import edu.stanford.nlp.math.ArrayMath;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.concurrent.*;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Index;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Timing;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Pair;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Quadruple;
import java.util.*;
* @author Mengqiu Wang
public class CRFLogConditionalObjectiveFunctionWithDropout extends CRFLogConditionalObjectiveFunction {
private final double delta;
private final double dropoutScale;
private double[][] dropoutPriorGradTotal;
private final boolean dropoutApprox;
private double[][] weightSquare;
private final int[][][][] totalData; // data[docIndex][tokenIndex][][]
private int unsupDropoutStartIndex;
private final double unsupDropoutScale;
private List<List<Set<Integer>>> dataFeatureHash;
private List<Map<Integer, List<Integer>>> condensedMap;
private int[][] dataFeatureHashByDoc;
private int edgeLabelIndexSize;
private int nodeLabelIndexSize;
private int[][] edgeLabels;
private Map<Integer, List<Integer>> currPrevLabelsMap;
private Map<Integer, List<Integer>> currNextLabelsMap;
private ThreadsafeProcessor<Pair<Integer, Boolean>, Quadruple<Integer, Double, Map<Integer, double[]>, Map<Integer, double[]>>> dropoutPriorThreadProcessor =
new ThreadsafeProcessor<Pair<Integer, Boolean>, Quadruple<Integer, Double, Map<Integer, double[]>, Map<Integer, double[]>>>() {
public Quadruple<Integer, Double, Map<Integer, double[]>, Map<Integer, double[]>> process(Pair<Integer,Boolean> docIndexUnsup) {
return expectedCountsAndValueForADoc(docIndexUnsup.first(), false, docIndexUnsup.second());
public ThreadsafeProcessor<Pair<Integer, Boolean>, Quadruple<Integer, Double, Map<Integer, double[]>, Map<Integer, double[]>>> newInstance() {
return this;
//TODO(Mengqiu) Need to figure out what to do with dataDimension() in case of
// mixed supervised+unsupervised data for SGD (AdaGrad)
CRFLogConditionalObjectiveFunctionWithDropout(int[][][][] data, int[][] labels, int window, Index<String> classIndex, List<Index<CRFLabel>> labelIndices, int[] map, String priorType, String backgroundSymbol, double sigma, double[][][][] featureVal, double delta, double dropoutScale, int multiThreadGrad, boolean dropoutApprox, double unsupDropoutScale, int[][][][] unsupDropoutData) {
super(data, labels, window, classIndex, labelIndices, map, priorType, backgroundSymbol, sigma, featureVal, multiThreadGrad); = delta;
this.dropoutScale = dropoutScale;
this.dropoutApprox = dropoutApprox;
dropoutPriorGradTotal = empty2D();
this.unsupDropoutStartIndex = data.length;
this.unsupDropoutScale = unsupDropoutScale;
if (unsupDropoutData != null) {
this.totalData = new int[data.length + unsupDropoutData.length][][][];
for (int i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
this.totalData[i] = data[i];
for (int i=0; i<unsupDropoutData.length; i++) {
this.totalData[i+unsupDropoutStartIndex] = unsupDropoutData[i];
} else {
this.totalData = data;
private void initEdgeLabels() {
if (labelIndices.size() < 2)
Index<CRFLabel> edgeLabelIndex = labelIndices.get(1);
edgeLabelIndexSize = edgeLabelIndex.size();
Index<CRFLabel> nodeLabelIndex = labelIndices.get(0);
nodeLabelIndexSize = nodeLabelIndex.size();
currPrevLabelsMap = new HashMap<Integer, List<Integer>>();
currNextLabelsMap = new HashMap<Integer, List<Integer>>();
edgeLabels = new int[edgeLabelIndexSize][];
for (int k=0; k < edgeLabelIndexSize; k++) {
int[] labelPair = edgeLabelIndex.get(k).getLabel();
edgeLabels[k] = labelPair;
int curr = labelPair[1];
int prev = labelPair[0];
