Package com.denimgroup.threadfix.importer.impl.upload

Source Code of com.denimgroup.threadfix.importer.impl.upload.BurpSuiteChannelImporter$BurpSuiteSAXValidator

//     Copyright (c) 2009-2014 Denim Group, Ltd.
//     The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
//     Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
//     compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
//     basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
//     License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
//     under the License.
//     The Original Code is ThreadFix.
//     The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Denim Group, Ltd.
//     Portions created by Denim Group, Ltd. are Copyright (C)
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//     Contributor(s): Denim Group, Ltd.
package com.denimgroup.threadfix.importer.impl.upload;

import com.denimgroup.threadfix.annotations.ScanImporter;
import com.denimgroup.threadfix.importer.impl.AbstractChannelImporter;
import com.denimgroup.threadfix.importer.util.DateUtils;
import com.denimgroup.threadfix.importer.util.HandlerWithBuilder;
import com.denimgroup.threadfix.importer.util.RegexUtils;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

* @author mcollins
        scannerName = ScannerDatabaseNames.BURPSUITE_DB_NAME,
        startingXMLTags = { "issues", "issue", "serialNumber", "type", "name", "host", "path" }
class BurpSuiteChannelImporter extends AbstractChannelImporter {

  private static final String TEMPLATE_NAME = "name of an arbitrarily supplied request";
  private static final String REST_URL_PARAM = "REST URL parameter";
  private static final String MANUAL_INSERTION_POINT = "manual insertion point";
  private static final HashMap<String, String> SEVERITY_MAP = new HashMap<>();
  private static Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("The payload <b>(.*)</b> was submitted");

    // We don't know why this happens but sometimes these strings show up in the burp XML.
  static {
    SEVERITY_MAP.put("deformation", "Information");
    SEVERITY_MAP.put("eddium", "Medium");
    SEVERITY_MAP.put(" igh", "High");
    SEVERITY_MAP.put("inw", "Low");

  public BurpSuiteChannelImporter() {
    doSAXExceptionCheck = false;

  public Scan parseInput() {
    return parseSAXInput(new BurpSuiteSAXParser());
  public void cleanInputStream() {
    if (inputStream == null)
    BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));
    String line = null, fullString = "";
    try {
      StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
      while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
        while (line.contains("]]]"))
          line = line.replace("]]]", "] ]]");
      fullString = buffer.toString();
    } catch (IOException e) {
      log.warn("IOException while trying to clean input stream", e);
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
      log.warn("IOException while trying to close file input stream.", e);
    inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(fullString.getBytes());

  public class BurpSuiteSAXParser extends HandlerWithBuilder {
    private boolean getChannelVulnText    = false;
    private boolean getUrlText            = false;
    private boolean getParamText          = false;
    private boolean getSeverityText       = false;
    private boolean getHostText           = false;
    private boolean getBackupParameter    = false;
    private boolean getSerialNumber       = false;
    private boolean getParamValueText    = false;
    private boolean getRequestText      = false;
    private boolean getResponseText       = false;
    private boolean getScannerDetail      = false;
    private boolean getScannerRecommendation = false;
    private boolean getRawFinding      = false;
    private boolean isBase64Encoded      = false;
    private String currentScannerDetail   = null;
    private String currentScannerRecommendation = null;
    private StringBuffer currentRawFinding    = new StringBuffer();
    private String currentParameterValue  = null;
    private String currentRequest         = null;
    private String currentResponse        = null;
    private String currentChannelVulnCode = null;
    private String currentUrlText         = null;
    private String currentParameter       = null;
    private String currentSeverityCode    = null;
    private String currentHostText        = null;
    private String currentBackupParameter = null;
    private String currentSerialNumber    = null;

    private void add(Finding finding) {
      if (finding != null) {
        if (currentSerialNumber != null) {
        } else {

      // Event handlers.

