* sample is based on Apple's FFT example.
* initial port to JOCL Copyright 2010 Michael Zucchi
* TODO: The execute functions may allocate/use temporary memory per call hence they are
* neither thread safe nor multiple-queue safe. Perhaps some per-queue allocation
* system would suffice.
* TODO: The dynamic device-dependent variables should be dynamic and device-dependent and not
* hardcoded. Where possible.
* TODO: CPU support?
package com.jogamp.opencl.demos.fft;
import com.jogamp.opencl.CLBuffer;
import com.jogamp.opencl.CLCommandQueue;
import com.jogamp.opencl.CLContext;
import com.jogamp.opencl.CLDevice;
import com.jogamp.opencl.CLEventList;
import com.jogamp.opencl.CLKernel;
import com.jogamp.opencl.CLMemory;
import com.jogamp.opencl.CLMemory.Mem;
import com.jogamp.opencl.CLProgram;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
import java.util.LinkedList;
* @author notzed
public class CLFFTPlan {
private class CLFFTDim3 {
int x;
int y;
int z;
CLFFTDim3(int x, int y, int z) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;
CLFFTDim3(int[] size) {
x = size[0];
y = size.length > 1 ? size[1] : 1;
z = size.length > 2 ? size[2] : 1;
private class WorkDimensions {
int batchSize;
long gWorkItems;
long lWorkItems;
public WorkDimensions(int batchSize, long gWorkItems, long lWorkItems) {
this.batchSize = batchSize;
this.gWorkItems = gWorkItems;
this.lWorkItems = lWorkItems;
private class fftPadding {
int lMemSize;
int offset;
int midPad;
public fftPadding(int lMemSize, int offset, int midPad) {
this.lMemSize = lMemSize;
this.offset = offset;
this.midPad = midPad;
class CLFFTKernelInfo {
CLKernel kernel;
String kernel_name;
int lmem_size;
int num_workgroups;
int num_xforms_per_workgroup;
int num_workitems_per_workgroup;
CLFFTKernelDir dir;
boolean in_place_possible;
public enum CLFFTDirection {
Forward {
int value() {
return -1;
Inverse {
int value() {
return 1;
abstract int value();
enum CLFFTKernelDir {
public enum CLFFTDataFormat {
// context in which fft resources are created and kernels are executed
CLContext context;
// size of signal
CLFFTDim3 size;
// dimension of transform ... must be either 1, 2 or 3
int dim;
// data format ... must be either interleaved or plannar
CLFFTDataFormat format;
// string containing kernel source. Generated at runtime based on
// size, dim, format and other parameters
StringBuilder kernel_string;
// CL program containing source and kernel this particular
// size, dim, data format
CLProgram program;
// linked list of kernels which needs to be executed for this fft
LinkedList<CLFFTKernelInfo> kernel_list;
// twist kernel for virtualizing fft of very large sizes that do not
// fit in GPU global memory
CLKernel twist_kernel;
// flag indicating if temporary intermediate buffer is needed or not.
// this depends on fft kernels being executed and if transform is
// in-place or out-of-place. e.g. Local memory fft (say 1D 1024 ...
// one that does not require global transpose do not need temporary buffer)
// 2D 1024x1024 out-of-place fft however do require intermediate buffer.
// If temp buffer is needed, its allocation is lazy i.e. its not allocated
// until its needed
boolean temp_buffer_needed;
// Batch size is runtime parameter and size of temporary buffer (if needed)
// depends on batch size. Allocation of temporary buffer is lazy i.e. its
// only created when needed. Once its created at first call of clFFT_Executexxx
// it is not allocated next time if next time clFFT_Executexxx is called with
// batch size different than the first call. last_batch_size caches the last
// batch size with which this plan is used so that we dont keep allocating/deallocating
// temp buffer if same batch size is used again and again.
int last_batch_size;
// temporary buffer for interleaved plan
CLMemory tempmemobj;
// temporary buffer for planner plan. Only one of tempmemobj or
// (tempmemobj_real, tempmemobj_imag) pair is valid (allocated) depending
// data format of plan (plannar or interleaved)
CLMemory tempmemobj_real, tempmemobj_imag;
// Maximum size of signal for which local memory transposed based
// fft is sufficient i.e. no global mem transpose (communication)
// is needed
int max_localmem_fft_size;
// Maximum work items per work group allowed. This, along with max_radix below controls
// maximum local memory being used by fft kernels of this plan. Set to 256 by default
int max_work_item_per_workgroup;
// Maximum base radix for local memory fft ... this controls the maximum register
// space used by work items. Currently defaults to 16
int max_radix;
// Device depended parameter that tells how many work-items need to be read consecutive
// values to make sure global memory access by work-items of a work-group result in
// coalesced memory access to utilize full bandwidth e.g. on NVidia tesla, this is 16
int min_mem_coalesce_width;
// Number of local memory banks. This is used to geneate kernel with local memory
// transposes with appropriate padding to avoid bank conflicts to local memory
// e.g. on NVidia it is 16.
int num_local_mem_banks;
public class InvalidContextException extends Exception {
* Create a new FFT plan.
* Use the matching executeInterleaved() or executePlanar() depending on the dataFormat specified.
* @param context
* @param sizes Array of sizes for each dimension. The length of array defines how many dimensions there are.
* @param dataFormat Data format, InterleavedComplex (array of complex) or SplitComplex (separate planar arrays).
* @throws zephyr.cl.CLFFTPlan.InvalidContextException
public CLFFTPlan(CLContext context, int[] sizes, CLFFTDataFormat dataFormat) throws InvalidContextException {
int i;
int err;
boolean isPow2 = true;
String kString;
int num_devices;
boolean gpu_found = false;
CLDevice[] devices;
int ret_size;
if (sizes.length < 1 || sizes.length > 3) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Dimensions must be between 1 and 3");
this.size = new CLFFTDim3(sizes);
isPow2 |= (this.size.x != 0) && (((this.size.x - 1) & this.size.x) == 0);
isPow2 |= (this.size.y != 0) && (((this.size.y - 1) & this.size.y) == 0);
isPow2 |= (this.size.z != 0) && (((this.size.z - 1) & this.size.z) == 0);
if (!isPow2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Sizes must be power of two");
//if( (dim == FFT_1D && (size.y != 1 || size.z != 1)) || (dim == FFT_2D && size.z != 1) )
this.context = context;
//this.size = size;
this.dim = sizes.length;
this.format = dataFormat;
//this.kernel_list = 0;
//this.twist_kernel = 0;
//this.program = 0;
this.temp_buffer_needed = false;
this.last_batch_size = 0;
//this.tempmemobj = 0;
//this.tempmemobj_real = 0;
//this.tempmemobj_imag = 0;
this.max_localmem_fft_size = 2048;
this.max_work_item_per_workgroup = 256;
this.max_radix = 16;
this.min_mem_coalesce_width = 16;
this.num_local_mem_banks = 16;
boolean done = false;
// this seems pretty shit, can't it tell this before building it?
while (!done) {
kernel_list = new LinkedList<CLFFTKernelInfo>();
this.kernel_string = new StringBuilder();
this.program = context.createProgram(kernel_string.toString());
devices = context.getDevices();
for (i = 0; i < devices.length; i++) {
CLDevice dev = devices[i];
if (dev.getType() == CLDevice.Type.GPU) {
gpu_found = true;
program.build("-cl-mad-enable", dev);
if (!gpu_found) {
throw new InvalidContextException();
// we created program and kernels based on "some max work group size (default 256)" ... this work group size
// may be larger than what kernel may execute with ... if thats the case we need to regenerate the kernel source
// setting this as limit i.e max group size and rebuild.
if (getPatchingRequired(devices)) {
this.max_work_item_per_workgroup = (int) getMaxKernelWorkGroupSize(devices);
} else {
done = true;
* Release system resources.
public void release() {
void allocateTemporaryBufferInterleaved(int batchSize) {
if (temp_buffer_needed && last_batch_size != batchSize) {
last_batch_size = batchSize;
int tmpLength = size.x * size.y * size.z * batchSize * 2 * 4; // sizeof(float)
if (tempmemobj != null) {
tempmemobj = context.createFloatBuffer(tmpLength, Mem.READ_WRITE);
* Calculate FFT on interleaved complex data.
* @param queue
* @param batchSize How many instances to calculate. Use 1 for a single FFT.
* @param dir Direction of calculation, Forward or Inverse.
* @param data_in Input buffer.
* @param data_out Output buffer. May be the same as data_in for in-place transform.
* @param condition Condition to wait for. NOT YET IMPLEMENTED.