if (!currPrevLabelsMap.containsKey(curr))
currPrevLabelsMap.put(curr, new ArrayList<Integer>(numClasses));
if (!currNextLabelsMap.containsKey(prev))
currNextLabelsMap.put(prev, new ArrayList<Integer>(numClasses));
private Map<Integer, double[]> sparseE(Set<Integer> activeFeatures) {
Map<Integer, double[]> aMap = new HashMap<Integer, double[]>(activeFeatures.size());
for (int f: activeFeatures) {
// System.err.printf("aMap.put(%d, new double[%d])\n", f, map[f]+1);
aMap.put(f,new double[map[f] == 0 ? nodeLabelIndexSize : edgeLabelIndexSize]);
return aMap;
private Map<Integer, double[]> sparseE(int[] activeFeatures) {
Map<Integer, double[]> aMap = new HashMap<Integer, double[]>(activeFeatures.length);
for (int f: activeFeatures) {
// System.err.printf("aMap.put(%d, new double[%d])\n", f, map[f]+1);
aMap.put(f,new double[map[f] == 0 ? nodeLabelIndexSize : edgeLabelIndexSize]);
return aMap;
private Quadruple<Integer, Double, Map<Integer, double[]>, Map<Integer, double[]>> expectedCountsAndValueForADoc(int docIndex,
boolean skipExpectedCountCalc, boolean skipValCalc) {
int[] activeFeatures = dataFeatureHashByDoc[docIndex];
List<Set<Integer>> docDataHash = dataFeatureHash.get(docIndex);
Map<Integer, List<Integer>> condensedFeaturesMap = condensedMap.get(docIndex);
double prob = 0;
int[][][] docData = totalData[docIndex];
int[] docLabels = null;
if (docIndex < labels.length)
docLabels = labels[docIndex];
Timing timer = new Timing();
double[][][] featureVal3DArr = null;
if (featureVal != null)
featureVal3DArr = featureVal[docIndex];
// make a clique tree for this document
CRFCliqueTree cliqueTree = CRFCliqueTree.getCalibratedCliqueTree(docData, labelIndices, numClasses, classIndex, backgroundSymbol, cliquePotentialFunc, featureVal3DArr);
if (!skipValCalc) {
if (TIMED)
// compute the log probability of the document given the model with the parameters x
int[] given = new int[window - 1];
Arrays.fill(given, classIndex.indexOf(backgroundSymbol));
if (docLabels.length>docData.length) { // only true for self-training
// fill the given array with the extra docLabels
System.arraycopy(docLabels, 0, given, 0, given.length);
// shift the docLabels array left
int[] newDocLabels = new int[docData.length];
System.arraycopy(docLabels, docLabels.length-newDocLabels.length, newDocLabels, 0, newDocLabels.length);
docLabels = newDocLabels;
double startPosLogProb = cliqueTree.logProbStartPos();
System.err.printf("P_-1(Background) = % 5.3f\n", startPosLogProb);
prob += startPosLogProb;
// iterate over the positions in this document
for (int i = 0; i < docData.length; i++) {
int label = docLabels[i];
double p = cliqueTree.condLogProbGivenPrevious(i, label, given);
if (VERBOSE) {
System.err.println("P(" + label + "|" + ArrayMath.toString(given) + ")=" + Math.exp(p));
prob += p;
System.arraycopy(given, 1, given, 0, given.length - 1);
given[given.length - 1] = label;
if (TIMED) {
long elapsedMs = timer.stop();
System.err.println("Calculate objective took: " + Timing.toMilliSecondsString(elapsedMs) + " ms");
Map<Integer, double[]> EForADoc = sparseE(activeFeatures);
List<Map<Integer, double[]>> EForADocPos = null;
if (dropoutApprox) {
EForADocPos = new ArrayList<Map<Integer, double[]>>(docData.length);
if (!skipExpectedCountCalc) {
if (TIMED)
// compute the expected counts for this document, which we will need to compute the derivative
// iterate over the positions in this document
double fVal = 1.0;
for (int i = 0; i < docData.length; i++) {
Set<Integer> docDataHashI = docDataHash.get(i);
Map<Integer, double[]> EForADocPosAtI = null;
if (dropoutApprox)
EForADocPosAtI = sparseE(docDataHashI);
