Package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.hbql

Source Code of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.hbql.ExamplesTest

* Copyright (c) 2011.  The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.hbql;

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.hbql.client.AsyncExecutorManager;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.hbql.client.HBatch;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.hbql.client.HBqlException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.hbql.client.HConnection;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.hbql.client.HConnectionManager;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.hbql.client.HConnectionPool;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.hbql.client.HConnectionPoolManager;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.hbql.client.HMapping;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.hbql.client.HPreparedStatement;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.hbql.client.HRecord;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.hbql.client.HResultSet;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.hbql.client.HStatement;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.hbql.client.QueryExecutorPoolManager;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.hbql.client.QueryFuture;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.hbql.client.QueryListenerAdapter;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.hbql.client.Util;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.hbql.util.TestSupport;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.jdbc.ConnectionPool;
import org.junit.Test;

import javax.sql.PooledConnection;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.Set;

public class ExamplesTest extends TestSupport {

    public void dummyTest() {

    public void showTables() throws HBqlException {

        // START SNIPPET: show-tables

        // Using the API
        HConnection conn = HConnectionManager.newConnection();
        Set<String> tableNames = conn.getTableNames();

        // END SNIPPET: show-tables

    public void showMappings() throws HBqlException {

        // START SNIPPET: show-mappings

        // Using the API
        HConnection conn = HConnectionManager.newConnection();
        Set<HMapping> mappings = conn.getAllMappings();
        for (HMapping mapping : mappings)

        // END SNIPPET: show-mappings

    public void describeTable() throws HBqlException {

        // START SNIPPET: describe-table

        HConnection conn = HConnectionManager.newConnection();
        System.out.println(conn.execute("DESCRIBE TABLE foo"));

        // END SNIPPET: describe-table


    public void describeMapping() throws HBqlException {

        // START SNIPPET: describe-mapping

        HConnection conn = HConnectionManager.newConnection();
        System.out.println(conn.execute("DESCRIBE MAPPING fooMapping"));

        // END SNIPPET: describe-mapping


    public void enableTable() throws HBqlException {

        // START SNIPPET: enable-table

        HConnection conn = HConnectionManager.newConnection();
        System.out.println(conn.execute("ENABLE TABLE foo"));

        // Or using the API

        // END SNIPPET: enable-table


    public void disableTable() throws HBqlException {

        // START SNIPPET: disable-table

        HConnection conn = HConnectionManager.newConnection();
        conn.execute("DISABLE TABLE foo");

        // Or using the API

        // END SNIPPET: disable-table


    public void dropMapping() throws HBqlException {

        // START SNIPPET: drop-mapping

        HConnection conn = HConnectionManager.newConnection();

        conn.execute("DROP MAPPING fooMapping");

        // Or using the API

        // END SNIPPET: drop-mapping


    public void createTable() throws HBqlException {

        // START SNIPPET: create-table

        HConnection conn = HConnectionManager.newConnection();
        conn.execute("CREATE TABLE foo (family1 (MAX_VERSIONS: 10), family2(), family3 (MAX_VERSIONS: 15))");

        // END SNIPPET: create-table


    public void createIndex() throws HBqlException {

        // START SNIPPET: create-index

        HConnection conn = HConnectionManager.newConnection();
        conn.execute("CREATE INDEX fooidx ON fooMapping (family1:col1) INCLUDE (family1:col2, family1:col3)");

        // END SNIPPET: create-index


    public void alterTable() throws HBqlException {

        // START SNIPPET: alter-table

        HConnection conn = HConnectionManager.newConnection();

        // Drop family family1
        conn.execute("ALTER TABLE foo DROP FAMILY family1, DROP FAMILY family2");

        // Add family family4
        conn.execute("ALTER TABLE foo ADD FAMILY family4 (MAX_VERSIONS: 10), ADD FAMILY family6()");

        // Rename family family4 to family5
        conn.execute("ALTER TABLE foo ALTER FAMILY family4 TO family5 (MAX_VERSIONS: 10)");

        // END SNIPPET: alter-table


    public void dropTable() throws HBqlException {

        // START SNIPPET: drop-table

        HConnection conn = HConnectionManager.newConnection();
        conn.execute("DROP TABLE foo");

