair("@VN > __=word1 $+ __=word2",
new AddRelativeNodeFunction("-","word1","word2", false)));
annotations.put("-markContainsMW", new Pair("__ << /^MW/", new SimpleStringFunction("-hasMW")));
annotations.put("-markContainsMW2",new Pair("__ << /^MW/=word",
new AddRelativeNodeFunction("-has-","word", false)));
//MWE Sequence features
annotations.put("-mwStart", new Pair("__ >, /^MW/", new SimpleStringFunction("-mwStart")));
annotations.put("-mwMiddle", new Pair("__ !>- /^MW/ !>, /^MW/ > /^MW/",
new SimpleStringFunction("-mwMid")));
annotations.put("-mwMiddle2", new Pair("__ !>- /^MW/ !>, /^MW/ > /^MW/ , __=pos",
new AddRelativeNodeFunction("-","pos", true)));
annotations.put("-mwEnd", new Pair("__ >- /^MW/", new SimpleStringFunction("-mwEnd")));
//AP Features
annotations.put("-nonNAP",new Pair("@AP !$, @N|AP", new SimpleStringFunction("-nap")));
//Phrasal splitting
annotations.put("-markNPTMP", new Pair(
"@NP < (@N < /^(lundi|mardi|mercredi|jeudi|vendredi|samedi|dimanche|Lundi|Mardi|Mercredi|Jeudi|Vendredi|Samedi|Dimanche|janvier|février|mars|avril|mai|juin|juillet|août|septembre|octobre|novembre|décembre|Janvier|Février|Mars|Avril|Mai|Juin|Juillet|Août|Septembre|Octobre|Novembre|Décembre)$/)",
new SimpleStringFunction("-tmp")));
annotations.put("-markSing1", new Pair("@NP < (D < /^(ce|cette|une|la|le|un|sa|son|ma|mon|ta|ton)$/)",
new SimpleStringFunction("-sing")));
annotations.put("-markSing2", new Pair("@AP < (A < (/[^sx]$/ !< __))",
new SimpleStringFunction("-sing")));
annotations.put("-markSing3", new Pair("@VPpart < (V < /(e|é)$/)",
new SimpleStringFunction("-sing")));
annotations.put("-markPl1", new Pair("@NP < (D < /s$/)", new SimpleStringFunction("-pl")));
annotations.put("-markPl2", new Pair("@AP < (A < /[sx]$/)", new SimpleStringFunction("-pl")));
annotations.put("-markPl3", new Pair("@VPpart < (V < /(es|és)$/)",
new SimpleStringFunction("-pl")));
private static class AnnotatePunctuationFunction implements SerializableFunction<TregexMatcher,String> {
static final String key = "term";
public String apply(TregexMatcher m) {
final String punc = m.getNode(key).value();
switch (punc) {
case ".":
return "-fs";
case "?":
return "-quest";
case ",":
return "-comma";
case ":":
case ";":
return "-colon";
// else if (punc.equals("-LRB-"))
// return "-lrb";
// else if (punc.equals("-RRB-"))
// return "-rrb";
// else if (punc.equals("-"))
// return "-dash";
// else if (quote.matcher(punc).matches())
// return "-quote";
// else if(punc.equals("/"))
// return "-slash";
// else if(punc.equals("%"))
// return "-perc";
// else if(punc.contains(".."))
// return "-ellipses";
return "";
public String toString() { return "AnnotatePunctuationFunction"; }
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* Annotates all nodes that match the tregex query with annotationMark + key1
* Usually annotationMark = "-"
* Optionally, you can use a second key in the tregex expression.
