* Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Red Hat, Inc.
* Distributed under license by Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
* This program is made available under the terms of the
* Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
* and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* Red Hat, Inc. - initial API and implementation
package com.openshift.internal.client;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import com.openshift.client.IDomain;
import com.openshift.client.IOpenShiftConnection;
import com.openshift.client.IOpenShiftSSHKey;
import com.openshift.client.ISSHPublicKey;
import com.openshift.client.IUser;
import com.openshift.client.OpenShiftException;
import com.openshift.client.OpenShiftSSHKeyException;
import com.openshift.client.OpenShiftUnknonwSSHKeyTypeException;
import com.openshift.client.SSHKeyType;
import com.openshift.client.IAuthorization;
import com.openshift.internal.client.httpclient.request.StringParameter;
import com.openshift.internal.client.response.KeyResourceDTO;
import com.openshift.internal.client.response.UserResourceDTO;
import com.openshift.internal.client.utils.Assert;
import com.openshift.internal.client.utils.CollectionUtils;
import com.openshift.internal.client.utils.IOpenShiftJsonConstants;
* @author André Dietisheim
* @author Sean Kavanagh
public class UserResource extends AbstractOpenShiftResource implements IUser {
private final APIResource api;
private final String id;
private final String rhLogin;
private final String password;
private final int maxGears;
private final int consumedGears;
private Map<String, SSHKeyResource> sshKeys;
public UserResource(final APIResource api, final UserResourceDTO dto, final String password) {
super(api.getService(), dto.getLinks(), dto.getMessages());
this.api = api;
this.id = dto.getId();
this.rhLogin = dto.getRhLogin();
this.maxGears = dto.getMaxGears();
this.consumedGears = dto.getConsumedGears();
this.password = password;
public IOpenShiftConnection getConnection() {
return api;
public String getId() {
return id;
public String getRhlogin() {
return rhLogin;
public String getPassword() {
return password;
public String getServer() {
return api.getServer();
public int getMaxGears() {
return maxGears;
public int getConsumedGears() {
return consumedGears;
public IDomain createDomain(String id) throws OpenShiftException {
return api.createDomain(id);
public List<IDomain> getDomains() throws OpenShiftException {
List<IDomain> domains = api.getDomains();
return domains;
public IDomain getDefaultDomain() throws OpenShiftException {
return api.getDefaultDomain();
public IDomain getDomain(String id) throws OpenShiftException {
return api.getDomain(id);
public boolean hasDomain() throws OpenShiftException {
return (api.getDomains().size() > 0);
public boolean hasDomain(String id) throws OpenShiftException {
return api.getDomain(id) != null;
public IAuthorization createAuthorization(String note, String scopes) throws OpenShiftException {
return api.createAuthorization(note, scopes);
public IAuthorization createAuthorization(String note, String scopes, int expiresIn) throws OpenShiftException {
return api.createAuthorization(note, scopes, expiresIn);
public IAuthorization getAuthorization() throws OpenShiftException {
return api.getAuthorization();
public IAuthorization getAuthorization(String id) throws OpenShiftException {
return api.getAuthorization(id);
public Collection<IAuthorization> getAuthorizations() throws OpenShiftException {
return api.getAuthorizations();
public boolean removeAuthorization(String id) {
IAuthorization auth = getAuthorization(id);
if (auth == null) {
return false;
//sets authorization list to null so next get/create will reload
return true;
public void refresh() throws OpenShiftException {
