/* ============================================================
* JRobin : Pure java implementation of RRDTool's functionality
* ============================================================
* Project Info: http://www.jrobin.org
* Project Lead: Sasa Markovic (saxon@jrobin.org)
* Developers: Sasa Markovic (saxon@jrobin.org)
* (C) Copyright 2003-2005, by Sasa Markovic.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
* either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this
* library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package org.jrobin.graph;
import org.jrobin.core.RrdException;
import org.jrobin.core.Util;
import org.jrobin.data.DataProcessor;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.io.IOException;
* Class which actually creates JRobin graphs (does the hard work).
public class RrdGraph implements RrdGraphConstants {
RrdGraphDef gdef;
ImageParameters im = new ImageParameters();
DataProcessor dproc;
ImageWorker worker;
Mapper mapper;
RrdGraphInfo info = new RrdGraphInfo();
private String signature;
* Creates graph from the corresponding {@link RrdGraphDef} object.
* @param gdef Graph definition
* @throws IOException Thrown in case of I/O error
* @throws RrdException Thrown in case of JRobin related error
public RrdGraph(RrdGraphDef gdef) throws IOException, RrdException {
this.gdef = gdef;
signature = gdef.getSignature();
worker = new ImageWorker(100, 100); // Dummy worker, just to start with something
try {
finally {
worker = null;
dproc = null;
* Returns complete graph information in a single object.
* @return Graph information (width, height, filename, image bytes, etc...)
public RrdGraphInfo getRrdGraphInfo() {
return info;
private void createGraph() throws RrdException, IOException {
boolean lazy = lazyCheck();
if (!lazy || gdef.printStatementCount() != 0) {
if (gdef.shouldPlot() && !lazy) {
private void collectInfo() {
info.filename = gdef.filename;
info.width = im.xgif;
info.height = im.ygif;
for (CommentText comment : gdef.comments) {
if (comment instanceof PrintText) {
PrintText pt = (PrintText) comment;
if (pt.isPrint()) {
if (gdef.imageInfo != null) {
info.imgInfo = Util.sprintf(gdef.imageInfo, gdef.filename, im.xgif, im.ygif);
private void saveImage() throws IOException {
if (!gdef.filename.equals("-")) {
info.bytes = worker.saveImage(gdef.filename, gdef.imageFormat, gdef.imageQuality);
else {
info.bytes = worker.getImageBytes(gdef.imageFormat, gdef.imageQuality);
private void drawOverlay() throws IOException {
if (gdef.overlayImage != null) {
private void gator() {
if (!gdef.onlyGraph && gdef.showSignature) {
Font font = gdef.getSmallFont().deriveFont(Font.PLAIN, 9);
int x = (int) (im.xgif - 2 - worker.getFontAscent(font));
int y = 4;
worker.transform(x, y, Math.PI / 2);
worker.drawString(signature, 0, 0, font, Color.LIGHT_GRAY);
private void drawRules() {
worker.clip(im.xorigin + 1, im.yorigin - gdef.height - 1, gdef.width - 1, gdef.height + 2);
for (PlotElement pe : gdef.plotElements) {
if (pe instanceof HRule) {
HRule hr = (HRule) pe;
if (hr.value >= im.minval && hr.value <= im.maxval) {
int y = mapper.ytr(hr.value);
worker.drawLine(im.xorigin, y, im.xorigin + im.xsize, y, hr.color, new BasicStroke(hr.width));
else if (pe instanceof VRule) {
VRule vr = (VRule) pe;
if (vr.timestamp >= im.start && vr.timestamp <= im.end) {
int x = mapper.xtr(vr.timestamp);
worker.drawLine(x, im.yorigin, x, im.yorigin - im.ysize, vr.color, new BasicStroke(vr.width));
private void drawText() {
if (!gdef.onlyGraph) {
if (gdef.title != null) {
