/* Copyright 2002-2006, 2009 Elliotte Rusty Harold
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
You can contact Elliotte Rusty Harold by sending e-mail to
elharo@metalab.unc.edu. Please include the word "XOM" in the
subject line. The XOM home page is located at http://www.xom.nu/
package nu.xom.tests;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.util.MissingResourceException;
import nu.xom.Attribute;
import nu.xom.Builder;
import nu.xom.Comment;
import nu.xom.DocType;
import nu.xom.Document;
import nu.xom.Element;
import nu.xom.Elements;
import nu.xom.IllegalAddException;
import nu.xom.MalformedURIException;
import nu.xom.Namespace;
import nu.xom.Node;
import nu.xom.NodeFactory;
import nu.xom.Nodes;
import nu.xom.ParentNode;
import nu.xom.ParsingException;
import nu.xom.ProcessingInstruction;
import nu.xom.Serializer;
import nu.xom.Text;
import nu.xom.ValidityException;
import nu.xom.XMLException;
import nu.xom.xslt.XSLException;
import nu.xom.xslt.XSLTransform;
* <p>
* Unit tests for the XSLT engine.
* </p>
* <p>
* Many of the tests in this suite use an identity transformation.
* This is often done to make sure I get a particular content into
* the output tree in order to test the XSLTHandler.
* </p>
* @author Elliotte Rusty Harold
* @version 1.2b3
public class XSLTransformTest extends XOMTestCase {
public XSLTransformTest(String name) {
// Not a literal result element as stylesheet
// because it's missing the xsl:version attribute
private String notAStyleSheet =
"<?xml-stylesheet href=\"file.css\" type=\"text/css\"?>"
+ "<!-- test -->"
+ "<test xmlns:xlink='http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/xlink'>Hello dear"
+ "\r\n<em id=\"p1\" xmlns:none=\"http://www.example.com\">"
+ "very important</em>"
+ "<span xlink:type='simple'>here's the link</span>\r\n"
+ "<svg:svg xmlns:svg='http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/svg'>"
+ "<svg:text>text in a namespace</svg:text></svg:svg>\r\n"
+ "<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/svg'>"
+ "<text>text in a namespace</text></svg>"
+ "</test>\r\n"
+ "<!--epilog-->";
// This class tests a lot of error conditions, which
// Xalan annoyingly logs to System.err. This hides System.err
// before each test and restores it after each test.
private PrintStream systemErr = System.err;
private File inputDir;
protected void setUp() {
System.setErr(new PrintStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream()));
inputDir = new File("data");
inputDir = new File(inputDir, "xslt");
inputDir = new File(inputDir, "input");
protected void tearDown() {
* This test fails when run with Java 1.4.2. It passes with 1.5 or 1.6.
* I think there's some sort of bug in the XML/XSL libraries bundled with 1.4.2.
* This bug can also get triggered if the 1.4.2 classes somehow get loaded
* into a 1.5 or later VM, as I've seen happen on occasion when running this
* as part of the complete test suite. In particular, the test in DocTypeTest
* that loads Crimson may cause this test to fail.
public void testKeysPerfRepro3()
throws IOException, ParsingException, XSLException {
Builder builder = new Builder();
File base = new File("data");
base = new File(base, "oasis-xslt-testsuite");
base = new File(base, "TESTS");
File input = new File(base, "MSFT_CONFORMANCE_TESTS/KEYS/input.xml");
File style = new File(base, "MSFT_CONFORMANCE_TESTS/KEYS/input.xsl");
File output = new File(base, "MSFT_CONFORMANCE_TESTS/KEYS/out/PerfRepro3.txt");
Document styleDoc = builder.build(style);
Document inputDoc = builder.build(input);
XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(styleDoc);
Nodes result = xform.transform(inputDoc);
Document expectedResult = builder.build(output);
Document actualResult = XSLTransform.toDocument(result);
assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
* Like the previous test, this test fails when run with Java 1.4.2.
* It passes with 1.5 or 1.6.
public void testAxes_Axes62()
throws IOException, ParsingException, XSLException {
// Primarily this makes sure the XSLTHandler can handle various
// edge cases
public void testIdentityTransform()
throws ParsingException, IOException, XSLException {
File stylesheet = new File(inputDir, "identity.xsl");
Builder builder = new Builder();
Document stylesheetDoc = builder.build(stylesheet);
XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(stylesheetDoc);
Element root = new Element("root", "http://www.example.org");
root.appendChild(new Text("some data"));
root.appendChild(new Element("something"));
root.addAttribute(new Attribute("test", "test"));
root.addAttribute(new Attribute("pre:red", "http://www.red.com/", "value"));
Document input = new Document(root);
Nodes output = xform.transform(input);
assertEquals(root, output.get(0));
public void testPrefixMappingIssues()
throws XSLException, ParsingException, IOException {
String doc = "<test>"
+ "<span xmlns:a='http://www.example.com'/>"
+ "<span xmlns:b='http://www.example.net'/>"
+ "</test>";
File stylesheet = new File(inputDir, "identity.xsl");
Builder builder = new Builder();
Document stylesheetDoc = builder.build(stylesheet);
XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(stylesheetDoc);
Document input = builder.build(doc, "http://example.org/");
Nodes result = xform.transform(input);
assertEquals(input.getRootElement(), result.get(0));
public void testDocumentConstructor()
throws ParsingException, IOException {
try {
Builder builder = new Builder();
Document doc = builder.build(notAStyleSheet,
new XSLTransform(doc);
/*Document input = builder.build("<root />", "http://example.org/");
Nodes result = xform.transform(input); */
fail("Compiled non-stylesheet");
catch (XSLException success) {
public void testLiteralResultElementUsedAsStylesheet()
throws ParsingException, IOException, XSLException {
String literalResultElementAsStylesheet =
"<html xsl:version='1.0'\n"
+ " xmlns:xsl='http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform'\n"
+ " xmlns='http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/strict'>\n"
+ " <head>\n"
+ " <title>Expense Report Summary</title>\n"
+ " </head>\n"
+ " <body>\n"
+ " <p>Total Amount: <xsl:value-of select='expense-report/total'/></p>\n"
+ " </body>\n"
+ "</html>\n";
Builder builder = new Builder();
Document stylesheet = builder.build(literalResultElementAsStylesheet,
XSLTransform transform = new XSLTransform(stylesheet);
Document doc = builder.build(notAStyleSheet,
Nodes result = transform.transform(doc);
Element root = (Element) (result.get(0));
assertEquals("html", root.getQualifiedName());
assertEquals(2, root.getChildCount());
/* <xsl:template match="/">
<element1>some data and <content/> for a test</element1>
<element2>Remember, the XSLT processor is going to strip out the literal white space</element2>
<element3>some data and <content/> for a <!--test--></element3>
<xsl:processing-instruction name="test">PIs are not treated as literals in XSLT?</xsl:processing-instruction>
</xsl:template> */
public void testCreateDocumentFragment()
throws ParsingException, IOException, XSLException {
Element element1 = new Element("element1");
element1.appendChild("some data and ");
element1.appendChild(new Element("content"));
element1.appendChild(" for a test");
Element element2 = new Element("element2");
"Remember, the XSLT processor is going to strip out the literal white space"
File doc = new File(inputDir, "8-14.xml");
File stylesheet = new File(inputDir, "fragment.xsl");
Builder builder = new Builder();
Document stylesheetDoc = builder.build(stylesheet);
XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(stylesheetDoc);
Document input = builder.build(doc);
Nodes output = xform.transform(input);
assertEquals(6, output.size());
assertEquals(element1, output.get(0));
assertEquals(element2, output.get(1));
assertEquals(new Element("element4"), output.get(3));
assertEquals(new Comment("test"), output.get(4));
assertEquals(new ProcessingInstruction("test",
"PIs are not treated as literals in XSLT?"), output.get(5));
public void testTransform()
throws ParsingException, IOException, XSLException {
File doc = new File(inputDir, "8-1.xml");
