package org.infoglue.cms.webservices;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.infoglue.cms.applications.workflowtool.function.InfoglueFunction;
import org.infoglue.cms.controllers.kernel.impl.simple.LanguageController;
import org.infoglue.cms.controllers.kernel.impl.simple.UserControllerProxy;
import org.infoglue.cms.controllers.kernel.impl.simple.WorkflowController;
import org.infoglue.cms.entities.mydesktop.WorkflowVO;
import org.infoglue.cms.exception.SystemException;
import org.infoglue.deliver.util.webservices.DynamicWebserviceSerializer;
import com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowException;
* This service is used for creating workflows from an external application.
public class RemoteWorkflowServiceImpl extends RemoteInfoGlueService
* The class logger.
private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(RemoteWorkflowServiceImpl.class.getName());
* The principal executing the workflow.
private InfoGluePrincipal principal;
* The inputs to the workflow.
private Map inputs;
* Default constructor.
public RemoteWorkflowServiceImpl()
* Creates the specified workflow running as the specified principal.
* To determine if the workflow executed successfully, the state of the workflow is checked.
* A terminated workflow is interpreted as a failure, meaning that all workflows that could
* be started from an external application, should terminate directly if an error occurs.
* @param principalName the name of the principal that should execute the workflow. Must have permission to create the workflow.
* @param languageId the language to use when executing the workflow.
* @param workflowName the name of the workflow.
* @param inputsArray the inputs to the workflow.
* @return true if the workflow executed sucessfully; false otherwise.
public Boolean start(final String principalName, final Integer languageId, final String workflowName, final Object[] inputsArray, final Object[] ppp)
final DynamicWebserviceSerializer serializer = new DynamicWebserviceSerializer();
initializePrincipal(principalName, workflowName);
initializeInputs((Map) serializer.deserialize(inputsArray), languageId);
logger.debug("start(" + principalName + "," + workflowName + "," + languageId + "," + inputs + ")");
final WorkflowVO workflowVO = WorkflowController.getController().initializeWorkflow(principal, workflowName, 0, inputs);
logger.debug("The workflow has terminated.");
return Boolean.FALSE;
catch(Throwable t)
logger.error("Error:" + t.getMessage(), t);
return Boolean.FALSE;
return Boolean.TRUE;
* Invokes an action on the specified workflow as the specified principal.
* @param principalName the name of the principal that should execute the workflow. Must have permission to create the workflow.
* @param languageId the language to use when executing the workflow.
* @param workflowName the name of the workflow.
* @param inputsArray the inputs to the workflow.
* @return true if the workflow executed sucessfully; false otherwise.
public Boolean invokeAction(final String principalName, final Integer languageId, final Long workflowId, final Integer actionId, final Object[] inputsArray, final Object[] ppp)
final DynamicWebserviceSerializer serializer = new DynamicWebserviceSerializer();
initializeInputs((Map) serializer.deserialize(inputsArray), languageId);
logger.debug("start(" + principalName + "," + workflowId + "," + actionId + "," + languageId + "," + inputs + ")");
final WorkflowVO workflowVO = WorkflowController.getController().invokeAction(principal, workflowId.longValue(), actionId.intValue(), inputs);
logger.debug("The workflow has terminated.");
return Boolean.FALSE;
catch(Throwable t)
logger.error("Error:" + t.getMessage(), t);
return Boolean.FALSE;
return Boolean.TRUE;
* Returns true if the workflow has terminated; false otherwise.
* @param workflowVO the workflow.
* @return true if the workflow has terminated; false otherwise.
private boolean hasTerminated(final WorkflowVO workflowVO) throws WorkflowException
return WorkflowController.getController().hasTerminated(principal, workflowVO.getIdAsPrimitive());
* Initializes the inputs to the workflow.
* @param callerInputs the inputs sent in from the caller of this service.
* @param languageId the locale to use when running the workflow.
private void initializeInputs(final Map callerInputs, final Integer languageId) throws SystemException
inputs = callerInputs;
inputs.put(InfoglueFunction.PRINCIPAL_PARAMETER, principal);
inputs.put(InfoglueFunction.LOCALE_PARAMETER, LanguageController.getController().getLocaleWithId(languageId));
* Checks if the principal exists and if the principal is allowed to create the workflow.
* @param userName the name of the user.
* @param workflowName the name of the workflow to create.
* @throws SystemException if the principal doesn't exists or doesn't have permission to create the workflow.
private void initializePrincipal(final String userName, final String workflowName) throws SystemException
principal = UserControllerProxy.getController().getUser(userName);
catch(SystemException e)
throw e;
catch(Exception e)
throw new SystemException(e);
if(principal == null)
throw new SystemException("No such principal [" + userName + "].");
if(!WorkflowController.getController().getIsAccessApproved(workflowName, principal))
throw new SystemException("The principal [" + userName + "] is not allowed to create the [" + workflowName + "] workflow.");