* Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
* the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.elasticsearch.search.lookup;
import org.apache.lucene.index.*;
import org.apache.lucene.search.TermStatistics;
import org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.search.EmptyScorer;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Iterator;
* Holds all information on a particular term in a field.
* */
public class IndexFieldTerm implements Iterable<TermPosition> {
// The posting list for this term. Is null if the term or field does not
// exist. Can be DocsEnum or DocsAndPositionsEnum.
DocsEnum docsEnum;
// Stores if positions, offsets and payloads are requested.
private final int flags;
private final String fieldName;
private final String term;
private final PositionIterator iterator;
// for lucene calls
private final Term identifier;
private final TermStatistics termStats;
static private EmptyScorer EMPTY_DOCS_ENUM = new EmptyScorer(null);
// get the document frequency of the term
public long df() throws IOException {
return termStats.docFreq();
// get the total term frequency of the term, that is, how often does the
// term appear in any document?
public long ttf() throws IOException {
return termStats.totalTermFreq();
// when the reader changes, we have to get the posting list for this term
// and reader
void setNextReader(LeafReader reader) {
try {
// Get the posting list for a specific term. Depending on the flags,
// this
// will either get a DocsEnum or a DocsAndPositionsEnum if
// available.
// get lucene frequency flag
int luceneFrequencyFlag = getLuceneFrequencyFlag(flags);
if (shouldRetrieveFrequenciesOnly()) {
docsEnum = getOnlyDocsEnum(luceneFrequencyFlag, reader);
} else {
int lucenePositionsFlags = getLucenePositionsFlags(flags);
docsEnum = getDocsAndPosEnum(lucenePositionsFlags, reader);
if (docsEnum == null) {// no pos available
docsEnum = getOnlyDocsEnum(luceneFrequencyFlag, reader);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ElasticsearchException("Unable to get posting list for field " + fieldName + " and term " + term, e);
private boolean shouldRetrieveFrequenciesOnly() {
return (flags & ~IndexLookup.FLAG_FREQUENCIES) == 0;
private int getLuceneFrequencyFlag(int flags) {
return (flags & IndexLookup.FLAG_FREQUENCIES) > 0 ? DocsEnum.FLAG_FREQS : DocsEnum.FLAG_NONE;
private int getLucenePositionsFlags(int flags) {
int lucenePositionsFlags = (flags & IndexLookup.FLAG_PAYLOADS) > 0 ? DocsAndPositionsEnum.FLAG_PAYLOADS : 0x0;
lucenePositionsFlags |= (flags & IndexLookup.FLAG_OFFSETS) > 0 ? DocsAndPositionsEnum.FLAG_OFFSETS : 0x0;
return lucenePositionsFlags;
// get the DocsAndPositionsEnum from the reader.
private DocsEnum getDocsAndPosEnum(int luceneFlags, LeafReader reader) throws IOException {
assert identifier.field() != null;
assert identifier.bytes() != null;
final Fields fields = reader.fields();
DocsEnum newDocsEnum = null;
if (fields != null) {
final Terms terms = fields.terms(identifier.field());
if (terms != null) {
if (terms.hasPositions()) {
final TermsEnum termsEnum = terms.iterator(null);
if (termsEnum.seekExact(identifier.bytes())) {
newDocsEnum = termsEnum.docsAndPositions(reader.getLiveDocs(),
docsEnum instanceof DocsAndPositionsEnum ? (DocsAndPositionsEnum) docsEnum : null, luceneFlags);
return newDocsEnum;
// get the DocsEnum from the reader.
private DocsEnum getOnlyDocsEnum(int luceneFlags, LeafReader reader) throws IOException {
assert identifier.field() != null;
assert identifier.bytes() != null;
final Fields fields = reader.fields();
DocsEnum newDocsEnum = null;
if (fields != null) {
final Terms terms = fields.terms(identifier.field());
if (terms != null) {
TermsEnum termsEnum = terms.iterator(null);
if (termsEnum.seekExact(identifier.bytes())) {
newDocsEnum = termsEnum.docs(reader.getLiveDocs(), docsEnum, luceneFlags);
if (newDocsEnum == null) {
newDocsEnum = EMPTY_DOCS_ENUM;
return newDocsEnum;
private int freq = 0;
public void setNextDoc(int docId) {
assert (docsEnum != null);
try {
// we try to advance to the current document.
