* Copyright Red Hat Inc. and/or its affiliates and other contributors
* as indicated by the authors tag. All rights reserved.
* This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
* modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
* of the GNU General Public License version 2.
* This particular file is subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided in the
* LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT A
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License,
* along with this distribution; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
* MA 02110-1301, USA.
package com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.java.codegen;
import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.Flags.FINAL;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Set;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.java.codegen.Naming.CName;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.java.codegen.Naming.Substitution;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.java.codegen.Naming.Suffix;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.java.codegen.Naming.SyntheticName;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.java.codegen.Naming.Unfix;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.java.codegen.recovery.HasErrorException;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.model.ClassOrInterface;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.model.ConditionScope;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.model.ControlBlock;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.model.Declaration;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.model.IntersectionType;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.model.Package;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.model.Parameter;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.model.ProducedType;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.model.Scope;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.model.TypeAlias;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.model.TypeDeclaration;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.model.TypedDeclaration;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.model.UnionType;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.model.Util;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.model.Value;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.Node;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.Tree;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.Tree.CaseClause;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.Tree.Expression;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.Tree.SpecifierOrInitializerExpression;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.Tree.SwitchStatement;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.Visitor;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Flags;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Type;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.TypeTags;
import com.sun.tools.javac.main.OptionName;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCAnnotation;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCAssign;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCBinary;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCBlock;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCBreak;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCCase;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCCatch;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCConditional;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCExpression;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCExpressionStatement;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCForLoop;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCIdent;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCIf;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCMethodInvocation;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCStatement;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCThrow;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCTry;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCVariableDecl;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Context;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.DiagnosticSource;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.List;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.ListBuffer;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Log;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Name;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Options;
* This transformer deals with statements only
public class StatementTransformer extends AbstractTransformer {
// Used to hold the name of the variable associated with the fail-block if the innermost for-loop
// Is null if we're currently in a while-loop or not in any loop at all
private Name currentForFailVariable = null;
* If false generating plain {@code return;} statements is OK.
* If true then generate {@code return null;} statements instead of
* expressionless {@code return;}.
boolean noExpressionlessReturn = false;
private final Set<Optimization> disabledOptimizations;
public static StatementTransformer getInstance(Context context) {
StatementTransformer trans = context.get(StatementTransformer.class);
if (trans == null) {
trans = new StatementTransformer(context);
context.put(StatementTransformer.class, trans);
return trans;
private StatementTransformer(Context context) {
Options options = context.get(Options.optionsKey);
if (options.isSet(OptionName.CEYLONDISABLEOPT)) {
disabledOptimizations = EnumSet.allOf(Optimization.class);
} else if (options.isSet(OptionName.CEYLONDISABLEOPT_CUSTOM)) {
disabledOptimizations = new HashSet<Optimization>();
for (String name : options.get(OptionName.CEYLONDISABLEOPT_CUSTOM).split(",")) {
} else {
disabledOptimizations = EnumSet.noneOf(Optimization.class);
public JCBlock transform(Tree.Block block) {
return block == null ? null : at(block).Block(0, transformBlock(block));
public List<JCStatement> transformBlock(Tree.Block block) {
if (block == null) {
return List.<JCStatement>nil();
CeylonVisitor v = gen().visitor;
final ListBuffer<JCTree> prevDefs = v.defs;
final boolean prevInInitializer = v.inInitializer;
final ClassDefinitionBuilder prevClassBuilder = v.classBuilder;
List<JCStatement> result;
try {
v.defs = new ListBuffer<JCTree>();
v.inInitializer = false;
v.classBuilder = current();
for (Tree.Statement stmt : block.getStatements()) {
HasErrorException error = errors().getFirstErrorBlock(stmt);
if (error == null) {
} else {
result = (List<JCStatement>)v.getResult().toList();
} finally {
v.classBuilder = prevClassBuilder;
v.inInitializer = prevInInitializer;
v.defs = prevDefs;
// Close Substitutions which were scoped to this block
Scope scope = block.getScope();
while (scope instanceof ConditionScope) {
scope = scope.getScope();
return result;
* Helper for constructing {@code throw AssertionException()} statements
* @author tom
class AssertionExceptionMessageBuilder {
private JCExpression expr;
private JCExpression cat(JCExpression str1, JCExpression str2) {
if (str2 == null) {
return str1;
return make().Binary(JCTree.PLUS, str1, str2);
private JCExpression cat(JCExpression strExpr, String literal) {
return cat(strExpr, make().Literal(literal));
private JCExpression newline() {
return make().Apply(null,
makeQualIdent(makeIdent(syms().systemType), "lineSeparator"),
public AssertionExceptionMessageBuilder(JCExpression expr) {
this.expr = expr;
public AssertionExceptionMessageBuilder prependAssertionDoc(Tree.Assertion ass) {
return prependAssertionDoc(getDocAnnotationText(ass));
public AssertionExceptionMessageBuilder prependAssertionDoc(String docText) {
JCExpression p = make().Literal("Assertion failed");
if (docText != null) {
p = cat(p, ": " + docText);
this.expr = cat(p, expr);
return this;
private AssertionExceptionMessageBuilder appendCondition(String state, String sourceCode) {
JCExpression m = cat(newline(), make().Literal("\t" + state+ " "));
if (expr != null) {
expr = cat(expr, m);
} else {
expr = m;
expr = cat(expr, make().Literal(sourceCode));
return this;
public AssertionExceptionMessageBuilder appendViolatedCondition(String sourceCode) {
return appendCondition("violated", sourceCode);
public AssertionExceptionMessageBuilder appendViolatedCondition(Tree.Condition condition) {
return appendViolatedCondition(getSourceCode(condition));
public AssertionExceptionMessageBuilder appendUnviolatedCondition(Tree.Condition condition) {
return appendCondition("unviolated", getSourceCode(condition));
public AssertionExceptionMessageBuilder appendUntestedCondition(Tree.Condition condition) {
return appendCondition("untested", getSourceCode(condition));
public JCExpression build() {
return expr;
abstract class CondList {
protected final Tree.Block thenPart;
protected final java.util.List<Tree.Condition> conditions;
public CondList(java.util.List<Tree.Condition> conditions, Tree.Block thenPart) {
this.conditions = conditions;
this.thenPart = thenPart;
protected List<JCStatement> transformList(java.util.List<Tree.Condition> conditions) {
Tree.Condition condition = conditions.get(0);
if (conditions.size() == 1) {
return transformInnermost(condition);
} else {
return transformIntermediate(condition, conditions.subList(1, conditions.size()));
protected abstract List<JCStatement> transformInnermost(Tree.Condition condition);
protected List<JCStatement> transformIntermediate(Tree.Condition condition, java.util.List<Tree.Condition> rest) {
return transformList(rest);
public abstract List<JCStatement> getResult();
abstract class BlockCondList extends CondList {
public BlockCondList(java.util.List<Tree.Condition> conditions,
Tree.Block thenPart) {
super(conditions, thenPart);
protected final List<JCStatement> transformInnermost(Tree.Condition condition) {
Cond transformedCond = transformCondition(condition, thenPart);
// Note: The innermost test happens outside the substitution scope
JCExpression test = transformedCond.makeTest();
java.util.List<Tree.Condition> rest = Collections.<Tree.Condition>emptyList();
JCStatement elseBlock = transformInnermostElse(transformedCond, rest);
Substitution subs = getSubstitution(transformedCond);
List<JCStatement> stmts = transformCommonResultDecl(transformedCond, List.<JCStatement>nil());
stmts = stmts.appendList(transformInnermostThen(transformedCond));
stmts = transformCommon(transformedCond, rest, test,
stmts, elseBlock);
if (subs != null) {
return stmts;
protected abstract List<JCStatement> transformInnermostThen(Cond transformedCond);
protected abstract JCStatement transformInnermostElse(Cond transformedCond, java.util.List<Tree.Condition> rest);
protected Substitution getSubstitution(Cond cond) {
Substitution subs;
if (cond.hasResultDecl()) {
subs = naming.substituteAlias(cond.getVariable().getDeclarationModel());
} else {
subs = null;
return subs;
protected List<JCStatement> transformIntermediate(Tree.Condition condition, java.util.List<Tree.Condition> rest) {
Cond intermediate = transformCondition(condition, null);
JCExpression test = intermediate.makeTest();
Substitution subs = getSubstitution(intermediate);
List<JCStatement> stmts = transformList(rest);
stmts = transformCommonResultDecl(intermediate, stmts);
JCStatement intermediateElse = transformIntermediateElse(intermediate, rest);
stmts = transformCommon(intermediate, rest, test,
stmts, intermediateElse);
if (subs != null) {
return stmts;
protected abstract JCStatement transformIntermediateElse(Cond transformedCond, java.util.List<Tree.Condition> rest);
protected abstract List<JCStatement> transformCommon(Cond transformedCond, java.util.List<Tree.Condition> rest, JCExpression test, List<JCStatement> stmts, JCStatement elseBlock);
protected abstract List<JCStatement> transformCommonResultDecl(Cond cond, List<JCStatement> stmts);
class IfCondList extends BlockCondList {
final ListBuffer<JCStatement> varDecls = ListBuffer.lb();
final SyntheticName ifVar = naming.temp("if");
private LinkedHashMap<Cond, CName> unassignedResultVars = new LinkedHashMap<Cond, CName>();
private JCBlock thenBlock;
private Tree.Block elsePart;
public IfCondList(java.util.List<Tree.Condition> conditions, Tree.Block thenPart,
Tree.Block elsePart) {
super(conditions, thenPart);
this.elsePart = elsePart;
* If the "if" statement has > 1 condition and an else block, then
* we need to use one set of nested "if"s to do the narrowing and
* determine whether the overall condition is satisfied, and a separate
* if/else block to actually hold the transformed blocks.
private boolean isDeferred() {
return conditions.size() > 1 && elsePart != null;
protected JCBreak transformIntermediateElse(Cond transformedCond, java.util.List<Tree.Condition> rest) {
return null;
protected List<JCStatement> transformInnermostThen(Cond transformedCond) {
List<JCStatement> stmts;
if (definitelyNotSatisfied(conditions)
&& !thenPart.getDefinitelyReturns()
&& (elsePart != null && elsePart.getDefinitelyReturns())) {
stmts = List.<JCStatement>of(makeFlowAppeaser(conditions.get(0)));
} else if (isDeferred()) {
stmts = List.<JCStatement>of(make().Exec(make().Assign(ifVar.makeIdent(), makeBoolean(true))));
thenBlock = makeThenBlock(transformedCond, thenPart, null);
} else {
stmts = makeThenBlock(transformedCond, thenPart, null).getStatements();
return stmts;
protected JCStatement transformInnermostElse(Cond transformedCond, java.util.List<Tree.Condition> rest) {
JCBlock elseBlock = null;
if (!isDeferred()) {
elseBlock = transform(this.elsePart);
return elseBlock;
protected List<JCStatement> transformCommon(Cond transformedCond,
java.util.List<Tree.Condition> rest, JCExpression test, List<JCStatement> stmts, JCStatement elseBlock) {
JCStatement testVarDecl = transformedCond.makeTestVarDecl(0, false);
if (testVarDecl != null) {
JCStatement elsePart;
if (isDeferred()) {
List<JCStatement> assignDefault = List.<JCStatement>nil();
for (Cond unassigned : unassignedResultVars.keySet()) {
assignDefault = assignDefault.append(
elsePart = assignDefault.isEmpty() ? null : make().Block(0, assignDefault);
} else {
elsePart = elseBlock;
stmts = List.<JCStatement>of(make().If(
make().Block(0, stmts),
return stmts;
protected List<JCStatement> transformCommonResultDecl(
Cond transformedCond, List<JCStatement> stmts) {
if (transformedCond.hasResultDecl()) {
JCVariableDecl resultVarDecl = make().VarDef(make().Modifiers(Flags.FINAL),
isDeferred() ? null : transformedCond.makeResultExpr());
if (isDeferred()) {
stmts = stmts.prepend(make().Exec(make().Assign(transformedCond.getVariableName().makeIdent(), transformedCond.makeResultExpr())));
} else {
stmts = stmts.prepend(resultVarDecl);
return stmts;
public List<JCStatement> getResult() {
List<JCStatement> stmts = transformList(conditions);
if (definitelySatisfied(conditions)
&& thenPart.getDefinitelyReturns()
&& (elsePart == null || !elsePart.getDefinitelyReturns())) {
stmts = stmts.append(makeFlowAppeaser(conditions.get(0)));
ListBuffer<JCStatement> result = ListBuffer.lb();
if (isDeferred()) {
result.append(makeVar(ifVar, make().Type(syms().booleanType), makeBoolean(false)));
if (isDeferred()) {
result.append(make().If(ifVar.makeIdent(), thenBlock, StatementTransformer.this.transform(elsePart)));
return result.toList();
private boolean definitelySatisfiedOrNot(java.util.List<Tree.Condition> conditions, boolean satisfied) {
if (conditions.size() != 1) {
return false;
Tree.Condition condition = conditions.get(0);
if (!(condition instanceof Tree.BooleanCondition)) {
return false;
Tree.Term term = ((Tree.BooleanCondition)condition).getExpression().getTerm();
if (!(term instanceof Tree.BaseMemberExpression)) {
return false;
Declaration declaration = ((Tree.BaseMemberExpression)term).getDeclaration();
return declaration instanceof Value
&& satisfied ? isBooleanTrue(declaration) : isBooleanFalse(declaration);
boolean definitelySatisfied(java.util.List<Tree.Condition> conditions) {
return definitelySatisfiedOrNot(conditions, true);
boolean definitelyNotSatisfied(java.util.List<Tree.Condition> conditions) {
return definitelySatisfiedOrNot(conditions, false);
* Sometimes we need something to appease javacs flow analysis.