File stylesheet = new File(inputDir, "8-8.xsl");
Builder builder = new Builder();
Document stylesheetDoc = builder.build(stylesheet);
XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(stylesheetDoc);
Nodes output = xform.transform(builder.build(doc));
assertEquals(1, output.size());
Document result = new Document((Element) (output.get(0)));
Document expected = builder.build("data/xslt/output/8-8.xml");
assertEquals(expected, result);
public void testSetParameter()
throws ParsingException, IOException, XSLException {
File doc = new File(inputDir, "8-1.xml");
File stylesheet = new File(inputDir, "paramtest.xsl");
Builder builder = new Builder();
Document stylesheetDoc = builder.build(stylesheet);
XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(stylesheetDoc);
xform.setParameter("test", new Double(2));
Nodes output = xform.transform(builder.build(doc));
assertEquals(1, output.size());
Element result = (Element) output.get(0);
assertEquals("<root>2</root>", result.toXML());
public void testSetParameterWithNamespace()
throws ParsingException, IOException, XSLException {
File doc = new File(inputDir, "8-1.xml");
File stylesheet = new File(inputDir, "namespaceparamtest.xsl");
Builder builder = new Builder();
Document stylesheetDoc = builder.build(stylesheet);
XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(stylesheetDoc);
xform.setParameter("test", "http://www.xom.nu/", new Double(2));
Nodes output = xform.transform(builder.build(doc));
assertEquals(1, output.size());
Element result = (Element) output.get(0);
assertEquals("<root xmlns:pre=\"http://www.xom.nu/\">2</root>",
public void testRemoveParameterWithNamespace()
throws ParsingException, IOException, XSLException {
File doc = new File(inputDir, "8-1.xml");
File stylesheet = new File(inputDir, "namespaceparamtest.xsl");
Builder builder = new Builder();
Document stylesheetDoc = builder.build(stylesheet);
XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(stylesheetDoc);
xform.setParameter("test", "http://www.xom.nu/", new Double(2));
xform.setParameter("test", "http://www.xom.nu/", null);
Nodes output = xform.transform(builder.build(doc));
assertEquals(1, output.size());
Element result = (Element) output.get(0);
assertEquals("<root xmlns:pre=\"http://www.xom.nu/\">1</root>",
public void testRemoveParameter()
throws ParsingException, IOException, XSLException {
File doc = new File(inputDir, "8-1.xml");
File stylesheet = new File(inputDir, "paramtest.xsl");
Builder builder = new Builder();
Document stylesheetDoc = builder.build(stylesheet);
XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(stylesheetDoc);
xform.setParameter("test", new Double(2));
xform.setParameter("test", null);
Nodes output = xform.transform(builder.build(doc));
assertEquals(1, output.size());
Element result = (Element) output.get(0);
assertEquals("<root>1</root>", result.toXML());
public void testTransformWithCFilter()
throws ParsingException, IOException, XSLException {
File doc = new File(inputDir, "8-1.xml");
File stylesheet = new File(inputDir, "8-8.xsl");
Builder builder = new Builder();
Document stylesheetDoc = builder.build(stylesheet);
XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(
stylesheetDoc, new NodeFactoryTest.CFactory());
Nodes output = xform.transform(builder.build(doc));
assertEquals(1, output.size());
Document result = new Document((Element) (output.get(0)));
Document expected = builder.build("data/xslt/output/8-8c.xml");
assertEquals(expected, result);
public void testCreateDocumentFragmentWithCommentFilter()
throws ParsingException, IOException, XSLException {
Element element1 = new Element("element1");
element1.appendChild("some data and ");
element1.appendChild(new Element("content"));
element1.appendChild(" for a test");
Element element2 = new Element("element2");
"Remember, the XSLT processor is going to strip out the literal white space"
File doc = new File(inputDir, "8-14.xml");
File stylesheet = new File(inputDir, "fragment.xsl");
Builder builder = new Builder();
Document stylesheetDoc = builder.build(stylesheet);
XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(
stylesheetDoc, new NodeFactoryTest.CommentFilter());
Document input = builder.build(doc);
Nodes output = xform.transform(input);
assertEquals(5, output.size());
assertEquals(element1, output.get(0));
assertEquals(element2, output.get(1));
assertEquals(new Element("element4"), output.get(3));
assertEquals(new ProcessingInstruction("test",
"PIs are not treated as literals in XSLT?"), output.get(4));
public void testCreateDocumentFragmentWithProcessingInstructionFilter()
throws ParsingException, IOException, XSLException {
Element element1 = new Element("element1");
element1.appendChild("some data and ");
element1.appendChild(new Element("content"));
element1.appendChild(" for a test");
Element element2 = new Element("element2");
"Remember, the XSLT processor is going to strip out the literal white space"
File doc = new File(inputDir, "8-14.xml");
File stylesheet = new File(inputDir, "fragment.xsl");
Builder builder = new Builder();
Document stylesheetDoc = builder.build(stylesheet);
XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(stylesheetDoc,
new NodeFactoryTest.ProcessingInstructionFilter());
Document input = builder.build(doc);
Nodes output = xform.transform(input);
assertEquals(5, output.size());
assertEquals(element1, output.get(0));
assertEquals(element2, output.get(1));
assertEquals(new Element("element4"), output.get(3));
assertEquals(new Comment("test"), output.get(4));
public void testCreateDocumentFragmentWithUncommentFilter()
throws ParsingException, IOException, XSLException {
Element element1 = new Element("element1");
element1.appendChild("some data and ");
element1.appendChild(new Element("content"));
element1.appendChild(" for a test");
Element element2 = new Element("element2");
"Remember, the XSLT processor is going to strip out the literal white space"
File doc = new File(inputDir, "8-14.xml");
File stylesheet = new File(inputDir, "fragment.xsl");
Builder builder = new Builder();
Document stylesheetDoc = builder.build(stylesheet);
XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(stylesheetDoc,
new NodeFactoryTest.UncommentFilter());
Document input = builder.build(doc);
Nodes output = xform.transform(input);
assertEquals(6, output.size());
assertEquals(element1, output.get(0));
assertEquals(element2, output.get(1));
assertEquals(new Element("element4"), output.get(3));
assertEquals(new Text("test"), output.get(4));
assertEquals(new ProcessingInstruction("test",
"PIs are not treated as literals in XSLT?"), output.get(5));
public void testTransform2()
throws ParsingException, IOException, XSLException {
File doc = new File(inputDir, "8-1.xml");
File stylesheet = new File(inputDir, "8-12.xsl");
Builder builder = new Builder();
Document stylesheetDoc = builder.build(stylesheet);
XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(stylesheetDoc);
Nodes output = xform.transform(builder.build(doc));
assertEquals(1, output.size());
Document result = new Document((Element) (output.get(0)));
Document expected = builder.build("data/xslt/output/8-12.xml");
assertEquals(expected, result);
// For debugging
private static void dumpResult(Document result, String filename)
throws IOException {
File debug = new File("data");
debug = new File(debug, "xslt");
debug = new File(debug, "debug/" + filename);
OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(debug);
Serializer serializer = new Serializer(out);
public void testTransformFromDocument()
throws ParsingException, IOException, XSLException {
File doc = new File(inputDir, "8-1.xml");
Builder builder = new Builder();
Document stylesheet = builder.build("data/xslt/input/8-12.xsl");
XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(stylesheet);
Nodes output = xform.transform(builder.build(doc));
assertEquals(1, output.size());
Document result = new Document((Element) (output.get(0)));
Document expected = builder.build("data/xslt/output/8-12.xml");
assertEquals(expected, result);
public void testTransformFromSystemID()