int currentDocPos = docsEnum.docID();
if (currentDocPos < docId) {
currentDocPos = docsEnum.advance(docId);
if (currentDocPos == docId) {
freq = docsEnum.freq();
} else {
freq = 0;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ElasticsearchException("While trying to initialize term positions in IndexFieldTerm.setNextDoc() ", e);
public IndexFieldTerm(String term, String fieldName, IndexLookup indexLookup, int flags) {
assert fieldName != null;
this.fieldName = fieldName;
assert term != null;
this.term = term;
assert indexLookup != null;
identifier = new Term(fieldName, (String) term);
this.flags = flags;
boolean doRecord = ((flags & IndexLookup.FLAG_CACHE) > 0);
if (withPositions()) {
if (!doRecord) {
iterator = new PositionIterator(this);
} else {
iterator = new CachedPositionIterator(this);
} else {
iterator = new PositionIterator(this);
try {
termStats = indexLookup.getIndexSearcher().termStatistics(identifier,
TermContext.build(indexLookup.getReaderContext(), identifier));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ElasticsearchException("Cannot get term statistics: ", e);
private boolean withPositions() {
return shouldRetrievePositions() || shouldRetrieveOffsets() || shouldRetrievePayloads();
protected boolean shouldRetrievePositions() {
return (flags & IndexLookup.FLAG_POSITIONS) > 0;
protected boolean shouldRetrieveOffsets() {
return (flags & IndexLookup.FLAG_OFFSETS) > 0;
protected boolean shouldRetrievePayloads() {
return (flags & IndexLookup.FLAG_PAYLOADS) > 0;
public int tf() throws IOException {
return freq;
public Iterator<TermPosition> iterator() {
return iterator.reset();
* A user might decide inside a script to call get with _POSITIONS and then
* a second time with _PAYLOADS. If the positions were recorded but the
* payloads were not, the user will not have access to them. Therfore, throw
* exception here explaining how to call get().
public void validateFlags(int flags2) {
if ((this.flags & flags2) < flags2) {
throw new ElasticsearchException("You must call get with all required flags! Instead of " + getCalledStatement(flags2)
+ "call " + getCallStatement(flags2 | this.flags) + " once");
private String getCalledStatement(int flags2) {
String calledFlagsCall1 = getFlagsString(flags);
String calledFlagsCall2 = getFlagsString(flags2);
String callStatement1 = getCallStatement(calledFlagsCall1);
String callStatement2 = getCallStatement(calledFlagsCall2);
return " " + callStatement1 + " and " + callStatement2 + " ";
private String getCallStatement(String calledFlags) {
return "_index['" + this.fieldName + "'].get('" + this.term + "', " + calledFlags + ")";
private String getFlagsString(int flags2) {
String flagsString = null;
if ((flags2 & IndexLookup.FLAG_FREQUENCIES) != 0) {
flagsString = anddToFlagsString(flagsString, "_FREQUENCIES");
if ((flags2 & IndexLookup.FLAG_POSITIONS) != 0) {
flagsString = anddToFlagsString(flagsString, "_POSITIONS");
if ((flags2 & IndexLookup.FLAG_OFFSETS) != 0) {
flagsString = anddToFlagsString(flagsString, "_OFFSETS");
if ((flags2 & IndexLookup.FLAG_PAYLOADS) != 0) {
flagsString = anddToFlagsString(flagsString, "_PAYLOADS");
if ((flags2 & IndexLookup.FLAG_CACHE) != 0) {
flagsString = anddToFlagsString(flagsString, "_CACHE");
return flagsString;
private String anddToFlagsString(String flagsString, String flag) {
if (flagsString != null) {
flagsString += " | ";
} else {
flagsString = "";
flagsString += flag;
return flagsString;
private String getCallStatement(int flags2) {
String calledFlags = getFlagsString(flags2);
String callStatement = getCallStatement(calledFlags);
return " " + callStatement + " ";