* Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Engine Yard, Inc.
* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* This source code is available under the MIT license.
* See the file LICENSE.txt for details.
package org.jruby.rack;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.File;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.RubyInstanceConfig;
import org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException;
import org.jruby.javasupport.JavaUtil;
import org.jruby.rack.servlet.ServletRackContext;
import org.jruby.rack.servlet.RewindableInputStream;
import org.jruby.rack.util.IOHelpers;
import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;
import static org.jruby.rack.DefaultRackConfig.isIgnoreRUBYOPT;
* Default application factory creates a new application instance on each
* {@link #getApplication()} invocation. It does not manage applications it
* creates (except for the error application that is assumed to be shared).
* @see SharedRackApplicationFactory
* @see PoolingRackApplicationFactory
* @author nicksieger
public class DefaultRackApplicationFactory implements RackApplicationFactory {
private String rackupScript, rackupLocation;
private ServletRackContext rackContext;
private RubyInstanceConfig runtimeConfig;
private RackApplication errorApplication;
* Convenience helper for unwrapping a {@link RackApplicationFactoryDecorator}.
* @param factory the (likely decorated) factory
* @return unwrapped "real" factory (might be the same as given)
public static RackApplicationFactory getRealFactory(final RackApplicationFactory factory) {
if ( factory instanceof RackApplicationFactory.Decorator ) {
return getRealFactory( ((Decorator) factory).getDelegate() );
return factory;
public RackContext getRackContext() {
return rackContext;
public String getRackupScript() {
return rackupScript;
public void setRackupScript(String rackupScript) {
this.rackupScript = rackupScript;
this.rackupLocation = null;
* Initialize this factory using the given context.
* <br/>
* NOTE: exception handling is left to the outer factory.
* @param rackContext
public void init(final RackContext rackContext) {
// NOTE: this factory is not supposed to be directly exposed
// thus does not wrap exceptions into RackExceptions here ...
// same applies for #newApplication() and #getApplication()
this.rackContext = (ServletRackContext) rackContext;
if ( getRackupScript() == null ) resolveRackupScript();
this.runtimeConfig = createRuntimeConfig();
rackContext.log(RackLogger.INFO, runtimeConfig.getVersionString());
* Creates a new application instance (without initializing it).
* <br/>
* NOTE: exception handling is left to the outer factory.
* @return new application instance
public RackApplication newApplication() {
return createApplication(new ApplicationObjectFactory() {
public IRubyObject create(Ruby runtime) {
return createApplicationObject(runtime);
* Creates a new application and initializes it.
* <br/>
* NOTE: exception handling is left to the outer factory.
* @return new, initialized application
public RackApplication getApplication() {
final RackApplication app = newApplication();
return app;
* Destroys the application (assumably) created by this factory.
* <br/>
* NOTE: exception handling is left to the outer factory.
* @param app the application to "release"
public void finishedWithApplication(final RackApplication app) {
if ( app != null ) app.destroy();
* @return the (default) error application
public RackApplication getErrorApplication() {
if (errorApplication == null) {
synchronized(this) {
if (errorApplication == null) {
errorApplication = newErrorApplication();
return errorApplication;
* Set the (default) error application to be used.
* @param errorApplication
public synchronized void setErrorApplication(RackApplication errorApplication) {
this.errorApplication = errorApplication;
public void destroy() {
if (errorApplication != null) {
synchronized(this) {
if (errorApplication != null) {
errorApplication = null;
public IRubyObject createApplicationObject(final Ruby runtime) {
if (rackupScript == null) {
rackContext.log(RackLogger.WARN, "no rackup script found - starting empty Rack application!");
rackupScript = "";
runtime.evalScriptlet("load 'jruby/rack/boot/rack.rb'");
return createRackServletWrapper(runtime, rackupScript, rackupLocation);
public IRubyObject createErrorApplicationObject(final Ruby runtime) {
String errorApp = rackContext.getConfig().getProperty("jruby.rack.error.app");
String errorAppPath = "<web.xml>";
if (errorApp == null) {
errorApp = rackContext.getConfig().getProperty("jruby.rack.error.app.path");
if (errorApp != null) {
errorAppPath = rackContext.getRealPath(errorApp);
try {
errorApp = IOHelpers.inputStreamToString(rackContext.getResourceAsStream(errorApp));
catch (IOException e) {
"failed to read jruby.rack.error.app.path = '" + errorApp + "' " +
"will use default error application", e);
errorApp = errorAppPath = null;
if (errorApp == null) {
errorApp = "require 'jruby/rack/error_app' \n" +
"use Rack::ShowStatus \n" +
"run JRuby::Rack::ErrorApp.new";
runtime.evalScriptlet("load 'jruby/rack/boot/rack.rb'");
return createRackServletWrapper(runtime, errorApp, errorAppPath);
public RackApplication newErrorApplication() {
Boolean error = rackContext.getConfig().getBooleanProperty("jruby.rack.error");
if ( error != null && ! error.booleanValue() ) { // jruby.rack.error = false
return new DefaultErrorApplication(rackContext);
try {
RackApplication app = createErrorApplication(
new ApplicationObjectFactory() {
public IRubyObject create(Ruby runtime) {
return createErrorApplicationObject(runtime);
return app;
catch (Exception e) {
rackContext.log(RackLogger.WARN, "error application could not be initialized", e);
return new DefaultErrorApplication(rackContext); // backwards compatibility
* @see #createRackServletWrapper(Ruby, String, String)
* @param runtime
* @param rackup
* @return (Ruby) built Rack Servlet handler
protected IRubyObject createRackServletWrapper(Ruby runtime, String rackup) {
return createRackServletWrapper(runtime, rackup, null);
* Creates the handler to bridge the Servlet and Rack worlds.
