* This software is distributed under the terms of the FSF
* Gnu Lesser General Public License (see lgpl.txt).
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. See the
* GNU General Public License for more details.
package petclinic.controllers;
import static com.scooterframework.web.controller.ActionControl.*;
import petclinic.models.Owner;
import petclinic.models.Pet;
import petclinic.models.Type;
import com.scooterframework.admin.Constants;
import com.scooterframework.orm.activerecord.ActiveRecord;
import com.scooterframework.orm.misc.Paginator;
import com.scooterframework.web.util.R;
* PetsController class handles pets related access.
public class PetsController extends ApplicationController {
static {
filterManagerFor(PetsController.class).declareBeforeFilter("loadOwner", "only", "add, create");
filterManagerFor(PetsController.class).declareBeforeFilter("loadTypes", "only", "add, edit");
public void loadOwner() {
setViewData("owner", Owner.where("id=" + p("owner_id")));
public void loadTypes() {
setViewData("types", Type.findAll());
* <tt>index</tt> method returns a list of <tt>pets</tt> records.
* If the value of <tt>paged</tt> parameter is <tt>true</tt>, a paginated list is returned.
public String index() {
if ("true".equals(params(Constants.PAGED))) {
Paginator page = jdbcPaginator(Pet.class, params());
storeToRequest("pet_page", page);
return forwardTo(viewPath("paged_list"));
storeToRequest("pets", Pet.findAll());
return null;
* <tt>show</tt> method returns a <tt>pet</tt> record.
public String show() {
ActiveRecord pet = Pet.where("id=" + p("id")).includes("owner").getRecord();
if (pet == null) {
flash("notice", "There is no pet record with primary key as " + p("id"));
else {
setViewData("pet", pet);
return null;
* <tt>add</tt> method prepares meta data for adding a new <tt>pet</tt> record.
public String add() {
setViewData("pet", Pet.newRecord());
return null;
* <tt>create</tt> method creates a new <tt>pet</tt> record.
public String create() {
ActiveRecord owner = (ActiveRecord)getFromRequestData("owner");
ActiveRecord newPet = null;
try {
newPet = Pet.newRecord();
flash("notice", "Pet was successfully created.");
return redirectTo(R.resourceRecordPath("owners", owner));
catch(Exception ex) {
log.error("Error in create() caused by " + ex.getMessage());
flash("error", "There was a problem creating the pet record.");
storeToRequest("pet", newPet);
return forwardTo(viewPath("add"));
* <tt>edit</tt> method prepares data for editing an existing <tt>pet</tt> record.
public String edit() {
return show();
* <tt>update</tt> method updates an existing <tt>pet</tt> record.
public String update() {
ActiveRecord pet = null;
try {
pet = Pet.where("id=" + p("id")).includes("owner").getRecord();
if (pet != null) {
flash("notice", "Pet was successfully updated.");
return redirectTo(R.resourceRecordPath("owners", pet.associated("owner").getRecord()));
else {
flash("notice", "There is no pet record with primary key as " + p("id") + ".");
catch(Exception ex) {
log.error("Error in update() caused by " + ex.getMessage());
flash("error", "There was a problem updating the pet record.");
storeToRequest("pet", pet);
return forwardTo(viewPath("edit"));