throws ParsingException, IOException, XSLException {
File doc = new File(inputDir, "8-1.xml");
Builder builder = new Builder();
String stylesheet = "data/xslt/input/8-12.xsl";
Document stylesheetDoc = builder.build(stylesheet);
XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(stylesheetDoc);
Nodes output = xform.transform(builder.build(doc));
assertEquals(1, output.size());
Document result = new Document((Element) (output.get(0)));
Document expected = builder.build("data/xslt/output/8-12.xml");
assertEquals(expected, result);
public void testTransformWithNamespaces()
throws ParsingException, IOException, XSLException {
File doc = new File(inputDir, "8-14.xml");
File stylesheet = new File(inputDir, "8-15.xsl");
Builder builder = new Builder();
Document stylesheetDoc = builder.build(stylesheet);
XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(stylesheetDoc);
Document input = builder.build(doc);
Nodes output = xform.transform(input);
assertEquals(1, output.size());
Document result = new Document((Element) (output.get(0)));
Document expected = builder.build("data/xslt/output/8-15.xml");
assertEquals(expected, result);
public void testSingleTextNode()
throws ParsingException, IOException, XSLException {
File doc = new File(inputDir, "8-14.xml");
File stylesheet = new File(inputDir, "singlestring.xsl");
Builder builder = new Builder();
Document stylesheetDoc = builder.build(stylesheet);
XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(stylesheetDoc);
Document input = builder.build(doc);
Nodes output = xform.transform(input);
assertEquals(1, output.size());
Text data = (Text) (output.get(0));
assertEquals("Data", data.getValue());
public void testToString()
throws XSLException, ParsingException, IOException {
File stylesheet = new File(inputDir, "singlestring.xsl");
Builder builder = new Builder();
Document stylesheetDoc = builder.build(stylesheet);
XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(stylesheetDoc);
assertTrue(xform.toString().startsWith("[nu.xom.xslt.XSLTransform: "));
// Make sure that method="text" doesn't affect what we get
// since this is not a serialized transform
// See http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=30197
public void testTextMethod()
throws ParsingException, IOException, XSLException {
File doc = new File(inputDir, "8-14.xml");
File stylesheet = new File(inputDir, "textmethod.xsl");
Builder builder = new Builder();
Document stylesheetDoc = builder.build(stylesheet);
XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(stylesheetDoc);
Document input = builder.build(doc);
Nodes output = xform.transform(input);
assertEquals(6, output.size());
assertEquals("12345", output.get(0).getValue());
assertEquals("67890", output.get(1).getValue());
assertEquals("", output.get(2).getValue());
assertEquals("0987654321", output.get(3).getValue());
assertTrue(output.get(4) instanceof Comment);
assertTrue(output.get(5) instanceof ProcessingInstruction);
public void testCommentWithParent()
throws XSLException, ParsingException, IOException {
Builder builder = new Builder();
File stylesheet = new File(inputDir, "commentwithparent.xsl");
Document stylesheetDoc = builder.build(stylesheet);
XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(stylesheetDoc);
Document input = new Document(new Element("root"));
Nodes output = xform.transform(input);
assertEquals(1, output.size());
assertEquals("", output.get(0).getValue());
Element root = (Element) output.get(0);
assertEquals(1, root.getChildCount());
Comment child = (Comment) root.getChild(0);
assertEquals("test", child.getValue());
public void testProcessingInstructionWithParent()
throws XSLException, ParsingException, IOException {
Builder builder = new Builder();
File stylesheet = new File(inputDir, "piwithparent.xsl");
Document stylesheetDoc = builder.build(stylesheet);
XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(stylesheetDoc);
Document input = new Document(new Element("root"));
Nodes output = xform.transform(input);
assertEquals(1, output.size());
assertEquals("", output.get(0).getValue());
Element root = (Element) output.get(0);
assertEquals(1, root.getChildCount());
ProcessingInstruction child = (ProcessingInstruction) root.getChild(0);
assertEquals("target", child.getTarget());
assertEquals("test", child.getValue());
public void testTransformNodes()
throws XSLException, ParsingException, IOException {
File stylesheet = new File(inputDir, "piwithparent.xsl");
Builder builder = new Builder();
Nodes input = new Nodes(new Element("root"));
Document stylesheetDoc = builder.build(stylesheet);
XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(stylesheetDoc);
Nodes output = xform.transform(input);
assertEquals(1, output.size());
assertEquals("", output.get(0).getValue());
Element root = (Element) output.get(0);
assertEquals(1, root.getChildCount());
ProcessingInstruction child = (ProcessingInstruction) root.getChild(0);
assertEquals("target", child.getTarget());
assertEquals("test", child.getValue());
public void testCopyXMLBaseAttribute()
throws XSLException, ParsingException, IOException {
File stylesheet = new File(inputDir, "id_transform.xsl");
Builder builder = new Builder();
Element root = new Element("root");
root.addAttribute(new Attribute("xml:base",
Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE, "http://www.example.org/"));
Document input = new Document(root);
Document stylesheetDoc = builder.build(stylesheet);
XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(stylesheetDoc);
Nodes output = xform.transform(input);
assertEquals(1, output.size());
assertEquals("", output.get(0).getValue());
Element rootOut = (Element) output.get(0);
assertEquals(0, rootOut.getChildCount());
assertEquals(1, rootOut.getAttributeCount());
assertEquals("http://www.example.org/", rootOut.getBaseURI());
public void testCopyXMLLangAttribute()
throws XSLException, ParsingException, IOException {
File stylesheet = new File(inputDir, "id_transform.xsl");
Builder builder = new Builder();
Element root = new Element("root");
root.addAttribute(new Attribute("xml:lang",
Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE, "http://www.example.org/"));
Document input = new Document(root);
Document stylesheetDoc = builder.build(stylesheet);
XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(stylesheetDoc);
Nodes output = xform.transform(input);
assertEquals(1, output.size());
assertEquals("", output.get(0).getValue());
Element rootOut = (Element) output.get(0);
assertEquals(0, rootOut.getChildCount());
assertEquals(1, rootOut.getAttributeCount());
public void testTriple()
throws IOException, ParsingException, XSLException {
File stylesheet = new File(inputDir, "identity.xsl");
Builder builder = new Builder();
Document stylesheetDoc = builder.build(stylesheet);
XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(stylesheetDoc,
new NodeFactoryTest.TripleElementFilter());
String data = "<a><b><c/></b></a>";
Document doc = builder.build(data, "http://www.example.org/");
Nodes result = xform.transform(doc);
assertEquals(3, result.size());
assertEquals(result.get(0), result.get(1));
assertEquals(result.get(1), result.get(2));
Element a = (Element) result.get(2);
assertEquals("a", a.getLocalName());
assertEquals(3, a.getChildCount());
assertEquals(0, a.getAttributeCount());
Element b = (Element) a.getChild(1);
assertEquals(3, b.getChildCount());
assertEquals("b", b.getLocalName());
public void testPassingNullSetsDefaultFactory()
throws IOException, ParsingException, XSLException {
File stylesheet = new File(inputDir, "identity.xsl");
Builder builder = new Builder();
Document stylesheetDoc = builder.build(stylesheet);
XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(stylesheetDoc, null);
String data = "<a><b><c/></b></a>";
Document doc = builder.build(data, "http://www.example.org/");
Nodes result = xform.transform(doc);
assertEquals(1, result.size());
Element a = (Element) result.get(0);
assertEquals("a", a.getLocalName());
assertEquals(1, a.getChildCount());
assertEquals(0, a.getAttributeCount());
Element b = (Element) a.getChild(0);
assertEquals(1, b.getChildCount());