* @param event Event to wait for completion. NOT YET IMPLEMENTED.
public void executeInterleaved(CLCommandQueue queue, int batchSize, CLFFTDirection dir,
CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> data_in, CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> data_out,
CLEventList condition, CLEventList event) {
int s;
if (format != format.InterleavedComplexFormat) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
WorkDimensions wd;
boolean inPlaceDone = false;
boolean isInPlace = data_in == data_out;
CLMemory[] memObj = new CLMemory[3];
memObj[0] = data_in;
memObj[1] = data_out;
memObj[2] = tempmemobj;
int numKernels = kernel_list.size();
boolean numKernelsOdd = (numKernels & 1) != 0;
int currRead = 0;
int currWrite = 1;
// at least one external dram shuffle (transpose) required
if (temp_buffer_needed) {
// in-place transform
if (isInPlace) {
inPlaceDone = false;
currRead = 1;
currWrite = 2;
} else {
currWrite = (numKernels & 1) == 1 ? 1 : 2;
for (CLFFTKernelInfo kernelInfo : kernel_list) {
if (isInPlace && numKernelsOdd && !inPlaceDone && kernelInfo.in_place_possible) {
currWrite = currRead;
inPlaceDone = true;
s = batchSize;
wd = getKernelWorkDimensions(kernelInfo, s);
kernelInfo.kernel.setArg(0, memObj[currRead]);
kernelInfo.kernel.setArg(1, memObj[currWrite]);
kernelInfo.kernel.setArg(2, dir.value());
kernelInfo.kernel.setArg(3, wd.batchSize);
queue.put2DRangeKernel(kernelInfo.kernel, 0, 0, wd.gWorkItems, 1, wd.lWorkItems, 1);
//queue.put1DRangeKernel(kernelInfo.kernel, 0, wd.gWorkItems, wd.lWorkItems);
//System.out.printf("execute %s size %d,%d batch %d, dir %d, currread %d currwrite %d\size", kernelInfo.kernel_name, wd.gWorkItems, wd.lWorkItems, wd.batchSize, dir.value(), currRead, currWrite);
currRead = (currWrite == 1) ? 1 : 2;
currWrite = (currWrite == 1) ? 2 : 1;
} else {
// no dram shuffle (transpose required) transform
// all kernels can execute in-place.
for (CLFFTKernelInfo kernelInfo : kernel_list) {
s = batchSize;
wd = getKernelWorkDimensions(kernelInfo, s);
kernelInfo.kernel.setArg(0, memObj[currRead]);
kernelInfo.kernel.setArg(1, memObj[currWrite]);
kernelInfo.kernel.setArg(2, dir.value());
kernelInfo.kernel.setArg(3, wd.batchSize);
queue.put2DRangeKernel(kernelInfo.kernel, 0, 0, wd.gWorkItems, 1, wd.lWorkItems, 1);
//System.out.printf("execute %s size %d,%d batch %d, currread %d currwrite %d\size", kernelInfo.kernel_name, wd.gWorkItems, wd.lWorkItems, wd.batchSize, currRead, currWrite);
currRead = 1;
currWrite = 1;
void allocateTemporaryBufferPlanar(int batchSize) {
if (temp_buffer_needed && last_batch_size != batchSize) {
last_batch_size = batchSize;
int tmpLength = size.x * size.y * size.z * batchSize * 4; //sizeof(cl_float);
if (tempmemobj_real != null) {
if (tempmemobj_imag != null) {
tempmemobj_real = context.createFloatBuffer(tmpLength, Mem.READ_WRITE);
tempmemobj_imag = context.createFloatBuffer(tmpLength, Mem.READ_WRITE);
* Calculate FFT of planar data.
* @param queue
* @param batchSize
* @param dir
* @param data_in_real
* @param data_in_imag
* @param data_out_real
* @param data_out_imag
* @param contition
* @param event
public void executePlanar(CLCommandQueue queue, int batchSize, CLFFTDirection dir,
CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> data_in_real, CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> data_in_imag, CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> data_out_real, CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> data_out_imag,
CLEventList contition, CLEventList event) {
int s;
if (format != format.SplitComplexFormat) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
int err;
WorkDimensions wd;
boolean inPlaceDone = false;
boolean isInPlace = ((data_in_real == data_out_real) && (data_in_imag == data_out_imag));
CLMemory[] memObj_real = new CLMemory[3];
CLMemory[] memObj_imag = new CLMemory[3];
memObj_real[0] = data_in_real;
memObj_real[1] = data_out_real;
memObj_real[2] = tempmemobj_real;
memObj_imag[0] = data_in_imag;
memObj_imag[1] = data_out_imag;
memObj_imag[2] = tempmemobj_imag;
int numKernels = kernel_list.size();
boolean numKernelsOdd = (numKernels & 1) == 1;
int currRead = 0;
int currWrite = 1;
// at least one external dram shuffle (transpose) required
if (temp_buffer_needed) {
// in-place transform
if (isInPlace) {
inPlaceDone = false;
currRead = 1;
currWrite = 2;
} else {
currWrite = (numKernels & 1) == 1 ? 1 : 2;
for (CLFFTKernelInfo kernelInfo : kernel_list) {
if (isInPlace && numKernelsOdd && !inPlaceDone && kernelInfo.in_place_possible) {
currWrite = currRead;
inPlaceDone = true;
s = batchSize;
wd = getKernelWorkDimensions(kernelInfo, s);
kernelInfo.kernel.setArg(0, memObj_real[currRead]);
kernelInfo.kernel.setArg(1, memObj_imag[currRead]);
kernelInfo.kernel.setArg(2, memObj_real[currWrite]);
kernelInfo.kernel.setArg(3, memObj_imag[currWrite]);
kernelInfo.kernel.setArg(4, dir.value());
kernelInfo.kernel.setArg(5, wd.batchSize);
queue.put1DRangeKernel(kernelInfo.kernel, 0, wd.gWorkItems, wd.lWorkItems);
currRead = (currWrite == 1) ? 1 : 2;
currWrite = (currWrite == 1) ? 2 : 1;
} // no dram shuffle (transpose required) transform
else {
for (CLFFTKernelInfo kernelInfo : kernel_list) {
s = batchSize;
wd = getKernelWorkDimensions(kernelInfo, s);
kernelInfo.kernel.setArg(0, memObj_real[currRead]);
kernelInfo.kernel.setArg(1, memObj_imag[currRead]);
kernelInfo.kernel.setArg(2, memObj_real[currWrite]);
kernelInfo.kernel.setArg(3, memObj_imag[currWrite]);
kernelInfo.kernel.setArg(4, dir.value());
kernelInfo.kernel.setArg(5, wd.batchSize);
queue.put1DRangeKernel(kernelInfo.kernel, 0, wd.gWorkItems, wd.lWorkItems);
currRead = 1;
currWrite = 1;
* Dump the planner result to the output stream.
* @param os if null, System.out is used.
public void dumpPlan(OutputStream os) {
PrintStream out = os == null ? System.out : new PrintStream(os);
for (CLFFTKernelInfo kInfo : kernel_list) {
int s = 1;
WorkDimensions wd = getKernelWorkDimensions(kInfo, s);
out.printf("Run kernel %s with global dim = {%d*BatchSize}, local dim={%d}\n", kInfo.kernel_name, wd.gWorkItems, wd.lWorkItems);
out.printf("%s\n", kernel_string.toString());
WorkDimensions getKernelWorkDimensions(CLFFTKernelInfo kernelInfo, int batchSize) {
int lWorkItems = kernelInfo.num_workitems_per_workgroup;
int numWorkGroups = kernelInfo.num_workgroups;
int numXFormsPerWG = kernelInfo.num_xforms_per_workgroup;
switch (kernelInfo.dir) {
case X:
batchSize *= (size.y * size.z);
numWorkGroups = ((batchSize % numXFormsPerWG) != 0) ? (batchSize / numXFormsPerWG + 1) : (batchSize / numXFormsPerWG);
numWorkGroups *= kernelInfo.num_workgroups;
case Y:
batchSize *= size.z;
numWorkGroups *= batchSize;
case Z:
numWorkGroups *= batchSize;
return new WorkDimensions(batchSize, numWorkGroups * lWorkItems, lWorkItems);
* Kernel building/customisation code follows
private void getBlockConfigAndKernelString() {
this.temp_buffer_needed = false;
if (this.format == CLFFTDataFormat.SplitComplexFormat) {
} else {
switch (this.dim) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
this.temp_buffer_needed = false;
for (CLFFTKernelInfo kInfo : this.kernel_list) {
this.temp_buffer_needed |= !kInfo.in_place_possible;
private void createKernelList() {
CLFFTKernelInfo kern;
for (CLFFTKernelInfo kinfo : this.kernel_list) {
kinfo.kernel = program.createCLKernel(kinfo.kernel_name);
if (format == format.SplitComplexFormat) {
twist_kernel = program.createCLKernel("clFFT_1DTwistSplit");
} else {
twist_kernel = program.createCLKernel("clFFT_1DTwistInterleaved");
private boolean getPatchingRequired(CLDevice[] devices) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < devices.length; i++) {
for (CLFFTKernelInfo kInfo : kernel_list) {
if (kInfo.kernel.getWorkGroupSize(devices[i]) < kInfo.num_workitems_per_workgroup) {
return true;
return false;
long getMaxKernelWorkGroupSize(CLDevice[] devices) {
long max_wg_size = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < devices.length; i++) {
for (CLFFTKernelInfo kInfo : kernel_list) {
long wg_size = kInfo.kernel.getWorkGroupSize(devices[i]);
if (max_wg_size > wg_size) {
max_wg_size = wg_size;
return max_wg_size;
int log2(int x) {
return 32 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(x - 1);
// For any size, this function decomposes size into factors for loacal memory tranpose
// based fft. Factors (radices) are sorted such that the first one (radixArray[0])
// is the largest. This base radix determines the number of registers used by each
// work item and product of remaining radices determine the size of work group needed.
// To make things concrete with and example, suppose size = 1024. It is decomposed into
// 1024 = 16 x 16 x 4. Hence kernel uses float2 a[16], for local in-register fft and
// needs 16 x 4 = 64 work items per work group. So kernel first performance 64 length
// 16 ffts (64 work items working in parallel) following by transpose using local
// memory followed by again 64 length 16 ffts followed by transpose using local memory
// followed by 256 length 4 ffts. For the last step since with size of work group is
// 64 and each work item can array for 16 values, 64 work items can compute 256 length
// 4 ffts by each work item computing 4 length 4 ffts.
// Similarly for size = 2048 = 8 x 8 x 8 x 4, each work group has 8 x 8 x 4 = 256 work
// iterms which each computes 256 (in-parallel) length 8 ffts in-register, followed
// by transpose using local memory, followed by 256 length 8 in-register ffts, followed
// by transpose using local memory, followed by 256 length 8 in-register ffts, followed
// by transpose using local memory, followed by 512 length 4 in-register ffts. Again,
// for the last step, each work item computes two length 4 in-register ffts and thus
// 256 work items are needed to compute all 512 ffts.