      public void startElement (String uri, String name,
              String qName, Attributes atts)
        if ("type".equals(qName)) {
          getChannelVulnText = true;
          getBuilderText(); //resets the stringbuffer
        } else if ("location".equals(qName)) {
          getUrlText = true;
          getBuilderText(); //resets the stringbuffer
        } else if ("serialNumber".equals(qName)) {
          getSerialNumber = true;
          getBuilderText(); //resets the stringbuffer
        } else if ("host".equals(qName)) {
          getHostText = true;
          getBuilderText(); //resets the stringbuffer
        } else if ("severity".equals(qName)) {
          getSeverityText = true;
          getBuilderText(); //resets the stringbuffer
        } else if ("issues".equals(qName)) {
          date = DateUtils.getCalendarFromString("EEE MMM dd kk:mm:ss zzz yyyy", atts.getValue("exportTime"));
          getBuilderText(); //resets the stringbuffer
        } else if ("request".equals(qName)) {
          getBackupParameter = true;
          getRequestText = true;
          isBase64Encoded = "true".equals(atts.getValue("base64"));
          getBuilderText(); //resets the stringbuffer
        } else if ("response".equals(qName)) {
          getResponseText = true;
          isBase64Encoded = "true".equals(atts.getValue("base64"));
          getBuilderText(); //resets the stringbuffer
        } else if ("issueDetail".equals(qName)) {
          getParamValueText = true;
          getScannerDetail = true;
          getBuilderText(); //resets the stringbuffer
        } else if ("remediationDetail".equals(qName)) {
          getScannerRecommendation = true;
          getBuilderText(); //resets the stringbuffer
        } else if ("issue".equals(qName)){
          getRawFinding = true;
          getBuilderText(); //resets the stringbuffer
        if (getRawFinding){
          currentRawFinding.append(makeTag(name, qName , atts));

      public void endElement (String uri, String name, String qName)
        if (getChannelVulnText) {
          currentChannelVulnCode = getBuilderText();
          getChannelVulnText = false;
        } else if (getHostText) {
          currentHostText = getBuilderText();
          getHostText = false;
        } else if (getUrlText) {
          currentUrlText = getBuilderText();
          if (currentUrlText != null) {
            currentParameter = RegexUtils.getRegexResult(currentUrlText, "\\[(.*) parameter\\]");
            currentUrlText = RegexUtils.getRegexResult(currentUrlText, "^([^\\[]+)");
            if (currentUrlText != null)
              currentUrlText = currentUrlText.trim();
          getUrlText = false;
        } else if (getParamText) {
          currentParameter = getBuilderText();
          getParamText = false;
        } else if (getSerialNumber) {
          currentSerialNumber = getBuilderText();
          getSerialNumber = false;
        } else if (getParamValueText) {
            currentParameterValue = getBuilderText();
            currentScannerDetail = currentParameterValue;
            Matcher m = pattern.matcher(currentParameterValue);
          if (m.find()){
            currentParameterValue =;
          } else {
            currentParameterValue = "";
          getParamValueText = false;
        } else if (getRequestText) {
          currentRequest = getBuilderText();
          if (currentRequest != null)
            try {
              if (isBase64Encoded)
                currentRequest = new String(javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.parseBase64Binary(currentRequest));
            }catch(Exception ignored){
              //sometimes the content throws an exception when decoding.  If so, just leave as-is
          getRequestText = false;
        } else if (getResponseText) {
          currentResponse = getBuilderText();
          if (currentResponse != null)
              if (isBase64Encoded)
                currentResponse = new String(javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.parseBase64Binary(currentResponse));
            }catch(Exception ignored){
              //sometimes the content throws an exception when decoding.  If so, just leave as-is
          getResponseText = false;
        } else if (getSeverityText) {
          currentSeverityCode = getBuilderText();
          getSeverityText = false;
        } else if (getBackupParameter) {
          String tempURL = getBuilderText();
          if (tempURL != null && tempURL.contains("HTTP")) {
            tempURL = tempURL.substring(0, tempURL.indexOf("HTTP"));
          if (tempURL != null && tempURL.contains("=")
              && tempURL.indexOf('=') == tempURL.lastIndexOf('=')) {
            currentBackupParameter = RegexUtils.getRegexResult(tempURL, "\\?(.*?)=");
          getBackupParameter = false;
        } else if (getScannerRecommendation){
          currentScannerRecommendation = getBuilderText();
          getScannerRecommendation = false;
        //if we're inside an <issue/>
        if (getRawFinding){
        if ("issue".equals(qName)) {
          // This is a temporary fix, we should take another look at why burp did this
          // before deciding on a final strategy
          if (currentParameter != null && currentParameter.equals(TEMPLATE_NAME)) {
            currentParameter = currentBackupParameter;
          if (currentParameter != null &&
              (currentParameter.startsWith(REST_URL_PARAM) ||
               currentParameter.startsWith(MANUAL_INSERTION_POINT))) {
            currentParameter = "";
          if (currentSeverityCode != null && SEVERITY_MAP.containsKey(currentSeverityCode.toLowerCase()) && SEVERITY_MAP.get(currentSeverityCode.toLowerCase()) != null) {
            currentSeverityCode = SEVERITY_MAP.get(currentSeverityCode.toLowerCase());

