import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.javatuples.Pair;
import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis;
import redis.clients.jedis.SortingParams;
import redis.clients.jedis.Transaction;
import redis.clients.jedis.Tuple;
import redis.clients.jedis.ZParams;
public class Chapter07 {
private static final Pattern QUERY_RE = Pattern.compile("[+-]?[a-z']{2,}");
private static final Pattern WORDS_RE = Pattern.compile("[a-z']{2,}");
private static final Set<String> STOP_WORDS = new HashSet<String>();
static {
for (String word :
("able about across after all almost also am among " +
"an and any are as at be because been but by can " +
"cannot could dear did do does either else ever " +
"every for from get got had has have he her hers " +
"him his how however if in into is it its just " +
"least let like likely may me might most must my " +
"neither no nor not of off often on only or other " +
"our own rather said say says she should since so " +
"some than that the their them then there these " +
"they this tis to too twas us wants was we were " +
"what when where which while who whom why will " +
"with would yet you your").split(" "))
private static String CONTENT =
"this is some random content, look at how it is indexed.";
public static final void main(String[] args) {
new Chapter07().run();
public void run(){
Jedis conn = new Jedis("localhost");;
public void testIndexDocument(Jedis conn) {
System.out.println("\n----- testIndexDocument -----");
System.out.println("We're tokenizing some content...");
Set<String> tokens = tokenize(CONTENT);
System.out.println("Those tokens are: " +
assert tokens.size() > 0;
System.out.println("And now we are indexing that content...");
int count = indexDocument(conn, "test", CONTENT);
assert count == tokens.size();
Set<String> test = new HashSet<String>();
for (String t : tokens){
Set<String> members = conn.smembers("idx:" + t);
assert test.equals(members);
public void testSetOperations(Jedis conn) {
System.out.println("\n----- testSetOperations -----");
indexDocument(conn, "test", CONTENT);
Set<String> test = new HashSet<String>();
Transaction trans = conn.multi();
String id = intersect(trans, 30, "content", "indexed");
assert test.equals(conn.smembers("idx:" + id));
trans = conn.multi();
id = intersect(trans, 30, "content", "ignored");
assert conn.smembers("idx:" + id).isEmpty();
trans = conn.multi();
id = union(trans, 30, "content", "ignored");
assert test.equals(conn.smembers("idx:" + id));
trans = conn.multi();
id = difference(trans, 30, "content", "ignored");
assert test.equals(conn.smembers("idx:" + id));
trans = conn.multi();
id = difference(trans, 30, "content", "indexed");
assert conn.smembers("idx:" + id).isEmpty();
public void testParseQuery(Jedis conn) {
System.out.println("\n----- testParseQuery -----");
String queryString = "test query without stopwords";
Query query = parse(queryString);
String[] words = queryString.split(" ");
for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++){
List<String> word = new ArrayList<String>();
assert word.equals(query.all.get(i));
assert query.unwanted.isEmpty();
queryString = "test +query without -stopwords";
query = parse(queryString);
assert "test".equals(query.all.get(0).get(0));
assert "query".equals(query.all.get(0).get(1));
assert "without".equals(query.all.get(1).get(0));
assert "stopwords".equals(query.unwanted.toArray()[0]);
public void testParseAndSearch(Jedis conn) {
System.out.println("\n----- testParseAndSearch -----");
System.out.println("And now we are testing search...");
indexDocument(conn, "test", CONTENT);
Set<String> test = new HashSet<String>();
String id = parseAndSearch(conn, "content", 30);
assert test.equals(conn.smembers("idx:" + id));
id = parseAndSearch(conn, "content indexed random", 30);
assert test.equals(conn.smembers("idx:" + id));
id = parseAndSearch(conn, "content +indexed random", 30);
assert test.equals(conn.smembers("idx:" + id));
id = parseAndSearch(conn, "content indexed +random", 30);
assert test.equals(conn.smembers("idx:" + id));
