* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.thrift;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData;
import org.apache.thrift.meta_data.ListMetaData;
import org.apache.thrift.meta_data.MapMetaData;
import org.apache.thrift.meta_data.SetMetaData;
import org.apache.thrift.meta_data.StructMetaData;
import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TBinaryProtocol;
import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType;
import thrift.test.Bonk;
import thrift.test.CrazyNesting;
import thrift.test.HolyMoley;
import thrift.test.Insanity;
import thrift.test.JavaTestHelper;
import thrift.test.Nesting;
import thrift.test.Numberz;
import thrift.test.OneOfEach;
import thrift.test.Xtruct;
public class TestStruct extends TestCase {
public void testIdentity() throws Exception {
TSerializer binarySerializer = new TSerializer(new TBinaryProtocol.Factory());
TDeserializer binaryDeserializer = new TDeserializer(new TBinaryProtocol.Factory());
OneOfEach ooe = Fixtures.oneOfEach;
Nesting n = new Nesting();
n.my_ooe = ooe;
n.my_ooe.integer16 = 16;
n.my_ooe.integer32 = 32;
n.my_ooe.integer64 = 64;
n.my_ooe.double_precision = (Math.sqrt(5)+1)/2;
n.my_ooe.some_characters = ":R (me going \"rrrr\")";
n.my_ooe.zomg_unicode = "\u04c0\u216e\u039d\u0020\u041d\u03bf\u217f"+
n.my_bonk = Fixtures.nesting.my_bonk;
HolyMoley hm = Fixtures.holyMoley;
OneOfEach ooe2 = new OneOfEach();
assertEquals(ooe, ooe2);
assertEquals(ooe.hashCode(), ooe2.hashCode());
Nesting n2 = new Nesting();
assertEquals(n, n2);
assertEquals(n.hashCode(), n2.hashCode());
HolyMoley hm2 = new HolyMoley();
assertEquals(hm, hm2);
assertEquals(hm.hashCode(), hm2.hashCode());
public void testDeepCopy() throws Exception {
TSerializer binarySerializer = new TSerializer(new TBinaryProtocol.Factory());
TDeserializer binaryDeserializer = new TDeserializer(new TBinaryProtocol.Factory());
HolyMoley hm = Fixtures.holyMoley;
byte[] binaryCopy = binarySerializer.serialize(hm);
HolyMoley hmCopy = new HolyMoley();
binaryDeserializer.deserialize(hmCopy, binaryCopy);
HolyMoley hmCopy2 = new HolyMoley(hm);
assertEquals(hm, hmCopy);
assertEquals(hmCopy, hmCopy2);
// change binary value in original object
// make sure the change didn't propagate to the copied object
hm.big.get(0).base64.array()[0]--; // undo change
hmCopy2.bonks.get("two").get(1).message = "What else?";
public void testCompareTo() throws Exception {
Bonk bonk1 = new Bonk();
Bonk bonk2 = new Bonk();
// Compare empty thrift objects.
assertEquals(0, bonk1.compareTo(bonk2));
// Compare one thrift object with a filled in field and another without it.
assertTrue(bonk1.compareTo(bonk2) > 0);
assertTrue(bonk2.compareTo(bonk1) < 0);
// Compare both have filled-in fields.
assertTrue(bonk1.compareTo(bonk2) < 0);
assertTrue(bonk2.compareTo(bonk1) > 0);
// Compare bonk1 has a field filled in that bonk2 doesn't.
assertTrue(bonk1.compareTo(bonk2) > 0);
assertTrue(bonk2.compareTo(bonk1) < 0);
// Compare bonk1 and bonk2 equal.
assertEquals(0, bonk1.compareTo(bonk2));
public void testCompareToWithDataStructures() {
Insanity insanity1 = new Insanity();
Insanity insanity2 = new Insanity();
// Both empty.