for (int fIndex: docDataHashI) {
int j= map[fIndex];
Index<CRFLabel> labelIndex = labelIndices.get(j);
// for each possible labeling for that clique
for (int k = 0; k < labelIndex.size(); k++) {
int[] label = labelIndex.get(k).getLabel();
double p = cliqueTree.prob(i, label); // probability of these labels occurring in this clique with these features
if (dropoutApprox)
increScore(EForADocPosAtI, fIndex, k, fVal * p);
increScore(EForADoc, fIndex, k, fVal * p);
if (dropoutApprox) {
for (int fIndex: docDataHashI) {
if (condensedFeaturesMap.containsKey(fIndex)) {
List<Integer> aList = condensedFeaturesMap.get(fIndex);
for (int toCopyInto: aList) {
double[] arr = EForADocPosAtI.get(fIndex);
double[] targetArr = new double[arr.length];
for (int q=0; q < arr.length; q++)
targetArr[q] = arr[q];
EForADocPosAtI.put(toCopyInto, targetArr);
// copy for condensedFeaturesMap
for (Map.Entry<Integer, List<Integer>> entry: condensedFeaturesMap.entrySet()) {
int key = entry.getKey();
List<Integer> aList = entry.getValue();
for (int toCopyInto: aList) {
double[] arr = EForADoc.get(key);
double[] targetArr = new double[arr.length];
for (int i=0; i < arr.length; i++)
targetArr[i] = arr[i];
EForADoc.put(toCopyInto, targetArr);
if (TIMED) {
long elapsedMs = timer.stop();
System.err.println("Expected count took: " + Timing.toMilliSecondsString(elapsedMs) + " ms");
Map<Integer, double[]> dropoutPriorGrad = null;
if (prior == DROPOUT_PRIOR) {
if (TIMED)
// we can optimize this, this is too large, don't need this big
dropoutPriorGrad = sparseE(activeFeatures);
// System.err.print("computing dropout prior for doc " + docIndex + " ... ");
prob -= getDropoutPrior(cliqueTree, docData, EForADoc, docDataHash, activeFeatures, dropoutPriorGrad, condensedFeaturesMap, EForADocPos);
// System.err.println(" done!");
if (TIMED) {
long elapsedMs = timer.stop();
System.err.println("Dropout took: " + Timing.toMilliSecondsString(elapsedMs) + " ms");
return new Quadruple<Integer, Double, Map<Integer, double[]>, Map<Integer, double[]>>(docIndex, prob, EForADoc, dropoutPriorGrad);
private void increScore(Map<Integer, double[]> aMap, int fIndex, int k, double val) {
aMap.get(fIndex)[k] += val;
private void increScoreAllowNull(Map<Integer, double[]> aMap, int fIndex, int k, double val) {
if (!aMap.containsKey(fIndex)) {
aMap.put(fIndex, new double[map[fIndex] == 0 ? nodeLabelIndexSize : edgeLabelIndexSize]);
aMap.get(fIndex)[k] += val;
private void initializeDataFeatureHash() {
int macroActiveFeatureTotalCount = 0;
int macroCondensedTotalCount = 0;
int macroDocPosCount = 0;
System.err.println("initializing data feature hash, sup-data size: " + data.length + ", unsup data size: " + (totalData.length-data.length));
dataFeatureHash = new ArrayList<List<Set<Integer>>>(totalData.length);
condensedMap = new ArrayList<Map<Integer, List<Integer>>>(totalData.length);
dataFeatureHashByDoc = new int[totalData.length][];
for (int m=0; m < totalData.length; m++) {
Map<Integer, Integer> occurPos = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
int[][][] aDoc = totalData[m];
List<Set<Integer>> aList = new ArrayList<Set<Integer>>(aDoc.length);
Set<Integer> setOfFeatures = new HashSet<Integer>();
for (int i=0; i< aDoc.length; i++) { // positions in docI
Set<Integer> aSet = new HashSet<Integer>();
int[][] dataI = aDoc[i];
for (int j=0; j < dataI.length; j++) {
int[] dataJ = dataI[j];
for (int item: dataJ) {
if (j == 0) {
if (occurPos.containsKey(item))
occurPos.put(item, -1);
occurPos.put(item, i);
macroDocPosCount += aDoc.length;
macroActiveFeatureTotalCount += setOfFeatures.size();