// For size = 32 = 8 x 4, 4 work items first compute 4 in-register
// lenth 8 ffts, followed by transpose using local memory followed by 8 in-register
// length 4 ffts, where each work item computes two length 4 ffts thus 4 work items
// can compute 8 length 4 ffts. However if work group size of say 64 is choosen,
// each work group can compute 64/ 4 = 16 size 32 ffts (batched transform).
// Users can play with these parameters to figure what gives best performance on
// their particular device i.e. some device have less register space thus using
// smaller base radix can avoid spilling ... some has small local memory thus
// using smaller work group size may be required etc
int getRadixArray(int n, int[] radixArray, int maxRadix) {
if (maxRadix > 1) {
maxRadix = Math.min(n, maxRadix);
int cnt = 0;
while (n > maxRadix) {
radixArray[cnt++] = maxRadix;
n /= maxRadix;
radixArray[cnt++] = n;
return cnt;
switch (n) {
case 2:
radixArray[0] = 2;
return 1;
case 4:
radixArray[0] = 4;
return 1;
case 8:
radixArray[0] = 8;
return 1;
case 16:
radixArray[0] = 8;
radixArray[1] = 2;
return 2;
case 32:
radixArray[0] = 8;
radixArray[1] = 4;
return 2;
case 64:
radixArray[0] = 8;
radixArray[1] = 8;
return 2;
case 128:
radixArray[0] = 8;
radixArray[1] = 4;
radixArray[2] = 4;
return 3;
case 256:
radixArray[0] = 4;
radixArray[1] = 4;
radixArray[2] = 4;
radixArray[3] = 4;
return 4;
case 512:
radixArray[0] = 8;
radixArray[1] = 8;
radixArray[2] = 8;
return 3;
case 1024:
radixArray[0] = 16;
radixArray[1] = 16;
radixArray[2] = 4;
return 3;
case 2048:
radixArray[0] = 8;
radixArray[1] = 8;
radixArray[2] = 8;
radixArray[3] = 4;
return 4;
return 0;
void insertHeader(StringBuilder kernelString, String kernelName, CLFFTDataFormat dataFormat) {
if (dataFormat == CLFFTPlan.CLFFTDataFormat.SplitComplexFormat) {
kernelString.append("__kernel void ").append(kernelName).append("(__global float *in_real, __global float *in_imag, __global float *out_real, __global float *out_imag, int dir, int S)\n");
} else {
kernelString.append("__kernel void ").append(kernelName).append("(__global float2 *in, __global float2 *out, int dir, int S)\n");
void insertVariables(StringBuilder kStream, int maxRadix) {
kStream.append(" int i, j, r, indexIn, indexOut, index, tid, bNum, xNum, k, l;\n");
kStream.append(" int s, ii, jj, offset;\n");
kStream.append(" float2 w;\n");
kStream.append(" float ang, angf, ang1;\n");
kStream.append(" __local float *lMemStore, *lMemLoad;\n");
kStream.append(" float2 a[").append(maxRadix).append("];\n");
kStream.append(" int lId = get_local_id( 0 );\n");
kStream.append(" int groupId = get_group_id( 0 );\n");
void formattedLoad(StringBuilder kernelString, int aIndex, int gIndex, CLFFTDataFormat dataFormat) {
if (dataFormat == dataFormat.InterleavedComplexFormat) {
kernelString.append(" a[").append(aIndex).append("] = in[").append(gIndex).append("];\n");
} else {
kernelString.append(" a[").append(aIndex).append("].x = in_real[").append(gIndex).append("];\n");
kernelString.append(" a[").append(aIndex).append("].y = in_imag[").append(gIndex).append("];\n");
void formattedStore(StringBuilder kernelString, int aIndex, int gIndex, CLFFTDataFormat dataFormat) {
if (dataFormat == dataFormat.InterleavedComplexFormat) {
kernelString.append(" out[").append(gIndex).append("] = a[").append(aIndex).append("];\n");
} else {
kernelString.append(" out_real[").append(gIndex).append("] = a[").append(aIndex).append("].x;\n");
kernelString.append(" out_imag[").append(gIndex).append("] = a[").append(aIndex).append("].y;\n");
int insertGlobalLoadsAndTranspose(StringBuilder kernelString, int N, int numWorkItemsPerXForm, int numXFormsPerWG, int R0, int mem_coalesce_width, CLFFTDataFormat dataFormat) {
int log2NumWorkItemsPerXForm = (int) log2(numWorkItemsPerXForm);
int groupSize = numWorkItemsPerXForm * numXFormsPerWG;
int i, j;
int lMemSize = 0;
if (numXFormsPerWG > 1) {
kernelString.append(" s = S & ").append(numXFormsPerWG - 1).append(";\n");
if (numWorkItemsPerXForm >= mem_coalesce_width) {
if (numXFormsPerWG > 1) {
kernelString.append(" ii = lId & ").append(numWorkItemsPerXForm - 1).append(";\n");
kernelString.append(" jj = lId >> ").append(log2NumWorkItemsPerXForm).append(";\n");
kernelString.append(" if( !s || (groupId < get_num_groups(0)-1) || (jj < s) ) {\n");
kernelString.append(" offset = mad24( mad24(groupId, ").append(numXFormsPerWG).append(", jj), ").append(N).append(", ii );\n");
if (dataFormat == dataFormat.InterleavedComplexFormat) {
kernelString.append(" in += offset;\n");
kernelString.append(" out += offset;\n");
} else {
kernelString.append(" in_real += offset;\n");
kernelString.append(" in_imag += offset;\n");
kernelString.append(" out_real += offset;\n");
kernelString.append(" out_imag += offset;\n");
for (i = 0; i < R0; i++) {
formattedLoad(kernelString, i, i * numWorkItemsPerXForm, dataFormat);
kernelString.append(" }\n");
} else {
kernelString.append(" ii = lId;\n");
kernelString.append(" jj = 0;\n");
kernelString.append(" offset = mad24(groupId, ").append(N).append(", ii);\n");
if (dataFormat == dataFormat.InterleavedComplexFormat) {
kernelString.append(" in += offset;\n");
kernelString.append(" out += offset;\n");
} else {
kernelString.append(" in_real += offset;\n");
kernelString.append(" in_imag += offset;\n");
kernelString.append(" out_real += offset;\n");
kernelString.append(" out_imag += offset;\n");
for (i = 0; i < R0; i++) {
formattedLoad(kernelString, i, i * numWorkItemsPerXForm, dataFormat);
} else if (N >= mem_coalesce_width) {
int numInnerIter = N / mem_coalesce_width;
int numOuterIter = numXFormsPerWG / (groupSize / mem_coalesce_width);
kernelString.append(" ii = lId & ").append(mem_coalesce_width - 1).append(";\n");
kernelString.append(" jj = lId >> ").append((int) log2(mem_coalesce_width)).append(";\n");
kernelString.append(" lMemStore = sMem + mad24( jj, ").append(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm).append(", ii );\n");
kernelString.append(" offset = mad24( groupId, ").append(numXFormsPerWG).append(", jj);\n");
kernelString.append(" offset = mad24( offset, ").append(N).append(", ii );\n");
if (dataFormat == dataFormat.InterleavedComplexFormat) {
kernelString.append(" in += offset;\n");
kernelString.append(" out += offset;\n");
} else {
kernelString.append(" in_real += offset;\n");
kernelString.append(" in_imag += offset;\n");
kernelString.append(" out_real += offset;\n");
kernelString.append(" out_imag += offset;\n");
kernelString.append("if((groupId == get_num_groups(0)-1) && s) {\n");
for (i = 0; i < numOuterIter; i++) {
kernelString.append(" if( jj < s ) {\n");
for (j = 0; j < numInnerIter; j++) {
formattedLoad(kernelString, i * numInnerIter + j, j * mem_coalesce_width + i * (groupSize / mem_coalesce_width) * N, dataFormat);
kernelString.append(" }\n");
if (i != numOuterIter - 1) {
kernelString.append(" jj += ").append(groupSize / mem_coalesce_width).append(";\n");
kernelString.append("}\n ");
kernelString.append("else {\n");
for (i = 0; i < numOuterIter; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < numInnerIter; j++) {
formattedLoad(kernelString, i * numInnerIter + j, j * mem_coalesce_width + i * (groupSize / mem_coalesce_width) * N, dataFormat);
kernelString.append(" ii = lId & ").append(numWorkItemsPerXForm - 1).append(";\n");
kernelString.append(" jj = lId >> ").append(log2NumWorkItemsPerXForm).append(";\n");
kernelString.append(" lMemLoad = sMem + mad24( jj, ").append(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm).append(", ii);\n");
for (i = 0; i < numOuterIter; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < numInnerIter; j++) {
kernelString.append(" lMemStore[").append(j * mem_coalesce_width + i * (groupSize / mem_coalesce_width) * (N + numWorkItemsPerXForm)).append("] = a[").append(i * numInnerIter + j).append("].x;\n");
kernelString.append(" barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n");
for (i = 0; i < R0; i++) {
kernelString.append(" a[").append(i).append("].x = lMemLoad[").append(i * numWorkItemsPerXForm).append("];\n");
kernelString.append(" barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n");
for (i = 0; i < numOuterIter; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < numInnerIter; j++) {
kernelString.append(" lMemStore[").append(j * mem_coalesce_width + i * (groupSize / mem_coalesce_width) * (N + numWorkItemsPerXForm)).append("] = a[").append(i * numInnerIter + j).append("].y;\n");
kernelString.append(" barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n");
for (i = 0; i < R0; i++) {
kernelString.append(" a[").append(i).append("].y = lMemLoad[").append(i * numWorkItemsPerXForm).append("];\n");
kernelString.append(" barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n");
lMemSize = (N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) * numXFormsPerWG;
} else {