int x = im.xgif / 2 - (int) (worker.getStringWidth(gdef.title, gdef.largeFont) / 2);
int y = PADDING_TOP + (int) worker.getFontAscent(gdef.largeFont);
worker.drawString(gdef.title, x, y, gdef.largeFont, gdef.colors[COLOR_FONT]);
if (gdef.verticalLabel != null) {
int y = im.yorigin - im.ysize / 2 + (int) worker.getStringWidth(gdef.verticalLabel, gdef.getSmallFont()) / 2;
int ascent = (int) worker.getFontAscent(gdef.smallFont);
worker.transform(x, y, -Math.PI / 2);
worker.drawString(gdef.verticalLabel, 0, ascent, gdef.smallFont, gdef.colors[COLOR_FONT]);
private void drawGrid() {
if (!gdef.onlyGraph) {
Paint shade1 = gdef.colors[COLOR_SHADEA], shade2 = gdef.colors[COLOR_SHADEB];
Stroke borderStroke = new BasicStroke(1);
worker.drawLine(0, 0, im.xgif - 1, 0, shade1, borderStroke);
worker.drawLine(1, 1, im.xgif - 2, 1, shade1, borderStroke);
worker.drawLine(0, 0, 0, im.ygif - 1, shade1, borderStroke);
worker.drawLine(1, 1, 1, im.ygif - 2, shade1, borderStroke);
worker.drawLine(im.xgif - 1, 0, im.xgif - 1, im.ygif - 1, shade2, borderStroke);
worker.drawLine(0, im.ygif - 1, im.xgif - 1, im.ygif - 1, shade2, borderStroke);
worker.drawLine(im.xgif - 2, 1, im.xgif - 2, im.ygif - 2, shade2, borderStroke);
worker.drawLine(1, im.ygif - 2, im.xgif - 2, im.ygif - 2, shade2, borderStroke);
if (gdef.drawXGrid) {
new TimeAxis(this).draw();
if (gdef.drawYGrid) {
boolean ok;
if (gdef.altYMrtg) {
ok = new ValueAxisMrtg(this).draw();
else if (gdef.logarithmic) {
ok = new ValueAxisLogarithmic(this).draw();
else {
ok = new ValueAxis(this).draw();
if (!ok) {
String msg = "No Data Found";
im.xgif / 2 - (int) worker.getStringWidth(msg, gdef.largeFont) / 2,
(2 * im.yorigin - im.ysize) / 2,
gdef.largeFont, gdef.colors[COLOR_FONT]);
private void drawData() throws RrdException {
worker.clip(im.xorigin + 1, im.yorigin - gdef.height - 1, gdef.width - 1, gdef.height + 2);
double areazero = mapper.ytr((im.minval > 0.0) ? im.minval : (im.maxval < 0.0) ? im.maxval : 0.0);
double[] x = xtr(dproc.getTimestamps()), lastY = null;
// draw line, area and stack
for (PlotElement plotElement : gdef.plotElements) {
if (plotElement instanceof SourcedPlotElement) {
SourcedPlotElement source = (SourcedPlotElement) plotElement;
double[] y = ytr(source.getValues());
if (source instanceof Line) {
worker.drawPolyline(x, y, source.color, new BasicStroke(((Line) source).width));
else if (source instanceof Area) {
worker.fillPolygon(x, areazero, y, source.color);
else if (source instanceof Stack) {
Stack stack = (Stack) source;
float width = stack.getParentLineWidth();
if (width >= 0F) {
// line
worker.drawPolyline(x, y, stack.color, new BasicStroke(width));
else {
// area
worker.fillPolygon(x, lastY, y, stack.color);
worker.drawPolyline(x, lastY, stack.getParentColor(), new BasicStroke(0));
else {
// should not be here
throw new RrdException("Unknown plot source: " + source.getClass().getName());
lastY = y;
private void drawAxis() {
if (!gdef.onlyGraph) {
Paint gridColor = gdef.colors[COLOR_GRID];
Paint fontColor = gdef.colors[COLOR_FONT];
Paint arrowColor = gdef.colors[COLOR_ARROW];
Stroke stroke = new BasicStroke(1);
worker.drawLine(im.xorigin + im.xsize, im.yorigin, im.xorigin + im.xsize, im.yorigin - im.ysize,
gridColor, stroke);
worker.drawLine(im.xorigin, im.yorigin - im.ysize, im.xorigin + im.xsize, im.yorigin - im.ysize,
gridColor, stroke);
worker.drawLine(im.xorigin - 4, im.yorigin, im.xorigin + im.xsize + 4, im.yorigin,
fontColor, stroke);
worker.drawLine(im.xorigin, im.yorigin, im.xorigin, im.yorigin - im.ysize,