id = parseAndSearch(conn, "content indexed -random", 30);
assert conn.smembers("idx:" + id).isEmpty();
id = parseAndSearch(conn, "content indexed +random", 30);
assert test.equals(conn.smembers("idx:" + id));
System.out.println("Which passed!");
public void testSearchWithSort(Jedis conn) {
System.out.println("\n----- testSearchWithSort -----");
System.out.println("And now let's test searching with sorting...");
indexDocument(conn, "test", CONTENT);
indexDocument(conn, "test2", CONTENT);
HashMap<String,String> values = new HashMap<String,String>();
values.put("updated", "12345");
values.put("id", "10");
conn.hmset("kb:doc:test", values);
values.put("updated", "54321");
values.put("id", "1");
conn.hmset("kb:doc:test2", values);
SearchResult result = searchAndSort(conn, "content", "-updated");
assert "test2".equals(result.results.get(0));
assert "test".equals(result.results.get(1));
result = searchAndSort(conn, "content", "-id");
assert "test".equals(result.results.get(0));
assert "test2".equals(result.results.get(1));
System.out.println("Which passed!");
public void testSearchWithZsort(Jedis conn) {
System.out.println("\n----- testSearchWithZsort -----");
System.out.println("And now let's test searching with sorting via zset...");
indexDocument(conn, "test", CONTENT);
indexDocument(conn, "test2", CONTENT);
conn.zadd("idx:sort:update", 12345, "test");
conn.zadd("idx:sort:update", 54321, "test2");
conn.zadd("idx:sort:votes", 10, "test");
conn.zadd("idx:sort:votes", 1, "test2");
Map<String,Integer> weights = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
weights.put("update", 1);
weights.put("vote", 0);
SearchResult result = searchAndZsort(conn, "content", false, weights);
assert "test".equals(result.results.get(0));
assert "test2".equals(result.results.get(1));
weights.put("update", 0);
weights.put("vote", 1);
result = searchAndZsort(conn, "content", false, weights);
assert "test2".equals(result.results.get(0));
assert "test".equals(result.results.get(1));
System.out.println("Which passed!");
public void testStringToScore(Jedis conn) {
System.out.println("\n----- testStringToScore -----");
String[] words = "these are some words that will be sorted".split(" ");
List<WordScore> pairs = new ArrayList<WordScore>();
for (String word : words) {
pairs.add(new WordScore(word, stringToScore(word)));
List<WordScore> pairs2 = new ArrayList<WordScore>(pairs);
Collections.sort(pairs2, new Comparator<WordScore>(){
public int compare(WordScore o1, WordScore o2){
long diff = o1.score - o2.score;
return diff < 0 ? -1 : diff > 0 ? 1 : 0;
assert pairs.equals(pairs2);
Map<Integer,Integer> lower = new HashMap<Integer,Integer>();
lower.put(-1, -1);
int start = (int)'a';
int end = (int)'z';
for (int i = start ; i <= end; i++){
lower.put(i, i - start);
words = "these are some words that will be sorted".split(" ");
pairs = new ArrayList<WordScore>();
for (String word : words) {
pairs.add(new WordScore(word, stringToScoreGeneric(word, lower)));
pairs2 = new ArrayList<WordScore>(pairs);
Collections.sort(pairs2, new Comparator<WordScore>(){
public int compare(WordScore o1, WordScore o2){
long diff = o1.score - o2.score;
return diff < 0 ? -1 : diff > 0 ? 1 : 0;
assert pairs.equals(pairs2);
Map<String,String> values = new HashMap<String,String>();
values.put("test", "value");
values.put("test2", "other");
zaddString(conn, "key", values);
assert conn.zscore("key", "test") == stringToScore("value");
assert conn.zscore("key", "test2") == stringToScore("other");
public void testIndexAndTargetAds(Jedis conn) {
System.out.println("\n----- testIndexAndTargetAds -----");
indexAd(conn, "1", new String[]{"USA", "CA"}, CONTENT, Ecpm.CPC, .25);
indexAd(conn, "2", new String[]{"USA", "VA"}, CONTENT + " wooooo", Ecpm.CPC, .125);
String[] usa = new String[]{"USA"};
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
targetAds(conn, usa, CONTENT);
Pair<Long,String> result = targetAds(conn, usa, CONTENT);
long targetId = result.getValue0();
String adId = result.getValue1();
assert "1".equals(result.getValue1());