kernelString.append(" offset = mad24( groupId, ").append(N * numXFormsPerWG).append(", lId );\n");
if (dataFormat == dataFormat.InterleavedComplexFormat) {
kernelString.append(" in += offset;\n");
kernelString.append(" out += offset;\n");
} else {
kernelString.append(" in_real += offset;\n");
kernelString.append(" in_imag += offset;\n");
kernelString.append(" out_real += offset;\n");
kernelString.append(" out_imag += offset;\n");
kernelString.append(" ii = lId & ").append(N - 1).append(";\n");
kernelString.append(" jj = lId >> ").append((int) log2(N)).append(";\n");
kernelString.append(" lMemStore = sMem + mad24( jj, ").append(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm).append(", ii );\n");
kernelString.append("if((groupId == get_num_groups(0)-1) && s) {\n");
for (i = 0; i < R0; i++) {
kernelString.append(" if(jj < s )\n");
formattedLoad(kernelString, i, i * groupSize, dataFormat);
if (i != R0 - 1) {
kernelString.append(" jj += ").append(groupSize / N).append(";\n");
kernelString.append("else {\n");
for (i = 0; i < R0; i++) {
formattedLoad(kernelString, i, i * groupSize, dataFormat);
if (numWorkItemsPerXForm > 1) {
kernelString.append(" ii = lId & ").append(numWorkItemsPerXForm - 1).append(";\n");
kernelString.append(" jj = lId >> ").append(log2NumWorkItemsPerXForm).append(";\n");
kernelString.append(" lMemLoad = sMem + mad24( jj, ").append(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm).append(", ii );\n");
} else {
kernelString.append(" ii = 0;\n");
kernelString.append(" jj = lId;\n");
kernelString.append(" lMemLoad = sMem + mul24( jj, ").append(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm).append(");\n");
for (i = 0; i < R0; i++) {
kernelString.append(" lMemStore[").append(i * (groupSize / N) * (N + numWorkItemsPerXForm)).append("] = a[").append(i).append("].x;\n");
kernelString.append(" barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n");
for (i = 0; i < R0; i++) {
kernelString.append(" a[").append(i).append("].x = lMemLoad[").append(i * numWorkItemsPerXForm).append("];\n");
kernelString.append(" barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n");
for (i = 0; i < R0; i++) {
kernelString.append(" lMemStore[").append(i * (groupSize / N) * (N + numWorkItemsPerXForm)).append("] = a[").append(i).append("].y;\n");
kernelString.append(" barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n");
for (i = 0; i < R0; i++) {
kernelString.append(" a[").append(i).append("].y = lMemLoad[").append(i * numWorkItemsPerXForm).append("];\n");
kernelString.append(" barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n");
lMemSize = (N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) * numXFormsPerWG;
return lMemSize;
int insertGlobalStoresAndTranspose(StringBuilder kernelString, int N, int maxRadix, int Nr, int numWorkItemsPerXForm, int numXFormsPerWG, int mem_coalesce_width, CLFFTDataFormat dataFormat) {
int groupSize = numWorkItemsPerXForm * numXFormsPerWG;
int i, j, k, ind;
int lMemSize = 0;
int numIter = maxRadix / Nr;
String indent = "";
if (numWorkItemsPerXForm >= mem_coalesce_width) {
if (numXFormsPerWG > 1) {
kernelString.append(" if( !s || (groupId < get_num_groups(0)-1) || (jj < s) ) {\n");
indent = (" ");
for (i = 0; i < maxRadix; i++) {
j = i % numIter;
k = i / numIter;
ind = j * Nr + k;
formattedStore(kernelString, ind, i * numWorkItemsPerXForm, dataFormat);
if (numXFormsPerWG > 1) {
kernelString.append(" }\n");
} else if (N >= mem_coalesce_width) {
int numInnerIter = N / mem_coalesce_width;
int numOuterIter = numXFormsPerWG / (groupSize / mem_coalesce_width);
kernelString.append(" lMemLoad = sMem + mad24( jj, ").append(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm).append(", ii );\n");
kernelString.append(" ii = lId & ").append(mem_coalesce_width - 1).append(";\n");
kernelString.append(" jj = lId >> ").append((int) log2(mem_coalesce_width)).append(";\n");
kernelString.append(" lMemStore = sMem + mad24( jj,").append(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm).append(", ii );\n");
for (i = 0; i < maxRadix; i++) {
j = i % numIter;
k = i / numIter;
ind = j * Nr + k;
kernelString.append(" lMemLoad[").append(i * numWorkItemsPerXForm).append("] = a[").append(ind).append("].x;\n");
kernelString.append(" barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n");
for (i = 0; i < numOuterIter; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < numInnerIter; j++) {
kernelString.append(" a[").append(i * numInnerIter + j).append("].x = lMemStore[").append(j * mem_coalesce_width + i * (groupSize / mem_coalesce_width) * (N + numWorkItemsPerXForm)).append("];\n");
kernelString.append(" barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n");
for (i = 0; i < maxRadix; i++) {
j = i % numIter;
k = i / numIter;
ind = j * Nr + k;
kernelString.append(" lMemLoad[").append(i * numWorkItemsPerXForm).append("] = a[").append(ind).append("].y;\n");
kernelString.append(" barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n");
for (i = 0; i < numOuterIter; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < numInnerIter; j++) {
kernelString.append(" a[").append(i * numInnerIter + j).append("].y = lMemStore[").append(j * mem_coalesce_width + i * (groupSize / mem_coalesce_width) * (N + numWorkItemsPerXForm)).append("];\n");
kernelString.append(" barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n");
kernelString.append("if((groupId == get_num_groups(0)-1) && s) {\n");
for (i = 0; i < numOuterIter; i++) {
kernelString.append(" if( jj < s ) {\n");
for (j = 0; j < numInnerIter; j++) {
formattedStore(kernelString, i * numInnerIter + j, j * mem_coalesce_width + i * (groupSize / mem_coalesce_width) * N, dataFormat);
kernelString.append(" }\n");
if (i != numOuterIter - 1) {
kernelString.append(" jj += ").append(groupSize / mem_coalesce_width).append(";\n");
kernelString.append("else {\n");
for (i = 0; i < numOuterIter; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < numInnerIter; j++) {
formattedStore(kernelString, i * numInnerIter + j, j * mem_coalesce_width + i * (groupSize / mem_coalesce_width) * N, dataFormat);
lMemSize = (N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) * numXFormsPerWG;
} else {
kernelString.append(" lMemLoad = sMem + mad24( jj,").append(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm).append(", ii );\n");
kernelString.append(" ii = lId & ").append(N - 1).append(";\n");
kernelString.append(" jj = lId >> ").append((int) log2(N)).append(";\n");
kernelString.append(" lMemStore = sMem + mad24( jj,").append(N + numWorkItemsPerXForm).append(", ii );\n");
for (i = 0; i < maxRadix; i++) {
j = i % numIter;
k = i / numIter;
ind = j * Nr + k;
kernelString.append(" lMemLoad[").append(i * numWorkItemsPerXForm).append("] = a[").append(ind).append("].x;\n");
kernelString.append(" barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n");
for (i = 0; i < maxRadix; i++) {
kernelString.append(" a[").append(i).append("].x = lMemStore[").append(i * (groupSize / N) * (N + numWorkItemsPerXForm)).append("];\n");
kernelString.append(" barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n");
for (i = 0; i < maxRadix; i++) {
j = i % numIter;
k = i / numIter;
ind = j * Nr + k;
kernelString.append(" lMemLoad[").append(i * numWorkItemsPerXForm).append("] = a[").append(ind).append("].y;\n");
kernelString.append(" barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n");
for (i = 0; i < maxRadix; i++) {
kernelString.append(" a[").append(i).append("].y = lMemStore[").append(i * (groupSize / N) * (N + numWorkItemsPerXForm)).append("];\n");
kernelString.append(" barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n");
kernelString.append("if((groupId == get_num_groups(0)-1) && s) {\n");
for (i = 0; i < maxRadix; i++) {
kernelString.append(" if(jj < s ) {\n");
formattedStore(kernelString, i, i * groupSize, dataFormat);
kernelString.append(" }\n");
if (i != maxRadix - 1) {
kernelString.append(" jj +=").append(groupSize / N).append(";\n");
kernelString.append("else {\n");
for (i = 0; i < maxRadix; i++) {
formattedStore(kernelString, i, i * groupSize, dataFormat);
lMemSize = (N + numWorkItemsPerXForm) * numXFormsPerWG;
return lMemSize;
void insertfftKernel(StringBuilder kernelString, int Nr, int numIter) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < numIter; i++) {
kernelString.append(" fftKernel").append(Nr).append("(a+").append(i * Nr).append(", dir);\n");
void insertTwiddleKernel(StringBuilder kernelString, int Nr, int numIter, int Nprev, int len, int numWorkItemsPerXForm) {
int z, k;
int logNPrev = log2(Nprev);
for (z = 0; z < numIter; z++) {
if (z == 0) {
if (Nprev > 1) {
kernelString.append(" angf = (float) (ii >> ").append(logNPrev).append(");\n");
} else {
kernelString.append(" angf = (float) ii;\n");
} else {
if (Nprev > 1) {