JCStatement makeFlowAppeaser(Node node) {
return make().Throw(make().NewClass(null, List.<JCExpression>nil(),
List.<JCExpression>of(make().Literal("Ceylon flow error")),
List<JCStatement> transform(Tree.IfStatement stmt) {
Tree.Block thenPart = stmt.getIfClause().getBlock();
Tree.Block elsePart = stmt.getElseClause() != null ? stmt.getElseClause().getBlock() : null;
java.util.List<Tree.Condition> conditions = stmt.getIfClause().getConditionList().getConditions();
return new IfCondList(conditions, thenPart, elsePart).getResult();
private JCBlock makeThenBlock(Cond cond, Tree.Block thenPart, Substitution subs) {
List<JCStatement> blockStmts = statementGen().transformBlock(thenPart);
if (subs != null) {
// The variable holding the result for the code inside the code block
blockStmts = blockStmts.prepend(at(cond.getCondition()).VarDef(make().Modifiers(FINAL), names().fromString(subs.substituted),
cond.makeTypeExpr(), cond.makeResultExpr()));
JCBlock thenBlock = at(cond.getCondition()).Block(0, blockStmts);
return thenBlock;
List<JCStatement> transform(Tree.WhileStatement stmt) {
Name tempForFailVariable = currentForFailVariable;
currentForFailVariable = null;
final List<JCStatement> res;
res = new WhileCondList(stmt.getWhileClause()).getResult();
currentForFailVariable = tempForFailVariable;
return res;
class WhileCondList extends BlockCondList {
private final ListBuffer<JCStatement> varDecls = ListBuffer.lb();
private final Name label;
public WhileCondList(Tree.WhileClause whileClause) {
super(whileClause.getConditionList().getConditions(), whileClause.getBlock());
this.label = getLabel(whileClause.getControlBlock());
protected JCBreak transformIntermediateElse(Cond transformedCond, java.util.List<Tree.Condition> rest) {
return make().Break(label);
protected List<JCStatement> transformInnermostThen(Cond transformedCond) {
return makeThenBlock(transformedCond, thenPart, null).getStatements();
protected JCStatement transformInnermostElse(Cond transformedCond, java.util.List<Tree.Condition> rest) {
return make().Break(label);
protected List<JCStatement> transformCommon(Cond transformedCond,
java.util.List<Tree.Condition> rest, JCExpression test, List<JCStatement> stmts, JCStatement elseBlock) {
if (transformedCond.makeTestVarDecl(0, false) != null) {
varDecls.append(transformedCond.makeTestVarDecl(0, false));
JCStatement elsePart = elseBlock;
stmts = List.<JCStatement>of(make().If(
make().Block(0, stmts),
return stmts;
protected List<JCStatement> transformCommonResultDecl(
Cond transformedCond, List<JCStatement> stmts) {
if (transformedCond.hasResultDecl()) {
JCVariableDecl resultVarDecl = make().VarDef(make().Modifiers(Flags.FINAL),
stmts = stmts.prepend(resultVarDecl);
return stmts;
public List<JCStatement> getResult() {
List<JCStatement> stmts = transformList(conditions);
ListBuffer<JCStatement> loopStmts = ListBuffer.lb();
List<JCStatement> result = List.nil();
if (definitelySatisfied(conditions)) {
BreakVisitor v = new BreakVisitor();
if (!v.breaks) {
result = result.prepend(makeFlowAppeaser(conditions.get(0)));
result = result.prepend(
make().Labelled(label, make().WhileLoop(makeBoolean(true),
make().Block(0, loopStmts.toList()))));
return result;
class BreakVisitor extends Visitor {
private boolean breaks = false;
public void visit(Tree.WhileStatement stmt) {
// We're not interested in breaks in that loop
public void visit(Tree.ForStatement stmt) {
// We're not interested in breaks in that loop
public void visit(Tree.Declaration stmt) {
// We're not interested in breaks in loops within that declaration
public void visit(Tree.Break stmt) {
breaks = true;
List<JCStatement> transform(Tree.Assertion ass) {
return new AssertCondList(ass).getResult();
class AssertCondList extends BlockCondList {
private final Tree.Assertion ass;
private final ListBuffer<JCStatement> varDecls = ListBuffer.lb();
private final ListBuffer<JCStatement> fieldDecls = ListBuffer.lb();
private final SyntheticName messageSb = naming.temp("assert");
private LinkedHashMap<Cond, CName> unassignedResultVars = new LinkedHashMap<Cond, CName>();
public AssertCondList(Tree.Assertion ass) {
super(ass.getConditionList().getConditions(), null);
this.ass = ass;
/** Determines whether there's more than one Condition in the ConditionList */
private boolean isMulti() {
return this.conditions.size() > 1;
protected Substitution getSubstitution(Cond cond) {
Substitution subs = super.getSubstitution(cond);
if (subs == null) {
return subs;
Scope scope = cond.getVariable().getScope().getScope();
while (scope instanceof ConditionScope) {
scope = scope.getScope();
// make sure we get a variable name now, and that it doesn't change over time, because
// we will need this variable name in transformCommonResultDecl(), which declares it,
// and it runs after we process inner conditions, and if we are an assert, inner conditions
// may declare new substitutions, which do not close until the end of the outer scope,
// so if we use substitutions we will get substituted names, rather than the name we should
// be declaring. See https://github.com/ceylon/ceylon-compiler/issues/1532
return subs;
protected List<JCStatement> transformCommon(Cond cond,
java.util.List<Tree.Condition> rest,
JCExpression test, List<JCStatement> stmts, JCStatement elseBlock) {
if (isMulti()) {
List<JCStatement> elseStmts = ((JCBlock)elseBlock).getStatements();
for (Cond unassigned : unassignedResultVars.keySet()) {
elseStmts = elseStmts.prepend(
elseBlock = make().Block(0, elseStmts);
stmts = List.<JCStatement>of(make().If(
make().Block(0, stmts),
JCStatement testVarDecl = cond.makeTestVarDecl(0, true);
if (testVarDecl != null) {
stmts = stmts.prepend(testVarDecl);
return stmts;
protected List<JCStatement> transformCommonResultDecl(Cond cond,
List<JCStatement> stmts) {
if (cond.hasResultDecl()) {
JCVariableDecl resultVarDecl = make().VarDef(make().Modifiers(Flags.FINAL),
unassignedResultVars.put(cond, cond.getVariableName());
(Decl.getNonConditionScope(cond.getCondition().getScope()) instanceof ClassOrInterface
&& cond.getVariable().getDeclarationModel().isCaptured() ? fieldDecls : varDecls).append(resultVarDecl);
stmts = stmts.prepend(make().Exec(make().Assign(cond.getVariableName().makeIdent(), cond.makeResultExpr())));
return stmts;
public List<JCStatement> getResult() {
if (definitelyNotSatisfied(conditions)) {
return List.<JCTree.JCStatement>of(makeThrowAssertionFailure(conditions.get(0)));
List<JCStatement> stmts = transformList(conditions);
ListBuffer<JCStatement> result = ListBuffer.lb();
if (isMulti()) {
result.append(makeVar(messageSb, make().Type(syms().stringType), makeNull()));
JCExpression message = new AssertionExceptionMessageBuilder(
JCThrow throw_ = makeThrowAssertionException(message);
if (isMulti()) {
make().Binary(JCTree.NE, messageSb.makeIdent(), makeNull()),
throw_, null));
return result.toList();
private JCStatement transformCommonElse(Cond cond, java.util.List<Tree.Condition> rest) {
if (!isMulti()) {
return null;
AssertionExceptionMessageBuilder msg = new AssertionExceptionMessageBuilder(null);
boolean seen = false;
for (Tree.Condition condition : this.conditions) {
if (cond.getCondition() == condition) {
seen = true;
if (seen) {
} else {
return make().Block(0, List.<JCStatement>of(
make().Exec(make().Assign(messageSb.makeIdent(), msg.build()))));
protected List<JCStatement> transformInnermostThen(Cond cond) {
return List.nil();
protected JCStatement transformInnermostElse(Cond cond, java.util.List<Tree.Condition> rest) {
if (!isMulti()) {
Tree.Condition condition = cond.getCondition();
return makeThrowAssertionFailure(condition);
return transformCommonElse(cond, rest);
private JCStatement makeThrowAssertionFailure(Tree.Condition condition) {
AssertionExceptionMessageBuilder msg = new AssertionExceptionMessageBuilder(null);
return makeThrowAssertionException(msg.build());
protected JCStatement transformIntermediateElse(Cond cond, java.util.List<Tree.Condition> rest) {
return transformCommonElse(cond, rest);
interface Cond {
public Tree.Condition getCondition();
public Tree.Variable getVariable();
public CName getVariableName();
public boolean hasResultDecl();
public boolean hasAliasedVariable();
public JCExpression makeTypeExpr();
public JCExpression makeResultExpr();
public JCStatement makeTestVarDecl(int flags, boolean init);
public JCExpression makeTest();
abstract class SpecialFormCond<C extends Tree.Condition> implements Cond {
protected final C cond;
protected final ProducedType toType;
protected final Tree.Expression specifierExpr;
protected final Naming.SyntheticName testVar;
protected final Tree.Variable variable;
private CName variableName;
C cond,
ProducedType toType,
Tree.Expression specifierExpr,
Tree.Variable variable) {
this.cond = cond;
this.toType = toType;
this.specifierExpr = specifierExpr;
this.testVar = naming.alias(variable.getIdentifier().getText());
this.variable = variable;
public final C getCondition() {
return cond;
public final Tree.Variable getVariable() {
return variable;
public final CName getVariableName() {
// make sure once we get a variable it never changes name, because the whole code
// generation of Cond depends on being able to call this method multiple times and
// get the same result. See https://github.com/ceylon/ceylon-compiler/issues/1532
if(variableName == null)
variableName = naming.substituted(variable.getDeclarationModel()).capture();
return variableName;
public boolean hasResultDecl() {
return true;
public boolean hasAliasedVariable() {
return !(getVariable().getType() instanceof Tree.SyntheticVariable);
public final JCExpression makeTypeExpr() {
return makeJavaType(toType);
* Generates a default value for result variables.
* When transforming {@code if/else if} the variable holding the
* type-narrowed variable must be declared final so it can be captured
* but in the else blocks we don't have anything we can safely
* initialise it with in the model. So we generate default values
* here, which cannot actually be seen from the ceylon code.
* @return
protected JCExpression makeDefaultExpr() {
return makeDefaultExprForType(toType);
public JCStatement makeTestVarDecl(int flags, boolean init) {
// Temporary variable holding the result of the expression/variable to test
return make().VarDef(make().Modifiers(flags), testVar.asName(), makeResultType(), init ? makeNull() : null);
protected abstract JCExpression makeResultType();
class IsCond extends SpecialFormCond<Tree.IsCondition> {
/** Is this a negated is: {@code !is X} */
private final boolean negate;
private IsCond(Tree.IsCondition isdecl) {
// use the type of the variable, which is more precise than the type we test for
negate = isdecl.getNot();
public boolean hasResultDecl() {
return isErasedToObjectOptimization() || isNothingOptimization() ? false : super.hasResultDecl();
* We can optimize "is Nothing x" (but not "is Nothing y = x")
* because there can be no unboxing or typecasting of the result
private boolean isNothingOptimization() {
return toType.isExactly(typeFact().getNothingDeclaration().getType())
&& ! hasAliasedVariable();
* Optimization: if no typecast will be required, and there's no
* aliasing then we don't need to declare a test var, and the result var
* is simply the variable name.
private boolean isErasedToObjectOptimization() {
return !typecastRequired()
&& !hasAliasedVariable()
&& !canUnbox(this.specifierExpr.getTypeModel());
* Optimization: if the type of the expression and toType
* both erase to Object then we can avoid the typecast
private boolean typecastRequired() {
// TODO: In fact it should be possible to avoid declaring a test
// var this case, but it complicates the test when dealing with unions and intersections
return !willEraseToObject(toType);
public JCStatement makeTestVarDecl(int flags, boolean init) {
// We can optimize "is Nothing x" (but not "is Nothing y = x")
// because there can be no unboxing or typecasting of the result
return isErasedToObjectOptimization() || isNothingOptimization() ? null : super.makeTestVarDecl(flags, init);
public JCExpression makeTest() {
ProducedType expressionType;
if(cond.getVariable().getSpecifierExpression() != null)
expressionType = cond.getVariable().getSpecifierExpression().getExpression().getTypeModel();
expressionType = cond.getVariable().getDeclarationModel().getOriginalDeclaration().getType();
// make sure we do not insert null checks if we're going to allow testing for null
ProducedType specifierType = negate ?