result = targetAds(conn, new String[]{"VA"}, "wooooo");
assert "2".equals(result.getValue1());
Iterator<Tuple> range = conn.zrangeWithScores("idx:ad:value:", 0, -1).iterator();
assert new Tuple("2", 0.125).equals(;
assert new Tuple("1", 0.25).equals(;
range = conn.zrangeWithScores("ad:base_value:", 0, -1).iterator();
assert new Tuple("2", 0.125).equals(;
assert new Tuple("1", 0.25).equals(;
recordClick(conn, targetId, adId, false);
range = conn.zrangeWithScores("idx:ad:value:", 0, -1).iterator();
assert new Tuple("2", 0.125).equals(;
assert new Tuple("1", 2.5).equals(;
range = conn.zrangeWithScores("ad:base_value:", 0, -1).iterator();
assert new Tuple("2", 0.125).equals(;
assert new Tuple("1", 0.25).equals(;
public void testIsQualifiedForJob(Jedis conn) {
System.out.println("\n----- testIsQualifiedForJob -----");
addJob(conn, "test", "q1", "q2", "q3");
assert isQualified(conn, "test", "q1", "q3", "q2");
assert !isQualified(conn, "test", "q1", "q2");
public void testIndexAndFindJobs(Jedis conn) {
System.out.println("\n----- testIndexAndFindJobs -----");
indexJob(conn, "test1", "q1", "q2", "q3");
indexJob(conn, "test2", "q1", "q3", "q4");
indexJob(conn, "test3", "q1", "q3", "q5");
assert findJobs(conn, "q1").size() == 0;
Iterator<String> result = findJobs(conn, "q1", "q3", "q4").iterator();
assert "test2".equals(;
result = findJobs(conn, "q1", "q3", "q5").iterator();
assert "test3".equals(;
result = findJobs(conn, "q1", "q2", "q3", "q4", "q5").iterator();
assert "test1".equals(;
assert "test2".equals(;
assert "test3".equals(;
public Set<String> tokenize(String content) {
Set<String> words = new HashSet<String>();
Matcher matcher = WORDS_RE.matcher(content);
while (matcher.find()){
String word =;
if (word.length() > 2 && !STOP_WORDS.contains(word)){
return words;
public int indexDocument(Jedis conn, String docid, String content) {
Set<String> words = tokenize(content);
Transaction trans = conn.multi();
for (String word : words) {
trans.sadd("idx:" + word, docid);
return trans.exec().size();
private String setCommon(
Transaction trans, String method, int ttl, String... items)
String[] keys = new String[items.length];
for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++){
keys[i] = "idx:" + items[i];
String id = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
.getDeclaredMethod(method, String.class, String[].class)
.invoke(trans, "idx:" + id, keys);
}catch(Exception e){
throw new RuntimeException(e);
trans.expire("idx:" + id, ttl);
return id;
public String intersect(Transaction trans, int ttl, String... items) {
return setCommon(trans, "sinterstore", ttl, items);
public String union(Transaction trans, int ttl, String... items) {
return setCommon(trans, "sunionstore", ttl, items);
public String difference(Transaction trans, int ttl, String... items) {
return setCommon(trans, "sdiffstore", ttl, items);
private String zsetCommon(
Transaction trans, String method, int ttl, ZParams params, String... sets)
String[] keys = new String[sets.length];
for (int i = 0; i < sets.length; i++) {
keys[i] = "idx:" + sets[i];
String id = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
.getDeclaredMethod(method, String.class, ZParams.class, String[].class)
.invoke(trans, "idx:" + id, params, keys);
}catch(Exception e){
throw new RuntimeException(e);
trans.expire("idx:" + id, ttl);
return id;
public String zintersect(
Transaction trans, int ttl, ZParams params, String... sets)
return zsetCommon(trans, "zinterstore", ttl, params, sets);
public String zunion(
Transaction trans, int ttl, ZParams params, String... sets)
return zsetCommon(trans, "zunionstore", ttl, params, sets);
public Query parse(String queryString) {
Query query = new Query();
Set<String> current = new HashSet<String>();
Matcher matcher = QUERY_RE.matcher(queryString.toLowerCase());
while (matcher.find()){
String word =;
char prefix = word.charAt(0);
if (prefix == '+' || prefix == '-') {
word = word.substring(1);
if (word.length() < 2 || STOP_WORDS.contains(word)) {
if (prefix == '-') {
if (!current.isEmpty() && prefix != '+') {
