package com.motomapia.util;
import com.beoui.geocell.model.Point;
import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.GeoPt;
* Some simple static methods useful for dealing with geolocation
* @author Jeff Schnitzer
public class GeoUtils
* Convert to the geocell version
public static Point toPoint(GeoPt geoPt)
return new Point(geoPt.getLatitude(), geoPt.getLongitude());
* Convert to the google version
public static GeoPt toGeoPt(Point point)
return new GeoPt((float)point.getLat(), (float)point.getLon());
* Get the normal (unsigned) area of a polygon.
* @param polygon is a simple closed polygon defined by a set of points. A line is drawn from
* the last point to the first one; the array should not contain the first/last point twice.
public static double area(GeoPt[] polygon)
return Math.abs(areaSigned(polygon));
* Get the signed area of a polygon, indicating if the points are left or right clockwise.
* @param polygon is a simple closed polygon defined by a set of points. A line is drawn from
* the last point to the first one; the array should not contain the first/last point twice.
public static double areaSigned(GeoPt[] polygon)
if (polygon.length < 2)
return 0;
double sum = 0.0;
for (int i=0; i<polygon.length; i++)
int next = i + 1;
if (next == polygon.length) next = 0;
sum += ((double)polygon[i].getLongitude() * (double)polygon[next].getLatitude());
sum -= ((double)polygon[i].getLatitude() * (double)polygon[next].getLongitude());
return sum / 2;
* Gets the approximate center by averaging the points. Really simple.
* @param polygon is a simple closed polygon defined by a set of points. A line is drawn from
* the last point to the first one; the array should not contain the first/last point twice.
public static GeoPt centroidByAverage(GeoPt[] polygon)
float cLat = 0;
float cLon = 0;
for (int i=0; i<polygon.length; i++)
cLat += polygon[i].getLatitude();
cLon += polygon[i].getLongitude();
cLat /= polygon.length;
cLon /= polygon.length;
return new GeoPt(cLat, cLon);
* Get the center of gravity of the polygon.
* http://local.wasp.uwa.edu.au/~pbourke/geometry/polyarea/
* @param polygon is a simple closed polygon defined by a set of points. A line is drawn from
* the last point to the first one; the array should not contain the first/last point twice.
public static GeoPt centroid(GeoPt[] polygon)
if (polygon.length == 0)
return null;
else if (polygon.length == 1)
return polygon[0];
double cLat = 0.0f;
double cLon = 0.0f;
for (int i=0; i<polygon.length; i++)
double p1Lat = polygon[i].getLatitude();
double p1Lon = polygon[i].getLongitude();
int j = (i+1) == polygon.length ? 0 : i+1;
double p2Lat = polygon[j].getLatitude();
double p2Lon = polygon[j].getLongitude();
double factor = p1Lon * p2Lat - p2Lon * p1Lat;
cLat += (p1Lat + p2Lat) * factor;
cLon += (p1Lon + p2Lon) * factor;
double area = areaSigned(polygon);
area *= 6.0;
double factor = 1 / area;
cLon *= factor;
cLat *= factor;
//log.debug("Centroid is " + cLat + ", " + cLon);
return new GeoPt((float)cLat, (float)cLon);
* Determine if a polygon contains a point.
* @param polygon is a simple closed polygon defined by a set of points. A line is drawn from
* the last point to the first one; the array should not contain the first/last point twice.
* @param pt is a point which is tested for enclosure in the polygon
public static boolean contains(GeoPt[] polygon, GeoPt pt)
int crossings = 0;
for (int i=0; i<polygon.length; i++)
GeoPt p1 = polygon[i];
GeoPt p2 = polygon[(i+1) == polygon.length ? 0 : i+1];
double slope = (p2.getLongitude() - p1.getLongitude()) / (p2.getLatitude() - p1.getLatitude());
boolean cond1 = (p1.getLatitude() <= pt.getLatitude()) && (pt.getLatitude() < p2.getLatitude());
boolean cond2 = (p2.getLatitude() <= pt.getLatitude()) && (pt.getLatitude() < p1.getLatitude());
boolean cond3 = pt.getLongitude() < slope * (pt.getLatitude() - p1.getLatitude()) + p1.getLongitude();
if ((cond1 || cond2) && cond3)
return (crossings % 2 != 0);