expressionType : getOptionalTypeForInteropIfAllowed(cond.getType().getTypeModel(), expressionType, specifierExpr);
// no need to cast for erasure here
JCExpression expr = expressionGen().transformExpression(specifierExpr, BoxingStrategy.BOXED, specifierType);
// Assign the expression to test to the temporary variable
if (!isErasedToObjectOptimization() && !isNothingOptimization()) {
expr = make().Assign(testVar.makeIdent(), expr);
// Test on the tmpVar in the following condition
expr = makeOptimizedTypeTest(expr, isErasedToObjectOptimization() ? getVariableName() : testVar,
// only test the types we're testing for, not the type of
// the variable (which can be more precise)
cond.getType().getTypeModel(), expressionType);
if (negate) {
expr = make().Unary(JCTree.NOT, expr);
return expr;
protected JCExpression makeResultType() {
return make().Type(syms().objectType);
public JCExpression makeResultExpr() {
JCExpression expr = testVar.makeIdent();
if (typecastRequired()) {
// Want raw type for instanceof since it can't be used with generic types
JCExpression rawToTypeExpr = makeJavaType(toType, JT_NO_PRIMITIVES | JT_RAW);
// Substitute variable with the correct type to use in the rest of the code block
expr = at(cond).TypeCast(rawToTypeExpr, expr);
if (canUnbox(toType)) {
expr = unboxType(expr, toType);
return expr;
class ExistsCond extends SpecialFormCond<Tree.ExistsCondition> {
private ExistsCond(Tree.ExistsCondition exists) {
public JCExpression makeResultExpr() {
Value decl = this.cond.getVariable().getDeclarationModel();
ProducedType exprType = this.specifierExpr.getTypeModel();
if (isOptional(exprType)) {
exprType = typeFact().getDefiniteType(exprType);
return expressionGen().applyErasureAndBoxing(testVar.makeIdent(),
exprType, willEraseToObject(decl.getType()), true,
decl.getType(), 0);
protected JCExpression makeResultType() {
ProducedType tmpVarType = specifierExpr.getTypeModel();
return makeJavaType(tmpVarType, JT_NO_PRIMITIVES);
public JCExpression makeTest() {
// for the purpose of checking if something is null, we need it boxed and optional, otherwise
// for some Java calls if we consider it non-optional we will get an unwanted null check
ProducedType specifierType = this.specifierExpr.getTypeModel();
specifierType = typeFact().getOptionalType(specifierType);
JCExpression expr = expressionGen().transformExpression(specifierExpr, BoxingStrategy.BOXED, specifierType);
// Assign the expression to test to the temporary variable
JCExpression firstTimeTestExpr = make().Assign(testVar.makeIdent(), expr);
// Test on the tmpVar in the following condition
return make().Binary(JCTree.NE, firstTimeTestExpr, makeNull());
class NonemptyCond extends SpecialFormCond<Tree.NonemptyCondition> {
private NonemptyCond(Tree.NonemptyCondition nonempty) {
protected JCExpression makeDefaultExpr() {
return makeNull();
public JCExpression makeResultExpr() {
Value decl = this.cond.getVariable().getDeclarationModel();
return expressionGen().applyErasureAndBoxing(testVar.makeIdent(),
typeFact().getDefiniteType(this.specifierExpr.getTypeModel()), false, true,
protected JCExpression makeResultType() {
ProducedType tmpVarType = specifierExpr.getTypeModel();
return makeJavaType(tmpVarType, JT_NO_PRIMITIVES);
public JCExpression makeTest() {
// no need to cast for erasure here
JCExpression expr = expressionGen().transformExpression(specifierExpr);
// Assign the expression to test to the temporary variable
JCExpression firstTimeTestExpr = make().Assign(testVar.makeIdent(), expr);
// Test on the tmpVar in the following condition
return makeNonEmptyTest(firstTimeTestExpr);
class BooleanCond implements Cond {
private final Tree.BooleanCondition cond;
private BooleanCond(Tree.BooleanCondition booleanCondition) {
this.cond = booleanCondition;
public JCStatement makeTestVarDecl(int flags, boolean init) {
return null;
public JCExpression makeTest() {
return expressionGen().transformExpression(cond.getExpression(),
BoxingStrategy.UNBOXED, typeFact().getBooleanDeclaration().getType());
public boolean hasResultDecl() {
return false;
public Tree.Condition getCondition() {
return cond;
public Tree.Variable getVariable() {
return null;
public final CName getVariableName() {
return null;
public JCExpression makeTypeExpr() {
return null;
public JCExpression makeResultExpr() {
return null;
public boolean hasAliasedVariable() {
return false;
Cond transformCondition(Tree.Condition cond, Tree.Block thenPart) {
if (cond instanceof Tree.IsCondition) {
Tree.IsCondition is = (Tree.IsCondition)cond;
return new IsCond(is);
} else if (cond instanceof Tree.ExistsCondition) {
Tree.ExistsCondition exists = (Tree.ExistsCondition)cond;
return new ExistsCond(exists);
} else if (cond instanceof Tree.NonemptyCondition) {
Tree.NonemptyCondition nonempty = (Tree.NonemptyCondition)cond;
return new NonemptyCond(nonempty);
} else if (cond instanceof Tree.BooleanCondition) {
return new BooleanCond((Tree.BooleanCondition)cond);
throw BugException.unhandledNodeCase(cond);
private String getDocAnnotationText(Tree.Assertion ass) {
String docText = null;
Tree.Annotation doc = getAnnotation(ass.getAnnotationList(), "doc");
if (doc != null) {
Tree.Expression expression = null;
if (doc.getPositionalArgumentList() != null) {
Tree.PositionalArgument arg = doc.getPositionalArgumentList().getPositionalArguments().get(0);
if(arg instanceof Tree.ListedArgument)
expression = ((Tree.ListedArgument) arg).getExpression();
throw new BugException(arg, "argument to doc annotation cannot be a spread argument or comprehension: " + arg);
} else if (doc.getNamedArgumentList() != null) {
Tree.SpecifiedArgument arg = (Tree.SpecifiedArgument)doc.getNamedArgumentList().getNamedArguments().get(0);
expression = arg.getSpecifierExpression().getExpression();
} else {
// Impossible on a well-formed tree
return null;
Tree.Literal literal = (Tree.Literal)expression.getTerm();
docText = literal.getText();
} else if (ass.getAnnotationList() != null
&& ass.getAnnotationList().getAnonymousAnnotation() != null) {
docText = ass.getAnnotationList().getAnonymousAnnotation().getStringLiteral().getText();
return docText;
private Tree.Annotation getAnnotation(Tree.AnnotationList al, String name) {
if (al!=null) {
for (Tree.Annotation a: al.getAnnotations()) {
Tree.BaseMemberExpression p = (Tree.BaseMemberExpression) a.getPrimary();
if (p!=null) {
if ( p.getIdentifier().getText().equals(name) ) {
return a;
return null;
* Gets the source code corresponding to the given node
private String getSourceCode(Node node) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
DiagnosticSource source = new DiagnosticSource(gen().getFileObject(), Log.instance(gen().getContext()));
int startLine = node.getToken().getLine();
int endLine = node.getEndToken().getLine();
for (int lineNumber = startLine; lineNumber <= endLine; lineNumber++) {
int startPos = gen().getMap().getPosition(lineNumber, 1);
String line = source.getLine(startPos);
if (lineNumber == endLine) {
line = line.substring(0, node.getEndToken().getCharPositionInLine() + node.getEndToken().getText().length());
if (lineNumber == startLine) {
line = line.substring(node.getToken().getCharPositionInLine());
return sb.substring(0, sb.length() - 1);
private ProducedType actualType(Tree.TypedDeclaration decl) {
return decl.getType().getTypeModel();
List<JCStatement> transform(Tree.ForStatement stmt) {
Tree.Term iterableTerm = ExpressionTransformer.eliminateParens(stmt.getForClause().getForIterator().getSpecifierExpression().getExpression().getTerm());
Tree.Term baseIterable = iterableTerm;
Tree.Term step = null;
if (iterableTerm instanceof Tree.InvocationExpression) {
Tree.InvocationExpression invocation = (Tree.InvocationExpression)iterableTerm;
if (invocation.getPrimary() instanceof Tree.QualifiedMemberExpression) {
Tree.QualifiedMemberExpression qme = (Tree.QualifiedMemberExpression)invocation.getPrimary();
ProducedType primaryType = qme.getPrimary().getTypeModel();
ProducedType iterableType = primaryType.getSupertype(typeFact().getIterableDeclaration());
if (iterableType != null) {
if ("by".equals(qme.getIdentifier().getText())) {
if (invocation.getPositionalArgumentList() != null) {
Tree.PositionalArgument positionalArgument = invocation.getPositionalArgumentList().getPositionalArguments().get(0);
if (positionalArgument instanceof Tree.ListedArgument) {
step = ((Tree.ListedArgument)positionalArgument).getExpression().getTerm();
baseIterable = ExpressionTransformer.eliminateParens(qme.getPrimary());
} else if (invocation.getNamedArgumentList() != null) {
Tree.NamedArgument positionalArgument = invocation.getNamedArgumentList().getNamedArguments().get(0);
if (positionalArgument instanceof Tree.SpecifiedArgument) {
step = ((Tree.SpecifiedArgument)positionalArgument).getSpecifierExpression().getExpression().getTerm();
baseIterable = ExpressionTransformer.eliminateParens(qme.getPrimary());
ForStatementTransformation transformation;
transformation = stringIteration(stmt, baseIterable, step);
if (transformation == null) {
transformation = arrayIteration(stmt, baseIterable, step);
if (transformation == null) {
transformation = segmentOpIteration(stmt, baseIterable, step);
if (transformation == null) {
transformation = spanOpIteration(stmt);
if (transformation == null) {
transformation = new ForStatementTransformation(stmt);
return transformation.transform();
* Loop transformation when the iterated expression is statically known
* to be a {@code String}.
* <pre>
java.lang.String s = ITERABLE.value;
int sz = s.codePointCount(0, s.length());
for (int index = 0; index < sz; ) {
int ITEM = s.codePointAt(index);
index+= java.lang.Character.charCount(ITEM);
class StringIterationOptimization extends ForStatementTransformation {
private Tree.Term baseIterable;
StringIterationOptimization(Tree.ForStatement stmt, Tree.Term baseIterable, Tree.Term step) {
this.baseIterable = baseIterable;
protected ListBuffer<JCStatement> transformForClause() {
ListBuffer<JCStatement> stmts = ListBuffer.<JCStatement>lb();
SyntheticName stringName = naming.alias("s");
stmts.append(makeVar(stringName, make().Type(syms().stringType),
expressionGen().transformExpression(baseIterable, BoxingStrategy.UNBOXED, baseIterable.getTypeModel())));
SyntheticName lengthName = naming.alias("length");
stmts.append(makeVar(lengthName, make().Type(syms().intType),
makeQualIdent(stringName.makeIdent(), "length"),
SyntheticName indexName = naming.alias("index");
List<JCStatement> transformedBlock = transformBlock(getBlock());
transformedBlock = transformedBlock.prepend(make().Exec(
make().Assignop(JCTree.PLUS_ASG, indexName.makeIdent(),
naming.makeQualIdent(make().Type(syms().characterObjectType), "charCount"),
transformedBlock = transformedBlock.prepend(makeVar(FINAL,
naming.makeQualIdent(stringName.makeIdent(), "codePointAt"),
JCStatement block = make().Block(0, transformedBlock);
JCForLoop loop = make().ForLoop(
List.<JCStatement>of(makeVar(indexName, make().Type(syms().intType), make().Literal(0))),
make().Binary(JCTree.LT, indexName.makeIdent(), lengthName.makeIdent()),
stmts.add(make().Labelled(this.label, loop));
return stmts;
private ForStatementTransformation stringIteration(Tree.ForStatement stmt,
Tree.Term baseIterable, Tree.Term step) {
if (step == null &&
baseIterable.getTypeModel().getSupertype(typeFact().getStringDeclaration()) != null) {
return new StringIterationOptimization(stmt, baseIterable, step);
return null;
* Optimized transformation for a {@code for} loop where the iterable is
* statically known to be immutable and support efficient indexed access,
* and therefore can be
* iterated using a C-style {@code for}.
abstract class IndexedAccessIterationOptimization extends ForStatementTransformation {
protected final ProducedType elementType;
/** The name of the indexable variable */
protected final SyntheticName indexableName;
/** The name of the length variable */
protected final SyntheticName lengthName;
/** The name of the index variable */
protected final SyntheticName indexName;
protected final Tree.Term baseIterable;
protected final Tree.Term step;
IndexedAccessIterationOptimization(Tree.ForStatement stmt, Tree.Term baseIterable, Tree.Term step, ProducedType elementType, String indexableName) {
this(stmt, baseIterable, step, elementType, indexableName, "length", "i");
IndexedAccessIterationOptimization(Tree.ForStatement stmt, Tree.Term baseIterable, Tree.Term step, ProducedType elementType, String indexableName, String lengthName, String indexName) {
this.baseIterable = baseIterable;
this.step = step;
this.elementType = elementType;
this.indexableName = naming.alias(indexableName);
this.lengthName = naming.alias(lengthName);
this.indexName = naming.alias(indexName);
protected final Tree.Term getIterable() {
return baseIterable;
protected ListBuffer<JCStatement> transformForClause() {
ListBuffer<JCStatement> result = ListBuffer.<JCStatement>lb();
// java.lang.Object array = ITERABLE.toArray();
result.add(makeVar(FINAL, indexableName,
// int step = ...
final SyntheticName stepName;
if (this.step != null) {
JCExpression stepExpr = makeStepExpr();
stepName = naming.alias("step");
result.add(makeVar(FINAL, stepName,
make().Binary(JCTree.LE, stepName.makeIdent(), make().Literal(0)),
new AssertionExceptionMessageBuilder(null)
.appendViolatedCondition("step > 0")
.prependAssertionDoc("step size must be greater than zero")
} else {
stepName = null;
// int length = java.lang.reflect.Array.getLength(array);
JCExpression lengthExpr = makeLengthExpr();
if (lengthExpr != null) {
result.add(makeVar(FINAL, lengthName,
// int i = 0;
JCStatement iVar = makeVar(indexName,
// i < length;
JCExpression iCond = makeCondition();
// i++
JCExpression iIncr = makeIncrement(stepName);
Tree.ControlClause prevControlClause = currentForClause;
currentForClause = stmt.getForClause();
List<JCStatement> transformedBlock = transformBlock(getBlock());
currentForClause = prevControlClause;
// FOO element = java.lang.reflect.Array.get(array, i);
JCExpression elementGet = makeIndexedAccess();
Tree.ForIterator forIterator = getForIterator();
if (forIterator instanceof Tree.ValueIterator) {
String varName = Naming.getVariableName(((Tree.ValueIterator)forIterator).getVariable());
JCStatement variable = makeVar(FINAL,
// Prepend to the block
transformedBlock = transformedBlock.prepend(variable);
} else if (forIterator instanceof Tree.KeyValueIterator) {
SyntheticName entryName = naming.alias("entry");
JCStatement entryVariable = makeVar(FINAL, entryName,
makeJavaType(typeFact().getEntryType(typeFact().getAnythingDeclaration().getType(), typeFact().getAnythingDeclaration().getType()), JT_RAW),
ProducedType entryType = elementType.getSupertype(typeFact().getEntryDeclaration());
ProducedType keyType = entryType.getTypeArgumentList().get(0);
String keyName = Naming.getVariableName(((Tree.KeyValueIterator)forIterator).getKeyVariable());
JCStatement keyVariable = makeVar(FINAL,
make().Apply(null, naming.makeQualIdent(entryName.makeIdent(), "getKey"), List.<JCExpression>nil()),
typeFact().getAnythingDeclaration().getType(), true, BoxingStrategy.UNBOXED, keyType));
ProducedType valueType = entryType.getTypeArgumentList().get(1);
String valueName = Naming.getVariableName(((Tree.KeyValueIterator)forIterator).getValueVariable());
JCStatement valueVariable = makeVar(FINAL,
make().Apply(null, naming.makeQualIdent(entryName.makeIdent(), "getItem"), List.<JCExpression>nil()),
typeFact().getAnythingDeclaration().getType(), true, BoxingStrategy.UNBOXED, valueType));
// Prepend to the block
transformedBlock = transformedBlock.prepend(valueVariable);
transformedBlock = transformedBlock.prepend(keyVariable);
transformedBlock = transformedBlock.prepend(entryVariable);
JCStatement block = make().Block(0, transformedBlock);
result.add(make().Labelled(this.label, make().ForLoop(
return result;
protected JCExpression makeIndexType() {
return make().Type(syms().intType);
/** Makes the expression for incrementing the index */
protected JCExpression makeStepExpr() {
ProducedType intType = typeFact().getIntegerDeclaration().getType();
return expressionGen().transformExpression(step, BoxingStrategy.UNBOXED,
protected JCExpression makeIncrement(SyntheticName stepName) {
if (stepName == null) {
return make().Unary(JCTree.POSTINC, indexName.makeIdent());
} else {
return make().Assignop(JCTree.PLUS_ASG, indexName.makeIdent(), stepName.makeIdent());
protected JCExpression makeCondition() {
return make().Binary(JCTree.LT, indexName.makeIdent(), lengthName.makeIdent());
protected abstract JCExpression makeIndexableType();
protected JCExpression makeIndexInit() {
return make().Literal(0);
/** Makes the expression for the accessing the indexable at the current index */
protected abstract JCExpression makeIndexedAccess();
/** Makes the expression for the length of the iteration */
protected abstract JCExpression makeLengthExpr();
/** Makes the expression for the thing to be iterated over */
protected abstract JCExpression makeIndexable();
* Optimized transformation for a {@code for} loop where the iterable is
* statically known to be an {@code Array}, and therefore can be
* iterated using a C-style {@code for}.