this.sshKeys = loadKeys();
DomainResource defaultDomain = (DomainResource) getDefaultDomain();
if (defaultDomain != null) {
public List<IOpenShiftSSHKey> getSSHKeys() throws OpenShiftUnknonwSSHKeyTypeException,
OpenShiftException {
Map<String, IOpenShiftSSHKey> keys = new HashMap<String, IOpenShiftSSHKey>();
return CollectionUtils.toUnmodifiableCopy(keys.values());
private Map<String, SSHKeyResource> getCachedOrLoadSSHKeys() throws OpenShiftException,
OpenShiftUnknonwSSHKeyTypeException {
if (sshKeys == null) {
this.sshKeys = loadKeys();
return sshKeys;
private Map<String, SSHKeyResource> loadKeys() throws OpenShiftException,
OpenShiftUnknonwSSHKeyTypeException {
Map<String, SSHKeyResource> keys = new HashMap<String, SSHKeyResource>();
List<KeyResourceDTO> keyDTOs = new GetSShKeysRequest().execute();
for (KeyResourceDTO keyDTO : keyDTOs) {
keys.put(keyDTO.getName(), new SSHKeyResource(keyDTO, this));
return keys;
public boolean removeSSHKey(String name) {
IOpenShiftSSHKey key = getSSHKeyByName(name);
if (key == null) {
return false;
return true;
public void deleteKey(String name) {
public IOpenShiftSSHKey getSSHKeyByName(String name)
throws OpenShiftUnknonwSSHKeyTypeException, OpenShiftException {
return getCachedOrLoadSSHKeys().get(name);
public IOpenShiftSSHKey getSSHKeyByPublicKey(String publicKey)
throws OpenShiftUnknonwSSHKeyTypeException, OpenShiftException {
IOpenShiftSSHKey matchingKey = null;
if (publicKey == null) {
return null;
for (SSHKeyResource key : getCachedOrLoadSSHKeys().values()) {
if (publicKey.equals(key.getPublicKey())) {
matchingKey = key;
return matchingKey;
public boolean hasSSHKeyName(String name) throws OpenShiftUnknonwSSHKeyTypeException,
OpenShiftException {
return getSSHKeyByName(name) != null;
public boolean hasSSHPublicKey(String publicKey)
throws OpenShiftUnknonwSSHKeyTypeException, OpenShiftException {
return getSSHKeyByPublicKey(publicKey) != null;
public IOpenShiftSSHKey putSSHKey(String name, ISSHPublicKey key) throws OpenShiftException {
KeyResourceDTO keyDTO = new AddSShKeyRequest().execute(key.getKeyType(), name, key.getPublicKey());
return put(keyDTO);
public IOpenShiftSSHKey addSSHKey(String name, ISSHPublicKey key) throws OpenShiftException {
if (hasSSHKeyName(name)) {
throw new OpenShiftSSHKeyException(
"Could not add new key {0} with the name {1}. There already is a key for this name, key names must be unique.",
key.getPublicKey(), name);
if (hasSSHPublicKey(name)) {
throw new OpenShiftSSHKeyException(
"Could not add new key {0} with the name {1}. The key is already stored with a different name. Public key have to be unique.",
key.getPublicKey(), name);
KeyResourceDTO keyDTO = new AddSShKeyRequest().execute(key.getKeyType(), name, key.getPublicKey());
return put(keyDTO);
private SSHKeyResource put(KeyResourceDTO keyDTO) throws OpenShiftUnknonwSSHKeyTypeException {
SSHKeyResource sshKey = new SSHKeyResource(keyDTO, this);
getCachedOrLoadSSHKeys().put(keyDTO.getName(), sshKey);
return sshKey;
protected void removeSSHKey(SSHKeyResource key) {
private class GetSShKeysRequest extends ServiceRequest {
private GetSShKeysRequest() throws OpenShiftException {
protected List<KeyResourceDTO> execute() throws OpenShiftException {
return super.execute();
private class AddSShKeyRequest extends ServiceRequest {
private AddSShKeyRequest() throws OpenShiftException {
protected KeyResourceDTO execute(SSHKeyType type, String name, String content) throws OpenShiftException {
return super.execute(
new StringParameter(IOpenShiftJsonConstants.PROPERTY_TYPE, type.getTypeId()),
new StringParameter(IOpenShiftJsonConstants.PROPERTY_NAME, name),
new StringParameter(IOpenShiftJsonConstants.PROPERTY_CONTENT, content));
public String toString() {
return "UserResource ["
+ "rhLogin=" + rhLogin
+ "]";