if (DEBUG3)
System.err.println("Before condense, activeFeatures = " + setOfFeatures.size());
// examine all singletons, merge ones in the same position
Map<Integer, List<Integer>> condensedFeaturesMap = new HashMap<Integer, List<Integer>>();
int[] representFeatures = new int[aDoc.length];
Arrays.fill(representFeatures, -1);
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry: occurPos.entrySet()) {
int key = entry.getKey();
int pos = entry.getValue();
if (pos != -1) {
if (representFeatures[pos] == -1) { // use this as representFeatures
representFeatures[pos] = key;
condensedFeaturesMap.put(key, new ArrayList<Integer>());
} else { // condense this one
int rep = representFeatures[pos];
// remove key
int condensedCount = 0;
for(Iterator<Map.Entry<Integer, List<Integer>>> it = condensedFeaturesMap.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
Map.Entry<Integer, List<Integer>> entry =;
if(entry.getValue().size() == 0) {
} else {
if (DEBUG3) {
condensedCount += entry.getValue().size();
for (int cond: entry.getValue())
System.err.println("condense " + cond + " to " + entry.getKey());
if (DEBUG3)
System.err.println("After condense, activeFeatures = " + setOfFeatures.size() + ", condensedCount = " + condensedCount);
macroCondensedTotalCount += setOfFeatures.size();
int[] arrOfIndex = new int[setOfFeatures.size()];
int pos2 = 0;
for(Integer ind: setOfFeatures)
arrOfIndex[pos2++] = ind;
dataFeatureHashByDoc[m] = arrOfIndex;
System.err.println("Avg. active features per position: " + (macroActiveFeatureTotalCount/ (macroDocPosCount+0.0)));
System.err.println("Avg. condensed features per position: " + (macroCondensedTotalCount / (macroDocPosCount+0.0)));
System.err.println("initializing data feature hash done!");
private double getDropoutPrior(CRFCliqueTree cliqueTree, int[][][] docData,
Map<Integer, double[]> EForADoc, List<Set<Integer>> docDataHash, int[] activeFeatures, Map<Integer, double[]> dropoutPriorGrad,
Map<Integer, List<Integer>> condensedFeaturesMap, List<Map<Integer, double[]>> EForADocPos) {
Map<Integer, double[]> dropoutPriorGradFirstHalf = sparseE(activeFeatures);
if (TIMED)
System.err.println("activeFeatures size: "+activeFeatures.length + ", dataLen: " + docData.length);
Timing timer = new Timing();
if (TIMED)
double priorValue = 0;
long elapsedMs = 0;
Pair<double[][][], double[][][]> condProbs = getCondProbs(cliqueTree, docData);
if (TIMED) {
elapsedMs = timer.stop();
System.err.println("\t cond prob took: " + Timing.toMilliSecondsString(elapsedMs) + " ms");
// first index position is curr index, second index curr-class, third index prev-class
// e.g. [1][2][3] means curr is at position 1 with class 2, prev is at position 0 with class 3
double[][][] prevGivenCurr = condProbs.first();
// first index position is curr index, second index curr-class, third index next-class
// e.g. [0][2][3] means curr is at position 0 with class 2, next is at position 1 with class 3
double[][][] nextGivenCurr = condProbs.second();
// first dim is doc length (i)
// second dim is numOfFeatures (fIndex)
// third dim is numClasses (y)
// fourth dim is labelIndexSize (matching the clique type of fIndex, for \theta)
double[][][][] FAlpha = null;
double[][][][] FBeta = null;
if (!dropoutApprox) {
FAlpha = new double[docData.length][][][];
FBeta = new double[docData.length][][][];
for (int i = 0; i < docData.length; i++) {
if (!dropoutApprox) {
FAlpha[i] = new double[activeFeatures.length][][];
FBeta[i] = new double[activeFeatures.length][][];
if (!dropoutApprox) {
if (TIMED) {
// computing FAlpha
int fIndex = 0;
double aa, bb, cc = 0;
boolean prevFeaturePresent = false;