class ArrayIterationOptimization extends IndexedAccessIterationOptimization {
public static final String OPT_NAME = "ArrayIterationStatic";
private final boolean unboxed;
ArrayIterationOptimization(Tree.ForStatement stmt,
Tree.Term baseIterable, Tree.Term step,
ProducedType arrayType) {
super(stmt, baseIterable, step, typeFact().getArrayElementType(arrayType), "array");
unboxed = typeFact().getArrayType(typeFact().getBooleanDeclaration().getType()).isExactly(arrayType)
|| typeFact().getArrayType(typeFact().getByteDeclaration().getType()).isExactly(arrayType)
|| typeFact().getArrayType(typeFact().getIntegerDeclaration().getType()).isExactly(arrayType)
|| typeFact().getArrayType(typeFact().getCharacterDeclaration().getType()).isExactly(arrayType)
|| typeFact().getArrayType(typeFact().getFloatDeclaration().getType()).isExactly(arrayType);
protected JCExpression makeIndexableType() {
return make().Type(syms().objectType);
return makeJavaType(typeFact().getArrayType(elementType));
protected JCExpression makeIndexable() {
JCExpression iterableExpr = expressionGen().transformExpression(getIterable());
return make().Apply(null,
naming.makeQualIdent(iterableExpr, "toArray"),
return iterableExpr;
protected JCExpression makeCondition() {
return make().Binary(JCTree.LT, indexName.makeIdent(), lengthName.makeIdent());
protected JCExpression makeLengthExpr() {
return utilInvocation().arrayLength(indexableName.makeIdent());
return make().TypeCast(make().Type(syms().intType),
naming.makeQualIdent(indexableName.makeIdent(), "getSize"),
protected JCExpression makeIndexedAccess() {
ProducedType gotType = null;
JCExpression elementGet = null;
boolean typeErased = false;
boolean exprBoxed = false;
if (isCeylonBoolean(elementType)) {
elementGet = utilInvocation().getBooleanArray(
indexableName.makeIdent(), indexName.makeIdent());
gotType = elementType;
} else if (isCeylonFloat(elementType)) {
elementGet = utilInvocation().getFloatArray(
indexableName.makeIdent(), indexName.makeIdent());
gotType = elementType;
} else if (isCeylonInteger(elementType)) {
elementGet = utilInvocation().getIntegerArray(
indexableName.makeIdent(), indexName.makeIdent());
gotType = elementType;
} else if (isCeylonCharacter(elementType)) {
elementGet = utilInvocation().getCharacterArray(
indexableName.makeIdent(), indexName.makeIdent());
gotType = elementType;
} else if (isCeylonByte(elementType)) {
elementGet = utilInvocation().getByteArray(
indexableName.makeIdent(), indexName.makeIdent());
gotType = elementType;
if(elementGet == null){
elementGet = make().Apply(null,
naming.makeQualIdent(indexableName.makeIdent(), "unsafeItem"),
gotType = typeFact().getObjectDeclaration().getType();
typeErased = true;
exprBoxed = true;
elementGet = expressionGen().applyErasureAndBoxing(
elementGet, gotType, typeErased, exprBoxed,
elementType, 0);
return elementGet;
* Optimized transformation for a {@code for} loop where the iterable is
* statically known to be a Java array (int[], long[] Object[] etc)
* and therefore can be
* iterated using a C-style {@code for}.
class JavaArrayIterationOptimization extends IndexedAccessIterationOptimization {
public static final String OPT_NAME = "JavaArrayIterationStatic";
/** this is the IntArray, ObjectArray or whatever */
private final ProducedType javaArrayType;
JavaArrayIterationOptimization(Tree.ForStatement stmt,
Tree.Term baseIterable, Tree.Term step,
ProducedType elementType, ProducedType javaArrayType) {
super(stmt, baseIterable, step, elementType, "array");
this.javaArrayType = javaArrayType;
protected JCExpression makeIndexableType() {
return makeJavaType(javaArrayType);
protected JCExpression makeIndexable() {
Tree.QualifiedMemberExpression expr = (Tree.QualifiedMemberExpression)getIterable();
return expressionGen().transformExpression(expr.getPrimary());
protected JCExpression makeCondition() {
JCExpression lengthExpr = naming.makeQualIdent(indexableName.makeIdent(), "length");
return make().Binary(JCTree.LT, indexName.makeIdent(), lengthExpr);
protected JCExpression makeLengthExpr() {
return null;
protected JCExpression makeIndexedAccess() {
return make().Indexed(indexableName.makeIdent(), indexName.makeIdent());
private ForStatementTransformation arrayIteration(Tree.ForStatement stmt,
Tree.Term baseIterable,
Tree.Term step) {
ProducedType ceylonArrayType = baseIterable.getTypeModel();
ProducedType elementType = typeFact().getArrayElementType(ceylonArrayType);
if (elementType == null) {
// Check for "for (x in javaArray.iterable)" where javaArray is e.g. IntArray
if (baseIterable instanceof Tree.QualifiedMemberExpression) {
Tree.QualifiedMemberExpression expr = (Tree.QualifiedMemberExpression)baseIterable;
if ("iterable".equals(expr.getIdentifier().getText())) {
if (Decl.isJavaArray(expr.getPrimary().getTypeModel().getDeclaration())) {// What's this for
if (isOptimizationDisabled(stmt, Optimization.JavaArrayIterationStatic)) {
return optimizationDisabled(stmt, Optimization.JavaArrayIterationStatic);
elementType = typeFact().getIteratedType(ceylonArrayType);
return new JavaArrayIterationOptimization(stmt, baseIterable, step, elementType, expr.getPrimary().getTypeModel());
} else {
if (isOptimizationRequired(stmt, Optimization.JavaArrayIterationStatic)) {
return optimizationFailed(stmt, Optimization.JavaArrayIterationStatic, "iterable expression wasn't of form javaArray.array");
if (isOptimizationDisabled(stmt, Optimization.ArrayIterationStatic)) {
return optimizationDisabled(stmt, Optimization.ArrayIterationStatic);
// it's an Ceylon Array
return new ArrayIterationOptimization(stmt, baseIterable, step, ceylonArrayType);
if (isOptimizationRequired(stmt, Optimization.JavaArrayIterationStatic)) {
return optimizationFailed(stmt, Optimization.JavaArrayIterationStatic, "iterable expression wasn't of form javaArray.iterable");
if (isOptimizationRequired(stmt, Optimization.ArrayIterationStatic)) {
return optimizationFailed(stmt, Optimization.ArrayIterationStatic, "static type of iterable in for statement is not Array");
return null;
private boolean isSpanOf(Tree.RangeOp range, ProducedType ofType) {
ProducedType rangeType = range.getTypeModel();
return typeFact().getSpanType(ofType).isExactly(rangeType);
* Returns null but logs an error with the given reason if an optimization
* asserted using {@code @requireOptimization["optName"]} couldn't be
* performed.
* @param stmt The thing with the {@code @requireOptimization} compiler
* annotation
* @param optName The name of the optimization
* @param reason The reason the optimization could not be used
* @return null
private <T,S extends Tree.StatementOrArgument> T optimizationFailed(S stmt, Optimization optName, String reason) {
return optimizationFailed(stmt, new Optimization[]{optName}, reason);
private <T,S extends Tree.StatementOrArgument> T optimizationFailed(S stmt, Optimization[] optNames, String reason) {
for (Optimization optName : optNames) {
if (CodegenUtil.hasCompilerAnnotationWithArgument(stmt,
"requireOptimization", optName.toString())) {
log.error(getPosition(stmt), "ceylon.optim.failed", optName, reason);
return null;
* Returns null but logs an error the given optimization
private <T,S extends Tree.StatementOrArgument> T optimizationDisabled(S stmt, Optimization optName) {
return optimizationFailed(stmt, optName,
"optimization explicitly disabled by @disableOptimization");
* Determines whether the given optimization has been disabled on the
* given statement.
* @param stmt The thing with the {@code @requireOptimization} compiler
* annotation.
* @param optName The name of the optimization
* @return
private boolean isOptimizationDisabled(Tree.StatementOrArgument stmt, Optimization optName) {
return this.disabledOptimizations.contains(optName)
|| CodegenUtil.hasCompilerAnnotationNoArgument(stmt, "disableOptimization")
|| CodegenUtil.hasCompilerAnnotationWithArgument(stmt,
"disableOptimization", optName.toString());
private boolean isOptimizationRequired(Tree.StatementOrArgument stmt, Optimization optName) {
return optName == null ? CodegenUtil.hasCompilerAnnotationNoArgument(stmt, "requireOptimization")
: CodegenUtil.hasCompilerAnnotationWithArgument(stmt,
"requireOptimization", optName.toString());
* Returns a {@link RangeOpIterationOptimization} if that optimization applies
* to the given {@code for} statement, otherwise null.
* @param stmt The for statement
* @return a {@link RangeOpIterationOptimization} or null.
private ForStatementTransformation spanOpIteration(Tree.ForStatement stmt) {
if (isOptimizationDisabled(stmt, Optimization.SpanOpIteration)) {
return optimizationFailed(stmt, Optimization.SpanOpIteration,
"optimization explicitly disabled by @disableOptimization");
Tree.ForIterator iterator = stmt.getForClause().getForIterator();
if (!(iterator instanceof Tree.ValueIterator)) {
return optimizationFailed(stmt, Optimization.SpanOpIteration,
"optimization applies only to ValueIterators");
Tree.ValueIterator vi = (Tree.ValueIterator)iterator;
Tree.SpecifierExpression specifier = vi.getSpecifierExpression();
Tree.Term term = specifier.getExpression().getTerm();
final Tree.Term increment;
final Tree.RangeOp range;
if (term instanceof Tree.RangeOp) {
// So it's a for (i in (lhs..rhs)) { ... }
increment = null;
range = (Tree.RangeOp)term;
} else if (term instanceof Tree.InvocationExpression) {
Tree.InvocationExpression inv = (Tree.InvocationExpression)term;
if (inv.getPrimary() instanceof Tree.QualifiedMemberExpression) {
Tree.QualifiedMemberExpression prim = (Tree.QualifiedMemberExpression)inv.getPrimary();
if ("by".equals(prim.getIdentifier().getText())
&& prim.getPrimary() instanceof Tree.Expression
&& (((Tree.Expression)(prim.getPrimary())).getTerm() instanceof Tree.RangeOp)) {
// So it's a for (i in (lhs..rhs).by(increment)) { ... }
range = (Tree.RangeOp)((Tree.Expression)(prim.getPrimary())).getTerm();
if (inv.getPositionalArgumentList() != null) {
Tree.PositionalArgument a = inv.getPositionalArgumentList().getPositionalArguments().get(0);
if(a instanceof Tree.ListedArgument)
increment = ((Tree.ListedArgument)a).getExpression().getTerm();
return optimizationFailed(stmt, Optimization.SpanOpIteration,
"Unable to determine expression for argument to by(): appears spread or comprehension");
} else if (inv.getNamedArgumentList() != null) {
Tree.SpecifiedArgument sarg = null;
for (Tree.NamedArgument arg : inv.getNamedArgumentList().getNamedArguments()) {
if ("step".equals(arg.getIdentifier().getText())) {
if (arg instanceof Tree.SpecifiedArgument) {
sarg = ((Tree.SpecifiedArgument)arg);
// TODO In theory we could support Tree.AttributeArgument too
if (sarg != null) {
increment = sarg.getSpecifierExpression().getExpression().getTerm();
} else {
return optimizationFailed(stmt, Optimization.SpanOpIteration,
"Unable to determine expression for argument to by{}");
} else {
return optimizationFailed(stmt, Optimization.SpanOpIteration,
"Unable to get arguments to by()");
} else {
return optimizationFailed(stmt, Optimization.SpanOpIteration,
"Only applies to Iterables of the form 'lhs..rhs' or '(lhs..rhs).by(step)'");
} else {
return optimizationFailed(stmt, Optimization.SpanOpIteration,
"Only applies to Iterables of the form 'lhs..rhs' or '(lhs..rhs).by(step)'");
} else {
return optimizationFailed(stmt, Optimization.SpanOpIteration,
"Only applies to Iterables of the form 'lhs..rhs' or '(lhs..rhs).by(step)'");
Type type;
ProducedType integerType = typeFact().getIntegerDeclaration().getType();
ProducedType characterType = typeFact().getCharacterDeclaration().getType();
if (isSpanOf(range, integerType)) {
type = syms().longType;
} else if (isSpanOf(range, characterType)) {
type = syms().intType;
} else {
return optimizationFailed(stmt, Optimization.SpanOpIteration, "The RangeOp doesn't produce a Range<Integer>/Range<Character>");
return new RangeOpIterationOptimization(stmt,
increment, type);
* <p>Transformation of {@code for} loops over {@code Range<Integer>}
* or {@code Range<Character>} which avoids allocating a {@code Range} and
* using an {@code Iterator} like
* {@link #ForStatementTransformation} but instead outputs a C-style
* {@code for} loop.</p>
private class SegmentOpIteration extends IndexedAccessIterationOptimization {
private final Tree.Term start;
private final Tree.Term length;
SegmentOpIteration(Tree.ForStatement stmt, Tree.SegmentOp op, Tree.Term step, Tree.Term start, Tree.Term length) {
super(stmt, op, step, typeFact().getIteratedType(op.getTypeModel()), "start", "end", "i");
this.start = start;
this.length = length;
// TODO If length if < 0 we need to not loop at all
protected JCExpression makeIndexableType() {
return makeJavaType(this.elementType);
protected JCExpression makeIndexable() {
return expressionGen().transformExpression(start, BoxingStrategy.UNBOXED, length.getTypeModel());
protected JCExpression makeIndexType() {
return makeJavaType(this.elementType);
protected JCExpression makeIndexInit() {
return indexableName.makeIdent();
protected JCExpression makeIndexedAccess() {
return indexName.makeIdent();
protected JCExpression makeLengthExpr() {
JCExpression result = make().Binary(JCTree.PLUS,
BoxingStrategy.UNBOXED, length.getTypeModel()))));
if (isCeylonCharacter(elementType)) {
result = make().TypeCast(syms().intType, result);
return result;
protected JCExpression makeStepExpr() {
return expressionGen().transformExpression(step, BoxingStrategy.UNBOXED,
private ForStatementTransformation segmentOpIteration(Tree.ForStatement stmt,
Tree.Term baseIterable, Tree.Term step) {
if (!(baseIterable instanceof Tree.SegmentOp)) {
return optimizationFailed(stmt, Optimization.SegmentOpIteration,
"base iterable is no a segment op");
final Tree.SegmentOp op = (Tree.SegmentOp)baseIterable;
ProducedType iteratedType = typeFact().getIteratedType(op.getTypeModel());
if (iteratedType.isExactly(typeFact().getIntegerDeclaration().getType())) {
} else if (iteratedType.isExactly(typeFact().getCharacterDeclaration().getType())) {
} else {
return optimizationFailed(stmt, Optimization.SegmentOpIteration,
"base iterable is neither Range<Integer> not Range<Character>");
Tree.Term start = op.getLeftTerm();
Tree.Term length = op.getRightTerm();
if (isOptimizationDisabled(stmt, Optimization.SegmentOpIteration)) {
return optimizationDisabled(stmt, Optimization.SegmentOpIteration);
return new SegmentOpIteration(stmt, op, step, start, length);
private Tree.ControlClause currentForClause = null;
class ForStatementTransformation {
protected Tree.ForStatement stmt;
protected final Name label;
ForStatementTransformation(Tree.ForStatement stmt) {
this.stmt = stmt;
this.label = getLabel(stmt.getForClause().getControlBlock());
protected final Tree.ForIterator getForIterator() {
Tree.ForIterator forIterator = stmt.getForClause().getForIterator();
return forIterator;
protected Tree.Term getIterable() {
return getForIterator().getSpecifierExpression().getExpression().getTerm();
protected final boolean isValueIterator() {
return getForIterator() instanceof Tree.ValueIterator;
protected final Tree.Variable getElementOrKeyVariable() {
Tree.ForIterator iterator = getForIterator();
if (iterator instanceof Tree.ValueIterator) {
return ((Tree.ValueIterator)iterator).getVariable();
} else if (iterator instanceof Tree.KeyValueIterator) {
return ((Tree.KeyValueIterator)iterator).getKeyVariable();
return null;
protected final Tree.Variable getValueVariable() {
Tree.ForIterator iterator = getForIterator();
if (iterator instanceof Tree.KeyValueIterator) {
return ((Tree.KeyValueIterator)iterator).getKeyVariable();
return null;
protected List<JCStatement> transform() {
ListBuffer<JCStatement> outer = ListBuffer.<JCStatement> lb();
Name tempForFailVariable = currentForFailVariable;
try {
// Install the outer substitutions
Iterable<Value> deferredSpecifiedInFor = stmt.getForClause().getControlBlock().getSpecifiedValues();
if (deferredSpecifiedInFor != null) {
for (Value value : deferredSpecifiedInFor) {
DeferredSpecification ds = StatementTransformer.this.deferredSpecifications.get(value);
if (needsFailVar()) {
// boolean $doforelse$X = true;
JCVariableDecl failtest_decl = make().VarDef(make().Modifiers(0), naming.aliasName("doforelse"), make().TypeIdent(TypeTags.BOOLEAN), make().Literal(TypeTags.BOOLEAN, 1));
currentForFailVariable = failtest_decl.getName();
} else {
currentForFailVariable = null;
if (stmt.getElseClause() != null) {
// The user-supplied contents of fail block
List<JCStatement> failblock = transformBlock(stmt.getElseClause().getBlock());
// Close the inner substitutions of the else block
if (needsFailVar()) {
// if ($doforelse$X) ...