        // Or using the API

        // END SNIPPET: drop-table


    public void dropIndex() throws HBqlException {

        // START SNIPPET: drop-index

        HConnection conn = HConnectionManager.newConnection();
        conn.execute("DROP INDEX fooidx ON MAPPING fooMapping");
        // OR
        conn.execute("DROP INDEX fooidx ON TABLE foo");

        // Or using the API
        conn.dropIndexForMapping("fooidx", "fooMapping");
        // or
        conn.dropIndexForTable("fooidx", "foo");

        // END SNIPPET: drop-index

    public void insert1() throws HBqlException {

        // START SNIPPET: insert1

        HConnection conn = HConnectionManager.newConnection();

        conn.execute("CREATE TEMP MAPPING fooMapping FOR TABLE foo "
                     + "("
                     + "keyval KEY, "
                     + "family1 ("
                     + "  val1 INT ALIAS val1, "
                     + "  val2 STRING ALIAS val2"
                     + "))");

        conn.execute("INSERT INTO fooMapping (keyval, val1, val2) "
                     + "VALUES (ZEROPAD(2, 10), 123, 'test val')");

        // Or using the Record interface
        HRecord rec = conn.getMapping("fooMapping").newHRecord();
        rec.setCurrentValue("keyval", Util.getZeroPaddedNonNegativeNumber(2, 10));
        rec.setCurrentValue("val1", 123);
        rec.setCurrentValue("al2", "testval");

        HBatch<HRecord> batch = conn.newHBatch();

        // END SNIPPET: insert1


    public void delete1() throws HBqlException {

        // START SNIPPET: delete1

        HConnection conn = HConnectionManager.newConnection();

        conn.execute("CREATE TEMP MAPPING fooMapping FOR TABLE foo "
                     + "("
                     + "keyval KEY, "
                     + "family1 ("
                     + "  val1 INT ALIAS val11, "
                     + "  val2 INT ALIAS val12, "
                     + "  val3 INT ALIAS val13, "
                     + "  val4 INT ALIAS val14, "
                     + "  val5 STRING ALIAS val15"
                     + "))");

        conn.execute("DELETE FROM fooMapping WITH CLIENT FILTER WHERE val1 > 4");

        conn.execute("DELETE family1:val1, val12 FROM fooMapping WITH CLIENT FILTER WHERE val1 > 5");

        conn.execute("DELETE family1:* FROM fooMapping WITH CLIENT FILTER WHERE val1 > 7");

        // END SNIPPET: delete1


    public void insert2() throws HBqlException {

        // START SNIPPET: insert2

        HConnection conn = HConnectionManager.newConnection();

        // A column with a default value.
        conn.execute("CREATE TEMP MAPPING fooMapping FOR TABLE foo "
                     + "("
                     + "keyval KEY, "
                     + "family1 ("
                     + "  val1 INT ALIAS val1, "
                     + "  val2 STRING ALIAS val2 DEFAULT 'this is a default value'"
                     + "))");

        HPreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO fooMapping (keyval, val1, val2) "
                                                      + "VALUES (:key, :val1, DEFAULT)");

        ps.setParameter("key", Util.getZeroPaddedNonNegativeNumber(2, 10));
        ps.setParameter("val1", 123);

        // END SNIPPET: insert2


    public void insert3() throws HBqlException {

        HConnection conn = HConnectionManager.newConnection();

        // START SNIPPET: insert3
        conn.execute("CREATE MAPPING fooMapping FOR TABLE foo_table "
                     + "("
                     + "keyval KEY, "
                     + "family1 ("
                     + "  val1 STRING ALIAS val1, "
                     + "  val2 STRING ALIAS val2, "
                     + "  val3 STRING ALIAS val3, "
                     + "  val4 STRING ALIAS val4 "
                     + "))");
        conn.execute("INSERT INTO fooMapping (keyval, val1, val2) "
                     + "SELECT keyval, val3, val4 FROM foo2");

        // END SNIPPET: insert3


    public void insert4() throws HBqlException {

        HConnection conn = HConnectionManager.newConnection();