gridColor, stroke);
worker.drawLine(im.xorigin + im.xsize + 4, im.yorigin - 3, im.xorigin + im.xsize + 4, im.yorigin + 3,
arrowColor, stroke);
worker.drawLine(im.xorigin + im.xsize + 4, im.yorigin - 3, im.xorigin + im.xsize + 9, im.yorigin,
arrowColor, stroke);
worker.drawLine(im.xorigin + im.xsize + 4, im.yorigin + 3, im.xorigin + im.xsize + 9, im.yorigin,
arrowColor, stroke);
private void drawBackground() throws IOException {
worker.fillRect(0, 0, im.xgif, im.ygif, gdef.colors[COLOR_BACK]);
if (gdef.backgroundImage != null) {
worker.fillRect(im.xorigin, im.yorigin - im.ysize, im.xsize, im.ysize, gdef.colors[COLOR_CANVAS]);
private void createImageWorker() {
worker.resize(im.xgif, im.ygif);
private void placeLegends() {
if (!gdef.noLegend && !gdef.onlyGraph) {
int border = (int) (getSmallFontCharWidth() * PADDING_LEGEND);
LegendComposer lc = new LegendComposer(this, border, im.ygif, im.xgif - 2 * border);
im.ygif = lc.placeComments() + PADDING_BOTTOM;
private void initializeLimits() throws RrdException {
im.xsize = gdef.width;
im.ysize = gdef.height;
im.unitslength = gdef.unitsLength;
if (gdef.onlyGraph) {
if (im.ysize > 64) {
throw new RrdException("Cannot create graph only, height too big");
im.xorigin = 0;
else {
im.xorigin = (int) (PADDING_LEFT + im.unitslength * getSmallFontCharWidth());
if (gdef.verticalLabel != null) {
im.xorigin += getSmallFontHeight();
if (gdef.onlyGraph) {
im.yorigin = im.ysize;
else {
im.yorigin = PADDING_TOP + im.ysize;
mapper = new Mapper(this);
if (gdef.title != null) {
im.yorigin += getLargeFontHeight() + PADDING_TITLE;
if (gdef.onlyGraph) {
im.xgif = im.xsize;
im.ygif = im.yorigin;
else {
im.xgif = PADDING_RIGHT + im.xsize + im.xorigin;
im.ygif = im.yorigin + (int) (PADDING_PLOT * getSmallFontHeight());
private void removeOutOfRangeRules() {
for (PlotElement plotElement : gdef.plotElements) {
if (plotElement instanceof HRule) {
((HRule) plotElement).setLegendVisibility(im.minval, im.maxval, gdef.forceRulesLegend);
else if (plotElement instanceof VRule) {
((VRule) plotElement).setLegendVisibility(im.start, im.end, gdef.forceRulesLegend);
private void expandValueRange() {
im.ygridstep = (gdef.valueAxisSetting != null) ? gdef.valueAxisSetting.gridStep : Double.NaN;
im.ylabfact = (gdef.valueAxisSetting != null) ? gdef.valueAxisSetting.labelFactor : 0;
if (!gdef.rigid && !gdef.logarithmic) {
double sensiblevalues[] = {
1000.0, 900.0, 800.0, 750.0, 700.0, 600.0, 500.0, 400.0, 300.0, 250.0, 200.0, 125.0, 100.0,
90.0, 80.0, 75.0, 70.0, 60.0, 50.0, 40.0, 30.0, 25.0, 20.0, 10.0,
9.0, 8.0, 7.0, 6.0, 5.0, 4.0, 3.5, 3.0, 2.5, 2.0, 1.8, 1.5, 1.2, 1.0,
0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.0, -1
double scaled_min, scaled_max, adj;
if (Double.isNaN(im.ygridstep)) {
if (gdef.altYMrtg) { /* mrtg */
im.decimals = Math.ceil(Math.log10(Math.max(Math.abs(im.maxval), Math.abs(im.minval))));
im.quadrant = 0;
if (im.minval < 0) {
im.quadrant = 2;
if (im.maxval <= 0) {
im.quadrant = 4;
switch (im.quadrant) {
case 2:
im.scaledstep = Math.ceil(50 * Math.pow(10, -(im.decimals)) * Math.max(Math.abs(im.maxval),
Math.abs(im.minval))) * Math.pow(10, im.decimals - 2);
scaled_min = -2 * im.scaledstep;
scaled_max = 2 * im.scaledstep;
case 4:
im.scaledstep = Math.ceil(25 * Math.pow(10,
-(im.decimals)) * Math.abs(im.minval)) * Math.pow(10, im.decimals - 2);
scaled_min = -4 * im.scaledstep;
scaled_max = 0;
default: /* quadrant 0 */
im.scaledstep = Math.ceil(25 * Math.pow(10, -(im.decimals)) * im.maxval) *
Math.pow(10, im.decimals - 2);