* @param runtime
* @param rackup
* @param filename
* @return (Ruby) built Rack Servlet handler
protected IRubyObject createRackServletWrapper(Ruby runtime, String rackup, String filename) {
return runtime.executeScript(
"Rack::Handler::Servlet.new( " +
"Rack::Builder.new { (" + rackup + "\n) }.to_app " +
")", filename
static interface ApplicationObjectFactory {
IRubyObject create(Ruby runtime) ;
public RubyInstanceConfig createRuntimeConfig() {
return initRuntimeConfig(new RubyInstanceConfig());
protected RubyInstanceConfig initRuntimeConfig(final RubyInstanceConfig config) {
final RackConfig rackConfig = rackContext.getConfig();
// Don't affect the container and sibling web apps when ENV changes are
// made inside the Ruby app ...
// There are quite a such things made in a typical Bundler based app.
final Map<String, String> newEnv = rackConfig.getRuntimeEnvironment();
if ( newEnv != null ) {
if ( ! newEnv.containsKey("PATH") ) {
// bundler 1.1.x assumes ENV['PATH'] is a string
// `ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)` ...
newEnv.put("PATH", ""); // ENV['PATH'] = ''
// bundle exec sets RUBYOPT="-I[...]/gems/bundler/lib -rbundler/setup"
if ( isIgnoreRUBYOPT(rackConfig) ) {
if ( newEnv.containsKey("RUBYOPT") ) newEnv.put("RUBYOPT", "");
else {
// allow to work (backwards) "compatibly" with previous `ENV.clear`
// RUBYOPT was processed since it happens on config.processArguments
final Map<String, String> env = config.getEnvironment();
if ( env != null && env.containsKey("RUBYOPT") ) {
newEnv.put( "RUBYOPT", env.get("RUBYOPT") );
// Process arguments, namely any that might be in RUBYOPT
if ( rackConfig.getCompatVersion() != null ) {
try { // try to set jruby home to jar file path
URL resource = RubyInstanceConfig.class.getResource("/META-INF/jruby.home");
if (resource != null && resource.getProtocol().equals("jar")) {
String home;
try { // http://weblogs.java.net/blog/2007/04/25/how-convert-javaneturl-javaiofile
home = resource.toURI().getSchemeSpecificPart();
catch (URISyntaxException e) {
home = resource.getPath();
// Trim trailing slash. It confuses OSGi containers...
if (home.endsWith("/")) {
home = home.substring(0, home.length() - 1);
catch (Exception e) {
rackContext.log(RackLogger.DEBUG, "won't set-up jruby.home from jar", e);
return config;
public Ruby newRuntime() throws RaiseException {
final Ruby runtime = Ruby.newInstance(runtimeConfig);
return runtime;
* Initializes the runtime (exports the context, boots the Rack handler).
* NOTE: (package) visible due specs
* @param runtime
void initRuntime(final Ruby runtime) {
// set $servlet_context :
"$servlet_context", JavaUtil.convertJavaToRuby(runtime, rackContext)
// load our (servlet) Rack handler :
runtime.evalScriptlet("require 'rack/handler/servlet'");
// NOTE: this is experimental stuff and might change in the future :
String env = rackContext.getConfig().getProperty("jruby.rack.handler.env");
// currently supported "env" values are 'default' and 'servlet'
if ( env != null ) {
runtime.evalScriptlet("Rack::Handler::Servlet.env = '" + env + "'");
String response = rackContext.getConfig().getProperty("jruby.rack.handler.response");
if ( response == null ) {
response = rackContext.getConfig().getProperty("jruby.rack.response");
if ( response != null ) { // JRuby::Rack::JettyResponse -> 'jruby/rack/jetty_response'
runtime.evalScriptlet("Rack::Handler::Servlet.response = '" + response + "'");
// configure (Ruby) bits and pieces :
String dechunk = rackContext.getConfig().getProperty("jruby.rack.response.dechunk");
Boolean dechunkFlag = (Boolean) DefaultRackConfig.toStrictBoolean(dechunk, null);
if ( dechunkFlag != null ) {
runtime.evalScriptlet("JRuby::Rack::Response.dechunk = " + dechunkFlag + "");
else { // dechunk null (default) or not a true/false value ... we're patch :
runtime.evalScriptlet("JRuby::Rack::Booter.on_boot { require 'jruby/rack/chunked' }");
// `require 'jruby/rack/chunked'` that happens after Rack is loaded
* Checks and sets the required Rack version (if specified as a magic comment).