                Map<FindingKey, String> findingMap = new HashMap<>();
                findingMap.put(FindingKey.PATH, currentHostText + currentUrlText);
                findingMap.put(FindingKey.PARAMETER, currentParameter);
                findingMap.put(FindingKey.VULN_CODE, currentChannelVulnCode);
                findingMap.put(FindingKey.SEVERITY_CODE, currentSeverityCode);
                findingMap.put(FindingKey.CWE, null);
                findingMap.put(FindingKey.VALUE, currentParameterValue);
                findingMap.put(FindingKey.REQUEST, currentRequest);
                findingMap.put(FindingKey.RESPONSE, currentResponse);
                findingMap.put(FindingKey.DETAIL, currentScannerDetail);
                findingMap.put(FindingKey.RECOMMENDATION, currentScannerRecommendation);
                findingMap.put(FindingKey.RAWFINDING, currentRawFinding.toString());

          Finding finding = constructFinding(findingMap);
          currentChannelVulnCode = null;
          currentSeverityCode    = null;
          currentParameter       = null;
          currentUrlText         = null;
          currentSerialNumber    = null;
          currentBackupParameter = null;
          currentParameterValue  = null;
          currentRequest         = null;
          currentResponse        = null;
          currentScannerDetail   = null;
          currentScannerRecommendation = null;
          getRawFinding = false;

      public void characters (char ch[], int start, int length)
        if (getChannelVulnText || getHostText || getUrlText || getParamText ||
            getSeverityText || getBackupParameter || getSerialNumber ||
            getParamValueText || getRequestText || getResponseText ||
            getScannerDetail || getScannerRecommendation ) {
        if (getRawFinding){
          currentRawFinding.append(ch, start, length);

  public ScanCheckResultBean checkFile() {
    return testSAXInput(new BurpSuiteSAXValidator());
  public class BurpSuiteSAXValidator extends DefaultHandler {
    private boolean hasFindings = false;
    private boolean hasDate = false;
    private boolean correctFormat = false;
      private void setTestStatus() {       
        if (!correctFormat)
          testStatus = ScanImportStatus.WRONG_FORMAT_ERROR;
        else if (hasDate)
          testStatus = checkTestDate();
        if (ScanImportStatus.SUCCESSFUL_SCAN == testStatus && !hasFindings)
          testStatus = ScanImportStatus.EMPTY_SCAN_ERROR;
        else if (testStatus == null)
          testStatus = ScanImportStatus.SUCCESSFUL_SCAN;

      // Event handlers.
      public void endDocument() {

      public void startElement (String uri, String name, String qName, Attributes atts)
          throws SAXException {       
        if ("issues".equals(qName)) {
          testDate = DateUtils.getCalendarFromString("EEE MMM dd kk:mm:ss zzz yyyy",
          if (testDate != null)
            hasDate = true;
          correctFormat = atts.getValue("burpVersion") != null;
        if ("issue".equals(qName)) {
          hasFindings = true
          throw new SAXException(FILE_CHECK_COMPLETED);

Related Classes of com.denimgroup.threadfix.importer.impl.upload.BurpSuiteChannelImporter$BurpSuiteSAXValidator

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