JCIdent failtest_id = at(stmt).Ident(currentForFailVariable);
outer.append(at(stmt).If(failtest_id, at(stmt).Block(0, failblock), null));
} else {
// Close the outer substitutions
if (deferredSpecifiedInFor != null) {
for (Value value : deferredSpecifiedInFor) {
DeferredSpecification ds = StatementTransformer.this.deferredSpecifications.get(value);
} finally {
currentForFailVariable = tempForFailVariable;
return outer.toList();
private boolean needsFailVar() {
return stmt.getExits() && stmt.getElseClause() != null;
protected ListBuffer<JCStatement> transformForClause() {
Naming.SyntheticName elem_name = naming.alias("elem");
Tree.ForIterator iterDecl = stmt.getForClause().getForIterator();
Tree.Variable variable;
Tree.Variable valueVariable;
if (iterDecl instanceof Tree.ValueIterator) {
variable = ((Tree.ValueIterator) iterDecl).getVariable();
valueVariable = null;
} else if (iterDecl instanceof Tree.KeyValueIterator) {
variable = ((Tree.KeyValueIterator) iterDecl).getKeyVariable();
valueVariable = ((Tree.KeyValueIterator) iterDecl).getValueVariable();
} else {
throw BugException.unhandledNodeCase(iterDecl);
final Naming.SyntheticName loopVarName = naming.synthetic(variable.getDeclarationModel());
Tree.Expression specifierExpression = iterDecl.getSpecifierExpression().getExpression();
ProducedType sequenceElementType;
if(valueVariable == null)
sequenceElementType = variable.getType().getTypeModel();
// Entry<V1,V2>
sequenceElementType = typeFact().getEntryType(variable.getType().getTypeModel(),
ProducedType sequenceType = specifierExpression.getTypeModel().getSupertype(typeFact().getIterableDeclaration());
ProducedType expectedIterableType = typeFact().isNonemptyIterableType(sequenceType)
? typeFact().getNonemptyIterableType(sequenceElementType)
: typeFact().getIterableType(sequenceElementType);
JCExpression castElem = at(stmt).TypeCast(makeJavaType(sequenceElementType, CeylonTransformer.JT_NO_PRIMITIVES), elem_name.makeIdent());
List<JCAnnotation> annots = makeJavaTypeAnnotations(variable.getDeclarationModel());
// ceylon.language.Iterator<T> $V$iter$X = ITERABLE.getIterator();
JCExpression containment = expressionGen().transformExpression(specifierExpression, BoxingStrategy.BOXED, expectedIterableType);
// final U n = $elem$X;
// or
// final U n = $elem$X.getKey();
JCExpression loopVarInit;
ProducedType loopVarType;
if (valueVariable == null) {
loopVarType = sequenceElementType;
loopVarInit = castElem;
} else {
loopVarType = variable.getDeclarationModel().getType();
loopVarInit = at(stmt).Apply(null, makeSelect(castElem, Naming.getGetterName("key")), List.<JCExpression> nil());
JCVariableDecl itemOrKeyDecl = at(stmt).VarDef(make().Modifiers(FINAL, annots), loopVarName.asName(), makeJavaType(loopVarType),
boxUnboxIfNecessary(loopVarInit, true, loopVarType, CodegenUtil.getBoxingStrategy(variable.getDeclarationModel())));
final SyntheticName iteratorVarName = loopVarName.suffixedBy(Suffix.$iterator$).alias();
List<JCStatement> itemDecls = List.<JCStatement> of(itemOrKeyDecl);
if (valueVariable != null) {
// final V n = $elem$X.getElement();
ProducedType valueVarType = valueVariable.getDeclarationModel().getType();
JCExpression valueVarTypeExpr = makeJavaType(valueVarType);
JCExpression valueVarInitExpr = at(stmt).Apply(null, makeSelect(castElem, Naming.getGetterName("item")), List.<JCExpression> nil());
String valueVarName = valueVariable.getIdentifier().getText();
JCVariableDecl valueDecl = at(stmt).VarDef(make().Modifiers(FINAL, annots), names().fromString(valueVarName), valueVarTypeExpr,
boxUnboxIfNecessary(valueVarInitExpr, true, valueVarType, CodegenUtil.getBoxingStrategy(valueVariable.getDeclarationModel())));
itemDecls = itemDecls.append(valueDecl);
Tree.ControlClause prevControlClause = currentForClause;
currentForClause = stmt.getForClause();
List<JCStatement> stmts = transformBlock(stmt.getForClause().getBlock());
currentForClause = prevControlClause;
return ListBuffer.<JCStatement>lb().appendList(transformIterableIteration(stmt,
!isOptimizationDisabled(stmt, Optimization.ArrayIterationDynamic),
!isOptimizationDisabled(stmt, Optimization.TupleIterationDynamic)));
protected final Tree.Block getBlock() {
return stmt.getForClause().getBlock();
* The transformation of a ceylon {@code for} loop:
* <pre>
* java.lang.Object ITERATION_VAR_NAME;
* while (
* !((ITERATION_VAR_NAME = ITERATOR_VAR_NAME.getNext()) instanceof ceylon.language.Finished;
* ) {
* }
* </pre>
* @param label
* @param iterationVarName The iteration variable (which recieves the value of {@code Iterator.next()})
* @param iteratorVarName The name of the {@code Iterator} variable
* @param iteratorElementType The type argument of the {@code Iterator}
* @param iterableExpr The {@code Iterable} expression
* @param itemDecls variable declarations for the iteration variables which
* begin the loop body (these depend on {@code iterationVarName} and may
* typecast or destructure it). May be null.
* @param bodyStmts Other statements in the loop body
* @return
List<JCStatement> transformIterableIteration(Node node,
Name label, Naming.SyntheticName iterationVarName,
Naming.SyntheticName iteratorVarName,
ProducedType iterableType, ProducedType iteratedType,
JCExpression iterableExpr,
List<JCStatement> itemDecls,
List<JCStatement> bodyStmts,
boolean allowArrayOpt, boolean allowArraySeqOpt) {
ProducedType iteratorElementType = iteratedType;
ListBuffer<JCStatement> result = ListBuffer.<JCStatement>lb();
// TODO Only when the iterable *could be* an array (e.g. if static type is Iterable, but not if static type is Sequence)
// TODO Need to use naming.Infix for the hidden members of Array
boolean optForArray = allowArrayOpt && typeFact().getArrayType(iteratedType).isSubtypeOf(iterableType);
boolean optForTuple = allowArraySeqOpt && typeFact().getTupleType(Collections.singletonList(iteratedType), true, false, -1).isSubtypeOf(iterableType);
SyntheticName iterableName = optForArray || optForTuple ? naming.alias("iterable") : null;
SyntheticName isArrayName = optForArray ? naming.alias("isArray") : null;
SyntheticName isTupleName = optForTuple ? naming.alias("isTuple") : null;
SyntheticName arrayName = optForArray || optForTuple ? naming.alias("array") : null;
SyntheticName arrayIndex = optForArray || optForTuple ? naming.alias("i") : null;
SyntheticName arrayLength = optForArray || optForTuple ? naming.alias("length") : null;
if (optForArray || optForTuple) {
result.append(makeVar(FINAL, iterableName, makeJavaType(typeFact().getIterableType(iteratorElementType)), iterableExpr));
if (optForArray) {
result.append(makeVar(FINAL, isArrayName,
makeJavaType(typeFact().getArrayType(iteratorElementType), JT_RAW))));
if (optForTuple) {
result.append(makeVar(FINAL, isTupleName,
make().TypeCast(make().QualIdent(syms().ceylonTupleType.tsym), iterableName.makeIdent()),
// java.lang.Object ELEM_NAME;
JCVariableDecl elemDecl = makeVar(iterationVarName, make().Type(syms().objectType), optForArray || optForTuple ? makeNull() : null);
SyntheticName iterName = iteratorVarName;
ProducedType iteratorType = typeFact().getIteratorType(iteratorElementType);
JCExpression iteratorTypeExpr = makeJavaType(iteratorType, CeylonTransformer.JT_TYPE_ARGUMENT);
// ceylon.language.Iterator<T> LOOP_VAR_NAME$iter$X = ITERABLE.getIterator();
// We don't need to unerase here as anything remotely a sequence will be erased to Iterable, which has getIterator()
JCExpression getIter;
if (optForArray || optForTuple) {
result.append(makeVar(FINAL, arrayName, make().Type(syms().objectType), null));
result.append(makeVar(arrayIndex, make().Type(syms().intType), make().Literal(0)));
result.append(makeVar(FINAL, arrayLength, make().Type(syms().intType), null));
ListBuffer<JCStatement> whenTuple = ListBuffer.<JCTree.JCStatement>lb();
make().TypeCast(make().QualIdent(syms().ceylonTupleType.tsym), iterableName.makeIdent()),
make().TypeCast(make().QualIdent(syms().ceylonTupleType.tsym), iterableName.makeIdent()),
make().Binary(JCTree.PLUS, arrayIndex.makeIdent(), make().Apply(null,
make().TypeCast(make().QualIdent(syms().ceylonTupleType.tsym), iterableName.makeIdent()),
ListBuffer<JCStatement> whenArray = ListBuffer.<JCTree.JCStatement>lb();
make().TypeCast(makeJavaType(typeFact().getArrayType(typeFact().getAnythingDeclaration().getType()), JT_RAW), iterableName.makeIdent()),
ListBuffer<JCStatement> whenIterable = ListBuffer.<JCTree.JCStatement>lb();
if (optForArray && optForTuple) {
make().Block(0, whenTuple.toList()),
make().Block(0, whenArray.toList()),
make().Block(0, whenIterable.toList()))));
} else {
result.append(make().If((optForArray ? isArrayName : isTupleName).makeIdent(),
make().Block(0, (optForArray ? whenArray : whenTuple).toList()),
make().Block(0, whenIterable.toList())));
getIter = make().Conditional(
optForArray && optForTuple ? make().Binary(JCTree.OR, isTupleName.makeIdent(), isArrayName.makeIdent()): optForArray ? isArrayName.makeIdent() : isTupleName.makeIdent(),
make().Apply(null, makeSelect(iterableName.makeIdent(), "iterator"), List.<JCExpression> nil()));
} else {
getIter = at(node).Apply(null, makeSelect(iterableExpr, "iterator"), List.<JCExpression> nil());
getIter = gen().expressionGen().applyErasureAndBoxing(getIter, iteratorType, true, BoxingStrategy.BOXED, iteratorType);
JCVariableDecl iteratorDecl = at(node).VarDef(make().Modifiers(0), iterName.asName(), iteratorTypeExpr, getIter);
// .ceylon.language.Iterator<T> LOOP_VAR_NAME$iter$X = ITERABLE.getIterator();
ListBuffer<JCStatement> loopBody = ListBuffer.<JCStatement>lb();
if(optForArray || optForTuple) {
JCExpression cond;
if (optForArray && optForTuple) {
cond = make().Binary(JCTree.OR, isTupleName.makeIdent(), isArrayName.makeIdent());
} else if (optForArray) {
cond = isArrayName.makeIdent();
} else {
cond = isTupleName.makeIdent();
make().Unary(JCTree.POSTINC, arrayIndex.makeIdent()))))),
if (itemDecls != null) {
// The user-supplied contents of the loop
// ELEM_NAME = LOOP_VAR_NAME$iter$X.next()
JCExpression iter_elem = make().Apply(null, makeSelect(iterName.makeIdent(), "next"), List.<JCExpression> nil());
JCExpression elem_assign = make().Assign(iterationVarName.makeIdent(), iter_elem);
// !((ELEM_NAME = LOOP_VAR_NAME$iter$X.next()) instanceof Finished)
JCExpression instof = make().TypeTest(elem_assign, makeIdent(syms().ceylonFinishedType));
JCExpression loopCond = make().Unary(JCTree.NOT, instof);
if (optForArray || optForTuple) {
JCExpression cond;
if (optForArray && optForTuple) {
cond = make().Binary(JCTree.OR, isTupleName.makeIdent(), isArrayName.makeIdent());
} else if (optForArray) {
cond = isArrayName.makeIdent();
} else {
cond = isTupleName.makeIdent();
loopCond = make().Conditional(cond,
make().Binary(JCTree.LT, arrayIndex.makeIdent(), arrayLength.makeIdent()),
make().Unary(JCTree.NOT, instof));
// while (!(($elem$X = $V$iter$X.next()) instanceof Finished); ) {
JCStatement whileLoop = at(node).WhileLoop(loopCond, at(node).Block(0, loopBody.toList()));
if (label != null) {
whileLoop = make().Labelled(label, whileLoop);
return result.append(whileLoop).toList();
* <p>Transformation of {@code for} loops over {@code Range<Integer>}
* or {@code Range<Character>} which avoids allocating a {@code Range} and
* using an {@code Iterator} like
* {@link #ForStatementTransformation} but instead outputs a C-style
* {@code for} loop. Because a Range is never empty we can also omit
* code for handling {@code else} clauses of {@code for} statements when
* we know the {@code for} block returns normally</p>
* <p>This is able to optimize statements like the following:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>{@code for (i in lhs..rhs) ... }</li>
* <li>{@code for (i in (lhs..rhs).by(increment)) ... }</li>
* <ul>
* <p>where {@code lhs}, {@code rhs} and {@code increment} are
* expressions (not necessarily literals or compile-time constants).</p>
* <p>Given a statement like {@code for (i in (lhs..rhs).by(increment) ...}
* we generate something like this:</p>
* <pre>
* long by$ = by;
* if (by$ <= 0) {
* throw new Exception(ceylon.language.String.instance("step size must be greater than zero"));
* }
* final long start$ = lhs;
* final long end$ = rhs;
* final boolean increasing$ = start <= end;
* final long inc$ = (increasing$ ? by$ : -by$);
* for (long i = start$; (increasing$ ? i-end$ <= 0 : i-end$ >= 0); i+=inc$) {
* }
* </pre>
* <p>In the case where we have a simple range with no {@code by()}
* invocation then the test for negative step size is omitted.</p>
* <p>The transformation is complicated by:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>Not knowing at compile-time whether {@code lhs < rhs}, which
* complicated the {@code for} termination condition</li>
* <li>Needing to worry about {@code int} or {@code long} overflow
* (hence the {@code i-end$ <= 0} rather than the more natural
* {@code i <= end}.</li>
* </ul>
class RangeOpIterationOptimization extends ForStatementTransformation {
public static final String OPT_NAME = "RangeOpIteration";
private final Tree.RangeOp range;
private final Tree.Term lhs;
private final Tree.Term rhs;
private final Tree.Term increment;// if null then increment is +/-1
private final Type type;
private final ProducedType pt;
public RangeOpIterationOptimization(
Tree.ForStatement stmt,
Tree.RangeOp range,
Tree.Term increment,
Type type) {
this.range = range;
this.lhs = range.getLeftTerm();
this.rhs = range.getRightTerm();
this.increment = increment;
this.type = type;
if (type.tag == syms().intType.tag) {
this.pt = typeFact().getCharacterDeclaration().getType();
} else if (type.tag == syms().longType.tag) {
this.pt = typeFact().getIntegerDeclaration().getType();
} else {
throw new BugException(range, "unhandled Range type: " + type.tag);
private Tree.Variable getVariable() {
return ((Tree.ValueIterator)stmt.getForClause().getForIterator()).getVariable();
private JCExpression makeType() {
return make().Type(type);
private ProducedType getType() {
return pt;
protected ListBuffer<JCStatement> transformForClause() {
ListBuffer<JCStatement> result = ListBuffer.<JCStatement>lb();
// Note: Must invoke lhs, rhs and increment in the correct order!
