import net.glowstone.GlowServer;
import net.glowstone.constants.ItemIds;
import net.glowstone.inventory.GlowItemFactory;
import net.glowstone.util.nbt.CompoundTag;
import net.glowstone.util.nbt.TagType;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.util.Vector;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;
* Utility methods for transforming various objects to and from NBT.
public final class NbtSerialization {
private NbtSerialization() {
* Read an item stack in from an NBT tag. Returns null if no item exists.
* @param tag The tag to read from.
* @return The resulting ItemStack, or null.
public static ItemStack readItem(CompoundTag tag) {
final Material material;
if (tag.isString("id")) {
material = ItemIds.getMaterial(tag.getString("id"));
} else if (tag.isShort("id")) {
material = Material.getMaterial(tag.getShort("id"));
} else {
return null;
final short damage = tag.isShort("Damage") ? tag.getShort("Damage") : 0;
final byte count = tag.isByte("Count") ? tag.getByte("Count") : 0;
if (material == null || material == Material.AIR || count == 0) {
return null;
ItemStack stack = new ItemStack(material, count, damage);
if (tag.isCompound("tag")) {
stack.setItemMeta(GlowItemFactory.instance().readNbt(material, tag.getCompound("tag")));
return stack;
* Write an item stack to an NBT tag. Null stacks produce an empty tag,
* and if slot is negative it is omitted from the result.
* @param stack The stack to write, or null.
* @param slot The slot, or negative to omit.
* @return The resulting tag.
public static CompoundTag writeItem(ItemStack stack, int slot) {
CompoundTag tag = new CompoundTag();
if (stack == null || stack.getType() == Material.AIR) {
return tag;
tag.putString("id", ItemIds.getName(stack.getType()));
tag.putShort("Damage", stack.getDurability());
tag.putByte("Count", stack.getAmount());
if (slot >= 0) {
tag.putByte("Slot", slot);
CompoundTag meta = GlowItemFactory.instance().writeNbt(stack.getItemMeta());
if (meta != null) {
tag.putCompound("tag", meta);
return tag;
* Read a full inventory (players, chests, etc.) from a compound list.
* @param tagList The list of CompoundTags to read from.
* @param start The slot number to consider the inventory's start.
* @param size The desired size of the inventory.
* @return An array with the contents of the inventory.
public static ItemStack[] readInventory(List<CompoundTag> tagList, int start, int size) {
ItemStack[] items = new ItemStack[size];
for (CompoundTag tag : tagList) {
byte slot = tag.isByte("Slot") ? tag.getByte("Slot") : 0;
if (slot >= start && slot < start + size) {
items[slot - start] = readItem(tag);
return items;
* Write a full inventory (players, chests, etc.) to a compound list.
* @param items An array with the contents of the inventory.
* @param start The slot number to consider the inventory's start.
* @return The list of CompoundTags.
public static List<CompoundTag> writeInventory(ItemStack[] items, int start) {
List<CompoundTag> out = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
ItemStack stack = items[i];
if (stack != null) {
out.add(writeItem(stack, start + i));
return out;
* Attempt to resolve a world based on the contents of a compound tag.
* @param server The server to look up worlds in.
* @param compound The tag to read the world from.
* @return The world, or null if none could be found.
public static World readWorld(GlowServer server, CompoundTag compound) {
World world = null;
if (compound.isLong("WorldUUIDLeast") && compound.isLong("WorldUUIDMost")) {
long uuidLeast = compound.getLong("WorldUUIDLeast");
long uuidMost = compound.getLong("WorldUUIDMost");
world = server.getWorld(new UUID(uuidMost, uuidLeast));
if (world == null && compound.isString("World")) {
world = server.getWorld(compound.getString("World"));
if (world == null && compound.isInt("Dimension")) {
int dim = compound.getInt("Dimension");
for (World sWorld : server.getWorlds()) {
if (sWorld.getEnvironment().getId() == dim) {
world = sWorld;
return world;
* Save world identifiers (UUID and dimension) to a compound tag for
* later lookup.
* @param world The world to identify.
* @param compound The tag to write to.
public static void writeWorld(World world, CompoundTag compound) {
UUID worldUUID = world.getUID();
// world UUID used by Bukkit and code above
compound.putLong("WorldUUIDMost", worldUUID.getMostSignificantBits());
compound.putLong("WorldUUIDLeast", worldUUID.getLeastSignificantBits());
// leave a Dimension value for possible Vanilla use
compound.putInt("Dimension", world.getEnvironment().getId());
* Read a Location from the "Pos" and "Rotation" children of a tag. If
* "Pos" is absent or invalid, null is returned. If "Rotation" is absent
* or invalid, it is skipped and a location without rotation is returned.
* @param world The world of the location (see readWorld).
* @param tag The tag to read from.
* @return The location, or null.
public static Location listTagsToLocation(World world, CompoundTag tag) {
// check for position list
if (tag.isList("Pos", TagType.DOUBLE)) {
List<Double> pos = tag.getList("Pos", TagType.DOUBLE);
if (pos.size() == 3) {
Location location = new Location(world, pos.get(0), pos.get(1), pos.get(2));
// check for rotation
if (tag.isList("Rotation", TagType.FLOAT)) {
List<Float> rot = tag.getList("Rotation", TagType.FLOAT);
if (rot.size() == 2) {
return location;
return null;
* Write a Location to the "Pos" and "Rotation" children of a tag. Does
* not save world information, use writeWorld instead.
* @param loc The location to write.
* @param tag The tag to write to.
public static void locationToListTags(Location loc, CompoundTag tag) {
tag.putList("Pos", TagType.DOUBLE, Arrays.asList(loc.getX(), loc.getY(), loc.getZ()));
tag.putList("Rotation", TagType.FLOAT, Arrays.asList(loc.getYaw(), loc.getPitch()));
* Create a Vector from a list of doubles. If the list is invalid, a
* zero vector is returned.
* @param list The list to read from.
* @return The Vector.
public static Vector listToVector(List<Double> list) {
if (list.size() == 3) {
return new Vector(list.get(0), list.get(1), list.get(2));
return new Vector(0, 0, 0);
* Create a list of doubles from a Vector.
* @param vec The vector to write.
* @return The list.
public static List<Double> vectorToList(Vector vec) {
return Arrays.asList(vec.getX(), vec.getY(), vec.getZ());