package edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.Label;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.Tag;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.TaggedWord;
import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.ClassicCounter;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Index;
public class BaseUnknownWordModelTrainer
extends AbstractUnknownWordModelTrainer
// Records the number of times word/tag pair was seen in training data.
ClassicCounter<IntTaggedWord> seenCounter;
// Counts of each tag (stored as a Label) on unknown words.
ClassicCounter<Label> tc;
// tag (Label) --> signature --> count
Map<Label,ClassicCounter<String>> c;
ClassicCounter<IntTaggedWord> unSeenCounter;
Map<Label,ClassicCounter<String>> tagHash;
Set<String> seenEnd;
double indexToStartUnkCounting = 0;
UnknownGTTrainer unknownGTTrainer;
boolean useEnd, useFirst, useFirstCap, useGT;
UnknownWordModel model;
public void initializeTraining(Options op, Lexicon lex,
Index<String> wordIndex,
Index<String> tagIndex, double totalTrees) {
super.initializeTraining(op, lex, wordIndex, tagIndex, totalTrees);
seenCounter = new ClassicCounter<IntTaggedWord>();
unSeenCounter = new ClassicCounter<IntTaggedWord>();
tagHash = Generics.newHashMap();
tc = new ClassicCounter<Label>();
c = Generics.newHashMap();
seenEnd = Generics.newHashSet();
useEnd = (op.lexOptions.unknownSuffixSize > 0 &&
op.lexOptions.useUnknownWordSignatures > 0);
useFirstCap = op.lexOptions.useUnknownWordSignatures > 0;
useGT = (op.lexOptions.useUnknownWordSignatures == 0);
useFirst = false;
if (useFirst) {
System.err.println("Including first letter for unknown words.");
if (useFirstCap) {
System.err.println("Including whether first letter is capitalized for unknown words");
if (useEnd) {
System.err.println("Classing unknown word as the average of their equivalents by identity of last " + op.lexOptions.unknownSuffixSize + " letters.");
if (useGT) {
System.err.println("Using Good-Turing smoothing for unknown words.");
this.indexToStartUnkCounting = (totalTrees * op.trainOptions.fractionBeforeUnseenCounting);
this.unknownGTTrainer = (useGT) ? new UnknownGTTrainer() : null;
this.model = buildUWM();
public void train(TaggedWord tw, int loc, double weight) {
if (useGT) {
unknownGTTrainer.train(tw, weight);
// scan data
String word = tw.word();
String subString = model.getSignature(word, loc);
Label tag = new Tag(tw.tag());
if ( ! c.containsKey(tag)) {
c.put(tag, new ClassicCounter<String>());
c.get(tag).incrementCount(subString, weight);
tc.incrementCount(tag, weight);
String tagStr = tw.tag();
IntTaggedWord iW = new IntTaggedWord(word, IntTaggedWord.ANY, wordIndex, tagIndex);
seenCounter.incrementCount(iW, weight);
if (treesRead > indexToStartUnkCounting) {
// start doing this once some way through trees;
// treesRead is 1 based counting
if (seenCounter.getCount(iW) < 2) {
IntTaggedWord iT = new IntTaggedWord(IntTaggedWord.ANY, tagStr, wordIndex, tagIndex);
unSeenCounter.incrementCount(iT, weight);
unSeenCounter.incrementCount(NULL_ITW, weight);
public UnknownWordModel finishTraining() {
if (useGT) {
for (Label tag : c.keySet()) {
/* outer iteration is over tags */
ClassicCounter<String> wc = c.get(tag); // counts for words given a tag
if (!tagHash.containsKey(tag)) {
tagHash.put(tag, new ClassicCounter<String>());
/* the UNKNOWN sequence is assumed to be seen once in each tag */
// This is sort of broken, but you can regard it as a Dirichlet prior.
wc.setCount(unknown, 1.0);
/* inner iteration is over words */
for (String end : wc.keySet()) {
double prob = Math.log((wc.getCount(end)) / (tc.getCount(tag))); // p(sig|tag)
tagHash.get(tag).setCount(end, prob);
//if (Test.verbose)
//EncodingPrintWriter.out.println(tag + " rewrites as " + end + " endchar with probability " + prob,encoding);
return model;
protected UnknownWordModel buildUWM() {
Map<String,Float> unknownGT = null;
if (useGT) {
unknownGT = unknownGTTrainer.unknownGT;
return new BaseUnknownWordModel(op, lex, wordIndex, tagIndex,
unSeenCounter, tagHash,
unknownGT, seenEnd);