// long start = <lhs>
SyntheticName start = naming.temp("start");
result.append(make().VarDef(make().Modifiers(FINAL), start.asName(), makeType(),
expressionGen().transformExpression(lhs, BoxingStrategy.UNBOXED, getType())));
// long end = <rhs>
SyntheticName end = naming.temp("end");
result.append(make().VarDef(make().Modifiers(FINAL), end.asName(), makeType(),
expressionGen().transformExpression(rhs, BoxingStrategy.UNBOXED, getType())));
final SyntheticName by;
if (increment != null) {
by = naming.temp("by");
// by = increment;
result.append(make().VarDef(make().Modifiers(FINAL), by.asName(), makeType(),
expressionGen().transformExpression(increment, BoxingStrategy.UNBOXED, getType())));
// if (by <= 0) throw Exception("step size must be greater than zero");
make().Binary(JCTree.LE, by.makeIdent(), make().Literal(0)),
new AssertionExceptionMessageBuilder(null)
.appendViolatedCondition("step > 0")
.prependAssertionDoc("step size must be greater than zero")
} else {
by = null;
SyntheticName increasing = naming.temp("increasing");
// boolean increasing = start < end;
result.append(make().VarDef(make().Modifiers(FINAL), increasing.asName(), make().Type(syms().booleanType),
make().Binary(JCTree.LE, start.makeIdent(), end.makeIdent())));
SyntheticName incr = naming.temp("incr");
result.append(make().VarDef(make().Modifiers(FINAL), incr.asName(), makeType(),
makeIncreasingIncrement(by), makeDecreasingIncrement(by))));
SyntheticName varname = naming.alias(getVariable().getIdentifier().getText());
JCVariableDecl init = make().VarDef(make().Modifiers(0), varname.asName(), makeType(), start.makeIdent());
Tree.ControlClause prevForclause = currentForClause;
currentForClause = stmt.getForClause();
List<JCStatement> blockStatements = transformBlock(getBlock());
currentForClause = prevForclause;
blockStatements = blockStatements.prepend(make().VarDef(make().Modifiers(FINAL),
// for (long i = start; (increasing ? i -end <= 0 : i -end >= 0); i+=inc) {
JCConditional cond = make().Conditional(increasing.makeIdent(),
make().Binary(JCTree.LE, make().Binary(JCTree.MINUS, varname.makeIdent(), end.makeIdent()), makeZero()),
make().Binary(JCTree.GE, make().Binary(JCTree.MINUS, varname.makeIdent(), end.makeIdent()), makeZero()));
List<JCExpressionStatement> step = List.<JCExpressionStatement>of(make().Exec(make().Assignop(JCTree.PLUS_ASG, varname.makeIdent(), incr.makeIdent())));
result.append(make().Labelled(this.label, make().ForLoop(
make().Block(0, blockStatements))));
return result;
private JCExpression makeIncreasingIncrement(SyntheticName by) {
if (increment != null) {
// long incr = increasing ? by : -by;
return by.makeIdent();
} else if (type.tag == syms().intType.tag) {
// long incr = start < end ? 1 : -1
return make().Literal(1);
} else if (type.tag == syms().longType.tag) {
return make().Literal(1L);
} else {
return makeErroneous(range, "unhandled Range type: " + type.tag);
private JCExpression makeDecreasingIncrement(SyntheticName by) {
if (increment != null) {
// long incr = increasing ? by : -by;
return make().Unary(JCTree.NEG, by.makeIdent());
} else if (type.tag == syms().intType.tag) {
// long incr = start < end ? 1 : -1
return make().Literal(-1);
} else if (type.tag == syms().longType.tag) {
return make().Literal(-1L);
} else {
return makeErroneous(range, "unhandled Range type: " + type.tag);
private JCExpression makeZero() {
if (type.tag == syms().intType.tag) {
return make().Literal(0);
} else if (type.tag == syms().longType.tag) {
return make().Literal(0L);
} else {
return makeErroneous(range, "unhandled Range type: " + type.tag);
* <p>In some cases (#1227) we can have a deferred specification of a
* non-variable value <i>x</i> which is assigned in a control structure
* (for/else) in such a way that javac cannot prove the transformed
* variable is assigned exactly once.</p>
* <p>In these cases the transformation proceeds thusly:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>The AttributeDeclaration is transformed to a final var <tt>x</tt>
* and a non-final var <tt>x$</tt> and the "outer substitution"
* {@code x->x$} is installed.</li>
* <li>SpecificationStatements to <i>x</i> within the control structure
* are transformed assignments to <tt>x$</tt>. At these points we
* also generate a final <tt>x$$</tt> and install an "inner substitution"
* {@code x->x$$} so that captured references within the control
* structure still work.</li>
* <li>At end end of the else Blocks of for/else and at
* Break, Continue, Throw and Return statements within the
* control structure we remove the "inner substitution" {@code x->x$$}
* <li>At the end of the control structure we assign <tt>x = x$</tt>
* and remove the "outer substitution" {@code x->x$}</li>
* </ul>
class DeferredSpecification {
private final ProducedType type;
private final long modifiers;
private final Value value;
private final List<JCAnnotation> annots;
private SyntheticName outerAlias;
private Naming.Substitution outerSubst = null;
private SyntheticName innerAlias;
private Naming.Substitution innerSubst = null;
public DeferredSpecification(Value value, int modifiers, List<JCAnnotation> annots, ProducedType type) {
this.value = value;
this.modifiers = modifiers;
this.annots = annots;
this.type = type;
* Installs the "outer substitution" and
* makes a non-{@code final} variable declaration for use where
* the ceylon value is declared:
* <pre>
* </pre>
* The caller is expected to generate the corresponding
* {@code final} declaration:
* <pre>
* final TYPE NAME;
* </pre>
public JCStatement openOuterSubstitution() {
if (outerSubst != null || outerAlias != null) {
throw new BugException("An Outer substitution (" + outerSubst + ") is already open");
this.outerAlias = naming.alias(value.getName());
// TODO Annots
try (SavedPosition pos = noPosition()) {
return make().VarDef(
make().Modifiers(modifiers & ~FINAL, annots),
* Installs an outer substitution in Naming, we can't do this in openOuterSubstitution since that
* would also make the substitution visible outside the "for" block. This is meant to be done when
* we enter the "for" block.
public void installOuterSubstitution(){
this.outerSubst = naming.addVariableSubst(value, outerAlias.getName());
* Installs the "inner substitution" and makes a final
* variable declaration:
* <pre>
* final TYPE NAME$2 = NAME$1;
* </pre>
* The caller is expected to generare the preceeding assignment:
* <pre>
* </pre>
public JCStatement openInnerSubstitution() {
if (innerSubst != null || innerAlias != null) {
throw new BugException("An inner substitution (" + innerSubst + ") is already open");
try (SavedPosition pos = noPosition()) {
innerAlias = naming.alias(value.getName());
JCStatement result = makeVar(
naming.makeName(value, Naming.NA_IDENT));
innerSubst = naming.addVariableSubst(value, innerAlias.getName());
return result;
* Removes the "inner substitution" installed by {@link #openInnerSubstitution()}
public void closeInnerSubstitution() {
if (innerSubst == null || innerAlias == null) {
throw new BugException("No inner substitution to close");
innerSubst = null;
innerAlias = null;
* Removes the "outer substitution" and returns an assignment
* to the {@code final} variable after the control structure
* <pre>
* NAME = NAME$1;
* </pre>
public JCStatement closeOuterSubstitution() {
if (outerSubst == null) {
throw new BugException("No outer substitution to close");
try (SavedPosition pos = noPosition()) {
JCExpression alias = naming.makeName(value, Naming.NA_IDENT);
outerSubst = null;
JCExpression var = naming.makeName(value, Naming.NA_IDENT);
return make().Exec(make().Assign(var, alias));
private HashMap<Value, DeferredSpecification> deferredSpecifications = new HashMap<Value, DeferredSpecification>();
public DeferredSpecification getDeferredSpecification(Declaration value) {
return deferredSpecifications.get(value);
* Removes the "inner substitutions" for any deferred values specified
* in the given control block
private void closeInnerSubstituionsForSpecifiedValues(Tree.ControlClause contolClause) {
if (contolClause != null) {
ControlBlock controlBlock = contolClause.getControlBlock();
java.util.Set<Value> assigned = controlBlock.getSpecifiedValues();
if (assigned != null) {
for (Value value : assigned) {
DeferredSpecification ds = statementGen().getDeferredSpecification(value);
if (ds != null) {
// FIXME There is a similar implementation in ClassGen!
public List<JCStatement> transform(Tree.AttributeDeclaration decl) {
ListBuffer<JCStatement> result = ListBuffer.<JCStatement> lb();
// If the attribute is really from a parameter then don't generate a local variable
Parameter parameter = CodegenUtil.findParamForDecl(decl);
if (parameter == null) {
final Name attrName = names().fromString(naming.substitute(decl.getDeclarationModel()));
ProducedType t = decl.getDeclarationModel().getType();
JCExpression initialValue = null;
SpecifierOrInitializerExpression initOrSpec = decl.getSpecifierOrInitializerExpression();
if (initOrSpec != null) {
HasErrorException error = errors().getFirstExpressionErrorAndMarkBrokenness(initOrSpec.getExpression().getTerm());
if (error != null) {
return List.<JCStatement>of(this.makeThrowUnresolvedCompilationError(error));
initialValue = expressionGen().transformExpression(initOrSpec.getExpression(),
} else if (decl.getDeclarationModel().isVariable()) {
// Java's definite initialization doesn't always work
// so give variable attribute declarations without
// initializers a default value. See #1153.