kernelString.append(" angf = (float) ((").append(z * numWorkItemsPerXForm).append(" + ii) >>").append(logNPrev).append(");\n");
} else {
kernelString.append(" angf = (float) (").append(z * numWorkItemsPerXForm).append(" + ii);\n");
for (k = 1; k < Nr; k++) {
int ind = z * Nr + k;
//float fac = (float) (2.0 * M_PI * (double) k / (double) len);
kernelString.append(" ang = dir * ( 2.0f * M_PI * ").append(k).append(".0f / ").append(len).append(".0f )").append(" * angf;\n");
kernelString.append(" w = (float2)(native_cos(ang), native_sin(ang));\n");
kernelString.append(" a[").append(ind).append("] = complexMul(a[").append(ind).append("], w);\n");
fftPadding getPadding(int numWorkItemsPerXForm, int Nprev, int numWorkItemsReq, int numXFormsPerWG, int Nr, int numBanks) {
int offset, midPad;
if ((numWorkItemsPerXForm <= Nprev) || (Nprev >= numBanks)) {
offset = 0;
} else {
int numRowsReq = ((numWorkItemsPerXForm < numBanks) ? numWorkItemsPerXForm : numBanks) / Nprev;
int numColsReq = 1;
if (numRowsReq > Nr) {
numColsReq = numRowsReq / Nr;
numColsReq = Nprev * numColsReq;
offset = numColsReq;
if (numWorkItemsPerXForm >= numBanks || numXFormsPerWG == 1) {
midPad = 0;
} else {
int bankNum = ((numWorkItemsReq + offset) * Nr) & (numBanks - 1);
if (bankNum >= numWorkItemsPerXForm) {
midPad = 0;
} else {
midPad = numWorkItemsPerXForm - bankNum;
int lMemSize = (numWorkItemsReq + offset) * Nr * numXFormsPerWG + midPad * (numXFormsPerWG - 1);
return new fftPadding(lMemSize, offset, midPad);
void insertLocalStores(StringBuilder kernelString, int numIter, int Nr, int numWorkItemsPerXForm, int numWorkItemsReq, int offset, String comp) {
int z, k;
for (z = 0; z < numIter; z++) {
for (k = 0; k < Nr; k++) {
int index = k * (numWorkItemsReq + offset) + z * numWorkItemsPerXForm;
kernelString.append(" lMemStore[").append(index).append("] = a[").append(z * Nr + k).append("].").append(comp).append(";\n");
kernelString.append(" barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n");
void insertLocalLoads(StringBuilder kernelString, int n, int Nr, int Nrn, int Nprev, int Ncurr, int numWorkItemsPerXForm, int numWorkItemsReq, int offset, String comp) {
int numWorkItemsReqN = n / Nrn;
int interBlockHNum = Math.max(Nprev / numWorkItemsPerXForm, 1);
int interBlockHStride = numWorkItemsPerXForm;
int vertWidth = Math.max(numWorkItemsPerXForm / Nprev, 1);
vertWidth = Math.min(vertWidth, Nr);
int vertNum = Nr / vertWidth;
int vertStride = (n / Nr + offset) * vertWidth;
int iter = Math.max(numWorkItemsReqN / numWorkItemsPerXForm, 1);
int intraBlockHStride = (numWorkItemsPerXForm / (Nprev * Nr)) > 1 ? (numWorkItemsPerXForm / (Nprev * Nr)) : 1;
intraBlockHStride *= Nprev;
int stride = numWorkItemsReq / Nrn;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < iter; i++) {
int ii = i / (interBlockHNum * vertNum);
int zz = i % (interBlockHNum * vertNum);
int jj = zz % interBlockHNum;
int kk = zz / interBlockHNum;
int z;
for (z = 0; z < Nrn; z++) {
int st = kk * vertStride + jj * interBlockHStride + ii * intraBlockHStride + z * stride;
kernelString.append(" a[").append(i * Nrn + z).append("].").append(comp).append(" = lMemLoad[").append(st).append("];\n");
kernelString.append(" barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n");
void insertLocalLoadIndexArithmatic(StringBuilder kernelString, int Nprev, int Nr, int numWorkItemsReq, int numWorkItemsPerXForm, int numXFormsPerWG, int offset, int midPad) {
int Ncurr = Nprev * Nr;
int logNcurr = log2(Ncurr);
int logNprev = log2(Nprev);
int incr = (numWorkItemsReq + offset) * Nr + midPad;
if (Ncurr < numWorkItemsPerXForm) {
if (Nprev == 1) {
kernelString.append(" j = ii & ").append(Ncurr - 1).append(";\n");
} else {
kernelString.append(" j = (ii & ").append(Ncurr - 1).append(") >> ").append(logNprev).append(";\n");
if (Nprev == 1) {
kernelString.append(" i = ii >> ").append(logNcurr).append(";\n");
} else {
kernelString.append(" i = mad24(ii >> ").append(logNcurr).append(", ").append(Nprev).append(", ii & ").append(Nprev - 1).append(");\n");
} else {
if (Nprev == 1) {
kernelString.append(" j = ii;\n");
} else {
kernelString.append(" j = ii >> ").append(logNprev).append(";\n");
if (Nprev == 1) {
kernelString.append(" i = 0;\n");
} else {
kernelString.append(" i = ii & ").append(Nprev - 1).append(";\n");
if (numXFormsPerWG > 1) {
kernelString.append(" i = mad24(jj, ").append(incr).append(", i);\n");
kernelString.append(" lMemLoad = sMem + mad24(j, ").append(numWorkItemsReq + offset).append(", i);\n");
void insertLocalStoreIndexArithmatic(StringBuilder kernelString, int numWorkItemsReq, int numXFormsPerWG, int Nr, int offset, int midPad) {
if (numXFormsPerWG == 1) {
kernelString.append(" lMemStore = sMem + ii;\n");
} else {
kernelString.append(" lMemStore = sMem + mad24(jj, ").append((numWorkItemsReq + offset) * Nr + midPad).append(", ii);\n");
void createLocalMemfftKernelString() {
int[] radixArray = new int[10];
int numRadix;
int n = this.size.x;
assert (n <= this.max_work_item_per_workgroup * this.max_radix);
numRadix = getRadixArray(n, radixArray, 0);
assert (numRadix > 0);
if (n / radixArray[0] > this.max_work_item_per_workgroup) {
numRadix = getRadixArray(n, radixArray, this.max_radix);
assert (radixArray[0] <= this.max_radix);
assert (n / radixArray[0] <= this.max_work_item_per_workgroup);
int tmpLen = 1;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < numRadix; i++) {
assert ((radixArray[i] != 0) && !(((radixArray[i] - 1) != 0) & (radixArray[i] != 0)));
tmpLen *= radixArray[i];
assert (tmpLen == n);
//int offset, midPad;
StringBuilder localString = new StringBuilder();
String kernelName;
CLFFTDataFormat dataFormat = this.format;
StringBuilder kernelString = this.kernel_string;
int kCount = kernel_list.size();
kernelName = "fft" + (kCount);
CLFFTKernelInfo kInfo = new CLFFTKernelInfo();
//kInfo.kernel = null;
//kInfo.lmem_size = 0;
//kInfo.num_workgroups = 0;
//kInfo.num_workitems_per_workgroup = 0;
kInfo.dir = CLFFTKernelDir.X;
kInfo.in_place_possible = true;
//kInfo.next = null;
kInfo.kernel_name = kernelName;
int numWorkItemsPerXForm = n / radixArray[0];
int numWorkItemsPerWG = numWorkItemsPerXForm <= 64 ? 64 : numWorkItemsPerXForm;
assert (numWorkItemsPerWG <= this.max_work_item_per_workgroup);
int numXFormsPerWG = numWorkItemsPerWG / numWorkItemsPerXForm;
kInfo.num_workgroups = 1;
kInfo.num_xforms_per_workgroup = numXFormsPerWG;
kInfo.num_workitems_per_workgroup = numWorkItemsPerWG;
int[] N = radixArray;
int maxRadix = N[0];
int lMemSize = 0;
insertVariables(localString, maxRadix);
lMemSize = insertGlobalLoadsAndTranspose(localString, n, numWorkItemsPerXForm, numXFormsPerWG, maxRadix, this.min_mem_coalesce_width, dataFormat);
kInfo.lmem_size = (lMemSize > kInfo.lmem_size) ? lMemSize : kInfo.lmem_size;
String xcomp = "x";
String ycomp = "y";
int Nprev = 1;
int len = n;
int r;
for (r = 0; r < numRadix; r++) {
int numIter = N[0] / N[r];
int numWorkItemsReq = n / N[r];
int Ncurr = Nprev * N[r];
insertfftKernel(localString, N[r], numIter);
if (r < (numRadix - 1)) {
fftPadding pad;
insertTwiddleKernel(localString, N[r], numIter, Nprev, len, numWorkItemsPerXForm);
pad = getPadding(numWorkItemsPerXForm, Nprev, numWorkItemsReq, numXFormsPerWG, N[r], this.num_local_mem_banks);
kInfo.lmem_size = (pad.lMemSize > kInfo.lmem_size) ? pad.lMemSize : kInfo.lmem_size;
insertLocalStoreIndexArithmatic(localString, numWorkItemsReq, numXFormsPerWG, N[r], pad.offset, pad.midPad);
insertLocalLoadIndexArithmatic(localString, Nprev, N[r], numWorkItemsReq, numWorkItemsPerXForm, numXFormsPerWG, pad.offset, pad.midPad);
insertLocalStores(localString, numIter, N[r], numWorkItemsPerXForm, numWorkItemsReq, pad.offset, xcomp);
insertLocalLoads(localString, n, N[r], N[r + 1], Nprev, Ncurr, numWorkItemsPerXForm, numWorkItemsReq, pad.offset, xcomp);
insertLocalStores(localString, numIter, N[r], numWorkItemsPerXForm, numWorkItemsReq, pad.offset, ycomp);
insertLocalLoads(localString, n, N[r], N[r + 1], Nprev, Ncurr, numWorkItemsPerXForm, numWorkItemsReq, pad.offset, ycomp);
Nprev = Ncurr;
len = len / N[r];
lMemSize = insertGlobalStoresAndTranspose(localString, n, maxRadix, N[numRadix - 1], numWorkItemsPerXForm, numXFormsPerWG, this.min_mem_coalesce_width, dataFormat);
kInfo.lmem_size = (lMemSize > kInfo.lmem_size) ? lMemSize : kInfo.lmem_size;
insertHeader(kernelString, kernelName, dataFormat);
if (kInfo.lmem_size > 0) {
kernelString.append(" __local float sMem[").append(kInfo.lmem_size).append("];\n");
// For size larger than what can be computed using local memory fft, global transposes
// multiple kernel launces is needed. For these sizes, size can be decomposed using
// much larger base radices i.e. say size = 262144 = 128 x 64 x 32. Thus three kernel
// launches will be needed, first computing 64 x 32, length 128 ffts, second computing
// 128 x 32 length 64 ffts, and finally a kernel computing 128 x 64 length 32 ffts.