query.all.add(new ArrayList<String>(current));
if (!current.isEmpty()){
query.all.add(new ArrayList<String>(current));
return query;
public String parseAndSearch(Jedis conn, String queryString, int ttl) {
Query query = parse(queryString);
if (query.all.isEmpty()){
return null;
List<String> toIntersect = new ArrayList<String>();
for (List<String> syn : query.all) {
if (syn.size() > 1) {
Transaction trans = conn.multi();
toIntersect.add(union(trans, ttl, syn.toArray(new String[syn.size()])));
String intersectResult = null;
if (toIntersect.size() > 1) {
Transaction trans = conn.multi();
intersectResult = intersect(
trans, ttl, toIntersect.toArray(new String[toIntersect.size()]));
intersectResult = toIntersect.get(0);
if (!query.unwanted.isEmpty()) {
String[] keys = query.unwanted
.toArray(new String[query.unwanted.size() + 1]);
keys[keys.length - 1] = intersectResult;
Transaction trans = conn.multi();
intersectResult = difference(trans, ttl, keys);
return intersectResult;
public SearchResult searchAndSort(Jedis conn, String queryString, String sort)
boolean desc = sort.startsWith("-");
if (desc){
sort = sort.substring(1);
boolean alpha = !"updated".equals(sort) && !"id".equals(sort);
String by = "kb:doc:*->" + sort;
String id = parseAndSearch(conn, queryString, 300);
Transaction trans = conn.multi();
trans.scard("idx:" + id);
SortingParams params = new SortingParams();
if (desc) {
if (alpha){
params.limit(0, 20);
trans.sort("idx:" + id, params);
List<Object> results = trans.exec();
return new SearchResult(
public SearchResult searchAndZsort(
Jedis conn, String queryString, boolean desc, Map<String,Integer> weights)
int ttl = 300;
int start = 0;
int num = 20;
String id = parseAndSearch(conn, queryString, ttl);
int updateWeight = weights.containsKey("update") ? weights.get("update") : 1;
int voteWeight = weights.containsKey("vote") ? weights.get("vote") : 0;
String[] keys = new String[]{id, "sort:update", "sort:votes"};
Transaction trans = conn.multi();
id = zintersect(
trans, ttl, new ZParams().weights(0, updateWeight, voteWeight), keys);
trans.zcard("idx:" + id);
if (desc) {
trans.zrevrange("idx:" + id, start, start + num - 1);
trans.zrange("idx:" + id, start, start + num - 1);
List<Object> results = trans.exec();
return new SearchResult(
((Long)results.get(results.size() - 2)).longValue(),
// Note: it's a LinkedHashSet, so it's ordered
new ArrayList<String>((Set<String>)results.get(results.size() - 1)));
public long stringToScore(String string) {
return stringToScore(string, false);
public long stringToScore(String string, boolean ignoreCase) {
if (ignoreCase){
string = string.toLowerCase();
List<Integer> pieces = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(string.length(), 6); i++) {
while (pieces.size() < 6){
long score = 0;
for (int piece : pieces) {
score = score * 257 + piece + 1;
return score * 2 + (string.length() > 6 ? 1 : 0);
public long stringToScoreGeneric(String string, Map<Integer,Integer> mapping) {
int length = (int)(52 / (Math.log(mapping.size()) / Math.log(2)));
List<Integer> pieces = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(string.length(), length); i++) {
while (pieces.size() < 6){
long score = 0;
for (int piece : pieces) {
int value = mapping.get(piece);
score = score * mapping.size() + value + 1;
return score * 2 + (string.length() > 6 ? 1 : 0);
public long zaddString(Jedis conn, String name, Map<String,String> values) {
Map<Double,String> pieces = new HashMap<Double,String>(values.size());
for (Map.Entry<String,String> entry : values.entrySet()) {
pieces.put((double)stringToScore(entry.getValue()), entry.getKey());
return conn.zadd(name, pieces);
private Map<Ecpm,Double> AVERAGE_PER_1K = new HashMap<Ecpm,Double>();
public void indexAd(
Jedis conn, String id, String[] locations,
String content, Ecpm type, double value)
Transaction trans = conn.multi();
for (String location : locations) {
trans.sadd("idx:req:" + location, id);
Set<String> words = tokenize(content);
for (String word : tokenize(content)) {
trans.zadd("idx:" + word, 0, id);