initialValue = makeDefaultExprForType(t);
List<JCAnnotation> annots = makeJavaTypeAnnotations(decl.getDeclarationModel());
int modifiers = transformLocalFieldDeclFlags(decl);
result.append(at(decl).VarDef(at(decl).Modifiers(modifiers, annots), attrName, makeJavaType(t), initialValue));
JCStatement outerSubs = openOuterSubstitutionIfNeeded(
decl.getDeclarationModel(), t, annots, modifiers);
if (outerSubs != null) {
return result.toList();
JCStatement openOuterSubstitutionIfNeeded(
Value value, ProducedType t,
List<JCAnnotation> annots, int modifiers) {
JCStatement result = null;
if (value.isSpecifiedInForElse()) {
DeferredSpecification d = new DeferredSpecification(value, modifiers, annots, t);
deferredSpecifications.put(value, d);
result = d.openOuterSubstitution();
return result;
List<JCStatement> transform(Tree.Break stmt) {
// break;
// Remove the inner substitutions for any deferred values specified
// in the control block
JCStatement brk = at(stmt).Break(getLabel(stmt));
if (currentForFailVariable != null) {
JCIdent failtest_id = at(stmt).Ident(currentForFailVariable);
List<JCStatement> list = List.<JCStatement> of(at(stmt).Exec(at(stmt).Assign(failtest_id, make().Literal(TypeTags.BOOLEAN, 0))));
list = list.append(brk);
return list;
} else {
return List.<JCStatement> of(brk);
JCStatement transform(Tree.Continue stmt) {
// continue;
return at(stmt).Continue(getLabel(stmt));
JCStatement transform(Tree.Return ret) {
// Remove the inner substitutions for any deferred values specified
// in the control block
Tree.Expression expr = ret.getExpression();
JCExpression returnExpr = null;
if (expr != null) {
boolean prevNoExpressionlessReturn = noExpressionlessReturn;
try {
noExpressionlessReturn = false;
// we can cast to TypedDeclaration here because return with expressions are only in Method or Value
TypedDeclaration declaration = (TypedDeclaration)ret.getDeclaration();
returnExpr = expressionGen().transformExpression(declaration, expr.getTerm());
// make sure all returns from hash are properly turned into ints
returnExpr = convertToIntIfHashAttribute(declaration, returnExpr);
} finally {
noExpressionlessReturn = prevNoExpressionlessReturn;
} else if (noExpressionlessReturn) {
returnExpr = makeNull();
return at(ret).Return(returnExpr);
public JCStatement transform(Tree.Throw t) {
// Remove the inner substitutions for any deferred values specified
// in the control block
Tree.Expression expr = t.getExpression();
final JCExpression exception;
if (expr == null) {// bare "throw;" stmt
exception = make().NewClass(null, null,
List.<JCExpression>of(makeNull(), makeNull()),
} else {
// we must unerase the exception to Throwable
ProducedType exceptionType = expr.getTypeModel().getSupertype(t.getUnit().getThrowableDeclaration());
exception = gen().expressionGen().transformExpression(expr, BoxingStrategy.UNBOXED, exceptionType);
return make().Throw(exception);
public JCStatement transform(Tree.TryCatchStatement t) {
Tree.TryClause tryClause = t.getTryClause();
JCBlock tryBlock = transform(tryClause.getBlock());
Tree.ResourceList resList = tryClause.getResourceList();
if (resList != null) {
ArrayList<Tree.Resource> resources = new ArrayList<Tree.Resource>(resList.getResources());
for (Tree.Resource res : resources) {
List<JCStatement> stats = List.nil();
Tree.Expression resExpr;
String resVarName;
if (res.getExpression() != null) {
resExpr = res.getExpression();
resVarName = naming.newTemp("try");
} else if (res.getVariable() != null) {
Tree.Variable var = res.getVariable();
resExpr = var.getSpecifierExpression().getExpression();
resVarName = var.getIdentifier().getText();
} else {
throw new BugException(res, "missing resource expression");
boolean isDestroyable = typeFact().getDestroyableDeclaration().getType().isSupertypeOf(resExpr.getTypeModel());
ProducedType resVarType = resExpr.getTypeModel();
ProducedType resVarExpectedType = isDestroyable
? typeFact().getDestroyableDeclaration().getType()
: typeFact().getObtainableDeclaration().getType();
// CloseableType $var = resource-expression
JCExpression expr = expressionGen().transformExpression(resExpr);
JCExpression javaType = makeJavaType(resVarType);
JCVariableDecl var = makeVar(FINAL, resVarName, javaType, expr);
stats = stats.append(var);
// $var.open() /// ((Closeable)$var).open()
if (!isDestroyable) {
JCExpression resVar0 = expressionGen().applyErasureAndBoxing(makeUnquotedIdent(resVarName), resVarType, true, BoxingStrategy.BOXED, resVarExpectedType);
JCMethodInvocation openCall = make().Apply(null, makeQualIdent(resVar0, "obtain"), List.<JCExpression>nil());
stats = stats.append(make().Exec(openCall));
// Exception $tpmex = null;
String innerExTmpVarName = naming.newTemp("ex");
JCExpression innerExType = makeJavaType(typeFact().getThrowableDeclaration().getType(), JT_CATCH);
JCVariableDecl innerExTmpVar = makeVar(innerExTmpVarName, innerExType, makeNull());
stats = stats.append(innerExTmpVar);
// $tmpex = ex;
List<JCStatement> innerCatchStats = List.nil();
Name innerCatchVarName = naming.tempName("ex");
JCAssign exTmpAssign = make().Assign(makeUnquotedIdent(innerExTmpVarName), make().Ident(innerCatchVarName));
innerCatchStats = innerCatchStats.append(make().Exec(exTmpAssign));
// throw ex;
JCThrow innerCatchThrow = make().Throw(make().Ident(innerCatchVarName));
innerCatchStats = innerCatchStats.append(innerCatchThrow);
JCBlock innerCatchBlock = make().Block(0, innerCatchStats);
// $var.close() /// ((Closeable)$var).close()
JCExpression exarg = makeUnquotedIdent(innerExTmpVarName);
JCExpression resVar1 = expressionGen().applyErasureAndBoxing(makeUnquotedIdent(resVarName), resVarType, true, BoxingStrategy.BOXED, resVarExpectedType);
JCMethodInvocation closeCall = make().Apply(null, makeQualIdent(resVar1, isDestroyable ? "destroy" : "release"), List.<JCExpression>of(exarg));
JCBlock closeTryBlock = make().Block(0, List.<JCStatement>of(make().Exec(closeCall)));
// try { $var.close() } catch (Exception closex) { $tmpex.addSuppressed(closex); }
Name closeCatchVarName = naming.tempName("closex");
JCExpression closeCatchExType = makeJavaType(typeFact().getThrowableDeclaration().getType(), JT_CATCH);
JCVariableDecl closeCatchVar = make().VarDef(make().Modifiers(Flags.FINAL), closeCatchVarName, closeCatchExType, null);
JCExpression addarg = make().Ident(closeCatchVarName);
JCMethodInvocation addSuppressedCall = make().Apply(null, makeQualIdent(makeUnquotedIdent(innerExTmpVarName), "addSuppressed"), List.<JCExpression>of(addarg));
JCCatch closeCatch = make().Catch(closeCatchVar, make().Block(0, List.<JCStatement>of(make().Exec(addSuppressedCall))));
JCTry closeTry = at(res).Try(closeTryBlock, List.<JCCatch>of(closeCatch), null);
// $var.close() /// ((Closeable)$var).close()
JCExpression exarg2 = makeUnquotedIdent(innerExTmpVarName);
JCExpression resVar2 = expressionGen().applyErasureAndBoxing(makeUnquotedIdent(resVarName), resVarType, true, BoxingStrategy.BOXED, resVarExpectedType);
JCMethodInvocation closeCall2 = make().Apply(null, makeQualIdent(resVar2, isDestroyable ? "destroy" : "release"), List.<JCExpression>of(exarg2));
// if ($tmpex != null) { ... } else { ... }
JCBinary closeCatchCond = make().Binary(JCTree.NE, makeUnquotedIdent(innerExTmpVarName), makeNull());
JCIf closeCatchIf = make().If(closeCatchCond, closeTry, make().Exec(closeCall2));
// try { .... } catch (Exception ex) { $tmpex=ex; throw ex; }
// finally { try { $var.close() } catch (Exception closex) { } }
JCExpression innerCatchExType = makeJavaType(typeFact().getThrowableDeclaration().getType(), JT_CATCH);
JCVariableDecl innerCatchVar = make().VarDef(make().Modifiers(Flags.FINAL), innerCatchVarName, innerCatchExType, null);
JCCatch innerCatch = make().Catch(innerCatchVar, innerCatchBlock);
JCBlock innerFinallyBlock = make().Block(0, List.<JCStatement>of(closeCatchIf));
JCTry innerTry = at(res).Try(tryBlock, List.<JCCatch>of(innerCatch), innerFinallyBlock);
stats = stats.append(innerTry);
tryBlock = at(res).Block(0, stats);
final List<JCCatch> catches;
if (usePolymorphicCatches(t.getCatchClauses())) {
catches = transformCatchesPolymorphic(t.getCatchClauses());
} else {
catches = transformCatchesIfElseIf(t.getCatchClauses());
final JCBlock finallyBlock;
Tree.FinallyClause finallyClause = t.getFinallyClause();
if (finallyClause != null) {
finallyBlock = transform(finallyClause.getBlock());
} else {
finallyBlock = null;
if (!catches.isEmpty() || finallyBlock != null) {
return at(t).Try(tryBlock, catches, finallyBlock);
} else {
return tryBlock;
* Determines whether the {@code CatchClause}s contain any
* intersections or parameterised exception types. If so, the
* we have to transform the {@code CatchClause}s using
* {@link #transformCatchesIfElseIf(java.util.List)}, otherwise we can
* let the JVM do the heavy lifting an use
* {@link #transformCatchesPolymorphic(java.util.List)}.
boolean usePolymorphicCatches(Iterable<Tree.CatchClause> catchClauses) {
for (Tree.CatchClause catchClause : catchClauses) {
ProducedType type = catchClause.getCatchVariable().getVariable().getType().getTypeModel();
if (isOrContainsError(type)) {
return false;
if (type.getDeclaration().isParameterized()) {
// e.g. E<T>
return false;
} else if (typeFact().isIntersection(type)) {
// e.g. E&Interface
return false;
} else if (typeFact().isUnion(type)) {
return false;
return true;
* Transforms a list of {@code CatchClause}s to a corresponding list
* of {@code JCCatch}.
* @see #transformCatchesIfElseIf(java.util.List)
private List<JCCatch> transformCatchesPolymorphic(
java.util.List<Tree.CatchClause> catchClauses) {
final ListBuffer<JCCatch> catches = ListBuffer.<JCCatch>lb();
for (Tree.CatchClause catchClause : catchClauses) {
Tree.Variable variable = catchClause.getCatchVariable().getVariable();
ProducedType exceptionType = variable.getDeclarationModel().getType();
JCExpression type = makeJavaType(exceptionType, JT_CATCH);
JCVariableDecl param = make().VarDef(
type, null);
catches.add(make().Catch(param, transform(catchClause.getBlock())));
return catches.toList();
private boolean isOrContainsError(ProducedType exceptionType) {
TypeDeclaration declaration = exceptionType.getDeclaration();
if (declaration instanceof TypeAlias) {
return isOrContainsError(exceptionType.resolveAliases());
} else if (declaration instanceof UnionType) {
for (ProducedType t : declaration.getCaseTypes()) {
if (isOrContainsError(t)) {
return true;
return false;
} else if (declaration instanceof IntersectionType) {
for (ProducedType t : declaration.getSatisfiedTypes()) {
if (isOrContainsError(t)) {
return true;
return false;
} else {
return "java.lang::Error".equals(declaration.getQualifiedNameString());
* Transforms a list of {@code CatchClause}s to a single {@code JCCatch}
* containing and if/else if chain for finding the appropriate catch block.
* @see #transformCatchesPolymorphic(java.util.List)
private List<JCCatch> transformCatchesIfElseIf(
java.util.List<Tree.CatchClause> catchClauses) {
ProducedType supertype = intersectionOfCatchClauseTypes(catchClauses);
JCExpression exceptionType = makeJavaType(supertype, JT_CATCH | JT_RAW);
SyntheticName exceptionVar = naming.alias("exception");
JCVariableDecl param = make().VarDef(
exceptionType, null);
ArrayList<Tree.CatchClause> reversed = new ArrayList<Tree.CatchClause>(catchClauses);
JCStatement elsePart = make().Throw(exceptionVar.makeIdent());
for (Tree.CatchClause catchClause : reversed) {
Tree.Variable caughtVar = catchClause.getCatchVariable().getVariable();
ProducedType caughtType = caughtVar.getType().getTypeModel();
List<JCStatement> catchBlock = transformBlock(catchClause.getBlock());
catchBlock = catchBlock.prepend(
supertype, true, true, BoxingStrategy.BOXED, caughtType, 0)));
elsePart = make().If(makeOptimizedTypeTest(null, exceptionVar, caughtType, caughtType),
make().Block(0, catchBlock),
return List.of(make().Catch(param, make().Block(0, List.<JCStatement>of(elsePart))));
* <p>When transforming {@code CatchClause}s using
* {@link #transformCatchesIfElseIf(java.util.List)} we want the single
* {@code catch} clause to have the most specific Java Exception type
* applicable to all the Ceylon Exception types in the list.</p>
* <p><strong>Note:</strong> This method can return parameterised types
* whose parameters are taken from their declaration (i.e. there's
* no corresponding Java type parameter in scope). That should be OK,
* because we're only interested in catching the raw type.</p>
private ProducedType intersectionOfCatchClauseTypes(
java.util.List<Tree.CatchClause> catchClauses) {
ProducedType result = typeFact().getNothingDeclaration().getType();
for (Tree.CatchClause catchClause : catchClauses) {
ProducedType pt = catchClause.getCatchVariable().getVariable().getType().getTypeModel();
result = Util.unionType(result, exceptionSupertype(pt), typeFact());
if (typeFact().isUnion(result)) {
return result.getSupertype(typeFact().getThrowableDeclaration());
return result;
private ProducedType exceptionSupertype(ProducedType pt) {
ProducedType result = typeFact().getNothingDeclaration().getType();
if (typeFact().isUnion(pt)) {
for (ProducedType t : pt.getCaseTypes()) {
result = Util.unionType(result, exceptionSupertype(t), typeFact());
} else if (typeFact().isIntersection(pt)) {
for (ProducedType t : pt.getSatisfiedTypes()) {
if (t.isSubtypeOf(typeFact().getThrowableDeclaration().getType())) {
result = Util.unionType(result, exceptionSupertype(t), typeFact());
} else if (pt.isSubtypeOf(typeFact().getThrowableDeclaration().getType())) {
if (pt.getDeclaration().isParameterized()) {
// We do this to avoid ending up with a union ExG<Foo>|ExG<Bar>
// when we're actually going to go raw, so ExG would be fine
return pt.getDeclaration().getType();
return pt;
return result;
private int transformLocalFieldDeclFlags(Tree.AttributeDeclaration cdecl) {
int result = 0;
result |= cdecl.getDeclarationModel().isVariable() ? 0 : FINAL;
return result;
abstract class SwitchTransformation {
public SwitchTransformation() {
protected ProducedType getSwitchExpressionType(Tree.SwitchStatement stmt) {
return stmt.getSwitchClause().getExpression().getTypeModel();
protected ProducedType getDefiniteSwitchExpressionType(Tree.SwitchStatement stmt) {
return typeFact().getDefiniteType(getSwitchExpressionType(stmt));
protected java.util.List<CaseClause> getCaseClauses(Tree.SwitchStatement stmt) {
return stmt.getSwitchCaseList().getCaseClauses();
protected JCStatement transformElse(Tree.SwitchCaseList caseList) {
Tree.ElseClause elseClause = caseList.getElseClause();
if (elseClause != null) {
return StatementTransformer.this.transform(elseClause.getBlock());
} else {
// To avoid possible javac warnings about uninitialized vars we
// need to have an 'else' clause, even if the ceylon code doesn't
// require one.