        // START SNIPPET: insert4
        conn.execute("CREATE MAPPING fooMapping FOR TABLE foo_table "
                     + "("
                     + "keyval KEY, "
                     + "family1 ("
                     + "  val1 STRING, "
                     + "  val2 STRING, "
                     + "  val3 STRING ALIAS val3, "
                     + "  val4 STRING ALIAS val4 "
                     + "))");
        conn.execute("INSERT INTO fooMapping (keyval, family1(val1, val2)) "
                     + "SELECT keyval, val3, val4 FROM foo2");

        // END SNIPPET: insert4


    public void createMapping() throws HBqlException {

        // START SNIPPET: create-mapping1

        HConnection conn = HConnectionManager.newConnection();

        // Mapping named foo that corresponds to table foo.
        conn.execute("CREATE TEMP MAPPING foo (keyval key, family1 (val1 STRING))");
        // END SNIPPET: create-mapping1

        // START SNIPPET: create-mapping2

        // Mapping named mapping1 that corresponds to table foo.
        conn.execute("CREATE MAPPING mapping1 FOR TABLE foo (keyval key, family1 (val1 STRING ALIAS val2))");
        // END SNIPPET: create-mapping2

        // START SNIPPET: create-mapping3

        // A column with a default value.
        conn.execute("CREATE MAPPING mapping1 FOR TABLE foo "
                     + "("
                     + "keyval key, "
                     + "family1 (val1 STRING ALIAS val1 DEFAULT 'this is a default value')"
                     + ")");
        // END SNIPPET: create-mapping3

        // START SNIPPET: create-mapping4

        // A Mapping with a with an INCLUDE UNMAPPED clause.
        conn.execute("CREATE TEMP MAPPING mapping1 FOR TABLE foo "
                     + "("
                     + "keyval key, "
                     + "family1 INCLUDE UNMAPPED ("
                     + "  val1 STRING ALIAS val1, "
                     + "  val2 STRING ALIAS val3 "
                     + "))");

        // END SNIPPET: create-mapping4


    public void createQueryExecutorPool() throws HBqlException {

        // START SNIPPET: create-query-executor-pool

        HConnection conn = HConnectionManager.newConnection();

        // Create Query Executor Pool named execPool if it doesn't already exist.
        conn.execute("CREATE QUERY EXECUTOR POOL execPool (MAX_EXECUTOR_POOL_SIZE: 5, MAX_THREAD_COUNT: 10) IF NOT queryExecutorPoolExists('execPool')");

        // Or, using the API
        if (!QueryExecutorPoolManager.queryExecutorPoolExists("execPool"))
            QueryExecutorPoolManager.newQueryExecutorPool("execPool", 5, 5, 10, Long.MAX_VALUE, true, 100);

        // Then assign the connection a query executor pool name to use for queries

        // Now use connection in a query.

        // END SNIPPET: create-query-executor-pool

    public void createAsynExecutorPool() throws HBqlException {

        // START SNIPPET: create-async-executor

        HConnection conn = HConnectionManager.newConnection();

        // Create AsyncExecutor named asyncExec if it doesn't already exist.
        conn.execute("CREATE ASYNC EXECUTOR asyncExec (MAX_THREAD_COUNT: 10) IF NOT asyncExecutorExists('asyncExec')");

        // Or, using the API
        if (!AsyncExecutorManager.asyncExecutorExists("asyncExec"))
            AsyncExecutorManager.newAsyncExecutor("asyncExec", 5, 10, Long.MAX_VALUE);

        // Then assign the connection an AsyncExecutor name to use for queries

        // Now use connection in a query.

        // END SNIPPET: create-async-executor

    public void dropQueryExecutorPool() throws HBqlException {

        // START SNIPPET: drop-query-executor-pool

        HConnection conn = HConnectionManager.newConnection();

        conn.execute("DROP QUERY EXECUTOR POOL execPool IF queryExecutorPoolExists('execPool')");

        // Or, using the API
        if (QueryExecutorPoolManager.queryExecutorPoolExists("execPool"))

        // END SNIPPET: drop-query-executor-pool

    public void dropAsyncExecutor() throws HBqlException {

        // START SNIPPET: drop-async-executor

        HConnection conn = HConnectionManager.newConnection();

        conn.execute("DROP ASYNC EXECUTOR asyncExec IF asyncExecutorExists('asyncExec')");

        // Or, using the API
        if (AsyncExecutorManager.asyncExecutorExists("asyncExec"))