// Each of these base radices can futher be divided into factors so that each of these
// base ffts can be computed within one kernel launch using in-register ffts and local
// memory transposes i.e for the first kernel above which computes 64 x 32 ffts on length
// 128, 128 can be decomposed into 128 = 16 x 8 i.e. 8 work items can compute 8 length
// 16 ffts followed by transpose using local memory followed by each of these eight
// work items computing 2 length 8 ffts thus computing 16 length 8 ffts in total. This
// means only 8 work items are needed for computing one length 128 fft. If we choose
// work group size of say 64, we can compute 64/8 = 8 length 128 ffts within one
// work group. Since we need to compute 64 x 32 length 128 ffts in first kernel, this
// means we need to launch 64 x 32 / 8 = 256 work groups with 64 work items in each
// work group where each work group is computing 8 length 128 ffts where each length
// 128 fft is computed by 8 work items. Same logic can be applied to other two kernels
// in this example. Users can play with difference base radices and difference
// decompositions of base radices to generates different kernels and see which gives
// best performance. Following function is just fixed to use 128 as base radix
int getGlobalRadixInfo(int n, int[] radix, int[] R1, int[] R2) {
int baseRadix = Math.min(n, 128);
int numR = 0;
int N = n;
while (N > baseRadix) {
N /= baseRadix;
for (int i = 0; i < numR; i++) {
radix[i] = baseRadix;
radix[numR] = N;
for (int i = 0; i < numR; i++) {
int B = radix[i];
if (B <= 8) {
R1[i] = B;
R2[i] = 1;
int r1 = 2;
int r2 = B / r1;
while (r2 > r1) {
r1 *= 2;
r2 = B / r1;
R1[i] = r1;
R2[i] = r2;
return numR;
void createGlobalFFTKernelString(int n, int BS, CLFFTKernelDir dir, int vertBS) {
int i, j, k, t;
int[] radixArr = new int[10];
int[] R1Arr = new int[10];
int[] R2Arr = new int[10];
int radix, R1, R2;
int numRadices;
int maxThreadsPerBlock = this.max_work_item_per_workgroup;
int maxArrayLen = this.max_radix;
int batchSize = this.min_mem_coalesce_width;
CLFFTDataFormat dataFormat = this.format;
boolean vertical = (dir == dir.X) ? false : true;
numRadices = getGlobalRadixInfo(n, radixArr, R1Arr, R2Arr);
int numPasses = numRadices;
StringBuilder localString = new StringBuilder();
String kernelName;
StringBuilder kernelString = this.kernel_string;
int kCount = kernel_list.size();
//cl_fft_kernel_info **kInfo = &this.kernel_list;
//int kCount = 0;
// kInfo = &kInfo.next;
// kCount++;
int N = n;
int m = (int) log2(n);
int Rinit = vertical ? BS : 1;
batchSize = vertical ? Math.min(BS, batchSize) : batchSize;
int passNum;
for (passNum = 0; passNum < numPasses; passNum++) {
radix = radixArr[passNum];
R1 = R1Arr[passNum];
R2 = R2Arr[passNum];
int strideI = Rinit;
for (i = 0; i < numPasses; i++) {
if (i != passNum) {
strideI *= radixArr[i];
int strideO = Rinit;
for (i = 0; i < passNum; i++) {
strideO *= radixArr[i];
int threadsPerXForm = R2;
batchSize = R2 == 1 ? this.max_work_item_per_workgroup : batchSize;
batchSize = Math.min(batchSize, strideI);
int threadsPerBlock = batchSize * threadsPerXForm;
threadsPerBlock = Math.min(threadsPerBlock, maxThreadsPerBlock);
batchSize = threadsPerBlock / threadsPerXForm;
assert (R2 <= R1);
assert (R1 * R2 == radix);
assert (R1 <= maxArrayLen);
assert (threadsPerBlock <= maxThreadsPerBlock);
int numIter = R1 / R2;
int gInInc = threadsPerBlock / batchSize;
int lgStrideO = log2(strideO);
int numBlocksPerXForm = strideI / batchSize;
int numBlocks = numBlocksPerXForm;
if (!vertical) {
numBlocks *= BS;
} else {
numBlocks *= vertBS;
kernelName = "fft" + (kCount);
CLFFTKernelInfo kInfo = new CLFFTKernelInfo();
if (R2 == 1) {
kInfo.lmem_size = 0;
} else {
if (strideO == 1) {
kInfo.lmem_size = (radix + 1) * batchSize;
} else {
kInfo.lmem_size = threadsPerBlock * R1;
kInfo.num_workgroups = numBlocks;
kInfo.num_xforms_per_workgroup = 1;
kInfo.num_workitems_per_workgroup = threadsPerBlock;
kInfo.dir = dir;
kInfo.in_place_possible = ((passNum == (numPasses - 1)) && ((numPasses & 1) != 0));
//kInfo.next = NULL;
kInfo.kernel_name = kernelName;
insertVariables(localString, R1);
if (vertical) {
localString.append("xNum = groupId >> ").append((int) log2(numBlocksPerXForm)).append(";\n");
localString.append("groupId = groupId & ").append(numBlocksPerXForm - 1).append(";\n");
localString.append("indexIn = mad24(groupId, ").append(batchSize).append(", xNum << ").append((int) log2(n * BS)).append(");\n");
localString.append("tid = mul24(groupId, ").append(batchSize).append(");\n");
localString.append("i = tid >> ").append(lgStrideO).append(";\n");
localString.append("j = tid & ").append(strideO - 1).append(";\n");
int stride = radix * Rinit;
for (i = 0; i < passNum; i++) {
stride *= radixArr[i];
localString.append("indexOut = mad24(i, ").append(stride).append(", j + ").append("(xNum << ").append((int) log2(n * BS)).append("));\n");
localString.append("bNum = groupId;\n");
} else {
int lgNumBlocksPerXForm = log2(numBlocksPerXForm);
localString.append("bNum = groupId & ").append(numBlocksPerXForm - 1).append(";\n");
localString.append("xNum = groupId >> ").append(lgNumBlocksPerXForm).append(";\n");
localString.append("indexIn = mul24(bNum, ").append(batchSize).append(");\n");
localString.append("tid = indexIn;\n");
localString.append("i = tid >> ").append(lgStrideO).append(";\n");
localString.append("j = tid & ").append(strideO - 1).append(";\n");
int stride = radix * Rinit;
for (i = 0; i < passNum; i++) {
stride *= radixArr[i];
localString.append("indexOut = mad24(i, ").append(stride).append(", j);\n");
localString.append("indexIn += (xNum << ").append(m).append(");\n");
localString.append("indexOut += (xNum << ").append(m).append(");\n");
// Load Data
int lgBatchSize = log2(batchSize);
localString.append("tid = lId;\n");
localString.append("i = tid & ").append(batchSize - 1).append(";\n");
localString.append("j = tid >> ").append(lgBatchSize).append(";\n");
localString.append("indexIn += mad24(j, ").append(strideI).append(", i);\n");
if (dataFormat == dataFormat.SplitComplexFormat) {
localString.append("in_real += indexIn;\n");
localString.append("in_imag += indexIn;\n");
for (j = 0; j < R1; j++) {
localString.append("a[").append(j).append("].x = in_real[").append(j * gInInc * strideI).append("];\n");
for (j = 0; j < R1; j++) {
localString.append("a[").append(j).append("].y = in_imag[").append(j * gInInc * strideI).append("];\n");
} else {
localString.append("in += indexIn;\n");
for (j = 0; j < R1; j++) {
localString.append("a[").append(j).append("] = in[").append(j * gInInc * strideI).append("];\n");
localString.append("fftKernel").append(R1).append("(a, dir);\n");
if (R2 > 1) {
// twiddle
for (k = 1; k < R1; k++) {
localString.append("ang = dir*(2.0f*M_PI*").append(k).append("/").append(radix).append(")*j;\n");
localString.append("w = (float2)(native_cos(ang), native_sin(ang));\n");
localString.append("a[").append(k).append("] = complexMul(a[").append(k).append("], w);\n");
// shuffle
numIter = R1 / R2;
localString.append("indexIn = mad24(j, ").append(threadsPerBlock * numIter).append(", i);\n");
localString.append("lMemStore = sMem + tid;\n");
localString.append("lMemLoad = sMem + indexIn;\n");
for (k = 0; k < R1; k++) {
localString.append("lMemStore[").append(k * threadsPerBlock).append("] = a[").append(k).append("].x;\n");
for (k = 0; k < numIter; k++) {
for (t = 0; t < R2; t++) {
localString.append("a[").append(k * R2 + t).append("].x = lMemLoad[").append(t * batchSize + k * threadsPerBlock).append("];\n");
for (k = 0; k < R1; k++) {
localString.append("lMemStore[").append(k * threadsPerBlock).append("] = a[").append(k).append("].y;\n");
for (k = 0; k < numIter; k++) {
for (t = 0; t < R2; t++) {