for (int i = 1; i < docData.length; i++) {
// for each possible clique at this position
Set<Integer> docDataHashIMinusOne = docDataHash.get(i-1);
for (int fIndexPos = 0; fIndexPos < activeFeatures.length; fIndexPos++) {
fIndex = activeFeatures[fIndexPos];
prevFeaturePresent = docDataHashIMinusOne.contains(fIndex);
int j = map[fIndex];
Index<CRFLabel> labelIndex = labelIndices.get(j);
int labelIndexSize = labelIndex.size();
if (FAlpha[i-1][fIndexPos] == null) {
FAlpha[i-1][fIndexPos] = new double[numClasses][labelIndexSize];
for (int q = 0; q < numClasses; q++)
FAlpha[i-1][fIndexPos][q] = new double[labelIndexSize];
for (Map.Entry<Integer, List<Integer>> entry : currPrevLabelsMap.entrySet()) {
int y = entry.getKey(); // value at i-1
double[] sum = new double[labelIndexSize];
for (int yPrime: entry.getValue()) { // value at i-2
for (int kk = 0; kk < labelIndexSize; kk++) {
int[] prevLabel = labelIndex.get(kk).getLabel();
aa = (prevGivenCurr[i-1][y][yPrime]);
bb = (prevFeaturePresent && ((j == 0 && prevLabel[0] == y) || (j == 1 && prevLabel[1] == y && prevLabel[0] == yPrime)) ? 1 : 0);
cc = 0;
if (FAlpha[i-1][fIndexPos][yPrime] != null)
cc = FAlpha[i-1][fIndexPos][yPrime][kk];
sum[kk] += aa * (bb + cc);
// sum[kk] += (prevGivenCurr[i-1][y][yPrime]) * ((prevFeaturePresent && ((j == 0 && prevLabel[0] == y) || (j == 1 && prevLabel[1] == y && prevLabel[0] == yPrime)) ? 1 : 0) + FAlpha[i-1][fIndexPos][yPrime][kk]);
if (DEBUG2)
System.err.printf("alpha[%d][%d][%d][%d] += % 5.3f * (%d + % 5.3f), prevLabel=%s\n", i, fIndex, y, kk, (prevGivenCurr[i-1][y][yPrime]), (prevFeaturePresent && ((j == 0 && prevLabel[0] == y) || (j == 1 && prevLabel[1] == y && prevLabel[0] == yPrime)) ? 1 : 0) , FAlpha[i-1][fIndexPos][yPrime][kk], Arrays.toString(prevLabel));
if (FAlpha[i][fIndexPos] == null) {
FAlpha[i][fIndexPos] = new double[numClasses][];
FAlpha[i][fIndexPos][y] = sum;
if (DEBUG2)
System.err.println("FAlpha["+i+"]["+fIndexPos+"]["+y+"] = " + Arrays.toString(sum));
if (TIMED) {
elapsedMs = timer.stop();
System.err.println("\t alpha took: " + Timing.toMilliSecondsString(elapsedMs) + " ms");
// computing FBeta
int docDataLen = docData.length;
for (int i = docDataLen-2; i >= 0; i--) {
Set<Integer> docDataHashIPlusOne = docDataHash.get(i+1);
// for each possible clique at this position
for (int fIndexPos = 0; fIndexPos < activeFeatures.length; fIndexPos++) {
fIndex = activeFeatures[fIndexPos];
boolean nextFeaturePresent = docDataHashIPlusOne.contains(fIndex);
int j = map[fIndex];
Index<CRFLabel> labelIndex = labelIndices.get(j);
int labelIndexSize = labelIndex.size();
if (FBeta[i+1][fIndexPos] == null) {
FBeta[i+1][fIndexPos] = new double[numClasses][labelIndexSize];
for (int q = 0; q < numClasses; q++)
FBeta[i+1][fIndexPos][q] = new double[labelIndexSize];
for (Map.Entry<Integer, List<Integer>> entry : currNextLabelsMap.entrySet()) {
int y = entry.getKey(); // value at i
double[] sum = new double[labelIndexSize];
for (int yPrime: entry.getValue()) { // value at i+1
for (int kk=0; kk < labelIndexSize; kk++) {
int[] nextLabel = labelIndex.get(kk).getLabel();
// System.err.println("labelIndexSize:"+labelIndexSize+", nextGivenCurr:"+nextGivenCurr+", nextLabel:"+nextLabel+", FBeta["+(i+1)+"]["+ fIndexPos +"]["+yPrime+"] :"+FBeta[i+1][fIndexPos][yPrime]);
aa = (nextGivenCurr[i][y][yPrime]);
bb = (nextFeaturePresent && ((j == 0 && nextLabel[0] == yPrime) || (j == 1 && nextLabel[0] == y && nextLabel[1] == yPrime)) ? 1 : 0);
cc = 0;
if (FBeta[i+1][fIndexPos][yPrime] != null)
cc = FBeta[i+1][fIndexPos][yPrime][kk];
sum[kk] += aa * ( bb + cc);