        // END SNIPPET: drop-async-executor

    public void index1() throws HBqlException {

        // START SNIPPET: index1

        HConnection conn = HConnectionManager.newConnection();

        conn.execute("CREATE TEMP MAPPING tab1 FOR TABLE table1"
                     + "("
                     + "keyval KEY WIDTH 15, "
                     + "f1 INCLUDE UNMAPPED ("
                     + "  val1 STRING WIDTH 10 ALIAS val1, "
                     + "  val2 INT ALIAS val5"
                     + "),  "
                     + "f2 INCLUDE UNMAPPED, "
                     + "f3 INCLUDE UNMAPPED ("
                     + "  val2 INT ALIAS val6, "
                     + "  val3 INT ALIAS val7 "
                     + "))");

        conn.execute("CREATE INDEX val1idx ON tab1 (val1) INCLUDE (val5, val6) IF NOT indexExistsForTable('val1idx', 'tab1')");

        HPreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT keyval, f1:val1, val5 FROM tab1 "
                                                         + "WITH INDEX val1idx KEYS FIRST TO :endkey "
                                                         + "INDEX FILTER WHERE val5 < 8 "
                                                         + "CLIENT FILTER WHERE val6 > 4");

        pstmt.setParameter("endkey", Util.getZeroPaddedNonNegativeNumber(34, 10));

        HResultSet<HRecord> records = pstmt.executeQuery();

        for (HRecord record : records)
            System.out.println("Key = " + record.getCurrentValue("keyval"));


        // END SNIPPET: index1

    public void selectAll() throws HBqlException {

        // START SNIPPET: select1

        HConnection conn = HConnectionManager.newConnection();

        conn.execute("CREATE TEMP MAPPING tab1 FOR TABLE table1"
                     + "("
                     + "keyval KEY, "
                     + "f1 INCLUDE UNMAPPED ("
                     + "  val1 STRING ALIAS val1, "
                     + "  val2 INT ALIAS val5"
                     + "),  "
                     + "f2 INCLUDE UNMAPPED, "
                     + "f3 INCLUDE UNMAPPED ("
                     + "  val2 INT ALIAS val6, "
                     + "  val3 INT ALIAS val7 "
                     + "))");

        HPreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT keyval, f1:val1, val5 FROM tab1 "
                                                         + "WITH KEYS FIRST TO :endkey "
                                                         + "VERSIONS 4 "
                                                         + "CLIENT FILTER WHERE val6 > 4");

        pstmt.setParameter("endkey", Util.getZeroPaddedNonNegativeNumber(34, 10));

        HResultSet<HRecord> records = pstmt.executeQuery();

        for (HRecord record : records) {
            System.out.println("Key = " + record.getCurrentValue("keyval"));


        // END SNIPPET: select1

    public void definedSelect() throws HBqlException {

        // START SNIPPET: definedExample1

        // Get a connection to HBase
        HConnection conn = HConnectionManager.newConnection();

        conn.execute("CREATE TEMP MAPPING demo1 FOR TABLE example1"
                     + "("
                     + "keyval KEY, "
                     + "f1 ("
                     + "  val1 STRING ALIAS val1, "
                     + "  val2 INT ALIAS val2, "
                     + "  val3 STRING DEFAULT 'This is a default value' "
                     + "))");

        // Clean up table
        if (!conn.tableExists("example1"))
            conn.execute("CREATE TABLE example1 (f1()) ");
            conn.execute("DELETE FROM demo1");

        // Add some records using an INSERT stmt
        HPreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO demo1 " +
                                                        "(keyval, val1, val2, f1:val3) VALUES " +
                                                        "(ZEROPAD(:key, 10), :val1, :val2, DEFAULT)");

        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
            stmt.setParameter("key", i);
            stmt.setParameter("val1", "Value: " + i);
            stmt.setParameter("val2", i);

        // Add some other records using the Record interface
        final HBatch<HRecord> batch = conn.newHBatch();
        for (int i = 5; i < 10; i++) {
            HRecord rec = conn.getMapping("demo1").newHRecord();
            rec.setCurrentValue("keyval", Util.getZeroPaddedNonNegativeNumber(i, 10));
            rec.setCurrentValue("val1", "Value: " + i);
            rec.setCurrentValue("f1:val2", i);