private class AddRelativeNodeFunction implements SerializableFunction<TregexMatcher,String> {
private String annotationMark;
private String key;
private String key2;
private boolean doBasicCat = false;
private boolean toLower = false;
public AddRelativeNodeFunction(String annotationMark, String key, boolean basicCategory) {
this.annotationMark = annotationMark;
this.key = key;
this.key2 = null;
doBasicCat = basicCategory;
public AddRelativeNodeFunction(String annotationMark, String key1, String key2, boolean basicCategory) {
this.key2 = key2;
public AddRelativeNodeFunction(String annotationMark, String key1, boolean basicCategory, boolean toLower) {
this.toLower = toLower;
public String apply(TregexMatcher m) {
String tag;
if(key2 == null)
tag = annotationMark + ((doBasicCat) ? tlp.basicCategory(m.getNode(key).label().value()) : m.getNode(key).label().value());
else {
String annot1 = (doBasicCat) ? tlp.basicCategory(m.getNode(key).label().value()) : m.getNode(key).label().value();
String annot2 = (doBasicCat) ? tlp.basicCategory(m.getNode(key2).label().value()) : m.getNode(key2).label().value();
tag = annotationMark + annot1 + annotationMark + annot2;
return (toLower) ? tag.toLowerCase() : tag;
public String toString() {
if(key2 == null)
return "AddRelativeNodeFunction[" + annotationMark + ',' + key + ']';
return "AddRelativeNodeFunction[" + annotationMark + ',' + key + ',' + key2 + ']';
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private class AddPOSSequenceFunction implements SerializableFunction<TregexMatcher,String> {
private final String annotationMark;
private final boolean doBasicCat;
private final double cutoff;
public AddPOSSequenceFunction(String annotationMark, int cutoff, boolean basicCategory) {
this.annotationMark = annotationMark;
doBasicCat = basicCategory;
this.cutoff = cutoff;
public String apply(TregexMatcher m) {
if(mwCounter == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot enable POSSequence features without POS sequence map. Use option -frenchMWMap.");
Tree t = m.getMatch();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for(Tree kid : t.children()) {
if( ! kid.isPreTerminal())
throw new RuntimeException("Not POS sequence for tree: " + t.toString());
String tag = doBasicCat ? tlp.basicCategory(kid.value()) : kid.value();
sb.append(tag).append(" ");
if(mwCounter.getCount(t.value(), sb.toString().trim()) > cutoff)
return annotationMark + sb.toString().replaceAll("\\s+", "").toLowerCase();
return "";
public String toString() {
return "AddPOSSequenceFunction[" + annotationMark + ',' + cutoff + ',' + doBasicCat + ']';
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public HeadFinder headFinder() {
if(headFinder == null)
headFinder = new DybroFrenchHeadFinder(treebankLanguagePack()); //Superior for vanilla PCFG over Arun's headfinding rules
return headFinder;
public HeadFinder typedDependencyHeadFinder() {
return headFinder();
private void setHeadFinder(HeadFinder hf) {
if(hf == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
headFinder = hf;
* @param op Lexicon options
* @return A Lexicon
public Lexicon lex(Options op, Index<String> wordIndex, Index<String> tagIndex) {
if(op.lexOptions.uwModelTrainer == null)
op.lexOptions.uwModelTrainer = "edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser.FrenchUnknownWordModelTrainer";
if(morphoSpec != null) {
return new FactoredLexicon(op, morphoSpec, wordIndex, tagIndex);
return new BaseLexicon(op, wordIndex, tagIndex);
public String[] sisterSplitters() {
return new String[0];
public TreeTransformer collinizer() {
return new TreeCollinizer(treebankLanguagePack());
public TreeTransformer collinizerEvalb() {
return new TreeCollinizer(treebankLanguagePack(),collinizerRetainsPunctuation,false);
public DiskTreebank diskTreebank() {
return new DiskTreebank(treeReaderFactory(), inputEncoding);
public MemoryTreebank memoryTreebank() {
return new MemoryTreebank(treeReaderFactory(), inputEncoding);
public TreeReaderFactory treeReaderFactory() {