// sum[kk] += (nextGivenCurr[i][y][yPrime]) * ( (nextFeaturePresent && ((j == 0 && nextLabel[0] == yPrime) || (j == 1 && nextLabel[0] == y && nextLabel[1] == yPrime)) ? 1 : 0) + FBeta[i+1][fIndexPos][yPrime][kk]);
if (DEBUG2)
System.err.printf("beta[%d][%d][%d][%d] += % 5.3f * (%d + % 5.3f)\n", i, fIndex, y, kk, (nextGivenCurr[i][y][yPrime]), (nextFeaturePresent && ((j == 0 && nextLabel[0] == yPrime) || (j == 1 && nextLabel[0] == y && nextLabel[1] == yPrime)) ? 1 : 0), FBeta[i+1][fIndexPos][yPrime][kk]);
if (FBeta[i][fIndexPos] == null) {
FBeta[i][fIndexPos] = new double[numClasses][];
FBeta[i][fIndexPos][y] = sum;
if (DEBUG2)
System.err.println("FBeta["+i+"]["+fIndexPos+"]["+y+"] = " + Arrays.toString(sum));
if (TIMED) {
elapsedMs = timer.stop();
System.err.println("\t beta took: " + Timing.toMilliSecondsString(elapsedMs) + " ms");
if (TIMED) {
// derivative equals: VarU' * PtYYp * (1-PtYYp) + VarU * PtYYp' * (1-PtYYp) + VarU * PtYYp * (1-PtYYp)'
// derivative equals: VarU' * PtYYp * (1-PtYYp) + VarU * PtYYp' * (1-PtYYp) + VarU * PtYYp * -PtYYp'
// derivative equals: VarU' * PtYYp * (1-PtYYp) + VarU * PtYYp' * (1 - 2 * PtYYp)
double deltaDivByOneMinusDelta = delta / (1.0-delta);
Timing innerTimer = new Timing();
long eTiming = 0;
long dropoutTiming= 0;
boolean containsFeature = false;
// iterate over the positions in this document
for (int i = 1; i < docData.length; i++) {
Set<Integer> docDataHashI = docDataHash.get(i);
Map<Integer, double[]> EForADocPosAtI = null;
if (dropoutApprox)
EForADocPosAtI = EForADocPos.get(i);
// for each possible clique at this position
for (int k = 0; k < edgeLabelIndexSize; k++) { // sum over (y, y')
int[] label = edgeLabels[k];
int y = label[0];
int yP = label[1];
if (TIMED)
// important to use label as an int[] for calculating cliqueTree.prob()
// if it's a node clique, and label index is 2, if we don't use int[]{2} but just pass 2,
// cliqueTree is going to treat it as index of the edge clique labels, and convert 2
// into int[]{0,2}, and return the edge prob marginal instead of node marginal
double PtYYp = cliqueTree.prob(i, label);
double PtYYpTimesOneMinusPtYYp = PtYYp * (1.0 - PtYYp);
double oneMinus2PtYYp = (1.0 - 2 * PtYYp);
double USum = 0;
int fIndex;
for (int jjj=0; jjj<labelIndices.size(); jjj++) {
for (int n = 0; n < docData[i][jjj].length; n++) {
fIndex = docData[i][jjj][n];
int valIndex;
if (jjj == 1)
valIndex = k;
valIndex = yP;
double theta;
try {
theta = weights[fIndex][valIndex];
}catch (Exception ex) {
System.err.printf("weights[%d][%d], map[%d]=%d, labelIndices.get(map[%d]).size() = %d, weights.length=%d\n", fIndex, valIndex, fIndex, map[fIndex], fIndex, labelIndices.get(map[fIndex]).size(), weights.length);
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
USum += weightSquare[fIndex][valIndex];
// first half of derivative: VarU' * PtYYp * (1-PtYYp)
double VarUp = deltaDivByOneMinusDelta * theta;
increScoreAllowNull(dropoutPriorGradFirstHalf, fIndex, valIndex, VarUp * PtYYpTimesOneMinusPtYYp);
if (TIMED) {
eTiming += innerTimer.stop();
double VarU = 0.5 * deltaDivByOneMinusDelta * USum;
// update function objective
priorValue += VarU * PtYYpTimesOneMinusPtYYp;
double VarUTimesOneMinus2PtYYp = VarU * oneMinus2PtYYp;
// second half of derivative: VarU * PtYYp' * (1 - 2 * PtYYp)
// boolean prevFeaturePresent = false;
// boolean nextFeaturePresent = false;
for (int fIndexPos = 0; fIndexPos < activeFeatures.length; fIndexPos++) {
fIndex = activeFeatures[fIndexPos];
containsFeature = docDataHashI.contains(fIndex);
// if (!containsFeature) continue;
int jj = map[fIndex];
Index<CRFLabel> fLabelIndex = labelIndices.get(jj);