scaled_min = 0;
scaled_max = 4 * im.scaledstep;
im.minval = scaled_min;
im.maxval = scaled_max;
else if (gdef.altAutoscale) {
/* measure the amplitude of the function. Make sure that
graph boundaries are slightly higher then max/min vals
so we can see amplitude on the graph */
double delt, fact;
delt = im.maxval - im.minval;
adj = delt * 0.1;
fact = 2.0 * Math.pow(10.0,
Math.floor(Math.log10(Math.max(Math.abs(im.minval), Math.abs(im.maxval)))) - 2);
if (delt < fact) {
adj = (fact - delt) * 0.55;
im.minval -= adj;
im.maxval += adj;
else if (gdef.altAutoscaleMax) {
/* measure the amplitude of the function. Make sure that
graph boundaries are slightly higher than max vals
so we can see amplitude on the graph */
adj = (im.maxval - im.minval) * 0.1;
im.maxval += adj;
else {
scaled_min = im.minval / im.magfact;
scaled_max = im.maxval / im.magfact;
for (int i = 1; sensiblevalues[i] > 0; i++) {
if (sensiblevalues[i - 1] >= scaled_min && sensiblevalues[i] <= scaled_min) {
im.minval = sensiblevalues[i] * im.magfact;
if (-sensiblevalues[i - 1] <= scaled_min && -sensiblevalues[i] >= scaled_min) {
im.minval = -sensiblevalues[i - 1] * im.magfact;
if (sensiblevalues[i - 1] >= scaled_max && sensiblevalues[i] <= scaled_max) {
im.maxval = sensiblevalues[i - 1] * im.magfact;
if (-sensiblevalues[i - 1] <= scaled_max && -sensiblevalues[i] >= scaled_max) {
im.maxval = -sensiblevalues[i] * im.magfact;
else {
im.minval = (double) im.ylabfact * im.ygridstep *
Math.floor(im.minval / ((double) im.ylabfact * im.ygridstep));
im.maxval = (double) im.ylabfact * im.ygridstep *
Math.ceil(im.maxval / ((double) im.ylabfact * im.ygridstep));
private void identifySiUnit() {
im.unitsexponent = gdef.unitsExponent;
im.base = gdef.base;
if (!gdef.logarithmic) {
final char symbol[] = {'a', 'f', 'p', 'n', 'u', 'm', ' ', 'k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E'};
int symbcenter = 6;
double digits;
if (im.unitsexponent != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
digits = Math.floor(im.unitsexponent / 3);
else {
digits = Math.floor(Math.log(Math.max(Math.abs(im.minval), Math.abs(im.maxval))) / Math.log(im.base));
im.magfact = Math.pow(im.base, digits);
if (((digits + symbcenter) < symbol.length) && ((digits + symbcenter) >= 0)) {
im.symbol = symbol[(int) digits + symbcenter];
else {
im.symbol = '?';
private void findMinMaxValues() {
double minval = Double.NaN, maxval = Double.NaN;
for (PlotElement pe : gdef.plotElements) {
if (pe instanceof SourcedPlotElement) {
minval = Util.min(((SourcedPlotElement) pe).getMinValue(), minval);
maxval = Util.max(((SourcedPlotElement) pe).getMaxValue(), maxval);
if (Double.isNaN(minval)) {
minval = 0D;
if (Double.isNaN(maxval)) {
maxval = 1D;
im.minval = gdef.minValue;
im.maxval = gdef.maxValue;
/* adjust min and max values */
if (Double.isNaN(im.minval) || ((!gdef.logarithmic && !gdef.rigid) && im.minval > minval)) {
im.minval = minval;
if (Double.isNaN(im.maxval) || (!gdef.rigid && im.maxval < maxval)) {
if (gdef.logarithmic) {
im.maxval = maxval * 1.1;
else {
im.maxval = maxval;
/* make sure min is smaller than max */
if (im.minval > im.maxval) {
im.minval = 0.99 * im.maxval;
/* make sure min and max are not equal */
if (im.minval == im.maxval) {
im.maxval *= 1.01;
if (!gdef.logarithmic) {
im.minval *= 0.99;
/* make sure min and max are not both zero */
if (im.maxval == 0.0) {
im.maxval = 1.0;
private void calculatePlotValues() throws RrdException {
for (PlotElement pe : gdef.plotElements) {
if (pe instanceof SourcedPlotElement) {