expectEquals(insanity1, insanity2);
insanity1.setUserMap(new HashMap<Numberz, Long>());
// insanity1.map = {}, insanity2.map = null
expectGreaterThan(insanity1, insanity2);
// insanity1.map = {2:1}, insanity2.map = null
insanity1.getUserMap().put(Numberz.TWO, 1l);
expectGreaterThan(insanity1, insanity2);
// insanity1.map = {2:1}, insanity2.map = {}
insanity2.setUserMap(new HashMap<Numberz, Long>());
expectGreaterThan(insanity1, insanity2);
// insanity1.map = {2:1}, insanity2.map = {2:2}
insanity2.getUserMap().put(Numberz.TWO, 2l);
expectLessThan(insanity1, insanity2);
// insanity1.map = {2:1, 3:5}, insanity2.map = {2:2}
insanity1.getUserMap().put(Numberz.THREE, 5l);
expectGreaterThan(insanity1, insanity2);
// insanity1.map = {2:1, 3:5}, insanity2.map = {2:1, 4:5}
insanity2.getUserMap().put(Numberz.TWO, 1l);
insanity2.getUserMap().put(Numberz.FIVE, 5l);
expectLessThan(insanity1, insanity2);
private void expectLessThan(Insanity insanity1, Insanity insanity2) {
int compareTo = insanity1.compareTo(insanity2);
assertTrue(insanity1 + " should be less than " + insanity2 + ", but is: " + compareTo, compareTo < 0);
private void expectGreaterThan(Insanity insanity1, Insanity insanity2) {
int compareTo = insanity1.compareTo(insanity2);
assertTrue(insanity1 + " should be greater than " + insanity2 + ", but is: " + compareTo, compareTo > 0);
private void expectEquals(Insanity insanity1, Insanity insanity2) {
int compareTo = insanity1.compareTo(insanity2);
assertEquals(insanity1 + " should be equal to " + insanity2 + ", but is: " + compareTo, 0, compareTo);
public void testMetaData() throws Exception {
Map<CrazyNesting._Fields, FieldMetaData> mdMap = CrazyNesting.metaDataMap;
// Check for struct fields existence
assertEquals(3, mdMap.size());
// Check for struct fields contents
assertEquals("string_field", mdMap.get(CrazyNesting._Fields.STRING_FIELD).fieldName);
assertEquals("list_field", mdMap.get(CrazyNesting._Fields.LIST_FIELD).fieldName);
assertEquals("set_field", mdMap.get(CrazyNesting._Fields.SET_FIELD).fieldName);
assertEquals(TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, mdMap.get(CrazyNesting._Fields.STRING_FIELD).requirementType);
assertEquals(TFieldRequirementType.REQUIRED, mdMap.get(CrazyNesting._Fields.LIST_FIELD).requirementType);
assertEquals(TFieldRequirementType.OPTIONAL, mdMap.get(CrazyNesting._Fields.SET_FIELD).requirementType);
assertEquals(TType.STRING, mdMap.get(CrazyNesting._Fields.STRING_FIELD).valueMetaData.type);
assertEquals(TType.LIST, mdMap.get(CrazyNesting._Fields.LIST_FIELD).valueMetaData.type);
assertEquals(TType.SET, mdMap.get(CrazyNesting._Fields.SET_FIELD).valueMetaData.type);
// Check nested structures
assertEquals(TType.STRUCT, ((MapMetaData)((ListMetaData)((SetMetaData)((MapMetaData)((MapMetaData)((ListMetaData)mdMap.get(CrazyNesting._Fields.LIST_FIELD).valueMetaData).elemMetaData).valueMetaData).valueMetaData).elemMetaData).elemMetaData).keyMetaData.type);
assertEquals(Insanity.class, ((StructMetaData)((MapMetaData)((ListMetaData)((SetMetaData)((MapMetaData)((MapMetaData)((ListMetaData)mdMap.get(CrazyNesting._Fields.LIST_FIELD).valueMetaData).elemMetaData).valueMetaData).valueMetaData).elemMetaData).elemMetaData).keyMetaData).structClass);