for (int kk = 0; kk < fLabelIndex.size(); kk++) { // for all parameter \theta
int[] fLabel = fLabelIndex.get(kk).getLabel();
// if (FAlpha[i] != null)
// System.err.println("fIndex: " + fIndex+", FAlpha[i].size:"+FAlpha[i].length);
double fCount = containsFeature && ((jj == 0 && fLabel[0] == yP) || (jj == 1 && k == kk)) ? 1 : 0;
double alpha;
double beta;
double condE;
double PtYYpPrime;
if (!dropoutApprox) {
alpha = ((FAlpha[i][fIndexPos] == null || FAlpha[i][fIndexPos][y] == null) ? 0 : FAlpha[i][fIndexPos][y][kk]);
beta = ((FBeta[i][fIndexPos] == null || FBeta[i][fIndexPos][yP] == null) ? 0 : FBeta[i][fIndexPos][yP][kk]);
condE = fCount + alpha + beta;
if (DEBUG2)
System.err.printf("fLabel=%s, yP = %d, fCount:%f = ((jj == 0 && fLabel[0] == yP)=%b || (jj == 1 && k == kk))=%b\n", Arrays.toString(fLabel),yP, fCount,(jj == 0 && fLabel[0] == yP) , (jj == 1 && k == kk));
PtYYpPrime = PtYYp * (condE - EForADoc.get(fIndex)[kk]);
} else {
double E = 0;
if (EForADocPosAtI.containsKey(fIndex))
E = EForADocPosAtI.get(fIndex)[kk];
condE = fCount;
PtYYpPrime = PtYYp * (condE - E);
if (DEBUG2)
System.err.printf("for i=%d, k=%d, y=%d, yP=%d, fIndex=%d, kk=%d, PtYYpPrime=% 5.3f, PtYYp=% 3.3f, (condE-E[fIndex][kk])=% 3.3f, condE=% 3.3f, E[fIndex][k]=% 3.3f, alpha=% 3.3f, beta=% 3.3f, fCount=% 3.3f\n", i, k, y, yP, fIndex, kk, PtYYpPrime, PtYYp, (condE - EForADoc.get(fIndex)[kk]), condE, EForADoc.get(fIndex)[kk], alpha, beta, fCount);
increScore(dropoutPriorGrad, fIndex, kk, VarUTimesOneMinus2PtYYp * PtYYpPrime);
if (DEBUG2)
if (TIMED)
dropoutTiming += innerTimer.stop();
// copy for condensedFeaturesMap
for (Map.Entry<Integer, List<Integer>> entry: condensedFeaturesMap.entrySet()) {
int key = entry.getKey();
List<Integer> aList = entry.getValue();
for (int toCopyInto: aList) {
double[] arr = dropoutPriorGrad.get(key);
double[] targetArr = new double[arr.length];
for (int i=0; i < arr.length; i++)
targetArr[i] = arr[i];
dropoutPriorGrad.put(toCopyInto, targetArr);
if (DEBUG3) {
for (int key: dropoutPriorGradFirstHalf.keySet())
System.err.print(" "+key);
for (int key: dropoutPriorGrad.keySet())
System.err.print(" "+key);
for (Map.Entry<Integer, double[]> entry: dropoutPriorGrad.entrySet()) {
Integer key = entry.getKey();
double[] target = entry.getValue();
if (dropoutPriorGradFirstHalf.containsKey(key)) {
double[] source = dropoutPriorGradFirstHalf.get(key);
for (int i=0; i<target.length; i++) {
target[i] += source[i];
// for (int i=0;i<dropoutPriorGrad.length;i++)
// for (int j=0; j<dropoutPriorGrad[i].length;j++) {
// if (DEBUG3)
// System.err.printf("f=%d, k=%d, dropoutPriorGradFirstHalf[%d][%d]=% 5.3f, dropoutPriorGrad[%d][%d]=% 5.3f\n", i, j, i, j, dropoutPriorGradFirstHalf[i][j], i, j, dropoutPriorGrad[i][j]);
// dropoutPriorGrad[i][j] += dropoutPriorGradFirstHalf[i][j];
// }
if (TIMED) {
elapsedMs = timer.stop();
System.err.println("\t grad took: " + Timing.toMilliSecondsString(elapsedMs) + " ms");
System.err.println("\t\t exp took: " + Timing.toMilliSecondsString(eTiming) + " ms");
System.err.println("\t\t dropout took: " + Timing.toMilliSecondsString(dropoutTiming) + " ms");
return dropoutScale * priorValue;
public void setWeights(double[][] weights) {
if (weightSquare == null) {
weightSquare = new double[weights.length][];
for (int i = 0; i < weights.length; i++)
weightSquare[i] = new double[weights[i].length];
for (int i = 0; i < weights.length; i++) {
for (int j=0; j < weights[i].length; j++) {
double w = weights[i][j];
weightSquare[i][j] = w * w;
* Calculates both value and partial derivatives at the point x, and save them internally.
