package com.motomapia.wikimapia;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.GeoPt;
import com.motomapia.util.GeoDelta;
* Provides a friendly version of the Wikimapia API.
* @author Jeff Schnitzer
public class Wikimapia
/** */
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Wikimapia.class);
/** Generated for www.motomapia.com */
public static final String API_KEY = "B702F8F8-2FAC2906-21A0B2E8-C75D01F6-DF257CD2-18D01244-A3DB4632-CAFDB16C";
* Gets description of a place
* @throws Exception if something goes wrong
public static WikiPlaceDetail place(long placeId)
WikiPlaceDetail result = placeUncached(placeId);
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("For place " + placeId + ", found: " + result);
return result;
catch (IOException ex) { throw new WikimapiaException(ex); }
// The old code with caching
// try
// {
// WikiPlaceDetail result = Caches.place().get(placeId);
// if (result == null)
// {
// // Get the value, put it in the cache
// result = placeUncached(placeId);
// Caches.place().put(placeId, result);
// }
// if (log.isDebugEnabled())
// log.debug("For place " + placeId + ", found: " + result);
// return result;
// }
// catch (IOException ex) { throw new WikimapiaException(ex); }
* Does the work, throwing any exceptions.
public static WikiPlaceDetail placeUncached(long placeId) throws IOException
String urlStr =
"http://api.wikimapia.org/?function=object" +
"&id=" + placeId +
"&language=en" + // otherwise we get data for other languages, it seems
"&format=json" +
"&key=" + API_KEY;
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Querying wikimapia: " + urlStr);
URL url = new URL(urlStr);
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
JsonNode jsonResult = mapper.readValue(url.openStream(), JsonNode.class);
// This seems the best way to test for error.
if (jsonResult.get("debug") != null)
log.error("Error result from " + urlStr + " ::::: " + jsonResult);
throw new IOException(jsonResult.toString());
return new WikiPlaceDetail(jsonResult);
* Uses the box API call to fetch a relevant set of places. Logs but does
* not expose errors. This version uses a bounding rectangle.
* @param count is a limit; you might get less than this
* @return an unsorted list, or an empty list if something went wrong.
public static List<WikiPlace> box(GeoPt sw, GeoPt ne, int count)
GeoDelta delta = new GeoDelta(ne.getLatitude() - sw.getLatitude(), ne.getLongitude() - sw.getLongitude());
GeoPt center = new GeoPt(sw.getLatitude() + delta.getLatitude() / 2, sw.getLongitude() + delta.getLongitude() / 2);
return box(center, delta, count);
* Uses the box API call to fetch a relevant set of places. Logs but does
* not expose errors. This version uses a centerpoint and delta.
* @param count is a limit; you might get less than this
* @return an unsorted list, or an empty list if something went wrong.
public static List<WikiPlace> box(GeoPt center, GeoDelta delta, int count)
delta = boundDelta(delta);
float lat_min = center.getLatitude() - (delta.getLatitude() / 2);
float lat_max = center.getLatitude() + (delta.getLatitude() / 2);
float lon_min = center.getLongitude() - (delta.getLongitude() / 2);
float lon_max = center.getLongitude() + (delta.getLongitude() / 2);
String urlStr =
"http://api.wikimapia.org/?function=box" +
"&lat_min=" + lat_min +
"&lat_max=" + lat_max +
"&lon_min=" + lon_min +
"&lon_max=" + lon_max +
"&count=" + count +
"&language=en" + // otherwise we get data for other languages, it seems
//"&category=category" +
"&format=json" +
"&key=" + API_KEY;
return boxFetch(urlStr);
catch (RuntimeException e) { throw e; }
catch (Exception e) { throw new WikimapiaException(e); }
* Does the work, throwing any exceptions. Results are unsorted!
public static List<WikiPlace> boxFetch(String urlStr) throws Exception
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Querying wikimapia: " + urlStr);
URL url = new URL(urlStr);
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
JsonNode jsonResult = mapper.readValue(url.openStream(), JsonNode.class);
JsonNode folder = jsonResult.get("folder");
if (folder == null)
throw new WikimapiaException(jsonResult.toString());
// Now we convert every item into a placemark
List<WikiPlace> result = new ArrayList<WikiPlace>(folder.size());
for (int placeIndex=0; placeIndex<folder.size(); placeIndex++)
JsonNode placeNode = folder.get(placeIndex);
WikiPlace place = new WikiPlace(placeNode, true);
catch (WikimapiaException ex)
// Just ignore this place, the data is bogus.
log.debug("Bad wikimapia node: {} -- {}", placeNode, ex.getMessage());
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Found: " + WikiPlace.namesOf(result));
return result;
* Wikimapia has min and max bounding boxes of:
* (lon_max - lon_min) * 10000000 must be greater than 12100 (thus 0.00121)
* |(lon_max - lon_min) * (lat_max - lat_min)| * 10000000 must be less than 14641000000 (thus 1464.1)
public static GeoDelta boundDelta(GeoDelta delta)
//final float minDelta = 0.00121f; // still has problems
final float minDelta = 0.00122f;
final float maxCombo = 1464.1f;
final float sqrtMaxCombo = 38.26355968803739f;
if (delta.getLatitude() < minDelta || delta.getLongitude() < minDelta)
return new GeoDelta(minDelta, minDelta);
float combo = delta.getLatitude() * delta.getLongitude() * 10000000;
if (combo > maxCombo)
float lat = delta.getLatitude();
float lng = delta.getLongitude();
if (lat > sqrtMaxCombo)
lat = sqrtMaxCombo;
if (lng > sqrtMaxCombo)
lng = sqrtMaxCombo;
return new GeoDelta(lat, lng);
return delta;