((SourcedPlotElement) pe).assignValues(dproc);
private void resolveTextElements() throws RrdException {
ValueScaler valueScaler = new ValueScaler(gdef.base);
for (CommentText comment : gdef.comments) {
comment.resolveText(dproc, valueScaler);
private void fetchData() throws RrdException, IOException {
dproc = new DataProcessor(gdef.startTime, gdef.endTime);
if (gdef.step > 0) {
for (Source src : gdef.sources) {
//long[] t = dproc.getTimestamps();
//im.start = t[0];
//im.end = t[t.length - 1];
im.start = gdef.startTime;
im.end = gdef.endTime;
private boolean lazyCheck() {
// redraw if lazy option is not set or file does not exist
if (!gdef.lazy || !Util.fileExists(gdef.filename)) {
return false; // 'false' means 'redraw'
// redraw if not enough time has passed
long secPerPixel = (gdef.endTime - gdef.startTime) / gdef.width;
long elapsed = Util.getTimestamp() - Util.getLastModified(gdef.filename);
return elapsed <= secPerPixel;
private void drawLegend() {
if (!gdef.onlyGraph && !gdef.noLegend) {
int ascent = (int) worker.getFontAscent(gdef.smallFont);
int box = (int) getBox(), boxSpace = (int) (getBoxSpace());
for (CommentText c : gdef.comments) {
if (c.isValidGraphElement()) {
int x = c.x, y = c.y + ascent;
if (c instanceof LegendText) {
// draw with BOX
worker.fillRect(x, y - box, box, box, gdef.colors[COLOR_FRAME]);
worker.fillRect(x + 1, y - box + 1, box - 2, box - 2, ((LegendText) c).legendColor);
worker.drawString(c.resolvedText, x + boxSpace, y, gdef.smallFont, gdef.colors[COLOR_FONT]);
else {
worker.drawString(c.resolvedText, x, y, gdef.smallFont, gdef.colors[COLOR_FONT]);
// helper methods
double getSmallFontHeight() {
return worker.getFontHeight(gdef.smallFont);
private double getLargeFontHeight() {
return worker.getFontHeight(gdef.largeFont);
private double getSmallFontCharWidth() {
return worker.getStringWidth("a", gdef.smallFont);
double getInterlegendSpace() {
return getSmallFontCharWidth() * LEGEND_INTERSPACING;
double getLeading() {
return getSmallFontHeight() * LEGEND_LEADING;
double getSmallLeading() {
return getSmallFontHeight() * LEGEND_LEADING_SMALL;
double getBoxSpace() {
return Math.ceil(getSmallFontHeight() * LEGEND_BOX_SPACE);
private double getBox() {
return getSmallFontHeight() * LEGEND_BOX;
double[] xtr(long[] timestamps) {
double[] timestampsDev = new double[timestamps.length];
for (int i = 0; i < timestamps.length; i++) {
timestampsDev[i] = mapper.xtr(timestamps[i]);
return timestampsDev;
double[] timestampsDev = new double[2 * timestamps.length - 1];
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < timestamps.length; i += 1, j += 2) {
timestampsDev[j] = mapper.xtr(timestamps[i]);
if (i < timestamps.length - 1) {
timestampsDev[j + 1] = timestampsDev[j];
return timestampsDev;
double[] ytr(double[] values) {
double[] valuesDev = new double[values.length];
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
if (Double.isNaN(values[i])) {
valuesDev[i] = Double.NaN;
else {
valuesDev[i] = mapper.ytr(values[i]);
return valuesDev;
double[] valuesDev = new double[2 * values.length - 1];
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < values.length; i += 1, j += 2) {
if (Double.isNaN(values[i])) {
valuesDev[j] = Double.NaN;
else {
valuesDev[j] = mapper.ytr(values[i]);
if (j > 0) {
valuesDev[j - 1] = valuesDev[j];
return valuesDev;
* Renders this graph onto graphing device
* @param g Graphics handle
public void render(Graphics g) {
byte[] imageData = getRrdGraphInfo().getBytes();
ImageIcon image = new ImageIcon(imageData);
image.paintIcon(null, g, 0, 0);