public void calculate(double[] x) {
double prob = 0.0; // the log prob of the sequence given the model, which is the negation of value at this point
// final double[][] weights = to2D(x);
to2D(x, weights);
// the expectations over counts
// first index is feature index, second index is of possible labeling
// double[][] E = empty2D();
MulticoreWrapper<Pair<Integer, Boolean>, Quadruple<Integer, Double, Map<Integer, double[]>, Map<Integer, double[]>>> wrapper =
new MulticoreWrapper<Pair<Integer, Boolean>, Quadruple<Integer, Double, Map<Integer, double[]>, Map<Integer, double[]>>>(multiThreadGrad, dropoutPriorThreadProcessor);
// supervised part
for (int m = 0; m < totalData.length; m++) {
boolean submitIsUnsup = (m >= unsupDropoutStartIndex);
wrapper.put(new Pair<Integer, Boolean>(m, submitIsUnsup));
while (wrapper.peek()) {
Quadruple<Integer, Double, Map<Integer, double[]>, Map<Integer, double[]>> result = wrapper.poll();
int docIndex = result.first();
boolean isUnsup = docIndex >= unsupDropoutStartIndex;
if (isUnsup) {
prob += unsupDropoutScale * result.second();
} else {
prob += result.second();
Map<Integer, double[]> partialDropout = result.fourth();
if (partialDropout != null) {
if (isUnsup) {
combine2DArr(dropoutPriorGradTotal, partialDropout, unsupDropoutScale);
} else {
combine2DArr(dropoutPriorGradTotal, partialDropout);
if (!isUnsup) {
Map<Integer, double[]> partialE = result.third();
if (partialE != null)
combine2DArr(E, partialE);
while (wrapper.peek()) {
Quadruple<Integer, Double, Map<Integer, double[]>, Map<Integer, double[]>> result = wrapper.poll();
int docIndex = result.first();
boolean isUnsup = docIndex >= unsupDropoutStartIndex;
if (isUnsup) {
prob += unsupDropoutScale * result.second();
} else {
prob += result.second();
Map<Integer, double[]> partialDropout = result.fourth();
if (partialDropout != null) {
if (isUnsup) {
combine2DArr(dropoutPriorGradTotal, partialDropout, unsupDropoutScale);
} else {
combine2DArr(dropoutPriorGradTotal, partialDropout);
if (!isUnsup) {
Map<Integer, double[]> partialE = result.third();
if (partialE != null)
combine2DArr(E, partialE);
if (Double.isNaN(prob)) { // shouldn't be the case
throw new RuntimeException("Got NaN for prob in CRFLogConditionalObjectiveFunctionWithDropout.calculate()" +
" - this may well indicate numeric underflow due to overly long documents.");
// because we minimize -L(\theta)
value = -prob;
if (VERBOSE) {
System.err.println("value is " + Math.exp(-value));
// compute the partial derivative for each feature by comparing expected counts to empirical counts
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < E.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < E[i].length; j++) {
// because we minimize -L(\theta)
derivative[index] = (E[i][j] - Ehat[i][j]);
derivative[index] += dropoutScale * dropoutPriorGradTotal[i][j];
if (VERBOSE) {
System.err.println("deriv(" + i + ',' + j + ") = " + E[i][j] + " - " + Ehat[i][j] + " = " + derivative[index]);