// Check that FieldMetaData contains a map with metadata for all generated struct classes
assertEquals(CrazyNesting.metaDataMap, FieldMetaData.getStructMetaDataMap(CrazyNesting.class));
assertEquals(Insanity.metaDataMap, FieldMetaData.getStructMetaDataMap(Insanity.class));
for (Map.Entry<? extends TFieldIdEnum, FieldMetaData> mdEntry : mdMap.entrySet()) {
assertEquals(mdEntry.getKey(), CrazyNesting._Fields.findByName(mdEntry.getValue().fieldName));
MapMetaData vmd = (MapMetaData)Insanity.metaDataMap.get(Insanity._Fields.USER_MAP).valueMetaData;
public void testToString() throws Exception {
JavaTestHelper object = new JavaTestHelper();
object.req_int = 0;
object.req_obj = "";
object.req_bin = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[] {
0, -1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 6, -7, 8, -9, 10, -11, 12, -13, 14, -15,
16, -17, 18, -19, 20, -21, 22, -23, 24, -25, 26, -27, 28, -29,
30, -31, 32, -33, 34, -35, 36, -37, 38, -39, 40, -41, 42, -43, 44,
-45, 46, -47, 48, -49, 50, -51, 52, -53, 54, -55, 56, -57, 58, -59,
60, -61, 62, -63, 64, -65, 66, -67, 68, -69, 70, -71, 72, -73, 74,
-75, 76, -77, 78, -79, 80, -81, 82, -83, 84, -85, 86, -87, 88, -89,
90, -91, 92, -93, 94, -95, 96, -97, 98, -99, 100, -101, 102, -103,
104, -105, 106, -107, 108, -109, 110, -111, 112, -113, 114, -115,
116, -117, 118, -119, 120, -121, 122, -123, 124, -125, 126, -127,
assertEquals("JavaTestHelper(req_int:0, req_obj:, req_bin:"+
"00 FF 02 FD 04 FB 06 F9 08 F7 0A F5 0C F3 0E F1 10 EF 12 ED 14 "+
"EB 16 E9 18 E7 1A E5 1C E3 1E E1 20 DF 22 DD 24 DB 26 D9 28 D7 "+
"2A D5 2C D3 2E D1 30 CF 32 CD 34 CB 36 C9 38 C7 3A C5 3C C3 3E "+
"C1 40 BF 42 BD 44 BB 46 B9 48 B7 4A B5 4C B3 4E B1 50 AF 52 AD "+
"54 AB 56 A9 58 A7 5A A5 5C A3 5E A1 60 9F 62 9D 64 9B 66 99 68 "+
"97 6A 95 6C 93 6E 91 70 8F 72 8D 74 8B 76 89 78 87 7A 85 7C 83 "+
"7E 81)",
object.req_bin = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[] {
0, -1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 6, -7, 8, -9, 10, -11, 12, -13, 14, -15,
16, -17, 18, -19, 20, -21, 22, -23, 24, -25, 26, -27, 28, -29,
30, -31, 32, -33, 34, -35, 36, -37, 38, -39, 40, -41, 42, -43, 44,
-45, 46, -47, 48, -49, 50, -51, 52, -53, 54, -55, 56, -57, 58, -59,
60, -61, 62, -63, 64, -65, 66, -67, 68, -69, 70, -71, 72, -73, 74,
-75, 76, -77, 78, -79, 80, -81, 82, -83, 84, -85, 86, -87, 88, -89,
90, -91, 92, -93, 94, -95, 96, -97, 98, -99, 100, -101, 102, -103,
104, -105, 106, -107, 108, -109, 110, -111, 112, -113, 114, -115,
116, -117, 118, -119, 120, -121, 122, -123, 124, -125, 126, -127,
assertEquals("JavaTestHelper(req_int:0, req_obj:, req_bin:"+
"00 FF 02 FD 04 FB 06 F9 08 F7 0A F5 0C F3 0E F1 10 EF 12 ED 14 "+
"EB 16 E9 18 E7 1A E5 1C E3 1E E1 20 DF 22 DD 24 DB 26 D9 28 D7 "+
"2A D5 2C D3 2E D1 30 CF 32 CD 34 CB 36 C9 38 C7 3A C5 3C C3 3E "+
"C1 40 BF 42 BD 44 BB 46 B9 48 B7 4A B5 4C B3 4E B1 50 AF 52 AD "+
"54 AB 56 A9 58 A7 5A A5 5C A3 5E A1 60 9F 62 9D 64 9B 66 99 68 "+
"97 6A 95 6C 93 6E 91 70 8F 72 8D 74 8B 76 89 78 87 7A 85 7C 83 "+
"7E 81...)",
object.req_bin = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[] {});
assertEquals("JavaTestHelper(req_int:0, req_obj:, req_bin:)",