package greed.model;
import com.topcoder.shared.problem.DataType;
import com.topcoder.shared.problem.TestCase;
import greed.code.LanguageManager;
import greed.code.LanguageTrait;
* Greed is good! Cheers!
public class Convert {
private static final int DUMMY_TIME_LIMIT = 840000;
private static final int DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT = 2000;
public static Contest convertContest(com.topcoder.client.contestant.ProblemComponentModel problem) {
String fullName = problem.getProblem().getRound().getContestName().trim();
boolean hasDivision = fullName.contains("DIV");
Integer div = null;
String contestName;
if (! hasDivision) {
contestName = fullName;
} else {
int sp = fullName.indexOf("DIV");
contestName = fullName.substring(0, sp - 1);
String divNum = fullName.substring(sp + 4);
div = Integer.parseInt(divNum);
if (contestName.contains("/") ) {
contestName = contestName.replace("/", "-");
return new Contest(contestName, div);
public static Language convertLanguage(com.topcoder.shared.language.Language lang) {
String langName = lang.getName();
if ("C++".equals(langName)) return Language.CPP;
if ("Python".equals(langName)) return Language.PYTHON;
if ("Java".equals(langName)) return Language.JAVA;
if ("C#".equals(langName)) return Language.CSHARP;
if ("VB".equals(langName)) return Language.VB; // Unsupported
return null;
private static String getRidOfTopElement(String xml)
// Unfortunately, since the parameter is not guaranteed to be strictly
// correct XML, we cannot rely on the usual XML parser.
xml = xml.trim();
int i = 0, j = xml.length() - 1;
if ( (xml.length() >= 4)
&& (xml.charAt(i) == '<')
&& (xml.charAt(j) == '>')
) {
i++; j--;
while ( (i < xml.length()) && (xml.charAt(i) != '>') ) {
while ( (j >= 0) && (xml.charAt(j) != '<') ) {
if (i < j) {
xml = xml.substring(i + 1, j);
xml = xml.trim();
return xml;
private static String commonTCXMLFixes(String tcXML)
// TopCoder's toXML() has the bad habit of doubly stripping entites.
// For example, > becomes &gt;
String s = tcXML.replaceAll("&((#[0-9]+)|([a-zA-Z]+));", "&$1;");
// We need to replace <br></br> with <br />. This fixes the
// double line break issue that happens in some problem statements.
return s.replaceAll("<br\\s*>\\s*</\\s*br>", "<br />");
public static Problem convertProblem(com.topcoder.client.contestant.ProblemComponentModel problem, Language language) {
Param[] params = new Param[problem.getParamNames().length];
for (int i = 0; i < params.length; ++i)
params[i] = new Param(problem.getParamNames()[i], convertType(problem.getParamTypes()[i]), i);
Method method = new Method(problem.getMethodName(), convertType(problem.getReturnType()), params);
LanguageTrait trait = LanguageManager.getInstance().getTrait(language);
Testcase[] cases = new Testcase[problem.getTestCases().length];
for (int i = 0; i < cases.length; ++i) {
TestCase tc = problem.getTestCases()[i];
ParamValue[] input = new ParamValue[tc.getInput().length];
for (int j = 0; j < input.length; j++)
input[j] = trait.parseValue(tc.getInput()[j], params[j]);
ParamValue output = trait.parseValue(tc.getOutput(), new Param("expected", method.getReturnType(), params.length));
cases[i] = new Testcase(i, input, output);
if (tc.getAnnotation() != null) {
String ann = getRidOfTopElement(tc.getAnnotation().toXML());
ann = commonTCXMLFixes(ann);
if ( ann.length() != 0 ) {
String[] notes = new String[problem.getNotes().length];
for (int i = 0; i < notes.length; ++i)
notes[i] = commonTCXMLFixes(problem.getNotes()[i].toXML());
String[] constraints = new String[problem.getConstraints().length];
for (int i = 0; i < constraints.length; ++i)
constraints[i] = commonTCXMLFixes(problem.getConstraints()[i].toXML());
com.topcoder.shared.problem.ProblemCustomSettings pcs;
pcs = problem.getComponent().getProblemCustomSettings();
int memoryLimitMB = pcs.getMemLimit();
int timeLimitMillis = pcs.getExecutionTimeLimit();
if (timeLimitMillis >= DUMMY_TIME_LIMIT) {
timeLimitMillis = DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT;
boolean hasCustomChecker = problem.getComponent().isCustomChecker();
return new Problem(
new ProblemDescription(
public static Type convertType(DataType dt) {
String typeName = dt.getBaseName();
Primitive type = null;
if ("int".equals(typeName)) type = Primitive.INT;
if ("String".equals(typeName)) type = Primitive.STRING;
if ("long".equals(typeName)) type = Primitive.LONG;
if ("double".equals(typeName)) type = Primitive.DOUBLE;
if ("bool".equals(typeName)) type = Primitive.BOOL;
return new Type(type, dt.getDimension());