return (readPennFormat) ? new FrenchTreeReaderFactory() : new FrenchXMLTreeReaderFactory(false);
public List<HasWord> defaultTestSentence() {
String[] sent = {"Ceci", "est", "seulement", "un", "test", "."};
return Sentence.toWordList(sent);
public Tree transformTree(Tree t, Tree root) {
// Perform tregex-powered annotations
t = super.transformTree(t, root);
String cat = t.value();
//Add morphosyntactic features if this is a POS tag
if(t.isPreTerminal() && tagSpec != null) {
if( !(t.firstChild().label() instanceof CoreLabel) || ((CoreLabel) t.firstChild().label()).originalText() == null )
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("%s: Term lacks morpho analysis: %s",this.getClass().getName(),t.toString()));
String morphoStr = ((CoreLabel) t.firstChild().label()).originalText();
Pair<String,String> lemmaMorph = MorphoFeatureSpecification.splitMorphString("", morphoStr);
MorphoFeatures feats = tagSpec.strToFeatures(lemmaMorph.second());
cat = feats.getTag(cat);
//Update the label(s)
if (t.isPreTerminal() && t.label() instanceof HasTag)
((HasTag) t.label()).setTag(cat);
return t;
private void loadMWMap(String filename) {
mwCounter = new TwoDimensionalCounter<String,String>();
try {
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(new File(filename)), "UTF-8"));
int nLines = 0;
for(String line; (line = br.readLine()) != null; nLines++) {
String[] toks = line.split("\t");
assert toks.length == 3;
mwCounter.setCount(toks[0].trim(), toks[1].trim(), Double.parseDouble(toks[2].trim()));
System.err.printf("%s: Loaded %d lines from %s into MWE counter%n", this.getClass().getName(),nLines,filename);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
* Configures morpho-syntactic annotations for POS tags.
* @param activeFeats A comma-separated list of feature values with names according
* to MorphoFeatureType.
private String setupMorphoFeatures(String activeFeats) {
String[] feats = activeFeats.split(",");
morphoSpec = tlp.morphFeatureSpec();
for(String feat : feats) {
MorphoFeatureType fType = MorphoFeatureType.valueOf(feat.trim());
return morphoSpec.toString();
public void display() {
public int setOptionFlag(String[] args, int i) {
if (annotations.containsKey(args[i])) {
} else if (args[i].equals("-collinizerRetainsPunctuation")) {
optionsString.append("Collinizer retains punctuation.\n");
collinizerRetainsPunctuation = true;
} else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-headFinder") && (i + 1 < args.length)) {
try {
HeadFinder hf = (HeadFinder) Class.forName(args[i + 1]).newInstance();
optionsString.append("HeadFinder: " + args[i + 1] + "\n");
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println(this.getClass().getName() + ": Could not load head finder " + args[i + 1]);
i += 2;
} else if(args[i].equals("-xmlFormat")) {
optionsString.append("Reading trees in XML format.\n");
readPennFormat = false;
} else if (args[i].equals("-frenchFactored")) {
for(String feature : factoredFeatures)
} else if(args[i].equals("-frenchMWMap")) {
} else if(args[i].equals("-tsg")) {
//wsg2011: These features should be removed for TSG extraction.
//If they are retained, the resulting grammar seems to be too brittle....
optionsString.append("Removing baseline features: -markVN, -coord1");
optionsString.append(" (removed -markVN)");
optionsString.append(" (removed -coord1)\n");
} else if(args[i].equals("-factlex") && (i + 1 < args.length)) {
String activeFeats = setupMorphoFeatures(args[i+1]);
optionsString.append("Factored Lexicon: active features: ").append(activeFeats);
// WSGDEBUG Maybe add -mweTag in place of -tagPAFr?
optionsString.append(" (removed -tagPAFr)\n");
// Add -mweTag
String[] option = {"-mweTag"};
setOptionFlag(option, 0);
} else if(args[i].equals("-noFeatures")) {
for (String feature : annotations.keySet())
optionsString.append("Removed all manual features.\n");
} else if(args[i].equals("-ccTagsetAnnotations")) {
tagSpec = new FrenchMorphoFeatureSpecification();
optionsString.append("Adding CC tagset as POS state splits.\n");
return i;