* e.g. # rack.version: ~>1.3.6
* NOTE: (package) visible due specs
* @param runtime
* @return the rack version requirement
String checkAndSetRackVersion(final Ruby runtime) {
String rackVersion = null;
try {
rackVersion = IOHelpers.rubyMagicCommentValue(rackupScript, "rack.version:");
catch (Exception e) {
rackContext.log(RackLogger.DEBUG, "could not read 'rack.version' magic comment from rackup", e);
if ( rackVersion == null ) {
// NOTE: try matching a `require 'bundler/setup'` line ... maybe not ?!
if ( rackVersion != null ) {
runtime.evalScriptlet("require 'rubygems'");
if ( rackVersion.equalsIgnoreCase("bundler") ) {
runtime.evalScriptlet("require 'bundler/setup'");
else {
rackContext.log(RackLogger.DEBUG, "detected 'rack.version' magic comment, " +
"will use `gem 'rack', '"+ rackVersion +"'`");
runtime.evalScriptlet("gem 'rack', '"+ rackVersion +"' if defined? gem");
return rackVersion;
private RackApplication createApplication(final ApplicationObjectFactory appFactory) {
return new RackApplicationImpl(appFactory);
* The application implementation this factory is producing.
private class RackApplicationImpl extends DefaultRackApplication {
private final Ruby runtime;
final ApplicationObjectFactory appFactory;
RackApplicationImpl(ApplicationObjectFactory appFactory) {
this.runtime = newRuntime();
this.appFactory = appFactory;
public void init() {
try {
catch (RaiseException e) {
throw e;
public void destroy() {
private RackApplication createErrorApplication(final ApplicationObjectFactory appFactory) {
final Ruby runtime = newRuntime();
return new DefaultErrorApplication() {
public void init() {
public void destroy() {
private void captureMessage(final RaiseException re) {
try {
IRubyObject rubyException = re.getException();
ThreadContext context = rubyException.getRuntime().getCurrentContext();
// JRuby-Rack internals (@see jruby/rack/capture.rb) :
rubyException.callMethod(context, "capture");
rubyException.callMethod(context, "store");
catch (Exception e) {
rackContext.log(RackLogger.INFO, "failed to capture exception message", e);
// won't be able to capture anything
private String findConfigRuPathInSubDirectories(final String path, int level) {
final Set<String> entries = rackContext.getResourcePaths(path);
if (entries != null) {
String config_ru = path + "config.ru";
if ( entries.contains(config_ru) ) {
return config_ru;
if (level > 0) {
for ( Iterator<String> i = entries.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
String subpath = i.next();
if (subpath.endsWith("/")) {
subpath = findConfigRuPathInSubDirectories(subpath, level);
if (subpath != null) {
return subpath;
return null;
private String resolveRackupScript() throws RackInitializationException {
rackupLocation = "<web.xml>";
String rackup = rackContext.getConfig().getRackup();
if (rackup == null) {
rackup = rackContext.getConfig().getRackupPath();
if (rackup == null) {
rackup = findConfigRuPathInSubDirectories("/WEB-INF/", 1);
if (rackup == null) { // google-appengine gem prefers it at /config.ru
// appengine misses "/" resources. Search for it directly.
String rackupPath = rackContext.getRealPath("/config.ru");
if (rackupPath != null && new File(rackupPath).exists()) {
rackup = "/config.ru";
if (rackup != null) {
rackupLocation = rackContext.getRealPath(rackup);
try {
rackup = IOHelpers.inputStreamToString(rackContext.getResourceAsStream(rackup));
catch (IOException e) {
rackContext.log(RackLogger.ERROR, "failed to read rackup from '"+ rackup + "' (" + e + ")");
throw new RackInitializationException("failed to read rackup input", e);
return this.rackupScript = rackup;
private void configureDefaults() {
// configure (default) jruby.rack.request.size.[...] parameters :
final RackConfig config = rackContext.getConfig();
Integer iniSize = config.getInitialMemoryBufferSize();
if (iniSize == null) iniSize = RewindableInputStream.INI_BUFFER_SIZE;
Integer maxSize = config.getMaximumMemoryBufferSize();
if (maxSize == null) maxSize = RewindableInputStream.MAX_BUFFER_SIZE;
if (iniSize.intValue() > maxSize.intValue()) iniSize = maxSize;
private static void setupJRubyManagement() {
final String jrubyMxEnabled = "jruby.management.enabled";
if ( ! "false".equalsIgnoreCase( System.getProperty(jrubyMxEnabled) ) ) {
System.setProperty(jrubyMxEnabled, "true");