assertEquals("b", b.getLocalName());
public void testTransformEmptyNodesList()
throws IOException, ParsingException, XSLException {
File stylesheet = new File(inputDir, "identity.xsl");
Builder builder = new Builder();
Document stylesheetDoc = builder.build(stylesheet);
XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(stylesheetDoc);
Nodes result = xform.transform(new Nodes());
assertEquals(0, result.size());
public void testMinimizingFactory()
throws XSLException, ParsingException, IOException {
File stylesheet = new File(inputDir, "identity.xsl");
Builder builder = new Builder();
Document stylesheetDoc = builder.build(stylesheet);
XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(stylesheetDoc,
new NodeFactoryTest.MinimizingFactory());
Document input = builder.build("<!-- test--><test>" +
"<em>data</em>\r\n<span>test</span></test>" +
"<?target data?>", "http://example.org/");
Nodes output = xform.transform(input);
assertEquals(0, output.size());
public void testIllegalTransform()
throws XSLException, ParsingException, IOException {
File stylesheet = new File(inputDir, "illegaltransform.xsl");
Builder builder = new Builder();
Document stylesheetDoc = builder.build(stylesheet);
XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(stylesheetDoc);
Element root = new Element("root", "http://www.example.org");
Document input = new Document(root);
try {
fail("Allowed illegal transform");
catch (XSLException ex) {
public void testRemapPrefixToSameURI()
throws IOException, ParsingException, XSLException {
File stylesheet = new File(inputDir, "identity.xsl");
Builder builder = new Builder();
Document stylesheetDoc = builder.build(stylesheet);
XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(stylesheetDoc);
String data = "<a xmlns:pre='http://www.example.org/'>" +
"<b xmlns:pre='http://www.example.org/'>in B</b></a>";
Document doc = builder.build(data, "http://www.example.org/");
Nodes result = xform.transform(doc);
assertEquals(doc.getRootElement(), result.get(0));
public void testElementsToAttributes()
throws IOException, ParsingException, XSLException {
File stylesheet = new File(inputDir, "identity.xsl");
Builder builder = new Builder();
Document stylesheetDoc = builder.build(stylesheet);
XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(stylesheetDoc,
new AttributeFactory());
String data = "<a><b>in B<c>in C</c></b></a>";
Document doc = builder.build(data, "http://www.example.org/");
Nodes result = xform.transform(doc);
assertEquals(1, result.size());
Element a = (Element) result.get(0);
assertEquals("a", a.getLocalName());
assertEquals(0, a.getChildCount());
assertEquals(1, a.getAttributeCount());
assertEquals("in B", a.getAttribute("b").getValue());
private static class AttributeFactory extends NodeFactory {
public Nodes finishMakingElement(Element element) {
ParentNode parent = element.getParent();
if (parent == null || parent instanceof Document) {
return new Nodes(element);
return new Nodes(new Attribute(element.getQualifiedName(),
element.getNamespaceURI(), element.getValue()));
public void testAttributesToElements()
throws IOException, ParsingException, XSLException {
File stylesheet = new File(inputDir, "identity.xsl");
Builder builder = new Builder();
Document stylesheetDoc = builder.build(stylesheet);
XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(stylesheetDoc,
new AttributesToElements());
String data = "<a name='value'><b x='y' a='b'/></a>";
Document doc = builder.build(data, "http://www.example.org/");
Nodes result = xform.transform(doc);
assertEquals(1, result.size());
Element a = (Element) result.get(0);
assertEquals("a", a.getLocalName());
assertEquals(2, a.getChildCount());
assertEquals(0, a.getAttributeCount());
Element name = (Element) a.getChild(0);
assertEquals("name", name.getLocalName());
assertEquals("value", name.getValue());
Element b = (Element) a.getChild(1);
assertEquals("b", b.getLocalName());
assertEquals(2, b.getChildCount());
assertEquals("y", b.getFirstChildElement("x").getValue());
assertEquals("b", b.getFirstChildElement("a").getValue());
private static class AttributesToElements extends NodeFactory {
public Nodes makeAttribute(String name, String URI,
String value, Attribute.Type type) {
Element element = new Element(name, URI);
return new Nodes(element);
public void testCommentsAreTransformed()
throws IOException, ParsingException, XSLException {
File stylesheet = new File(inputDir, "identity.xsl");
Builder builder = new Builder();
Document stylesheetDoc = builder.build(stylesheet);
XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(stylesheetDoc);
String data = "<a><!--test--></a>";
Document doc = builder.build(data, "http://www.example.org/");
Nodes result = xform.transform(doc);
assertEquals(1, result.size());
Element a = (Element) result.get(0);
assertEquals("a", a.getLocalName());
assertEquals(1, a.getChildCount());
assertEquals(0, a.getAttributeCount());
Node child = a.getChild(0);
assertTrue(child instanceof Comment);
public void testCommentToAttribute()
throws IOException, ParsingException, XSLException {
File stylesheet = new File(inputDir, "identity.xsl");
Builder builder = new Builder();
Document stylesheetDoc = builder.build(stylesheet);
XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(stylesheetDoc,
new NodeFactory() {
public Nodes makeComment(String text) {
return new Nodes(new Attribute("comment", text));
String data = "<a><!--test--></a>";
Document doc = builder.build(data, "http://www.example.org/");
Nodes result = xform.transform(doc);
assertEquals(1, result.size());
Element a = (Element) result.get(0);
assertEquals("a", a.getLocalName());
assertEquals(0, a.getChildCount());
assertEquals(1, a.getAttributeCount());
Attribute comment = a.getAttribute(0);
assertEquals("comment", comment.getLocalName());
assertEquals("test", comment.getValue());
public void testAdditionalDefaultNamespace()
throws IOException, ParsingException, XSLException {
File stylesheet = new File(inputDir, "identity.xsl");
Builder builder = new Builder();
Document stylesheetDoc = builder.build(stylesheet);
XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(stylesheetDoc);
String data = "<pre:a xmlns:pre='http://www.example.org' " +
Document doc = builder.build(data, "http://www.example.org/");
Nodes result = xform.transform(doc);
assertEquals(1, result.size());
Element a = (Element) result.get(0);
assertEquals("a", a.getLocalName());
assertEquals("pre:a", a.getQualifiedName());
assertEquals("data", a.getValue());
assertEquals("http://www.example.org", a.getNamespaceURI("pre"));
assertEquals("http://www.example.net", a.getNamespaceURI(""));
assertEquals(2, a.getNamespaceDeclarationCount());
private static boolean indentYes(Document styleDoc) {
Element output = styleDoc
if (output == null) return false;
String indent = output.getAttributeValue("indent");
if ("yes".equals(indent)) {
return true;
else return false;
private static class StrippingFactory extends NodeFactory {
public Nodes makeText(String s) {
String stripped = stripSpace(s);
if (stripped.length() == 0) return new Nodes();
Text result = new Text(stripped);
return new Nodes(result);
public Nodes makeAttribute(String name, String URI,
String value, Attribute.Type type) {
return new Nodes(new Attribute(name, URI, stripSpace(value), type));
private String stripSpace(String s) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
if (!Character.isWhitespace(s.charAt(i))) {
return sb.toString();
// XXX need to upgrade to final release of XSLT test suites
// and then split into individual tests
public void testOASISXalanConformanceSuite()
throws IOException, ParsingException, XSLException {
if (true) return; // XXX fix
Builder builder = new Builder();
NodeFactory stripper = new StrippingFactory();
Builder strippingBuilder = new Builder(stripper);
File base = new File("data");
base = new File(base, "oasis-xslt-testsuite");
base = new File(base, "TESTS");
base = new File(base, "Xalan_Conformance_Tests");
File catalog = new File(base, "catalog.xml");
// The test suite needs to be installed separately. If we can't
// find the catalog, we just don't run these tests.