localString.append("a[").append(k * R2 + t).append("].y = lMemLoad[").append(t * batchSize + k * threadsPerBlock).append("];\n");
for (j = 0; j < numIter; j++) {
localString.append("fftKernel").append(R2).append("(a + ").append(j * R2).append(", dir);\n");
// twiddle
if (passNum < (numPasses - 1)) {
localString.append("l = ((bNum << ").append(lgBatchSize).append(") + i) >> ").append(lgStrideO).append(";\n");
localString.append("k = j << ").append((int) log2(R1 / R2)).append(";\n");
localString.append("ang1 = dir*(2.0f*M_PI/").append(N).append(")*l;\n");
for (t = 0; t < R1; t++) {
localString.append("ang = ang1*(k + ").append((t % R2) * R1 + (t / R2)).append(");\n");
localString.append("w = (float2)(native_cos(ang), native_sin(ang));\n");
localString.append("a[").append(t).append("] = complexMul(a[").append(t).append("], w);\n");
// Store Data
if (strideO == 1) {
localString.append("lMemStore = sMem + mad24(i, ").append(radix + 1).append(", j << ").append((int) log2(R1 / R2)).append(");\n");
localString.append("lMemLoad = sMem + mad24(tid >> ").append((int) log2(radix)).append(", ").append(radix + 1).append(", tid & ").append(radix - 1).append(");\n");
for (i = 0; i < R1 / R2; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < R2; j++) {
localString.append("lMemStore[ ").append(i + j * R1).append("] = a[").append(i * R2 + j).append("].x;\n");
if (threadsPerBlock >= radix) {
for (i = 0; i < R1; i++) {
localString.append("a[").append(i).append("].x = lMemLoad[").append(i * (radix + 1) * (threadsPerBlock / radix)).append("];\n");
} else {
int innerIter = radix / threadsPerBlock;
int outerIter = R1 / innerIter;
for (i = 0; i < outerIter; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < innerIter; j++) {
localString.append("a[").append(i * innerIter + j).append("].x = lMemLoad[").append(j * threadsPerBlock + i * (radix + 1)).append("];\n");
for (i = 0; i < R1 / R2; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < R2; j++) {
localString.append("lMemStore[ ").append(i + j * R1).append("] = a[").append(i * R2 + j).append("].y;\n");
if (threadsPerBlock >= radix) {
for (i = 0; i < R1; i++) {
localString.append("a[").append(i).append("].y = lMemLoad[").append(i * (radix + 1) * (threadsPerBlock / radix)).append("];\n");
} else {
int innerIter = radix / threadsPerBlock;
int outerIter = R1 / innerIter;
for (i = 0; i < outerIter; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < innerIter; j++) {
localString.append("a[").append(i * innerIter + j).append("].y = lMemLoad[").append(j * threadsPerBlock + i * (radix + 1)).append("];\n");
localString.append("indexOut += tid;\n");
if (dataFormat == dataFormat.SplitComplexFormat) {
localString.append("out_real += indexOut;\n");
localString.append("out_imag += indexOut;\n");
for (k = 0; k < R1; k++) {
localString.append("out_real[").append(k * threadsPerBlock).append("] = a[").append(k).append("].x;\n");
for (k = 0; k < R1; k++) {
localString.append("out_imag[").append(k * threadsPerBlock).append("] = a[").append(k).append("].y;\n");
} else {
localString.append("out += indexOut;\n");
for (k = 0; k < R1; k++) {
localString.append("out[").append(k * threadsPerBlock).append("] = a[").append(k).append("];\n");
} else {
localString.append("indexOut += mad24(j, ").append(numIter * strideO).append(", i);\n");
if (dataFormat == dataFormat.SplitComplexFormat) {
localString.append("out_real += indexOut;\n");
localString.append("out_imag += indexOut;\n");
for (k = 0; k < R1; k++) {
localString.append("out_real[").append(((k % R2) * R1 + (k / R2)) * strideO).append("] = a[").append(k).append("].x;\n");
for (k = 0; k < R1; k++) {
localString.append("out_imag[").append(((k % R2) * R1 + (k / R2)) * strideO).append("] = a[").append(k).append("].y;\n");
} else {
localString.append("out += indexOut;\n");
for (k = 0; k < R1; k++) {
localString.append("out[").append(((k % R2) * R1 + (k / R2)) * strideO).append("] = a[").append(k).append("];\n");
insertHeader(kernelString, kernelName, dataFormat);
if (kInfo.lmem_size > 0) {
kernelString.append(" __local float sMem[").append(kInfo.lmem_size).append("];\n");
N /= radix;
void FFT1D(CLFFTKernelDir dir) {
int[] radixArray = new int[10];
switch (dir) {
case X:
if (this.size.x > this.max_localmem_fft_size) {
createGlobalFFTKernelString(this.size.x, 1, dir, 1);
} else if (this.size.x > 1) {
getRadixArray(this.size.x, radixArray, 0);
if (this.size.x / radixArray[0] <= this.max_work_item_per_workgroup) {
} else {
getRadixArray(this.size.x, radixArray, this.max_radix);
if (this.size.x / radixArray[0] <= this.max_work_item_per_workgroup) {
} else {
createGlobalFFTKernelString(this.size.x, 1, dir, 1);
case Y:
if (this.size.y > 1) {
createGlobalFFTKernelString(this.size.y, this.size.x, dir, 1);
case Z:
if (this.size.z > 1) {
createGlobalFFTKernelString(this.size.z, this.size.x * this.size.y, dir, 1);
* Pre-defined kernel parts
static String baseKernels =
"#ifndef M_PI\n"
+ "#define M_PI 0x1.921fb54442d18p+1\n"
+ "#endif\n"
+ "#define complexMul(a,b) ((float2)(mad(-(a).y, (b).y, (a).x * (b).x), mad((a).y, (b).x, (a).x * (b).y)))\n"
+ "#define conj(a) ((float2)((a).x, -(a).y))\n"
+ "#define conjTransp(a) ((float2)(-(a).y, (a).x))\n"
+ "\n"
+ "#define fftKernel2(a,dir) \\\n"
+ "{ \\\n"
+ " float2 c = (a)[0]; \\\n"
+ " (a)[0] = c + (a)[1]; \\\n"
+ " (a)[1] = c - (a)[1]; \\\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "#define fftKernel2S(d1,d2,dir) \\\n"
+ "{ \\\n"
+ " float2 c = (d1); \\\n"
+ " (d1) = c + (d2); \\\n"
+ " (d2) = c - (d2); \\\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "#define fftKernel4(a,dir) \\\n"
+ "{ \\\n"
+ " fftKernel2S((a)[0], (a)[2], dir); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel2S((a)[1], (a)[3], dir); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel2S((a)[0], (a)[1], dir); \\\n"
+ " (a)[3] = (float2)(dir)*(conjTransp((a)[3])); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel2S((a)[2], (a)[3], dir); \\\n"
+ " float2 c = (a)[1]; \\\n"
+ " (a)[1] = (a)[2]; \\\n"
+ " (a)[2] = c; \\\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "#define fftKernel4s(a0,a1,a2,a3,dir) \\\n"
+ "{ \\\n"
+ " fftKernel2S((a0), (a2), dir); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel2S((a1), (a3), dir); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel2S((a0), (a1), dir); \\\n"
+ " (a3) = (float2)(dir)*(conjTransp((a3))); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel2S((a2), (a3), dir); \\\n"
+ " float2 c = (a1); \\\n"
+ " (a1) = (a2); \\\n"
+ " (a2) = c; \\\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "#define bitreverse8(a) \\\n"
+ "{ \\\n"
+ " float2 c; \\\n"
+ " c = (a)[1]; \\\n"
+ " (a)[1] = (a)[4]; \\\n"
+ " (a)[4] = c; \\\n"
+ " c = (a)[3]; \\\n"
+ " (a)[3] = (a)[6]; \\\n"
+ " (a)[6] = c; \\\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "#define fftKernel8(a,dir) \\\n"
+ "{ \\\n"
+ " const float2 w1 = (float2)(0x1.6a09e6p-1f, dir*0x1.6a09e6p-1f); \\\n"
+ " const float2 w3 = (float2)(-0x1.6a09e6p-1f, dir*0x1.6a09e6p-1f); \\\n"
+ " float2 c; \\\n"
+ " fftKernel2S((a)[0], (a)[4], dir); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel2S((a)[1], (a)[5], dir); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel2S((a)[2], (a)[6], dir); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel2S((a)[3], (a)[7], dir); \\\n"
+ " (a)[5] = complexMul(w1, (a)[5]); \\\n"
+ " (a)[6] = (float2)(dir)*(conjTransp((a)[6])); \\\n"
+ " (a)[7] = complexMul(w3, (a)[7]); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel2S((a)[0], (a)[2], dir); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel2S((a)[1], (a)[3], dir); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel2S((a)[4], (a)[6], dir); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel2S((a)[5], (a)[7], dir); \\\n"