        // Query the records just added
        HResultSet<HRecord> records = conn.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM demo1");

        for (HRecord rec : records) {
            System.out.println("Key = " + rec.getCurrentValue("keyval"));
            System.out.println("f1:val1 = " + rec.getCurrentValue("val1"));
            System.out.println("f1:val2 = " + rec.getCurrentValue("f1:val2"));
            System.out.println("f1:val3 = " + rec.getCurrentValue("f1:val3"));


        // END SNIPPET: definedExample1

    public void hbqlapi1() throws HBqlException {

        // START SNIPPET: hbqlapi1

        // Get a connection with an HTablePool size of 10
        HConnection conn = HConnectionManager.newConnection();

        HStatement stmt = conn.createStatement();
        stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE table12 (f1(), f3()) IF NOT tableexists('table12')");

        stmt.execute("CREATE TEMP MAPPING sch9 FOR TABLE table12"
                     + "("
                     + "keyval key, "
                     + "f1 ("
                     + "    val1 string alias val1, "
                     + "    val2 string alias val2 "
                     + "), "
                     + "f3 ("
                     + "    val1 int alias val5, "
                     + "    val2 int alias val6 "
                     + "))");

        HResultSet<HRecord> rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from sch9");

        for (HRecord rec : rs) {
            int val5 = (Integer)rec.getCurrentValue("val5");
            int val6 = (Integer)rec.getCurrentValue("val6");
            String val1 = (String)rec.getCurrentValue("val1");
            String val2 = (String)rec.getCurrentValue("val2");

            System.out.print("val5: " + val5);
            System.out.print(", val6: " + val6);
            System.out.print(", val1: " + val1);
            System.out.println(", val2: " + val2);

        stmt.execute("DISABLE TABLE table12");
        stmt.execute("DROP TABLE table12");


        // END SNIPPET: hbqlapi1

    public void hbqlapi2() throws HBqlException {

        // START SNIPPET: hbqlapi2

        // For each connection in a connection pool, assign an HTablePool max size of 25 references per table

        // Create connection pool with max of 25 connections and prime it with 5 initial connections
        HConnectionPool connectionPool = HConnectionPoolManager.newConnectionPool(5, 25);

        // Create Query Executor Pool named execPool if it doesn't already exist.
        if (!QueryExecutorPoolManager.queryExecutorPoolExists("execPool"))
            QueryExecutorPoolManager.newQueryExecutorPool("execPool", 5, 5, 10, Long.MAX_VALUE, true, 100);

        // Take a connection from the connection pool
        HConnection conn = connectionPool.takeConnection();

        // Assign the connection a query executor pool name to use for queries

        // Do something with the connection

        // Close the connection to release it back to the connection pool

        // END SNIPPET: hbqlapi2

    public void hbqlapi3() throws HBqlException {

        // START SNIPPET: hbqlapi3

        HConnection conn = HConnectionManager.newConnection();

        HStatement stmt = conn.createStatement();
        stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE table12 (f1(), f3()) IF NOT tableexists('table12')");

        stmt.execute("CREATE TEMP MAPPING sch9 FOR TABLE table12"
                     + "("
                     + "keyval key, "
                     + "f1 ("
                     + "    val1 string alias val1, "
                     + "    val2 string alias val2 "
                     + "), "
                     + "f3 ("
                     + "    val1 int alias val5, "
                     + "    val2 int alias val6 "
                     + "))");

        if (!AsyncExecutorManager.asyncExecutorExists("async1"))
            AsyncExecutorManager.newAsyncExecutor("async1", 1, 10, Long.MAX_VALUE);


        QueryFuture future = stmt.executeQueryAsync("select * from sch9",
                                                    new QueryListenerAdapter<HRecord>() {
                                                        public void onEachRow(final HRecord rec) throws HBqlException {
                                                            int val5 = (Integer)rec.getCurrentValue("val5");
                                                            int val6 = (Integer)rec.getCurrentValue("val6");
                                                            String val1 = (String)rec.getCurrentValue("val1");
                                                            String val2 = (String)rec.getCurrentValue("val2");

                                                            System.out.print("val5: " + val5);
                                                            System.out.print(", val6: " + val6);
                                                            System.out.print(", val1: " + val1);
                                                            System.out.println(", val2: " + val2);