if (catalog.exists()) {
Document doc = builder.build(catalog);
Element testsuite = doc.getRootElement();
Elements submitters = testsuite.getChildElements("test-catalog");
for (int i = 0; i < submitters.size(); i++) {
Element submitter = submitters.get(i);
Elements testcases = submitter.getChildElements("test-case");
for (int j = 0; j < testcases.size(); j++) {
Element testcase = testcases.get(j);
String id = testcase.getAttributeValue("id");
if (id.startsWith("output_")) {
// These test cases are mostly about producing
// HTML and plain text output that isn't
// relevant to XOM
else if (id.equals("axes_axes62")) {
// Possible Xalan bug. Pulled out into
// separate test method and investigating
else if (id.equals("select_select85")) {
// Same possible Xalan bug. Pulled out into
// separate test method and investigating
File root = new File(base, testcase.getFirstChildElement("file-path").getValue());
File input = null;
File style = null;
File output = null;
Element scenario = testcase.getFirstChildElement("scenario");
Elements inputs = scenario.getChildElements("input-file");
for (int k = 0; k < inputs.size(); k++) {
Element file = inputs.get(k);
String role = file.getAttributeValue("role");
if ("principal-data".equals(role)) {
input = new File(root, file.getValue());
else if ("principal-stylesheet".equals(role)) {
style = new File(root, file.getValue());
Elements outputs = scenario.getChildElements("output-file");
for (int k = 0; k < outputs.size(); k++) {
Element file = outputs.get(k);
String role = file.getAttributeValue("role");
if ("principal".equals(role)) {
// Fix up OASIS catalog bugs
File parent = new File(root.getParent());
parent = new File(parent, "REF_OUT");
parent = new File(parent, root.getName());
String outputFileName = file.getValue();
output = new File(parent, outputFileName);
try {
Document inputDoc = builder.build(input);
Document styleDoc = builder.build(style);
// If the transform specifies indent="yes".
// we remove all white space before comparing
XSLTransform xform;
if (indentYes(styleDoc)) {
xform = new XSLTransform(styleDoc, stripper);
else xform = new XSLTransform(styleDoc);
Nodes result = xform.transform(inputDoc);
if (output == null) {
// transform should have failed
fail("Transformed " + id);
else {
try {
Document expectedResult;
if (indentYes(styleDoc)) {
expectedResult = strippingBuilder.build(output);
else {
expectedResult = builder.build(output);
Document actualResult = XSLTransform.toDocument(result);
if (id.equals("attribset_attribset40")) {
// This test does not necessarily
// produce an identical infoset due
// to necessary remapping of
// namespace prefixes.
else if (id.equals("axes_axes129")) {
// Xalan bug. Fixed in more recent
// version than bundled with the JDK 1.4.2_05
else if (id.equals("copy_copy56")
|| id.equals("copy_copy58")
|| id.equals("copy_copy60")
|| id.equals("copy_copy59")) {
// Xalan bug;
// See http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/XALANJ-1081
// Also see erratum E27 to the XSLT spec.
else if (id.equals("expression_expression02")) {
// requires unparsed entities XOM doesn't support
else if (id.equals("idkey_idkey31")) {
// Known Xalan bug
// See http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/XALANJ-1325
else if (id.equals("idkey_idkey61")
|| id.equals("idkey_idkey62")) {
// Xalan bug. Fixed in more recent
// version than bundled with the JDK 1.4.2_05
// See http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/XALANJ-1318
else if (id.equals("impincl_impincl11")) {
// Test case bug; reported 2004-09-18
// See http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xslt-conformance-comment/200409/msg00001.html
else if (id.equals("math_math110")
|| id.equals("math_math111")) {
// Xalan bug. Fixed in more recent
// version than bundled with the JDK 1.4.2_05
// See http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/XALANJ-1278
else if (id.equals("numbering_numbering17")
|| id.equals("numbering_numbering79")) {
// test suite bug per XSLT 1.0 erratum 24. See
// See http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/XALANJ-1979
else if (id.equals("position_position104")) {
// Xalan bug. Fixed in more recent
// version than bundled with the JDK 1.4.2_05
else if (id.equals("position_position106")) {
// Xalan bug. Fixed in more recent
// version than bundled with the JDK 1.4.2_05
else if (id.equals("position_position107")
|| id.equals("position_position109")) {
// Xalan bug. Fixed in more recent
// version than bundled with the JDK 1.4.2_05
// See http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/XALANJ-1289
else {
assertEquals("Problem with " + id,
expectedResult, actualResult);
catch (ParsingException ex) {
// a few of the test cases generate
// text or HTML output rather than
// well-formed XML. For the moment, I
// just skip these.
catch (IllegalAddException ex) {
// A few of the test cases generate
// incomplete documents so we can't
// compare output. Perhaps I could
// wrap in an element, then get children
// to build a Nodes object rather than a
// Document???? i.e. a fragment parser?
// Could use a SequenceInputStream to hack this
catch (ParsingException ex) {
// Some of the test cases contain relative
// namespace URIs XOM does not support
if (ex.getCause() instanceof MalformedURIException) continue;
throw ex;
catch (XSLException ex) {
// If the output was null the transformation
// was expected to fail
if (output != null) {
// a few of the test cases use relative namespace URIs
// XOM doesn't support
Throwable cause = ex.getCause();
if (cause instanceof MalformedURIException) {
if ("impincl_impincl27".equals(id)) {
// Test case uses file: URI XOM doesn't support
else if ("numberformat_numberformat45".equals(id)
|| "numberformat_numberformat46".equals(id)) {
// This has been fixed in Xalan 2.5.2.