double avg = AVERAGE_PER_1K.containsKey(type) ? AVERAGE_PER_1K.get(type) : 1;
double rvalue = toEcpm(type, 1000, avg, value);
trans.hset("type:", id,;
trans.zadd("idx:ad:value:", rvalue, id);
trans.zadd("ad:base_value:", value, id);
for (String word : words){
trans.sadd("terms:" + id, word);
public double toEcpm(Ecpm type, double views, double avg, double value) {
case CPC:
case CPA:
return 1000. * value * avg / views;
case CPM:
return value;
return value;
public Pair<Long,String> targetAds(
Jedis conn, String[] locations, String content)
Transaction trans = conn.multi();
String matchedAds = matchLocation(trans, locations);
String baseEcpm = zintersect(
trans, 30, new ZParams().weights(0, 1), matchedAds, "ad:value:");
Pair<Set<String>,String> result = finishScoring(
trans, matchedAds, baseEcpm, content);
trans.zrevrange("idx:" + result.getValue1(), 0, 0);
List<Object> response = trans.exec();
long targetId = (Long)response.get(response.size() - 2);
Set<String> targetedAds = (Set<String>)response.get(response.size() - 1);
if (targetedAds.size() == 0){
return new Pair<Long,String>(null, null);
String adId = targetedAds.iterator().next();
recordTargetingResult(conn, targetId, adId, result.getValue0());
return new Pair<Long,String>(targetId, adId);
public String matchLocation(Transaction trans, String[] locations) {
String[] required = new String[locations.length];
for(int i = 0; i < locations.length; i++){
required[i] = "req:" + locations[i];
return union(trans, 300, required);
public Pair<Set<String>,String> finishScoring(
Transaction trans, String matched, String base, String content)
Map<String,Integer> bonusEcpm = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
Set<String> words = tokenize(content);
for (String word : words){
String wordBonus = zintersect(
trans, 30, new ZParams().weights(0, 1), matched, word);
bonusEcpm.put(wordBonus, 1);
if (bonusEcpm.size() > 0){
String[] keys = new String[bonusEcpm.size()];
int[] weights = new int[bonusEcpm.size()];
int index = 0;
for (Map.Entry<String,Integer> bonus : bonusEcpm.entrySet()){
keys[index] = bonus.getKey();
weights[index] = bonus.getValue();
ZParams minParams = new ZParams().aggregate(ZParams.Aggregate.MIN).weights(weights);
String minimum = zunion(trans, 30, minParams, keys);
ZParams maxParams = new ZParams().aggregate(ZParams.Aggregate.MAX).weights(weights);
String maximum = zunion(trans, 30, maxParams, keys);
String result = zunion(
trans, 30, new ZParams().weights(2, 1, 1), base, minimum, maximum);
return new Pair<Set<String>,String>(words, result);
return new Pair<Set<String>,String>(words, base);
public void recordTargetingResult(
Jedis conn, long targetId, String adId, Set<String> words)
Set<String> terms = conn.smembers("terms:" + adId);
String type = conn.hget("type:", adId);
Transaction trans = conn.multi();
if (terms.size() > 0) {
String matchedKey = "terms:matched:" + targetId;
for (String term : terms) {
trans.sadd(matchedKey, term);
trans.expire(matchedKey, 900);
trans.incr("type:" + type + ":views:");
for (String term : terms) {
trans.zincrby("views:" + adId, 1, term);
trans.zincrby("views:" + adId, 1, "");
List<Object> response = trans.exec();
double views = (Double)response.get(response.size() - 1);
if ((views % 100) == 0){
updateCpms(conn, adId);
public void updateCpms(Jedis conn, String adId) {
Transaction trans = conn.multi();
trans.hget("type:", adId);
trans.zscore("ad:base_value:", adId);
trans.smembers("terms:" + adId);
List<Object> response = trans.exec();
String type = (String)response.get(0);
Double baseValue = (Double)response.get(1);
Set<String> words = (Set<String>)response.get(2);
String which = "clicks";
Ecpm ecpm = Enum.valueOf(Ecpm.class, type.toUpperCase());
if (Ecpm.CPA.equals(ecpm)) {
which = "actions";
trans = conn.multi();
trans.get("type:" + type + ":views:");
trans.get("type:" + type + ':' + which);
response = trans.exec();
String typeViews = (String)response.get(0);
String typeClicks = (String)response.get(1);
1000. *
Integer.valueOf(typeClicks != null ? typeClicks : "1") /
Integer.valueOf(typeViews != null ? typeViews : "1"));