                                                        public void onException(final ExceptionSource source,
                                                                                final HBqlException e) {

        try {
        catch (InterruptedException e) {



        // END SNIPPET: hbqlapi3

    public void jdbc1() throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {

        // START SNIPPET: jdbc1


        // Get a connection with an HTablePool size of 10
        Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:hbql;maxtablerefs=10");

        // or
        Connection conn2 = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:hbql;maxtablerefs=10;hbase.master=");

        // or if you want to connect with a HBaseConfiguration object, then you would call:
        Configuration config = HBaseConfiguration.create();
        Connection conn3 = org.apache.hadoop.hbase.jdbc.Driver.getConnection("jdbc:hbql;maxtablerefs=10", config);

        Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
        stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE table12 (f1(), f3()) IF NOT tableexists('table12')");

        stmt.execute("CREATE TEMP MAPPING sch9 FOR TABLE table12"
                     + "("
                     + "keyval key, "
                     + "f1 ("
                     + "    val1 string alias val1, "
                     + "    val2 string alias val2 "
                     + "), "
                     + "f3 ("
                     + "    val1 int alias val5, "
                     + "    val2 int alias val6 "
                     + "))");

        ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from sch9");

        while ( {
            int val5 = rs.getInt("val5");
            int val6 = rs.getInt("val6");
            String val1 = rs.getString("val1");
            String val2 = rs.getString("val2");

            System.out.print("val5: " + val5);
            System.out.print(", val6: " + val6);
            System.out.print(", val1: " + val1);
            System.out.println(", val2: " + val2);


        stmt.execute("DISABLE TABLE table12");
        stmt.execute("DROP TABLE table12");


        // END SNIPPET: jdbc1

    public void jdbc2() throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {

        // START SNIPPET: jdbc2

        // For each connection in a connection pool, assign an HTablePool max size of 25 references per table

        // Create connection pool with max of 25 connections and prime it with 5 initial connections
        ConnectionPool pool = new ConnectionPool(5, 25);

        PooledConnection pooledConnection = pool.getPooledConnection();
        Connection conn = pooledConnection.getConnection();

        // Do some work with connection

        // Release connection back to pool

        // END SNIPPET: jdbc2

    public void annotatedSelect() throws HBqlException {

        // START SNIPPET: annotatedExample2

        // Get a connection to HBase
        HConnection conn = HConnectionManager.newConnection();

        conn.execute("CREATE TEMP MAPPING demo2 FOR TABLE example2"
                     + "("
                     + "keyval KEY, "
                     + "f1 ("
                     + "  val1 STRING ALIAS val1, "
                     + "  val2 INT ALIAS val2, "
                     + "  val3 STRING ALIAS val3 DEFAULT 'This is a default value' "
                     + "))");

        // Clean up table
        if (!conn.tableExists("example2"))
            conn.execute("CREATE TABLE example2 (f1())");
            conn.execute("DELETE FROM demo2");

        // Add some records using an INSERT stmt
        HPreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO demo2 " +
                                                        "(keyval, val1, val2, val3) VALUES " +
                                                        "(ZEROPAD(:key, 10), :val1, :val2, DEFAULT)");

        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
            stmt.setParameter("key", i);
            stmt.setParameter("val1", "Value: " + i);
            stmt.setParameter("val2", i);

        // Add some other records using an AnnotatedExample object
        final HBatch<AnnotatedExample> batch = conn.newHBatch();
        for (int i = 5; i < 10; i++) {
            AnnotatedExample obj = new AnnotatedExample();
            obj.keyval = Util.getZeroPaddedNonNegativeNumber(i, 10);
            obj.val1 = "Value: " + i;
            obj.val2 = i;

        // Query the records just added
        HResultSet<AnnotatedExample> records = conn.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM demo2", AnnotatedExample.class);

        for (AnnotatedExample rec : records) {
            System.out.println("Key = " + rec.keyval);
            System.out.println("f1:val1 = " + rec.val1);
            System.out.println("f1:val2 = " + rec.val2);
            System.out.println("f1:val3 = " + rec.val3);


        // END SNIPPET: annotatedExample2

Related Classes of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.hbql.ExamplesTest

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