// However, it's a bug in earlier versions of Xalan
// including the one bundled with the JDK 1.4.2_05
// See http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/XALANJ-805
// XXX I think this might need an updated version of the test cases
// and expected output at this point.
throw ex;
public void testOASISMicrosoftConformanceSuite()
throws IOException, ParsingException, XSLException {
if (true) return; // XXX fix
Builder builder = new Builder();
NodeFactory stripper = new StrippingFactory();
Builder strippingBuilder = new Builder(stripper);
File base = new File("data");
base = new File(base, "oasis-xslt-testsuite");
base = new File(base, "TESTS");
File catalog = new File(base, "catalog.xml");
// The test suite need to be installed separately. If we can't
// find the catalog, we just don't run these tests.
if (catalog.exists()) {
Document doc = builder.build(catalog);
Element testsuite = doc.getRootElement();
Elements submitters = testsuite.getChildElements("test-catalog");
Element submitter = submitters.get(1);
Elements testcases = submitter.getChildElements("test-case");
for (int j = 0; j < testcases.size(); j++) {
Element testcase = testcases.get(j);
String id = testcase.getAttributeValue("id");
File root = new File(base, "MSFT_Conformance_Tests");
root = new File(root, testcase.getFirstChildElement("file-path").getValue());
File input = null;
File style = null;
File output = null;
Element scenario = testcase.getFirstChildElement("scenario");
Elements inputs = scenario.getChildElements("input-file");
for (int k = 0; k < inputs.size(); k++) {
Element file = inputs.get(k);
String role = file.getAttributeValue("role");
if ("principal-data".equals(role)) {
input = new File(root, file.getValue());
else if ("principal-stylesheet".equals(role)) {
style = new File(root, file.getValue());
} // end for
Elements outputs = scenario.getChildElements("output-file");
for (int k = 0; k < outputs.size(); k++) {
Element file = outputs.get(k);
String role = file.getAttributeValue("role");
if ("principal".equals(role)) {
// Fix up OASIS catalog bugs
File parent = new File(root.getParent());
parent = new File(parent, "REF_OUT");
parent = new File(parent, root.getName());
String outputFileName = file.getValue();
output = new File(parent, outputFileName);
} // end for
try {
Document styleDoc = builder.build(style);
boolean strip = indentYes(styleDoc);
if ("BVTs_bvt002".equals(id) || "BVTs_bvt077".equals(id)) {
// This has been fixed at least as of Xalan 2.6.0.
// However, it's a bug in earlier versions of Xalan
// including the one bundled with the JDK 1.4.2_05
else if ("XSLTFunctions_Bug76984".equals(id)) {
// This has been fixed at least as of Xalan 2.6.0.
// However, it's a bug in earlier versions of Xalan
// including the one bundled with the JDK 1.4.2_05
else if ("BVTs_bvt020".equals(id) || "BVTs_bvt022".equals(id)
|| "BVTs_bvt024".equals(id) || "BVTs_bvt058".equals(id)) {
// Either a test suite bug, or a recoverable
// error Xalan doesn't recover from.
else if ("BVTs_bvt038".equals(id)
|| "Namespace-alias__91785".equals(id)
|| "Namespace-alias__91786".equals(id)) {
// a recoverable error Xalan doesn't recover from properly
// http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/XALANJ-1957
else if ("Namespace_XPath_CopyNamespaceNodeToOutput".equals(id)) {
// Xalan bug
// http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/XALANJ-1959
else if ("Namespace-alias_Namespace-Alias_WithinRTF".equals(id)) {
// Xalan bug
// http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/XALANJ-1960
else if ("Completeness__84361".equals(id)
|| "Namespace-alias__91781".equals(id)
|| "Namespace-alias__91782".equals(id)
|| "Namespace-alias_Namespace-Alias_Test1".equals(id)
|| "Namespace-alias_Namespace-Alias_Test2".equals(id)
) {
// a recoverable error Xalan doesn't recover from
else if ("Output__84008".equals(id)) {
// a recoverable error Xalan doesn't recover from
else if ("XSLTFunctions_ElementAvailFunctionFalseTest".equals(id)) {
// Xalan bug
// http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/XALANJ-1961
else if ("XSLTFunctions_GenereateIdAppliedToNamespaceNodesOnDifferentElements".equals(id)) {
// Xalan bug
// http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/XALANJ-1962
else if ("XSLTFunctions__specialCharInPattern".equals(id)) {
// a recoverable error Xalan doesn't recover from
else if ("XSLTFunctions_DocumentFunctionWithAbsoluteArgument".equals(id)) {
// test case bug; bad URL passed to document function
else if ("BVTs_bvt052".equals(id) || "Keys_PerfRepro2".equals(id)) {
// Requires a non-standard extension function
else if ("Keys_PerfRepro3".equals(id)) {
// Moved to a separate test case; investigating state dependent
// test failure; doesn't fail in isolation; only fails
// when run as part of FastTests
else if ("BVTs_bvt044".equals(id)) {
// a recoverable error Xalan doesn't recover from
// http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/XALANJ-1957
else if ("BVTs_bvt039".equals(id)) {
// Xalan bug
else if ("BVTs_bvt033".equals(id) || "BVTs_bvt034".equals(id)) {
// Test suite bug; 2.0 is not unrecognized
else if ("Text__78274".equals(id) || "Text__78276".equals(id)) {
// Test suite bug; no xsl:preserve-space attribute
else if ("XSLTFunctions__minimumValue".equals(id)
|| "XSLTFunctions__minimalValue".equals(id)) {
// test suite bug
else if ("Errors_err073".equals(id)) {
// Xalan bug: StackOverflowError
else if ("Sorting_SortExprWithCurrentInsideForEach1".equals(id)) {
// Xalan bug
// http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/XALANJ-1970
else if ("BVTs_bvt041".equals(id) || "BVTs_bvt063".equals(id)
|| "BVTs_bvt070".equals(id)) {
// Xalan bundled with JDK 1.4.2_05 does not recover
// from this error involving multiple conflicting
// xsl:output at same import precedence, though
// 2.6.0 does
Document inputDoc = builder.build(input);
XSLTransform xform;
if (strip) xform = new XSLTransform(styleDoc, stripper);
else xform = new XSLTransform(styleDoc);
Nodes result = xform.transform(inputDoc);
if (output == null) {
if ("Attributes__89463".equals(id)
|| "Attributes__89465".equals(id)) {
// Processors are allowed to recover from
// this problem.
assertEquals(0, result.size());
else if ("Attributes__89464".equals(id)) {
// Processors are allowed to recover from
// this problem.
assertEquals(0, ((Element) result.get(0)).getAttributeCount());
else if ("Namespace-alias__91772".equals(id)
|| "Namespace-alias__91774".equals(id)
|| "Namespace-alias__91780".equals(id)
|| "Namespace-alias__91790".equals(id)
|| "Namespace-alias__91791".equals(id)
|| "Sorting__84006".equals(id)
|| "Sorting__91754".equals(id)
) {
// Processors are allowed to recover from
// this problem.
else if (id.startsWith("Errors_")) {
// Processors are allowed to recover from
// most of these problems.
else if (id.startsWith("FormatNumber")) {
// Processors are allowed to recover from
// most of these problems.
else if ("BVTs_bvt074".equals(id)) {
// Processors are allowed to recover from
// this problem.