+ " (a)[3] = (float2)(dir)*(conjTransp((a)[3])); \\\n"
+ " (a)[7] = (float2)(dir)*(conjTransp((a)[7])); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel2S((a)[0], (a)[1], dir); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel2S((a)[2], (a)[3], dir); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel2S((a)[4], (a)[5], dir); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel2S((a)[6], (a)[7], dir); \\\n"
+ " bitreverse8((a)); \\\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "#define bitreverse4x4(a) \\\n"
+ "{ \\\n"
+ " float2 c; \\\n"
+ " c = (a)[1]; (a)[1] = (a)[4]; (a)[4] = c; \\\n"
+ " c = (a)[2]; (a)[2] = (a)[8]; (a)[8] = c; \\\n"
+ " c = (a)[3]; (a)[3] = (a)[12]; (a)[12] = c; \\\n"
+ " c = (a)[6]; (a)[6] = (a)[9]; (a)[9] = c; \\\n"
+ " c = (a)[7]; (a)[7] = (a)[13]; (a)[13] = c; \\\n"
+ " c = (a)[11]; (a)[11] = (a)[14]; (a)[14] = c; \\\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "#define fftKernel16(a,dir) \\\n"
+ "{ \\\n"
+ " const float w0 = 0x1.d906bcp-1f; \\\n"
+ " const float w1 = 0x1.87de2ap-2f; \\\n"
+ " const float w2 = 0x1.6a09e6p-1f; \\\n"
+ " fftKernel4s((a)[0], (a)[4], (a)[8], (a)[12], dir); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel4s((a)[1], (a)[5], (a)[9], (a)[13], dir); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel4s((a)[2], (a)[6], (a)[10], (a)[14], dir); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel4s((a)[3], (a)[7], (a)[11], (a)[15], dir); \\\n"
+ " (a)[5] = complexMul((a)[5], (float2)(w0, dir*w1)); \\\n"
+ " (a)[6] = complexMul((a)[6], (float2)(w2, dir*w2)); \\\n"
+ " (a)[7] = complexMul((a)[7], (float2)(w1, dir*w0)); \\\n"
+ " (a)[9] = complexMul((a)[9], (float2)(w2, dir*w2)); \\\n"
+ " (a)[10] = (float2)(dir)*(conjTransp((a)[10])); \\\n"
+ " (a)[11] = complexMul((a)[11], (float2)(-w2, dir*w2)); \\\n"
+ " (a)[13] = complexMul((a)[13], (float2)(w1, dir*w0)); \\\n"
+ " (a)[14] = complexMul((a)[14], (float2)(-w2, dir*w2)); \\\n"
+ " (a)[15] = complexMul((a)[15], (float2)(-w0, dir*-w1)); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel4((a), dir); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel4((a) + 4, dir); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel4((a) + 8, dir); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel4((a) + 12, dir); \\\n"
+ " bitreverse4x4((a)); \\\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "#define bitreverse32(a) \\\n"
+ "{ \\\n"
+ " float2 c1, c2; \\\n"
+ " c1 = (a)[2]; (a)[2] = (a)[1]; c2 = (a)[4]; (a)[4] = c1; c1 = (a)[8]; (a)[8] = c2; c2 = (a)[16]; (a)[16] = c1; (a)[1] = c2; \\\n"
+ " c1 = (a)[6]; (a)[6] = (a)[3]; c2 = (a)[12]; (a)[12] = c1; c1 = (a)[24]; (a)[24] = c2; c2 = (a)[17]; (a)[17] = c1; (a)[3] = c2; \\\n"
+ " c1 = (a)[10]; (a)[10] = (a)[5]; c2 = (a)[20]; (a)[20] = c1; c1 = (a)[9]; (a)[9] = c2; c2 = (a)[18]; (a)[18] = c1; (a)[5] = c2; \\\n"
+ " c1 = (a)[14]; (a)[14] = (a)[7]; c2 = (a)[28]; (a)[28] = c1; c1 = (a)[25]; (a)[25] = c2; c2 = (a)[19]; (a)[19] = c1; (a)[7] = c2; \\\n"
+ " c1 = (a)[22]; (a)[22] = (a)[11]; c2 = (a)[13]; (a)[13] = c1; c1 = (a)[26]; (a)[26] = c2; c2 = (a)[21]; (a)[21] = c1; (a)[11] = c2; \\\n"
+ " c1 = (a)[30]; (a)[30] = (a)[15]; c2 = (a)[29]; (a)[29] = c1; c1 = (a)[27]; (a)[27] = c2; c2 = (a)[23]; (a)[23] = c1; (a)[15] = c2; \\\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "#define fftKernel32(a,dir) \\\n"
+ "{ \\\n"
+ " fftKernel2S((a)[0], (a)[16], dir); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel2S((a)[1], (a)[17], dir); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel2S((a)[2], (a)[18], dir); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel2S((a)[3], (a)[19], dir); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel2S((a)[4], (a)[20], dir); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel2S((a)[5], (a)[21], dir); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel2S((a)[6], (a)[22], dir); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel2S((a)[7], (a)[23], dir); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel2S((a)[8], (a)[24], dir); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel2S((a)[9], (a)[25], dir); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel2S((a)[10], (a)[26], dir); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel2S((a)[11], (a)[27], dir); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel2S((a)[12], (a)[28], dir); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel2S((a)[13], (a)[29], dir); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel2S((a)[14], (a)[30], dir); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel2S((a)[15], (a)[31], dir); \\\n"
+ " (a)[17] = complexMul((a)[17], (float2)(0x1.f6297cp-1f, dir*0x1.8f8b84p-3f)); \\\n"
+ " (a)[18] = complexMul((a)[18], (float2)(0x1.d906bcp-1f, dir*0x1.87de2ap-2f)); \\\n"
+ " (a)[19] = complexMul((a)[19], (float2)(0x1.a9b662p-1f, dir*0x1.1c73b4p-1f)); \\\n"
+ " (a)[20] = complexMul((a)[20], (float2)(0x1.6a09e6p-1f, dir*0x1.6a09e6p-1f)); \\\n"
+ " (a)[21] = complexMul((a)[21], (float2)(0x1.1c73b4p-1f, dir*0x1.a9b662p-1f)); \\\n"
+ " (a)[22] = complexMul((a)[22], (float2)(0x1.87de2ap-2f, dir*0x1.d906bcp-1f)); \\\n"
+ " (a)[23] = complexMul((a)[23], (float2)(0x1.8f8b84p-3f, dir*0x1.f6297cp-1f)); \\\n"
+ " (a)[24] = complexMul((a)[24], (float2)(0x0p+0f, dir*0x1p+0f)); \\\n"
+ " (a)[25] = complexMul((a)[25], (float2)(-0x1.8f8b84p-3f, dir*0x1.f6297cp-1f)); \\\n"
+ " (a)[26] = complexMul((a)[26], (float2)(-0x1.87de2ap-2f, dir*0x1.d906bcp-1f)); \\\n"
+ " (a)[27] = complexMul((a)[27], (float2)(-0x1.1c73b4p-1f, dir*0x1.a9b662p-1f)); \\\n"
+ " (a)[28] = complexMul((a)[28], (float2)(-0x1.6a09e6p-1f, dir*0x1.6a09e6p-1f)); \\\n"
+ " (a)[29] = complexMul((a)[29], (float2)(-0x1.a9b662p-1f, dir*0x1.1c73b4p-1f)); \\\n"
+ " (a)[30] = complexMul((a)[30], (float2)(-0x1.d906bcp-1f, dir*0x1.87de2ap-2f)); \\\n"
+ " (a)[31] = complexMul((a)[31], (float2)(-0x1.f6297cp-1f, dir*0x1.8f8b84p-3f)); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel16((a), dir); \\\n"
+ " fftKernel16((a) + 16, dir); \\\n"
+ " bitreverse32((a)); \\\n"
+ "}\n\n";
static String twistKernelInterleaved =
"__kernel void \\\n"
+ "clFFT_1DTwistInterleaved(__global float2 *in, unsigned int startRow, unsigned int numCols, unsigned int N, unsigned int numRowsToProcess, int dir) \\\n"
+ "{ \\\n"
+ " float2 a, w; \\\n"
+ " float ang; \\\n"
+ " unsigned int j; \\\n"
+ " unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); \\\n"
+ " unsigned int startIndex = i; \\\n"
+ " \\\n"
+ " if(i < numCols) \\\n"
+ " { \\\n"
+ " for(j = 0; j < numRowsToProcess; j++) \\\n"
+ " { \\\n"
+ " a = in[startIndex]; \\\n"
+ " ang = 2.0f * M_PI * dir * i * (startRow + j) / N; \\\n"
+ " w = (float2)(native_cos(ang), native_sin(ang)); \\\n"
+ " a = complexMul(a, w); \\\n"
+ " in[startIndex] = a; \\\n"
+ " startIndex += numCols; \\\n"
+ " } \\\n"
+ " } \\\n"
+ "} \\\n";
static String twistKernelPlannar =
"__kernel void \\\n"
+ "clFFT_1DTwistSplit(__global float *in_real, __global float *in_imag , unsigned int startRow, unsigned int numCols, unsigned int N, unsigned int numRowsToProcess, int dir) \\\n"
+ "{ \\\n"
+ " float2 a, w; \\\n"
+ " float ang; \\\n"
+ " unsigned int j; \\\n"
+ " unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); \\\n"
+ " unsigned int startIndex = i; \\\n"
+ " \\\n"
+ " if(i < numCols) \\\n"
+ " { \\\n"
+ " for(j = 0; j < numRowsToProcess; j++) \\\n"
+ " { \\\n"
+ " a = (float2)(in_real[startIndex], in_imag[startIndex]); \\\n"
+ " ang = 2.0f * M_PI * dir * i * (startRow + j) / N; \\\n"
+ " w = (float2)(native_cos(ang), native_sin(ang)); \\\n"
+ " a = complexMul(a, w); \\\n"
+ " in_real[startIndex] = a.x; \\\n"
+ " in_imag[startIndex] = a.y; \\\n"
+ " startIndex += numCols; \\\n"
+ " } \\\n"
+ " } \\\n"
+ "} \\\n";