// This exception could be thrown for example if an enumerated
// type is recompiled after having a subclass added, but the
// switch is not recompiled.
return makeThrowEnumeratedTypeError();
protected JCStatement makeThrowEnumeratedTypeError() {
return make().Throw(
make().NewClass(null, List.<JCExpression>nil(),
"Supposedly exhaustive switch was not exhaustive")), null));
public abstract JCStatement transformSwitch(Tree.SwitchStatement stmt);
* Switch transformation which produces a Java {@code switch},
* suitable for a switch whose cases are all String literals,
* or all Character literals.
class Switch extends SwitchTransformation {
public Switch() {
public JCStatement transformSwitch(Tree.SwitchStatement stmt) {
JCExpression switchExpr = expressionGen().transformExpression(
return transformSwitch(stmt, switchExpr);
JCStatement transformSwitch(Tree.SwitchStatement stmt,
JCExpression switchExpr) {
Name label = names().fromString("switch_" + gen().visitor.lv.getSwitchId(stmt.getSwitchClause()));
ListBuffer<JCCase> cases = ListBuffer.<JCCase>lb();
for (Tree.CaseClause caseClause : getCaseClauses(stmt)) {
if (getSingletonNullCase(caseClause) != null) {
Tree.MatchCase match = (Tree.MatchCase)caseClause.getCaseItem();
java.util.List<Tree.Expression> exprs = match.getExpressionList().getExpressions();
for (int ii = 0; ii < exprs.size()-1; ii++) {
Tree.Term term = ExpressionTransformer.eliminateParens(exprs.get(ii).getTerm());
Tree.Term term = exprs.get(exprs.size()-1).getTerm();
JCBlock block = transform(caseClause.getBlock());
List<JCStatement> stmts = List.<JCStatement>nil();
if (!caseClause.getBlock().getDefinitelyReturns()) {
stmts = stmts.prepend(make().Break(label));
stmts = stmts.prepend(block);
cases.add(make().Case(null, List.of(transformElse(stmt.getSwitchCaseList()))));
JCStatement last = make().Switch(switchExpr, cases.toList());
last = make().Labelled(label, last);
return last;
private JCExpression transformCaseExpr(Tree.Term term) {
if (term instanceof Tree.BaseMemberExpression
&& ((Tree.BaseMemberExpression)term).getDeclaration() instanceof Value
&& ((Value)((Tree.BaseMemberExpression)term).getDeclaration()).isEnumValue()) {
// A case(enumValue) must use the unqualified name
return naming.makeName((Value)((Tree.BaseMemberExpression)term).getDeclaration(), Naming.NA_MEMBER);
return expressionGen().transformExpression(term,
BoxingStrategy.UNBOXED, term.getTypeModel());
Tree.Term getSingletonNullCase(Tree.CaseClause caseClause) {
Tree.CaseItem caseItem = caseClause.getCaseItem();
if (caseItem instanceof Tree.MatchCase) {
java.util.List<Expression> expressions = ((Tree.MatchCase)caseItem).getExpressionList().getExpressions();
for (Tree.Expression expr : expressions) {
Tree.Term term = ExpressionTransformer.eliminateParens(expr.getTerm());
if (term instanceof Tree.BaseMemberExpression
&& isNullValue(((Tree.BaseMemberExpression)term).getDeclaration())
&& expressions.size() == 1) {
return term;
return null;
* Switch transformation which produces a Java
* <code>if (selector == null) {...} else { switch() {...} }</code>,
* suitable for a switch whose cases include a singleton case for null
* (i.e. <code>case (null) {}</code>, but not <code>case("foo", null) {}</code>)
* with the remaining cases are all String literals
* or all Character literals.
class IfNullElseSwitch extends SwitchTransformation {
public JCStatement transformSwitch(SwitchStatement stmt) {
JCExpression selectorExpr = expressionGen().transformExpression(stmt.getSwitchClause().getExpression(), BoxingStrategy.BOXED, getSwitchExpressionType(stmt));
Naming.SyntheticName selectorAlias = naming.alias("sel");
JCVariableDecl selector = makeVar(selectorAlias, makeJavaType(getSwitchExpressionType(stmt)), selectorExpr);
// Make a switch out of the non-null cases
JCStatement switch_ = new Switch().transformSwitch(stmt,
// Now wrap it with a null test
JCIf ifElse = null;
for (Tree.CaseClause caseClause : getCaseClauses(stmt)) {
Tree.Term term = getSingletonNullCase(caseClause);
if (term != null) {
ifElse = make().If(make().Binary(JCTree.EQ, selectorAlias.makeIdent(), makeNull()),
make().Block(0, List.<JCStatement>of(switch_)));
return at(stmt).Block(0, List.of(selector, ifElse));
* The default switch transformation which produces a
* {@code if/else if} chain.
class IfElseChain extends SwitchTransformation {
protected java.util.List<Tree.CaseClause> getCaseClauses(Tree.SwitchStatement stmt) {
// If all the cases are "case (is ...)" we can try to avoid
// the expense of testing reified is by putting all the cheap tests first
// We respect the relative order of all the cheap cases and all
// the expensive cases though on the basis that that might be a
// hint
// about which are more common
java.util.List<CaseClause> list = super.getCaseClauses(stmt);
java.util.ArrayList<CaseClause> cheap = new ArrayList<CaseClause>(list.size());
int lastCheap = 0;
// The dummy isn't actually used for anything, it just has to be non-null
SyntheticName dummy = naming.synthetic(Naming.Unfix.$annotationSequence$);
for (Tree.CaseClause clause : list) {
Tree.CaseItem item = clause.getCaseItem();
boolean isCheap;
if (item instanceof Tree.IsCase) {
isCheap = isTypeTestCheap(null, dummy,
((Tree.IsCase) item).getType().getTypeModel(),
} else if (item instanceof Tree.MatchCase) {
// will be primitive equality test
isCheap = true;
} else {
// should never get here, but we can just return the unsorted list
return list;
int index = isCheap ? lastCheap : cheap.size();
cheap.add(index, clause);
if (isCheap) {
lastCheap = index+1;
return cheap;
public JCStatement transformSwitch(SwitchStatement stmt) {
JCStatement last = transformElse(stmt.getSwitchCaseList());
final BoxingStrategy bs;
final JCExpression selectorType;
boolean allMatches = isSwitchAllMatchCases(stmt);
boolean primitiveSelector = allMatches && isCeylonBasicType(getSwitchExpressionType(stmt));
if (primitiveSelector) {
bs = BoxingStrategy.UNBOXED;
selectorType = makeJavaType(getSwitchExpressionType(stmt));
} else {
bs = BoxingStrategy.BOXED;
if (allMatches && isCeylonBasicType(getDefiniteSwitchExpressionType(stmt))) {
selectorType = makeJavaType(getSwitchExpressionType(stmt));
} else {
selectorType = make().Type(syms().objectType);
JCExpression selectorExpr = expressionGen().transformExpression(stmt.getSwitchClause().getExpression(), bs, getSwitchExpressionType(stmt));
Naming.SyntheticName selectorAlias = naming.alias("sel");
JCVariableDecl selector = makeVar(selectorAlias, selectorType, selectorExpr);
java.util.List<Tree.CaseClause> caseClauses = getCaseClauses(stmt);
for (int ii = caseClauses.size() - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) {// reverse order
Tree.CaseClause caseClause = caseClauses.get(ii);
Tree.CaseItem caseItem = caseClause.getCaseItem();
if (caseItem instanceof Tree.IsCase) {
last = transformCaseIs(selectorAlias, caseClause, (Tree.IsCase)caseItem, last, getSwitchExpressionType(stmt));
} else if (caseItem instanceof Tree.SatisfiesCase) {
// TODO Support for 'case (satisfies ...)' is not implemented yet
return make().Exec(makeErroneous(caseItem, "compiler bug: switch/satisfies not implemented yet"));
} else if (caseItem instanceof Tree.MatchCase) {
last = transformCaseMatch(selectorAlias, caseClause, (Tree.MatchCase)caseItem, last, getSwitchExpressionType(stmt), primitiveSelector);
} else {
return make().Exec(makeErroneous(caseItem, "compiler bug: unknown switch case clause: "+caseItem));
return at(stmt).Block(0, List.of(selector, last));
private boolean isJavaSwitchableType(ProducedType type) {
return type.isExactly(typeFact().getCharacterDeclaration().getType())
|| type.isExactly(typeFact().getStringDeclaration().getType())
|| isJavaEnumType(type);
* Transforms a Ceylon switch to a Java {@code if/else if} chain.
* @param stmt The Ceylon switch
* @return The Java tree
JCStatement transform(Tree.SwitchStatement stmt) {
SwitchTransformation transformation = null;
ProducedType exprType = stmt.getSwitchClause().getExpression().getTypeModel();
// Are we switching with just String literal or Character literal match cases?
if (isJavaSwitchableType(exprType)) {
boolean canUseSwitch = true;
caseStmts: for (Tree.CaseClause clause : stmt.getSwitchCaseList().getCaseClauses()) {
if (clause.getCaseItem() instanceof Tree.MatchCase) {
java.util.List<Expression> caseExprs = ((Tree.MatchCase)clause.getCaseItem()).getExpressionList().getExpressions();
caseExpr: for (Tree.Expression expr : caseExprs) {
Tree.Term e = ExpressionTransformer.eliminateParens(expr);
if (e instanceof Tree.StringLiteral
|| e instanceof Tree.CharLiteral) {
continue caseExpr;
} else if (e instanceof Tree.BaseMemberExpression
&& ((Tree.BaseMemberExpression)e).getDeclaration() instanceof Value
&& ((Value)((Tree.BaseMemberExpression)e).getDeclaration()).isEnumValue()) {
continue caseExpr;
} else {
canUseSwitch = false;
break caseStmts;
} else {
canUseSwitch = false;
break caseStmts;
if (canUseSwitch) {
// yes, so use a Java Switch
transformation = new Switch();
if (transformation == null
&& isOptional(exprType)) {
// Are we switching with just String literal or Character literal plus null
// match cases?
ProducedType definiteType = typeFact().getDefiniteType(exprType);
if (isJavaSwitchableType(definiteType)) {
boolean canUseIfElseSwitch = true;
boolean hasSingletonNullCase = false;
caseStmts: for (Tree.CaseClause clause : stmt.getSwitchCaseList().getCaseClauses()) {
if (clause.getCaseItem() instanceof Tree.MatchCase) {
if (getSingletonNullCase(clause) != null) {
hasSingletonNullCase = true;
java.util.List<Expression> caseExprs = ((Tree.MatchCase)clause.getCaseItem()).getExpressionList().getExpressions();
caseExpr: for (Tree.Expression expr : caseExprs) {
Tree.Term e = ExpressionTransformer.eliminateParens(expr);
if (e instanceof Tree.StringLiteral
|| e instanceof Tree.CharLiteral) {
continue caseExpr;
} else if (e instanceof Tree.BaseMemberExpression
&& isNullValue(((Tree.BaseMemberExpression)e).getDeclaration())
&& caseExprs.size() == 1) {
continue caseExpr;
} else if (e instanceof Tree.BaseMemberExpression
&& ((Tree.BaseMemberExpression)e).getDeclaration() instanceof Value
&& ((Value)((Tree.BaseMemberExpression)e).getDeclaration()).isEnumValue()) {
continue caseExpr;
} else {
canUseIfElseSwitch = false;
break caseStmts;
} else {
canUseIfElseSwitch = false;
break caseStmts;
canUseIfElseSwitch &= hasSingletonNullCase;
if (canUseIfElseSwitch) {
// yes, so use a If
transformation = new IfNullElseSwitch();
// The default transformation
if (transformation == null) {
transformation = new IfElseChain();
return transformation.transformSwitch(stmt);
private boolean isSwitchAllMatchCases(SwitchStatement stmt) {
for (Tree.CaseClause caseClause : stmt.getSwitchCaseList().getCaseClauses()) {
if (!(caseClause.getCaseItem() instanceof Tree.MatchCase)) {
return false;
return true;
private JCStatement transformCaseMatch(Naming.SyntheticName selectorAlias,
Tree.CaseClause caseClause, Tree.MatchCase matchCase,
JCStatement last, ProducedType switchType, boolean primitiveSelector) {
JCExpression tests = null;
java.util.List<Tree.Expression> expressions = matchCase.getExpressionList().getExpressions();
for(Tree.Expression expr : expressions){
Tree.Term term = ExpressionTransformer.eliminateParens(expr.getTerm());
boolean unboxedEquality = primitiveSelector || isCeylonBasicType(typeFact().getDefiniteType(switchType));
JCExpression transformedExpression = expressionGen().transformExpression(term,
unboxedEquality ? BoxingStrategy.UNBOXED: BoxingStrategy.BOXED,
JCExpression test;
if (term instanceof Tree.Literal || term instanceof Tree.NegativeOp) {
if (unboxedEquality) {
if (term instanceof Tree.StringLiteral) {
test = make().Apply(null,
makeSelect(unboxType(selectorAlias.makeIdent(), term.getTypeModel()), "equals"), List.<JCExpression>of(transformedExpression));
} else {
test = make().Binary(JCTree.EQ,
primitiveSelector ? selectorAlias.makeIdent() : unboxType(selectorAlias.makeIdent(), term.getTypeModel()),
} else {
test = make().Apply(null, makeSelect(selectorAlias.makeIdent(), "equals"), List.<JCExpression>of(transformedExpression));
if (isOptional(switchType)) {
test = make().Binary(JCTree.AND, make().Binary(JCTree.NE, selectorAlias.makeIdent(), makeNull()), test);
} else {
JCExpression selectorExpr;
if (!primitiveSelector && isCeylonBasicType(typeFact().getDefiniteType(switchType))) {
selectorExpr = unboxType(selectorAlias.makeIdent(), term.getTypeModel());
} else {
selectorExpr = selectorAlias.makeIdent();
test = make().Binary(JCTree.EQ, selectorExpr, transformedExpression);
if(tests == null)
tests = test;
tests = make().Binary(JCTree.OR, tests, test);
JCBlock block = transform(caseClause.getBlock());
return at(caseClause).If(tests, block, last);
* Transform a "case(is ...)"
* @param selectorAlias
* @param caseClause
* @param isCase
* @param last
* @return
private JCStatement transformCaseIs(Naming.SyntheticName selectorAlias,
Tree.CaseClause caseClause, Tree.IsCase isCase,
JCStatement last, ProducedType expressionType) {
// Use the type of the variable, which is more precise than the type we test for.
ProducedType varType = isCase.getVariable().getDeclarationModel().getType();
ProducedType caseType = isCase.getType().getTypeModel();
// note: There's no point using makeOptimizedTypeTest() because cases are disjoint
// anyway and the cheap cases get evaluated first.
JCExpression cond = makeTypeTest(null, selectorAlias, caseType , expressionType);
String name = isCase.getVariable().getIdentifier().getText();
Naming.SyntheticName tmpVarName = selectorAlias;
Name substVarName = naming.aliasName(name);
// Want raw type for instanceof since it can't be used with generic types
JCExpression rawToTypeExpr = makeJavaType(varType, JT_NO_PRIMITIVES | JT_RAW);
// Substitute variable with the correct type to use in the rest of the code block
JCExpression tmpVarExpr = at(isCase).TypeCast(rawToTypeExpr, tmpVarName.makeIdent());
JCExpression toTypeExpr;
if (!willEraseToObject(varType)) {
toTypeExpr = makeJavaType(varType);
tmpVarExpr = unboxType(tmpVarExpr, varType);
} else {
toTypeExpr = makeJavaType(varType, JT_NO_PRIMITIVES);
// The variable holding the result for the code inside the code block
JCVariableDecl decl2 = at(isCase).VarDef(make().Modifiers(FINAL), substVarName, toTypeExpr, tmpVarExpr);
// Prepare for variable substitution in the following code block
Substitution prevSubst = naming.addVariableSubst(isCase.getVariable().getDeclarationModel(), substVarName.toString());
List<JCStatement> stats = List.<JCStatement> of(decl2);
stats = stats.appendList(transformBlock(caseClause.getBlock()));
JCBlock block = at(isCase).Block(0, stats);
// Deactivate the above variable substitution
last = make().If(cond, block, last);
return last;
private Name getLabel(Tree.Directive dir) {
Scope scope = dir.getScope();
while (!(scope instanceof Package)) {
if (scope instanceof ControlBlock) {
Integer loopId = gen().visitor.lv.getLoopId((ControlBlock)scope);
if (loopId != null) {
return names().fromString("loop_"+loopId);
scope = scope.getContainer();
throw new BugException(dir, "failed to find label");
public Name getLabel(Tree.Break brk) {
return getLabel((Tree.Directive)brk);
public Name getLabel(Tree.Continue cont) {
return getLabel((Tree.Directive)cont);
public Name getLabel(Tree.WhileClause loop) {
return getLabel(loop.getControlBlock());
private Name getLabel(ControlBlock block) {
Integer i = gen().visitor.lv.getLoopId(block);
return names().fromString("loop_"+i);
public Name getLabel(Tree.ForClause loop) {
return getLabel(loop.getControlBlock());