assertEquals(0, result.get(0).getChildCount());
else if ("XSLTFunctions__currency".equals(id)
|| "XSLTFunctions__mixingInvalids".equals(id)) {
// Processors are allowed to recover from
// this problem.
else if ("Attributes_Attribute_UseXmlnsNsAsNamespaceForAttribute".equals(id)
|| "Attributes_Attribute_UseXmlnsAsNamespaceForAttributeImplicitly".equals(id)
|| "Elements_Element_UseXslElementWithNameSpaceAttrEqualToXmlnsUri".equalsIgnoreCase(id)
|| "Elements_Element_UseXslElementWithNameSpaceEqualToXmlnsUri".equalsIgnoreCase(id)
) {
// test follows namespace errata we don't accept
else if ("AttributeSets_RefToUndefinedAttributeSet".equals(id)) {
// I think the test case is wrong; I see
// nothing in the spec that says this is
// an error.
else if ("Namespace__77665".equals(id)
|| "Namespace__77675".equals(id)) {
// I think the test case is wrong; I see
// nothing in the spec that says this is
// an error. See
// http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xslt-conformance-comment/200409/msg00007.html
else if ("Variables__84633".equals(id)
|| "Variables__84634".equals(id)
|| "Variables__84697".equals(id)
|| "Variables__84710".equals(id)
) {
// An error. See 11.4
// but are processors allowed to recover?
// Hmm according to section 17, the
// processor must signal these errors
// and may but need not recover from them.
// Xalan recovers. Microsoft doesn't.
else if ("Output__78176".equals(id)) {
// I think the test case is wrong; I see
// nothing in the spec that says this is
// an error.
else if (id.startsWith("XSLTFunctions__100")) {
// I think these test cases are all wrong
// except perhaps XSLTFunctions__10026; I
// see nothing in the spec that says this
// is an error. These are all about the
// unparsed-entity-uri function.
else if ("Namespace__78027".equals(id)) {
// Test case is incorrect. This should
// operate in forwards compatible mode.
// Xalan gets this right.
else if ("Output_Output_UseStandAloneAttributeWithMultipleRoots".equals(id)) {
// Error only appears when document is serialized;
// not before
else { // transform should have failed
fail("Transformed " + style + "\n id: "
+ testcase.getAttributeValue("id"));
else {
try {
if ("Attributes_xsl_attribute_dup_attr_with_namespace_conflict".equals(id)
|| "BVTs_bvt057".equals(id)) {
// This test case requires namespace prefix rewriting,
// so the output won't be exactly the same between processors
else if ("Comment_DisableOutputEscaping_XslTextInXslComment".equals(id)) {
// Test case output is wrong
else if ("Output__77927".equals(id)
|| "Output__77928".equals(id)
|| "Output__84304".equals(id)
|| "Output__84305".equals(id)
|| "Output__84312".equals(id)
|| "Output__84619".equals(id)
|| "Output__84620".equals(id)
|| "Output_EntityRefInAttribHtml".equals(id)
) {
// These test cases have incorrect line
// breaks in the reference output.
else if ("Output_Modified84433".equals(id)) {
// This test case uses disable output escaping
// so the results don't match up
else if ("Sorting_Sort_SortTextWithNonTextCharacters".equals(id)) {
// Xalan and MSXML don't sort non alphabetic characters
// exactly the same, but that's legal
else if ("Text_DoeWithCdataInText".equals(id)) {
// Requires disable-output-escaping
else if ("Whitespaces__91443".equals(id)
|| "Whitespaces__91444".equals(id)) {
// Xalan bug
// See http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/XALANJ-1969
else if ("AVTs__77591".equals(id)) {
// test suite bug; doesn't escape tabs in output. See
// http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xslt-conformance-comment/200409/msg00017.html
else if ("Keys_MultipltKeysInclude".equals(id) ) {
// Xalan bug
// http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/XALANJ-1956
/* else if ("Keys_PerfRepro3".equals(id) ) {
// Suspected Xalan bug
// http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/XALANJ-1955
} */
else if ("Number__84683".equals(id)) {
// test suite bug
else if ("Number__84687".equals(id)) {
// test suite bug
else if ("Number__84692".equals(id)) {
// test suite bug
else if ("Number__84694".equals(id)) {
// Test suite expects Roman number for zero
// to be the empty string while Xalan uses 0
else if ("Number__84699".equals(id)) {
// Xalan bug
else if ("Number__84700".equals(id)) {
// Xalan bug; extra whitespace. Possibly
// the same as
else if ("Number__84716".equals(id)) {
// Xalan doesn't support Russian
// number formatting
else if ("Number__84717".equals(id)) {
// Xalan supports more Japanese than the
// test case does
else if ("Number__84722".equals(id)
|| "Number__84723".equals(id)
|| "Number__84724".equals(id)
|| "Number__84725".equals(id)
) {
// Acceptable locale support differences
else if ("Number_NaNOrInvalidValue".equals(id)) {
// Double bug! Test case is wrong and
// Xalan gets this wrong!
else if ("Number_ValueAsNodesetTest1".equals(id)
|| "Number_ValueAsEmptyNodeset".equals(id)) {
// Another double bug! Test case is wrong and
// Xalan gets this wrong!
else if (id.equals("XSLTFunctions_BooleanFunction")) {
// I think the test case is wrong; or perhaps unspecified
else if (id.equals("XSLTFunctions_TestIdFuncInComplexStruct")) {
// I think the Xalan output white space is wrong;
// http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/XALANJ-1947
else if (id.equals("XSLTFunctions__testOn-0.00")) {
// Possible test suite bug. See
// http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/XALANJ-2226
else {
Document expectedResult;
if (strip) expectedResult = strippingBuilder.build(output);
else expectedResult = builder.build(output);
Document actualResult = XSLTransform.toDocument(result);
assertEquals("Mismatch with " + id,
expectedResult, actualResult);
} // end try
catch (ParsingException ex) {
// a few of the test cases generate
// text or HTML output rather than
// well-formed XML. For the moment, I
// just skip these.
catch (IllegalAddException ex) {
// A few of the test cases generate
// incomplete documents so we can't
// compare output. Perhaps I could
// wrap in an element, then get children
// to build a Node object rather than a
// Document???? i.e. a fragment parser?
