import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel;
import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.Counter;
import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.Counters;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.ArrayCoreMap;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.CoreMap;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Pair;
* Represents any object that can be extracted - entity, relation, event
* @author Andrey Gusev
* @author Mihai
public class ExtractionObject implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
/** Unique identifier of the object in its document */
protected final String objectId;
* Sentence that contains this object
* This assumes that each extraction object is intra-sentential (true in ACE, Roth, BioNLP, MR)
protected CoreMap sentence;
/** Type of this mention, e.g., GPE */
protected String type;
/** Subtype, if available, e.g., GPE.CITY */
protected final String subType;
* Maximal token span relevant for this object, e.g., the largest NP for an entity mention
* The offsets are relative to the sentence that contains this object
protected Span extentTokenSpan;
/** This stores any optional attributes of ExtractionObjects */
protected CoreMap attributeMap;
* Probabilities associated with this object
* We report probability values for each possible type for this object
protected Counter<String> typeProbabilities;
public ExtractionObject(String objectId,
CoreMap sentence,
Span span,
String type,
String subtype) {
this.objectId = objectId;
this.sentence = sentence;
this.extentTokenSpan = span;
this.type = type.intern();
this.subType = (subtype != null ? subtype.intern() : null);
this.attributeMap = null;
public String getObjectId() {
return objectId;
public String getDocumentId() {
return sentence.get(CoreAnnotations.DocIDAnnotation.class);
public CoreMap getSentence() {
return sentence;
public void setSentence(CoreMap sent) {
this.sentence = sent;
public int getExtentTokenStart() { return extentTokenSpan.start(); }
public int getExtentTokenEnd() { return extentTokenSpan.end(); }
public Span getExtent() { return extentTokenSpan; }
public void setExtent(Span s) {
extentTokenSpan = s;
public String getExtentString() {
List<CoreLabel> tokens = sentence.get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = extentTokenSpan.start(); i < extentTokenSpan.end(); i ++){
CoreLabel token = tokens.get(i);
if(i > extentTokenSpan.start()) sb.append(" ");
return sb.toString();
public String getType() { return type; }
public String getSubType() { return subType; }
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if(! (other instanceof ExtractionObject)) return false;
ExtractionObject o = (ExtractionObject) other;
return o.objectId.equals(objectId) && o.sentence.get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class).equals(sentence.get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class));
static class CompByExtent implements Comparator<ExtractionObject> {
public int compare(ExtractionObject o1, ExtractionObject o2) {
if(o1.getExtentTokenStart() < o2.getExtentTokenStart()){
return -1;
} else if(o1.getExtentTokenStart() > o2.getExtentTokenStart()){
return 1;
} else if(o1.getExtentTokenEnd() < o2.getExtentTokenEnd()) {
return -1;
} else if(o1.getExtentTokenEnd() > o2.getExtentTokenEnd()) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
public static void sortByExtent(List<ExtractionObject> objects) {
Collections.sort(objects, new CompByExtent());
* Returns the smallest span that covers the extent of all these objects
* @param objs
public static Span getSpan(ExtractionObject ... objs) {
int left = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int right = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
for(int i = 0; i < objs.length; i ++){
if(objs[i].getExtentTokenStart() < left){
left = objs[i].getExtentTokenStart();
if(objs[i].getExtentTokenEnd() > right) {
right = objs[i].getExtentTokenEnd();
assert(left < Integer.MAX_VALUE);
assert(right > Integer.MIN_VALUE);
return new Span(left, right);
* Returns the text corresponding to the extent of this object
public String getValue() {
return getFullValue();
* Always returns the text corresponding to the extent of this object, even when
* getValue is overridden by subclass.
final public String getFullValue() {
List<CoreLabel> tokens = sentence.get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if(tokens != null && extentTokenSpan != null){
for(int i = extentTokenSpan.start(); i < extentTokenSpan.end(); i ++){
if(i > extentTokenSpan.start()) sb.append(" ");
return sb.toString();
public void setType(String t) {
this.type = t;
private static final String TYPE_SEP = "/";
* Concatenates two types
* @param t1
* @param t2
public static String concatenateTypes(String t1, String t2) {
String [] t1Toks = t1.split(TYPE_SEP);
String [] t2Toks = t2.split(TYPE_SEP);
Set<String> uniqueTypes = Generics.newHashSet();
for(String t: t1Toks) uniqueTypes.add(t);
for(String t: t2Toks) uniqueTypes.add(t);
String [] types = new String[uniqueTypes.size()];
StringBuffer os = new StringBuffer();
for(int i = 0; i < types.length; i ++){
if(i > 0) os.append(TYPE_SEP);
return os.toString();
public CoreMap attributeMap() {
if(attributeMap == null){
attributeMap = new ArrayCoreMap();
return attributeMap;
public void setTypeProbabilities(Counter<String> probs) {
typeProbabilities = probs;
public Counter<String> getTypeProbabilities() {
return typeProbabilities;
String probsToString() {
List<Pair<String, Double>> sorted = Counters.toDescendingMagnitudeSortedListWithCounts(typeProbabilities);
StringBuffer os = new StringBuffer();
boolean first = true;
for(Pair<String, Double> lv: sorted) {
if(! first) os.append("; ");
os.append(lv.first + ", " + lv.second);
first = false;
return os.toString();
* Returns true if it's worth saving/printing this object
* This happens in two cases:
* 1. The type of the object is not nilLabel
* 2. The type of the object is nilLabel but the second ranked label is within the given beam (0 -- 100) of the first choice
* @param beam
* @param nilLabel
public boolean printableObject(double beam, String nilLabel) {
if (typeProbabilities == null) { return false; }
List<Pair<String, Double>> sorted = Counters.toDescendingMagnitudeSortedListWithCounts(typeProbabilities);
// first choice not nil
if(sorted.size() > 0 && ! sorted.get(0).first.equals(nilLabel)){
return true;
// first choice is nil, but second is within beam
if(sorted.size() > 1 && sorted.get(0).first.equals(nilLabel) && beam > 0 &&
100.0 * (sorted.get(0).second - sorted.get(1).second) < beam){
return true;
return false;