if (Ecpm.CPM.equals(ecpm)) {
String viewKey = "views:" + adId;
String clickKey = which + ':' + adId;
trans = conn.multi();
trans.zscore(viewKey, "");
trans.zscore(clickKey, "");
response = trans.exec();
Double adViews = (Double)response.get(0);
Double adClicks = (Double)response.get(1);
double adEcpm = 0;
if (adClicks == null || adClicks < 1){
Double score = conn.zscore("idx:ad:value:", adId);
adEcpm = score != null ? score.doubleValue() : 0;
adEcpm = toEcpm(
adViews != null ? adViews.doubleValue() : 1,
adClicks != null ? adClicks.doubleValue() : 0,
conn.zadd("idx:ad:value:", adEcpm, adId);
for (String word : words) {
trans = conn.multi();
trans.zscore(viewKey, word);
trans.zscore(clickKey, word);
response = trans.exec();
Double views = (Double)response.get(0);
Double clicks = (Double)response.get(1);
if (clicks == null || clicks < 1){
double wordEcpm = toEcpm(
views != null ? views.doubleValue() : 1,
clicks != null ? clicks.doubleValue() : 0,
double bonus = wordEcpm - adEcpm;
conn.zadd("idx:" + word, bonus, adId);
public void recordClick(Jedis conn, long targetId, String adId, boolean action) {
String type = conn.hget("type:", adId);
Ecpm ecpm = Enum.valueOf(Ecpm.class, type.toUpperCase());
String clickKey = "clicks:" + adId;
String matchKey = "terms:matched:" + targetId;
Set<String> matched = conn.smembers(matchKey);
Transaction trans = conn.multi();
if (Ecpm.CPA.equals(ecpm)) {
trans.expire(matchKey, 900);
if (action) {
clickKey = "actions:" + adId;
if (action && Ecpm.CPA.equals(ecpm)) {
trans.incr("type:" + type + ":actions:");
trans.incr("type:" + type + ":clicks:");
for (String word : matched) {
trans.zincrby(clickKey, 1, word);
updateCpms(conn, adId);
public void addJob(Jedis conn, String jobId, String... requiredSkills) {
conn.sadd("job:" + jobId, requiredSkills);
public boolean isQualified(Jedis conn, String jobId, String... candidateSkills) {
String temp = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
Transaction trans = conn.multi();
for(String skill : candidateSkills) {
trans.sadd(temp, skill);
trans.expire(temp, 5);
trans.sdiff("job:" + jobId, temp);
List<Object> response = trans.exec();
Set<String> diff = (Set<String>)response.get(response.size() - 1);
return diff.size() == 0;
public void indexJob(Jedis conn, String jobId, String... skills) {
Transaction trans = conn.multi();
Set<String> unique = new HashSet<String>();
for (String skill : skills) {
trans.sadd("idx:skill:" + skill, jobId);
trans.zadd("idx:jobs:req", unique.size(), jobId);
public Set<String> findJobs(Jedis conn, String... candidateSkills) {
String[] keys = new String[candidateSkills.length];
int[] weights = new int[candidateSkills.length];
for (int i = 0; i < candidateSkills.length; i++) {
keys[i] = "skill:" + candidateSkills[i];
weights[i] = 1;
Transaction trans = conn.multi();
String jobScores = zunion(
trans, 30, new ZParams().weights(weights), keys);
String finalResult = zintersect(
trans, 30, new ZParams().weights(-1, 1), jobScores, "jobs:req");
return conn.zrangeByScore("idx:" + finalResult, 0, 0);
public class Query {
public final List<List<String>> all = new ArrayList<List<String>>();
public final Set<String> unwanted = new HashSet<String>();
public class SearchResult {
public final String id;
public final long total;
public final List<String> results;
public SearchResult(String id, long total, List<String> results) { = id; = total;
this.results = results;
public class WordScore
implements Comparable<WordScore>
public final String word;
public final long score;
public WordScore(String word, long score) {
this.word = word;
this.score = score;
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (!(other instanceof WordScore)){
return false;
WordScore t2 = (WordScore)other;
return this.word.equals(t2.word) && this.score == t2.score;
public int compareTo(WordScore other) {
if (this.word.equals(other.word)) {
long diff = this.score - other.score;
return diff < 0 ? -1 : diff > 0 ? 1 : 0;
return this.word.compareTo(other.word);
public String toString(){
return word + '=' + score;
public enum Ecpm {