// Could use a SequenceInputStream to hack this
} // end else
} // end try
catch (MalformedURIException ex) {
catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
// The catalog doesn't always match what's on disk
catch (UnknownHostException ex) {
// A few tests like ProcessingInstruction__78197
// point to external DTD subsets that can't be loaded
catch (ParsingException ex) {
// several stylesheets use relative namespace URIs XOM
// does not support; skip the test
if (ex.getCause() instanceof MalformedURIException) {
String operation = scenario.getAttributeValue("operation");
if (!"execution-error".equals(operation)) {
if ("Namespace_XPath_PredefinedPrefix_XML".equals(id)) {
// uses relative namespace URIs
else if ("Sorting__78191".equals(id)
|| "Text__78245".equals(id)
|| "Text__78273".equals(id)
|| "Text__78281".equals(id)
) {
// binds XML namespace to prefix other than xml
else if ("ProcessingInstruction__78200".equals(id)
|| "ProcessingInstruction__78202".equals(id)
|| "ProcessingInstruction__78203".equals(id)
) {
// bad test case; uses non-absolute domain name to locate DTD
else {
System.out.println(id + ": " + ex.getMessage());
throw ex;
catch (XSLException ex) {
// If the output was null the transformation
// was expected to fail
if (output != null) {
Throwable cause = ex.getCause();
if ("Attributes__81487".equals(id)
|| "Attributes__81551".equals(id)) {
// spec inconsistency; see
// http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2004JulSep/0003.html
else if (cause instanceof MissingResourceException) {
// Xalan bug;
// http://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ManageAttachments.jspa?id=27366
else if ("Include_Include_IncludedStylesheetShouldHaveDifferentBaseUri".equals(id)) {
// This test case is wrong; Uses backslash in URI
else if ("Elements__89070".equals(id)) {
// bug fixed in later versions of Xalan
else if ("Namespace-alias_Namespace-Alias_NSAliasForDefaultWithExcludeResPref".equals(id)) {
// This test case is wrong; it uses a backslash in a URI
else if ("Variables_VariableWithinVariable".equals(id)) {
// Xalan does not recover from this one
else if ("BVTs_bvt054".equals(id)) {
// Xalan bug
// http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/XALANJ-1952
else if ("BVTs_bvt094".equals(id)) {
// Xalan bug
// http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/XALANJ-1953
else if ("Output__78177".equals(id)
|| "Output__84009".equals(id)) {
// Xalan does not recover from this error
// which involves duplicate and possibly conflicting xsl:output elements
else if ("Comment_Comment_CDATAWithSingleHyphen".equals(id)
|| "Comment_Comment_DoubleHypenEntitywithDelCharacter".equals(id)
|| "Comment_Comment_LineOfAllHyphens".equals(id)
|| "Comment_Comment_SingleHyphenOnly".equals(id)
|| "Comment_Comment_DoubleHyphenONLY".equals(id)) {
// Begins comment data with hyphen, which XOM doesn't allow
else if ("ProcessingInstruction_ValueOfandTextWithDoeInProcInstr".equals(id)) {
// Begins processing instruction data with white space, which XOM doesn't allow
else if ("Elements__89716".equals(id)
|| "Elements__89717".equals(id)
|| "Elements__89718".equals(id)
|| "Output__84309".equals(id)
|| "Namespace__77670".equals(id))
// Xalan doesn't recover from these, though recovery is allowed
else if ("Output__84306".equals(id)) {
// Xalan bug
// http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/XALANJ-1954
else if ("Output__84014".equals(id)) {
// Fixed in later version of Xalan than is bundled with JDK
else if (cause instanceof MalformedURIException) {
// Some of the tests generate relative namespace URIs
// XOM doesn't support
else {
System.out.println(id + ": " + ex.getMessage());
System.out.println("in " + style);
if (cause != null) {
System.out.println("cause: " + cause.getMessage());
throw ex;
} // end catch
catch (XMLException ex) {
if ("Text_modified78309".equals(id)) {
// output is not a full document
else {
throw ex;
} // end for
} // end if
public void testSelect_Select65()
throws IOException, ParsingException, XSLException {
private void xalanTestCase(String path)
throws ParsingException, ValidityException, IOException, XSLException {
Builder builder = new Builder();
File base = new File("data");
base = new File(base, "oasis-xslt-testsuite");
base = new File(base, "TESTS");
base = new File(base, "Xalan_Conformance_Tests");
File input = new File(base, path + ".xml");
File style = new File(base, path + ".xsl");
base = new File(base, "REF_OUT");
File output = new File(base, path + ".out");
Document styleDoc = builder.build(style);
Document inputDoc = builder.build(input);
XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(styleDoc);
Nodes result = xform.transform(inputDoc);
Document expectedResult = builder.build(output);
Document actualResult = XSLTransform.toDocument(result);
assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
public void testSorting__89749()
throws IOException, ParsingException, XSLException {
Builder builder = new Builder();
File base = new File("data");
base = new File(base, "oasis-xslt-testsuite");
base = new File(base, "TESTS");
File input = new File(base, "MSFT_CONFORMANCE_TESTS/Sorting/sorttest.xml");
File style = new File(base, "MSFT_CONFORMANCE_TESTS/Sorting/2_5_13_repeat.xsl");
Document styleDoc = builder.build(style);
Document inputDoc = builder.build(input);
XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(styleDoc);
Nodes result = xform.transform(inputDoc);
File output = new File(base, "MSFT_CONFORMANCE_TESTS/Sorting/out/89749.txt");
Document expectedResult = builder.build(output);
Document actualResult = XSLTransform.toDocument(result);
assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult); */
public void testToDocumentWithEmptyNodes() {
try {
XSLTransform.toDocument(new Nodes());
fail("Converted empty nodes to document");
catch (XMLException success) {
public void testToDocumentWithNoRoot() {
Nodes input = new Nodes();
input.append(new Comment("data"));
try {
XSLTransform.toDocument(new Nodes());
fail("Converted comment to document");
catch (XMLException success) {
public void testToDocumentWithText() {
Nodes input = new Nodes();
Element root = new Element("root");
Comment comment = new Comment("data");
ProcessingInstruction pi = new ProcessingInstruction("target", "data");
input.append(new Text("text"));
try {
XSLTransform.toDocument(new Nodes());
fail("Converted text to document");
catch (XMLException success) {
public void testToDocumentWithAttribute() {
Nodes input = new Nodes();
Element root = new Element("root");
Comment comment = new Comment("data");
ProcessingInstruction pi = new ProcessingInstruction("target", "data");
input.append(new Attribute("name", "text"));
try {
XSLTransform.toDocument(new Nodes());
fail("Converted text to document");
catch (XMLException success) {
public void testToDocumentWithDocType() {
Nodes input = new Nodes();
Element root = new Element("root");
DocType doctype = new DocType("root");
Comment comment = new Comment("data");
ProcessingInstruction pi = new ProcessingInstruction("target", "data");
Document output = XSLTransform.toDocument(input);
assertEquals(root, output.getRootElement());
assertEquals(comment, output.getChild(0));
assertEquals(doctype, output.getChild(1));
assertEquals(pi, output.getChild(3));
assertEquals(input.size(), output.getChildCount());
public void testToDocumentWithDocTypeInEpilog() {
Nodes input = new Nodes();
Element root = new Element("root");
DocType doctype = new DocType("root");
Comment comment = new Comment("data");
ProcessingInstruction pi = new ProcessingInstruction("target", "data");
try {
fail("Allowed doctype in epilog");
catch (XMLException success) {
public void testToDocumentWithDoubleRoot() {
Nodes input = new Nodes();
Element root = new Element("root");
Comment comment = new Comment("data");
input.append(new Element("root2"));
try {
fail("Allowed two root elements");
catch (XMLException success) {
public void testToDocumentWithSingleRoot() {
Nodes input = new Nodes();
Element root = new Element("root");
Document output = XSLTransform.toDocument(input);
assertEquals(root, output.getRootElement());
assertEquals(input.size(), output.getChildCount());
public void testToDocumentWithPrologAndEpilog() {
Nodes input = new Nodes();
Element root = new Element("root");
Comment comment = new Comment("data");
ProcessingInstruction pi = new ProcessingInstruction("target", "data");
Document output = XSLTransform.toDocument(input);
assertEquals(root, output.getRootElement());
assertEquals(comment, output.getChild(0));
assertEquals(pi, output.getChild(2));
assertEquals(input.size(), output.getChildCount());